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Chapter 424 Failure Does Not Mean Mistake

Chapter 424 Failure Does Not Mean Mistake


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 424 Failure does not mean a mistake

  The night sky is quiet, a pale crescent moon hangs obliquely in the sky, and the stars are shining.

  Wei Changtian and Liang Qin walked side by side in the courtyard of the general’s mansion, surrounded by bright moonlight.

  This scene can’t help but remind him that more than a year ago, the two of them took a walk in the Wei Mansion like today.

  At that time, he had just “met” Liang Qin, and Wei Xianzhi and Liang Zhen intended to match them up, but the former didn’t want to marry.

  The reason is simple, because Liang Qin didn’t want to marry a big devil who killed people without blinking an eye.

  And to be honest, Wei Changtian didn’t want to marry her either.

  But later, the magical “fate” threw them all to Shuzhou.

  It seemed like just a blink of an eye, and now more than a year has passed since all this.

  Wei Changtian has proved through practical actions that he is not the only son of the Wei family who did all kinds of evil before.

  But the way of heaven is tricky, and what fate plays

  on people is that Liang Qin’s belief in “loyalty to the emperor and righteousness to the country” collapsed with a trip to Yuanzhou.

  ”Brother Changtian, do you know?”

  ”When my father and I first arrived in Yuanzhou City, Wu Ding told us that even if all the troops of Daning were killed in battle, they would never withdraw from Yuanzhou City.”

  ”At that time, Dafeng attacked the city every day, and we defended the city every day.”

  ”Although many people died, I think it was worth it.”

  ”I thought we were protecting the lives of the people in Yuanzhou City, and I thought those black-armored soldiers outside the city were the most hateful people in the world.”

  ”But one day, Wu Ding suddenly took out Ning Yongnian’s imperial edict, saying that the army had to withdraw to Feng County and hand over Yuanzhou City to those black-armored soldiers.”

  ”At that time, many people were unwilling and did not want to withdraw.”

  ”But it is difficult to disobey the imperial edict, so we had to comfort ourselves that we would fight back one day.”

  ”But, but.”


  ”You also know what happened afterwards. The Shuzhou Army and the Liangzhou Army were intercepted in the city.”

  ”We didn’t believe that the court was plotting against us at the time. Dad even said that the army would come back to support us in a few days.”

  ”But they left us without looking back.”

  ”We knew there would be no more reinforcements, so Wenwen persuaded Daddy to surrender to the enemy with him.”

  ”Daddy refused. He said that even if this was Ning Yongnian’s conspiracy, he was still a general of Daning.”

  ”Actually, I thought so too.”

  ”And the 10,000 Shuzhou soldiers thought so too.”

  ”For the people in Yuanzhou City, for Daning, we are willing to die.”

  ”But, but why.”

  ”Why is it that even Dafeng did not kill the people in vain, but, but they still died!”

  ”Why did Ning Yongnian kill them!”

  ”Is it just to bury the 500,000 Dafeng soldiers with you?”

  ”Wuwuwu! Brother Chang, Changtian, why!!!”


  Tears and painful questions mixed in the moonlight, sweeping across the night.

  From calm, to sobbing, to venting and crying.

  Liang Qin suddenly threw herself into Wei Changtian’s arms, holding the latter’s collar tightly with both hands, and her body trembled.

  In comparison, Wei Changtian was much calmer.

  He just kept patting Liang Qin’s shoulders gently, sighing in his heart.


  For a “second-generation official” who has not experienced much of the beatings of society but is kind-hearted, it is normal for Liang Qin to have such confusion and even a collapse of faith.

  After all, she was educated since childhood to be “loyal to the emperor and the country” and to sacrifice everything, including her life, for the emperor and the country.

  This was not a big problem.

  But when the emperor she was loyal to did something that was completely contrary to her moral values ​​and even broke the bottom line, the fierce contradictions she produced were at the level of destroying the world.

  If Liang Qin had rich social experience and understood the sinister nature of human hearts, it might be better.

  Just like Liang Zhen, he must have experienced this kind of contradictory psychology.

  However, since the latter’s mind is very mature, he can quickly find a solution-

  that is, to be loyal to a new “monarch” who is in line with his own moral values.

  And there is no doubt that this new “monarch” is Wei Changtian.

  This should be the reason why Liang Zhen supported her rebellion so decisively this time.

  But for Liang Qin, it was obvious that she still couldn’t figure it out.

  She couldn’t understand why Yuanzhou City, which tens of thousands of Daning soldiers including the Shuzhou Army defended with their lives, was not destroyed by the enemy but by Ning Yongnian.

  She couldn’t understand why millions of innocent people were ruthlessly slaughtered by their own emperor.

  She couldn’t figure it out, so she could only be trapped in the contradiction for a long time.

  Until a voice suddenly sounded in her ears.


  ”Last time when we were in the capital, you told me what you saw and heard in Shuzhou. I still remember what you said at that time.”

  One hand gently pressed Liang Qin’s trembling shoulder, and Wei Changtian said softly:

  ”You said that you finally understood that martial arts are for those who have never practiced martial arts.”

  ”I want to ask you, do you still think so now?”


  The choking sound suddenly stopped, and Liang Qin also raised her head with tears in her eyes.

  She looked at Wei Changtian, silent for a long time, then bit her lips and shook her head in despair.

  ”Brother Changtian, I don’t know.”

  ”I don’t know what martial arts is for.”

  ”I, I used to think that martial arts was to kill bad guys and protect good people.”

  ”But now I understand”

  ”There are not so many people in this world who can clearly distinguish between good and evil.”

  ”I, I can’t save anyone.”


  Being able to see that the world is not black and white shows that Liang Qin’s understanding of this world is deeper.


  shaking his head, Wei Changtian interrupted softly:

  ”Qin’er, if that’s the case, then why did you want to go to Guanghan when I asked you just now?”


  When Liang Qin, who had just denied the meaning of martial arts, heard this question, she was suddenly stunned.

  She opened her mouth and couldn’t say a word, but her breathing became more and more rapid.

  Then, she saw an extremely familiar wooden hairpin.

  ”You gave me this hairpin more than a year ago.”

  Wei Changtian handed the wooden hairpin that he had taken from home before coming to Liang Qin’s hand, and said with a smile: “Qin’er, do you remember what you said at that time?”


  A blush suddenly appeared on Liang Qin’s cheeks. Liang Qin held the hairpin tightly, and after a long while, she timidly whispered:

  ”I, I said that when you return the hairpin to me, I will be willing to marry you.”


  Wei Changtian’s mouth twitched when he heard it.

  Although you said this, I didn’t mean to say this!

  ”Well, what else?”

  After a pause, Wei Changtian reminded in a low voice: “Do you still remember who gave you this hairpin?”


  It was like a muffled thunder exploding in her ears. When pictures appeared in her mind, Liang Qin was suddenly stunned.

  The corpses on the ground after the mountain bandits slaughtered the village.

  ”Another suppression and another slaughter” four bloody words.

  The fighting lasted all night.

  The officers and soldiers who were preparing to return to the city after suppressing the mountain bandits.

  The grateful people knelt outside the military camp and could not get up.

  The girl who put the hairpin into her hand.

  Tears welled up in her eyes again, but compared to before, there was no more despair in Liang Qin’s eyes this time.

  ”Qin’er, many times you can’t always get a good result.”

  Patting the back of her hand, Wei Changtian smiled and looked at the night sky, sighing as if talking to himself.


  ”But, this doesn’t mean that what you did was wrong.”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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