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Chapter 401 Go to the front line!

Chapter 401 Go to the front line!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 401: Go to the front line!

  […I think this is our last chance.]

  [If we can’t leave it in the River Valley Province, wait until the airship returns to the port to complete the supply and join the local ground forces, we will face a crisis several times greater than the current situation.]

  Shelter No. 79, the administrator’s office.

  In addition to Chu Guang, there are more than a dozen people standing here.

  A few days ago, when Chu Guang set out from Qingquan City to Ruigu City, he issued an order to move the headquarters to the front line.

  In addition to Vanus and other staff officers, all the officers of the First Corps, including Wrench, were also transferred here.

  At this moment, Chu Guang was holding a handwritten battle plan in his hand. After reading the preface, he looked at the general outline catalog.

  The entire plan has a total of 24 pages, written by Commander Quanshui, the commander of the Storm Corps. Objectively speaking, it is quite well written, and both the macro and the details are planned in detail.

  The plan divides the battle into three phases, including air warfare, ground warfare, and the final landing battle.

  Including what goals need to be achieved at each stage, how many personnel and weapons are needed, what to do if the progress is smooth, what to do if the progress is not smooth, etc., all have detailed descriptions in the battle plan for each stage.

  This plan was certainly not completed in one day.

  Chu Guang noticed a long time ago that from the moment the Storm Corps arrived in Ruigu City, or from the moment the 400mm main gun opened fire, the player called the commander of the fountain had been observing the airship.

  Including its observation distance, firepower accuracy, firepower interval time, muzzle turning speed, detection efficiency at different distances, etc.

  And these combat parameters are now listed as arguments in this battle plan, and the action plan for each stage in the plan is designed based on the weaknesses reflected in these data.

  However, even though the plan is so detailed, the player called the commander of the fountain still mentioned at the end of the plan——

  [The strength of the enemy and us is very different, our chance of winning is less than 20%, and the same method is difficult to use twice, we only have one chance! ]

  [Since victory or defeat depends on this one move, there is no need to conserve strength. ]

  [It is recommended to mobilize! 】

  After turning to the end of the plan, Chu Guang handed it to Vanus who was standing beside him.

  ”What do you think?”

  Vanus took the plan and flipped through it. It took him a little longer than Chu Guang to read it all the way to the end. After thinking for a moment, he gave an objective evaluation.

  ”It’s well written, but it’s still a little modest. In my opinion… there should be a 30% chance of winning.”

  As a thousand-man captain of a clone corps, he had never been on an airship, and the detailed combat parameters of the airship were kept secret.

  He could only analyze it through several public battle reports in the past. These data tested in actual combat should be more than 70% accurate.

  The only advantage of the new alliance is probably in intelligence.

  After the Bone Chewing Tribe fled in all directions, the intelligence network of the Legion in the southern part of the Valley Province can be said to be blank.

  There may be spies of the Legion in the Bughra Free State in the north, but it is too far away from here. The trade route between the new alliance and the north has just begun, and because of the rapid growth, even if a lot of intelligence can be transmitted to the Legion through the Bughra Free State, it is outdated intelligence from a few months ago.

  The wrench standing by frowned and asked.

  ”Only 30%?”

  Vanus nodded and said in a serious tone.

  ”Well… In my impression, most of the battles that the Iron Heart participated in were asymmetric wars, or what we call suppression wars. Considering this situation… They may not have experience in electronic warfare, but they may just be inexperienced.” “Excuse me

  , this is a big gamble.”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”Betting that the other party has never seen this kind of play, right?”

  Vanus nodded.

  ”Yes, this is a crazy plan, I don’t recommend you adopt it. But I have to admire your corps commander, who can study the various parameters of the Iron Heart so thoroughly in one month.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  Ability is of course one aspect, but the key is that the information sharing capability based on the “morphogenetic field” technology is too powerful.

  Every player or cloud player active on the forum, no matter which professional talent or boss, can put forward their own analysis conclusions based on the intelligence collected in the game, and the players in the game will verify which conclusion is more reliable.

  Although many of the Alliance’s weapons are at the level of World War II and the Cold War, information technology may be even higher than that of the Human Alliance era.

  After all, the “morphogenic field” that cannot be blocked or interfered with by existing technology seems to have been developed by the first generation of managers of Shelter 404 after entering the Wasteland Era.

  In addition, there is information verification.

  Those are all earned by the players of the Storm Corps with their lives…

  Taking the plan from Vanus, Chu Guang stared at it and thought about it for about five minutes, and suddenly spoke.

  ”I plan to adopt this plan.”

  Hearing this, Vanus showed a hint of surprise on his face, looking at Chu Guang who had carefully considered it, and asked seriously.

  ”Are you… sure?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Yes, I’m sure.”

  Vanus couldn’t help but continue.

  ”I don’t want to pour cold water on you, but implementing this plan requires a huge amount of manpower!”

  ”Even if there are not 10,000 people on that airship, it is still a team of 10,000 people… If we want to implement this combat plan within a week, the most conservative consideration is that we need to mobilize at least 7,000 people within three days.”

  ”Three days… Is this enough time?”

  This is not just his concern.

  Several other staff officers also showed worried expressions on their faces.

  This was not because they were afraid of fighting, but because of strategic considerations, it was too hasty to schedule the decisive battle within a week.

  After all, war is not a game of chess, where you can win or lose by putting the chess piece A on the table.

  Such a major battle must be prepared for at least a month to ensure coordination between the various troops and that all plans can be carried out in an orderly manner.

  The decisive battle with the Bone Chewing Tribe took them a month and a half to prepare for.

  Chu Guang smiled faintly and answered without hesitation.

  ”It’s still in time. Three days is more than enough. Mobilization is not a problem for us!”

  He believed in his players.

  It was not because of the power given to him by the shelter, but because this was not a game for him alone.

  The alliance was not an alliance of a certain person, but belonged to all those who had shed blood and sweat for this land. When the alliance faced a threat of life and death, no matter if they were farmers, slackers, or businessmen, everyone would stand up without hesitation.

  Not just for profit.

  But also to protect “our world”.

  Mobilization does not take a week.

  One minute is enough.

  ”…In addition to mobilization, I plan to send out some mercenaries while sending out regular troops. Conservatively estimated, the number of participants can reach 10,000!”

  Chu Guang closed the battle plan in his hand, put it on the desk beside him, and looked at the officers standing in the office.

  Looking at those pairs of eyes full of fighting spirit, he paused and continued.

  ”How long should the trench be dug, where should the machine gun be placed, these tactical details I am not so professional, but there is a sentence in this plan, I agree very much.”

  ”If we don’t leave it here, we will be in bigger trouble later.”

  ”It must stay here.”

  ”It must stay too!”

  Don’t say 30% chance of winning.

  Even if there is a 1% chance of winning.

  He will try it!


  After the combat meeting, Chu Guang used a disposable temporary communication device to send the next stage of work arrangements to Xiao Qi who was far away in the shelter.

  This less than 10mb information includes the content updated on the official website today, as well as the relevant details of the general mobilization and the specific plan for recruiting mercenaries.

  The second half of the content is mainly for NPCs. Xiao Qi will translate Chinese into human language for him and accurately convey the orders to specific departments and individuals.

  In fact, even without his mobilization, players have gradually stopped their ongoing work and gathered in the direction of Ruigu City for the new expansion pack.

  On the other side, it was daytime in the real world.

  The commander of the fountain opened a chat thread in the corps exchange section of the forum, attached the battle plan, and tagged the corps leaders of each corps.

  Looking at the IDs of the big guys in the post, the commander of the fountain was somewhat restrained when typing and modifying the wording.

  Or nervous.

  After all, command ability and organizational ability are two concepts.

  The former is strategy and tactics, and the latter is more about human relations.

  He probably got the closed beta qualification together with [I am the darkest]. Compared with those T0 and T1 players who got the closed beta qualification very early and have limited medals on their chests, his qualifications are still a little shallow.

  In practical terms, it is the commander of the corps commanding the division commander. If

  it were another MMORPG, it would take a lot of effort just to coax these big brothers to be obedient.

  Fortunately, the atmosphere of the server of “Wasteland OL” has always been good.

  Thanks to the good planner, who did not deliberately incite players to oppose and compete with each other for the sake of KPI, you can get a good gaming experience in Wasteland OL whether you play hard or not. Most of the T0, T1, and T2 players are friends, rather than the guild ecology of some MMORPGs – big brothers, princesses, and bootlickers. If the

  guide is well written, no matter if you are a newbie or a big player, even if you are a casual player, everyone will politely give a thumbs up before taking it away.

  Lao Bai: “I think the battle plan you wrote is good, you just need to be a little more confident. (grin)”

  Ye Shi: “That’s right, what 20% success rate? The advantage is obviously on me! (funny)”

  Fang Chang: “Professional matters should be handled professionally. I’m counting on you, brother. (smirk)”

  Kuangfeng: “+1”

  Fountain Commander: “Ahem, thank you for the compliments, big guys… This is actually the first time I’ve commanded such a large-scale group battle.”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Hahaha, it doesn’t matter. Rommel was a lieutenant in the First World War! After this battle is over, you can be a division commander at least. (funny)”

  Edgepad: “The Death Corps followed! Leave the most dangerous places to us!”

  Midnight Killer Chicken: “The Jungle Corps followed too! (Proud)”

  WC Really Has Mosquitoes: “Ace pilot applies to go into battle! (dog head)”

  Looking at the lines of replies on the screen, the Fountain Commander was moved. He took a deep breath and typed a reply while poking his finger at the screen.

  ”Thank you! Thank you for your support!”

  ”The decisive battle will begin within a week. I will assign the most suitable tasks to you according to the equipment configuration of each regiment and the combat environment you are good at… I hope you can trust me and listen to my command in the group battle. I promise not to let you down!”

  Lao Bai: “Forget the polite words. We are all good brothers of the alliance. Just tell us where we need to go, and leave the rest to us! (grin)”

  Edgepad: “Let’s go!!!”


  The next morning.

  The tranquility of the outer city of Boulder City was disturbed by the crisp and hard shouting.

  ”New issue! New issue!”

  ”The battle situation on the front line is stalemate, the alliance has launched a general mobilization, and now recruits mercenaries to join the war. The reward is generous and the opportunity is rare!”

  The newsboys walking in the streets shouted while delivering the newspapers in their hands to newsstands, taverns and grocery stores, or stuffing them into the mailboxes at the doorsteps of customers.

  At the door of the tavern that had not yet opened, a large group of people gathered around a newly-published newspaper, chattering and discussing, it was so lively.

  ”The coalition is recruiting mercenaries, and they will pay 50 chips or 100 silver coins a day!”

  ”Hiss… half a month’s wages for me!”

  A man with oil on his clothes took a breath of cold air. Judging from his clothes, he should be a worker in a nearby machinery factory.

  Hearing such a generous reward, many people showed excited expressions on their faces, and the mercenary standing aside couldn’t help but ask.

  ”Do the country bumpkins in the northern suburbs have so much money?”

  The colleague next to him heard and said.

  ”I heard that the Boulder City Bank has borrowed a lot from them, and those chips are all in the bank, so there is no need to worry about not being able to pay them.”

  After all, the borrowed money is not painful to spend. The reward paid by the New Alliance is almost twice what Boulder City pays for Tide.

  Moreover, 100 silver coins a day is only the base price for a single mercenary. If a well-trained mercenary group signs up, the price will probably be higher.

  Hearing what his colleague said, the mercenary was immediately moved, and immediately looked at the guy sitting at the door of the tavern and asked.

  ”How to sign up?”

  The guy yawned and repeated impatiently.

  ”It’s written in the newspaper, just take the newspaper to the mercenary recruitment point in the south of Dawn City and report… They will give you clothes and guns.”

  ”Give me one!”

  Without any hesitation, the mercenary immediately took out his wallet, threw a chip into the hand of the guy, picked up a newspaper from the stall and stuffed it into his arms. There are

  many people like him.

  On that day, more than 3,000 mercenaries took the newspaper and set off, leaving the city and heading to the north suburbs.

  Although bullets don’t have eyes, they are not necessarily more dangerous than alien species. For these mercenaries who lick blood on the blade, they will work for anyone, and of course they will go to whoever offers the highest price.

  In addition to those ruthless people who really dare to go, the streets and alleys of Boulder City have also discussed the situation on the front line.

  All signs indicate that the stalemate will soon end, and a decisive battle is brewing in Ruigu City, 150 kilometers away…

  While the residents of Boulder City were discussing the news in the newspaper, the newspaper office of “Survivor Daily” was also busy.

  The editors who were busy sorting out the materials and typesetting wanted to bury their heads in the pile of papers.

  Except for one person –

  that person was Hal, the president of the newspaper.

  Unlike the previous few days.

  Sitting by the window, he had a cigarette in his mouth, with a worried look on his face. There were cigarette butts scattered all over the ground next to the stool, and his eyes were dull.

  Although the sales of the newspaper were booming, he was not happy at all at this moment.

  Just a few days ago, his eldest brother Kaliman came to Boulder City. While visiting him here, he also brought news from Luoxia Province.

  With the support of the Legion, the Falcon Kingdom provoked a full-scale war against the desert kings. The boiling flames of war had already burned to Oasis No. 9 where the Lion Kingdom was located…

  and this was news last month.

  With such a big thing happening at home, Hal was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot these days. He wanted to send a reporter to Luoxia Province to take a look, but no one took this hard job.

  Entering the desert is a risky act, not to mention that there is a war there. No matter how high the salary is, you have to live to spend it.

  Just when he was worried and didn’t know what to do, the savior suddenly appeared…

  ”I’m going to the front line. The alliance should enter the desert. When we get to Oasis No. 9, I’ll check on your family’s situation for you.”

  Fang Chang pushed open the door and entered the newspaper office. He didn’t say hello. He looked at Hal who was sitting by the window and got straight to the point.

  He had a backpack half a person’s height on his back, and a LD-47 assault rifle for self-defense hanging next to him. He even packed his equipment and luggage.

  Hearing this, Hal was stunned for a moment. He didn’t stand up from the stool until the cigarette butt in his mouth fell on his pants.

  He walked quickly to Fang Chang and shook his hand excitedly.

  ”Thank you! Sorry, I don’t know what to say except thank you!”

  Looking at Hal with a grateful face, Fang Chang joked.

  ”You’re welcome, but it’s not easy to be a war correspondent. Remember to pay me double the salary.”

  Hal said excitedly.

  ”Three times! I’ll give you my salary too!”

  Fang Chang coughed lightly.

  ”That’s not necessary…”

  He was just joking.

  After dealing with bionic parts for so long, he opened up the market in Boulder City for the Alliance, so he really didn’t need that little money.

  Hal was about to say something with emotion, but at this moment, a surprised voice suddenly came from the side.

  ”Wait, what do you mean? You’re going to the front line?!”

  Fang Chang looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a pair of eyes widened in surprise under a head of emerald green short hair staring straight at him.

  Noticing the expression on Dolly’s face, Hal coughed lightly and tried to speak for Fang Chang.

  ”People are eager to know the truth. There must be some warriors who stand up and go to places that most people are unwilling to go-”

  ”Don’t say those hypocritical words. You are just worried about the situation at home, but you dare not go back by yourself, so you want to throw the trouble to others, right?”

  Dolly stared at him and said bluntly.

  ”This is called abusing public power for personal gain!”

  The newspaper office was quiet, and

  even the sound of turning papers was quiet.

  Feeling the eyes around him, Hal’s expression was embarrassed and he said defensively.

  ”I am also part of the ‘people’… I admit what you said. I really don’t dare to go back, and I don’t have the ability to do so. But if you say that this is abusing public power for personal gain, I don’t agree. The residents of Boulder City will be interested in what happened in Luoxia Province. They have been paying more and more attention to what happened outside recently. I am also considering it from the perspective of the newspaper.”

  Dolly didn’t listen to his sophistry, but looked at Fang Chang, staring at him straight in the eyes.

  ”Are you going to the front line?”

  Fang Chang nodded.


  There was obvious reluctance and worry in her beautiful eyes.

  She lowered her chin, and her voice was filled with a barely perceptible pleading.

  ”Can I not go…”

  Hearing this, Fang Chang smiled and reached out to rub her little head.

  ”If I don’t go, this is the front line.”

  If the Legion’s people come to kill, how can they distinguish who is from Dawn City, who is from Boulder City, and who belongs to the Alliance.

  They will rob everything they can, and then burn what they can’t rob, and treat those who are deprived of their property as slaves…

  just like what they did in the Fallen Leaf Camp.

  Feeling the warmth passing through her hair, Dolly’s cheeks felt slightly hot, but she did not avoid it.

  Biting the inside of her lip lightly, she finally stopped trying to persuade him, but only muttered softly in a very soft voice.

  ”My salary will be paid next month, and I promised to treat you to a meal… You must come back safely.”

  After hearing these words, Fang Chang couldn’t help but curl his lips.

  He was sure that he would be fine.

  As long as the alliance continued to exist, no matter how many times he faced death, he would wake up in three days and see the sunrise on the fourth day.


  He would not make those unromantic jokes on this special occasion.

  Staring into those eyes, he answered solemnly in a very soft voice.

  ”I promise.”


  Whether it was a combat professional player or a life professional player, regardless of level and profession, everyone received the server announcement of the general mobilization and responded to the call for mobilization.

  At the same time, at the farm in the north of Dawn City.

  Makabazi jumped off the smoking tractor, looked at the old farmer carrying a hoe not far away, and shouted in non-standard human language.

  ”Old man! The crops in the field, please help me look after them these days. I’ll leave the tractor key here.”

  He didn’t know the name of the NPC.

  But after farming together for so long, everyone has long been familiar with each other. Including many farmers nearby, tractor driving skills were learned from his tiger brother.

  At present, Makabazi’s farming level has been brushed to level 6, and there is only 4 levels left to the dream manor.

  Money and everything are trivial matters, the crops in the field cannot be abandoned.

  The old farmer also didn’t know his name, but he was familiar with this strange guy.

  Obviously, he is a noble resident of the shelter, but he does this kind of rough work with them, and he enjoys it.

  Not only that, this guy values ​​the crops in the field more than his life.

  Previously, a centaur from the Elm District fled here. When others saw the monster, they turned around and ran away, but he rushed up with a roar, swung his hoe and started fighting the monster, and beat the alien away. It is really

  hard to imagine what kind of thing could make him ignore the crops in the field and not come back for several days.

  Looking at the young man, the old man couldn’t help but shout.

  ”Where are you going?”

  Patting the dusty equipment, Makabazi threw the backpack on his shoulder, and shouted with a smile without looking back.

  ”To the front line!”

  The old man carrying the hoe was stunned and asked subconsciously.

  ”Then, when will you come back?”

  ”I’ll come back after I win!”

  Without waiting for the old man to answer, Makabazi had already hummed a little song and went to the entrance of the farm, and met [Bored Fighting Tiger] who was waiting there.

  Tiger, with his hands in his pockets, glanced at his sack and the magazine hanging on his backpack and laughed and teased.

  ”Why do you carry so many things? We’re flying planes, we’ll be back soon, right?”

  It’s said that propeller planes can’t survive more than two seconds in front of that iron lump.

  It’s a bit exaggerated to say that we’ll be back soon.

  It’ll take three days.

  Makabazi chuckled.

  ”Someone else is flying the plane, this time we’ll drive something good!”

  Tiger was curious and asked, aroused by this.

  ”What good thing?”

  Makabazi raised his chin and said with a beaming face.


  When Tiger heard these two words, he was stunned at first, and when he came to his senses, he was shocked.

  ”Fuck, have you driven that thing?!”

  And wait.

  When did the Alliance have tanks? !

  Makabazi didn’t explain, but laughed and said, “No! But it doesn’t matter! I heard from the director of Factory No. 81 that the thing is almost the same as a tractor when it drives!”

  Tiger couldn’t help but spray.

  ”That’s far from enough, okay?”

  Makabazi patted his good brother on the shoulder.

  ”Don’t worry, that thing is not as difficult as you think… I’ll go and get a strength-type beast to be the loader later, and then you’ll be responsible for driving, just step on the accelerator as hard as you can!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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