Switch Mode

Chapter 418: I said draw, but I didn’t say random

Chapter 418: I said draw, but I didn’t say random


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 418 The master said extraction, but he didn’t say randomness.

  The morning sun passed through the gap in the curtains and fell on the two embroidered eyebrows and the straight nose.

  Fang Chang moved his tightly closed eyelashes, and before he fully opened his eyes, he felt a pair of bright eyes looking at him.

  After being discovered, the eyes did not dodge, but blinked playfully.

  ”You sleep so quietly, without any sound.”


  Even if it’s a prank, there is no reaction.

  A soft smile appeared on the relaxed sleeping face, and Fang Chang reached out and rubbed the fluffy green short hair.

  ”… When did you wake up?”

  ”An hour earlier than you.”

  Dolly, who was lying on the soft bed with her hands supporting her white cheeks, gently shook her feet, feeling the warmth above her head, and squinted her eyelashes lazily and comfortably.

  She enjoyed this intimate feeling.

  Only he would not hate the smell of motor oil on her left arm and the slightly distorted left eye.

  ”By the way, the food here is so cheap… 5 big meat buns for only 6 silver coins, and I also bought some milk. By the way, do you like hot or cold milk?”

  ”Well… it’s better to soak it in warm water.”

  ”Got it.”

  The short green hair lifted a wisp of wind and floated out of the bedroom. Looking at the brisk back, Fang Chang couldn’t help but smile.

  This is his house in Shuguang City – a two-story cottage.

  The building area is about 200 square meters, and there is a yard of more than 100 square meters in front of the door. It is not far from the resurrection point in Linghu Wetland Park.

  With the increase of contribution level, the area of ​​land that players can buy will also increase. Most of the players who entered the game early bought in the park, while players after the beta version prefer to settle their homes in the north, where there is more fireworks and closer to NPCs and urban save points.

  Even if they rarely live there by themselves, most of them just use it as a warehouse…

  Fang Chang was the same before, so there was no furniture in the house, and it was Dolly who helped him clean it at first.

  Including the pot of succulents on the windowsill and the bouquet of flowers in the flowerpot, they bought them at the market on the night of the celebration.

  Fang Chang put on his clothes and stood up. He looked at himself in front of the mirror. After a while, he went to the restaurant and saw the petite and lovely Dolly sitting at the dining table.

  In her hand, she held a meat bun that was so big that she could hardly hold it with her palm. She took a bite with a happy look on her face.

  Players have a big appetite, and the buns of the Alliance are usually made very big. Ordinary people can usually eat 70% to 80% full with one.

  The four on the table were obviously reserved for him.

  ”You haven’t eaten yet?” Fang Chang pulled out a chair and sat across from the dining table.

  ”Wait for you.”

  Dolly replied as a matter of course, swallowed the food in her mouth, and continued in a light voice.

  ”Speaking of which, are you going out again today?”

  ”Today… there is no mission, I plan to take a day off,” Fang Chang smiled, looked at her and continued, “Is there any place you want to go? I can go shopping with you.”

  He planned to accompany her for the whole day.


  Dolly’s eyes lit up, and there was surprise in her eyes. But soon, she read some unusual clues from his eyes, and lowered her head sullenly.

  Fang Chang was slightly stunned, and was about to ask her if she was feeling unwell.

  Dolly stared at the bun in her hand, which she had taken a bite of, and suddenly whispered.

  ”Are you… going on a long trip again?”

  Surprised by her sharp intuition, Fang Chang’s Adam’s apple moved and nodded slightly.


  He finally made up his mind and planned to go to the East Coast to have a look.

  Life is only once.

  This is the setting of “Wasteland OL”.

  But this is a game world after all, and the game world is destined not to be exactly the same as reality, and his resurrection is the best proof.

  He didn’t expect that he could convince A Guang to risk losing his job for him, modify the game settings, or open a plug-in for himself in the background.

  As a professional player, since it is a problem encountered in the game, use the method in the game to solve it!

  Before going online, he read the settings in the game background database several times. Various signs indicate that the ideal city on the east coast has mature AI technology.

  Referring to the situation in Shelter 101, writing thoughts into circuit boards should be feasible in theory!

  He did not think of turning Dolly into AI. Virtual life is also life. She may not have a real body… at least not now, but she is indeed a living person, a person living in this virtual world, and she has the right to decide how she should live.


  this is a miserable world after all.

  If… he meant if, in case she really encountered an accident and he failed to protect her in time, he hoped to at least keep a backup for her on this server so that her data would not be erased by the server.

  One day in the future, “Wasteland OL” will be officially launched and truly open to the world…

  He will find that company.

  Even if he spends all his money, he will buy her data.

  He said that he would take her to see his own world…

  This does not only refer to the Alliance.

  However, Fang Chang did not tell Dolly about these things. Firstly, he did not know where to start, and secondly, the rules were written in black and white in the player’s manual.

  Coincidentally, just after he made up his mind to sign up, he actually won the ticket to Ideal City.

  Such a coincidence made him doubt that this was a destined arrangement.

  Perhaps his idea really has a chance to come true…

  Dolly asked in a low voice.



  ”Are you going to the front line?”

  Noticing that the bright eyes were covered with a layer of mist, Fang Chang hurriedly explained.

  ”Not the front line, the place we are going to this time is very safe, it is Ideal City.”

  ”Ideal City…” Dolly was slightly stunned and asked in a low voice, “The one on the East Coast?”

  She had heard of that place.

  It is an extremely prosperous place with bright lights, feasting and women, and material desires running rampant… Even the nobles in the inner city would be extremely yearning and even eager to go there once.

  Fang Chang nodded gently.

  ”Yes, it’s a public mission.”

  ”So far…” Dolly looked a little disappointed, and whispered, “I heard it’s more than 3,000 kilometers…”

  ”It’s not like walking there. 3,000 kilometers can be reached quickly by plane, which is faster than going to Boulder City from here.” Fang Chang smiled and said.

  Dolly asked in a low voice.

  ”Then when

  will you come back?” “Not sure… maybe a few days, maybe a week or even a month, but no longer than two months,” Fang Chang sighed, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, “and after I come back, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stay for long… there will be another war.”

  Dolly didn’t speak, and silently ate a bun.

  The silent atmosphere lasted for a while between the two.

  Just as Fang Chang was hesitating about how to explain, Dolly suddenly spoke.

  ”Go ahead. Although I’m reluctant, I don’t want to be a burden to you… You must have been struggling for a long time before you told me this, right?”

  Fang Chang was slightly stunned, looking at the girl with bright eyes and white teeth in front of him in surprise.

  Seeing his reaction of being seen through, Dolly curled the corners of her lips, feeling a little happy, and continued in a pleasant voice.

  ”It seems that you don’t know me yet. I’m not the kind of person who will pester you all day long. I’m a reporter, and I have a job.”

  Didn’t he quit?

  Fang Chang chose to keep his mouth shut and didn’t expose such unimportant details.

  Dolly, with her lips curled, continued in a free and easy tone.

  ”Go ahead. It’s a pity to miss such a good opportunity. Go out more. I heard that Ideal City is much more prosperous than Boulder City. If you see anything new, tell me when you come back. Oh, yes, remember to take a few more photos and bring them back. I’ll use them in my report.”

  At this point,

  the pleasant voice suddenly dropped a few decibels.

  ”Also… although I allow you to leave me for a while, but… I don’t allow you to fall in love with someone else outside.”

  Looking at Dolly, who was pretending to be free and easy the previous second, and suddenly became worried and alert the next second, Fang Chang couldn’t help but laugh and cry.

  ”Am I that kind of person?”

  He admitted that he had watched strange dances in the Queen of the Night bar before, but that was purely out of curiosity and to get information.

  He could swear to the dog planner A Guang that except for the vanity, he had never done anything illegal.

  Dolly snorted lightly, made an indifferent expression, and took a bite of the bun.

  ”Who knows, just like your good brothers, do they know that under your gentle appearance, you actually hide a beast-like heart?”

  ”Puff——” Fang Chang

  almost spit out a mouthful of milk when he heard this.

  What kind of metaphor is this?

  Looking at her boyfriend who was coughing and wiping his mouth, Dolly, holding a big meat bun in her hand, raised the corners of her mouth happily.

  ”Anyway, if you do something to let me down, I will…”

  Fang Chang threw away the tissue in his hand and glared at the naughty guy fiercely.

  ”You just?”

  Dolly exaggeratedly bit the bun in her hand, showing off her white teeth.

  ”I will bite you to death!”


  Far to the west.

  Endless sand dunes.

  The yellow sand that covered the sky and the sun rolled and danced, pushing the two people and the camel, walking in the desert with no visible boundaries.

  The howling wind lasted for an unknown period of time, and the noisy sand and dust finally dissipated.

  However, the torture for the two people was not over.

  Without the cover of sand and dust, the scorching sun like a furnace scorched the earth, as if to dry up every trace of moisture in the sand and gravel.

  Finally unable to walk, Korway fell headfirst into the scorching desert.

  Hearing the movement behind him, the battlefield guy turned around with difficulty, staggered back step by step, and reached out to pull him up from the ground.

  ”Hey, wake up…”

  After shouting for a long time, there was no response. It looked like he had a heat stroke.

  Looking at this half-dead man lying on the ground, the battlefield guy couldn’t help but feel troubled.

  If this guy died, his work for a week would be in vain.

  What to do?

  Artificial respiration?

  Glancing at the lips that looked like dead branches, his Adam’s apple moved. After hesitating for a long time, he couldn’t get the mouth to open.

  A sense of sadness came over him.


  Damn Fang Chang is flirting with NPCs every day, why do I have to drag this burden along on the road!

  I am the one who really needs a scarf, okay!

  Damn it…

  Suddenly, the two “dead branches” opened and closed, uttering weak syllables.


  Hearing the weak voice, the battlefield guy breathed a sigh of relief and stopped cursing in his heart.

  It’s good to be alive!

  After dragging Kolwe to the camel, he took the water bottle off the camel’s back and shook it. He found that there was still a little bit, so he unscrewed the bottle cap and put it to the half-dead man’s mouth.


  Feeling the fresh water on his lips, Kolwe’s eyes widened and bulged outward.

  Driven by the desire to survive, he instinctively grabbed the water bottle with both hands, and the veins on his wrists bulged.

  There was only one last mouthful left in the water bottle, but he still swallowed it for a long time until there was no drop left. Then he shook it in disappointment and threw it on the ground.

  Looking at the pangolin that saved him, Kolwe’s eyes were full of gratitude.

  ”Thank you…”

  The battlefield guy shook his head, indicating that it was not necessary, and picked up the water bottle.

  ”Can you keep going?”

  Kolwe nodded with gritted teeth.


  The battlefield guy nodded, turned back to the camel, and continued to pull the reins.

  The fresh water is gone.

  If he can’t get to the oasis again, he can only kill this camel…

  Half a month ago, the legion suffered a disastrous defeat in the area of ​​Ruigu City in the southern part of the Valley Province. The various organizations were broken up, and the defeated soldiers could not take care of each other. Some died, some were injured, and some fled.

  In addition to the defection of the Fallen Leaf Camp, Korwe almost died in the chaos. Thanks to the help of Pangolin, he successfully escaped from the guns of those wastelanders.

  This journey can be said to be full of twists and turns.

  At first, their supplies were sufficient. In addition to the ruthless Pangolin, he also had several guards following him.

  However, those cunning wastelanders were not human. They were not satisfied with standing in the Fallen Leaf Camp and drove the truck to chase them.

  The anti-aircraft machine gun towed behind the truck was firing, and several of his guards were shot into sieves by the quadruple anti-aircraft gun to protect him.

  Fortunately, Pangolin was quick-witted and picked up the rifle that fell on the ground and turned back to shoot, blowing up the engine in front of the truck, and then he escaped with him alive.

  In this way, the two of them luckily escaped the pursuit of the alliance, and finally passed through the territory of the Valley Province and entered this desert illuminated by the sunset.

  However, before Korwei could cheer for the joy of surviving the disaster, he found that the real nightmare had just begun.


  The temperature difference between day and night was nearly 40 degrees.

  There were also arthropods wandering in the desert, as well as vicious sand bandits and slave-hunting teams… It is said that the Bear Clan, a branch of the Bone Chewing Tribe, is active in this area.

  Fortunately, they met a caravan on the road. Pangolin bought a camel and some supplies with the dinar rewarded by General McLen, so that the two of them could get here.


  If they can’t reach the oasis again, Korwei feels that their journey will soon come to an end.

  Looking at the front that has begun to be dazed, he took a breath and asked.

  ”How far are we…”

  ”Soon… We should be able to reach the southwest of Oasis No. 9 before dark.” The battlefield guy unfolded the paper map in his hand and gestured to the compass for a while.

  To be honest, this was his first time in Luoxia Province. Without an electronic map, he had no idea where he was.

  Luoxia Province was about the same size as the Western Region on Earth.

  There was sand everywhere along the way. Except for a few cacti, bushes or tumbleweeds that he could see occasionally, there was no reference at all. He could only walk in a general direction.

  He had no idea whether he could reach the destination before dark.

  However, after hearing the words “almost there”, Korway, who was following him, rekindled his hope of survival and his limping steps quickened.

  ”Thank you… If it weren’t for you, I would have died at the hands of those barbarians. When we get to the military camp at Oasis No. 9, I will definitely introduce you to General Griffin!” The

  battlefield guy showed a simple and honest smile on his face.

  ”It’s my honor to serve you!”

  Looking at this man who stayed with him without giving up, Korway couldn’t help but be moved by his loyalty.


  not all wastelanders are ugly, insidious, cunning, evil, ignorant and hopeless.

  Just like now, that simple soul is shining.

  Being stared at by this guy, the battlefield guy couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart and his scalp tingling.

  Could this guy be a gay?

  At this time, a group of cattle suddenly appeared in the sand dunes in front.

  Unlike the two-headed cattle in the valley province, they have brown fur and lush hair. They have only one head, drooping eyelids that look very docile, and horns as thick as tree trunks grow on both sides of their heads.

  The battlefield guy subconsciously thought of the Ankla longhorn cattle. Looking closely, they are indeed a bit similar, but the physique is obviously stronger.

  In front of the herd of cattle stood an old man. He was wearing a cloak, wrapped in cloth strips, hanging strange ornaments, and carrying an old-fashioned revolver shotgun on his shoulder. He looked like a herdsman in this area and was looking in the direction of the two people.

  ”There are people ahead! They should be local herdsmen.”

  Hearing the pangolin’s voice, Kelway looked up and looked ahead, subconsciously pulling up his collar to cover half of his face, especially the raised nose.

  The coalition forces of the Falcon Kingdom and the Legion are invading the Lion Kingdom. It is not a good idea to rashly expose your identity when you are not sure whether this is an occupied area.

  The warlord glanced at him inconspicuously.

  It seems that these “great Willant people” are somewhat aware of the fact that they are not welcome here. Seeing

  Kelway’s eyes looking for help, the warlord did not tease him. He walked forward with a staggering step and asked the herdsman carrying a hunting rifle.

  ”Friend, we are merchants from the River Valley Province. We met sand bandits on the road and lost our luggage… May I ask where this is?”

  The old man stared at him for a while, his expression seemed a little suspicious, but he didn’t ask more questions after all. He moved his dry lips and said.

  ”Golden lizard.”

  The warlord was stunned. He didn’t understand the word and repeated the syllables.

  ”Golden Lizard?”

  The old man nodded, looking at the young man in front of him, his expression more suspicious.

  Traveling merchants would not have heard of Golden Lizard?

  How did he get here!

  ”This is Oasis No. 8, in the northeast of Luoxia Province, where the Golden Lizard Dynasty ruled. If you plan to go to the swamp in the north, keep going north and you will see a mountain range. You can leave this desert by crossing it…”

  ”No. 8…” The warlord’s eyes were confused, and he asked hurriedly, “How far is Oasis No. 9 from here?”

  ”Oasis No. 9? If your destination is there, you are far away. To get to Oasis No. 9, you have to go southwest for a few hundred kilometers… That’s the direction you came from, and a little west.”

  The old man pointed in a direction casually with his cane.

  Looking at the bewildered young man, he smiled faintly.

  ”But it’s not a bad thing. There is a war there, and it’s not a good idea to go there at this time… You came here by mistake, perhaps it was the will of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand.”

  The warlord swallowed his saliva.

  It is definitely not realistic to turn back now.

  Hundreds of kilometers…

  With the little supplies they have, they may die on the road before they can even go halfway.

  ”We need to replenish fresh water… Where is the water source?”

  The man didn’t look like a bad guy. The old man turned around and glanced at the sand dunes behind him.

  ”Climb over the sand dune and go another kilometer forward. There will be a village with many merchants passing by… I’m planning to go back, so I’ll take you there.”


  the time he logged off that day.

  Back in the real world, the first thing the Warlord did after taking off his helmet was to run to the refrigerator in the kitchen, take out a bottle of iced Coke and drink it in one gulp.

  He didn’t go back to his room until he was about to drown, then he sat down on a chair, turned on his computer while burping, and posted a thread on the official website forum.


  Fountain Commander: “What’s wrong, brother?”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Didn’t I accept an undercover mission? I’m so pissed off!”

  Debt Eyes: “Fuck, are you still doing that mission?”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “What else? Since we’re here, if we let him go, it would be a waste of all the way.”

  Fang Chang: “Isn’t that a sunk cost? (Squint eyes)” Ye

  Shi: “But it’s almost mid-July, and you haven’t done anything else along the way. You haven’t walked there for so long… isn’t it too fucking far?” Kuangfeng:

  ”At 30 kilometers a day, you’ve walked at least 400 kilometers.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “I didn’t fucking not walk there, I walked there!”

  Quit Smoking: “What the hell do you mean by walked there?”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “I don’t know what the hell this place is. I heard from the locals that it’s Oasis No. 8, the territory of the Golden Lizard Kingdom… Going further north is Luoxia Province.”

  Going east for more than a month is the Great Rift Valley, and going north is the swamp. I heard that the Wandering Swamp is in that direction.

  Battlefield Guy wanted to go take a look, but Korwe, the burden, insisted on reporting back to the Legion.

  Although the new map is attractive, the unique hidden mission is more important.

  He is currently working in the mine next to the town to save money for travel. Although there are many silver coins in his account, he can’t use them without VM.

  Besides, the locals don’t recognize them.

  The common currency is the local gold lizard coin… a large gold coin with a gold lizard printed on it, followed by the currency of the Great Rift Valley, and then the legion’s dinar.

  After telling his painful experience, everyone sympathized with him and couldn’t help but admire him.

  Walking in the desert for half a month…

  this perseverance is amazing!

  Fountain Commander: “Awesome! You broke the record for opening the map!”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “Indeed… It seems that no one has walked that far, right?”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “That’s impossible. In two days, I’ll fly to Yunjian Province and break the record of 3,000 kilometers! I’ll be there in one day! (Funny)”

  Fountain Commander: “What the hell!? The prize has been drawn?!”

  Edge Pad: “You got it?!”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “I’ll explore the way for you guys first to see what the ideal city looks like. Don’t worry, I’ll bring back photos. (Funny)”

  Looking at the words on the screen, Battlefield Guy almost burped up the happy water he just drank.

  Flying 3,000 kilometers in one day.


  It’s okay if he doesn’t say it, but he gets angry when he says it.

  Debt Big Eyes: “Wait, aren’t there two tickets? Who took the other ticket?”

  Night Ten: “Who else could it be except Guang Ge’s number one bootlicker? (Funny)”

  As soon as the news came out.

  The post was instantly in an uproar.

  Irena: “Fuck! Why didn’t my fried dried mantis get picked? Am I unworthy?”

  Elf King Fugui: “I’ll make it up for you (funny).”

  Teng Teng: “I’m crying. Isn’t the version answer a maid outfit? QAQ”

  Tail: “Hey hey hey? Can’t Sisi’s black stockings be chosen?!!!∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Sisi: “……?”

  Fountain Commander: “Damn, it’s a conspiracy!! This is definitely a conspiracy!”

  I’m the Darkest: “How dare you talk about a conspiracy!”

  Fountain Commander: “…… (sweating)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “@#%***!”

  Same official website, same bottle of Coke…

  different worlds.

  Chu Guang, sitting in front of the computer, happily watched the little players in the post shouting about the conspiracy and complaining about their vests.

  He admitted it.

  The person who went to the ideal city was indeed chosen by him.

  But if it was a conspiracy, he would not admit it.

  ”I said draw, I didn’t say random.”

  Diplomacy is no small matter. It doesn’t matter

  if you randomly draw equipment. If you win, everyone will be happy. One or two pieces of equipment can’t change the direction of the battlefield.

  However, can such an important matter as the “Fallen Empire” be thrown to someone randomly?

  That’s enough.

  But what surprised Chu Guang was that he thought Fang Chang would take a break for a while, at least spend a honeymoon with his girlfriend, but he didn’t expect that this guy would resolutely pack his bag and embark on a journey for the future of the alliance.

  Chu Guang shook his head gently, tore open the plastic packaging of the lollipop, stuffed one in his mouth, and muttered to himself in a vague voice.

  ”Men… Tsk, tsk, so ruthless.”

  In this world, everything has a corresponding price.

  Choosing to use the narrative style of fairy tales and read cruel stories aloud, you must accept the ignorance and naivety behind the hero’s bravery.

  You can always see the sun three days later.

  It means that you can never be “alive” in the true sense.

  An anti-common sense fact is that only cloud players will imagine this place as the real world based on a few words on the forum.

  Players who have truly obtained the closed beta qualification, or players who have truly set foot in this world, will only regard this place as a virtual world that is infinitely close to reality.

  No matter how close to the truth a conjecture that cannot be proven

  is, it can only be a conjecture. The complexity of human nature lies in the fact that people will doubt again and again, doubting the world while also doubting themselves, and wandering in the maze of countless possibilities.

  He does not need to make any clarifications at all, nor will he do anything about those rumors.

  Great undertakings have always been achieved through open conspiracies, and there is no need to cover them up with unconventional conspiracies.

  Not only will he not deny it, he will even use the planner’s vest to joke with the players openly, saying that “Wasteland OL” is the real world, and he is the god who created this world.

  Anyway, no one will believe him if he says it.

  People who know nothing about the truth will speculate with conspiracy theories that this is a secret experiment conducted by a large company from a country, and the purpose may be to test some undisclosed technology, or perhaps for some secret “human completion plan”. People

  who have a little bit of “truth” will stand at a higher level and regard “Wasteland OL” as an enlightenment of the earth civilization by advanced civilization in a cultural form that humans can understand, and it is a well-intentioned enlightenment… At least there is no direct evidence to prove its malice.

  And if you want to see the whole picture of the whole plan, you must stand from the perspective of God, or at least stand in his position.


  his dear friend will probably never realize that this is not a game at all, and what he fell in love with is not a code on the server.

  It is a living person.

  However, in the face of the future of civilization, personal happiness is insignificant. For two centuries, too many people have sacrificed everything for this.

  Chu Guang will wish the couple to go on, but it is impossible for the established plan to bear unnecessary risks for the sake of two people.

  In fact, knowing less is not necessarily a bad thing.

  In reality, there are so many couples who can count the moles on each other’s body, but they may not live together until old age.

  He can always be the hero in the girl’s mind who “saves her from the darkness”, and he can also always treat her as a paper wife living in the clouds.

  He is not the first player to have feelings beyond friendship with NPCs, nor will he be the last.

  And the thinking about whether virtual life is considered life will accompany this game forever.

  In fact, if “Wasteland OL” is understood as the enlightenment of higher civilization to earth civilization, it will not be a bad thing to cause the entire player group and even the society to think.

  Anyway, sooner or later, the technology that once appeared in this world will also be born on the earth in another world.

  Politics is the business of everyone, governance is the method of management, and the selective retention and giving of the truth is itself a part of politics.

  That secret and great darkness –

  let yourself bear it.

  ”Hehe… hum hum hum…”

  Looking at Chu Guang who was immersed in his own world, Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the desk, tilted his head slightly.

  Although I don’t know what happened, I feel like the master seems to have won again…


  At the airport south of Dawn City, a “Killer Whale” transport plane parked steadily at the airport.

  The airport staff were busy loading boxes of goods into the cabin.

  Stepping on the morning sun, Fang Chang, carrying his luggage, met his partner for this trip.

  Brother Mole, the leader of the Skeleton Corps.

  And –

  Shu Yu, who was the director of the 404 Shelter’s office in Boulder City and the Alliance’s ambassador to Boulder City.

  Fang Chang still remembers that when this young man first went to Boulder City, he and Lao Bai served as the guards.

  At that time, there was no Alliance.

  There was no Dawn City.

  At that time, they encountered looters on the way. Although no one was injured, the young man was scared and his face was tense the whole time.

  Unexpectedly, in less than a year, he has grown into a mature diplomat. Even with such an important task as visiting Ideal City, he was not panicked at all, and even talked and laughed with the pilot of the plane.

  Fang Chang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  As expected, heroes emerge in troubled times.

  I remember that their managers were not proficient in various businesses at the beginning, and they were ripped off by profiteers every now and then when doing business.

  Now, which profiteer in a hundred miles would dare to rip that guy off, or he would lose all his pants.


  wouldn’t a year be too fast?

  Sure enough, for the players’ gaming experience, the growth rate of the alliance NPCs was accelerated.

  Fang Chang thought to himself.

  At this time, Shu Yu finished talking with the pilot and walked towards him.

  ”The boxes being transported into the cabin are the gifts we are going to send to Ideal City.”

  ”What are they?” Fang Chang asked curiously.

  ”There are products produced in the alliance industrial zone, and some are prepared by the residents of the shelter.”

  Shu Yu politely handed Fang Chang a tablet, smiled and continued.

  ”I will be responsible for promoting the former, and I’ll trouble you with the latter.”

  Fang Chang nodded and took it calmly.

  Promoting the alliance’s culture and products is part of the task, and it has been updated on his VM.

  The air tickets are not given for free.

  In exchange, he needs to use his eloquence and ability to respond on the spot to make the alliance’s products popular in Ideal City.

  The market on the East Coast is much more important than the small business at home!

  However, the old mole standing next to him was not happy, and jumped up immediately after hearing this.

  ”Wait, what about me?”

  Why don’t I have a task?

  Looking at the head of the Skeleton Corps, Shu Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

  ”Well, you are mainly responsible for the security of the mission… Of course, Ideal City is very safe, and you can promote products together.”

  The mole subconsciously raised the VM to take a look, but there was no new task displayed.

  What’s the use of not triggering the task!

  Seeing that the old mole was staring at him with a face full of resentment, Fang Chang knew that this guy was probably envious in his heart, and then he smiled happily and shook the tablet in his hand to show off.

  ”I’m sorry, brother… It seems that the manager also thinks I am more suitable for sales work.”

  ”Tsk, it’s because you have a face of a profiteer.” The mole said sourly.

  ”If you envy my handsomeness, just say it.”

  Fang Chang smiled nonchalantly and swiped his index finger across the tablet.

  Light blue text appeared.

  However, as soon as his eyes fell on the first line of the gift list, the expression on his face froze instantly.

  Cheongsam, maid outfits, Gothic skirts, evening gowns, artworks that might be made in Yiwu…

  and black and white silk.

  What the hell is this!

  Of course, there are obviously more than just clothes on the list, but he was overwhelmed by the first line alone.

  These… are all women’s clothes?

  How the hell is this being marketed?

  Did I give the task to the wrong person?

  Noticing the change in Fang Chang’s expression, the mole seemed to have guessed something, so he leaned over to take a look.

  When he saw the first line on the list of goods, a sly smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he patted Fang Chang’s shoulder with his right hand.

  ”… It’s okay, brother. I heard that in the distant 16th century, only distinguished upper-class men were qualified to wear white silk-” ”

  Get lost!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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