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Chapter 402 Burning!

Chapter 402 Burning!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 402 Burning!

  July is a rainy season.

  Although the River Valley Province is located inland, the cumulonimbus clouds have been consumed by the monsoon, but in previous years, at this time of year, there are still a few heavy rains.

  Just like now, the sun was scorching a second ago, and in the blink of an eye, the sky was covered with thick dark clouds…

  ”… Enemy traces were found in the southeast, with a scale of more than a thousand people! Their equipment is mainly light weapons, equipped with multiple modified exoskeletons of different models, and no armor or transport vehicles were found!”

  In the tent.

  A scout knelt on one knee and reported the intelligence he had detected.

  Rachel, who was sitting in the tent, listened quietly to the report of his subordinates, and a sneer suddenly rose at the corner of his calm mouth.

  Finod, who was standing aside with his hands behind his back, whispered thoughtfully.

  ”I didn’t expect that the natives who have been entangled with us for more than half a month are really…”

  Even if the reinforcements sent by the enterprise are more, it is impossible to fill them in endlessly like this.

  Especially those simple weapons, which made him more convinced that these people were the natives living in the area, and most likely they came from a larger survivor settlement nearby.

  And the mayor or mayor there happened to be a guy who didn’t know how to live or die.

  ”What do you think they are after?” Finod still didn’t quite understand.

  Is it for CR?

  They did find corporate weapons on the bodies of those soldiers, such as the G9 assault rifle.

  But it’s not smart to go against the legion just for this little money.

  They will crush these natives into a pile of scum like crushing ants.

  Only the smart people who surrendered at the beginning can get their forgiveness and become slaves of the great legion.

  And for those who resisted stubbornly.

  What awaits them is only death.

  ”Maybe they were bribed by the people of the enterprise, maybe they have a problem with their brains… Anyway, they came at the right time.”

  Rachel stood up from the chair.

  A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he exuded a murderous aura, which even cooled the stuffy air in the tent by several degrees.

  General McLen had previously issued an order to relocate the deployment, and suddenly said that he would move to Oasis No. 9. He was worried that he would not have the opportunity to avenge his dead brothers.

  Now, this opportunity has come to him.

  He will let these natives know.

  What is seeking death!

  ”Vito, Valet…”

  He whispered those names, picked up the black helmet from the table, and slowly put it on his head.

  ”… I will avenge you.”


  The mountains in the western district of Ruigu City.

  Here is the artillery position that the New Alliance has prepared for a month.

  More than 20 “Storm” rocket launchers and 30 imitation 100mm artillery are distributed on the continuous hills, at least 500 meters apart.

  Separate personnel, ammunition, and artillery position bunkers were dug next to each rocket launcher and artillery to ensure that the safety of personnel and equipment can be preserved to the maximum extent when encountering fire counterattacks.

  Of course, even with such sufficient preparations, Yang Shu knew very well in his heart.

  He only had one chance.

  ”…The enemy’s counter-fire will reach our heads within half a minute!”

  ”We are the first artillery, and the brothers on other hills are waiting for our signal! No matter what, we can’t let down the chain. I need you to be calm at all times and listen to my command no matter what happens!”

  ”Do you understand?”

  Walking in front of the queue.

  Yang Shu looked at his artillerymen and made the final mobilization before the war.

  The artillerymen lined up in a row with high morale, raised their heads and chests, and answered in a sonorous and powerful voice.


  Looking at those slightly immature but extremely resolute faces, Yang Shu nodded with satisfaction.

  He seemed to see his past from their faces.

  Half a year ago, he ended his wandering because of a bowl of hot green wheat porridge, and decided to follow the footsteps of the administrator and join the alliance army to resist the invasion of the bone chewing tribe.

  In the following six months, he followed the Northern Expedition Army all the way north, participated in several battles to liberate Xizhou City, and finally successfully drove those plunderers who ate people without spitting out bones into the river.

  Although he had been in the army for less than a year and even learned artillery experience from other veterans on the battlefield, after several battles, his actual combat experience was not much inferior to those veterans, and now he has become the captain of the 11th Artillery Squadron of the First Corps.

  As the order for the action was issued, everyone started to move.

  The entire artillery position was like an ignited engine, and every part was running in an orderly manner.

  Yang Shu walked to the observation post alone, took a telescope and looked in the direction of the command post, waiting for the signal.

  According to their signal, the 100mm artillery of the first group will send smoke bombs near the Iron Fortress to interfere with the visual observation of the airship.

  When their second gunshot sounded, a group of artillery would immediately fire the second round of bombs, projecting shells with chaff strips near the Iron Heart to detonate and form a cloud of interference. The

  large-area reflection echo of chaff strips can deceive radar, forming a cloud of “fog” on the radar, thereby covering the aviation force to break through the enemy’s air defense firepower network.

  These two shells are critical.

  It directly determines whether their airborne troops can successfully reach the top of the enemy’s head.

  After completing these tasks, he needs to immediately evacuate his brothers to the anti-artillery cave next to him and wait for the enemy’s regional firepower to end.

  Recalling the contents of the battle plan, Yang Shu felt sweat in his palms.

  If the opponent’s counter-fire is 100mm artillery, they have a high chance of survival.

  However, if it is a 400mm chambered rocket…

  With the power of that sub-nuclear weapon level, their chance of survival is less than 20%.

  However, even knowing this, he still has no fear in his heart.

  Compared with the warriors charging on the front line, the combat position they are in is already quite safe.

  Not to mention it’s just one life.

  There is nothing to be afraid of.

  If those people hadn’t reached out to him, his life would have ended half a year ago.

  The dark clouds in the sky were getting denser and denser.

  Yang Shu looked up at the sky, and at this moment, a drop of rain happened to fall on his stubble, and then went down his neck into his collar.

  Feeling the coldness of his neck, he frowned and muttered in a low voice.

  ”…It’s going to rain.”


  ”It’s raining… It seems that God is not always on our side.”

  At the command post not far from the artillery position.

  Kakarot, who was standing behind a rock, holding an assault rifle in his hand, grinned at the direction of the airship and said teasingly.

  Rainy days will affect the accuracy of radar.

  But at the same time, it will also weaken the duration of smoke bombs and jamming bombs.

  In particular, the impact of rainy days on the maneuverability of aircraft is a severe test for the alliance that mainly uses propeller aircraft for combat.

  Although heavy rain has an impact on both sides, the impact on the attacking side will be more obvious.

  However, they have no time to delay the combat plan.

  It is unknown when this rain will stop, and the airship on the opposite side will undoubtedly withdraw within two days.

  Holding the telescope in his hand, the expression on the face of the commander of the spring did not change at all, and he spoke in a calm tone.

  ”Sunny days with low wind speed are naturally the best situation.”

  ”However, there are also ways to fight

  on rainy days.” Of course, he knew that July was the rainy season, and naturally he would not fail to consider the current situation.

  Put down the telescope in his hand.

  He stretched out his index finger and tapped the side of the helmet twice, closed the mask of the exoskeleton helmet, and ordered neatly at the same time.

  ”Start Plan B!”

  Operation code name –

  Whale Fall!

  I am the darkest standing aside and straightened my back excitedly, standing up straight and saluting with a sense of substitution.



  ”It’s going to rain heavily…”

  Dawn City Airport.

  Looking at the raindrops sliding down the cabin cover, Luoyu glanced at the VM tied to his thigh, and while muttering, he reached out and turned off the power of the avionics equipment.

  Rainy day.

  Then the corresponding should be Plan B in the combat plan.

  The ground artillery will still fire a covering barrage, but the advancement sequence will be slightly adjusted.

  If it is sunny, the alliance’s aircraft will fight around the interference cloud, and the ground forces will take the lead in launching an attack as bait to attract the opponent’s firepower.

  If it is rainy, the effect of the interference cloud will be weakened, and he will have to rely on the jet aircraft with a maximum speed of Mach 3 under him as the main bait.

  In fact, there is no change in the tactical thinking, it just becomes a sequence.

  At this time, a line of light blue pop-up windows appeared on the VM screen.

  [ECM is connected]

  The moment he saw this line of words, Luo Yu breathed a sigh of relief, raised his index finger and tapped the headset twice and said.

  ”The electronic jamming pod has been activated! Confirmed to be operating normally!”

  There are two ways to jam radar. One is to use foil strips to reflect echo interference, and the other is “active illumination”. Specifically, after capturing the radar signal, actively reply to the opponent’s radar with disordered or orderly radar signals.

  The former is equivalent to a smoke bomb, which can hide the specific location of the target. The disadvantage is that the effect time is short and it is easy to burn through.

  The latter is equivalent to the other side turning on a headlight to find you, and you turn on the flashlight to shine in his eyes, making him unable to see clearly, or misjudge the size and scale of the target.

  For example, the electronic jamming pod hanging on his wing at this moment adopts the latter jamming strategy, which can simulate the radar signals of 600 Mosquito fighters.

  This is the latest equipment designed by the Alliance Scientific Expedition Team for the Alliance Air Force, specifically targeting the radar system of the Iron Heart.

  Unfortunately, the preparation time for this decisive battle was too hasty.

  Otherwise, they could have put anti-radar stealth coating on every aircraft and arranged a few more “electronic warfare aircraft” to interfere with the opponent’s firepower.

  However, there are not so many ifs in reality.

  They have used all the means they can use. Even if these means may not be effective, they can help them gain one more second.

  This operation will also have a better chance of success…

  The voice of the headquarters came from the communication channel.

  ”The headquarters received… prepare to enter the combat position.”


  While answering, Luo Yu had already driven the plane onto the runway and pushed the valve controlling the fuel to the maximum.

  The roar of the engine gradually came from behind.

  Although he couldn’t see it, he could imagine that the jet of fire was evaporating the rain on the runway and pushing him forward to accelerate.

  The fuselage left the runway and rushed into the sky covered with dark clouds.

  Retracting his gaze from the gradually receding surface, Luo Yu, whose back was pressed against the seat, took a deep breath, moved his ten fingers holding the joystick, and a boiling fighting spirit gradually ignited in his pupils.

  Come on!

  It’s time to show real skills!

  At this moment, beside the runway of Shuguang City North Airport.

  Looking at the arc of fire that penetrated the rain curtain, the unprofessional Fan Man sitting in the “Dragonfly” transport plane smacked his lips in envy.

  ”Damn, I want to fly that too!”

  This kind of slow propeller plane is like a target, how can it be as fun to fly a jet plane.

  Since the microphone was not turned off, the teasing voice of Mosquito soon came from the communication channel.

  ”Haha, that thing is a prototype, and we can only make one for the time being. You wait.”

  ”Then I’ll wait.”

  Looking at the cabin behind him, he saw that the paratroopers had boarded the plane, so he pulled the valve next to him and closed the cabin door.

  The signal light flashed.

  He took down the intercom hanging on the side, started the car, and spoke in the communication channel.

  ”Lingyun No. 1 has taken off!”

  ”It’s time for us to set off too.”


  At the same time, in the western district of Ruigu City,

  after detecting that the enemy ground targets were approaching, Rachel led three thousand-man teams of the Air Marine Corps and two thousand Wastelanders’ entourage, and under the guidance of the airship observation cabin, they searched towards the target area.

  The “Pangolin” 100-man team, which was originally the elite of the escort army, was also supposed to attack together. However, due to the heavy casualties in the last mission, they could only be “lucky” to stay.

  Fallen Leaf Camp.

  Kelway called Pangolin into the tent and looked at him and said.

  ”We have received an order from our superiors to leave Fallen Leaf Camp and return to the desert the day after tomorrow.”

  Although they had already heard the news, the battlefield atmosphere group still pretended to hear it for the first time. After a pretentious pause, they made reluctant and embarrassed expressions on their faces.

  ”Are you leaving?”

  It was indeed difficult for him.

  Not being able to go to the front line with Rachel just now meant that there was no chance to cause trouble.

  Although such a variable was expected, he always felt that he had wasted his efforts after working for so long but not getting any heads.

  ”We will be back by the end of August at the latest.”

  Looking at the fierce general in front of him, Kolwe continued, “General McLen has been watching your loyalty, and your bravery and loyalty are also obvious to all of us. From now on, you will be the chief of the Fallen Leaf Camp’s escort army, and the official appointment letter will be sent here tomorrow.”


  just one day late.

  The battlefield atmosphere group sighed in their hearts, thinking that they might not get the appointment letter, but still made a respectful expression, bowed their heads and said hypocritically.

  ”Thank you for your promotion, sir.”

  Looking at the honest lackey in front of him, Kolwe nodded with satisfaction.

  ”Do a good job.”

  ”The Legion will never be stingy with rewards for loyal people. I hope that when we come back next time, I can see a well-trained army.”

  ”Don’t let me down.”

  The old man in the battlefield was thinking about how to say something to show his loyalty, but at this moment, a thunderous explosion suddenly came from the distance.

  Because the sound came from the air, Kolwe thought it was thunder at first, but soon came to his senses. It was the sound of exploding artillery.

  And –

  more than one.

  Kolway’s face changed slightly when he came to his senses. He stood up from his chair and grabbed the intercom on the table and shouted loudly.

  ”Enemy attack!”

  ”Prepare for battle!”


  Almost at the same time when the bombardment occurred, the Iron Heart had sounded the second-level alarm, and everyone was busy from the observation cabin to the gun position.

  Although that round of bombardment did not cause any damage to the Iron Heart, the smoke produced by the explosion had a significant impact on the observation cabin that was monitoring the ground situation.

  Ten minutes ago.

  They had just observed traces of enemy units in the southeast.

  However, just as they were about to search carefully, a round of dense barrage suddenly exploded 500 meters east of the airship.

  The explosion of thick smoke blocked the view of the observation cabin, but fortunately, they had already memorized the approximate direction of the artillery fire.

  ”…Are these natives crazy? How dare they fire at us?” The loader said in surprise while stuffing the shells into the barrel.

  Those people should know that this level of bombardment is useless to the Iron Heart.

  Rather than panic, they were confused.

  The assistant gunner standing next to the observation hole locked onto the smoke and said with a frown.

  ”It’s a smoke bomb!”

  ”… Ridiculous trick.”

  The officer standing behind the gun position smiled coldly, glanced at the note handed by the messenger, grabbed the communicator placed aside, and ordered loudly.

  ”Prepare the front three artillery positions for fire! Azimuth 112 degrees, depression angle 27 degrees… five salvos!”


  Twelve thunderous cannon shots were heard, followed by twelve tracers piercing through the smoke and whistling towards the alliance’s artillery positions.

  The flames of the explosion flickered and lit up on the top of the mountain, and soon there was another round of artillery fire, covering the target area like raindrops!

  I saw pieces of flickering flames spread out on the mountains more than 20 kilometers away, and billowing smoke floated from the rain curtain, instantly filling the enemy’s artillery positions with a sea of ​​smoke.

  At this moment, in the observation cabin.

  The observer squatting in front of the sighting system shouted excitedly.

  ”Hit confirmed!”

  Everyone in the observation cabin was delighted, but before they could high-five to celebrate, the news reported by the radar cabin made everyone’s face change instantly.

  600 fighters are circling behind them from the north at a speed of two Mach!

  Not daring to hesitate, the observer immediately adjusted the optical sight and locked the position of the 600 fighters according to the information provided by the radar operator.

  However, no matter how he zoomed, how he pressed his pupils and lenses, he could not see the shadows of the 600 fighters through the rain.

  ”Can you see it?”

  ”Damn… I can’t see it!”

  Generally speaking, in good weather, the maximum visual distance can reach 9 to 20 kilometers. However, if it is rainy, this distance may be reduced by more than double. But

  even so, no matter how fast the 600 fighters fly, no matter how serious the weather affects visual observation, they can’t even see the tail flames, right?

  The observer standing in front of the sighting system began to doubt his life.

  Is there something wrong with the radar?

  Or is there something wrong with his eyes…


  Inside the bridge.

  Hearing the report from his men, an expression of disbelief instantly appeared on General McLennan’s face.

  ”600 fighters… How is that possible?!”

  Not only him, but almost all the officers standing on the bridge had the same expression of disbelief on their faces.

  The staff officer thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

  ”Could it be a trick of theirs?”

  600 planes…

  and all at a speed of Mach 2.

  This number is too exaggerated no matter how you look at it!

  Staring at the flashing signal source on the radar, General McLennan’s face was uncertain, but his thoughts were turning rapidly.

  Of course, he also thought that this might be a trick of the natives.

  But what is the point of doing this?

  Even if they successfully diverted the firepower direction of the Heart of Steel, it would be impossible to break through the absolute defense of the deflector shield.

  In the past half month, the natives have tried every method.

  Whether it is aircraft guns, artillery or rockets… all means of attack have been proven to be meaningless in front of their Iron Heart.

  The officer standing in front of the radar terminal shouted loudly.

  ”They have detoured to our southwest, and the signal source is amplifying… They are approaching us!”

  General McClane ordered without hesitation.

  ”Whether it is a bait or not, prepare the anti-aircraft firepower, and shoot down those flies for me!”


  The gun barrel had already locked the cruising trajectory of the 600 aircraft. As the order to fire was issued, orange-yellow flames shot out of the barrel and rushed towards the target aircraft group on the radar.

  However, surprisingly, the 600 aircraft continued to fly in formation, neither dispersing nor making evasive maneuvers, and just collided with their barrage.

  Looking at the French window outside the bridge, the dense explosion smoke like a city wall, General McClane narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Did it hit?

  The signal on the radar disappeared.

  But this success was too smooth.

  At this moment, a fluctuating signal suddenly appeared on the radar.

  The artillery positions on the ground did not seem to be completely destroyed. They were still firing at the airship, but they did not seem to be firing smoke bombs.

  Instead, they fired jamming bombs.

  A hint of surprise appeared in McClane’s eyes.

  Knowing how to use platinum bars to interfere with radar, it seems that these natives are quite capable. However, they still underestimated the radar of the Iron Heart.

  With this level of interference, they can burn through it in minutes.


  the coordination of these natives is still a little weak.

  The six hundred planes have been destroyed. Even if jamming bombs are fired at this time, it is too late, and it will only continue to expose the position of the ground artillery positions.

  Just as McClane was thinking this in his heart, twenty-two weak signal sources suddenly appeared in the south of the airship.

  They were very close, less than ten kilometers away from the airship, and appeared almost suddenly, and flew above the clouds.

  The moment he saw this string of signals, General McClane was slightly stunned, and suddenly reacted.

  ”Starboard artillery fire preparation!”

  ”The 600 planes just now were bait! Aim at the target in the south!”


  At the same time that the Iron Heart turned its guns, above the thick dark clouds.

  The unprofessional anti-man holding the joystick in his hand, while staring at the VM tied to his thigh, silently counted down in his heart. It

  takes about 17 seconds for the artillery to turn 110 degrees…

  The artillery on the ground has begun to fire chaff decoys to cover them, but he knows very well that this level of interference will not last long before it will be burned through by the enemy’s radar.

  It doesn’t even need to be burned through.

  The dense firepower is enough to tear them apart along with the interference cloud.

  In the distance, tracers have penetrated the clouds, exploding into clouds of black smoke in the air.

  Deadly shrapnel scraped across the propeller and wings, the sound of metal hitting metal continued to come, and the fuselage began to shake violently.

  Estimating that the time was almost up, the unprofessional anti-man calmly grabbed the communicator hanging next to him and switched to the broadcast in the cabin.

  ”This flight has reached the destination. We will crash in 10 seconds…”

  ”The remaining one kilometer depends on you!”

  As the voice fell, the door at the rear end of the cabin slowly opened, and the high-speed airflow also swept into the cabin.

  The voice in the communication channel was blown by the airflow, but from the two intermittent sentences, he could still hear the heroic spirit of moving forward.

  ”Got it!”

  ”Leave it to us!”

  The airborne soldiers of the Burning Corps stepped out of the cabin

  one after another. Looking at the tracers passing through the clouds and the flames illuminating the cockpit glass, the corners of his unprofessional mouth curled up a smile.

  Mission accomplished.

  However, it is probably impossible to go back.

  Thinking of this, he simply switched the communication channel and shouted to the headquarters.

  ”This is the B flight formation… Our mission has been completed, but the enemy’s artillery fire has locked us and we can no longer return.”

  ”Before being shot down, let us send our paratrooper brothers on their last journey!”

  There was no response in the communication channel.

  Unprofessional Fan Man knew that it was probably because of a few electromagnetic interference bombs mixed in with the artillery fire that blocked their communication.


  it didn’t matter.

  Throwing the communicator aside, he reached out and pressed the button next to the joystick, and the tail of the transport plane began to emit thick black smoke.

  At the same time, he held the joystick tightly with both hands and shouted loudly at the already riddled cockpit.

  ”Group B flight formation!”

  ”Draw the smoke for me–!”

  Even though he couldn’t hear the shout.

  The moment he saw him pull open the smoke screen, the 21 “Dragonfly” transport planes flying with him immediately understood what he meant, and at the same time, they also pulled smoke and dived.

  The orange-yellow rain of bullets danced in the air, almost lighting up the entire sky. Without the protection of the clouds, the transport planes were quickly engulfed in flames.

  But their sacrifice was not meaningless.

  The billowing black smoke also fell from the sky with the suicide dive, like a horizontal waterfall, pulling a collapsed wall of smoke in the sky.

  The observer standing next to the sighting system stared at the sky lit up by artillery fire with his eyes wide open.

  He was sure that those planes, like sitting ducks, could not escape.

  But what was unbelievable to him was that those guys had no intention of escaping and were actually rushing straight towards them.

  At this time, he saw parachutes passing through the billowing smoke.

  Like dandelions floating in the fire.

  Their lives were burning at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  However, even so, the flying artillery fire and bullets could not change the direction of their burning.

  Looking at the parachutes floating down from the sky, the gunner standing behind the 100mm anti-aircraft gun had his eyes full of disbelief and muttered in his sleep.

  ”…Are these people crazy?!”


  It was actually a parachute!

  These natives actually planned to use this ridiculous thing to board their steel fortress.

  Even if a few people were lucky enough to pass through their firepower network and board their airship, what would happen?

  Even if they deployed five thousand-man teams on the ground, there were still three thousand-man teams on standby on the airship.

  Dozens or hundreds of ants…

  they would be torn to pieces by their firepower in minutes.

  Inside the bridge.

  Looking at the paratroopers who forcibly landed, General McLennan’s face was also full of stunned expressions.

  Although he didn’t know what kind of confidence these people had, daring to forcibly land on his airship with such a small number of people, he couldn’t take it lightly at this moment.

  Those natives paid such a great price and desperately sent these people to his face, it was not just to accompany him to watch the fireworks.

  Suddenly coming to his senses, General McLennan shouted and ordered.

  ”Adjust the direction of the engine! Aim it at the sky!”

  The adjutant also quickly came to his senses and took the order.


  As the order was issued, the engines deployed on both sides of the airship slowly turned their directions, and the propellers were aimed directly upward.

  The engines started and the propellers began to rotate.

  The huge airflow blew from the bottom to the top, pushing the airship gently downward while also blowing the parachutes in the air in a messy direction.

  Seeing that the brothers of the Burning Corps were in crisis, “Lingyun”, who had already left the battlefield, suddenly rushed back to the battlefield.

  At this moment, it had thrown away the electronic jammer.

  It no longer sent out any signals, like a dagger hidden in the dark night, approaching the target silently and swiftly.

  ”…The speed of raindrops falling is 30 to 60 yards.”

  Holding the joystick tightly with both hands, Luo Yu’s eyes were fixed on the row of engines on the right side of the airship, and he muttered softly.

  ”The triggering limit of the deflector shield should be around 60 yards.”

  ”As long as you slow down the moment you approach the edge of the shield…”

  ”It should be able to get in!”

  Although it was also the first time he tried this kind of messy operation.

  But a forward-swept wing aircraft…

  should be able to do it!

  Counting down the time to approach the shield, Luo Yu gritted his teeth and quickly pulled up the joystick while pushing the throttle! The nose of

  the plane suddenly lifted up.

  The tail of the plane ran to the front in an instant.

  And at this moment, Luo Yu, who had withstood the acceleration that almost made people faint, suddenly pushed down the boost valve next to his right leg.

  The arc of fire swaying in the engine was originally like a flame, but at this moment, the hot light lit up in the engine.

  The speed of the plane dropped suddenly, and the violently shaking forward-swept wings were torn into pieces by the high-speed airflow.

  Before he could even make a click, Luo Yu felt his eyes go black and disconnected from the game. The

  unbalanced fuselage rolled like a fallen leaf and continued to move forward, but it was not pushed aside by the deflector shield, but was swept into the propeller of the starboard wing of the airship together with the broken wing. The

  bursting fire broke the right wing of the airship, and the unbalanced airship tilted in an instant.

  After finally stabilizing the parachute, Ye Shi looked at the explosion with his eyes wide open in surprise.

  ”What the hell?!”

  Cobra maneuver? !

  He was not the only one who was surprised.

  The soldiers and officers on the Iron Heart were also surprised.

  They didn’t even see how the plane approached.

  It slowed down and passed through the shield at the last moment, and used itself as a bullet and crashed into their starboard wing.

  The right side lost power. In order to avoid rolling over, the Iron Heart had to shut down the engine on the left, and the pressure on the paratroopers who were landing was reduced.

  However, the threat of death did not go away.

  Even though they had entered the blind spot of the 100mm anti-aircraft gun, even though the opponent’s propeller had been forced to shut down, there were still dozens of 10mm machine guns aimed at them from all directions. The

  exoskeleton has a certain bulletproof ability, but it does not mean that they are immune to bullets.

  The limit of the deflector shield has been crossed, and the surging firepower is coming.

  More than half of the 500 paratroopers have been killed or injured so far.

  Many people were shot into sieves in the sky, floating to the ground, or hanging on the gun barrels that stood like hedgehogs outside the airship.

  Looking directly at the flickering fire and the last thirty meters, Lao Bai pulled out the dagger hanging on the chest of the heavy cavalry exoskeleton and roared to charge at the almost paralyzed communication equipment.

  ”Even if our flesh and blood burn out before hitting the ground-”

  ”We must sprinkle the burning embers into their eyes!”

  ”Cut the parachute rope!”

  As the voice fell, he swung the blade in his hand, cut off the parachute wrapped around the exoskeleton, and passed through the surging rain of bullets.

  The distance of thirty meters was gone in an instant.

  His feet stepped heavily on the top of the airship, smashing two dents in the insurmountable steel armor.


  It is not as invincible as it looks.

  ”Target 400mm main gun!”

  Pulling out the rifle on his back, he shouted loudly into the communication channel.

  ”Everyone who can still move-”

  ”Keep moving!”

   This chapter took a bit of time to write, sorry for being late.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode