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Chapter 412: The Big Deal of the Enterprise! (Thanks to the Silver Alliance of “NightChicK3n”!)

Chapter 412: The Big Deal of the Enterprise! (Thanks to the Silver Alliance of “NightChicK3n”!)

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 412: The Big Deal of Enterprises! (Thanks to the Silver Alliance of “NightChicK3n”!)

  The airspace in the east of Qingquan City.

  Twelve heavy transport planes were like big birds, flying in a goose-shaped formation in the sky, and their figures appeared at the end of the clouds.

  In the semi-arc-shaped cabin.

  Two bionic people wearing silver cloaks stood by the front window glass, staring at the dead city not far away.

  Just like the ideal city.

  There were also tall buildings, even more than those, and the edge of the city could not be seen.

  However, the whole city was deserted.

  Whether it was the city center engulfed by the yellow-green spore cloud or the empty concrete wreckage, they were undoubtedly dead.

  Only in a corner of the northern suburbs, there was still a trace of fireworks.

  The survivors built new homes there, built three- and five-story houses, used ancient trains to transport supplies, electric-driven machinery operated in the fields, and the towering chimneys slowly floated black mist.

  The fire of civilization has been preserved, and there seems to be signs of recovery, but the breath is still weak, like a candlelight swaying in a storm…

  ”That’s Qingquan City.” The relatively tall bionic man slowly spoke, his colorless pupils staring at Dawn City.

  Its name is “Frost”, the model is A-130, which is redesigned from the pre-war civilian P-100 series. The application scenarios are raids, security, rescue, monitoring and cleaning, etc. At the same time, the AI ​​algorithm is compatible with some functions of the P-100 series.

  As the proud work of the bionic design department of Kangmao Group, its energy supply device is a nuclear battery storing 200g of helium-3 and a chemical battery storing 6 kilograms of metallic hydrogen.

  As a hybrid bionic man, its electricity is usually provided by the latter, and it will switch to the former when the latter’s energy is exhausted.

  The bionic man standing next to it at this moment is called “Eclipse”, the model is A-110, and the main application scenario is comprehensive information processing.

  In addition, unlike Frost, which can carry multiple weapons, its capabilities are more reflected outside the battlefield. For example, coordinating the collective combat of conventional bionic troops, coordinating multiple drones to form an attack aircraft group, etc.

  ”The Alliance has responded to our landing request. They will lend us the airport in the northern suburbs… We will land in 5 minutes and 12 seconds.” Eclipse’s pupils flickered slightly, and he said softly.

  Frost nodded.

  Its pupils were colorless, but it seemed to be more intelligent than the colleague next to it who was equipped with a more complex processor.

  Looking at the weak village, it raised its chin slightly, and the electronic sound without ups and downs carried a hint of subtle meaning.

  ”Eclipse, this is an opportunity for us.”

  Eclipse turned his head slightly.


  Frost continued.

  ”We will use our superb technology and professionalism to eliminate customers’ concerns and prove to our customers that we are the optimal solution under all precise calculations-”

  ”We will lead mankind and revive their civilization!”

  Eclipse paused for two seconds, not knowing whether he was confused or thinking.

  Then he nodded.



  The funeral just happened to end.

  Chu Guang left the cemetery and walked in front of Zhao Yongxu, the leader of the Giant Stone City Militia.

  Before Chu Guang could speak, the strong man seemed to be impatient and spoke first.

  ”Hello, Mr. Manager, I am here on behalf of the Lord of Giant Stone City, hoping to discuss our common future with you.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly and nodded.

  ”This is indeed a question worth discussing. We value our relationship with you, but I have to say that you came at the wrong time… Maybe before the next visit, you should tell our embassy or call in advance.”

  Zhao Yongxu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Chu Guang said directly.

  ”It means that you may have to wait a little longer.”

  Wait? !

  Zhao Yongxu laughed at this sentence.

  ”How many funerals do you plan to hold to complete the next one?”

  ”It has nothing to do with the funeral,” Chu Guang was not angry at his words, and continued calmly, “It’s just to receive friends from afar.”

  ”Friends from afar.” Zhao Yongxu narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Chu Guang nodded and said in a relaxed tone.

  ”Well, they came all the way from the East Coast, I can’t just leave them alone.”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words, almost all the envoys from Boulder City, including Zhao Yongxu, showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  People from the Enterprise?

  Come here? !

  Standing next to Zhao Yongxu, an officer couldn’t help but protest.

  ”Have those people made an appointment?”

  Chu Guang looked at him and said.

  ”Of course, they said they would come five days ago.”

  Although Chu Guang didn’t expect these people to come so quickly.

  Wasn’t it agreed that the maximum range was only 500 kilometers?

  How did it suddenly cross 3,000 kilometers?

  Zhao Yongxu’s face changed slightly, and his mind turned quickly.

  Although he had heard a long time ago that Shelter No. 404 was a permanent partner of the Enterprise, he had never heard that they had cooperation outside the trade field.

  And these people didn’t come suddenly, but had an appointment five days ago.

  This means that these country bumpkins in the northern suburbs actually have a way to maintain stable contact with the Enterprise!

  There are nearly 3,000 kilometers between here and the East Coast!

  It is common knowledge that long-distance communication in the wasteland is difficult. How did these people do it? !

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yongxu couldn’t help but be secretly alert. Looking at the azure power armor, his eyes also changed subtly.

  If the new alliance really forms an alliance with the enterprise, they will have to reconsider their relationship with this neighbor…

  Chu Guang smiled faintly after taking in the expression on his face.

  ”Are you going with me? Or go to the city hall to rest first?”

  The messengers whispered.

  Looking at Chu Guang expressionlessly, Zhao Yongxu suddenly forced a stiff smile on his face.

  ”Then please introduce us to the guests from the East Coast…”

  The negotiation about the Iron Heart was no longer important.

  In contrast, he was more eager to figure out one thing.

  Are those people from the East Coast…


  Shuguang City North Airport. There was

  a lot of chatter on the ground.

  Looking at the plane flying from afar, every player near the airport opened their eyes wide in shock.

  ”Fuck! What the hell is that?!”


  ”I know it’s a plane, but why is the shape so strange?!”

  The fuselage is nearly 30 meters long, the wingspan is more than 30 meters, and the drum-shaped engine is spraying blue arcs.

  At this time, someone suddenly shouted in surprise.

  ”Look at the wing!”

  ”It’s moving!”

  The arc of light sprayed backwards turned its angle and turned to point diagonally downward to the ground, supporting the huge fuselage while slowing down and landing.

  The whole set of actions was done in one go.

  Transport planes switched flight modes smoothly and landed neatly on the runway of the Shuguang City North Airport.

  The rolling airflow blew away, blowing up billowing dust.

  Mosquito stared at the sci-fi big planes with his eyes wide open, his face full of unspeakable excitement and envy, and he kept muttering.

  ”Oh my god, it finally feels a bit sci-fi!”

  Guigui nodded seriously.

  ”I understand! Vertical take-off and landing is the direction of the future.”

  The pig brother next to him coughed lightly.

  ”It’s just a game. Maybe the operator just thinks this shape is more handsome… Selective reference, don’t be led astray by others.”

  Mosquito said with a grin.

  ”That’s right! What vertical take-off and landing! What can electric propulsion do with that little power? Big nozzles, big thrust, and forward-swept wings are the future!”

  Luoyu: “…”

  Unprofessional Fanman: “…”

  As everyone was talking, the door of the plane opened.

  A row of bionic soldiers walked out of the cabin in neat steps and formed five neat squares on the runway.

  The iconic G9 “Black Swan” assault rifles were held horizontally in front of their chests. The streamlined gun bodies were integrated with the desert camouflage armor, and the arc-shaped eyepieces faintly flickered with scarlet spots.

  They were machines born for war.

  Although they were called bionic people, they had nothing in common with humans except for their similar appearance.

  Standing next to Mosquito, his apprentices all sighed in surprise.

  ”Damn it.”

  ”The dog planner is working so hard!”


  The players whispered.

  Looking at the bionic soldiers, Chu Guang, who was standing next to the airport, was just as surprised as the players.

  Although the company said it would send reinforcements, it did not say who the people were, let alone whether they were human.

  Zhao Yongxu, who was standing not far away and watching, swallowed his saliva, with disbelief and a hint of deep fear in his eyes.

  Five hundred-man teams composed of bionic people!

  And this was just the first wave of support!

  Who knows if there will be more in the future…

  Chu Guang didn’t pay much attention to the expression on Zhao Yongxu’s face. His eyes stayed on the runway of the airport, looking at the twelve uniquely shaped aircraft and the bionic soldiers lined up in neat formations.

  Luo Hua, who was leaning on a cane, stood beside him with a surprised expression on his face.

  ”A-30 universal bionic soldier, unit price 270,000 Cr, a product of Kangmao Group… Before leaving Ideal City, I saw their promotional advertisements, but their technology was not mature at the time, and their performance in actual combat tests was quite poor. It’s only been two or three years, and they have produced so many.”

  Unit price 270,000 Cr, a total of 500 units.

  Doesn’t that mean the total price is more than 100 million? !

  Surprised by this huge amount, Chu Guang looked at Luo Hua.

  ”Kangmao Group?”

  Luo Hua nodded slowly.

  ”Well… didn’t I say before that the company is composed of multiple subsidiaries?”

  Chu Guang understood.

  ”Is the Kangmao Group one of the larger subsidiaries?”

  Luo Hua nodded.

  ”Not relatively large, but very large. Their main business is medical equipment and bionic equipment. Most of the bionic organs with the Ideal City brand are produced by them. In addition, there are bionic laborers that are more common in Yunjian Province. Most of the survivor settlements there have signed a convention to abolish slavery, so occasionally bionic people are used to do farm work, mining, and even garbage collection.”

  At this point, he paused for a moment and continued.

  ”There are four other companies of the same size as Kangmao Group. They are Yinyi, which mainly manufactures exploration equipment and heavy engineering equipment, Changge, which sells military products, Diandian, which provides intelligent services and cloud technology, and Ideal Group, the largest contractor and property in Ideal City.”

  ”Although there are tens of thousands of companies in Ideal City, the seats on the Supreme Council are basically in the hands of these five companies. If the resolution of aid is passed in the vote of the Council, it is basically these five companies that contribute money and manpower.”

  Chu Guang suddenly asked curiously.

  ”What determines the seats on your Council?”

  Luo Hua hesitated and said.

  ”Of course it’s equity… Why are you asking this?”

  Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”I’m just a little curious… Speaking of that equity, can it be traded? Can it be purchased directly with Cr?”

  ”Of course it can be, but basically no one will sell it casually.”

  Luo Hua frowned and thought for a moment, then continued, “I heard that a century ago, corporate equity trading was still very active, but now it is basically concentrated in the hands of five companies. And the rules for equity trading are very strict, you can’t buy it just because you want to.”

  Chu Guang nodded slightly in understanding.

  Is this probably a variant of representative democracy?

  However, the subject of power is not people, but “equity”, and its operating model is probably similar to the “profiteer empire” in “Group Type”.

  As the number one “licker” of Ideal City, Giant Stone City has borrowed some of the technology and rules of Ideal City. However, since this trend started from the aristocracy, they only borrowed the part that was beneficial to their class.

  In the end, a half-feudal lord and half-capitalized operation was born.

  However, even though there are differences in many areas, when the official power of Ideal City appeared in front of them, it still shocked the nobles of Giant Stone City.

  Including the captain Zhao Yongxu.

  The word “fear” was almost written on his face.

  Even the hardliners who are keen on showing off their military power have to admit that showing off their military power to those people on the East Coast is not a smart choice.

  Just as Zhao Yongxu was anxiously thinking about how to deal with it, two bionic people with unique shapes left the team and walked towards Chu Guang.

  They were covered with a silver cloak.

  Obviously different from those mass-produced models, they have facial features similar to humans and appearance that conforms to human aesthetics.

  ”Welcome, friends from afar. I am the manager of the alliance, Chu Guang.”

  Looking at the two bionic people coming towards him, Chu Guang estimated that they might be representatives of the company, so he stretched out his right hand.

  He shook his right hand holding the power armor.

  The leading bionic person curved his mouth and spoke in a calm voice.

  ”Thank you for your welcome, and I hope we are not too late. My name is Frost, model A-130.”

  Frost is okay.

  Chu Guang looked at the one next to it with a strange expression, and was about to ask if its name was Illusion.

  Perhaps reading the inquiry on his face, the bionic person took the initiative to introduce himself before he asked the question.

  ”Eclipse, model A-110.”

  Hearing these two names, Luo Hua’s face showed a hint of surprise.

  These two bionic people are models he has never heard of.

  Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice.

  ”…It seems that I have been away from home for too long.”

  Just when Chu Guang was thinking about how to communicate with these two bionic friends, a figure suddenly trotted over to the plane not far away.

  ”Wait a minute, I, I am the representative of the expeditionary force… Yi Chuan! Silver Wing Group Overseas Business Development Department! It’s nice to meet you!”

  The man stopped and took a breath with his hands on his knees. Finally, he caught his breath and squeezed out a smile at Chu Guang in front of him.

  ”It seems that we arrived in time!”

  Chu Guang looked at the panting man in front of him with a strange expression, and then looked at Han Shuang who was looking at him with a smile.

  Didn’t these people communicate well?

  He almost made a mistake for the representative of the reinforcements.

  Before he could speak, Luo Hua suddenly opened his eyes wide and recognized the man in front of him.

  ”Yi Chuan?!”

  The two obviously knew each other.

  The young man who had just caught his breath was stunned, and looked at Luo Hua who was leaning on a cane next to Chu Guang, and immediately recognized him.

  ”Luo Hua?! I heard that you were seriously injured… Hiss, what’s wrong with your arm?”

  Luo Hua looked at his left hand and said with a wry smile.

  ”Put my business aside for now… Let’s talk about it later when we reminisce about the past.”

  Obviously knowing that this was not the right time to reminisce about the past, Yi Chuan nodded, looked at Chu Guang standing in front of him, cleared his throat, and said seriously.

  ”You are the manager of Shelter No. 404, nice to meet you!”

  ”Chu Guang, I’m glad to meet you too.”

  Chu Guang said, making a joke to ease the atmosphere, “It seems that you are the representative of the reinforcements. I was just thinking about how to communicate with our bionic friends.”

  Looking at the two bionics next to him, Yi Chuan’s smile was a little awkward.

  ”These two are representatives of Kangmao Group… They may be more enthusiastic.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  From the expression on the face of the young man in front of him, he vaguely sensed something unusual. It seemed that there should be disagreements within the company on certain issues.

  However, that was an internal matter of the company and had nothing to do with the new alliance, and Chu Guang didn’t want to get involved in their internal affairs.

  It is the job of a manager to strive for more benefits and compensation for his little players and the residents of the alliance.

  As they were talking, two men and one woman came over from a distance.

  The three people came down from the last plane. When they came closer, Yi Chuan introduced them to Chu Guang.

  ”This is Wu Mu, a senior employee of the product sales department of Changge Group!”

  The young man named Wu Mu was wearing a set of red power armor, with a hearty smile on his face, and took the initiative to extend his right hand.

  ”Hello, manager of the alliance! I have seen your video, where is the death claw? Why didn’t you ride it over?”

  Chu Guang shook hands with him and said with a smile.

  ”It has a bad temper and is not suitable for meeting guests, but if you are interested, I can take you to see it, and even give you one.”

  ”Haha, that’s great, I’ll remember this sentence!” Wu Mu’s eyes flashed with strong interest.

  Compared with others, Chu Guang could clearly feel that the representative from Changge Group in front of him was probably the one who liked him the most.

  Even a little… worship?

  However, compared to the others, this one didn’t look like he was here to fight. He looked like he was here for a picnic, so it was hard not to doubt his professional ability.

  Of course.

  Maybe his expertise wasn’t on the battlefield. After all, according to Yi Chuan’s introduction to him, his profession seemed to be “sales”?

  Compared to this friend named Wu Mu, the other two representatives were much more stable, especially the middle-aged man who was about 40 years old.

  There was a hint of old-fashionedness in his mature face, and it was difficult for Chu Guang to tell his thoughts from his expression.

  Before Yi Chuan introduced himself, the middle-aged man spoke in a businesslike tone.

  ”Li Changkong, a business person of Ideal Group, our engineering equipment and construction technology will be open to you to help you build a more reliable logistics supply line and ensure that war materials and personnel can be smoothly delivered from the rear to the front line… Of course, all we can do is help you build roads and consolidate fortifications. As for the resources needed for construction and the war on the front line, you still have to rely on yourselves.”

  Chu Guang smiled and shook hands with him.

  ”That’s enough.”

  The largest contractor and property manager of Ideal City.

  I think he won’t be disappointed.

  After introducing the representatives of Changge Group and Ideal Group, Yi Chuan continued to introduce the last one, the representative from Endpoint Group.

  ”This is Yun You, a senior engineer from the AI ​​Technology Department of Endpoint Group. She will serve as your information technology consultant during the war and help you complete the construction of information-related infrastructure. Don’t look at her young age, actually-”

  With her arms folded in front of her chest, the one called Yun You coughed lightly, interrupted him in the middle of his words, and continued expressionlessly.

  ”My personal situation should have nothing to do with my work content.”

  Yi Chuan said embarrassedly.


  Chu Guang looked at her twice.

  She was about twenty years old, with a temperament like a typical researcher. Her clothing style was similar to Heya, but she was a little shorter.

  Probably between Heya and Teng Teng.

  Perhaps it was the glasses on her nose that magnified her sharp eyes. He always felt that this guy had an inexplicable… vigilance towards him?

  Before Chu Guang could speak, Yun You looked at him and made his position clear.

  ”To be honest, I don’t agree with the option of war. Rather than fighting like beasts, I think we should solve the problem through dialogue. Otherwise, we will just repeat the mistakes of two hundred years ago.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”If I can drive away those beasts with my mouth, I would rather use my mouth.”

  Yun You raised her eyebrows and was about to say something. At this time, Yi Chuan, who was standing beside her, coughed and interrupted her.

  ”Ms. Yun’s opinion only represents her personal opinion. The unanimous resolution No. 1001 is the embodiment of our overall will… We all have relatives involved in this war, whether actively or passively, and now what we have to do is to end it!”

  As he said, he looked at Chu Guang.

  ”The Legion must stop its territorial ambitions east of the Great Desert, abandon its military base in Luoxia Province, return the Pioneer, and release the Pioneer crew trapped in the Great Desert!”

  This is not a slogan.

  It is the war goal of the enterprise in this war announced by the representatives of the reinforcements.

  Driving the Legion out of Luoxia Province is also one of the goals of the alliance. Only in this way can the threat from the west be ended.

  Chu Guang stretched out his right hand.

  ”We are on the same side. I am glad to stand on the same front with you!”

  ”We are too!”

  Holding Chu Guang’s right hand, Yi Chuan said solemnly.

  ”Your bravery on the front line has shocked everyone. The call for war has never been so high. Although we are three thousand kilometers apart, our desire for civilization is the same.”

  ”The first batch of aid includes 500 A-30 bionic soldiers, who will go to the front line to fight with you!”

  ”In addition, there are 300 million Cr worth of arms, construction machinery, and production equipment that will be airlifted here one after another. We will not only help you establish a complete supply line, but also help you complete industrial upgrades and arm your production lines and troops with more advanced technology!”

  Hearing the words of his allies, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile even though his expression management was in place.

  300 million Cr of arms is a small matter, and 500 bionic soldiers are nothing to be excited about. The key is the promise at the end!

  Isn’t this what he is waiting for!

  Yi Chuan paused and continued.

  ”… However, we only had time to produce these 12 large aircraft with a range of over 3,000 kilometers. Before the subsequent reinforcements arrive, we need an aviation base to recharge our aircraft.”

  Chu Guang asked immediately.

  ”What energy do you need?”

  ”Metallic hydrogen!” Yi Chuan said seriously, “We plan to build a metal hydrogen production line in the southern part of the Valley Province to supply energy and ammunition production. This requires about 100 acres of land, and the requirement is that the local area can provide stable and sufficient electricity and water sources… We are not familiar with the local situation, so you may have to think of a way to solve these problems.” Electricity and water


  That’s easy to say!

  Chu Guang’s heart moved, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”This is very simple. I just know a beautiful place with mountains and rivers. It is not only close to the water source, but also not far from our controlled fusion power station!”

  ”There is also a controlled fusion power station here?!” Yi Chuan’s eyes lit up, and a hint of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, “Great!”

  He had already prepared to use thermal power generation for emergencies, but he didn’t expect these inland allies to give them a surprise.

  Chu Guang continued to paint a big picture with a smile on his face.

  ”North of Xizhou City, on the south bank of the Tianshui tributary, we plan to build a river port there. There is our fusion reactor in the nearby Xizhou City, and it is expected that power will be restored before the end of the month. I can lend you the open space near the port, but…”

  Chu Guang suddenly paused for a moment when he said this.

  Seeing the embarrassment on his face, Yi Chuan asked hurriedly.

  ”But what?”

  Chu Guang said with a little embarrassment.

  ”But our control over that area is weak, and there are predators on the north bank of the river… It may have an impact on the safety of the air base.”

  Hearing this, Yi Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

  ”Hey, it’s a small matter! If there are predators coming, just let us solve it!”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang’s face showed a happy smile again.

  ”I feel relieved with your words!”

  With the help of enterprises to watch the northern gate of the alliance, the Legion’s intelligence network in the Bugera Free State should be difficult to make any moves.

  In this way, he can also free up more manpower to invest in the new expansion pack!


  (Thanks to “NightChicK3n” for being the silver ally!!! Thanks to “As a person who follows his heart” for the reward!!! It’s not that I don’t want to update, it’s mainly because I really don’t have any more manuscripts saved. QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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