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Chapter 405: The End of the Battle (Long Chapter)

Chapter 405: The End of the Battle (Long Chapter)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 405 The End of the Battle (Long Chapter)

  The fuel ran out, the long shuttle-shaped escape pod shut down, and the parachutes at the top and tail opened, dragging it down into a patch of yellow sand.

  The half-human-high radiation scorpions were frightened by the noise and fled in all directions, leaving only a few dull-witted yellow beetles shaking their antennae in confusion.

  The sound of leaking air spread, and the hatch opened a crack.

  Several guards carrying submachine guns climbed out first, half-crouching on the ground to be on guard.

  After confirming that it was safe outside, one of them immediately returned to the escape pod and knocked on the door to signal his comrades inside to open the hatch completely.

  Soon, with the help of two guards, the embarrassed General McLen limped out of the escape pod.

  This thing is called an escape pod, but it is actually a large “rocket” with a few parachutes to slow down the descent, so the riding experience is naturally not very good.

  Although he had ridden it several times during exercises, McLen had never thought that he would use it one day.

  ”This damn native… maggots…”

  He kept cursing, his eyes full of haze looking in the sky, worried that a plane would catch up.

  Fortunately, the alliance plane did not catch up with him. The sky was clear for a hundred miles, and everything showed that

  this was already Luoxia Province.

  In addition to him and several guards, there were more than 20 senior officers in the escape pod, including his adjutant and staff.

  This was almost the limit of what this escape pod could accommodate.

  The remaining fuel was not enough to help them fly back to the military base thousands of kilometers away, but here there was also two or three hundred kilometers across the Valley Province.

  Just now in the escape pod, he had learned through the communication channel that the Iron Heart had been completely captured… and it was almost less than ten minutes after he set off.

  Thinking of this, he shuddered involuntarily.

  He didn’t dare to think about how rudely he would be treated if he fell into the hands of those barbarians who ate raw meat and drank blood.

  At the same time, he also learned from the front-line troops that the barbarians not only occupied his airship, but also hung a flag on his bridge.

  The flag seemed to belong to the alliance.


  Now, he finally figured out the identity of the opponent.

  The Legion was not just against a survivor settlement in Boulder City, but the “alliance” composed of all survivor settlements in the southern part of the River Valley Province.

  ”…This group of wild dogs.”

  McLen almost bit his teeth and squeezed out this sentence from his teeth.

  He swore.

  He would come back.

  He would make those people pay for their stupidity and wash away this shame with their rotten blood…


  No matter how furious McLen was, he could not change his embarrassing and embarrassed current situation, and the end of the Legion’s complete defeat in the River Valley Province.

  Fallen Leaf Camp.

  The sound of gunfire continued for a full hour.

  Soldiers in black robes and bulletproof armor and followers in pseudo-military uniforms engaged in a fierce exchange of fire between the tents.

  An hour ago, under the leadership of a group of veterans of the Death Corps and Storm Corps, including Debt Big Eyes, the construction site boy and Brick, more than 200 followers quickly occupied the five ammunition depots and weapon depots of the Fallen Leaf Camp.

  After controlling the ammunition depot, Big Eyes immediately threw weapons to the followers who had not yet recovered.

  ”The Legion burned our homes! Enslaved our brothers, sisters, wives, and children! Today, they want to send us to the front line as cannon fodder!”

  ”We will use our fists and gun barrels to tell them that we are human beings, not beasts kept by these hyenas!”

  ”If you still have a little dignity left, even if there is only a little left–”

  ”Take your guns and follow me!”

  To be honest, this mobilization was prepared in a hurry, and Big Eyes’s people’s joint language was only at an average level, but most people didn’t hear it very clearly.

  However, in the chaos of gunfire, most people were still infected by the passionate voice and subconsciously took the rifles and magazines thrown to them.

  The rebels rolled up their sleeves to distinguish between enemies and friends, and engaged in fierce exchanges of fire with the black-robed soldiers who came to suppress them.

  The most loyal cannon fodder was pulled to the front line, and the more than 3,000 puppet soldiers who stayed behind either had only touched the rifles for a few days or had never seen eye to eye with the Legion, and only succumbed to the tyranny of the Legion and put on this uniform. There were

  only more than 500 Legion soldiers stationed in the Fallen Leaf Camp, and there were more than 100 awakened people who sneaked into the camp.

  Not only that, most of these players were promoted grassroots officers, and they turned their backs with their subordinates after hearing the gunfire.

  Korwe’s troops quickly fell into decline.

  Especially after the front gun compartment of the airship was blown up and the flag of the Alliance flew over the bridge, the black-robed soldiers fell into despair.

  In the chaos, Korway, wearing an exoskeleton, held a rifle in his hand and led more than ten of his guards to the west gate of the camp.

  However, before he reached the door, more than half of the more than ten guards were dead or injured, leaving only four people to protect him.

  Looking at the flying sparks and the flickering fire in the camp, Korway’s face showed a trace of despair.

  He couldn’t figure out why the soldiers of the escort army, who were still fighting fiercely with the natives yesterday, suddenly turned their guns and fierce eyes towards them.

  Especially those grassroots officers, each of them had several or even dozens of native soldiers’ lives in their hands. If they turned against them at this time, wouldn’t they be afraid of being captured and liquidated by the enemy?

  And when did these people collude?

  They were never seen whispering to each other!

  At this moment, a fierce general of the escort army came to him alone with a ripper rifle.

  Korway subconsciously glanced at his arm and saw that the sleeve was not rolled up. He was relieved and signaled the nervous guards next to him not to fire.

  Fortunately, this person did not betray him.

  Having just fought his way out of a sea of ​​corpses, the battlefield guy panted and looked at Korwe and said,

  ”Sir, those traitors who are more likely to cause trouble than help have betrayed the legion! My people were killed when they were suppressing those traitors.”

  ”No matter what, you must not fall into the hands of those barbarians. I will cover you, please retreat quickly!”

  This sentence was made up by Fang Chang for him, and he memorized it for a long time before he could remember it word for word.

  In fact, he originally planned to do something with Da Yan and the others to give a surprise to the guy named Korwei in front of him, but he suddenly received a new task on the forum last night.

  The administrator asked him to continue to play the undercover role and to cover Korwei’s successful evacuation to the military base of the Legion in Luoxia Province. But

  the military order was like a mountain, and the chicken soup could only wait until next time.

  But think about it, the Legion’s defeat was already determined, and there were countless centurions and ten-man teams that surrendered in an organized manner. There were already enough captured officers, and one or two were not bad.

  It would be better to let a few small shrimps go and catch bigger fish later.

  ”These dogs who eat their own backs…” Korwei squeezed out this sentence from his throat with gritted teeth. Looking at the pangolin who was still standing by his side, he couldn’t help but feel moved.

  Even if everyone betrayed him.

  But there are still one or two loyal guys who follow him without leaving.

  He swore.

  If he was lucky enough to survive, he would never let down this shining loyalty.

  ”Cover me!”

  Seeing that Korway had no suspicion, the battlefield man breathed a sigh of relief and said loyally.

  ”Yes! Sir!”


  Shortly after Korway escaped, the armored forces of the Skeleton Corps arrived at the south gate of the Fallen Leaf Camp.

  After seeing the towering quadruple machine guns, the more than 50 sentries stationed at the gate immediately dropped their weapons and surrendered.

  They had wanted to surrender a long time ago.

  They just didn’t want to surrender to those puppet soldiers who rolled up their sleeves.

  After all, they were the dogs they fed themselves. Whether psychologically or physically, they could not accept this humiliation.

  But the final result was actually no different.

  The number of infantrymen of the Skeleton Corps was limited. After confiscating the guns from these guards, they let them squat in a row by the wall with their heads in their hands, and handed them over to the escort soldiers who came to the gate to watch.

  Seeing that the general situation was over, many escort soldiers who had originally helped the legion resist also rolled up their sleeves and defected.

  The last fifty or so black-robed legionnaires were driven to Fallen Leaf Ridge and surrounded by the rebels.

  Among them were junior officers such as the legion’s centurion and centurions who had escaped from the Marine Corps camp.

  Although most of the legion’s troops had surrendered in an organized manner, there were still some who resisted stubbornly.

  However, this did not change anything.

  Under the order of the mole, five No. 1 tanks stopped on the gentle slope and lined up along the edge of the Fallen Leaf camp.

  Aiming at the enemy’s last position on the top of the mountain, Makabazi looked at the loader at his feet and shouted.

  ”High-explosive bomb!”


  The strength player shouted, pulled out the armor-piercing shell in the chamber, then took a shell with HE printed on it from the ammunition rack and stuffed it in, and closed the breech block with force.

  ”Loading completed!”


  Deafening cannon shots sounded, and 88mm high-explosive shells drew parabolas and landed on the top of Fallen Leaf Ridge, creating clouds of smoke.

  At the same time, players carrying assault rifles, led by their squad leaders, orderly passed through the smoke-filled camp and ran towards Fallen Leaf Ridge.

  Standing next to the truck, Canyon Mole raised his telescope and looked at the hilltop suppressed by artillery fire not far away.

  There were no defensive works built there in advance.

  I guess the people in the legion would never have thought that they would be pushed up the mountain in a mess one day.

  ”Tank formations fire alternately, keep suppressing, and cover the infantry to advance to the top of the hill!”

  Excited shouts came from the communication channel.


  The flag of the alliance fluttered hundreds of meters in the sky. With the capture of the Fallen Leaf Camp, there was no suspense about the outcome.

  Now it should be considered as cleaning up the battlefield.

  Glancing at the shivering survivors in the camp, Mole saw Debt Eyes and the construction site boy and brick, leading a group of people from the direction of the camp gate.

  The faces of those puppet soldiers were full of anxiety.

  The identities of these people in front of them were not difficult to guess.

  Even until yesterday, they were still exchanging fire with these people.

  However, these people did not embarrass them, and did not even take away their guns. They just pointed them in a direction and asked them to go to the wall to help watch the prisoners of the legion.

  As for the players who came with them, they did not go, but stayed.

  ”You came at a good time. The group of people on the mountain will be handed over to you. Don’t blame us for not leaving you a soup.” Big Eyes said with a grin.

  Irena, who was standing next to Mole, glanced behind him and asked curiously.

  ”Where is your pangolin?”

  The construction site boy and brick replied with a smile.

  ”The Alliance’s double-class senior agent has a new mission again, this time to cover Cowell’s retreat.”

  ”Cowell?” Mole immediately remembered the name when he remembered the serialized posts of Battlefield Man he had seen on the forum before, “The highest commander of the Fallen Leaf Camp?”

  ”Yes, that’s him.”

  Seeing Big Eyes nod, Mole looked regretful.

  ”Damn! Let a big fish escape.”

  Debt Big Eyes smiled and said, “Is this a big fish? There are only a few small leaders. Those on the airship are the big fish.”

  Mole sighed.

  ”No more nonsense, let’s clean up the battlefield.”

  The gunfire on the distant hilltop has stopped.

  The infantry of the Skeleton Corps has pressed up and is walking down the mountain with several prisoners.

  Looking at the appearance of one of the prisoners, it seems that he is not the same as the ordinary minions. He might be a senior officer. With

  his eyes rolling, Mole suddenly looked at the driver’s seat of the armored truck next to him and gave an order.

  ”Fugui, drive west and find the warlord.”

  The yawning Elf King Fugui rolled his eyes.

  ”Fuck you, why don’t you call me Elf King?”

  ”Hurry up, before he gets far away, scare him with a burst of bullets, and when he fights back, pretend that the engine is damaged and turn the steering wheel like this.”

  As he said that, the mole made a gesture with his hand.

  The Elf King Fugui smiled and started the truck.

  ”OK, I understand what you mean.”

  The armored truck towing the quad-mounted machine gun restarted, separated from the team, and headed west to make things more difficult for the pangolin.

  Mole waved his hand and led the rest of the people deep into the Fallen Leaf Camp, preparing to count the captured spoils with his good brothers.

  The Legion still had a lot of supplies left in the camp.

  Including generators, nutrient paste synthesizers, a large amount of munitions, some workbenches and processing tools for handling waste, and weapons and ammunition enough to arm half a division.

  Without a logistics supply line, the Legion could only make the required ammunition and chemicals by using local materials.

  In the temporary factory, you can even see the gun barrels and bullets that have just been driven out, and even 100mm shells that have not been loaded yet.

  Among those prisoners, there should be some technicians of the Legion, otherwise these wastelanders alone cannot do these difficult jobs.

  While Mole was checking the ammunition depot, Debt Eyes and the Construction Site Man went to the tent of the Battlefield Atmosphere Group.

  That is where the Legion and the officers of the Retinue Army are stationed.

  Including the officers’ personal belongings, slaves, and some valuable goodies, which are usually placed here.

  Loot the spoils.

  Naturally, we have to start from the tent of our good brothers.

  Debt-ridden Big Eyes and the construction site guy smiled at each other and walked towards the tent.

  Maybe the two of them smiled too obscenely, or maybe the bloody bayonet was too scary. Seeing the chaotic army outside attacking, the women who huddled in the tent were terrified on their confused faces.

  One of the girls, who was slightly shorter and had light brown hair, suddenly had a trace of despair in her struggling eyes.

  Since she could remember, she heard the instructors of the Corps say that it was their honor to be the dogs of the Corps. If they were in the hands of those wastelanders and mutants, these weak and thin poor creatures would not even have the chance to be whipped. They would either be abused to death or skinned and thrown into the oil pan.

  When General McLen sent her and others to the pangolin “native”, she was so nervous that she was afraid that he would cook and eat her.

  However, during the past half month of getting along, she gradually discovered that the man was not as barbaric or evil as she imagined, and was even better to them than the people in the legion.

  Not only did he not force them to do things they didn’t want to do, he even sympathized with their physical strength and only let them do some work within their ability, such as washing clothes.

  In order to prevent them from being harassed by other refugees and wastelanders, he deliberately placed their tents next to his own tent.

  It was at that time that she even had an idea that even she herself was surprised by – it felt good to be the servant of the native master.


  that man did not come back.

  Obviously, he fought bravely until the last moment and was killed by these “rebels”.

  Rather than being caught by these demons, it would be better…

  Looking at the two people who walked into the tent, a trace of determination appeared on her face, and she quietly grabbed the razor blade on the table, intending to commit suicide.

  Seeing the little girl’s actions at a glance, the big eyes that were laughing with the construction site man were immediately startled.

  Without time to ask about the situation, he hurried forward and grabbed the little girl’s arm, pulling the blade out of her hand.

  ”Are you crazy?”

  The girl who was yelled at was obviously scared.

  She bit her lips until they turned white, and her wide eyes were full of fear, staring blankly at the man in front of her.

  ”Well, I heard that this is called Stockholm syndrome… but it doesn’t seem to be it,” the construction site boy and the brick interrupted, “Anyway, don’t expect your little communication skills to be able to talk her out, leave it to the NPCs who manage the logistics department.”

  The alliance has places like shelters.

  It is similar to the refugee camp, mainly to accommodate and educate slaves redeemed from slave traders and poor people rescued from plunderers.

  Most of these people have lost the ability to live in a normal society after days of torture, and it is difficult for them to adapt to the new life both mentally and physically.

  Before letting the “supervised” return to society, the alliance will arrange instructors to educate them, teach them to read and read newspapers, and register new resident identities for them after they have acquired at least one skill to make a living, and let them start a new life.

  Although these people have not been tortured, they have lived as slaves since birth, and there is no desire for freedom in their eyes.

  ”This game is so troublesome…”

  The officers knew to surrender when they couldn’t win, but the cannon fodders were almost bleeding, and the most loyal one was a slave…

  Of course, it was not necessarily loyal to the legion.

  Big Eyes sighed.

  Although he was an intellectual, he didn’t want to think about those complicated problems.

  He let go of the hand that was holding her arm, threw the bloody blade aside, and regardless of the blood on his hand, he took out a note from his arms and handed it to the girl who was determined to die.

  ”This is… written to you by the pangolin, take it.”

  Looking at the note in her hand, the girl looked confused.

  Obviously, she was illiterate.

  Debt Eyes took the note back helplessly, cleared his throat, and read it in a not-so-standard human language.

  ”The hotel in Dawn City is recruiting laundry workers. I recommend the Highway Town Inn. The old man named Hook is a good man. When the looters came, we lent them a hand.”

  ”There is no slavery or oppression on the land of the Alliance. We have established our own country there. We swear under the flag that we will never succumb to barbarism.”

  ”Therefore, you don’t have to succumb to me either.”

  ”You have learned the skills to make a living. You can – and should go there and live a normal life.”

  Debt Eyes combined his own understanding and slightly modified his wording to make those words sound less difficult to understand. The

  women in the tent looked at each other.

  The light brown-haired girl lowered her head and was silent for a long time.

  Debt Eyes and the construction site guy casually collected some of the battlefield guy’s personal belongings and prepared to take them back to Dawn City for him. Just

  as the two were about to leave, the light brown-haired girl suddenly raised her head and plucked up the courage to stop the two.

  ”My name is Lisa.”

  The debt-ridden man and the construction worker stopped and stared at her blankly, not understanding what this little girl was going to do.

  Biting her lips lightly, she continued in human language.

  ”He…if he is still here, please tell him for me.”

  ”I’ll wait for him.”

  Big Eyes in Debt and the Construction Site Boy and Brick looked at each other in bewilderment.

  ”What did she say? I was distracted just now.”

  ”Uh, it seems that her name is Lisa? We have to wait for that pangolin.”

  ”Fuck, it’s a cow!”

  Seeing Big Eyes in Debt’s surprise, the Construction Site Boy and Brick blurted out subconsciously.

  ”What kind of cow?”

  Big Eyes in Debt looked at him speechlessly and rolled his eyes.

  ”…Can you please stop being so clever?”

  The Construction Site Boy and Brick said with a guilty look.

  ”I…actually I just want to ask, is it a two-headed cow or a normal cow.”



  The war on the western front came to an end. Chu Guang, who entered the Fallen Leaf Camp, announced the news of the Legion’s defeat and the victory of the Alliance to the local survivors. The area

  around Ruigu City was included in the recovery area by the Alliance, and the Fallen Leaf Camp would be renamed Fallen Leaf City and become part of the Alliance.

  The survivors captured by the Legion can decide freely whether to stay or leave, and for those who are willing to stay, the Alliance will help them rebuild their homes on the ruins… These tasks will be carried out together with the advancement of the front line.

  As for the captured escort soldiers, the Alliance pardoned them for the crimes they committed while working for the Legion during the war.

  Although a small number of them joined the Legion on their own initiative, most of them became cannon fodder under the coercion of the Legion.

  It would be a bit hurtful to hold them accountable.

  Of course, if a survivor points out that one of them used his status as an escort to commit a serious crime, he will still not be able to avoid the punishment of labor.

  As in the past, the Alliance will build a prisoner-of-war camp near Luoye City to detain prisoners of war.

  They will use labor to pay for the war crimes they committed and compensate those who were displaced because of them.

  While Chu Guang was busy leading his little players to clean up the battlefield on the western front, the northern border of the Alliance was ready to move.

  North of Xizhou City.

  At the edge of the intersection of the Tianshui tributary and a barren mountain, a thousand-man army was marching slowly towards the south.

  There were more than a dozen three-wheeled motorcycles and six-wheeled trucks in the team, carrying some light and heavy machine guns, mortars, anti-armor rocket launchers, etc.

  Although these people were carrying infantry weapons, no one would doubt their firepower.

  It was not difficult to see from their various outfits that these people were mercenaries.

  In the River Valley Province, only the Stone City and the Bughra Free State could gather such unorganized and undisciplined mercenaries into a thousand-man team.

  And from the direction these people were moving, it was impossible to guess that they were from the latter.

  Walking next to Hader, the man with a fur felt hat looked at the mountains in the south and laughed and teased.

  ”Would it be a bit bad for us to take action at this time?”

  Hubbard, who was carrying a rifle, said lazily with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

  ”You can’t make a fortune if you always tie your hands and feet.”

  The name Hubbard is also well-known in the Bughra Free State. This is true for both him and the mercenary group named after him.

  Just a few days ago, a mysterious employer found him through an intermediary, hoping that he could attack the Dawn City of the Alliance from the north.

  Hubbard rejected the deal without hesitation at first. After all, it was no different from committing suicide. No matter how much the reward was, he had to live to spend it.

  However, the employer soon provided another clue.

  The Legion would adjust its deployment in the desert, and the airships in Ruigu City would be transferred back to Luoxia Province to support the battle of Oasis No. 9.

  Before that, the Alliance’s troops would be tied down on the western front, and the defenses on the northern front would be empty. At this time, the invasion of Dawn City would not encounter much resistance.

  In addition to providing this information, the employer also said that he could support them with a batch of arms and increase the original reward of 1 million dinars to 1.2 million.

  1.2 million dinars, this is not a small amount.

  Even if it is divided equally, each person can get more than 1,000… Although considering the cost, Hubbard will not divide it this way.

  In addition to the bounty, according to the employer, he can also dispose of the captured spoils at will.

  A long time ago, Hubbard heard that Dawn City had gathered 30,000 to 40,000 survivors and stockpiled aid materials worth hundreds of millions of chips.

  Someone provided money and equipment, and all the spoils belonged to him. With such generous conditions, Hubbard could not think of any reason to refuse.

  The troops marched to the riverside of the Tianshui tributary.

  Looking at the Tianshui so close, Hubbard immediately gave an order.

  ”Prepare to cross the river!”

  After entering the rainy season, the Tianshui River was more turbulent than before, and the river surface of this tributary was obviously much wider, with the narrowest place being a full 1 kilometer.

  However, Hubbard was prepared for this.

  Although his brothers had never fought a water battle, it did not mean that he would not look at the weather.

  About twenty days later, two inflatable rafts the size of double mattresses were put down, and each inflatable valve was equipped with four rowing oars.

  More than a thousand people were divided into two waves. Under the leadership of Hubbard, the two teams of 100 people took the lead in boarding the inflatable rafts to cross the river, while the rest stayed on the shore to guard.

  Standing at the front of the inflatable raft, Hubbard looked at the south bank of the Tianshui tributary and the brothers who were paddling hard in front, and a hint of excitement and cruelty appeared in his eyes.

  Since the Alliance can’t take care of this for a while…

  I’d better stay in Dawn City for a few more days.

  Although the beauty of those refugees is definitely not as good as the dancers in the tavern of Bugera Free State, he dare not do anything reckless in the city.

  There are not so many restrictions outside.

  Just when Hubbard was thinking about it, his vanguard was only 50 meters away from the shore.

  At this time, a figure suddenly appeared on the edge of the lush forest on the river bank not far away.

  Judging from the slightly slender shoulders, it was probably a woman. She was wearing a hooded cloak, and the shadow under the hood covered her entire face.

  Hubbard narrowed his eyes slightly.

  His intuition of crisis made him feel a dangerous breath from the man.

  He opened his voice and shouted.

  ”Hey, girl on the shore, this is not a place for a picnic. I have something to do today and I don’t have time to play with you.”

  The man did not respond.

  Hubbard’s expression turned cold, and he gestured to the brothers beside him, while his hand reached for the automatic rifle hanging on the inflatable raft.

  ”Prepare for battle…”

  It must be said that his judgment was decisive.

  And the facts also proved that his judgment was indeed correct.


  it seemed a little late.

  Almost when he gave the order, they were only 30 meters away from the river bank, and the person standing on the river bank also moved at the same time.

  And –

  the speed was incredible! It

  was simply not like a human.

  Hubbard saw her legs slightly bent, and then she jumped into the air like a cannonball, crossing a distance of more than 20 meters and landing on the inflatable raft in front. The

  huge impact force almost broke the inflatable raft in two, and the mercenaries standing on it screamed and flew out, falling into the turbulent river.

  The moment he saw this scene, Hubbard’s pupils suddenly shrank.

  Before he could react, the figure as fast as a gust of wind had already jumped to the next inflatable raft, and two white lights popped out from her sleeves.

  From the flickering afterimage, he could barely see that they were two daggers!

  There was no time to parry. In an instant, the two mercenaries who had just raised their guns were killed. Before they fell into the river, the man who rushed into the crowd cut their throats.

  The two slender daggers in his hands flew up and down, like flying propellers, tearing the inflatable raft under his feet like flying saws.

  The adjutant squatting next to Hubbard had a panic on his face, holding the light machine gun in his hand and trying to aim at the agile figure.

  However, the man was too close to the friendly forces!

  He could neither aim nor fire.

  ”Damn… I can’t aim at it!”

  Hubbard’s eyes flashed with a trace of fierceness, and he shouted loudly.

  ”Don’t fight it in close combat, jump into the river if you get close! The rest of you open fire! Suppress it for me!”

  Tut tut tut——!

  The machine gun finally spewed out flames, and the adjutant did not wait for his teammates to jump down completely, and pulled the trigger at Hubbard’s urging.

  Bullets attacked the inflatable raft like locusts!

  In the dense firepower net, two mercenaries who didn’t have time to jump off the boat were killed instantly, and only less than five people successfully jumped into the river.

  Even though they couldn’t swim at all.

  After killing an inflatable raft, the man seemed tireless and didn’t stop at all, and continued to jump to the next one.

  In just five minutes, half of the 20 inflatable rafts had sunk, and the mercenaries who fell into the water were also killed or injured. Most of them were swept downstream by the turbulent water. Only a few who could swim were terrified and swam to the north with dog paddling.

  Seeing the situation on the river, the mercenaries waiting by the river could only watch anxiously. Even if they set up mortars and machine guns, they couldn’t help at all.

  The man was too close to their teammates.

  A mortar shot over, not necessarily killing the man, but their boss might be killed first.

  Seeing the continuous casualties of his subordinates, Hubbard’s eyes turned red with anxiety. Seeing that the shadow was getting closer and closer, he finally couldn’t help but yelled loudly.

  ”Retreat! Everyone retreat!”

  After receiving the order to retreat, the mercenaries immediately grabbed the oars and paddled hard in the opposite direction.

  However, the man had no intention of letting them go and chased them straight.

  A mercenary took out the Iron Fist rocket launcher in the box, aimed at the man standing on the inflatable raft, and pulled the trigger.

  A puff of white smoke rushed past.

  However, almost at the same time, a small four-rotor drone rushed down from the sky and stood between him and the man.

  The explosion sounded!

  The rocket collided with the drone head-on, and at the same time, the explosives on the drone were detonated. The sparks of the secondary explosion instantly engulfed the two inflatable rafts and blew away the mercenary who launched the rocket. The

  frenzied airflow spread across the river, pushing the surrounding inflatable rafts outward while also lifting the hood on the man’s head.

  Hubbard’s eyes shrank slightly.

  It was a face with ordinary features and a slightly abstract outline, just like a mannequin in the window of a clothing store.

  He instantly realized what it was and screamed.

  ”Bionic man!”

  ”Are you from the Enterprise?!”

  The man did not answer. Before the shock wave of the explosion could push the inflatable raft too far, he used his legs to exert force again and leaped towards the one Hubbard was on like a cannonball.

  At the same time, this was the last one!

  Seeing the man rushing towards him, Hubbard roared, and the blood vessels under his muscles twisted like earthworms, causing the muscles all over his body to swell.

  Then, he simply threw away his rifle, pulled out the two short knives tied to his thighs, and faced the man head-on.

  Clang clang!

  Two consecutive metal collisions sounded, and the huge force made his palm numb.

  The bionic man standing on the inflatable raft took a half step back. Although there was no trace of sadness or joy in his ordinary facial features, he seemed to reveal a hint of surprise.

  At least that was what Hubbard thought.

  ”Don’t underestimate me… I am an awakener after all,” his eyes were burning with fighting spirit, two short knives were placed in front of him, and he adjusted his breathing, trying to stabilize his shaking center of gravity.

  From between his clenched teeth, he squeezed out a provocative word.

  ”Disgusting monster… I will tear you into parts right now.”

  ”You talk too much.”

  The electric sound without a trace of emotion floated over. This was the first sentence it said after taking action, and it was also the only communication.

  The two willow-like daggers in its hands began to rotate again.

  Like the propellers of a fighter jet.

  Hubbard shrank his pupils, trying to see the trajectory of the blades, but the frame rate of his eyes was gradually unable to capture it.

  The bionic man standing on the bow moved again.

  This time, it was faster than before.

  Looking at the fake face rushing towards him, Hubbard’s muscles swelled all over his body, roaring and slashing out fiercely, but the feeling of losing control of the empty swing made his heart sink.

  So fast!

  This was the last thought that flashed through his mind.

  The bionic man leaned slightly to the side, easily avoiding his full-strength attack. His agile steps had landed half an inch behind his heels, and the dagger flew past with just a flash, and easily cut open the back of his neck. There

  was a nerve center there.

  Because it avoided the artery, no blood spurted out.

  Hubbard opened his eyes wide and tried to turn his head behind him, but his body was out of control and he fell straight forward onto the inflatable raft.

  He shook off the bloodstained dagger, and the bionic man standing on the inflatable raft looked across the river, turned his head and jumped into the river.

  Finally coming to his senses, the mercenaries standing on the river bank pulled the triggers one after another, unleashing fierce firepower in the direction where the figure disappeared.

  The rain of bullets splashed a series of water on the river surface.

  Then two more mortar shells fell into the river surface, and the exploding water column rushed up more than ten meters.

  However, the figure had disappeared, leaving only a messy river surface and pools of light red blood…

  The faces of the mercenaries were full of fear.


  ”What the hell is that?!”

  ”Is it an awakened one?”

  ”No… is that thing still human?” It

  was a completely one-sided massacre.

  Although they were 100% confident that they could destroy the thing on land, in the turbulent river… unless they were awakened people with enhanced reflexes, it would be difficult to aim, let alone stand still.

  Rifles don’t have such a thing as “steady”.

  A bearded man swallowed his saliva and looked at the brothers standing beside him.

  ”The boss is dead.”

  He was the centurion of the Hubbard Mercenary Group.

  But now Hubbard is dead.

  He would probably take his brothers and register a new mercenary group under his own name.

  The centurion next to him nodded solemnly.


  the bearded man continued to ask.

  ”Then… what should we do now?”

  They only brought 20 inflatable rafts and no equipment to cross the river. Even if they did, as long as that ghost thing was still there, they would not have a chance to cross.

  Completing the mission has become impossible.

  A slightly older centurion gritted his teeth and said in a heavy tone.



  symbolically fired several rounds of mortars at the other side of the river, on the one hand to vent anger, on the other hand probably to mourn their dead leader.

  The mercenaries gathered by the river saw that no one swam up again, and after hesitating for a while, they finally retreated in a swarm.

  At the same time, a little downstream, a bionic man emerged from the river, shook off the water droplets on his body, and walked to the shore steadily.

  ”Well done! The master will thank you!”

  The puppet riding on Xia Yan’s shoulders gently swayed his calves, and a sincere compliment floated from his peaceful and beautiful face.

  Xia Yan, who was just playing soy sauce, felt that she should say something, so she laughed and said a little embarrassedly.

  ”It seems that we don’t have to take action…”

  She carried an LD-47s sniper rifle on her back.

  Although she hadn’t fought for a long time and was not an awakener, her skills were not rusty-at least she thought so.


  Xiao Qi complained.

  ”Take out the word ‘men’, Xiao Qi did it!”

  Hearing this, Xia Yan’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, staring at the guy sitting on her shoulder.

  ”You guy, be careful or I’ll throw you into the river!”

  Xiao Qi, who was controlling the puppet, curled his lips.

  ”Don’t talk nonsense, just throw it away if you have the guts.”

  Seeing the guy’s arrogant look, Xia Yan was so angry that she grimaced and pulled it off her shoulder and kneaded it for a while, but she didn’t dare to really throw it into the river.

  Unlike the wastebasket.

  Even if Chu Guang’s idea is not considered, this is also a puppet made by Pai. After

  so many days of getting along, she has already become friends with the blue-eyed girl.

  Xiao Qi obviously knew it, and when she was rubbing her face, she simply disconnected from the puppet and lay down.

  Tian Qin shook off the blood and water droplets on the dagger, looked at the puppet being kneaded, and answered with the unruly electronic sound.

  ”Thank you, the support was timely.”

  Seeing Tianqin looking at this side, Xia Yan felt embarrassed and carefully put Xiaoqi back on his shoulder.

  After reconnecting, Xiaoqi shook his calves proudly and continued.

  ”You’re welcome… Speaking of the androids in the shelter, I thought we couldn’t attack living beings.”

  ”Under normal circumstances, it’s true, but Dr. Method has modified my terms of service and added restrictions, such as judging that the shelter or the people on the list are in danger, and necessary force can be used.”

  Tianqin continued expressionlessly with a slight flicker in his eyes.

  ”Aren’t you the same?”

  Xiaoqi raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

  ”Of course, these hateful guys dared to plot against Xiaoqi’s master, Xiaoqi must teach them a lesson!”

  About half a month ago, its master told it that the northern border of the alliance might be attacked.

  When it went to Ruigu City later, its master probably reached some agreement with the manager of Shelter No. 101 and sent Tianqin here.

  Seeing Chu Guang was so worried about the safety here, Xiao Qi dispatched two drones to the edge of Dawn City, and also picked up Xia Yan, who was studying abroad in Camp 101.

  It wasn’t that he had to take her with him.

  The main reason was that the owner was out of the communication range, and it was boring for it to be alone, so he called the “servant” who often carried it up and down the stairs.

  By the way, show off her beautiful new body to this idiot.

  Listening to the two AIs communicating, Xia Yan felt that she had no words to say.

  At this time, she suddenly noticed the eye-catching and cracked body of Tian Qin, and said worriedly.

  ”You are injured.”

  Tian Qin’s pupils flickered slightly, and she answered seriously.

  ”It’s a small problem, just some damage to the appearance, the moving parts and control parts are still intact, and it has no effect on my function.”

  This is probably the longest sentence she has ever said.

  Xia Yan said with sparkling eyes.

  ”I mean, I can help you fix it.”

  This is a skill she just learned recently, and she was worried that she would not have the opportunity to practice it.

  Meeting that expectant look, Tianqin was slightly stunned, and then looked to the side in silence for a moment.

  ”That… no need.” It

   ’s a little late, but today is still a long chapter of 10,000 words, and tomorrow shouldn’t be late, probably…TT


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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