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Chapter 423 Military Exercise

Chapter 423 Military Exercise


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 423 Military Exercises

  ”5 km ahead, target ready!”

  ”Everyone has finished loading–”


  On the open plain, as Yang Shu waved the red flag forward, 20 thick and long gun barrels spewed out flames.

  In the open space in the distance, fragments and white smoke scattered into a piece, and the wooden target inserted in the trench was blown to pieces.

  Then there were two more rounds of barrages.

  The last round of white smoke formed a milky white smoke wall in the middle of the battlefield.

  ”Artillery suppression is complete!”

  ”Tank troops advance! Cover the infantry to occupy the position!”

  Black smoke was spewed out of the exhaust pipe, and thirty tanks started up at the same time, forming an armored spearhead like a sharp arrow, advancing towards a cloud of white smoke that exploded in the distance.

  At the same time, behind the thirty tanks, twenty armored trucks also started their engines, following the tracks…

  Standing on the concrete tower in the distance, Chu Guang held a telescope, looking at the tank cluster rushing towards the trench position through the smoke, and a smile involuntarily curled up at the corner of his mouth.

  All along, due to the lack of heavy equipment, the alliance has been taking the “special warfare route”.

  That is, to maximize the advantages of the soldiers themselves and use their fearless will to make up for the disadvantages in heavy firepower.

  But now this problem has finally been solved to a certain extent.

  With the gradual increase in the production capacity of the Qingshi County mine and the ignition of the controlled nuclear fusion reactor, the production potential of the new industrial zone of the alliance has finally been stimulated. The

  No. 81 Steel Plant produces engines, the Goblin Technology produces turrets, the experimental facilities under the scientific expedition team produce observation and aiming equipment, and several state-owned steel plants in the alliance produce tracked bodies and chassis, etc., which are finally assembled in the tank workshop.

  There are as many as hundreds of factories involved in the relevant industrial chain, including large factories with assets of tens of millions of silver coins, and small workshops with only a dozen employees.

  At present, the production of No. 1 tanks has reached two per day.

  The newly produced 30 tanks, plus the ones that participated in the battle of Ruigu City before, can almost make up a tank battalion.

  Of course, the key to building an armored force is not only equipment, but also personnel training.

  Operating professional equipment requires long and tedious training, while the requirements for personal combat ability are not so obvious.

  In order to give full play to the respective advantages of players and NPCs, special combat equipment such as exoskeletons are generally given priority to player corps dominated by awakeners, while heavy equipment such as tanks and artillery that require multiple people to operate will be given priority to NPC corps.

  However, player corps such as the Skeleton Corps that have armor and mobility-related doctrines will also receive priority care.

  After all, when recruiting new members, this type of corps often pays more attention to real-life driving experience than personal levels.

  Whether it is experience in driving a truck.

  Or driving a tank…

  Looking at the tank troops not far away, Wrench only felt a surge of emotion.

  From facing a Conqueror No. 10 as if facing a formidable enemy, now the alliance has its own tank formation.

  This is just like a dream!

  ”We won, Wrench.”

  Hearing the voice of the manager, Wrench clenched his fists excitedly and responded out loud.

  ”That’s a must! With these equipment, our army will be invincible in the desert! Whether it’s the Legion or the Falcon Kingdom, they will be crushed to pieces by our tracks!”

  Looking at his confident subordinates, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

  ”Not bad, very spirited.”

  But soon, he changed the subject and said seriously.

  ”We are making rapid progress, but don’t be too proud. We must admit that there is still a big gap between our No. 1 tank and the Conqueror of the Legion.”

  ”They have been stationed in the desert for many years, and many of our people have never seen what the desert looks like, so we must be cautious and prudent in handling every decision!”

  Wrench stood at attention, saluted with his right fist on his chest, and said without hesitation.

  ”Your Excellency is right!”

  Chu Guang nodded. As an old survivor force, the strength of the Legion should never be underestimated.

  The Conqueror No. 10 tank has a low degree of electronicization, because it does not need a high degree of electronicization to fight against most survivor forces. The spaced armor that can defend against armor-piercing shells is enough to allow them to gallop on the battlefield and be

  invincible .

  When the logistics supply line is difficult to maintain, the technological content of the equipment is no longer important. Lower working hours and costs are their first priority.

  After two disastrous defeats in the Valley Province, it is not ruled out that the Legion will adjust its tactics.

  For example, produce tanks with stronger protection capabilities, aircraft with higher flight speeds, etc.

  As for the deployment of the Legion in Oasis No. 9, there is no intelligence so far.

  It takes time to detect military intelligence. Chu Guang is still waiting for news from the battlefield guy. This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

  Prince Kariman, who was standing by and watching, glanced at this guy with a subtle expression.

  Isn’t the guy in the power armor the most inflated?

  It seems that he was the first to say that he won.

  But with his emotional intelligence, he would not say such inappropriate words on such an occasion.

  Looking at the 20 artillery pieces not far away, Prince Kariman said enviously.

  ”Is that a 100mm gun?”

  ”155mm, we call it a 155 gun.”

  Chu Guang narrowed his eyes and paused for a while before continuing.

  ”Although the power of 100mm artillery is sufficient, it is still a little bit lacking. Since we have more powerful charges, wouldn’t it be a pity not to make the caliber larger?”

  In fact, to be more specific, it is the wasteland improved version of the PCL-181 howitzer, which adopts a 52-times barrel caliber and a relatively lightweight design. The total weight of 25 tons is reduced to 21 tons. It can be mounted on a vehicle or towed for deployment, which is very convenient.

  With the help of drones, the maximum range of the artillery can reach 40 kilometers, which can be doubled by using rocket-assisted range bombs, but the ballistic dispersion at the extreme distance is bound to be quite touching.

  Due to the use of azide compound charges, the explosive power far exceeds that of modern 155mm artillery, and the actual killing radius can reach the level of 203mm artillery, and the damage effect within the killing radius is also significantly enhanced.

  In the absence of sufficient accuracy, we can only make do with power.

  In mountainous terrain like the Valley Province, the lighter and faster 100mm artillery is the relatively optimal solution, but in desert terrain, the vast tactical width requires more powerful firepower to fill it.

  As he spoke, Chu Guang casually handed the telescope to the prince, so that his friend could see more clearly.

  Although he did not quite understand why the caliber was changed to a larger one instead of reducing the caliber to increase the firing rate and range when there were more powerful explosives, Kariman still took the telescope.

  The thick and long gun barrels reflected the cold light in the sun, and Kariman envied it more and more.

  It would be great if the Lion Kingdom also had such artillery.

  Due to the low level of industrialization, although they have millions of acres of fertile land, the only factories that can process artillery shells are those in the capital, and the artillery shells produced are all imitations of 100mm artillery shells, and their power can be imagined.

  On the other hand, the Falcon Kingdom, because of the support of the legion, although its economy ranks last among the five kingdoms, its military technology is far ahead of other kingdoms.

  It fully shows that it is good to have a father.

  Seeing the expression on Kariman’s face, Chu Guang smiled faintly, and he could roughly guess what he was thinking in his heart, and understood why he thought so.

  After all, it was for the purpose of exerting influence that he brought him here to watch this military exercise.

  ”What do you think of the 155mm artillery?”

  Putting down the telescope, Kariman said with an unsatisfied expression.

  ”Very strong! Only 20 artillery pieces covered a 9-kilometer front… No wonder you were able to shoot down that airship!”

  ”Haha, we didn’t have these things when we shot down that airship,” Chu Guang smiled and continued, looking at Kariman, whose expression was gradually filled with surprise, “In mid-August, our troops will be able to complete the supply, and by then we should be able to put together two fully staffed tank battalions and two artillery battalions. We can sell you some of the excess armaments, what do you think?”

  Kariman was instantly excited.

  Although his expression was still restrained, his voice was already trembling.

  ”These equipment…are you willing to sell them to us?”

  Chu Guang nodded happily and said generously.

  ”Of course… For example, the 155mm artillery piece is priced at 1 million silver coins. For the sake of our alliance, we can give you a 10% discount. And the No. 1 tank is priced at 1.5 million silver coins, and we can also give you a 10% discount.”

  ”Silver coins? But we don’t have silver coins,” Kariman was stunned, looking a little embarrassed, “Can we use Lion coins? Or if that doesn’t work… how about dinars?”

  Their kingdom does have reserves of hard currencies such as dinars and Cr in the wasteland.

  But silver coins…

  I’ve never heard of them.

  Seeing his reaction, Chu Guang immediately put on a serious expression.

  ”How can that be possible! Dinars are the money of the legion. How can we do business with the enemy’s money!”

  ”But…” Kariman was about to explain with a headache, and Chu Guang continued.

  ”As for silver coins, don’t worry. One ton of grain can be exchanged for about 500 silver coins at our trading station. Fruits will be a little more expensive, especially sugar cane. If you don’t have it, we can lend you 100 million or 200 million first, or you can pay the equivalent of agricultural products and minerals in Lion coins.”

  Kariman roughly calculated that one ton of grain is 500 silver coins, and the original price of a tank is 1.5 million. Doesn’t it mean that 3,000 tons of grain can be exchanged for a tank? !

  This is simply too worth it!

  Even if we don’t count the grain produced by the agricultural facilities left over from before the war, it is conservatively estimated that the agricultural products produced by 6,000 acres of arable land can be exchanged for a tank, and the production capacity of 4,000 acres of arable land can be exchanged for a cannon.

  This deal is too cost-effective no matter how you calculate it!

  The Lion Kingdom has tens of millions of acres of arable land, and the thing it lacks the least is probably food!

  Looking at Prince Kariman who was secretly happy there, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile happily.

  In fact, the price of the arms sales was not something he came up with on the spur of the moment, but a comprehensive calculation based on the cost and scarcity of the goods.

  Referring to the prices during World War II, the ratio of a T34 tank to a ton of wheat was close to 1:2500. (Although there was a situation after the war where ten dollars were exchanged for a tank to plough land)

  This 1:3000 ratio can be said to be very conscientious, even if there is no discount, it is still a friendly price!


  Is it too much to sell this tractor-modified tank at the same price as the power armor?

  That’s not because the tank is expensive, but because the power armor is too cheap!

  After all, it is sold to his own players, and the players who can buy the power armor are the most loyal “knights” of the alliance, which is equivalent to moving from the left pocket to the right pocket. If it is

  really sold to the outside world, let alone 1 million, Chu Guang can’t sell it well for 100 million, right?

  But this 155 artillery is different.

  As long as there is a need, electricity, mining, and human resources can keep up, Goblin Technology can produce two guns a day for him, and it is not difficult to increase the production line.

  Industrial products will always be cheaper the more they are produced, so Chu Guang will openly sell them to his allies at a low price in exchange for the resources the alliance needs.

  As for arming the allies too strongly, will it weaken the regional influence of the alliance?

  You’re kidding.

  The feudal dynasty can still struggle to resist foreign enemies, but what kind of combat power do they have in foreign wars?

  Not to mention the 155 artillery, it won’t work even if you give them a few power armors.

  Otherwise, why don’t companies just bypass the alliance and cooperate with the Lion Kingdom?

  Are mileage and cost the core contradictions?

  Obviously not.

  Although they are generous, it doesn’t mean they are stupid.

  Even if you choose teammates, you have to choose someone who is more competitive, otherwise it would be a hell of a life to be the transport captain…


  The exercise is over.

  From the beginning to the end of the attack, it took only 5 minutes for the 1st Corps to completely capture the position.

  However, this is just an exercise, not a real battlefield.

  And on the real battlefield, their opponents cannot be those wooden stakes stuck in the trenches that will not move.

  Their opponents will use heavy machine guns to shoot at the tracks and tires of the armored forces, will bury mines in front of the trenches, will use anti-tank rocket launchers to fight back at all costs to stop the advance of the armored forces… They may even use unconventional means they have never seen before.

  And once the charging tanks break down halfway, they will be waiting to be named by the artillery of the opposite side.

  If they want to survive on the battlefield, they must charge faster.

  The cooperation of various arms must be more tacit!

  Now that the artillery has finished the tank charge, they will have to practice the tanks charging together with Xu Jin’s barrage, charging under the cover of aircraft, and covering the infantry charge…

  From the sky to the ground, only when everyone is united can they hope to defeat the enemy who is far stronger than them.

  All the troops gathered at the parade ground. Chu Guang led a group of officers from the spectator seats to the chief platform.

  Standing in front of the soldiers, Chu Guang, wearing a power armor, turned on the speaker of his helmet and spoke in a loud voice.

  ”…The performance of each unit is quite good. From your high-spirited eyes, I can see the precious courage and loyalty, as well as the determination to win.”

  ”You are the pillars of the alliance, the future of the alliance, and the future of the entire human civilization. The responsibility on your shoulders is as heavy as the mountains in the distance, so you must not be complacent, let alone slack off.”

  ”…The sweat you put in today is to shed less blood tomorrow!”

  ”I hope you will keep up the good work! Keep moving forward for the ideal of ending the wasteland era!”

  In the parade ground, all the soldiers stood at attention, with their right fists against their chests.


  The uniform roar resounded across the vast plain, even shattering the sky.


  In response to the determined gazes, Chu Guang nodded slowly and returned a military salute neatly.

  Under the respectful and even worshipful gazes of the soldiers and officers, he gave the speaking position to the corps commander beside him, turned around and calmly left the training ground.

  The comments on the performance of each unit’s exercise will be made by officers at all levels of the alliance.

  After several battles, they know better than anyone where their subordinates need to improve.

  This is better than any paper talk.

  As the manager of the alliance, in addition to meeting their logistical needs, Chu Guang only has two things to do.

  That is to ensure his prestige in the army.

  And to ensure the loyalty and morale of the army.

  The future marshal of the alliance may be among the soldiers in the audience.

  They are people of this world, they only have one life, and they need not only courage.

  They also need faith.

  And managing the relationship with them is completely different from the idea of ​​managing the player community.

  Chu Guang unexpectedly discovered that he, who was not very good at these things, was getting more and more handy in handling them.

  Following behind Chu Guang, Kariman was thinking whether to place an order to buy 100 tanks to try out whether they are useful, or to buy 200 tanks at once to build an armored team of 1,000 people to fight head-on with the lackeys of the legion.

  Just as he was about to speak, Chu Guang suddenly stopped and tapped his helmet with his index finger.

  Kariman was slightly stunned.

  ”What’s the matter, Mr. Manager?”

  ”Wait a minute, I have a call.”

  Chu Guang replied casually, closed the visor of the helmet, and focused his eyes on the holographic window displayed in the helmet.

  The communication request was sent from Luoye City, and the caller was Ma Ban.

  Without any hesitation, as soon as the communication was connected, Ma Ban spoke with a serious expression.

  ”Sir, a group of people came from the direction of Luoxia Province, and they claimed to be the royal family of the Honey Badger Kingdom.”

  Honey Badger Kingdom?

  Chu Guang had heard of this name.

  One of the five kingdoms in the desert, Oasis No. 3 is located near the Falcon Kingdom (Oasis No. 2), with an area of ​​about 50,000 square kilometers.

  The area of ​​Luoxia Province is ridiculously large,

  and so are the man-made oases there. Even though Oasis No. 3 is a relatively small oasis, it

  is almost as large as half of Zhejiang Province on the other side of the earth. According to the rumors of the caravan, the population of the Honey Badger Kingdom is close to one million, and it seems to practice a relatively enlightened monarchy.

  Compared with the other kingdoms that inherited the legacy of the Human Alliance era, its national strength is still at the bottom of the five kingdoms, and it is also the first victim to be annexed by the Falcon Kingdom and the Legion Coalition.

  However, where there is oppression, there is resistance. The Honey Badger royal family has a high prestige in Oasis No. 3, both in terms of monarchy and religious authority.

  And the most important thing is that Oasis No. 3 is located in the central and western part of Luoxia Province, just stuck in the north direction between Oasis No. 2 and Oasis No. 9.

  If a local armed force can be established locally, they can suddenly appear behind the Legion when the Alliance and the Legion are fighting fiercely…

  When Chu Guang thought of this, he was immediately delighted and spoke.

  ”What did they say?”

  For some reason, Ma Ban’s voice suddenly became a little subtle, and he coughed lightly.

  ”…Their demands are not excessive, but… well, it’s still a little excessive. You should talk to them in person.”


  In a carriage with simple decoration.

  A young man and woman sat opposite each other. From their handsome looks and upright sitting posture, it is not difficult to see that their status is not low.

  Looking at his sister sitting opposite, Summer, who moved his eyes away from the window, had a trace of sadness on his face.

  After a long while, he put away his indecisive expression and uttered a word softly.


  Under the slightly curly brown long hair was a fair and tender face, and a light answer floated from under the small and delicate nose.

  ”It’s okay.”

  Avni didn’t take the apology to heart, or she didn’t think it was worth apologizing.

  According to the laws of the Honey Badger Kingdom, she was married after she turned 18. She

  didn’t pay attention to the changing scenery outside the window. At this moment, her attention was completely focused on the picture book on her knees.

  The picture showed a tall and mighty man with a thick beard on his chin, which looked like a broom, and his burly physique was more like an adult gorilla.

  In the Honey Badger Kingdom, beards are a symbol of strength. For example, her father has a very long and thick beard.

  The second brother sitting opposite her has always been unpopular in inheriting the throne because he failed to inherit her father’s beard and his physique looks too thin.

  In comparison, her eldest brother is much stronger. He still leads the Restoration Army and fights side by side with their allies in Oasis No. 9…

  However, her father still passed the throne to her second brother who was least favored by everyone.

  Avni stared at the album intently, and gently turned a page with her slender index finger.

  The plot was just reaching its exciting point.

  A barbarian with green skin and golden fangs hanging from his mouth was stepped on by the brave warrior wearing heavy armor and holding a war hammer, and next to him was a pile of corpses covered in black cloaks.

  This is a picture book brought from the East by a wandering merchant. It first appeared in the market of the capital of the Honey Badger Kingdom and was deeply loved by the civilians. Later, it was bought by a minister and given to her as a gift.

  It is said that in the south of the Valley Province, there is a powerful leader who leads a group of brave survivors. Facing jackals and beasts that are several times more than their own, they killed the running dogs raised by the legion and liberated the enslaved survivors…

  The trade route in the south of the Valley Province was restored, and the ruined city in the wilderness was prosperous under his enlightened governance. Merchants from north to south sang the name of that adult, and the local residents lived a happy life from then on… It is a cause for celebration.

  Such a story may not be attractive to the people of the Camelback and Golden Lizard Kingdoms, but for the people of the Honey Badger Kingdom, it is as beautiful as a fairy tale.

  For more than a decade, the Honey Badger Kingdom has been facing threats from the west.

  Since the Falcon Kingdom surrendered to the Legion, they began to tamper with the laws of their ancestors, and continued to expand their army, blatantly trampling on the covenant of the kings.

  Every citizen of the Honey Badger Kingdom knew that the Falcon Kingdom longed for the oasis in their hands, and the Legion tried to enslave them.

  Her father was unwilling to be a running dog of the Legion, unwilling to betray his own beliefs, and even more unwilling to let all the subjects of the country become cannon fodder and coolies of the Willant people.

  Therefore, on a quiet night, they were invaded by the Legion and its henchmen.

  Although the royal families of various countries were furious at the shameful sneak attack of the Falcon Kingdom and denounced its royal family for abandoning the teachings of the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Sand, no one was willing to send troops to support them. It was not

  until the Lion Kingdom became the next victim that they waited for the belated declaration of war…

  But now it was too late.

  Although the Lion Kingdom was the leader of the desert kings, it was hard to say how long it could hold on.

  The power of the desert people alone was not enough to drive away the jackals in the distance.

  Either they disappeared in the yellow sand with their stubborn beliefs, or they could only seek help from outsiders…

  Many people paid their lives for this, including her father and mother.

  In comparison, the little sacrifice she had to make was insignificant.

  Looking at the silent face with pity, Summer thought she was still immersed in the sadness of losing happiness, and tried to comfort her sister.

  ”I heard that the manager has four sons, all of whom are warriors with both literary and military skills.”


  ”His eldest son is strong and powerful, the second son is handsome, the third son is resourceful, and the youngest son-”


  Finally unable to help interrupting her second brother, Avni sighed, closed the book in her hand, and looked at him seriously.

  ”Don’t you think this sounds like a fairy tale?”

  There is no such smooth plan.

  Summer was slightly stunned.

  At this time, there was a commotion outside, and he vaguely heard a familiar name.

  He frowned, motioned to his sister not to worry, stretched out his hand to push open the door, and got out of the car.

  Looking at the captain of the guard who was in conflict with the crowd in the distance, he shouted loudly.

  ”Tarit, what are you doing?”

  ”It’s Theresa! The princess of the Falcon Kingdom! Those hyenas are here!”

  The man with a turban raised the muzzle of the gun in his hand and stared at the woman behind Maban. Suddenly he realized that the prince had gotten off the car and immediately turned around and shouted.

  ”Your Highness, get back to the car–”

  The gentle prince suddenly shouted angrily, interrupting the captain of the guard.

  ”Enough, put down the gun!”

  Tarit looked at him in surprise and made an unbelievable sound.

  ”Your Highness?!”

  Summer walked forward step by step, staring into his eyes and continued.

  ”Use your brain to think about it, how could the Falcon Kingdom, which is fighting with the Lion Kingdom, get here!”

  That unquestionable look was exactly the same as the previous king, although that face did not inherit the majesty of that adult at all.

  Tarit hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and threw the gun on the ground.

  Glancing at the gun on the ground, Maban’s expression did not change from beginning to end. He waved his hand nonchalantly, signaling the guard next to him to put away his gun.

  At the beginning, he led his people through the encirclement of the Bone Chewing Tribe to escape to Qingquan City, and then followed the Burning Corps to parachute behind the enemy’s line to organize local guerrilla resistance.

  Those looters almost stuffed a bayonet into his mouth, but he was not afraid at all, let alone a mere rifle.

  In his eyes, this thing is no different from a fire stick.

  However –

  although he did not take that threat seriously, it does not mean that the people of the Alliance can be pointed at with guns at will.

  ”I need an explanation.”

  Maban looked past the man who put down his weapon and looked at the handsome young man not far away, and said in a serious tone.

  ”If you can’t give a reasonable explanation, I can only ask you to sit in the guard room for a while.”

  ”I deeply apologize for my subordinate’s rudeness. Anger blinded his mind, but I know this is not enough to make up for your loss.”

  The handsome young man bowed slightly, then looked at his guard captain.

  ”According to the laws of the Honey Badger Kingdom, those who attempt murder will have their hair and beard shaved off and become slaves, and will be dealt with by the victim… He is your slave now.”

  Talite lowered his head in humiliation, but did not say anything, and knelt on one knee.

  Maban looked at the young man meaningfully, then looked at Talite who was kneeling on one knee, and said under the gaze of everyone.

  ”Get up, there are no living people kneeling on this land, and the alliance only has brothers and sisters, no slaves.”

  Talite did not move until the crisp voice came from behind.

  ”Get up, loyal guard, you are free now… Thank your master for forgiving your stupidity.”

  Dusting the dirt on his knees, Talite lowered his head and muttered “thank you”, but in the corner of his eyes looking at Theresa, hatred still flashed.

  The diplomatic dispute was resolved, and the atmosphere on the scene was no longer tense.

  Maban did not look at the turbaned captain of the guard, but looked at the boy who was walking towards him with interest.

  He admitted that the boy was brave.

  Although he was a little bit worse than himself.

  ”Who are you?”

  ”Summer Honey Badger, the acting king of the Honey Badger Kingdom,” the boy bowed slightly, “On behalf of the royal family of the Honey Badger Kingdom, I beg you to lend us a hand.”

  ”Then you have to talk to our administrator. I’m just the chief of the refugee camp.”

  Maban looked at him, then at the group of people behind him, and frowned slightly.

  ”Is that your kingdom?”

  The implication was –

  are there only these few people left?

  Samo didn’t care after hearing the deep meaning in the voice.

  A weak country has no diplomacy, let alone a lost country.

  He was very clear about his position and just answered in a calm tone.

  ”They are all the most loyal warriors of the kingdom. Of course, we have more than these people. My eldest brother is still leading the Restoration Army to fight against the legion’s lackeys on the front line, and our people have never surrendered.”

  Maban shrugged.

  ”I will report your affairs to our administrator.”

  Although he sympathized with their plight emotionally, he did not think that a destroyed kingdom would have any value for their alliance.

  Oasis No. 3 in the Midwest is at least more than a thousand kilometers away from here. It has to go northwest through Oasis No. 9, and there is a vast desert in between. It is really too far…

  Of course, this is just a fleeting thought in his mind. It is the job of the manager to make the specific decision.

  No matter what decision the adult makes, he will support it unconditionally.

  As for now, his job is just to build a good outpost and help the survivors in Ruigu City rebuild their homes.

  ”Please tell him everything about us. We didn’t mean to make the misunderstanding just now.”

  Glancing at the pale princess, Summer continued in a sincere tone while thinking about why she was here.

  ”Although the threat from the west is our common danger, we will not use this pale and powerless rhetoric to ask you to help us for free.”

  Looking at the five shabby carriages, Ma Ban couldn’t help but smile and said something extra.

  ”Oh, what can you give to our adult?”

  Even if the five carriages are full of gold, what?

  Those glittering things are worthless here.

  Summer didn’t take the ridicule of the “friendly minister” to heart, and said in a very light voice.

  ”…No outsider has ever been able to become the master of the desert people, including the Falcon Kingdom that occupies that oasis, but we are willing to break this precedent.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”I heard that the manager has four sons. As long as one of them is willing to marry my sister, I will give the throne to him after the two heirs come of age.”

  ”You will get the blood of the honey badger royal family, and it is the orthodox inheritance right. With the blessing of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand, the grandson of that adult will not only be able to sit on the 50,000 square kilometers of fertile land of Oasis No. 3 and the loyalty of nearly one million people, but also become the master of Oasis No. 2… the Falcon Kingdom.”

  Summer said this in a serious tone, without any hesitation in his eyes.

  However, after hearing this speech, Maban was stunned, with a strange expression on his face.

  After a long silence, he finally uttered a sentence.

  ”…The first sentence.”

  ”Where did you hear it from?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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