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Chapter 421 The following works of art are to be auctioned off from the Teng Teng Hut.

Chapter 421 The following works of art are to be auctioned off from the Teng Teng Hut.


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 421 The artworks that will be auctioned next are from Teng Teng Hut——

  ”What the hell!?”

  Power armor? !

  Zhandi stared at the computer screen, dumbfounded, wishing he could stick his nose into the computer.

  Not long after submitting the intelligence, he wanted to see if there were any new instructions, but before he could read the task details, he saw a flashing gold mark added to the task reward.

  After completing the entire undercover task chain, you can get a power armor with no level restrictions!

  This is probably the highest reward task in the server so far, right?

  The benefit from A Guang…

  Zhandi’s eyes flashed with excitement, his fists clenched unconsciously, and he kept muttering.

  ”I understand!”

  ”Will digging up more intelligence lead to a further increase in task rewards?”

  This sounds a bit like the level-breaking challenge on some TV shows.

  The more levels you pass, the higher the accumulated bonus. If the challenge fails, the accumulated bonus will be invalidated. At present, his own bonus pool has accumulated to a power armor!

  In the NPC store of the Alliance, the cheapest “Dragoon” power armor can only be purchased for 1 million silver coins.

  And a power armor with no level limit…

  Just the “no level” label in front is awesome enough!

  Fortunately, I didn’t give up at that time. If I had let it go,

  I would have lost a lot! In

  addition to being moved by his persistence, the battlefield man took out a pen and paper from the drawer and began to carefully think about perfecting his traitor plan based on the existing intelligence.

  Just as the battlefield man was writing furiously, on the other side of the wasteland world, Chu Guang met Prince Kariman in the reception room of Dawn City.

  ”… Dear administrator, may I ask why you summoned me so late at night?” Kariman said respectfully, performing standard court etiquette.

  Looking at this man with slightly curly hair and an exotic face, Chu Guang made a gesture of invitation to the sofa beside him.

  ”We don’t have so many red tape here, sit down.”

  Kariman nodded.

  As he sat down, he had been carefully trying to figure out the expression on the manager’s face, trying to read some clues from it.

  However, before he could study it carefully, the manager sitting there took the initiative to speak.

  ”I have to tell you some unfortunate news. According to reliable intelligence, a supply line is entering Luoxia Province from the Bugera Free State, passing through the territory of the Golden Lizard Kingdom to the position of the Falcon Kingdom and the Legion coalition-”

  Before Chu Guang finished speaking, Kaliman stood up from the sofa with his eyes wide open.

  ”This is impossible!”

  Seeing Chu Guang looking at him, Kaliman quickly realized his loss of composure, blushed and sat back, calmed down his excitement, and continued. ”

  The Golden Lizard Dynasty has an alliance with us… My father’s fourth wife is the sister of the current king of the Golden Lizard Dynasty.”

  The fourth one is okay…

  Then he doesn’t have to do anything else every day?

  Chu Guang thought that he was too busy even before he got married.

  ”How many wives can you marry there?” Out of curiosity, he couldn’t help asking.

  Kariman was slightly stunned, perhaps because he didn’t expect the manager to be curious about this, but he still told the truth.

  ”The spirit of the sea of ​​sand didn’t tell us what kind of family we should form, but only told us that having many children brings more blessings, and that those who are capable will work harder… So in theory, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, they can marry many people as long as both parties are willing.”

  ”Of course, different countries have different interpretations of doctrines. For example, the Falcon Kingdom stipulates that ordinary people can marry up to 2 people, soldiers can marry 4, and those who hold official positions or have made military achievements can marry more. The honey badger that they annexed is a monogamous system, believing that only healthy families can receive the blessing of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand, but other kingdoms don’t really care about this. At least in my opinion, the responsibility of the royal family is to feed the people, not to control how they live… Are we off topic?”

  Chu Guang coughed lightly.

  ”Not off topic… This will help my refugee residents understand you more.”

  Kariman looked a little confused, nodded slowly, and returned to the previous topic and continued.

  ”In short, you don’t have to worry. The Golden Lizard Kingdom and the Hump Kingdom are our strongest backers. When I set out, their reinforcements had already set out! Now they should be at Oasis No. 9, fighting side by side with our people and the Restoration Army of the Honey Badger Kingdom!”

  Looking at Kariman’s confident expression, Chu Guang was a little unsure for a moment. Was this guy really naive, or was he just mentally strong and bluffing when the situation was urgent.

  ”Did you set out two months ago?”


  ”Then I have a very unfortunate news for you. Two months have passed. I don’t know what the situation is in the Hump Kingdom, but the reinforcements of the Golden Lizard Kingdom are still sitting on the border,” Chu Guang looked at him with interest. “Is this the strongest backer you mentioned?”

  Kariman’s face was surprised, and then turned into anger.

  ”How is this possible? Even if it’s not for the sake of blood, what reason do they have to support the Legion’s puppets? Don’t they know that once we lose, they will become the next target of the Falcon Kingdom?”

  Chu Guang said bluntly.

  ”That’s because you have a superficial understanding of interests. Interests come in many forms, and different forms of interests have countless components. The final choice is the product of the game. Maybe in their opinion, there are better choices. It is meaningless to discuss something that has already happened. I advise you to face the reality as soon as possible.”

  Kariman fell into silence. After a struggle, he cast a suspicious look at Chu Guang.

  ”… Wait, why do you know the deployment of troops in the Golden Lizard Kingdom? This place is at least 500 to 600 kilometers away from Oasis No. 8?”

  The suspicious look was like a straw tightly pulled in the hands of a drowning person. Chu Guang could feel that he actually believed it, but he just couldn’t accept the fact that he was betrayed by his allies.

  ”Of course I have my own way. We are used to making a thorough plan before taking action, and intelligence is an important part of it.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang looked at Kariman who was lost in thought and continued.

  ”We will set out as soon as the supply line is completed, at the earliest in mid-August, but given your current situation, I’m worried that you won’t be able to hold out until then.”

  ”You’d better think of a way to do something, and you can’t always rely on us.”

  Kariman was silent for a long time, took a deep breath, stood up and bowed slightly.

  ”Thank you for the information you provided… I will report it to my father truthfully and do our best.”

  Chu Guang asked, “The question now is how do you get the message back? Do you walk on two legs?”

  Kariman: “Don’t worry about that. We brought a lot of pigeons with us. They can quickly get the message back to the kingdom… It’s probably not easy to expect a group of cowards to step on the front line, but if we let our princess write a letter and send it to the Kingdom of the Golden Lizard, her family should be able to do something.”

  Even if the supply line can’t be cut off, even if it only causes a little trouble to it, it will be much better for the situation on the front line.

  Thinking of this, Kariman couldn’t help but feel annoyed. They didn’t even notice such important information, but heard it from foreigners outside the desert.

  This group of shameful traitors…

  Looking at Kariman with anger flashing in his eyes, Chu Guang, who succeeded in fanning the flames, nodded with satisfaction.

  ”That’s the best.”

  Carrying pigeons to send messages?

  Those cooing little guys are indeed very reliable, at least more reliable than two legs.

  Using the influence of the Lion Kingdom to put pressure on the Golden Lizard Kingdom is just one part.

  He has to do more than harass the supply line, but also cut off the source of this supply line – the Free State of Bugera!

  As a vassal of the Great Rift Valley, this grandson actually flirted with the legion behind his back. Can the cuckolded Great Rift Valley tolerate this?

  Of course, this requires strong enough evidence to prove that this is not just a business deal, nor is it the personal behavior of a certain businessman, but a support that has risen to the national level.

  Watching Kariman leave, Chu Guang raised a happy smile at the corner of his mouth.

  Whether we can get relevant evidence depends on whether the brother Zhandi is powerful…


  At the edge of Oasis No. 8, in a small town near the desert, there is an inconspicuous hotel.

  The Zhandi guy who woke up from his dream was yawning and went downstairs to get some water to wash up. Just as he was about to go back to the room along the stairs to pack up his things, he heard a whispered conversation from the other end of the corridor.

  ”…Bad news, the informant at the palace sent a message that there was an order to leave the palace early this morning. It is said that the sentries and patrols at all borders are required to strictly check the caravans entering from the east and leaving from the west.”

  The voice seemed to be that of the businessman named Adan.

  The warlord who was about to turn the corridor stopped in his tracks when he heard this.


  Is the effect so immediate?

  He had just reported the intelligence in the morning, and the subsequent plot came as soon as he logged into the game in the evening, which caught him off guard.

  Normally speaking, wouldn’t it take at least ten days to hear some news?

  Curious, the warlord hid in the corner of the corridor and continued to listen.

  Standing in front of Adam, Kelway frowned and said with a slightly serious look.

  ”Is your information reliable?”

  Adam nodded and said with a firm voice.

  ”Don’t doubt the source of the news. Although I can’t reveal his identity to you, I can tell you for sure that the person who cooperates with us has a high status in the Golden Lizard Kingdom.”

  Kelway nodded, and a trace of solemnity appeared between his brows.

  Strictly check the merchants entering from the east…

  This means that Adam’s caravan will be subject to stricter inspections in Oasis No. 8, and his identity as a Weilante will obviously be more dangerous.

  This is undoubtedly a bad thing for both the legion and himself.

  Adan touched his chin in confusion, his brows knitted together.

  ”It’s really strange that the palace issued an order at this time, especially I heard that it was the pressure from the Lion Kingdom that made the royal family take action… This is even more strange.”

  The battlefield guy hiding in the back of the corridor breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn’t understand it very well, he didn’t hear his name, so the two people should not suspect him.

  Cole frowned slightly.

  ”Is the situation serious?”

  Adan sighed.

  ”It’s not serious… Once the decree leaves the palace, how to execute it is a matter for the local area. As long as it doesn’t run into the king’s guards, I can deal with it even if I am interrogated.”

  After a pause, he continued with an embarrassed expression.

  ”But your identity is a bit troublesome. After all, this place has nominally declared war on the Falcon Kingdom and the Legion. What worries me more is that if the Lion Kingdom realizes that military supplies are being transported to the Legion’s position in the north, they may send cavalry to patrol the desert.”

  Kelway was silent for a moment and said, “I’m sorry to trouble you… or we should act separately.”

  ”Don’t say that, sir, we can’t leave you alone on the road.”

  Adan interrupted him quickly.

  What he wanted was that the officer owed him a favor, but he didn’t think of abandoning this cash cow.

  When the Legion dominates the entire Luoxia Province, he will definitely use this relationship.

  ”… In short, this is not a place to stay for a long time. There is not only one way to go to Oasis No. 9. Let’s go as soon as possible after replenishing our supplies.”

  Kelway nodded cautiously.

  ”That makes sense. I’ll go call my companions, and you go call the others. We’ll meet in the backyard in half an hour.”

  Seeing the two separate, the battlefield guy quietly slipped back to his room along the stairs, packed his luggage, and quietly waited for his boss to knock on the door.

  After a while, there was a knock on the door, and along with it came Korwe’s gentle and strong voice.

  ”Pangolin, we should set off. Have you packed your things?”

  The warlord walked forward to open the door, with the luggage on his back, and said with his head held high.

  ”Already, I have packed my things, sir.”

  Korwe looked at him with approval, and patted his shoulder.

  ”Not bad, very energetic. What the legion needs is a warrior like you who is decisive and undelayed. I see the shadow of my superior Rachel in you.”

  ”Come with me, there are some variables in the plan, and the departure time is advanced by one hour.”

  ”By the way, don’t call me sir in the future, just call me Korwe.”

  The warlord nodded with a stiff upper lip.

  ”Okay, Korwe… sir.”

  Korwe smiled, but didn’t care about his nervousness. He patted his shoulder vigorously and walked towards the stairs.

  At dawn, the group quietly left the town and headed towards the desert.

  Originally, they were going to walk west along Oasis No. 8 and go around to the northwest side of Oasis No. 9.

  But now it is not suitable to stay here for long. They must leave here before the border is closed and before the patrol of the Lion Kingdom arrives, and choose an unfamiliar route to the position of the Falcon Kingdom and the Legion.

  It is foreseeable that the road ahead will not be peaceful.

  In fact, if Kolwei is abandoned, it will be much easier for Adam to lead the caravan alone, and it is not impossible to sneak to Oasis No. 9 in the territory of the Golden Lizard Kingdom.

  But he does not want to give up the favor he has finally obtained.

  And not far from him, the battlefield guy who followed Kolwei was also struggling in his heart.

  It seems impossible to sneak into the base camp of the Legion quietly. This team of 20 to 30 people wants to hide their tracks in the desert. I am afraid that they can only rely on the blessing of the spirit of the desert.

  But if it is true as Adam said, the Lion Kingdom will send cavalry patrols, and he happens to run into the patrol…

  Does he really have to shoot at friendly forces?

  Even if he didn’t run into a patrol, would he really want to deliver these supplies to the enemy, so that they would turn into hot metal bullets in the gun barrel and penetrate into the chests of friendly troops or even innocent civilians…

  If you immerse yourself in the game, it’s hard not to think about these realistic problems.

  Of course, he also admitted that it might be because this journey was too boring, leaving him with nothing else to think about, so he would think about these boring problems…

  The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

  The blood-red glow shines on the uninhabited desert, and everyone with their own thoughts moves in the same direction.

  Just as the battlefield guy was thinking about a thousand things, someone thousands of kilometers away was also filled with complexity at this moment.

  Unlike the sunset glow over the yellow sand, the night has already quietly arrived in Yunjian Province, far away on the east coast of the continent.

  Here, day and night are completely two completely different worlds.

  When the curtain of night is put on, the whole city seems to be dancing.

  The high-rise buildings are drowned in colorful neon lights, and the aircrafts running between steel and concrete are like endless rainbows.

  The vast information like the Milky Way fills every corner of every eyeball.

  Even if you stay for a moment, you will be lost in it.

  Everyone living here has no doubt that this is the best time. They live in that great and prosperous time. Flowers and wine are like the water flowing eastward, and the rich riverbed will never dry up.


  they are not ignorant of barbarism.

  They know very well that most of the land is still wild, especially the distant west coast, which is the source of all chaos.

  The people there are like wolves with teeth grinding and blood sucking. They plunder wealth, enslave people, and use iron chains to tie the robbed slaves to work in the fields like livestock. They use the blood they created to divide people into different levels from birth.

  Whether it was slavery or the theory of bloodline, they were all historical poisons that were swept into the garbage dump before the planet entered the era of prosperity.

  The capital city named after Triumph sounded more like a eulogy of war in their ears.

  In comparison, the city of the Alliance sounded much better. Whether it was Dawn or Dawn, those were the names that civilized people’s cities should have.

  The residents of Ideal City could quarrel over trivial matters and greet each other’s mothers, but they had no disagreement on the issue of the Legion.

  That was the common enemy of the civilized world.

  Seeing that everyone had been committed to promoting that committee two centuries ago, they could turn a blind eye to the ugly things that those gunpowder-brained guys did in the western continent.

  But now, they have reached out to the east of the Great Desert and even tried to control Shelter 0… Shelter 0, which was first discovered by the Silver Wing Group.

  They will never compromise this time.

  Of course, it would be even better if someone was willing to teach those beasts a lesson for them.

  A corner of the core area of ​​the city.

  In a magnificent top-floor building, figures wearing silver, gray, and black dresses were standing in the middle of the dance floor, holding champagne in their hands.

  Most of them were shareholders of the company’s subsidiaries, some from the five major groups, and many from some unknown small companies.

  At this moment, their eyes were all focused on the stands in front of the dance floor – there were two figures standing there.

  One of them was an ambassador from the Alliance, named Shu Yu.

  Everyone had heard some stories about him. It was said that this young man was born a refugee and had lost his family because of the chaos caused by the Legion’s expeditionary force.

  A young man like him, who should have been studying and furthering his studies in the company, had to take on the heavy burden of being an envoy to friendly countries and travel thousands of miles to a strange city.

  It was hard not to sympathize with his heartbreaking life experience…even if it was not entirely out of opposition to the “political correctness” of the Legion.

  The person standing next to him was Yue Qian, the director of the Enterprise Comprehensive Management Department.

  Unlike Wu Changnian from Ideal Group, he belongs to the “faction” of Silver Wing Group, and is a shareholder with a certain share of equity.

  The General Management Department of the enterprise is similar to the Protocol Department of the Alliance. They are all departments in charge of emcees and planning activities, and also have some diplomatic functions.

  As for the specific decision-making power, in the Supreme Council, this department is also directly responsible to the Council.

  It can be understood as the Supreme Foreign Minister.

  After a day of understanding, Shuyu has gradually figured out the power structure of the enterprise.

  Although it is nominally decentralized management here, in fact, the Supreme Council is their center.

  The positions of various power departments are basically held by the shareholders of major groups.

  As for the inheritance rules and transaction rules of equity, he has not figured it out.

  However, based on the surnames of the powerful figures of each group, he can probably detect a little clue.

  For example, the powerful figures of Ideal Group are mostly surnamed Li, the Endpoint Group often sees the surname Yun, and the Silver Wing Group is mostly surnamed Yi and Luo.

  ”Let’s toast to eternal friendship!”

  Hearing the voice coming from his ear, Shuyu came back to his senses from his thoughts and clinked his glasses with him with a smile.


  The sound of clinking glasses resounded throughout the venue.

  Fang Chang, who was standing in the crowd, also clinked his glasses and sipped the sour sparkling wine in his glass. He couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

  At this moment, his mind was not on the party at all, but on the task assigned to him by the manager.

  Promoting the culture and products of the alliance…

  It’s easy to say, but when he arrived in Ideal City, he found that things were far from as simple as he thought.

  The spiritual civilization of the wasteland people is extremely lacking, just like the tribesmen in the middle of a certain continent in the real world. Some gadgets of the industrial age are enough to excite them, not to mention the imported goods from the strange world.

  However, this is the place closest to the era of prosperity.

  This city is completely at the other extreme in this wasteland. Their spiritual civilization is extremely rich, even to the point of emptiness and boredom.

  In other words, they have seen everything.

  Thinking about it, Fang Chang couldn’t help but add a touch of melancholy between his eyebrows.

  Can I really complete the important task entrusted to me by the manager?

  At this time, the mole, shaking a glass of red wine, came over in a mean way and stood beside him with a smile.

  ”Brother, where are your black silks? Are you wearing them?”

  Fang Chang, who was already unable to complain, rolled his eyes.

  ”You only know black silks!”

  Can you have some other pursuits?

  Too lazy to pay attention to this guy, Fang Chang cast his eyes to the front of the stage. The

  ”Supreme Foreign Minister” of the company was making a speech about friendship and peace, and announced that the party had entered the second process-charity auction.

  The items at the auction were naturally gifts from the Alliance.

  As for why these gifts given to the company appeared at the auction, it’s a long story.

  Since the company claimed that it was decentralized management, Shuyu couldn’t find a subject to accept the gifts.

  So, he referred to Wu Changnian’s suggestion and auctioned the gifts in the form of a charity gala. The

  starting price of each item was 100Cr, and the highest bidder won, and all the proceeds from the auction would be donated to the Alliance.

  For the shareholders of the company, this way, they can not only express their support for the war of justice by holding up placards, get spiritual satisfaction, but also get some novel gadgets as collections.

  From the perspective of the residents of Ideal City, there is no fairer way of distribution than the highest bidder wins.

  For the Alliance, it can also raise funds other than aid at the gala. Those

  invited to the gala are shareholders of major groups in Ideal City. There are many billionaires here with a net worth of billions or even tens of billions. In comparison, 300 million Cr of aid is more like a drop in the bucket.

  Of course, net worth is net worth, and the actual money taken out is another matter, which cannot be generalized.

  But no matter what, it would be great to get some money from them and exchange it for some industrial equipment and weapons and ammunition that the alliance urgently needs.

  War is still too expensive after all.

  After giving the microphone to the host of the auction, Yue Qian bowed slightly and walked off the stage with Shu Yu.

  The two of them went behind the scenes, talking and laughing.

  Fang Chang, who was standing in the venue, stared at the host with his eyes locked, his palms sweating.

  After all, he knew what the next auction would be…

  What was coming finally came.

  The host cleared his throat, looked at the words flashing on the holographic teleprompter, and said in a loud voice.

  ”Ladies, gentlemen, friends… Good evening! It’s my honor to be the host of this auction!”

  ”Friends from afar have sent us gifts, which contain not only our common desire for the civilized world, but also our determination to never compromise with barbarism! We should also respond to it!” ”

  All the proceeds from this auction will be donated to the Alliance as funds to support the front line!”

  ”Every credit point you pay in this auction will become a bullet shot at those villains! The significance of these auction items will surpass all the fine wine and flowers, and no matter what price they are sold at, they will be worth the money!”

  ”Show our generosity, the banknotes in your hands are your determination!”

  ”History will remember this moment!”

  ”Just like the vote two centuries ago!”

  To be honest, even Fang Chang felt a heat in his heart after this passionate speech.

  It’s a pity that he has no money.

  Otherwise, he would also raise a card for fun.

  However, the host’s next sentence immediately poured a basin of cold water on his heart, causing his toes to unconsciously dig into the soles of his shoes.

  ”The auction symbolizing friendship has officially begun. The first item on display is a work of art from Teng Teng’s hut!”

  ”As the name suggests, this work of art was created by Teng Teng, a well-known fashion designer in the alliance… This should be the pronunciation, although it sounds a bit strange.”

  ”The person who donated it was Tail!”

  The host waved his hand.

  A spotlight like a physical object was cast from the ceiling.

  A model with a proud figure walked to the front of the stage and showed the work of art she was wearing.

  It was a maid outfit with a very short skirt, with white silk edges and black skirt belts.

  And a pair of white over-the-knee socks.

  Both men and women at the scene focused their eyes on the model, with surprise in their eyes.

  It’s hard to say how beautiful this dress is. It’s mainly because I’ve never seen it before and it feels a bit novel.

  And the black and white color combination is quite pleasing.

  ”Black and white… I didn’t expect that the tastes of the residents of the alliance are quite similar to ours.”

  ”Is it pants or socks?”

  ”It should be socks… Who wears pants under a skirt?”

  ”But it’s a little too long?”

  ”Hmm… It feels a bit interesting.”

  ”Indeed, I haven’t seen anyone wear it like this. This design style is quite unique.”

  The people standing on the dance floor had interested expressions on their faces and whispered quietly.

  Bathed in the admiring eyes of the crowd, the model couldn’t help but slightly curl up the corners of her mouth.

  However, the whispering sound at the scene was too subtle, like a buzzing mosquito. Fang Chang didn’t hear it clearly. He only felt that pairs of eyes in the hall were looking at him intentionally or unintentionally. He was so embarrassed that he almost dug a villa with his toes.

  He wanted to explain that this dress could not represent the taste of everyone in the alliance, but only the taste of one or two players.

  But it seemed that saying anything was redundant at this time.

  The same was true for the mole standing aside. Bathed in the gazes that glanced at this side intentionally or unintentionally, his stiff expression was full of subtlety and discomfort.

  Although he did not deny that he was an LSP, it did not mean that he was willing to be studied for XP in public.

  This was too shameful!

  No –

  this game is too real!

  ”Uh, I suddenly want to go to the toilet.” Throwing down this sentence, the Mole was going to slip away. Anyway, he was just a bystander and could not compare to a certain war hero. However

  , the agility of the T1 echelon is not as fast as the T0 after all.

  Fang Chang had a “bright” smile on his face, and the bullet time was turned on. One hand grabbed his shoulder and forcibly caught the Mole who was about to pee.

  ”Come back here.”

  Just kidding.

  If he left, wouldn’t the eyes of the whole audience fall on him?

  At least someone should stay by his side to help share the visible sense of oppression.

  The Mole said with a smile.

  ”Brother, actually you don’t need to be nervous… Maybe due to cultural differences, they will understand this as… uh, a formal dress?”

  Fang Chang: “What the hell formal clothes look like!”

  The sign-raising session started soon.

  Fang Chang just hoped that this session would end quickly.

  The Gwent cards played by the edge brother were still a bit interesting. Irena’s “Lao Gandie Chili Sauce” and Mosquito’s “Laokeng Pickled Cabbage Beef Noodles” were acceptable, and they didn’t kill him on the spot.


  the development of the matter was beyond his expectations.

  As soon as the host’s voice fell, someone immediately raised his right hand.

  ”I’ll bid 100Cr–”

  Less than half a second later, the second hand was raised.


  ”2000!! ”

  ”I’ll bid 10,000!!!”

  With the 10,000 bid, the atmosphere on the scene was instantly pushed to a peak.

  And this was obviously not the highest bid.

  People kept raising their cards, pushing the atmosphere on the scene to a higher climax.

  Looking at the local tyrants who were competing to bid, Fang Chang was completely dumbfounded, and the whole person was completely stunned there.

  In the end, the first artwork from the Teng Teng Hut was sold for 50,000Cr… and was bought by a shareholder of the Endpoint Group.

  Under the envious eyes of the crowd, the man with short hair walked out of the crowd with a beaming face, followed by a bionic man, and walked towards the back of the venue.

  The mole carried by Fang Chang swallowed his saliva and stared at the smug man with his eyes wide open.

  That thing…

  fifty thousand?

  Half of a magnetic confinement plasma machine tool?

  ”…Are you crazy?!”

   Du Yu’s new book “Secretly Raising a Little Golden Crow” is on the shelves. If you are interested, take a look.

    Travel through the world of demon control and make a contract with the ancient Golden Crow.

    Facing a brand new life of a demon pet, whether to choose to hide or pretend, Du Yu has his own unique insights.

    Hiding secretly until dark, pretending until dawn?

    Sunset and the Golden Crow rises!

    I, Du Yu, am the burning sun in the middle of the night!


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode