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Chapter 420 This new map is so awesome!

Chapter 420 This new map is so awesome!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 420 This new map is too awesome!

  If you use your two legs to travel a distance of 3,000 kilometers, it will probably take half a year.

  This is not counting the bumps and dangers along the way.

  However, if you fly, in less than 4 hours, the “Orca” transport plane arrived at Yunjian Province and entered the field of vision of Ideal City.

  Standing by the porthole of the cabin.

  The mole opened his eyes wide in surprise and disbelief, and kept muttering “Oh my God”.

  The same was true for Fang Chang and Shu Yu standing next to him.

  The only difference was that the two of them didn’t mutter anything, just opened their eyes wide.

  Before arriving here, Fang Chang had imagined countless possibilities with reference to the pre-war images of Qingquan City and the defense structure of Boulder City.

  But at this moment –

  all these assumptions fell through.

  The buildings were like towering obelisks, densely stacked, forming a dense steel forest, getting higher and higher from the periphery to the middle, until they penetrated deep into the clouds and the ends of the buildings could not be seen.

  In the center of the peaks, there stood a towering “tower”.

  The pitch-black metal shell, the sharp lines, and all the details showed that it was not cast in concrete, but cast in some alloy that was so strong that it was unimaginable.

  Its volume was at least comparable to the hundreds of buildings surrounding it. It was connected to the clouds, making the entire cloud layer look like its branches and leaves.

  The mole couldn’t help but say, “…This looks more cyberpunk than cyberpunk.”

  Fang Chang’s Adam’s apple moved, and he nodded slowly.


  ”The buildings over there…are all scenes that can be entered? Not the kind with textures?”

  ”…Does this game have textures?”

  The mole standing by the window didn’t speak for a long time, and finally all his feelings turned into a sigh.

  ”…It’s awesome.”

  The further they went forward, the more they could feel the pressure of approaching, as well as the prosperity and grandeur of the giant city.

  Long strips of passages connected the buildings, densely packed like a spider web.

  Tiny black dots were moving through the gaps between the buildings. There were cargo drones and hovercrafts cruising on fixed orbits.

  The layout and design of this city were somewhat similar to what Fang Chang had seen in the center of Qingquan City.

  It was said that the Great Stone City was built based on the Ideal City.

  However, it was fundamentally different from the Great Stone City. The Ideal City did not have such a thing as a giant wall, and it did not need it at all.

  The shortest building here was much taller than the wall of the Great Stone City. The

  outer buildings were connected together, and the steep outer walls were like insurmountable cliffs. On the top of the building was an electromagnetic accelerator of the same type as the Pioneer, which was enough to destroy any incoming supersonic missiles or even artillery shells.

  The whole city seemed to be raised from the open plain to a height of dozens of meters. The Tianshui estuary was right next to it, and pipes were embedded in the riverbed to draw fresh water resources.

  The broken viaduct and the dilapidated and corrupted wreckage came to an abrupt end half a kilometer away from the Ideal City.

  The steep outer wall of the building is like a clear dividing line, separating ruin and prosperity, chaos and civilization…

  The “Orca” transport plane slowly approached the edge of the city, as small as a ladybug landing on a pyramid.

  ”We’re here, ready to land!”

  The pilot in the cockpit spoke to the communicator, reminding the passengers behind to return to their seats, and then switched from horizontal flight mode to vertical take-off and landing mode, following the guidance of the ground lights, and landed towards the apron on the top floor of the building.

  The cabin door opened.

  Fang Chang and Mole followed Shu Yu closely and walked out of the cabin.

  As soon as they stepped on the hangar, they saw the flashlights mounted next to the hangar flashing, which made the two agility players unable to open their eyes.

  The reporters held interview pens in their hands, and followed the drones with lights on.

  Seeing the three people coming out of the cabin, the excited faces didn’t care about the wind blowing on the rooftop, and all rushed to the apron.

  ”Are you survivors from the River Valley Province?”

  ”Blue coat? Residents of the shelter? What’s your number?”

  ”Hey, look at my friend here. I heard that you are conducting a secret experiment. Is it true? Can you tell us what the experiment is?”

  ”Incredible… Your nutrition is good, and it seems to be much better than other survivor settlements. How much meat do you eat a day?”

  ”I heard that you are fighting with the Legion? Where are they fighting? How far are they from the East Coast?”

  ”How big is the nose of the Willant people! Can you tell us!”

  ”Damn it – stop squeezing! My shoes!”

  Most of the people gathered here are reporters. The residents of Ideal City are full of curiosity about their allies 3,000 kilometers away.

  The discussion about the alliance has already dominated the hot lists of major communication communities on Endpoint Cloud a few days ago.

  All media are eager to get first-hand information.

  Even if it’s just a one-sentence answer.

  Fortunately, there are guards wearing exoskeletons blocking the excited crowd next to the tarmac.

  Otherwise, with the enthusiasm of these people, I’m afraid they will flip the plane to the bottom of the building.

  ”Oh my god…are people here so fashionable? There are even reporters!” Mole’s eyes widened in surprise.

  It seems that there are also anchors who broadcast live?

  He knows a little bit of human language, but it is too noisy here. In addition, the dialect of the East Coast is slightly different from that of the inland, so he can’t understand what those people are chattering at all.

  It can only be said that this game is always real in inexplicable places.

  Fang Chang glanced at him and complained.

  ”…This is not normal. There is a Mr. House in the poor place of Boulder City.”

  ”Where are your black silks? Change them quickly.”

  ”Get lost!”

  Just as the two “bodyguards” were cursing at each other in their throats, a man in formal clothes and combed back hair came up to the three people surrounded by a group of people.

  Although he was confused by these enthusiastic people, Shuyu was a person who had seen some scenes after all. He suppressed his nervousness and looked at the representative who came to greet him with the demeanor of an ambassador.

  ”…Welcome to Ideal City, my friend from the southern part of the River Valley Province. My name is Wu Changnian, the deputy director of the Enterprise Comprehensive Management Department, and one of the shareholders of Ideal Group.” As he spoke, Wu Changnian smiled and stretched out his right hand.

  Shuyu shook his right hand and politely introduced himself.

  ”I am Shuyu, the ambassador of the Alliance. On behalf of the Alliance and the managers of the Alliance, I would like to express my most sincere thanks and greetings to you. Thanks to your help, we can continue to fight against evil.”

  ”You’re welcome. Barbarism is our common enemy and the common enemy of civilization. Whether it is mutants, legions or aliens… sooner or later, we will wipe them out on this planet without a single one left!”

  Wu Changnian shook Shuyu’s hand hard and conveyed his unwavering determination with strength. After letting go of his hand, his face returned to the happy smile, “… However, that is a long-term plan. For me personally, I hope you can spend a pleasant afternoon. I will serve as your guide during this visit. You can ask me if you have any confusion.”

  Shuyu said with a smile after retracting his right hand.

  ”Then I’ll be polite. By the way, who is your top executive? If possible, I hope to meet him.”

  Wu Changnian showed a regretful expression on his face.

  ”Top executive… Although I am happy to introduce you, unfortunately we don’t have that position. You may not understand it very well since it’s your first time here. We implement decentralized management.”

  Shuyu was slightly stunned.

  ”… Decentralized?”

  He had never heard such a strange word.

  Wu Changnian nodded, and a hint of pride floated in his bright smile.

  ”Yes, 200 years ago, when our civilization was facing life and death, the residents of Shelter No. 6 passed the test and unanimously passed the decision to open the door of the shelter to save more people.”

  ”The crew of the Zhiyuan colony ship decided to respond to the determination of the residents of Shelter No. 6, abandon the plan to colonize the Reach Star, change the route to return to the declining home planet, and strand themselves in the center of this city.”

  When he heard this, Fang Chang, who was standing behind Shuyu, showed a surprised expression on his face and subconsciously looked towards the center of the ideal city.

  Behind the many tall buildings, the black tower surrounded by clouds and mist…

  turned out to be a colony ship? !

  This is too big…

  Just as he was silently measuring how many aircraft carriers would be put together to reach this size, the man continued.

  ”… We used the equipment and resources in the colony ship and the shelter to solve one problem after another.”

  ”With the concerted efforts of everyone, we have created miracles that are almost impossible to accomplish again and again.”

  ”This is a great cause accomplished by everyone, so we decided to give power to everyone. Anyone who is willing to do something for this city can consider himself the owner here.”

  Shu Yu was a little confused and said after a long while.

  ”Then… you must have a chairman, right?”

  Everyone is the owner here, he can understand, the manager always told him that the alliance is an alliance established by all survivors and belongs to all survivors who have paid for it.

  But the alliance still has a leader, who can unite the scattered survivors, lead everyone together when encountering difficulties, and mediate conflicts.

  But there is not even a leader here, he can’t understand it.

  He didn’t want to comment on other people’s lifestyles, but he couldn’t say hello to everyone, right?

  ”Of course there are, but there are as many chairmen as companies here, just like managers and shelters. I know you must be confused now, but it doesn’t matter, we have considered this situation…”

  Putting his right hand on Shuyu’s shoulder, Wu Changnian said with a friendly smile.

  ”I will provide you with itinerary suggestions and assist you in completing this visit. Including speeches at the Supreme Council meeting, including live broadcasts on the Endpoint Cloud, and evening parties for shareholders of various groups… We can discuss and decide on the specific form and time.”

  ”Thank you very much.”

  Hearing this, Shuyu was relieved, but he couldn’t help but have a headache.

  Although the mayor of Giant Stone City is not seen, there is at least a city hall, and he can find someone to communicate.

  However, this place is so direct that there is no mayor or city hall.

  Fortunately, he was prepared before coming here and learned some rumors about Ideal City in advance.

  Listening to Mr. Wu’s introduction to the company and Ideal City, Shuyu gradually had an idea in his mind.

  He needs to first determine the “political views” of different groups, find the faction that is most likely to establish friendly relations with the alliance, and then try to persuade or win over the shareholders of that faction, while preventing the faction that opposes them from completely turning against each other.

  At present, the Silver Wing Group is the natural ally of the alliance, the Changge Group is the direct beneficiary of the war, and the Ideal Group is a customer that can be won over.

  As for the Kangmao Group… he is not sure what they want to do. And the Endpoint Group seems to be a natural opposition – after all, their Endpoint Cloud and intelligent technology are almost useless outside the Ideal City.

  These tasks are a bit like what the manager told him about attracting investment.

  There are currently two ways to achieve this, one is a public speech at the board of directors, and the other is to communicate directly with the powerful at the shareholder party.

  The idea is clear.

  What to do next is also clear.

  His eyes fell on Fang Chang behind him, and Shu Yu’s heart moved slightly, and a happy expression appeared on his face.

  ”… In addition, please allow me to introduce you to the two behind me.”

  As he said, he waved to Fang Chang, motioning him to come to his side, and then gently patted Fang Chang on the shoulder.

  ”This is our hero, he is from the Burning Corps.”

  Hearing this, Wu Changnian was slightly stunned, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

  ”Burning Corps? It was the one that day–”

  Fang Chang understood what he said, and was having a headache about how to explain this difficult problem. However,

  Shu Yu next to him smiled calmly, held his shoulder with his right hand, and motioned him to hand it over to him.

  ”It’s him.”

  ”His name is Fang Chang!”

  The moment the voice fell.

  The atmosphere at the scene instantly boiled!


  Official forum. The

  battlefield brother who went offline early was vividly describing how he was both wise and brave to escape danger, and successfully extracted heavyweight intelligence from the mouth of the profiteer.

  However, apart from the tail’s “Oh, so awesome!” and the vine’s “(ω)”, there didn’t seem to be many people interested.

  The Golden Lizard Kingdom is too far away from the Alliance. Although it sounds like it has a large territory and a large population, there is really too little about it in the background story of the game.

  In contrast, everyone is more concerned about when he can become the fifth legion leader, or at least go to the Triumphal Castle in the west to see what the legion’s hometown looks like.

  The only one who cares about him is Lao Bai, who reminds him to go home when he has time and remember to save a file.

  Perhaps out of comfort, or perhaps because he thinks his post is really well written, the dog planner A Guang, who is rarely seen, actually popped up for the first time. Although he didn’t speak, he just liked it and added it to the best.

  The label of the best gave the battlefield guy the motivation to continue updating the post. However, just when he was doing his best and describing it more diligently, a “review post” suddenly appeared on the forum and successfully became the focus of everyone’s attention. ”

  New map review! Utopia hidden in a corner of the wasteland! 》

  ”…It is a huge city. There is no city in the real world that can compare with it. Although the area is less than half of Shanghai, the number of buildings over 500 meters high there is probably several times more than the total number on Earth.”

  ”Conservatively estimated, there are at least one million, or even tens of millions of people living there…”

  In the post, Fang Chang briefly described what he saw and heard on the day he arrived in Ideal City. He

  also described the life of local residents from four aspects: food, clothing, housing and transportation.

  First of all, clothing. The clothing styles of local residents are quite diverse. It has even become a fashion to DIY your own clothing with the help of virtual modeling tools and sell models.

  However, compared with bright colors, they are more pursuing to show their personality through simple but not simple designs.

  The most common colors on them are silver, white, gray and black.

  The next are brown, blue and beige.

  And there is a reason for this.

  According to the guide named Wu Changnian, they are bathed in colorful holographic light and shadow all day long. If the colors are too fancy, they will look like “holographic people”.

  This is also one of the most interesting places in Ideal City. The exterior walls of almost every building here are rentable holographic screens, and in all areas except public transportation, anyone can freely use holographic equipment under the premise of abiding by the law.

  This has also led to a considerable degree of light pollution.

  In the 21st century Earth, people need bright clothes to stand out from the crowd, but here people need less bright clothes to distinguish themselves from others from the colorful neon.

  Secondly, in terms of food, due to the relative abundance of materials, the public here pursues healthy diets and uses simple cooking methods to retain the nutrition of the ingredients themselves.

  Compared with cultural concepts, this is more like a scientific concept.

  The upper class enjoys the best ingredients, ordinary people will choose industrial products produced by assembly lines, and the lower class with relatively tight economic conditions will consider “nutritious meals” made of synthetic starch, protein, and sugar.

  It is precisely for this reason that many employees of companies have a strong interest in the unique food culture of the Alliance and the concept of “cooking”.

  In Ideal City, it is basically impossible to eat meat from aliens. All food on the wasteland will be strictly inspected when entering customs to prevent the influx of harmful genes.

  As for housing, it is also quite interesting. In Ideal City, the higher the status of a person, the higher the house he lives in.

  Therefore, if you want to judge a person’s status, it is enough to ask him which floor he lives on and whether his house has windows.

  In addition, although the streets in Ideal City are quite crowded, the transportation here is very convenient.

  Most people rely on rail transit that runs between buildings, or use smart wearable devices to call taxis. A small number of people have their own maglev cars, which can reach any place in the city very conveniently.

  Of course, this is limited to Ideal City.

  Those maglev cars need to operate in a specific environment and can only run on wheels in the wasteland.

  In addition to the four basic needs of food, clothing, housing and transportation, local residents also have a fifth basic need that other wastelanders do not have-information.

  Yes, information is a basic need here, as important as air.

  Fang Chang specifically mentioned this in the post.

  ”…In the real world, it’s inconvenient to live without a mobile phone, but it’s not impossible to live. However, here, you can’t live without smart devices. Whether it’s map navigation, transportation, or online shopping, everything is linked to a single ID, so there are almost no stowaways here… Of course, maybe I just didn’t see it.”

  ”The smart devices produced by the Endpoint Group and the bionic prostheses produced by the Kangmao Group have been integrated into every corner of the local society.”

  ”That’s Cyberpunk 2277, a utopia located on ruins like a nest city, the successor of the prosperous era, and the lucky one favored by the Great Horned Deer God (wrong)… In short, all the pictures we see from the sky to the tarmac, every frame can feel the money burning.”

  ”More details are still being explored… Speaking of this, I have to say sorry to Brother Ye Shi, those NPCs seem to think I’m the last survivor of the Burning Legion.”

  When he said this, Fang Chang, who was sitting in front of the computer, was really a little embarrassed.

  The scene was chaotic at the time.

  When he left the tarmac, his pants were almost pulled off by those fanatical reporters.

  Fortunately, there was no such thing.

  The first or the second article of the Player’s Handbook states that it is forbidden to take off pants (or skirts) in public.

  In short, with his desperate resistance and the help of the guards, he finally managed to keep his integrity and was not photographed by the shameless mole brother.

  Various signs show that the residents of Ideal City are more unrestrained than those of Boulder City.

  But rather than being unrestrained, it is better to say that they are open.

  The guy named Wu Changnian even joked with him, saying that if he went to the bar tonight, there would probably be many people willing to have something with him, but he must not take those people’s sweet words seriously, and be careful not to be photographed and sent to the endpoint cloud.

  People who like stamp collecting usually like to show off, and they might be on the hot search the next day.

  Shuyu also warned him not to run around.

  They came here on the company’s plane. They represent the image of the alliance. If he is corrupted by the company’s sugar-coated bullets, he will immediately remove him from his position and report to the management.

  Fang Chang felt that this warning was completely unnecessary. He was not a young man like Ye Shi, who had worked hard from scratch to achieve personal financial freedom and retired before the age of 30 to become a landlord. How could he not be able to withstand such a test?

  What’s more, he already had someone in his heart.

  Even though it was a paper wife.

  But it was so real… He always felt that if he failed to live up to that feeling, even if others would not say anything, his conscience would be condemned.

  When he pressed the enter button, hundreds of replies were instantly added to the post.

  Compared to the gossips of the battlefield guys, the players were more concerned about the new map and whether Fang Chang, the bastard, had women’s clothing.

  Tail: “Oh oh oh! Pass it on, Fang Chang and Ye Shi are the same person!”

  Teng Teng: “Another strange CP has been added. (ω)”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck! Fang Chang, you are not a human being! And what kind of CP is this?! QAQ”

  Teng Teng: “Well… actually Kuangfeng seems to be more suitable.”

  Sisi: “Professor X student? (squinting)”

  Teng Teng: “Damn, Sisi is so good!!! (ω)”

  Sisi: “Ahem, I don’t know, Awei taught me.”

  Tail: “!!! Huh? Sisi wants to be a student? Then… call Tail teacher first. (///ω///)”

  Kuangfeng: “…you should chat privately.”

  Sisi: “Sorry, teacher, I was wrong.”

  Fang Chang: “You can’t blame me for this. I can’t deny it in that situation, right? (awkward)”

  WC There Are Really Mosquitoes: “Hahaha! I’m dying of laughter!”

  Irena: “Some people are dead, but they are actually still alive. Some people are still alive, but they are already dead. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “I feel sorry for Brother Ye Shi. (Funny)” Fang

  Chang: “Well, anyway, this is the basic situation. It’s not easy to go to Ideal City at the moment. Entering the country is much more troublesome than going to Boulder City. We are also registered as diplomats. We can’t work there, participate in the securities market, or do business… I guess the task system has not been developed yet. As for the photos, they can’t be sent back for the time being. Let the Mole draw them for you.”

  Mole on the run in the canyon : “Such a big city, how can I draw a ghost! You type too fast, you sent it out when I only wrote half of it! (Angry)” Fang

  Chang: “(Laughing with squinting eyes)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Fuck! Is anyone listening to me? (Furious)”

  Fountain Commander: “Brother, we are all waiting for your coordinates.”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “That’s right! You are too bad at being a spy. You haven’t touched the opposite position in half a month. Shoot him.”

  I am the darkest: “It’s so embarrassing! You haven’t become a marshal in half a month!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “@#%!”

  Looking at the active little players under this post, Chu Guang, who was sitting in front of the computer screen, smiled faintly.

  It is certain that someone listened to it. How could he ignore such important information?

  Unlike the players.

  Compared with the new things in Yunjian Province and Ideal City, and the rich explorable content in the new map, Chu Guang cares more about the post of “Pangolin”.

  How to develop the Utopia market in accordance with local conditions, how to get free stuff without being annoying, that is the topic that the professional players need to think about.

  As a manager, what Chu Guang needs to think about at this moment is more about strategic deployment.

  If his intelligence is accurate, the problem may be more serious than he imagined.

  ”…The supply line from the Bugera Free State to the Falcon Kingdom has been tacitly approved by the Golden Lizard Kingdom.”

  ”Is this the intention of the academy, or is it the Golden Lizard Dynasty’s own arbitrary decision?”

  Chu Guang, sitting on the sofa, fell into deep thought as his eyes fell on the map of Luoxia Province.

  The legion is on the far west coast, tens of thousands of kilometers away from here.

  There are no railways or roads. Their supply lines either cross the tundra and swamps that are far larger than Siberia on Earth, or cross the “Great Desert” scattered with the wreckage of the space elevator. Although

  the Falcon Kingdom can solve part of the supply, the economic foundation of this “classical militarism” kingdom is very poor. It is obviously difficult to support a military power that is far stronger than them.

  Considering the debuff of the Legion on supply efficiency, the Alliance actually has a great chance of winning, which is why Chu Guang made so many arrangements for the post-war victory.

  However, the situation is completely different now. The Legion can actually get supplies from the Bugera Free State.

  That is not a feudal kingdom, but an industrialized commercial city-state.

  As a vassal of the Great Rift Valley, their industrial capacity is not even inferior to that of the Stone City, and they have taken over a large number of supplies that originally belonged to the Legion Expeditionary Force. These are all ready-made materials that can be used!

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang couldn’t help but sweat.

  Fortunately, he chose to go all in at that time, and it was also thanks to his little players who were so powerful that they shot down the Iron Heart.

  If the airship really slipped back to join the main force, not to mention that the Lion Kingdom and Yunsong would not be able to hold on until now, I’m afraid that Griffin would have already reviewed the troops in the Stone City.

  ”It seems that the relationship between the desert kingdoms is not as united as Prince Kariman said.”

  Picking up the marker and marking a red circle on the map, Chu Guang fell into deep thought.

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the desk, tilted his head.

  ”Master, did that Kariman lie to you?”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”Not necessarily. How much can an envoy know… and this is a wasteland. The speed of information dissemination is not even as fast as in the Middle Ages. The River Valley Province itself is the hub of the continent’s east-west trade and transportation. A secret supply line mixed in the trade route is difficult to find.”

  Intelligence work is not magic. This kind of thing cannot be figured out by sending people or mice to take a look. Someone must go deep into the entire supply chain to unravel the clues hidden in it.

  The Alliance’s investment in intelligence has never been low, but it takes time to build an intelligence network.

  To be honest, getting this clue is a matter of luck. And if you want to figure out the entire supply chain, the businessman named Adan may become a key clue.

  Including the surviving Korwei.

  The responsibility for failure is not on him. Killing people to vent anger is what the feudal kingdom does. Although the legion is not a human being to the outside world, it at least has rules and regulations, and it still abides by the rules internally.

  After successfully returning to the legion, he may not be demoted, but promoted because of his loyalty.

  The only obstacle to promotion is “belonging to the McLen faction”, which may be suppressed by General Griffin.

  Whether you can climb up depends on your background and personal ability, and you can’t guess it. With

  a slight movement in his heart, Chu Guang looked at Xiao Qi sitting at the desk.

  ”Give our Pangolin a task… Let him maintain a friendly relationship with Korwe, and establish a friendly relationship with the businessman named Adan without revealing his identity and motives.”

  ”We need to find out how much equipment is being transported from the Bugera Free State to the Legion, including the types, quantities, values, etc. of these equipment… It would be best if we could get relevant evidence.”

  ”The trade between the Free State and the Legion may not be instructed by the Great Rift Valley. If we can get the key evidence, we can even paralyze the Legion’s eastern supply line without firing a shot… But the premise must be that it must not be exposed and we must not act too hastily. What we need is not a head or an order, but something more powerful!”

  Merchants can be bribed.

  But in the eyes of the other party, the Alliance may not be a suitable trading partner.

  The difficulty of this task is probably hell-level.

  And to be honest, the level is actually useless.

  In order to let the battlefield brother work well, Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”Hang a power armor on the final reward of the task, the kind without contribution registration and level restrictions.” It

  was just a casual move before, and he didn’t think it would play much of a role. Unexpectedly,

  this guy was so competitive that he actually got the undercover by relying on a poor human language and a fabricated identity.

  This brother is a talent!

  He has to increase his sunk costs!

  Hearing this, Xiao Qi opened his eyes wide in surprise.

  ”Power armor? But Master… There seem to be only two in the entire alliance.”

  One was bought by Lao Bai.

  The other is the iconic blue power armor on Chu Guang.

  This equipment is naturally impossible to give to others.

  In response to Xiao Qi’s reminder, Chu Guang said without hesitation.

  ”There are only two now. When he completes the entire task chain, I will have at least ten.”

  It’s just equipment worth one million silver coins.

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”In addition, summon Prince Kariman and ask him to wait for me in the reception room of Dawn City.”

  Seeing that Chu Guang already had a plan, Xiao Qi stopped reminding and nodded enthusiastically.

  ”Okay, Master! I have notified them.”

  ”Well done.”

  Getting up from the sofa, Chu Guang picked up Xiao Qi and put it in his pocket, and walked to the door of the browsing room.

  The alliance is still in the preparation period, before the supply line is completed, it is not time to go up to A.

  He is going to meet Prince Kariman now.

  Let’s see what the natives of the desert think of the betrayal of their allies. And

  by the way, let’s find a political solution to this problem.

  Although it may be difficult, it’s worth a try…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode