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Chapter 424 Awkward Situation

Chapter 424 Awkward Situation


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 424 Awkward Situation

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Is your husband still fooling around outside recently?”

  Mu Zhilan was stunned.

  She didn’t expect Xu Xiuwen to suddenly ask about her husband.

  She hesitated for just a second, and then answered Xu Xiuwen honestly.


  ”Have you ever thought about divorcing him?”

  Mu Zhilan shook her head gently.

  ”Why? He doesn’t work and fools around all day. If there is any use for such a husband, it’s better to divorce him. While you are still young, you can find another one.”

  Mu Zhilan bit her lip and lowered her head. Xu

  was very depressed when he saw her like this.

  Mu Zhilan suddenly looked up and explained, “Xiaogang is still in high school, and I don’t want to affect his studies.”

  This reason is reasonable.

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said no more.

  The ward was quiet again.

  At this time, Mu Zhilan suddenly noticed that Xu Xiuwen’s face was a little red.

  She suddenly became nervous, “Boss Xu, what’s wrong with you? I’ll go call the doctor.”

  ”Wait a minute!” Xu Xiuwen hurriedly stopped Mu Zhilan.

  Mu Zhilan stopped again.

  Xu Xiuwen’s face flushed red.

  He clamped his legs together and said, “No need to call a nurse, I’m fine.”

  ”But your complexion…?” Mu Zhilan hesitated.

  She didn’t know whether she should believe Xu Xiuwen or call a doctor.

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at the door of the ward.

  He thought: Why haven’t Cheng Lu and Xiao Youran come back yet?

  If they don’t come back, he won’t be able to hold it in.

  That’s right.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly had to pee.

  His face turned red because he was holding his urine.

  In fact, he wanted to pee when he was on the phone just now.

  If the beautiful nurse hadn’t heard the content of the call at that time.

  He would have asked the nurse to help.

  But when the beautiful nurse heard the content of the conversation, the look in her eyes made him very uncomfortable.

  So he didn’t ask the nurse to help him.

  He thought about holding it in.

  Wait for Cheng Lu and Xiao Youran to come back, and let one of them help.

  But he didn’t expect that he overestimated his endurance and underestimated the time when the two women would come back.

  ”Boss Xu, don’t scare me, I… I’d better go call the doctor.”

  Mu Zhilan looked very nervous.

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at her, his face a little embarrassed, but he didn’t care about that much, and said with a stiff face: “Help me up.”


  ”What? Come and help me.”

  ”Oh, okay, Boss Xu.”

  Mu Zhilan approached in a daze, and then helped Xu Xiuwen up on the bed.

  As soon as Xu Xiuwen sat up, he immediately turned around and got out of bed, and then went straight to the bathroom.

  Mu Zhilan watched him rush into the bathroom.

  She didn’t understand at first, but soon understood.

  A flash of red flashed across her mature face.

  Xu Xiuwen in the bathroom found that he had encountered a problem again.

  Because his hands were injured, he couldn’t take off his pants by himself.

  He twisted his body, twisted for a long time, but couldn’t twist the pants off his legs.

  This made Xu Xiuwen very helpless.

  He was flushed and might pee in his pants at any time.

  This embarrassing situation really caught Xu Xiuwen off guard.

  He hesitated for a few seconds.

  Then he said to Mu Zhilan outside the bathroom: “Sister Mu, can you come in for a moment?”

  Mu Zhilan outside the door was stunned after hearing Xu Xiuwen’s words.

  But she quickly came to her senses and asked nervously, “What’s wrong?”

  ”I can’t take off my pants, come in and help me.”

  Xu Xiuwen lowered his voice, worried that people passing by outside the ward would hear him.

  Of course he knew it was embarrassing to ask Mu Zhilan to help him take off his pants.

  Not only was he embarrassed, but Mu Zhilan would also be embarrassed.

  But the arrow was on the string and had to be shot, and the urine had to be urinated before it was closed.

  He really couldn’t hold it anymore.

  After hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, Mu Zhilan was stunned at first, and then she couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

  She realized that she shouldn’t laugh, and immediately stopped laughing.

  But the laughter just now had been heard by Xu Xiuwen.

  This made Xu Xiuwen even more embarrassed.

  ”Then I’ll come in.”

  Mu Zhilan said, opened the door of the bathroom and walked in.

  The bathroom in the ward was not big, and it was already very difficult to accommodate two or three people.

  After Mu Zhilan came in, she saw Xu Xiuwen with his back to her.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t look back, but said directly: “Help me take off my pants, thank you.”

  In Mu Zhilan’s eyes, Xu Xiuwen was about the same age as her son.

  She didn’t think of Xu Xiuwen as a normal man at all.

  Even though Xu Xiuwen’s status, position, and wealth were much higher than hers.

  In her heart, she always felt that Xu Xiuwen was a child.

  So she didn’t think a lot of things that she shouldn’t have thought about. She hummed, and then reached out and pulled down Xu Xiuwen’s pants from behind.

  Xu Xiuwen was wearing a hospital gown, so it was easy to pull.

  ”Okay, you go out.”

  There was no underwear under the hospital gown.

  So Xu Xiuwen didn’t need her help to take off his underwear.

  Seeing that it was time to discharge, Xu Xiuwen immediately asked Mu Zhilan to go out first.

  Mu Zhilan hesitated for a moment, “I still have to help you pull up your pants.” Xu Xiuwen

  said embarrassedly: “You go out first.”

  Mu Zhilan heard him and did as he was told, opened the door and walked out.

  After hearing Mu Zhilan leave, Xu Xiuwen was relieved to drain the water.

  The sound of “splashing” rang out.

  Xu Xiuwen’s flushed face recovered little by little.

  After draining the water, Xu Xiuwen had no choice but to let Mu Zhilan come in again to help him pull up his pants.

  This timid and submissive woman looked much calmer at this moment.

  Instead, Xu Xiuwen was embarrassed and wanted to find a crack to get in.

  At the same time, he also blamed Xiao Youran and Cheng Lu for not coming back earlier.

  But he didn’t want to at all.

  It was obviously him who asked the two women to go out for dinner, and told them to eat well and not to rush back.

  Coming out of the bathroom.

  Xu Xiuwen went back to bed and lay down.

  He didn’t know what to say, and finally had to say, “Thank you.”

  Mu Zhilan smiled, but immediately shook her head and said, “It’s okay, Boss Xu.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Okay, it’s getting late, you should go back and rest.”

  Mu Zhilan thought about it and agreed.

  So Mu Zhilan left.

  Not long after Mu Zhilan left.

  Xiao Youran and Cheng Lu came back at the same time as if they had agreed.

  Or maybe they just had dinner together.

  Both women saw Mu Zhilan leave Xu Xiuwen’s ward just now.

  Seeing someone come to see him again, Xiao Youran asked a few questions.

  But she didn’t care, after all, she was a woman in her thirties or forties.

  Xu Xiuwen just brushed it off.

  As for the embarrassing situation in the bathroom just now, Xu Xiuwen was naturally embarrassed to tell the two women.

  After that, everything was calm.

  Cheng Lu and Xiao Youran took turns to take care of him at night.

  While one person was taking care of him, the other was resting on the bed in the ward.

  The next day came in a blink of an eye.

  When he woke up.

  Xu Xiuwen’s first request after opening his eyes was to go to the bathroom to flush.

  He raised his head and took a look.

  Xiao Youran took care of him in the first half of the night last night, and went to rest on the opposite bed after the second half of the night.

  And Cheng Lu was responsible for the second half of the night.

  But she couldn’t resist the invasion of sleepiness, and fell asleep on the side of Xu Xiuwen’s bed.

  Xu Xiuwen was wondering whether to wake up Cheng Lu.

  But Cheng Lu woke up by herself.

  She opened her eyes and saw Xu Xiuwen looking at her with his eyes wide open.

  She asked with concern, “Are you awake?”

  Xiuwen nodded and said, “Lulu, I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Cheng Lu got up and helped him out of bed.

  With the help of Cheng Lu, Xu Xiuwen got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

  This time he did not forget the embarrassment of last night, and said directly to Cheng Lu, “Lulu, help me take off my pants.”

  Cheng Lu looked normal and did not say anything.

  But after entering the bathroom.

  Cheng Lu was about to help him take off his pants, and suddenly rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen.

  She snorted coldly, “Pervert, it’s time to think about that kind of thing.”

  Xu Xiuwen was embarrassed, “It’s not my fault, this is a normal reaction, every man gets up like this.”

  Cheng Lu rolled her eyes again, and then began to help him take off his pants.

  Xu Xiuwen’s pants were like being hooked, and it was very difficult to take them off.

  It was also very difficult to drain the water after taking them off.

  In the end, he had to look at Cheng Lu begging again.

  With the help of Cheng Lu, the drainage work was completed.

  Finally, the two came out of the bathroom together.

  Xu Xiuwen’s expression was slightly embarrassed.

  Although Cheng Lu wanted to pretend to be calm, her face was still flushed and slightly hot when she thought of what happened just now.

  The two returned to the ward.

  Xiao Youran just woke up.

  She sat up, rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked, “Xiao Xu?”

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and saw Xiao Youran, and forced a smile, “Are you awake?”

  Xiao Youran said, “Well, why did you come down?” ”

  To the toilet.”


  Xiao Youran also noticed Cheng Lu’s red cheeks at this moment.

  She couldn’t help asking, “Cheng Lu, why is your face so red?”

  Cheng Lu is Xu Xiuwen’s real girlfriend.

  Xu Xiuwen is injured now and can’t go to the toilet alone.

  It is very reasonable for her to help.

  But after hearing Xiao Youran’s question.

  Her expression is still a little unnatural.

  Cheng Lu lifted her hair, pretended to be calm and said, “Nothing.”

  Xiao Youran stared at her for a few seconds, but naturally didn’t see anything.

  After Xiao Youran looked away, Cheng Lu rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen.

  Xiao Youran did not go into it further.

  She suddenly turned to look at Xu Xiuwen, and asked with a smile, “Xiao Xu, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I’ll buy it for you.”

  The voice of the girl who had just woken up was still very sweet and pleasant to the ear.

  Xu Xiuwen walked to the bed and sat down, saying, “I’m fine, just buy whatever you want.” Xiao

  Youran nodded, then turned to ask Cheng Lu, “Cheng Lu, what do you want to eat? I’ll bring you one.”

  Cheng Lu said lightly, “Whatever.”

  Xiao Youran pouted, then went out to buy breakfast.

  After Xiao Youran left.

  Cheng Lu immediately rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen and said, “It’s all your fault. She almost saw it just now.”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed, “How can you blame me? I didn’t do anything.”

  ”You can’t change your perverted character even after being hospitalized!”

  Xu Xiuwen cried out that he was wronged.

  It was rare that there were only the two of them.

  Cheng Lu stared at him for a few seconds, and suddenly sighed.

  ”Why are you sighing for no reason?”

  You’re such a worry


  ”What’s wrong?”
“Who asked you to be a hero and rush into the fire to save people? So many people didn’t dare to go in, but you were the only one who was brave, right?”

  ”I was just excited at the time. I’m sorry, Lulu, for making you worry.”

  Cheng Lu’s voice suddenly became softer. “I just wanted you to apologize, didn’t you ever think about me? What if… you… what do you want me to do? Why can’t you think about me and yourself before you do anything? Do you know how worried and sad I am when I know you’re injured? Do you think you look so handsome? You’re so selfish, Xu Xiuwen!”

  If he was still smiling and not serious just now.

  But now he was silent.

  Although Cheng Lu’s voice was not loud, every word she said deeply hit his heart.

  Cheng Lu has always been strong.

  But now she looks a little fragile and helpless.

  Her eyes are even flickering, telling of her inner uneasiness.

  Xu Xiuwen also realized how much his behavior frightened her.

  But even if it happened again, he would still choose this way.

  Because that person is Shen Minyao.

  But the real reason could not be told to Cheng Lu.

  Xu Xiuwen could only say, “I’m sorry Lulu, I made you worry.”

  Cheng Lu was depressed for a while.

  She suddenly shook her head and said, “It’s okay, I’m just too sensitive.”

  She looked at Xu Xiuwen.

  Her eyes were direct, warm, and admiring,

  and people couldn’t help but be moved. She said, “Although I don’t support you to do this, you didn’t embarrass me at least. I know that the person I like is not a coward.”

  Hearing the word coward.

  Xu Xiuwen’s memory suddenly went back to the night of confession.

  At that time, Cheng Lu also ridiculed him and said that he was a coward.

  Xu Xiuwen’s heart suddenly became soft.

  Yesterday, I just felt sorry for Tang Weiwei.

  But in fact, the person he felt most sorry for was Cheng Lu!

  He was the first to establish a relationship with Cheng Lu.

  After that, every time he was with a girl or woman, it was a betrayal of Cheng Lu and an infidelity to their feelings.

  In fact, Cheng Lu was the one who was “hurt”.

  In an instant, his heart was filled with apology.

  He said very seriously, “I’m sorry, Lulu.”

  Cheng Lu thought he was apologizing for his injury.

  She didn’t blame Xu Xiuwen for being injured, nor did she blame Xu Xiuwen for being a hero.

  She just felt powerless because she was of no help to Xu Xiuwen.

  If possible, she would actually be willing to get hurt instead of Xu Xiuwen.

  Cheng Lu shook her head.

  She showed a very beautiful and gentle smile.

  She reached out and gently stroked Xu Xiuwen’s cheek, and said in a very gentle tone, “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize to me.”

  The two people’s eyes kept entangled.

  They both saw the most sincere love for each other in each other’s eyes.

  This brought the two hearts closer and closer.


  Cheng Lu leaned over and kissed Xu Xiuwen’s lips.

  Except for the first time, this was a rare time that Xu Xiuwen passively accepted Cheng Lu’s kiss.

  Cheng Lu’s kiss was very intense, as if it was a catharsis of some emotion.

  Xu Xiuwen also stopped all thinking.

  He only knew Cheng Lu’s kiss.

  It was very sweet.

  The passionate kiss ended.

  It didn’t stop until both of them were out of breath.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Cheng Lu.

  Cheng Lu also looked at him.

  They both suddenly chuckled.

  Cheng Lu rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen charmingly and snorted, “Pervert!”

  Her tone was light, but with this charming roll of eyes, it became a little bit seductive.

  If she hadn’t been injured now,

  Xu Xiuwen really wanted to hold her in his arms and flirt with her.

  He pretended to be speechless and said, “You took the initiative to kiss me, and you said I was a pervert? And with our relationship, what’s wrong with a kiss.”

  Cheng Lu said, “Anyway, you are a pervert, and if I say you are, you are, and you are not allowed to deny it. Haha…”

  The end of the words was accompanied by a string of beautiful laughter.

  It can be seen that she is in a much better mood at the moment.

  After a while,

  Xiao Youran returned to the ward with the breakfast she had just bought.

  As soon as she entered the door,

  she noticed the weird atmosphere in the ward!

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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