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Chapter 403: It’s Over, I Can’t Do It

Chapter 403: It’s Over, I Can’t Do It

2024-05-29 作者: 错哪儿了

  Chapter 403 is over. I can’t beat

  Lashou.com. It’s really fast. Less than half an hour after the order was issued, the teams deployed in the three regions all gathered their forces.

  They began to conduct regional analysis on the university town, formed three feasibility plans of their own, and used their strong financial resources to increase the settlement fee and subsidy share in this area. After the flyers were issued, they immediately caused widespread heated discussions.

  This is the most common method used by Lashou.com, using money to open the way.

  Is it vulgar? Vulgar, but it works.

  Because nothing is more real than real money.

  Then, a gold medal marketing team organized by Kang Jingtao entered the university town with bulging wallets.

  Dark clouds are pressing down on the city, and the city is about to be destroyed. The armor shines towards the sun and the golden scales open!

  Kang Jingtao held the line in the rear and told everyone not to confront the gangsters in the group buying. If they advance, we will retreat, and if they retreat, we will advance.

  There are countless districts and streets between the four university towns, and they are unable to keep an eye on every little thing.

  You have to say that the team of Lashou.com is really good at what they do. A little cold light comes first, and then the gun comes out like a dragon. Of these twelve words, they only took one day to achieve the first six words.

  At this time, Kang Jingtao has made the Shanghai plan more complete, and the details have been enriched to the link after the Sui Xin group was driven away.

  This is how business is done. You have to have a forward-looking vision and make one more step in advance to be invincible in the future timeline.

  As for group buying? In his eyes

  , it is already a dead man. What they have to do now is to be ambitious and hungry to eat the meat of the barbarians, and laugh and talk about drinking the blood of the Huns!

  Kang Jingtao straightened his body, and his chest was full of passionate and fiery poems.

  Under such an arrangement, several gold medal market specialists under Kang Jingtao have come to the business district around the university town, and are responsible for one of the hottest shops respectively, and use the coveted funds to promote their own websites.

  Kang Jingtao has a gold medal specialist named Wang Zhi, who has worked his way up from the bottom. He speaks well and has a sweet mouth. He also knows the psychology of merchants because he has run a small business before.

  This time, Mr. Kang entrusted him with an important task and handed over the most popular fast food brand Burger King to him.

  According to Mr. Kang, Burger King has never been connected to online sales channels before. If they can negotiate cooperation this time, they may get more cooperation opportunities in the future.

  Wang Zhi came to the Burger King store in front of a university town with a passion, but was rejected as expected.

  ”I’m sorry, we are very busy now and have no time to listen.”

  ”What are you busy with?”

  ”We have ordered a lot of goods recently, and we don’t have enough manpower. Please come again later.”

  Wang Zhi immediately expressed his willingness to help, and only asked the merchant to spare an hour to listen to his introduction.

  This is actually a very common way to do ground promotion, because they also know that if you want to persuade merchants to cooperate with you, you must brush enough goodwill in the early stage, so that the subsequent cooperation negotiations can become smoother.

  Gold medal salesman Wang Zhi helped Burger King for a whole day, receiving and loading goods. He was exhausted and out of breath. In the blink of an eye, it was dusk.

  But through this day’s help, he also had a certain understanding of Burger King’s supply needs.

  Wow, it is worthy of being the hottest fast food brand at present. They actually need so much supply.

  ”Brother Wang, drink some water. You have worked hard today.”

  The beautiful waitress brought a glass of water and handed over a tissue.

  ”Then can we talk about cooperation?”

  After drinking the water, Wang Zhi couldn’t help but put forward the purpose of coming here today.

  ”I’m going to get off work now, how about tomorrow?”

  Hearing this, Wang Zhi nodded, knowing that he couldn’t urge too much, otherwise it would have a counterproductive effect, so he returned to the branch station first.

  After a day’s work, these market specialists will exchange experiences, and according to several other gold medal specialists, their experiences today are similar. They all help unload and load goods. After a day’s work, the merchants around the University Town Business District have a good impression.

  Kang Jingtao listened to the report from his hands and nodded with satisfaction. He felt that three days was too long and he would see results tomorrow.

  The most important thing was that they had not encountered any gangsters recently, and the imagined conflict had not occurred.

  On the second day, Wang Zhi came to the store he was in charge of again. This time, they were ready to sign the contract and planned to get their signatures before this afternoon.

  ”We don’t have time now. Can you please come again tomorrow?”

  ”Are you busy today too?”

  ”Yes, I just received a notice that there is an event to be done and I need to rush to the designated place at the designated time.”

  ”Let me help. Can we talk after ten o’clock?”

  ”Well… okay, but will this be too troublesome?”

  ”No, no.”

  Wang Zhi followed the people in the store to the warehouse area at the back and found that three trucks had been set on fire. These three trucks were not unfamiliar to him. They were the three trucks he helped load before.

  It turned out that the batch of goods was not for the store?

  At this moment, the young lady in the store asked Wang Zhi to get in the car and handed him a bottle of mineral water.

  Wang Zhi smiled, held the handrail of the truck, sat in the cab, and then followed the truck out of the warehouse area. He watched the morning light slowly spread in front of him, and was thinking about how to spend the commission he would get after signing the contract.

  Soon, they came to a road close to the university campus. At this time, there were many similar trucks parked on the roadside, and the people in the trucks were constantly moving things down.

  Wang Zhi was stunned for a moment, and saw his colleague next to the truck next door, and his heart was at a loss.

  But soon, the beautiful waitress came over and asked Wang Zhi to help, and took some kitchen utensils from the car down and started to clean up the venue.

  Probably thinking about the signing, the gold medalists of Lashou.com did not hesitate and immediately started to help. After most of the day’s busy work, the whole street turned into a food street.

  From south to north, many stalls have erected their own signs, and those signs are also very interesting.

  For example, Burger King’s sign is designed like a bus sign, which reads “I miss you very much at Burger King”. Another example is Xitian’s sign, which is similar, with “The wind that misses you blows to Xitian”.

  Wang Zhi walked around the street and found that there were not only food, but also some stalls selling daily necessities, as well as some handmade jewelry stalls, fruit stalls and the like.

  ”It’s time to sign the contract…”

  Wang Zhi took out the contract from his bag and was about to return to the stall to find someone when he suddenly found several workers pulling up a banner and erecting a huge PVC board. When he saw the words on the banner clearly, his mind was instantly confused.

  Group buying offline food festival.

  On the PVC board were the logos of various merchants, with 123 written on it, as if it was a ranking list.

  According to the rules below, this food festival will last for about a week. Users who come to consume through group buying can enter the exclusive page to rate and evaluate the food. The merchants with the most positive reviews will be given discounts according to the rules. For example, the merchant with the most

  positive reviews will have to put up a half-price coupon every Monday.

  The merchant with the second-most positive reviews will have to offer a 40% discount coupon every Tuesday.

  On the third and Wednesdays, there will be a 30% discount coupon, and so on…

  At the same time, Wang Zhi’s colleagues also gathered together, looking at the banner like Wang Zhi, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

  It’s over…

  I was scammed. This is a fucking offline group buying event.

  They worked for the group for nothing for two days…

  At night, when the lights were on, Kang Jingtao drove to the venue of the food festival immediately after getting the news and got off the car in a hurry.

  On the long street with bright lights, there were a lot of college students, eating and laughing, coming and going.

  Some fast food stalls made their food on the spot, and the processing links were completely transparent, showing their cleanliness and hygiene, and satisfying the curiosity of college students.

  For some businesses that rely on the venue, such as Heli Lao, they couldn’t move the hot pot over, so they began to promote their various soup bases and played a hand in the oden mode.

  Kang Jingtao strolled around the street with the crowd, and his expression became more and more silent.

  Seven days, Kang Jingtao knew that no matter what Lashou did within these seven days, it would probably not be able to suppress the popularity of this food festival.

  But for the group buying market, every minute and every second is money, and they can’t wait for seven days in this place.

  Especially since Nuomi.com’s business is so smooth now, even the fucking daylily will be cold after seven days.

  Kang Jingtao still didn’t know why group buying had such a strong market appeal that it could make these merchants follow him, but he knew that it was definitely not a good idea to fight against group buying now.

  In addition, letting users decide the merchants with discounts in the next period based on the number of good reviews is not only accurate, but also has a high degree of user participation. The cost is even lower than the half-price discount, and the user loyalty will be improved at once.

  After all, it was my choice. My favorite merchant was ranked first, and there was a discount feedback.

  Favorability, loyalty, cost and effect, all reached the peak in an instant.

  Who the hell came up with this marketing strategy?

  Kang Jingtao felt that his spine was numb, and the sweat pores all over his body were emitting cold air.

  ”Boss Kang, what should we do now?”

  ”No, let’s not do it in the university town for now. Let’s go back and have a meeting to study new strategies.”

  Kang Jingtao got in the car and returned to the Shanghai branch. He directly spread out the regional map, looked at his previous entry roadmap, and then threw the group into the trash can and took out a new one.

  First, avoid the university town, yes, avoid the university town… Then, uh, yes, avoid the university town and use Nuomi.com to spread out to the center.

  He has been in Shanghai for a week and has not made any achievements. He has no time to continue to tossing. Now the only way is to open a gap from the area of ​​Nuomi.com.

  When he thought of this, Kang Jingtao wanted to curse. Nuomi.com definitely knows something.

  Then he remembered a piece of knowledge.

  Before Nuomi.com got the merchant resources of Suixintuan, they were doing business in Shanghai University Town.

  At that time, the industry felt that Nuomi.com looked down on the university town, so they actively cooperated with Suixintuan. After getting the resources, they immediately mobilized the front and all the staff rushed to Shenzhen. But now it seems that the reason for their leaving Shanghai University Town is not that simple.


  Where did Pintuan come from?

  Lashou.com has always been aiming for the first place since its inception and has never thought of looking back.

  Whether it was Nuomi, Suixintuan, Wowotuan, a small company, Tuanbao, or Dianping, the big brother that suddenly went out of business, Lashou.com actually didn’t take them seriously.

  But this time, Kang Jingtao suddenly felt like a thorn in his back.

  ”Queen, the food festival has already started.”

  ”Okay, thank you for your hard work.”

  Tan Qing smiled, took out a document from the drawer, and put it into the shredder. It said the first version of the food festival plan in March.

  That’s right, doing business is like this. You have to have a forward-looking vision and make one more step in advance to be invincible in the future timeline, so they started preparing for the food festival plan early in the morning.

  Originally, this food festival was going to start on the weekend, but Lashou.com had to get involved now, so they had to do it in advance.

  They did the event in advance not because they were afraid of Lashou, but to tell the group buying market that in the university town area, if you want to compete with me, then you should consider whether you can afford it.

  Our group buying business is very small, and we only work in the university town, and we don’t get involved in other places. It’s best for us to stay out of each other’s way, but if you insist on messing with our territory, then come if you dare, and see who gets anxious first.

  Three days later, the food festival not only attracted the attention of several nearby universities, but even the surrounding residents also participated.

  However, because of Jiang Qin’s previous arrangements, asking them to close their doors and never get involved, this regional enthusiasm did not show its aggressiveness and predatory nature.

  They seemed to be using this event to announce to the outside world that you fight your own battles, and we only work in the university town.

  At this time, the Lashou team, who had been fooled into working for two days in the university town, went crazy and rushed into the market that Nuomi.com had already grabbed, shouting “I want to avenge my shame” or something like that.

  Chang Jiansong heard the feedback from the first-tier market and immediately knew that they must have encountered hooligans in the university town.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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