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Chapter 41 Caring Cat

Chapter 41 Caring Cat


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 41 Caring Cat

  After a while, in front of the stone table in the backyard.

  Yang Shifei looked at the noodles in the bowl, his expression slightly solemn.

  Yue Rui sat aside with her head down, tugging at the hem of her skirt between her knees, her pretty face full of disappointment, hesitating and not daring to speak.

  Obviously, the bowl of noodles she volunteered to make was a bit abstract.

  Yang Shifei glanced at the girl’s frustrated face, sighed in his heart, picked up the bowl of noodles and started eating.

  Although it was made into noodle dumpling soup, the seasoning was at least acceptable.

  Yue Rui stole a glance and said weakly, “Is it delicious?”

  ”It’s okay.” Yang Shifei drank a mouthful of the noodle soup and nodded, “For the first time, it’s very good.”

  Yue Rui lowered her head and stirred with her slender fingers, the tip of her shoes touching each other, and she looked a little shy.

  Yang Shifei tried to hold back his smile and patted her head: “If you want to cook in the future, I can teach you more.”

  Hearing this, Yue Rui’s eyes lit up slightly, her pink lips curled up, and she showed a subtle smile:

  ”Thank you, brother~”

  The sweet and light voice was like honey in the heart, which made Yang Shifei’s heart warm.

  This girl, the sound of “brother” almost made people’s hearts melt.

  Yang Shifei almost laughed strangely, and coughed twice: “Why did you suddenly call me brother?”

  Yue Rui tilted her head: “You are older than me, so you are brother.”

  As she said that, she blinked her wet beautiful eyes again: “I called you like this in Luo Mansion just now, and you seemed to like it. Don’t you like it now?”

  ”Well, it’s okay.”

  Seeing Yang Shifei continue to eat noodles, Yue Rui’s eyes flashed a mischievous smile.

  Just a glimpse of the scar beside his neck, she gently pulled his sleeve again.

  ”After you finish your noodles, wash up and go back to your room to have a good rest.”

  The girl shook her little pink fist: “I’ll go rub your back again.”

  ”Okay.” Yang Shifei paused for a moment and said with interest: “I didn’t expect you to be so caring.”

  Yue Rui tilted her head and smiled: “Of course~” “But

  . Why are you so close to me?”

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help asking: “Is it because of the identity of ‘Dual Cultivation Taoist Couple’?”

  Yue Rui was stunned for a moment, but shook her head: “I don’t know.”


  ”It’s just that I feel that you are very interesting and treat me very well. I am very happy when I am with you.”

  Yue Rui frowned, as if trying to think of a reason, and took Yang Shifei’s arm again: “An old lady once told me that if you find a good family that can make you happy every day, you must take the initiative to grab it.”

  Yang Shifei’s mouth twitched. Was the old lady too vague? Would she really not lead the little girl astray?

  If she met someone with bad intentions, wouldn’t this girl be deceived?

  ”Aren’t you worried that I will do something bad?”


  ”Are you sure?” Yang Shifei smiled: “How do you know?”

  Yue Rui puffed out her chest: “It’s based on my feeling!”


  Although Yang Shifei didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, he couldn’t help but feel touched when he saw Yue Rui’s pure and innocent smile.

  This girl has been almost alone since she was a child, and I guess she hasn’t had much contact with others.

  It won’t be a problem to have a little sister in the family in the future.

  Thinking of this, Yang Shifei subconsciously brushed the girl’s hair, but Yue Rui took the initiative to rub it with her palm.

  He couldn’t help but laugh: “Girl, are you really a cat?”

  Yue Rui blinked: “Do you want to know?”

  ”If you don’t mind, I, I–Fuck?!”

  Yang Shifei was so scared that he almost dropped the bowl of noodles in his hand. He leaned back with a dumbfounded look on his face.

  Yue Rui was still sitting obediently, but behind her, a dense and twisted ghost shadow suddenly appeared, and a huge black shadow stood tall, almost filling up most of the backyard.

  In the next moment, the ghost in the yard disappeared instantly.

  ”Brother?” Yue Rui tilted her head, her soft hair shaking.

  ”Are you scared?”

  ”A little bit.” Yang Shifei came back to his senses with a strange look on his face, and touched the little girl’s head again: “But it’s okay, the monster cat is also very cute, and you will get familiar with it after looking at it a few more times.”

  Yue Rui smiled softly: “I’m glad you don’t hate it.”

  Seeing Yang Shifei patting his chest and breathing a sigh of relief, he turned around and continued to eat noodles. The girl pursed her pink lips slightly, and her eyes flickered, like a star lit up in the dark night.

  After a while, Yang Shifei hurriedly finished the noodles, cleaned up a little in the kitchen, and went back to the house with Yue Rui.

  He had just taken off his outer robe and turned around to look at Yue Rui who had taken off her shoes and was sitting on the bed. He couldn’t help but teasing, “Do you want to rub my shoulders so much?”

  ”Every day you suck my ass, now it’s my turn to rub yours.”


  Yang Shifei lay on the bed with a weird look on his face.

  But before he could even murmur, he felt a pair of delicate little hands pressing on his back, kneading it carefully.

  Although the arms looked slender, they were quite strong and felt quite comfortable.

  Yang Shifei relaxed silently for a while, and was about to turn his head to say a few words to the girl, but he found that Yue Rui, who was kneeling beside him, was nodding her head, as if she was trying hard to stay asleep.

  He thought about it and soon sighed secretly.

  This girl was a pure night owl, and now she was still awake to rub his back, which obviously counted as “staying up all night.”

  Yang Shifei turned over slightly and held the other’s little hand: “Okay, you can also have a good sleep.”


  Yue Rui responded softly, staggered and lay down with her head tilted, and fell asleep with her head touching the pillow.

  Yang Shifei was about to carry her to the next room, but his sleeve was tightly pulled.


  The two of them were in a stalemate for a while, and seeing that Yue Rui did not let go even when she was asleep, Yang Shifei sighed helplessly and could only lie down beside her honestly and pull the quilt to cover them.

  After working for a while, he was actually a little tired. He fell asleep not long after closing his eyes.

  But not long after, Yue Rui secretly opened her sleepy eyes.

  She was about to get closer to his arms, but her nose shrugged, revealing a look of shock.

  ”There is so much smell of bad women!”

  Yue Rui’s cheeks were slightly puffed, and she immediately arched into Yang Shifei’s arms and rubbed them, as if she wanted to cover up all the smell of Luo Xian’er.

  The spring breeze outside the house passed through the hall, bringing a slight rustling sound.

  Yang Shifei woke up rubbing his forehead.

  Perhaps it was the effect of the healing ointment, he slept quite drowsily this time, looking at the gray sky outside the window, he couldn’t tell what time it was.

  Turning his head slightly, Yue Rui was leaning against him and sleeping soundly, her petite body curled up into a ball.

  Yang Shifei smiled faintly and gently stroked the girl’s hair twice.

  Yue Rui’s reaction was also cute, her little face was slightly red, she moaned twice

  and then slept more soundly.

  Yang Shifei’s mouth trembled slightly, and it took him a long time to pull his palms out of the other’s two soft legs, with a subtle look on his face.

  This girl’s sleeping posture is quite bad.


  Yang Shifei rubbed his forehead to make his mind clearer, turned over and got out of bed to put on his clothes.

  When he ran to the backyard to wash up, he confirmed that his injuries were basically healed, with only a few bruises left.

  ”Fortunately, the recovery speed is still very fast.”

  Yang Shifei moved his body to the lobby and saw that the hot breakfast was already on the table, covered with a table cover, and there was an account book next to it.

  ”Tan Xiang came really early.”

  Yang Shifei lifted the table cover and took a look, and couldn’t help but be stunned.

  Although it was breakfast, it was much richer than usual. Not to mention the big fish and meat, at least there were a full variety, and each plate of meat and vegetables was full, as if they were afraid that he would not be full.

  ”Good wife and good mother.” Yang Shifei sighed in his heart and sat down to have a full meal.

  But not long after he finished cleaning up, he heard a movement at the gate of the courtyard, so he had to stop practicing and ran to open the door.

  ”——I heard that Young Master Yang was injured, so I came to visit him.”

  The serious Tie Hanyang stood outside the courtyard gate, still dressed in that cold manner, and bowed slightly: “Look at the young master’s complexion, it seems that he has recovered well?”

  ”It’s just a minor injury. I’m sorry to have worried Chief Constable Tie.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and returned the greeting: “Would you like to come in and sit for a while?”

  ”I still have official business to attend to, so I can’t stay for long.” When Tie Hanyang declined, he was also a little surprised.

  This person fought Xiang Tianlin head-on, but only suffered a minor injury.

  And he also knew that the other party had only practiced martial arts for a short time, but he had such fighting power. He was really an incredible genius.

  ”However, I have a few young people who want to help introduce them. They want to meet the young master.”

  Tie Hanyang suddenly changed the subject, causing Yang Shifei to frown slightly: “Who?”

  ”——It’s us.”

  Several figures walked over from not far away.

  Yang Shifei looked in the direction of the sound and quickly raised his eyebrows.

  I didn’t have any impression of the others, but the two young men in the lead looked familiar. They were the two disciples I met in Jiuchongmen, named Xiang Zhao and Xiang Yu.

  ”What do you want?”

  Yang Shifei said in a low voice, “Want to avenge your master?”

  ”Not really.”

  But unexpectedly, the two disciples shook their heads.

  The next moment, all the people from Jiuchongmen knelt on the street without exception, bowed their heads and clasped their fists in salute:

  ”Thank you, Mr. Yang, for risking your life to accompany me and send our master off to a dignified last journey.”

   I hope everyone will follow and vote, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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