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Chapter 41 Lin Mofeng was shocked! Senior Sword God is really unfathomable!

Chapter 41 Lin Mofeng was shocked! Senior Sword God is really unfathomable!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 41 Lin Mofeng was shocked! Senior Sword God is really unfathomable!


  Hearing this, Mr. Li’s expression suddenly changed and he subconsciously slapped the table.


  The precious sandalwood table was instantly shattered into pieces!

  The tea was spilled on the table, and the pastries and cakes suddenly fell to the floor.

  When Li Zixuan and Lin Mofeng next to them saw this, they were both frightened and looked at each other, not daring to say another word.

  There is no doubt that Mr. Li is really angry.

  Yesterday, he just ordered a strict guard and prohibited anyone from approaching the stone monument.

  As a result, this kind of destruction happened early on.

  The slap in the face was really loud!

  ”Who? Who did this!?”

  Mr. Li looked gloomy, walked to the door, opened the door, and shouted at the security director who came over.


  As he spoke, a terrifying coercion was released on the director, as if a mountain was pressing down on him, frightening him to the ground immediately!

  ”I…I don’t know…Mr. Li…”

  ”When I went over this morning to take a look, I found someone…engraved…on it…”

  He said tremblingly, for fear of what might happen next. In seconds, Mr. Li came over with a palm and split his head in half.

  ”Teacher… please calm down first.”

  Seeing this scene, Li Zixuan behind her stepped forward and said softly: “Let’s go to the scene to see the situation first.”

  ”Young junior sister is right, teacher, don’t be angry.

  ” Lin Mofeng followed suit, but he was also a little unhappy in his heart.

  After all, this is his gift to his alma mater.

  As a result, before even letting the juniors and girls take a second look, they were ruined the next day, which is really annoying.

  But due to his good upbringing, he still suppressed his unhappiness and advised Mr. Li:

  ”The three of us will go to the stone monument first. If it is not serious, I will just repair it directly.”

  After hearing this .

  Mr. Li, who stopped at the door, also realized that he had lost his temper.


  He closed his eyes and exhaled a heavy breath.

  After the anger in his heart was suppressed, he helped the security section chief up on the ground and said:

  ”What happened today is a serious dereliction of duty by your security section! I will come to you to settle this account later. As for now… I’ll just follow you. Let’s go together to see the damage to the stone monument.”

  ”Yes…yes, thank you, Mr. Li,”

  the director of the security department said tremblingly, leading the way.

  Li Lao hunched over and followed behind him with his hands behind his back, his face still gloomy. Li Zixuan and Lin Mofeng followed closely beside Lao Li.

  Several people went downstairs and went straight to Yanwu Square.

  Looking from a distance, the square was crowded with people, whispering to each other, making it very noisy.

  ”Here it comes! The dean is here! Everyone, get out of the way!”

  ”It’s so abominable. Who did it? He even dared to carve random words on the stone tablet. It’s really too much!”

  ”Hey, it’s not easy to have a grandmaster. I didn’t even have time to take a second look at this super-level skill, but it was so ruined…”

  Sighs passed into Mr. Li’s ears.

  It made his already bad mood become even more irritable and his Taoist mind was disordered.

  ”Everyone, please be silent!!”

  Mr. Li shouted angrily. The sound was like a thunderous explosion, which spread throughout the martial arts square and immediately shocked everyone to the spot.

  Silence, silence.

  Countless eyes focused on Mr. Li, but no sound was heard.

  The crowd parted to both sides, making way for a wide road.

  Mr. Li walked quickly through the crowd to the stone tablet with his hands behind his back. He nervously inspected the carvings on it, and his heart sank immediately.


  Compared with yesterday, there are many new carvings on the stone tablet. I don’t know who made it superfluous and filled in the exercises secretly!

  The lawless behavior of the person who carved the words undoubtedly shows that he does not take Jianghai Martial Arts Academy seriously.

  If word spreads, the entire Jianghai City will laugh at their martial arts academy.

  ”Check! Check it out for me immediately!”   

  The veins on Mr. Li’s forehead popped out, and his chest was burning with anger. He spoke almost word for word, “I have to dig out that little beast!”

  He just finished speaking.


  Lin Mofeng suddenly took a step forward, felt the star power on the stone tablet at a closer distance, and said in surprise: “There seems to be something wrong with the carvings on this stone tablet…”


  Mr. Li Hearing this, he didn’t know why: “Mo Feng, what do you mean?”

  ”Wait a moment, teacher, let me take a closer look.”

  As he said that, Lin Mo Feng took a step closer and released his star power to cover the stone tablet for perception.

  However, as soon as it was covered, his face suddenly changed, shocked and confused, and then he showed an incredible look and murmured:

  ”How is it possible…my star power is gone!”

  At this moment, the stone tablet was on the stone tablet.

  Instead, there was an extremely fierce sword intent escaping.

  Lin Mofeng’s expression suddenly changed. Sensing the sword intent, his body trembled instinctively.

  The remaining sword intent alone is enough to explain one thing.

  The strength of the person who carved the words was extremely terrifying, and his understanding of the art of swordsmanship was at an advanced level, far beyond the scope of his own understanding!

  At the same time, Mr. Li also calmed down.

  Just now, I was distracted by an unexpected situation.

  After carefully sensing it at this moment, he also discovered that the sword intent on the stone tablet was surging and fierce, and the momentum was compelling.

  ”Eh? What’s going on with the content of this technique?”

  At this time, Lin Mofeng let out a startled cry, looked at the content on the stone tablet, and found something more wrong.

  At this moment, on the stone tablet, the incomplete part that I had carved before was not damaged in any way. The mysterious carver only added new parts to the extra vacancies.


  why did he do this?

  Thinking of this, Lin Mofeng suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, and a horrifying thought came to his mind!

  Could it be that that person has completed the master’s skills! ?

  ”Impossible…absolutely impossible!”

  You know, this is a master-level star power technique!

  It is extremely difficult to complete a master-level skill, and it may take more than ten years to complete it.

  Even a highly respected old professor in the imperial capital would not try it easily.

  And in this small Jianghai City…how could such a powerful person appear? !


  Next, Lin Mofeng held a skeptical attitude and tried to circulate the true energy in his body according to the supplementary steps on the stone tablet.


  It’s really smooth, without any hindrance. The true energy flows through the meridians in the body, extremely smooth and natural!

  There is no reason to panic.

  Lin Mofeng looked at the stone tablet in a daze, feeling that his world view had been greatly impacted!

  ”That man… really completed his skills, teacher…”

  Lin Mofeng choked and muttered to himself.


  His Dao heart was broken…

  The incomplete skills that had been cut off for thousands of years were easily completed overnight!

  Simply unheard of.

  Who can have such powerful means? !


  Mr. Li on the side was also shocked when he heard this.

  Because, when he and Li Zixuan stepped forward together and felt the sword intent above, they suddenly found something familiar.

  ”This is… the sword intention of the senior! It was completed by the senior!”

  Mr. Li raised his white eyebrows and said in shock, understanding everything immediately.

  Li Zixuan next to her also understood it, and her face suddenly looked full of admiration, her eyes filled with excited little stars.

  Teacher, as expected of you!

  (End of chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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