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Chapter 406: The rewards for warriors are not only spoils of war, but also applause and flowers

Chapter 406: The rewards for warriors are not only spoils of war, but also applause and flowers


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 406 The rewards for warriors are not only spoils of war, but also applause and flowers

  . The bridge of the Iron Heart.

  The documents that had not been burned in time were scattered next to the tilted chair. The screen of the control console connected to the radar was smashed, but the chassis was still intact and it was not difficult to repair it.

  It can be seen that those people fled in a very embarrassed and hurried manner, and they didn’t even have time to completely destroy the things here.

  Thanks to this.

  The Iron Heart was able to fall into the hands of the Alliance almost intact.

  ”A thousand-man team appeared in the north of Dawn City, suspected to be a mercenary organization… But they have been solved by Xiao Qi!”

  ”Master, you can rest assured!”

  Standing by the French window at the front of the bridge, Chu Guang quietly listened to Xiao Qi’s report on the situation in the northern border of the Alliance, and a relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  ”Well done.”

  After the battle, the communication between Ruigu City and Dawn City has been restored, and the signal in the air is particularly good. He can finally talk directly with Xiao Qi like this for a long time without having to worry about being disconnected from the Internet.

  A long time ago, probably when the Northern Expedition had just ended, Chu Guang had been on guard against threats from the north.

  Whether it was the investigation of the source of the Bone Chewing Tribe’s arms or the contact with the “Firestone” Group’s envoys, it showed that the Legion had its own intelligence network in the Bugela Free State and had unclear interests with the local people.

  According to the confession of the surrendered officers under Dillon, Condra, the captain of the 140,000th Squadron, was in the Bugela Free State.

  Chu Guang could even assert that the Bone Chewing Tribe that swept across the River Valley Province was one of the works of this intelligence network. And the purpose was probably to support a vassal similar to the Falcon Kingdom in the River Valley Province.

  Obviously, the Legion did not give up because of the failure of an expedition, including their military operations in the Luoxia Province, which were a bit like paving the way for the next expedition. The

  Alliance’s large forces were pinned down on the western front by the Iron Heart. If the intelligence network operated by the Legion in the Bugela Free State did not make any moves, he would be surprised.

  After listening to Xiao Qi’s report, the stone hanging in Chu Guang’s heart finally fell to the ground.

  The rainstorm outside the French window has stopped.

  Looking at the crumbling dusk and the earth that is about to fall into the night, Chu Guang’s thoughts can’t help but fly to a hundred kilometers away with the dusk, looking at the land illuminated by the sunset.

  Although he can only see a vague outline, he can feel the storm brewing there.

  But no matter what, he has finished the battle at home, and the Iron Heart has been left in the River Valley Province forever. The legion will no longer be able to covet the land under his feet in a short time.

  With the help of Yunsong and his 26th Commando, the coalition of the four kingdoms should be able to resist for a while.

  Before the army goes to Luoxia Province, he can also take a breath and stop for a moment to appreciate the rainbow after the rain…

  At this time, the sound of footsteps outside the door interrupted Chu Guang’s thoughts.

  Lv Bei, wearing a Type 5 “Light Cavalry” exoskeleton, stood at the door, his right fist pressed against the chest armor covered with bullet marks and cracks, and said respectfully.

  ”Sir, I brought the man you wanted!”

  When reporting, the young man’s eyes flashed not only with respect, but also with obvious admiration.

  As Chu Guang’s personal guard, the Guards Regiment also participated in the encirclement and suppression of the 1,000-man Air Marine Corps in the previous battle.

  The figure riding on the back of the Death Claw and charging with a hammer raised high has been deeply engraved in his mind.

  Although standing on the front line does not affect the greatness of that lord, at that moment, the majestic back bathed in holy light seemed to be sublimated.

  He was sure that he was not the only one who had that feeling.

  Retracting his gaze from the French window, Chu Guang turned around and looked at the door.

  Next to Lv Bei, there stood a pale man with a raised nose.

  From a physical point of view, he was far from those tall Marine officers, and more like a civilian or technical staff.

  And the fact is indeed so.

  According to the intelligence provided by the battlefield man and the confession of the captives, this man’s name is Finod, and he is the logistics chief of the Iron Heart, with a military rank of centurion.

  Although he does not lead troops, he has two more stars on his shoulder straps than Vanus.

  When the fight broke out, he happened to be at the base of the Air Marine Corps. Later, the camp was attacked by the Jungle Corps and was forced to retreat to the Fallen Leaf Camp one kilometer away.

  He missed General McLen’s escape pod and the last train of Kolwe, and finally collided with the armored formation of the Skeleton Corps.

  It is not easy to surrender alive in a sense.

  Seeing Chu Guang looking at him, Finod swallowed hard, tried to squeeze out a forced smile from his face, and took the initiative to speak.

  ”I… can pay the ransom.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”Five million dinars.”

  Hearing this astronomical figure, Finod’s face, which was originally pale and blue, became even paler, and his voice trembled as he tried to bargain.

  ”I, I’m just a thousand-man captain…Is five million too much?”

  Chu Guang said casually.

  ”Then six million dinars will do.”

  Hearing the number of six million, Finod immediately shut up.

  He had guessed that the man in front of him had no intention of letting him go, and the ransom figure was just casually reported.

  Six million dinars…

  This money is enough to arm three thousand-man teams!

  Although the position of logistics chief did bring him some job convenience, even if he had ten thousand guts, he would not dare to do so.

  Finod swallowed his saliva, and a trace of fear gradually appeared in his eyes.

  Is this guy going to sacrifice himself because he didn’t catch other big fish?

  Thinking wildly in his heart, Finod felt his calves go weak.

  It’s not that he is afraid of death.

  It’s just that he is not mentally prepared to be loyal to the marshal…

  Chu Guang glanced at this guy and asked with interest.

  ”You have become a logistics chief, and you can’t even take out this little money?”

  Finod said bitterly.

  ”Sir, do you know what five million dinars means?”

  ”I don’t know, I’m not interested, and your ransom is six million. If you can’t pay, just work honestly and try to get leniency.” Seeing a glimmer of hope rekindled on that face full of despair, Chu Guang smiled faintly and asked, “Can you fly an airship?”

  Finod nodded nervously.

  ”A little bit… I roughly know how to make it move.”

  ”That’s enough,” Chu Guang nodded, and continued, “I’ll watch here, you drive, the target is Qingquan City. If it deviates, I don’t need to say much about the consequences.”

  Hearing this, Finod’s face instantly twisted into a bitter gourd, and he said timidly and tremblingly.

  ”My lord…”

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”The wing on the left side of the airship has been dismantled by you… Now there is only the tail power left,” Finod said with a bitter face, “Let alone driving to Qingquan City, there is a risk of floating away if the anchor chain is put away now…”


  The wing seems to be broken.

  Chu Guang admitted that he was indeed a little too excited. After all, it was hard not to be excited to seize such a big guy. It would

  probably take a few days just to count the spoils.

  Chu Guang believed that it was not just him. After defeating the first world-class BOSS of “Wasteland OL”, the players must be very excited at this moment.

  When the spoils are counted and the battle settlement list is released, he will share the joy of victory with his lovely little players.

  Chu Guang coughed lightly and looked at Finod with a difficult expression and said.

  ”Well, of course I know I can’t open it. I just wanted to see if you had any bad ideas… I am very satisfied with your performance. The ransom can be reduced by 100,000 dinars. It is now 5.9 million.”

  Finod smiled bitterly and said nothing.

  Chu Guang adjusted his expression and continued.

  ”Take me around here.”

  Finod breathed a sigh of relief and bowed his head respectfully.



  After the Jungle Corps and the Burning Corps took control of the airship, they forced the remaining crew members to lower the altitude of the airship.

  Now the Iron Heart is only 100 meters away from the ground.

  Except for the players who have tasks, most of the players gathered under the Iron Heart and stood next to the anchor chain to take pictures.

  After all, it is the first world-class BOSS in “Wasteland OL”.

  And it is the first battle of 10,000 people on the server.

  It must be commemorated!

  Especially looking at the Alliance flag hanging on the Iron Heart, this airship may become the new resurrection point of the Alliance.

  Take a photo now, so that you can brag to the newbies later – “Look, your novice village was taken down by me!”

  Just as the players were busy preparing bragging materials after going offline, Chu Guang was taking over various areas of the airship from the Jungle Corps with the Guards Corps.

  There are about 500 captive crew members.

  Most of these crew members are non-combatants, mainly technical personnel such as correcting firepower, operating radar, drawing routes, and driving and repairing ships.

  In order to figure out how to drive this airship and how the logistics system works, these people’s help is indispensable. For

  the captives who are willing to cooperate, Chu Guang did not treat them harshly. He handed them all over to the logistics department and arranged for people to learn how to drive the airship from these people. If

  you perform well, you can get a reduced sentence.

  To be honest, with the current size of the Alliance, it is still difficult to fully digest such a behemoth as the Iron Heart.

  Although the Iron Heart is an air unit, its combat mode is more like the navy than the air force.

  What is frustrating is that there are only two lakes in the alliance, and there is no such thing as a navy.

  A series of personnel, including the captain, can only be temporarily promoted from the reserve officers under the army and air force system.

  Under the leadership of Finod, Chu Guang came to the ammunition depot of the Iron Heart.

  A steel arch with a thickness of 20 mm is across the end of the corridor, and both the password and the key are required to enter.

  ”The password is 4731.”

  After entering the password, Finod took out the key and opened the door, and then returned the key in his hand to Chu Guang with a respectful face.

  Chu Guang took the key and put it away casually, and glanced into the door, and was soon surprised by the amazing scene.

  I saw that the shells thicker than my legs filled the ammunition racks several meters high. Folding mechanical arms stood next to the ammunition racks, and the bases were fixed on T-shaped tracks.

  Chu Guang glanced at the warehouse full of ammunition, and suddenly asked on a whim.

  ”Are the locations of all airship ammunition depots the same?”

  Finod answered respectfully.

  ”Of course they are different, sir. Each nuclear-powered airship of the Legion is designed specifically for the ‘shield core’, and the preservation of each ‘shield core’ is different… and this is one of the Legion’s top secrets.”

  ”Even I didn’t know the specific locations of each compartment of the Iron Heart until I took up my post. And many junior officers may not know the specific locations of the ammunition compartment and the power compartment until they leave the airship after their service.”

  The so-called shield core probably refers to the wreckage of the frigate in the Human Alliance era.

  Chu Guang nodded to show that he understood, and stopped asking this fruitless question, and turned to care about the remaining inventory of ammunition.

  With the help of the former logistics chief of the Iron Heart, Chu Guang made a rough inventory.

  The harvest was also quite gratifying.

  There were a total of fifty 400mm rocket-assisted extended-range bombs in the ammunition depot, and the weight of each round was close to 1.5 tons, divided into two types of warheads: fuel-air explosive bombs and conventional bombs.

  These “sub-nuclear weapons” that General McLen had not had time to use have now all become the spoils of the alliance.

  Not only the ammunition for the main gun, but also nearly 10,000 100mm shells and millions of bullets of various models and calibers are stored in different compartments.

  In battle, these ammunition will be transported to various combat positions through mechanical arms and fixed tracks, and according to the different types of ammunition, some will be loaded manually and some will be loaded automatically by machines.

  In addition, Chu Guang also found 500 500-kilogram medium-sized bombs and 70 1,000-kilogram large bombs in the ammunition depot!

  The power of this thing may be greater than that of the 400mm main gun!

  After all, a large part of the weight of the 400mm rocket-assisted extended-range bomb is allocated to the propellant, while most of the weight of this 900-kilogram bomb is in the warhead!

  The equivalent of a general cloud bomb is more than 8 tons. In horizontal comparison, the equivalent of this thing may be more than 20 tons.

  According to the logistics chief Finold, these bombs are mainly used to deal with strong fixed fortifications and underground bunkers.

  Looking at the full row of ammunition racks, Chu Guang couldn’t help but feel a little scared.

  Fortunately, the airship was held back.

  If it flew in front of us with its shield, I’m afraid that except for the people in the shelter, few people on the surface would be alive…

  The captured spoils were not only the ammunition on the airship, but also the military supplies stored in the warehouse, including 500 tons of canned beef and nearly 1,700 tons of compressed biscuits, pickled vegetables and other supplies, enough for a 10,000-man army to consume for a whole year.

  Even in a small cold storage, Chu Guang found milk popsicles and ice cream stored in the freezer.

  Looking at the desserts in the freezer, Chu Guang’s eyes were surprised and he teased.

  ”You guys are living a pretty good life.”

  Finod smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer.

  Chu Guang looked at Lu Bei on the side and said with a smile.

  ”Call a few brothers over later to move all the popsicles and ice creams here downstairs, and share them with the soldiers at dinner.”

  ”It says Centurion Special, so it should taste good. Let everyone try it and see what it tastes like.”

  After all, he was a child and couldn’t escape his greed.

  When he heard about food, Lv Bei couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

  However, he soon realized his gaffe and stood up and saluted.

  ”Yes! Sir!”

  Looking at Lv Bei with an excited face, Chu Guang smiled and said nothing.

  Ice cream is not a rare thing in Shuguang City, but this is the front line, and it is not easy to have a bite of ice cream.

  Now is the hottest time of summer. After just experiencing a war, both the players and the natives are close to their physical limits.

  At this time, it is delicious to have an ice cream to cool off.

  Although there are not as many ice creams as canned beef, they are still filled with several freezers, so it is not a problem to share one for each person.

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words “divide”, all the guards of the Guards Corps were happy, only Finod had a regretful expression.

  No one knew better than him, the logistics chief, how expensive these white ice creams were.

  Apart from other things, the milk used to make these ice creams was not a cheap commodity, but was produced from the alpine pastures of the Legion on the banks of the Solat River. Each barrel was worth tens of thousands of dinars, and ordinary civilians had no qualifications or channels to buy them.

  Although the freezer said that it was specially supplied to centurions, it was too far away from the core territory of the Legion and had only been supplied to officers above the rank of thousand-man long ago.

  It was a waste of natural resources to distribute them to the servants!

  But Finod didn’t say anything.

  After all, how to deal with the spoils was the power of the man in front of him, and he was just a prisoner…


  addition to ammunition and military supplies, the airship also carried some engineering vehicles and production equipment that had not yet been deployed.

  Chu Guang planned to hand these over to the logistics department for arrangement.

  In addition to these immovable goods, the slaves of the legion also lived in the lower cabin of the airship.

  Unlike what Chu Guang imagined, the living conditions of these slaves were not very good, but surprisingly not too bad.

  There were about a hundred three-layer beds stuffed into the large bunk bed of nearly two or three hundred square meters. The beds were very close to each other and could barely accommodate two feet.

  One side of the bunk bed was connected to the collective bathroom. There was no partition inside. Rows of shower heads were hung in the empty room.

  There were a few bars of soap in the corner of the room .

  Compared with the physically uncomfortable dungeon of the plunderers, the environment here was relatively civilized, barely reaching the level of a prison.

  However, what happened here was not civilized.

  Looking at Chu Guang and Finod who walked into the room, the faces of the slaves in the room were full of confusion and panic.

  Although this place has not become a battlefield, and they have long been accustomed to the deafening artillery fire and gunshots outside, they still vaguely feel something unusual from the expression on Finod’s face and the clothes of those around him.

  Chu Guang noticed that when they made eye contact with him, although they were afraid, they did not shy away.

  Even though most of them were only wearing a single piece of clothing that was so thin that it could hardly cover their bodies.

  Standing next to Chu Guang, Finod coughed lightly and said in a flattering voice.

  ”My lord, most of these slaves were born in humble families, and some were even the wastelanders kidnapped by those rough people from the wasteland. I believe you will not be interested…”

  In his opinion, compared with the priceless ice cream in the freezer, these are the spoils that should be rewarded to the servants.

  Chu Guang looked at him with a little surprise.

  ”You even divide slaves into different levels?”

  Finod: “Well, it’s not a level, but officers above the centurion usually have separate rooms, and officers above the thousandth even have additional cabins, which are not only used to store spoils, but also usually used as servants’ quarters…”

  ”Including you?”

  Seeing Chu Guang’s half-smile, Finod’s face was slightly embarrassed, and he said with a stiff upper lip.

  ”Of course… I can’t deny it, but compared to my taste, I believe you will be interested in General McLen’s collection.”

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”Take me there.”

  Finod immediately said respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  General McLen’s cabin was at the very end of the airship, not far away from the entrance to the escape pod, and several soldiers of the Guards Corps were cleaning up the blood and corpses on the ground.

  There had been fierce exchanges of fire here before, and the walls of the corridor were covered with dense bullet holes, which showed how tragic it was.

  Seeing Chu Guang and his group coming, the two people standing at the door immediately saluted.

  ”Master Administrator!”

  Chu Guang nodded to them, motioning them to continue, and then he let the pale-faced Finold lead the way as if nothing had happened.

  The group soon arrived at General McLen’s room.

  The space here was quite spacious, completely different from the closed crew quarters.

  Interestingly, Chu Guang actually saw Yong’s head here.

  The ugly head was the size of a two-headed bull, and it was probably coated with formalin or something similar, and had been made into a specimen.

  However, General McLen probably didn’t have the opportunity to hang this thing on the bow of the Iron Heart.

  In addition to Yong’s head, there are also some beautiful stones, gold and silver utensils inlaid with diamonds, and some things that seem to have high technological content, but no one knows what they are used for.

  According to Finod, General McLen would select a few of the most valuable spoils from each survivor settlement and collect them in his own treasury.

  Some of them were made by the local natives themselves, and some were picked up from pre-war ruins.

  Chu Guang has no interest in these treasures and doesn’t understand them very well, but the nobles in the inner city of Boulder City will probably be interested in these things.

  He plans to let Yin Fang pick out some valuable things from them after transporting them back, and find a few familiar merchants to help sell the rest.

  General McLen’s private collection.

  If it is taken to the auction in Boulder City, it should be able to exchange for a lot of chips.

  Next to the room where the collection is stored is a bedroom. After Chu Guang pushed open the door and went in, he found a woman standing in the room.

  She was about twenty years old, wearing a luxurious long dress. Both her appearance and the temperament between her eyebrows were obviously different from the slaves that Chu Guang had seen in the lower cabin before.


  the panic and confusion written in her eyes were exactly the same.

  Standing next to Chu Guang, Finod introduced respectfully.

  ”This person’s identity is not ordinary. She is one of the princesses of the Falcon Kingdom… Her name is Theresa, and she is the daughter of a powerful official.”

  Chu Guang looked at him in surprise.

  ”You robbed the princess?”

  Finod explained in a low voice: “This should not be considered robbing. The king of the Falcon Kingdom took the initiative to offer it to General McLen.”

  Theresa’s face was pale, she bit her lips lightly and didn’t speak. Her eyes moved back and forth between Chu Guang and Finod’s faces, trying to figure out the situation in front of her.

  Chu Guang stared at her for a while, thinking about how to deal with it.

  At this moment, he suddenly had an idea and spoke.

  ”Hello, Ms. Theresa.”

  Seeing the man in the azure power armor talking to her, Theresa said nervously.

  ”Hello… May I ask who you are?”

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”The manager of the alliance.”

  ”Alliance… Alliance?”

  Theresa’s face showed a subconscious confusion.

  But she soon realized that her ignorance might be an offense, so she hurriedly lowered her head in fear.

  ”Sorry, I… I didn’t mean to offend, but I have never been to such a far place, and I don’t know the situation here at all…”

  ”Don’t be nervous, we are not so narrow-minded,” Chu Guang smiled lightly and continued, “and you are also a victim of the war, we won’t embarrass you.”

  Theresa looked at him blankly, and then looked at Finod.

  Finod didn’t know what Chu Guang was going to do, but he was a smart man, so he consciously shut his mouth and silently pretended that he didn’t exist.

  Seeing that she didn’t speak, Chu Guang guessed that she might still be confused about the current situation, so he spoke.

  ”You may not understand the situation yet. To put it simply, we defeated the Legion, and now this airship has been occupied by the Alliance.”

  Confirming from the expression on Finod’s face that he was not joking, Theresa looked at the man in front of her nervously and asked in a trembling voice.

  ”Then, what about me…”

  ”You are free.”

  Before she could be happy, Chu Guang continued.

  ”But your identity is special, and we may be about to go to war with your country, so we can’t release you directly. After all, you don’t want to go home alone across thousands of kilometers, and then be captured by us as an enemy, right?”

  Theresa pursed her lips lightly, and many thoughts flashed through her eyes in an instant. Finally, she nodded slowly and said obediently.

  ”What do you… need me to do?”

  The faint whiteness shook with a bewitching temptation.

  But she obviously misunderstood.

  Just kidding.

  Chu Guang has seen all kinds of storms and waves in the forum with a group of handsome men and beautiful women every day? Chu Guang

  didn’t care about her little thoughts at all, and said directly.

  ”Do you have children?”

  Theresa blushed slightly and shook her head gently.


  Chu Guang’s expression was a little disappointed.

  Seeing that the princess was so young, he had originally expected this guy to have a son of one or two years old, but now it seems that she is too young. After

  thinking for a moment, Chu Guang continued.

  ”Can you read?”

  Theresa nodded immediately.

  ”I can read and write…including writing poems and composing music.”

  ”It’s okay to be able to read and write.”

  Chu Guang nodded and continued.

  ”The military operations of the Legion in Ruigu City have caused a large number of local survivors to be displaced. The Alliance’s refugee home needs manpower, and I will arrange for you to work there.”

  Theresa’s face was full of confusion. After a long pause, she asked in a low voice.

  ”Excuse me, what do you need me to do specifically?”

  ”Someone will teach you. What you need to do is to help the people here rebuild their homes and learn how to rebuild them.”

  At this point, Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”You will use this knowledge.”


  The administrative divisions in the Human Alliance era were ridiculously large. The area of ​​the River Valley Province alone was large enough, and the area of ​​the Luoxia Province was several times that of the River Valley Province.

  The Falcon Kingdom is thousands of kilometers away from the core territory of the Alliance. Even if there is one person per kilometer, a thousand-man team will have to be filled in.

  It is not realistic to directly occupy the Falcon Kingdom.

  The Alliance, with a total population of less than 100,000, simply does not have the spare capacity to control the enclave 1,000 kilometers away, which is a burden for both sides.

  Not to mention, the cultural concepts of the two sides are completely different.

  The best way is to support a puppet to ensure a smooth transition of power, and then gradually enhance the economic and cultural influence of the Alliance in the local area, and incorporate it into the Alliance at the right time…if it is necessary to do so. It

  is a bit of a pity that I failed to obtain “legitimacy”.


  it doesn’t matter.

  Anyway, it was a bad idea that came up at the last minute, and Chu Guang didn’t expect it to be really useful in the end.

  He preferred that after the victory, the United Enterprises clean up the royal family of the Falcon Kingdom, disarm it, and then throw it to the Lion Kingdom for trusteeship.

  Indirect vassalage is also an option.

  However, this method also has its hidden dangers and uncertainties…


  North of Dawn City.

  With the full return of the Goblin Corps flight formation, the news of victory was also brought back here from the front line.

  Outside the barbed wire fence of the airport, there were residents of Dawn City standing.

  The flowers that were thrown into the air with all their might floated from the outside of the airport to the runway with the applause and cheers of the people.

  Although it was already night, people’s enthusiasm did not diminish at all.

  Amid the cheers of the residents of Dawn City, the players of the Goblin Corps landed on the runway of the airport one after another. The

  triumphant return of the large army will be in a few days.

  The joy of victory can only be tasted by them in advance.

  The plane slowly drove into the brightly lit hangar. Feng Qing, who got off the plane, looked at the two lines of poetry engraved under the hatch and sighed with a little regret.

  ”What a pity…”

  She had already made heroic preparations and even wrote a poem.

  But she didn’t expect to come back alive.

  At this time, a head curiously poked over from the side, looked at the two lines of poetry on the side of the hatch, and muttered.

  ”Autumn field Shura field, the steed gallops with the help of the divine wind, chasing arrows like locusts… Awesome, did you write it?”

  Her ID is Guigui, and she is also an agility player. She entered the game at about the same time as Feng Qing and Luo Yu. She had participated in the Qingshi Town air raid and the Songlinyu battle before.

  Her driving skills are not very outstanding, and she can only fly the plane back.

  However, being able to fly the broken plane back with a mosquito is quite awesome in a sense.

  Hearing the voice, Feng Qing’s face turned red like liver, and she rushed over and pulled the player away, saying incoherently.

  ”No, it’s not written by me… You, you, don’t read it!”

  At the same time, the sky outside the hangar.

  The mosquito, who loved to show off, was reluctant to land. He performed a flying show in the sky, but he overestimated the quality of his own products and almost broke the wings. He finally landed obediently.

  The residents of Dawn City waiting at the airport presented flowers to these triumphant warriors.

  All night tonight, until the sun rises tomorrow, all the restaurants and taverns in Dawn City will give free meals to these warriors who returned safely.

  At this moment, in the lobby of the Highway Town Hotel, the sound of clinking glasses was rising and falling, and people raised their glasses to celebrate the hard-won victory.

  They were not all residents of Dawn City. There were also merchants who came here from Boulder City, Red River Alliance, Garbage City or even farther away.

  Because of the war, they have stayed here for several days.

  Now it is all over.

  ”Long live the Alliance!”

  ”Cheers to victory!”

  ”Long live the administrator!”

  At this time, someone shouted with a smile.

  ”Hahaha, our manager is still young. You should wish him a long life instead of many children!”

  A cheerful laugh spread in the lobby of the inn.

  Old Hook, who was sitting behind the bar, also laughed.

  At this time, the waiter standing aside said with emotion.

  ”The war is about to end… In a few days, I’m afraid it won’t be so lively here.”

  Due to the war in the west, a large number of caravans heading west from the eastern provinces have been forced to stay in Dawn City recently.

  Although the battle on the front line is fierce and the war consumes resources, the major inns in Dawn City are doing a booming business.

  Perhaps it is to drown their sorrows in wine, and beer is particularly popular.

  But now that the war is over, those caravans are probably going to pack up and continue on their way.

  ”How could it be?”

  Old Hook smiled faintly, squinting his eyes at the lively inn lobby, and said casually in a casual tone.

  ”The triumphal ceremony and celebration will only be these few days. Many people are waiting to witness the honor of that lord. They have to stay for a few more days.”

  In any case, it’s good to win.

  After the celebration, the business of the inn may not be as hot as it is now, but that is only temporary.

  When those caravans and merchants take the heroic deeds and legends of courage here to a more distant world…

  In the future, this place will only be more lively than it is now.


  At the same time, more than ten kilometers away in the Stone City.

  Unlike the residents of Dawn City, the people here are still living in yesterday’s news and are unaware of the battle situation on the front line.

  The first to receive the victory report from the front line was the “Survivor Daily” newspaper.

  With the financial support of the Alliance behind him, Hal not only got the first-hand battle report, but also the casualty list.

  ”…Casualty list?! Let me see!”

  Looking at the humming fax machine, Dolly immediately came up to hear the casualty list, her face full of anxiety.

  ”He seems to be burning the legion!”

  Hal was standing next to the fax machine, and he was one step faster than her and took the first-hand information that was still hot in his hand.

  ”Don’t worry… I’ll help you find it. The Burning Corps, right? There seems to be some news about this Corps… Hiss…”

  Hal stared at the paper for a while, and suddenly couldn’t help but gasp.

  Seeing the slight expression on his face, Dolly became even more anxious and asked hurriedly.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Hal’s expression was a little awkward, and he hid the fax behind him.

  ”Uh, you’d better not look at it–”

  Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly punched in the stomach.

  The collision between metal and flesh made Hal gasp in pain, and he squatted on the ground with his hands on his stomach.

  ”You guy… are you a barbarian?!” You actually

  dared to hit the boss!

  Although for the sake of that friend, he couldn’t fire her…

  Dolly ignored the guy, snatched the fax, and quickly found the line about the Burning Corps.

  At the moment she saw those lines of text, her right eye shrank slightly, and her pretty face under the green short hair lost its color at the same time.

  Only a pale white remained.

  [A total of 500 people from the Burning Corps participated in the airborne landing operation against the Heart of Steel, killing a total of 751 enemies. ]

  [The battle ended in a tragic victory. ]

  [Only one person survived. ]


  (Thanks to the leader “pk52” and “Shenchao_Night Catkull” for their rewards!!!)

   The unfinished writing can only be left until tomorrow, and it’s a good time to think about it. I got up at five o’clock, ate for ten minutes, and coded for more than eleven hours. This hand speed cracked me TT


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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