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Chapter 414 Terrifying Infrastructure Capabilities

Chapter 414 Terrifying Infrastructure Capabilities


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 414 Terrifying Infrastructure Capability

  Night falls.

  Boulder City, the center of the inner city.

  On the top floor of the pitch-black building, in a spacious room, a man in formal clothes stands in front of the French window, looking expressionlessly at the silent night sky in the north.

  Last year, at almost the same time and in the same direction, those people from the East Coast detonated a tactical nuclear bomb in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  And now, those people have visited here again.

  ”Time flies so fast.”

  Staring at the reflection on the French window, the man thought thoughtfully in his heart.

  Once time becomes insignificant, the speed of passing will be unimaginable.

  Whether it is because of being rich enough to squander it, or because yesterday and tomorrow are almost the same.

  This is the curse of time on the long-lived.

  However, recently, the situation has changed a little. When he didn’t notice it, a bud sprouted from the ruins not far away.

  Two centuries.

  This inconspicuous city has never been so lively…

  There was a sound of footsteps behind him, stopping at the door.

  The man didn’t look back, but turned his back to the man at the door and asked in a very soft voice.

  ”Have you seen the manager?”

  Zhao Yongxu, who was standing at the door, leaned forward slightly, his angular face full of respect and piety.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  The man continued to ask.

  ”What kind of person is he?”

  Zhao Yongxu answered without hesitation.

  ”Hypocritical! Cunning! An ambitious man who is good at using conspiracy and trickery! I don’t know what methods he used to fool those people on the East Coast, but we won’t be fooled by them!”

  The man nodded, and his expression could not tell whether he believed or doubted.

  Or, just indifference.

  After thinking for a moment, the man continued to ask.

  ”What do they say about our proposal?”

  Secretly glancing at his back, Zhao Yongxu repeated the results of the negotiation in cautious terms without any exaggeration.

  The man listened quietly from beginning to end and nodded slowly.

  ”Well, I know, you go down first.”


  Zhao Yongxu nodded respectfully, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Without asking any more questions, he turned around and left the room.

  When talking to this gentleman, there is always a long wait. Sometimes, a few short sentences can inadvertently take several hours.

  This also makes him feel that time has been stolen.

  The room returned to silence.

  The man waited quietly for a while, stretched out his index finger, and tapped the French window lightly.

  Digital ripples spread around, and the reflected night sky turned into a screen.

  The screen was the office of the chairman of Giant Stone Military Industry.

  As if he expected the call to come to him, the chairman of Giant Stone Military Industry, Ibers, was standing respectfully in front of the desk.

  ”Dear Lord Fang Ming… It’s so late, do you have any instructions?”

  The man pondered like a still picture, and said slowly after a while.

  ”I need you to upgrade the radar system of Giant Stone City, with a coverage range of 500 kilometers and a level increase in recognition efficiency…”

  ”… And upgrade the weapons and fire control systems of the bionic people.”

  In fact, there was no need to do this.

  Those high-tech weapons are not needed to deal with slime molds.

  However, at this moment, Qingquan City is ushering in a change that has not happened in a century.

  Although he had designed the power structure of this building and the system for selecting elites from the wastelanders for promotion a long time ago, this system is not always reliable.

  After all, the gears that make up this system are people, and people are too fragile in the face of time.

  He needs to make some preparations for a rainy day.

  After listening to the man’s words, Ibers said respectfully.

  ”It’s not very difficult, but… I’m afraid it will cost a lot of budget.”

  The man replied in a casual tone.

  ”It doesn’t matter. I will inform the militia and the representatives of the residents of the outer city.”

  For him who stands at the top of power, money is just a number.

  Hearing the promise of the city lord, Ibers showed a happy smile on his face and nodded slightly respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  North of Shuguang City.

  At the edge of Linghu Wetland Park, Lao Bai and his group who returned from the city center were heading back to the resurrection point.

  Today’s harvest is quite fruitful.

  The mechanical big dog following behind the four people carried a bag that was completely disproportionate to its size, which was filled with the evolved bodies they recovered from the city center.

  Including the remains of the Decayed Knight!

  The guy was holding a chainsaw that he had dismantled from somewhere, and the remains of the power armor were covered with dark red fungal carpets.

  Generally, 7mm bullets hitting it were like tickling, at most scraping off some fungal blocks, and the armor-piercing bullets fired by the RPG could not touch it at all, so it was chopped and exploded by the chainsaw.

  The four people watched it rushing up, and Lao Bai decisively pulled out the “Black Cleaver”, activated the boundary breakthrough, and swung an axe directly. The

  blunt blade of the hot melt cutting axe flashed a red arc.

  In a flash, everyone saw sparks flying, and a deep red crack was imprinted on the armor on its side waist. The

  hot air flow carried high-temperature metal fragments directly into the abandoned power armor, destroying the organic tissue inside the evolution body.

  Seeing that the attack was effective, Lao Bai took advantage of the iron lump losing balance and then chopped it horizontally and vertically with two axes, until it stopped moving.

  The Decayed Knight who had wiped out half of the Storm Troops was killed by him alone with the bonus of his equipment.

  It was also beyond Lao Bai’s expectation that the manager did not keep such an awesome melee weapon for himself.

  According to Fang Chang’s calculation, the materials they recovered today can be exchanged for at least 8,000 silver coins, and each person can get about 500 points of contribution points for the task.

  For the people who run the cattle and horse brick factory, the silver coins rewarded by the task are actually not that attractive. The key is the professional level of the scientific expedition team and the contribution points rewarded by the task.

  Especially the latter.

  At present, Fang Chang, Kuang Feng, and Ye Shisan have contributed more than 90,000 points.

  The most urgent task is to quickly raise everyone’s contribution points to more than 100,000 and upgrade the citizen level to “Knight”.

  Although the power armor in the NPC store is out of stock, a new map will be opened soon, and there is a high probability that a new batch of power armor will be available.

  Then there will be a place to spend money again!

  ”Damn, when did Fang Chang, this bastard, become as timid as the fountain.”

  Looking at his burnt chemical protective suit and bulletproof vest, Ye Shi looked at the power wing suit on Fang Chang’s back and couldn’t help but make an envious sound.

  Fang Chang laughed and said calmly.

  ”I’m not a little more timid when playing ADC, like a T, holding the line in the front?”

  Although he also had some scratches on his body, they were all accidentally caused when he first tried the power wing suit. He was undoubtedly much more optimistic than his three good brothers.

  It must be said that the black technology produced by the shelter is really awesome.

  At first, he was worried that he would not be able to play this equipment well without flying experience, but he soon found that his concerns were completely unnecessary.

  After connecting to the VM control interface, his powered wing suit can not only set the cruise path, but also switch to multiple flight modes such as gliding and slow descent.

  The 12 sensors distributed on the wing suit can sensitively capture obstacles within a range of 200 meters and plan the best evasion path according to the algorithm of the built-in chip.

  Thanks to this powered wing suit, he has an excellent output environment.

  Although there are aliens that can fly and attack from a distance, they are a minority after all. With flexible maneuvers, he can attack from any angle in an open environment.

  Ye Shi: “Damn! I’m an ADC too!”

  Kuang Feng glanced at him: “Isn’t the perception system an auxiliary?”

  Ye Shi: “#@¥!”

  While exchanging the experience accumulated in the battle, everyone walked towards the direction of the resurrection square, intending to store their equipment before taking a shower.

  The black mucus sprayed by the slime mold alien is extremely smelly, just like a rotting corpse. Although this game can block excessive pain, it cannot block the unbearable sour smell.

  Especially Old White, who was in the front row, was rolling in the mud, making it impossible for people to get close to him.

  Not far away.

  A petite figure was standing at the edge of the Resurrection Square, her face full of worry, stretching her neck to look around.

  Finally seeing the familiar figure, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she immediately trotted up.

  Fang Chang also saw her, subconsciously threw the equipment in his hand to Ye Shi beside him, and took the initiative to greet her and give her a hug. With

  two arms around the back of the neck of her beloved, looking at the scarf around his neck, Dolly’s mouth curled up a sweet arc.

  ”…Didn’t you say you would leave for a while? Why are you back so late?” She murmured softly, hanging like a little bear climbing a tree, unwilling to come down.

  It was indeed very late.

  Thinking of what he promised Dolly in the morning, he would come back to have dinner with her, Fang Chang couldn’t help but feel a little sorry on his face.

  ”I’m sorry, I–”

  Before he finished speaking, he was blocked by a touch of softness.

  Dolly stood on tiptoe and kissed him gently on the lips.

  That faint shyness, vivid under the streetlight, is like the first red in early autumn. It is not as dazzling as the mountains and plains, but it makes people unable to take their eyes away.

  ”I hope that my waiting will not be exchanged for an apology… I just hope that you can come back safely.”

  Perhaps it is due to the living environment.

  Perhaps the life of the people here is as short as the morning dew, and there is no time to be tactful.

  Looking at the sincerity and passion flashing on that young face, Fang Chang felt a little embarrassed.

  ”… There are too many people here.”

  A sly smile appeared on Dolly’s face.

  Suddenly, she put her nose close to her ear, and she looked like a kitten teasing its prey, and snorted mischievously.

  ”That’s perfect, let everyone see that you are mine–”

  Before the voice fell.

  Fang Chang suddenly squatted down, put his shoulder on her soft belly, and lifted her up.

  Her feet suddenly left the ground, and Dolly let out a short cry like a frightened little animal.

  Her face was flushed to the roots of her ears, and the redness reached the ends of her emerald hair. She didn’t know where to put her hands, and she whispered.

  ”You…what are you doing suddenly?”

  ”Take you home!”

  Going home…

  is this what home feels like?

  Feeling the warm and strong shoulders, Duo Li’s shy face was full of sweetness. She bit her lips lightly, hummed unyieldingly, but stopped talking.

  The two of them were silent in tacit understanding, and disappeared under the street lights of the square.

  Only a group of envious and jealous single dogs were left standing there eagerly.

  Throwing the equipment to Kuang Feng, Ye Shi covered his eyes with both hands, and the whole person twisted like an earthworm.

  ”Ahhh! Damn Fang Chang, you still have dog eyes!”

  Although Kuang Feng didn’t do anything exaggerated, the expression on his face was also a bit subtle.

  ”Everything else is fine, but the main thing is to see the shy expression on this guy’s face… I dug out a four-bedroom and one-living room with my toes.”

  It’s not that it’s so eye-catching.

  It’s just that this guy was calmly analyzing tactics with them, discussing teamwork and the use of equipment, and in the next second he turned into a shy young wife.

  This contrast was too big for him to accept.

  Lao Bai, who was standing next to him, laughed and patted the brothers on the shoulders.

  ”Okay, they just got together, isn’t it normal for them to be affectionate? If you can’t stand it, just close your eyes, you’ll get used to it in two days.”

  Ye Shi still had an expression that he couldn’t let go, and sighed and said, “Oh, damn… It’s a loss to sell this game to him for free!”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”If you envy him, go learn Ren Lianyu, or find a partner in real life. Don’t you say that there are so many people chasing you… Let’s go, let’s go to the shelter to take a shower. Damn, that iron lump hit me all over, it stinks!”

  Ye Shi’s face changed instantly when he came back, and he quickly dodged Lao Bai’s arm.

  ”Fuck! Don’t do it to me!”


  Not far away.

  Mosquito stabbed the button on the upper left corner of the VM screen with his index finger, almost breaking his finger.

  ”Damn… why is it useless!”

  Irena, who happened to pass by and was holding a roasted mantis leg in her hand, said with a funny face.

  ”The player’s manual only says to abide by the laws of the alliance and prohibit harassment, but it doesn’t say to castrate you. You have no use for calling A Guang.”

  ”I don’t care, unless you make me one too!”

  Irena’s expression was subtle, and she handed over the skewer in her hand.

  ”Then I can’t help… do you want one?”

  Mosquito was instantly alert: “What is this?”

  Irena smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Mantis leg, caught today, just roasted. By the way, the guy’s head is still purple, so big, I have never seen it before, it should be a rare species… I wonder if it can add a buff.”


  Before Ina finished speaking, Mosquito had already vomited while holding onto a tree.


  The next morning.

  North of Dawn City.

  After a night of rest, the company’s assistance to the alliance officially began.

  Two engineering equipment from Ideal Group were assembled first, showing the technical strength of East Coast to the onlookers.

  Standing next to the half-finished highway.

  The chief architect of the alliance, Daoxialiuren, stared at the two engineering equipment with his eyes wide open, shouting

  ”What the hell is this?!”

  The mobile crushing station with four tracks is like a walking bunker, covering an area of ​​50 to 60 square meters.

  In front of it stands a huge bucket, and the serrated teeth on the edge are like the teeth of the abyss, crushing the concrete debris in front and rolling it into its belly.

  The silver tank on the back keeps rolling, making a deafening roar. After a series of processes, the hydrated concrete debris is decomposed into cement slurry that can be used again.

  Behind this guy, there is also a uniquely shaped road roller, with a large and a small roller at the front and back ends, a full six meters wide, carrying a square platform.

  The engineering behemoths with four tracks and two rollers were seen moving forward slowly, one in front and one behind.

  The front was responsible for “eating”.

  The back was responsible for “pulling” and “pressing”.

  As the two engineering behemoths drove past, a straight and smooth road was like their footprints, imprinted on the roadbed weathered by time.

  Although the quality of the project remains to be considered, as an emergency supply line, this is already many times better than the rotten land in the wasteland! What the

  current alliance needs is not a road that can be used for fifty years, but a road that can be used immediately.

  The knife-killer who was standing by and watching was staring straight.

  This simple and crude construction method completely overturned his cognition.


  there is no need to talk about the construction method.

  Just the technology of restoring the hydrated concrete into cement that can be used again is already enough black technology, okay!

  If there is such a convenient technology, there is no need to worry about having no place to pile the concrete garbage generated by demolition, and it can be turned into treasure instantly!

  While the civil engineers were making a fuss, Li Changkong, who was standing not far away, was holding a tablet in his hand and debugging the equipment operating parameters.

  After finishing the work at hand, he looked at the alliance manager beside him and said,

  ”The highway from Qingquan City to Ruigu City is 169 kilometers long. The highway we chose to restore is Provincial Highway 1704. The engineering quality will definitely not meet the pre-war standards, but it is still more reliable than the cement road you are using now.”

  ”There will be another batch of equipment delivered here, including asphalt for the highway, etc. The estimated completion time will be between mid-August and the end of August.”

  The current time is early July.

  Calculated by mid-August, that is 45 days?

  45 days to repair 169 kilometers of highway, 3.75 kilometers can be repaired a day? !

  Chu Guang just roughly calculated it and was immediately shocked by this amazing speed.

  With the steel plant’s production capacity increased to the maximum and thousands of prisoners of war mobilized, the alliance’s speed of laying railways can barely reach 3 kilometers a day.

  This highway is built faster than the railway!

  Open something!

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t say anything, Li Changkong paused and continued.

  ”Although the concrete waste needed for construction can be obtained locally, there will still be a 17-30% material gap. We have to trouble your people to help collect and transport this part.”

  ”Of course, in order to shorten the construction period, we will try our best to provide you with some convenient tools, such as the ‘miner’ series exoskeleton, etc.”

  Chu Guang came back to his senses from surprise, coughed lightly, and nodded seriously.

  ”Don’t worry about this, Qingquan City is not short of concrete waste, and we will solve the material gap! By the way… Can you get two more of these big guys?”

  Li Changkong was slightly stunned.

  ”Two are not enough?”

  ”To be precise, one road is not enough,” Chu Guang continued without blushing, “Our industrial zone is in the area of ​​Qingshi County and Xizhou City, which is the north of the alliance, and your space base is also there.”

  ”However, there is only one railway line from there to Shuguang City. In addition to military supplies, we have to take into account the transportation of civilian supplies. Although we have also built cement roads, we have just built them to the area around Yuanxi Town, and the supply efficiency is very problematic!”

  Listening to Chu Guang’s words, Li Changkong tapped the screen with his index finger and switched to the map of Xizhou City.

  After staring at the map for a while, he touched his chin and said.

  ”This is indeed a problem. How much water can be put in a bucket depends on the shortest piece of wood. We will find a way to help you solve it… Is it a mountainous area?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Well, that area is mostly hilly. Can it be done?”

  Li Changkong said after thinking for a moment.

  ”…I’m afraid the construction will be a little difficult. These two sets of equipment are only suitable for use on plains.”

  Before the manager showed an embarrassed expression, Li Changkong smiled faintly and continued.

  ”However, we also have engineering equipment in our inventory that can be used on hills… After the plane is fully charged, I will ask the headquarters to send a batch over.”

  ”In addition, your railway transportation efficiency is too low. I will find a way to help you improve it a little.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang’s face suddenly showed a happy smile.

  ”Really? I’m so sorry!”

  Li Changkong smiled and waved his hand.

  ”You’re welcome. We are allies on the same front.”

  Even if it wasn’t for the sake of the alliance, he would have won this “business” for the company.

  With the passage of Resolution 1001, the company allocated a budget of 300 million Cr for military aid to the alliance.

  This 300 million Cr military aid can not only be used to purchase weapons, but also to purchase infrastructure and pay for engineering projects.

  100,000 Cr per kilometer of highway, 169 kilometers is 16.9 million Cr.

  Since the materials are collected from the local area, the electricity used by the engineering equipment is replenished by the alliance. Ignoring the loss of these inventory equipment, this 16.9 million is almost all profit!

  Since the implementation of the Ideal City plan, most of the engineering equipment used for large-scale construction has been thrown into the warehouse to collect dust. Only when customers in Yunjian Province need it, they will occasionally use it.

  They haven’t seen such a large order for a long time.

  Looking at the wasteland not far away, Li Changkong couldn’t help but feel fascinated.

  It is said that a long time ago, at the beginning of the Wasteland Era, their ancestors, under the leadership of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, built one settlement after another to accommodate survivors on this wasteland, becoming the savior in the eyes of the locals.

  The reason why Ideal City has been able to stand for two hundred years and become a holy place in the minds of countless wastelanders is precisely because of the engineering miracles they once left behind.

  When this war is over, I believe my name will also become a good story in this desolate abandoned land…

  Thinking about it, a happy smile appeared on that meticulous face.

  Li Changkong seemed to have seen those pairs of grateful eyes, and the scene where people regarded him as a savior – even worshipped by gods.

  He will return with honor!

  Going home as a hero –

  suddenly realizing that the smile on his face was a little out of control, he quickly coughed twice and put on a serious expression again.

  Chu Guang did not notice the change in the expression on the face of the middle-aged man next to him. At this moment, his attention was completely on the two heavy machines that were slowly moving forward.

  The company that showed off its skills really impressed him.

  To be honest, the shock brought by these two “little guys” was no less than that of the Pioneer last year.

  Including the fact that they increased the maximum range from 500 kilometers to 3,000 kilometers in less than a month.

  This does not include the time they spent to reach a consensus.

  Although he was prepared in his heart, the technical strength and industrial capacity demonstrated by the company still exceeded his expectations.

  Looking at the road that was “growing forward” at a speed visible to the naked eye, Chu Guang felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

  Sure enough.

  Science and technology are the primary productive forces.

  We must find a way to get a few from these local tycoons!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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