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Chapter 42 Sweetheart

Chapter 42 Sweetheart


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 42 Sweetheart

  Seeing this, Yang Shifei was quite surprised.

  ”All the disciples of Jiuchongmen have been questioned many times and confirmed again and again that they are not crazy and have no contact with other forces. Potential dangers have been eliminated, so the government has released them all.”

  Tie Hanyang explained calmly: “I also told them the whole story in detail.”

  ”That’s right.”

  Xiang Yu still knelt on the ground, his face heavy, and said: “That’s why we want to thank Mr. Yang.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Don’t blame me for killing Xiang Tianlin?”

  ”Master inexplicably became hysterical and went mad, killing Master’s wife and sisters. I’m sure he was more sad than anyone else. In order to avoid hurting others, Master’s death had to be like this.”

  Xiang Yu gritted his teeth: “Master practiced martial arts all his life, abided by etiquette for decades, and loved his wife, daughters and brothers. But his family died because of him, and his reputation was ruined overnight. Being able to die in battle as a warrior before his death was the greatest kindness and respect that Young Master Yang gave to Master.”

  Xiang Zhao on the side choked up again and again: “We, the people of Jiuchong Sect, all got our martial arts from Master. He taught us how to be a human being since we were young, and he was like our second parents. Even if he made a big mistake, he is still our Master.”

  As he spoke, the people of Jiuchong Sect kowtowed to the ground one after another. “Thank you, Young Master Yang, for seeing our master off on his last journey.”

  Yang Shifei’s smile faded: “Xiang Tianlin taught you how to be a good person when he was alive, and you were able to kneel down out of filial piety. He doesn’t just have the dignity of a warrior, he also has good disciples like you.” ”


  Yang Shifei said calmly: “You guys get up first.” The

  Jiuchong Sect member hesitated for a moment and stood up silently.

  ”What are your plans next?”

  ”Observe mourning for Master and his family for seven days.” Xiang Yu lowered his head and said, “We haven’t thought about what happens after that.”

  ”Always living under the protection of the sect is not all good.”

  Yang Shifei patted him on the shoulder: “Since Jiuchong Sect has disbanded, you must find your own way to live in the future. Whether it’s to venture into the world alone, or to find a living and live a stable life, or… inherit your master’s will, reopen the sect and recruit disciples, and pass down your Jiuchong Sect’s martial arts from generation to generation.”

  ”… Thank you, Young Master Yang, for your guidance.”

  The disciples of Jiuchong Sect saluted one after another with their fists clasped: “If you need anything in the future, Young Master Yang, you can come to us. As long as there is one person left in Jiuchong Sect, they will come and do their best to help.”

  Yang Shifei smiled slightly: “That’s easy to say.”

  Not long after, the people of Jiuchong Sect left in a hurry, probably to return to the sect to deal with funeral affairs.

  Tie Hanyang retracted his gaze, put his hands behind his back and said calmly: “Young Master Yang has an extraordinary demeanor and is quite a wise man.”

  ”It’s better to have more friends in the world than none.”

  Yang Shifei said seriously: “Chief Constable Tie, now that the people of Qi and Yan have been captured, I wonder if there are any hidden dangers in East City?”

  Tie Hanyang looked at him deeply.

  ”The secret pawns naturally dare not show up at will, but the domestic situation is undercurrent. A certain prince has made a deal with the Yan Kingdom and will let them act freely on the day of the royal banquet.”

  ”Why is that?”

  ”The internal struggle of the royal family is not something we can speculate at will.”

  Tie Hanyang said with a hint of meaning: “What Young Master Yang has to do is to stand firm in the troubled times.”

  Yang Shifei frowned slightly, and the feeling of guessing each other was not good.

  But he more or less understood that this chief constable wanted him to stay close to Luo Xian’er so that he could be safe and worry-free.

  ”Chief Constable Tie, I wonder if any important person has visited East City recently?”

  ”Of course there is.”

  Tie Hanyang’s eyes were somewhat meaningful: “All the heroes are here, only the Taiwu Hao Stone has not been delivered yet. On the night of the banquet in the palace, Young Master Yang will be able to see the faces of all the heroes. However, before that–”

  He took out a letter from his sleeve: “It just so happens that there is an important person who wants to meet you.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly, took the letter and before opening it, he heard Tie Hanyang continue: “Young Master, don’t worry that the other party has other intentions. It will not be bad for the Luo Mansion. If you and Miss Luo want to establish a sect in the future, it will be good to have this person to help.”

  ”Chief Constable Tie also knows that we want to establish a sect?”

  ”Miss Luo distributed the secret letter last night, and our government already knows it.” Tie Hanyang cast a slightly strange look: “However, as for the specific arrangements, Miss Luo will leave this matter to you to decide.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, and soon laughed dumbly.

  Miss Luo really trusts herself.

  ”Thank you for the introduction, Chief Constable Tie. If I have time, I will go to meet him.”

  He smiled and bowed, “In the next few days, I hope the officials will keep a strict guard. I also want to see what is so mysterious about the Taiwu Hao Stone that is rumored.”

  Tie Hanyang nodded slightly, “Don’t worry, Mr. Yang, we will do our best.”

  After both parties nodded and said goodbye, Yang Shifei watched the other party leave quickly.

  The situation in East City is tense now. The chief constable can take the time to pass on a message, which obviously means he attaches great importance to it.

  As for the so-called “big shot”,

  Yang Shifei opened the envelope and took a look. In addition to the most ordinary greetings and small talk, there was only the agreed time and address.

  ”Today at noon, Meng Shang Pavilion?”

  He had some impression of Meng Shang Pavilion, which seemed to be a place for literary pursuits in East City.

  ”——You have been chatting for a long time, and finally you are quiet?”

  Just at this moment, a girl in luxurious clothes came with a brisk pace.

  Looking at the ordinary-looking girl in front of him, Yang Shifei was stunned: “Who are you?”

  The girl immediately showed dissatisfaction and said unhappily: “We have only met for a few days, how come you don’t even remember who I am?”

  ”You are… the little princess?”

  ”That’s right!” The little princess smiled and clapped her hands: “Do you want to go out with this princess?”

  Yang Shifei looked puzzled: “What’s the matter, princess?”

  ”Just come with me, you are Sister Luo’s fiancé, I won’t hurt you.”

  The little princess waved in the distance, and a carriage quickly drove and stopped beside.

  Seeing her get on the car first, Yang Shifei considered it for a while, and thinking that Miss Luo had a good relationship with him, he stepped into the carriage.

  The sky was dim and dark clouds were gradually covering.

  Yang Shifei didn’t know where he was going on this trip, but the atmosphere in the carriage was a little strange.

  The little princess was folding her arms, looking herself up and down, nodding slightly from time to time.

  Yang Shifei felt a little uncomfortable being stared at: “Princess?”

  ”Actually it’s nothing big, I just want to meet you in private.”

  The little princess chuckled twice: “Look carefully, you are indeed quite handsome and strong, and you are a good match standing with Sister Luo. I heard that you helped Sister Luo solve a big problem two days ago, which is also worthy of praise.”

  She smiled again: “But I heard that you were born in Niujia Village and you are penniless. I don’t think you have enough money to buy things for yourself, let alone give Sister Luo some thoughtful gifts.”

  Yang Shifei’s expression was subtle: “The princess means…”

  ”Of course I will take you to buy something.” The little princess raised her head: “Are you still afraid that I will say something outrageous and shamelessly break up the two of you?”

  She showed a gossipy smirk again: “When Sister Luo mentioned you yesterday, her eyes were shining. I don’t want to be a bad woman who breaks up the fairy couple.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “Thank you, Princess, for your intention to match us up, but I can’t accept the reward without any merit. I can’t ask for the princess’s help for nothing.”

  ”Stop.” The little princess raised her hand to interrupt, “I just picked some small items randomly, it won’t cost much. And don’t forget the reward from the government.”

  As she said that, she took out a small bag from her sleeve and threw it over.

  ”Although you are already half a member of the Luo family, the reward from the government will not be deducted. It’s just right for me to bring it to you.” The little princess smiled and said, “In this case, does Mr. Yang have any spare money?”

  Yang Shifei nodded, “Thank you, princess.”

  Not long after, the carriage drove to a jewelry store.

  Yang Shifei got off the car and entered the store. Looking at the dazzling array of items displayed around him, he couldn’t help but secretly smack his lips. I didn’t expect there is such a store in East City.

  ”I opened it.” The little princess smiled and said, “I opened a jewelry store, and Sister Luo opened a cloth shop, so we can be considered as a cooperation.”

  She quickly put away her smile and said seriously, “Sister Luo is used to seeing all kinds of jewelry and jade, so don’t pick any expensive ornaments, it’s just a waste of money. You have to do the opposite and find some exquisite and simple little things to impress the girl.”

  Yang Shifei looked strange.

  This little princess, is she really acting as a love consultant for me?

  ”How about taking a look at the sachets?”

  ”Yes, this is good!” The little princess had a ‘teachable’ expression of approval: “Pick a sachet with a soft fragrance and a pattern that fits your heart. It can warm a woman’s heart the most. Every night when I smell the fragrance, I can think of your face.”

  Yang Shifei asked curiously: “Then should I buy more?”


  The little princess waved her hand quickly: “One is better. Giving too many will not be beautiful.”

  ”Does that mean that each girl should get one?”


  Yang Shifei seemed to be thinking about something, and quickly walked to the display stand full of sachets, carefully distinguishing and selecting.

  The little princess watched for a while, and was about to step forward to give more advice, but her steps suddenly stopped.

  ”This man actually knows that Sister Luo likes lotus?”

  Seeing Yang Shifei take down a lotus sachet, she felt relieved.

  Sister Luo has a good eye, and the man she likes is delicate and understanding –

  but the next moment, Yang Shifei picked up two sachets and ran to pay the bill.

  The little princess: “?”

  No, I asked you to choose one for Sister Luo, why did you take three?

  How many people do you have in your heart? !

   I hope everyone will follow and vote for me, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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