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Chapter 405: Going on a Business Trip with a Beautiful Secretary

Chapter 405: Going on a Business Trip with a Beautiful Secretary


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 405: Business trip with a beautiful secretary

  June 13th.

  Xu Xiuwen needs to go to Fei City.

  He has to meet some people in Fei City and discuss some things, so he has to treat them to a meal, including drinking.

  He obviously can’t do it alone.

  So just two days later, Lu Xinyao, the new secretary who transferred from the front desk, went on a business trip with Xu Xiuwen.

  At noon on June 13th.

  Xu Xiuwen drove Lu Xinyao from the company to Fei City.

  Because they planned to come back at night, neither of them brought a change of clothes.

  Along the way, Xu Xiuwen didn’t talk much with Lu Xinyao.

  He was concentrating on driving most of the time.

  It was only when he entered the service area to rest in the middle that he casually mentioned, “Lu Xinyao, you should get a driver’s license.”

  Lu Xinyao nodded repeatedly.


  Xu Xiuwen came to Fei City this time.

  Mainly to meet with the person in charge of Anhui Provincial TV Station, send the TV series over, and discuss cooperation matters by the way.

  This is not the first time Xu Xiuwen has cooperated with Anhui Provincial TV Station.

  The second round broadcast rights of his first drama were sold to three local stations, including Anhui Provincial TV Station.

  After the TV series was broadcast on the Anhui Provincial Video Channel, it received a good response and the ratings were also very gratifying.

  With the foundation of the previous cooperation, Xu Xiuwen contacted the person in charge of the provincial station this time, and the other party immediately agreed to meet and discuss in detail.

  Xu Xiuwen drove to Fei City and then went straight to the Anhui Provincial TV Station building. When

  he arrived downstairs of the TV station building,

  the guard would not let him in because he did not have a certificate.

  Xu Xiuwen called the person in charge of the TV series review department.

  After the call, the other party immediately came down to pick him up.

  The person in charge of TV series at Anhui Provincial TV Station is a man under 40 years old named Meng Dong.

  Meng Dong is about 1.75 meters tall, wears glasses, and has a very gentle image.

  Meng Dong is also very easy to talk to and has a very enthusiastic attitude.

  The two sides discussed for a long time in the conference room of the TV station building. A

  preliminary cooperation intention was reached.

  However, the premise is that the quality of the TV series must be up to standard, and this still needs to be reviewed by the people in the TV department, which takes some time.

  The price of the TV series is the same as that of Jiangsu Province, 350,000 per episode.

  The previous life’s “Why Sheng Xiao” had a total of 32 episodes, while Hang Fei’s “Why Sheng Xiao” was filmed very carefully, and the final film had a total of 36 episodes.

  The total cost is 12.6 million.

  The cost of shooting the second drama is obviously more than the first drama, but the price of 12.6 million is not bad.

  Xu Xiuwen did not bargain any more.

  The two parties verbally agreed that as long as the review is passed, the contract will be signed after the TV series obtains the distribution rights.

  After discussing the TV series, it was already five o’clock.

  Xu Xiuwen took the opportunity to ask Meng Dong to dinner.

  Meng Dong agreed to have dinner together, but insisted that he should treat him to the dinner and do his best to be a good host.

  This dinner tonight is indispensable.

  Before Xu Xiuwen came, he had already learned about the restaurants in Fei City and booked a private room by phone in advance.

  Xu Xiuwen told Meng Dong that he had booked the private room in advance and even paid the deposit.

  Hearing this, Meng Dong had to agree to his treat, but insisted that he would treat other activities for dinner.

  Before going to the restaurant, Meng Dong also called several people from the TV station, including the staff responsible for review.

  He also called a male host from the TV station.

  I won’t mention his name.

  But when Xu Xiuwen saw this male host, he was very excited.

  Because Xu Xiuwen not only knew this male host, but also grew up watching him host the show.

  He was very familiar with this male host.

  But what surprised Xu Xiuwen was that the male host was actually an LSP in private.

  From time to time, he would tell a few dirty jokes at the dinner table.

  Although his jokes were uncivilized, they were indeed very interesting. Coupled with his professional way of speaking, the listeners couldn’t help laughing.

  Lu Xinyao blushed throughout the whole process.

  The meal lasted for two hours.

  As people who work in the TV station, they all have a good alcohol tolerance.

  As a guest from afar, Xu Xiuwen was naturally persuaded to drink in turns.

  One person persuaded once, and it was seven or eight times in a round.

  Even if Xu Xiuwen’s body had been strengthened, he couldn’t drink more than these people.

  Fortunately, Lu Xinyao helped.

  As Xu Xiuwen’s secretary, she helped him block a lot of alcohol.

  But even so, Xu Xiuwen still drank a lot, and he felt a little dizzy.

  Towards the end, the male host invited people to go to the bar to pick up girls.

  Seeing the male host who was usually dignified and serious on the show, now talking about picking up girls.

  In Xu Xiuwen’s mind, the image of the male host was completely shattered.

  Xu Xiuwen remembered that his mother Ning Wanqiu had always admired this male host.

  If she saw the male host like this, would she still admire him?

  Obviously not. Of course

  , Xu Xiuwen would not say these thoughts at the dinner table.

  Wouldn’t that offend people?

  But then again.

  Although this male host is an LSP and likes to tell dirty jokes, he is still a very good person.

  You can feel that he is not the kind of cunning person.

  If you put aside the LSP personality.

  Xu Xiuwen felt that he and him hit it off at first sight.

  On many topics, the two of them got along well.

  Before the end of the dinner, Xu Xiuwen took the time to go to the bathroom, and then paid for the meal.

  Back to the box.

  The male host suggested going to the bar to play.

  None of his colleagues at the TV station objected. Instead, they were all eager to give it a try.

  Xu Xiuwen also saw that this group of people were all LSPS.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t want to spoil their interest, so he agreed to go together.

  A meal of wine had brought Xu Xiuwen and these people closer.

  At least on the surface.

  Meng Dong suddenly pulled Xu Xiuwen aside and asked with a smile: “What about her?”

  Dong signaled Lu Xinyao with his eyes. Xu

  Xiuwen turned his head and took a look. Lu Xinyao was smiling all the time.

  Her face was flushed, also because of the wine.

  Meng Dong said: “Brother will take you to see it later. It’s not convenient to have a woman here. Otherwise, you can let her go back first.”

  Xu Xiuwen said: “Brother Dong, she came with me. Her home is not here. She has nowhere to go back.”

  ”Are you stupid? Get a room and let her go to sleep first. Don’t leave tonight. Go back tomorrow.”

  ”Then I’ll ask her.” Xu Xiuwen didn’t know what Lu Xinyao was thinking.

  He was not a person who acted arbitrarily. He was more respectful of others.

  After hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, Lu Xinyao immediately said, “Mr. Xu, I’ll go with you.”

  ”We’re going to the bar.”

  ”I know, but I’m your secretary, and I have a responsibility to go with you and ensure your safety.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled, “You’re just a secretary, not a bodyguard.”

  In fact, Xu Xiuwen also hoped that Lu Xinyao could go to the hotel to sleep.

  After all, Meng Dong had just told him that he would take him to see it later.

  Although I don’t know what to see, it is indeed not very convenient with Lu Xinyao around.

  But after seeing Lu Xinyao’s firm eyes, Xu Xiuwen knew that it was impossible to persuade her.

  He also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade, “Then you go with us.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Xu.”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t persuade Lu Xinyao.

  He looked up at Meng Dong and shook his head.

  Meng Dong immediately floated a questioning look.

  That look seemed to say, if you can’t handle a secretary, how can you be a boss?

  Xu Xiuwen had no choice but to smile bitterly.

  Several people were ready to leave.

  After learning that Xu Xiuwen had paid the bill, Meng Dong yelled that he would pay for the next expenses.

  The group moved towards the bar.

  Soon they came to a famous local bar in Fei City.

  Because it was already late, when they arrived at the bar, it was already crowded.

  Xu Xiuwen rarely went to bars in both his past and present lives.

  On the one hand, he didn’t like the dim environment in the bar, and on the other hand, he didn’t have money to go to the bar to play around.

  Now of course he has money, but his habit of not liking to go to the bar still remains.

  Today, he was with Meng Dong and his group. If he were alone, he would not have come to the bar to play. The

  bar they came to was called Colorful Sunshine.

  Although the name of the bar is Colorful Sunshine, the environment inside the bar has nothing to do with sunshine.

  This bar completely fits Xu Xiuwen’s usual impression of bars.

  The colorful lights on the top of the bar are almost blinding.

  There are all kinds of people everywhere.

  On the dance floor of the bar, there are a large number of young men and women at the moment.

  They twist their bodies wantonly on the stage.

  There are some young ladies wearing revealing clothes, some of whom look pretty good, especially under the blessing of the psychedelic lights in the bar, their temperament is charming.

  But even so, they still can’t catch Xu Xiuwen’s eyes.

  Whether it is the girls around him or the girls he knows, there are too many beautiful girls.

  Not to mention the far ones, his secretary Lu Xinyao is definitely not inferior to any woman here. However,

  for Meng Dong and others, they come to the bar to find excitement, and appearance is not something they consider.

  After all, if they really want to see beautiful women, they usually see a lot of them on TV.

  Meng Dong and the male host seem to be regular customers here.

  Following them, Xu Xiuwen came to a large booth, and then Meng Dong called the male waiter and ordered a bunch of drinks.

  After Meng Dong ordered the drinks, he leaned over to Xu Xiuwen’s ear and said, “Xu, brother, you play for a while, I’ll come to find you later.”

  After that, Meng Dong went into the crowd and disappeared.

  He looked back and saw that the male host was gone.

  Only Xu Xiuwen, Lu Xinyao and the remaining few TV station people were left in the booth.

  At the invitation of one of them, everyone raised their glasses and drank.

  Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

  Meng Dong and the male host did not come back.

  At this time, everyone in the booth, including Xu Xiuwen, was drunk.

  Xu Xiuwen had drunk a lot and felt dizzy. Now he drank some more wine and felt even more dizzy.

  Seeing this, Lu Xinyao hurriedly blocked the wine for Xu Xiuwen.

  At this time, Meng Dong, who had disappeared since entering the bar, suddenly came back.

  He walked to Xu Xiuwen and sat down, then picked up the cup on the table, poured himself a large glass, and drank it all in one breath.

  Meng Dong put down the cup and asked with a smile: “Brother Xu, why don’t you go up and play for a while?”

  ”I’m not interested in dancing.”

  ”Is that so.”

  ”Brother Dong, where did you go just now?” Xu Xiuwen asked.

  ”I just went over there to meet a friend.”

  ”Boyfriend or girlfriend?”

  Meng Dong smiled mysteriously: “Of course it’s a female friend.”

  ”Do they know your female friend?” Xu Xiuwen asked curiously.

  Meng Dong showed a disgusted expression, “How could they know Ge Lin?”

  ”Then why don’t you bring her here and introduce her to us.”

  Meng Dong was speechless.

  He was silent for a few seconds, and finally said: “Ge Lin doesn’t like crowded places.”

  ”Are you sure it’s a female friend? Her name is Ge Lin?”

  ”Of course I’m sure.”

  ”Your female friend is quite interesting.”

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”Don’t like crowded places, and come to the bar?”

  Meng Dong was speechless.

  ”What does your friend look like?”

  At this point, Meng Dong instantly became confident.

  ”I’m not bragging. There are few women in the world who are prettier than her. She is so beautiful that I have nothing to say.”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed when he heard it. “Is it true? There are such beautiful women in this bar? Are you kidding me?”

  Meng Dong got anxious when he heard it. “How could I kid you? I’m not the only one who thinks so. Many people think so.”

  There is nothing lacking in this world, but there is no lack of beautiful women.

  Seeing Meng Dong said so, Xu Xiuwen naturally believed it.

  He nodded and said nothing.

  However, seeing that he didn’t say anything, Meng Dong thought he still didn’t believe it, and immediately couldn’t help it: “No, I have to take you to see it. As long as you take a look, you will know that I am not kidding you.”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed dryly, “Brother Dong, there is no need for that. I believe you.”

  ”No, you must come with me to see it.”

  Meng Dong seemed to be arguing with Xu Xiuwen.

  ”Okay, let’s go and take a look.”

  Xu Xiuwen was not without curiosity.

  So Xu Xiuwen stood up and followed Meng Dong to the bar.

  The bar of this colorful sun hotel is a straight bar, about eleven or twelve meters long.

  There are all kinds of drinks on the shelves behind the bar, both domestic and foreign, colorful and dazzling.

  And on the bar stool in the middle of the bar, a woman is sitting alone.

  There is a bottle of wine in front of the woman, and her right fingers are pinching the rim of the glass.

  The glass is shaking gently with her wrist.

  From the back of the woman, this woman is indeed very elegant.

  But as for whether it looks good from the front, Xu Xiuwen doesn’t know.

  Because Meng Dong said to take him over to take a look at Ge Lin, he didn’t take him to Ge Lin.

  But to the far right of the bar.

  The two are six or seven meters away from Ge Lin, and they can only see the side and back, and can’t see his appearance clearly at all.

  Xu Xiuwen was puzzled, “Brother Dong, why don’t you go over?”

  Meng Dong smiled awkwardly and explained, “Ge Lin doesn’t like to be disturbed, so we just take a look here.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled speechlessly after hearing this.

  He couldn’t help but ask: “Brother Dong, no matter how much you dislike being disturbed, it’s always okay to go and talk to your friends.”

  ”Uh, well, I think it’s better not to go.”

  Xu Xiuwen stared at him for a few seconds, and suddenly asked: “Brother Dong, could it be that she doesn’t know you at all?”

  Meng Dong was honest and nodded, “You guessed right, she really doesn’t know me.”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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