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Chapter 400: Senior Sister Sold It

Chapter 400: Senior Sister Sold It


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 400 Senior Sister Sold It

  was a quiet night, and the lights were on in the meeting room of Suixintuan’s Shanghai branch.

  Because of the crazy marketing of Nuomi and Lashou in recent days, Suixintuan’s users were losing a lot, and the number of orders in the background dropped to the freezing point, and once fell back to the state before financing. At the

  same time, Suixintuan’s newly established customer service center had countless calls to answer every day.

  Those who called were not to consult about packages or order services, but to return the shopping coupons they had hoarded before.

  Because after the market in Shanghai stabilized, Suixintuan’s discounts were not so big, from the initial 40% discount to the state of 70% and 80% discount.

  After all, in a market without competitors, it would be a stupid move to burn money to make consumers cheaper.

  Therefore, the coupons in the hands of Suixintuan users are basically 70% or 80% off.

  But compared with the half-price coupons of Nuomi.com that just came in, and the 60% and 80% discounts of Lashou.com, Suixintuan’s consumer coupons immediately made people feel disgusted, so more and more requests for coupon returns were made.

  In addition, they had previously sold a batch of May Day gold coupons for three days, mainly to use the May Day market to demonstrate the strong user base and consumption capacity of Sui Xin Tuan, but many people did not check the time after buying, resulting in expiration.

  Sui Xin Tuan’s principle is that it is not responsible for expired discount coupons, but because of the refund storm in the past few days, many customers with expired coupons are also clamoring for a refund.

  Ye Ziqing and Cui Yiting are now thinking of countermeasures every day to appease customers. Except for going to the toilet, they basically never leave this conference room.

  Liu Yin originally came here to play with her bestie, but now she has become a waiter for two people to buy meals.

  At eight o’clock in the evening, Liu Yin came to the conference room with two meals. Seeing Ye Ziqing’s pale lips, she couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”How is the situation?”

  ”The number of users continues to decrease, and the customer service center receives many refund orders every day.”

  Liu Yin put the lunch box on the table and stared at the computer: “They can give discounts, so can’t you? Didn’t you just raise 10 million US dollars?”

  Ye Ziqing pressed her temples and looked up at her bestie: “The Shenzhen market has a weak foundation and requires more funds. It is difficult for us to compete with them head-on. If we fight a war of attrition, we will be burned to death if we are not careful.”

  ”But if we don’t fight, won’t we…”

  ”So, aren’t Yiting and I thinking of a better way?”

  Ye Ziqing forced a smile, then opened the lunch box, saw the tomato and egg inside, and immediately praised it.

  But Liu Yin could see that there was a heavy shadow in her bestie’s eyes at this time.

  After dinner, Ye Ziqing suggested going out for some fresh air. Cui Yiting was also overwhelmed, so she nodded in agreement. The three of them came downstairs and found a lounge chair in the park. The

  summer night breeze was gentle and not irritating, and it was still very comfortable to blow against it.

  On the lush park path, a group of night runners, wearing headphones, walked through the dim street lights and gradually entered the darkness.

  There were cicadas chirping next door and frogs croaking across the street. If she was in a good mood, Ye Ziqing felt that it would be no problem to sit here for an hour.

  But at this moment, her fatigue increased instead of decreasing.

  In fact, she still couldn’t accept it. How did the Sui Xin Group, which had just gotten out of a pit, fall into another pit? It was simply a pit after a pit. If

  they had known this earlier, they should not have participated in the battle in Shenzhen City, but should have increased their investment to directly break the shackles of Kyoto.

  Unfortunately, the loss of the Shenzhen City market affected them all. They felt that what they lost must be taken back, so they couldn’t wait to end up, but who knew that it was exactly what the other party wanted.

  ”Actually, I can’t think of any ideas anymore.”

  Liu Yin: “?”

  Ye Ziqing pursed her lips: “I stay in the meeting room every day just to make myself feel that I am working hard, so as to reduce the anxiety in my heart.”

  Cui Yiting’s eyebrows tensed after hearing this: “Ziqing, we haven’t reached that time yet, don’t say such things.”

  ”This time is different from the last time. Last time we still had the merchant resources in Shenzhen as bargaining chips, but now our roads on both sides are blocked. Jiang Qin is right. The national market is really not as simple as I thought.”

  Liu Yin looked up at Ye Ziqing, and after a while, she said: “Ziqing, go and ask Jiang Qin for advice.”

  Hearing this, Ye Ziqing was slightly startled.

  Cui Yiting’s eyes were a little strange: “I have seen that Jiang Qin, just an ordinary college student. When they talk and chat, they always talk about school things, such as walking the dog and dating. What can he do to help us?”

  Liu Yin didn’t want to argue with her, and continued to persuade her bestie: “Why don’t we give it a try? Let’s try it out. Maybe folk remedies can cure serious diseases.”

  ”Or… forget it.”

  Ye Ziqing shook his head.

  She had just invited Jiang Qin to dinner some time ago, and he boasted in front of him that he was going to make a big deal, and that he was a qualified leader. Now she couldn’t bear to ask him.

  Besides, she didn’t think Jiang Qin had any good ideas.

  Because as he once said, the national market doesn’t work that way. It’s a completely different environment from the regional market.

  Ye Ziqing now understands and is about to be dragged down by this kind of day and night attack, but can Jiang Qin do it? If he can, wouldn’t he have come here by himself a long time ago?

  ”Let’s go, I want to go back and have a good sleep, I’ve been too tired these past few days.”

  Hearing this, Cui Yiting couldn’t help but look at her, and felt a sense of exhaustion in her tone.

  She wanted to say a few words of comfort, but after thinking about it, she felt that she couldn’t do anything about it, so what was the point of comforting him?

  She put out the lady’s cigarette in her hand, put on her bag and followed him back to the apartment.

  However, people’s loss is always temporary, not continuous. The next day, after a good sleep, Ye Ziqing regained her fighting spirit.

  She also began to reconsider Liu Yin’s proposal, whether she should call Jiang Qin to ask.

  ”Ziqing, what’s wrong with you?”

  Ye Ziqing saw Cui Yiting coming to work: “I’m thinking about Liu Yin’s proposal last night.”

  ”What should I do to ask Jiang Qin?”

  Ye Ziqing nodded, then took out her mobile phone from her bag, and after hesitating for a while, she pressed the dial button.

  Seeing this scene, Cui Yiting didn’t say anything. The last time she and Ye Ziqing met Jiang Qin, her only impression of the sophomore was that he was flashy and famous for nothing. But if it could relieve Ye Ziqing’s anxiety, it would be helpful.

  Soon, the call was connected. At this time, Jiang Qin, Dong Wenhao, and Lu Feiyu were squatting at the gate of Linchuan University, admiring the beautiful schoolgirls who had just enrolled.

  Looking at the slender jade legs swaying in front of them, the three of them felt proud of being college students.

  When Ye Ziqing called, Jiang Qin was not too surprised, because he knew what happened to the Sui Xin Group.

  ”Junior, how are you recently?”

  ”I’m fine, senior. I just returned to school. I was planning to preview the knowledge in the textbook before the school officially starts, and beat them hard.”

  Hearing this, Dong Wenhao and Lu Feiyu couldn’t help but look at the boss, thinking that this nonsense really came out of his mouth.

  Ye Ziqing pondered for a moment on the other end of the phone: “You…what do you think of the current group buying market?”

  ”It’s so bloody, I don’t dare to look at it.”


  Jiang Qin stood up and leaned under the shade of a tree: “Senior, do you have something to talk to me about? Otherwise, just say it directly?”

  Ye Ziqing and Cui Yiting looked at each other, then opened his mouth to tell him about the current situation of being attacked from all sides, and then asked him if he had any suggestions.

  Jiang Qin was silent for a long while, and finally chuckled: “I do have a suggestion, and it will definitely solve your current predicament.”

  ”Is it true?”

  ”It’s true, but you may not like it.”

  Jiang Qin pursed his lips and said directly without keeping the secret: “Senior sister, sell it.”

  Ye Ziqing was slightly stunned: “Sell what?”

  ”Make up your mind to sell Sui Xin Tuan now. The dispute has just begun. The valuation of your company is still very high. You should be able to sell it for a good price. You can not only balance the account, but also make a small profit. But if you continue to waste time, when the market share is reduced, you will lose money.”

  Jiang Qin added: “I suggest you sell it to Nuomituan, so that he will have strength and can stab Lashou.com in the back, which can also be regarded as helping you to avenge the poaching of your team. But your customer service center is pretty good, can you dismantle it and sell it to me?” ”


  Because Ye Ziqing was using the hands-free function, Cui Yiting could also hear the content of the call. At this time, she couldn’t help but reveal a sneer, her eyes full of disdain.

  Sell it? This is the hard work of more than 2,000 people for more than half a year. You can sell it just like that?

  Is this a suggestion? Who wouldn’t give such a suggestion?

  Cui Yiting felt that Ye Ziqing was a little confused. He actually listened to a college student’s nonsense. What’s the difference between this and kindergarten instructing college students.

  Ye Ziqing’s face was also a little gloomy: “Junior brother, if the Sui Xin Group was yours, would you be willing to throw it away like this?”

  ”If the Sui Xin Group was mine, what would happen to Lashou.com and Lajiao.com?”


  ”I said it’s useless. Instead of wasting time, you might as well go to the frontier market and take a look. It’s better than listening to his big talk here!”

  Cui Yiting’s voice came from the receiver, but she hung up before she finished speaking.

  Lu Feiyu couldn’t help but turn his head and look at him: “Boss, who is it?”

  ”Brother Mang.”

  ”It’s obviously a woman’s voice.”

  Jiang Qin squatted back to the original place: “A woman dares to call me Brother Mang, how reckless do you think she is?”

  Lu Feiyu’s eyes rolled around: “I’ll tell the boss lady that you talked to a woman on the phone, boss, are you afraid?”

  ”Get lost, you are looking for death, right? Go, use your money to buy me an ice lolly, an expensive one!”


   Let me explain, it’s really not water. The reason why I took out a part to write about Ye Ziqing’s first-person perspective is because Jiang Qin will encounter a similar wave of encirclement and suppression later. Without this first-person perspective comparison, there will be no damage. The book is destined to have ups and downs. In addition, the real group buying war lasted for a year. Although I won’t write that long, it’s not reasonable to finish it in half a year. Everyone, please be more patient. The difficulty of writing this part is to make it as full as possible but not let the timeline jump too much, because if the timeline jumps too fast, a lot of campus content will not be written in time.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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