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Chapter 405: If You Sucking Me Again

Chapter 405: If You Sucking Me Again


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 405: Just suck it again

  At night, after the rain, Linda felt like an empty mountain after the rain, and the weather was late in autumn.

  Jiang Qin, who was regarded as the most sober person in the world by Ye Ziqing, was hugging his sweet and soft friend and nestling on the sofa in 207, concentrating on watching “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: The Tigers Are Mighty” downloaded from a pirated seed website.

  This IP is very popular in the current animation market. The value of various peripherals alone has exceeded the animation itself. As the second big movie of this IP, it is more popular than Niuqi Chongtian. People have been watching it before and after the New Year.

  At this time, the little rich woman was curled up in his arms, staring at the screen intently, with a pair of white and small jade feet stepping on the edge of the coffee table, with freshly painted red nail polish on them.

  Don’t say, Feng Nanshu is a beautiful lady with long legs and a thin waist, and she looks even more majestic with this color. It

  is more lively than the previous blue, and there is also a hint of high and cold temperament.

  After watching the movie for a while, Feng Nanshu suddenly adjusted her posture, her beautiful eyes glanced at Jiang Qin’s neck, and her warm breath sprayed on Jiang Qin’s Adam’s apple.

  Then she secretly rubbed up, but before she could rub over, Jiang Qin held her head with his hand.

  ”Don’t suck it.” Jiang Qin looked arrogant.

  ”I haven’t sucked it yet.”

  ”Won’t it be too late to tell me after you suck it?”

  Feng Nanshu bluffed her little face and shrank back into his arms again, with the dissatisfaction of a little girl who didn’t get candy.

  Jiang Qin looked at her face: “Why do you always like to suck me? Is my neck sweet?”

  ”You obviously like to suck me too.”

  Feng Nanshu said, looking at her feet, and her toes moved slightly, which was very flexible.

  Jiang Qin coughed and thought that he had to find something else for her to suck, otherwise he would die if this continued.

  Lao Cao was not in his mind during this period, and it must have been sucked by Ding Xue.

  ”Jiang Qin, the movie is over, let’s watch the Year of the Rabbit.”

  Feng Nanshu suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at the screen. Jiang Qin realized that the movie had ended and the final credits were scrolling.

  The rich woman was smart. She knew that after the Year of the Tiger was the Year of the Rabbit. The Year of the Tiger

  , the Rabbit, the Dragon, and the Snake were all very good. Jiang Qin stood up and turned off the TV: “This movie is from 2009. The Year of the Rabbit is still being filmed. You can watch it during the Chinese New Year.”

  ”Then watch the Year of the Ox. The Ox is powerful.”

  ”Everything is powerful, right? The Ox dare not be powerful. If the Ox is powerful, you will cry.”

  Feng Nanshu: “?”

  Jiang Qin stretched out his hand to pick up his coat: “Let’s go. I’ll show you the Ox is powerful when I have a chance later.”

  Feng Nanshu watched Jiang Qin putting on his clothes and knew that today’s happy time was over. So she slowly walked around from the sofa, raised her arms horizontally, and asked Jiang Qin to put on her coat.

  Since she met Jiang Qin and became addicted to him, the rich woman has never bought clothes with zippers. She likes to button them.

  And the more buttons, the better. It would be great if the clothes were covered with buttons.

  Last time she accompanied Gao Wenhui to go shopping in the commercial street, she saw a double-breasted coat in the fashionable Miaomiao House, and she couldn’t walk anymore, and she had to buy it.

  Jiang Qin also buttoned her coat meticulously from top to bottom as usual, and has been doing so for more than two years without any impatience.

  After coming out of 207, Jiang Qin asked Feng Nanshu to lock the door, and then he walked to the next door 208 to take a look, and found that it was already dark inside. Since

  the national group purchase plan was launched, Wei Lanlan, Tan Qing, and Su Nai have successively submitted applications to leave school. In addition, the recent activities have become more and more frequent, and Lu Xuemei has also gone to Shanghai. Now the popularity of 208 is not as good as before.

  Jiang Qin didn’t have the mentality of feeling uncomfortable when seeing employees not working overtime, but he inexplicably felt like a lonely old man, and the more he thought about it, the more pitiful he felt.

  ”Brother, let’s go.”

  Feng Nanshu had already locked the door and waved at him.

  Jiang Qin followed her immediately and put her hand in his pocket: “How did you feel when you watched Tiger and Tiger just now? Do you want to go to the amusement park?”

  This movie tells the story of Tiger Tai Sui forcibly demolishing Sheep Village to build a luxurious amusement park. Because it is for children, the story line is relatively simple, but the carnival theme park is indeed well portrayed.

  Unexpectedly, Feng Nanshu shook her head and refused: “No, not to the amusement park.”

  ”You even like the rocking car so much, but you don’t want to go to the amusement park?”

  ”I’m grown up and don’t like such childish things.” Feng Nanshu was as cold as a queen.

  Jiang Qin said: “Then I’ll go to ride the rocking car tomorrow, do you want to go?”



  After sending Feng Nanshu away from the entrepreneurship base, Jiang Qin suddenly received a call from Gao Wenhui, saying that they were having supper together and asked Jiang Qin and the others if they wanted to come.

  Jiang Qin had eaten some nitrocellulose, phenol resin, ethyl acetate, ethanol, toluene, dibutyl phthalate, and tri-o-toluene phosphate this afternoon. He felt a little hungry, so he turned around and went to eat. It

  was already 9:30 in the evening. There were not many people in the cafeteria. The outsourced cafeteria even turned off half of the lights to save electricity, and the whole environment was dim.

  Fan Shuling was also there, holding a book of postgraduate entrance examination questions in her hand. It seemed that she had already planned to start preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.

  This is the development path of normal college students. People like Jiang Qin who don’t attend classes and tinker with small businesses all day are weird.

  ”It’s so late, there is still food in the cafeteria?”

  ”I ordered it from outside, and it was delivered directly through a group purchase, but I accidentally ordered too much and couldn’t finish it.”

  Jiang Qin sat down and pinched a lotus root slice to feed Feng Nanshu, watching her chew it twice like a rabbit with a bright smile.

  Feng Nanshu looked at him a little silly, thinking for a long time and didn’t know what he was laughing at, but she felt that he had some bad intentions, so she reached out and pushed his face aside.

  At this time, Gao Wenhui had just finished gnawing on a chicken claw. She wiped her hands and said, “Jiang Qin, someone called me recently and said he was from a publishing house and wanted to publish my book.”

  ”Publish what? Your stupid non-fiction novel?”

  ”Yeah, he said my story is well-written and should sell well.”

  Jiang Qin chuckled, thinking that the geeks wanted to fucking rule the earth, right? He even published it: “What did the publishing house tell you?”

  Gao Wenhui took out her cell phone and glanced at the text message: “He told me to write 200,000 words as soon as possible, and then raise 30,000 yuan, and then wait half a year before it can be put on the shelves.” ”

  And I have to ask you to pay? This is a scam.”

  ”He said that if I pay 30,000 yuan, the sales will be split 50-50, but they can also give me 100,000 yuan and buy it out directly. I think the first one is definitely more suitable.”

  Jiang Qin glanced at her: “You have 30,000 yuan?”

  Gao Wenhui patted her pocket, her arrogant mouth pouted: “I’ve worked in your milk tea shop for so long, don’t you even have 30,000 yuan?”

  ”Damn, how much money did you make from me?”

  ”Sometimes I say nice things, and Nanshu will give me extra bonuses.”

  Hearing this, Feng Nanshu suddenly raised his little face: “Brother, don’t listen to Gao Wenhui’s nonsense.”

  Jiang Qin waved his hands, thinking something nonsense: “Don’t worry about publishing. You have too few words now. Wait for me to make some arrangements later. Miaomiao also has a publishing contract, but it is suppressed by me now, so it is not the time yet.”

  ”Okay then.”

  ”If you want to publish it later, you must revise the text. If you don’t want to waste effort, don’t write below the neck in the future.”

  Gao Wenhui glanced at him, a little confused: “What do you mean don’t write below the neck?”

  ”Find it yourself.”

  Jiang Qin fed Feng Nanshu a chili, then reached out and grabbed a chicken leg and left.

  Gao Wenhui still didn’t understand, so she looked at Feng Nanshu: “What do you mean you can’t write below the neck?”

  The little rich woman was stunned for a while, then her eyes moved down and finally fell on her feet.

  After returning to the dormitory from the first meal, Cao Guangyu, Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao were playing Landlord. When he saw Jiang Qin coming in, Old Ren immediately got up and asked him to take over, and then went to call his beloved Linlin.

  students who are in love have this little thing, they have to sleep with the phone every day, which is so annoying.

  Old Cao had this stage before, and often hid in the quilt and played with Ding Xue all night, and the free packages in the campus card were not enough for them to be slutty.

  ”Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. Lao Ren and I are planning to take our partners out to play. Lao Jiang, are you going?”

  ”Lao Zhou, are you going?”

  Zhou Chao threw out two Qs: “I don’t have a partner. I’ll go just to eat dog food.”

  Jiang Qin looked at him with a disdainful expression: “I don’t have a partner either. We are two single guys keeping each other company. What are we afraid of?”

  ”Aren’t you taking Feng Nanshu with you?”

  ”I should bring her if I go. She’s a bit clingy to me.”

  Zhou Chao’s mouth twitched: “I don’t want to eat dog food, but Brother Jiang, your friend food is even stronger than dog food.”

  Jiang Qin patted his thigh and ignored his words: “We are all juniors. We don’t have many Mid-Autumn Festivals to spend together. If you want to go, just go.”

  ”Then take the postgraduate entrance examination in our college. We’ll apply for a dormitory then.”

  ”Just you? A big bastard like you actually wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination?” Jiang Qin showed an incredible expression.

  Cao Guangyu sneered and retorted without showing any weakness: “Oh, right, I forgot that Lao Jiang doesn’t even attend classes, so he probably has no chance of getting into graduate school.”

  ”Well, I can’t pass the exam, so the school plans to guarantee me admission to graduate school.”

  ”Fuck, why?”

  Jiang Qin grinned: “No way, brand value.”

  Zhou Chao shuffled the cards and put them on the table: “Brother Jiang is now a celebrity at Linchuan University. Because of him, the admission line of Linchuan University has been raised, and it is still very likely that he will be admitted to graduate school.”

  At this moment, Cao Guangyu deeply felt the darkness of society.

  Damn, Lao Jiang has attended fewer classes than he pretends to be, but he is still a star student and a guaranteed admission to graduate school. Is there any law in this world?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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