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Chapter 403 Only the Heart Can Be Trusted

Chapter 403 Only the Heart Can Be Trusted


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 403 Only the heart can be trusted.

  A few days after returning from Yanyun Mountain, Wei Changtian has been learning the art of escape from Lao Zhang.

  If the “Star Scabbard” is the only space-related magic weapon he has seen so far, then this escape technique is the only space-related magical power. ”

  Book of Jin”: Escape technique, you can hide when you see the object. But earth escape is the fastest, because there is earth everywhere.

  As the five kinds of magic techniques of immortals called by Taoism, the five elements of escape are divided into “gold, wood, water, fire and earth”.

  The one that Lao Zhang mastered is the “earth escape”, which can only be performed when standing on the ground.

  As long as you step on the ground, recite the formula silently, and the internal force runs in the body in a fixed way, the person who casts the technique and the living things he touches can move instantly.

  This magical power sounds awesome, but in fact there are many harsh conditions for its use.

  First of all, if you want to perform the escape technique, you must follow the Taoist practice path.

  Secondly, since the internal force must be filled in the whole body of the practitioner when performing the spell, the practitioner must be a warrior with all 64 meridians open.

  Obviously, this alone can block 99% of practitioners. At least at

  present, the only person who can meet this condition around Wei Changtian is Ah Chun, who has a congenital Taoist body. As for Xu Qingwan, Liang Qin, Chu Xianping and others, none of them can.

  This also makes Wei Changtian’s idea of ​​”carrying forward” the escape technique directly fall through.

  However, although these people can’t learn it, Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen can.

  If he finds an opportunity to teach the escape technique to the two of them, they will have an extra way to save their lives, and Wei Changtian will be more assured of their safety in the capital.


  ”Master, my parents also have all sixty-four meridians.”

  In the backyard, Wei Changtian, who had just successfully “flashed” to a few feet away, stood still, and then approached Old Zhang with a flattering smile on his face: “Can I teach them the escape technique?”

  ”The Five Elements Escape Technique is the unique skill of the White Palace. Teaching you is already an exception.”

  Old Zhang glared unhappily: “So as long as I am still here, I will never allow you to do such a thing!”


  Wei Changtian nodded nonchalantly: “Then I will teach you after you are gone!”


  Glancing at Wei Changtian helplessly, Old Zhang said nothing more, which was considered as tacitly agreeing with the former’s approach.

  In fact, from the moment he decided to teach the escape technique to Ah Chun, he had already expected that the “unique skill would be leaked” was inevitable.

  But he still did it.

  Perhaps this is the last “parting gift” that Old Zhang wanted to leave for Wei Changtian.

  After all, they were a master and apprentice, and Wei Changtian had called him “Master” no matter what.


  ”Listen, it takes a long time to prepare before performing the escape technique, so you must be extremely cautious when performing the technique against the enemy.”

  He walked slowly to a bluestone and sat down. Old Zhang said seriously: “Also, the farther you move, the harder it is to control your position, and even the direction is difficult to control after exceeding a certain distance.”

  ”Just like Ah Chun last time, he could no longer control the direction of his appearance, so he happened to be bumped into by you.”

  ”So unless you are using it to escape, don’t run too far at once, and try not to exceed a range of ten feet.”



  The afternoon sun was lazy, and Old Zhang shrugged his eyelids and explained the “precautions” of the escape technique one by one.

  Although his expression was very impatient, he spoke very carefully, and even repeated some places several times.

  And Wei Changtian did not interrupt, but stood by and listened until the former had said everything he should say, and then smiled and asked: “Master, I understand everything about the escape technique.”

  ”Besides that, do you have anything else to tell me?”


  patted the dust on his clothes, and Old Zhang was silent for a while and suddenly sighed.

  ”Alas, I know you don’t really regard me as your master.”

  ”I don’t blame you.”

  ”If it were me when I was young, I would probably think the same as you.”

  ”I can only say that you and I have the fate of master and disciple, but not the relationship of master and disciple.”

  ”I don’t have anything to tell you, but I have one sentence. It is the only feeling I have in this life.” ”

  I have said this to Master Qin before, but it seems that he didn’t listen.”

  ”So now you can listen if you want to, and if you don’t want to listen, just ignore it.”


  Looking at Wei Changtian with a complicated expression, Old Zhang paused for a moment, then said slowly, as if sighing and admonishing:

  ”Everything in this world is impermanent, ever-changing, illusory and real.”

  ”If you can’t see clearly between the real and the unreal, then remember that only your heart is the most trustworthy.”

  If you can’t see clearly, only your heart is trustworthy.

  His eyebrows moved slightly, and Wei Changtian remembered that Old Zhang had indeed said something similar to Qin Zhengqiu.

  However, when the same words were said to himself again, the meaning seemed to be different.


  Without saying anything, Wei Changtian slowly sat down next to Old Zhang.

  The old man with white hair and the young man sat and watched the clouds rise and fall.

  The sunlight slowly faded from golden yellow, and then mixed with a little orange.

  The old and the young sat on the bluestone without saying a word, from afternoon to dusk.

  A few wisps of smoke rose sparsely from the front yard, and a lone crane was flying towards the boundless sky.

  Tonight, the small house was as peaceful and quiet as usual.

  The next morning.

  After breakfast, Wei Changtian, Agou and Achun escorted Old Zhang all the way out of the city.

  The latter had very little luggage. Apart from a few clothes, he only had the long sword that had almost killed “Yan Luo” twice.

  Although it no longer had the sharp edge it once had, the blade was still smooth and bright.

  It was just that the sword was new and the man had grown old. The man who had once traveled around the world with it was no longer the same as when he was young.


  ”Okay, let’s go back.”

  Without saying a word, Old Zhang bent down and got into the carriage, looking very relaxed.

  Several Freemasons who served as his guards on this trip turned their eyes to Wei Changtian, and then saw the latter waving his hand with the same ease.

  ”Well, let’s go.”

  ”Yes! Young Master!”

  Several Freemasons responded in unison, immediately mounted their horses and whipped their whips, escorting the carriage to the distance.

  Soon, the group disappeared at the end of the official road, and Wei Changtian also turned his head to look at Achun and Agou beside him.

  Logically speaking, the former’s feelings for Old Zhang should not be as deep as the latter’s.

  But at this moment, the emotions of the two little girls are just the opposite.

  Ah Chun, who has only known Old Zhang for a few days, looks reluctant, while Ah Gou, who has been with Old Zhang since childhood, looks indifferent.

  How can you be so careless?

  Wei Changtian said nothing, and after standing there for a while, he took the two little girls back to the small house by car.

  Although it was still morning when they set out, it was lunch time when they came back.

  Ah Chun hardly ate the meal, while Ah Gou ate it as deliciously as before.

  ”Big Brother! I’m full!”

  ”I’m going back to my room for a nap!”

  Putting down the chopsticks and patting his swollen belly, Ah Gou jumped out of the dining hall.

  She ran briskly back to her room, tiptoed to close the door, took off her shoes and socks, and slowly got into bed.

  Lying on the bed with his eyes open, Ah Gou tried hard to fight his tears.

  She didn’t dare to blink, took a deep breath, and clenched her hands into fists.

  But after struggling for a long time, she still couldn’t hold it in.

  ”Grandpa, Grandpa.”

  ”Ah, Ah Gou doesn’t have a grandpa anymore.”

  ”Wuwuwu, I want grandpa, I want grandpa.”


  The crying voice hidden under the quilt was a little muffled.

  The sunlight poured in from the window, like a big wrinkled hand, gently falling on her body.

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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