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Chapter 424 We do not export goods, but we can export standards

Chapter 424 We do not export goods, but we can export standards


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 424 We do not export goods, but we can export standard

  ideal city.

  In front of a spacious door, Fang Chang stopped, looked at the envelope in his hand, opened it, took out a card from it, and swiped it on the door.

  The light blue ripples spread along the door lock, and the door opened backwards with a click. What

  came into view was a spacious reception room. There were several sofas on the black, white and gray plaid carpet. The simple and elegant decoration was very corporate style.

  In this crowded city, spaciousness itself is a luxury.

  A woman of about 25 or 26 sat on the sofa in the middle. She was wearing a silver coat, and what impressed people was her slender legs and the two delicate eyebrows on her beautiful face.

  The two delicate eyebrows were like soft crescents, but they could not hide the heroic eyes and the bright light in the eyes.

  Most of the people who could attend this party were upper-class people in Ideal City.

  From her temperament, Fang Chang could feel that she was at least a rich woman.

  At least.

  ”Hello, Ms. Li Shuyue, sorry to have kept you waiting.” After all, he was a guest, so Fang Chang made a gentlemanly opening speech.

  The woman sitting on the sofa made a gesture of invitation and said in a pleasant voice.

  ”Don’t be so polite, warrior of the alliance, I am the one who disturbed your rest, please don’t be polite, just sit down.”

  ”Then I won’t be polite.”

  Fang Chang smiled faintly and found a sofa not far away to sit down.

  The waiter brought tea for the two of them.

  There was a fragrance in the mist, which smelled very light, but it was comfortable and refreshing.

  The two exchanged greetings for a while, but they talked about some irrelevant topics.

  What was very interesting was that Fang Chang could feel that she was different from those rich ladies on the dance floor. There was no admiration or curiosity in her flickering eyes. The admiring eyes seemed to encourage him to continue talking. Was it

  to investigate the investment environment of the alliance?

  Thinking of this, Fang Chang couldn’t help but perk up. He was no longer restrained and started to talk nonsense, from the development of the alliance to the individuals in the alliance.

  For example, Teng Teng, who ran a small workshop, was praised by him as a master of art.

  Ya Ya, a strong perception system who wandered around like a street urchin all day, was praised by him as a mushroom fairy who pursued the most perfect mushroom.

  And the scrambled eggs with tomatoes became the heir of the scrambled egg family who mastered 888 lost recipes, and Irena became Bear Grylls who explored edible alien species…

  Even the idiot Mosquito was praised by him as a rocket scientist who dreamed of exploring the edge of the Milky Way.

  The manager…

  The manager didn’t seem to need his praise. The figure riding the Death Claw and bathing in the sunlight that broke through the dark clouds was full of style.

  I heard that Ideal City already had a film studio and planned to shoot a movie based on him.

  I don’t know if he knew about this.

  When bragging, Fang Chang had no psychological burden at all. After all, this place was more than 3,000 kilometers away from the alliance, and even if they were curious, it was impossible for everyone to go there.

  ”Wait, what is the lost 888 recipes…” After listening for a long time, Li Shuyue seemed to be most interested in this and asked curiously.

  Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”That, there are too many contents, I can’t finish it in a short time. Among the items that appeared in the auction before, those related to food are more or less related to the recipe.”

  ”Including this?”

  While saying this, Li Shuyue reached out and took out a pack of instant noodles from the drawer of the table next to her, her eyes full of curiosity.

  When Fang Chang saw the Laokeng pickled cabbage instant noodles in her hand, his expression suddenly became awkward.

  ”Uh, this was made by Mosquito.”

  Li Shuyue frowned.

  ”But doesn’t he dream of becoming a rocket scientist… who lands on the Kuiper Belt?”

  Fang Chang hurriedly explained.

  ”This is a work that he works out of interest. Although his main job is to tinker with rockets, he occasionally makes some strange things… like this one in your hand.”

  Oops, he boasted too much, it seems a bit exposed.

  Fang Chang said in his heart.

  However, Ms. Li Shuyue didn’t seem to find any loopholes in the story. She just sighed softly after a long silence.

  ”Incredible… It seems that the rumor is not groundless.”

  Fang Chang was stunned.

  ”Rumor? What rumor?”

  ”Someone on the Endpoint Cloud discussed that the ancestors of Shelter No. 404 were all artists,” Li Shuyue said with a smile, “I didn’t believe it at first, but now I believe it.”

  Fang Chang coughed.

  ”Although I don’t know where you heard this rumor from, it’s not wrong to say so! We did inherit something special from the Human Union, especially in terms of culture.”

  When he heard this, Li Shuyue’s eyes became brighter.

  However, Fang Chang could feel that she didn’t completely believe what he said, at most half of it.

  But what does it matter?

  A barely perceptible smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. He had predicted her prediction long ago.

  Believe half?

  That’s really bold…

  As if she had already grasped the information she wanted to know, Li Shuyue suddenly changed her expression and said with a serious look.

  ”Let me introduce myself again. I’m the CEO of Ruyue Group. This is my business card.”

  With a light stroke of her slender fingertips, a light blue holographic window appeared on the white coffee table and floated in front of Fang Chang. Fang Chang, who thought

  it was just a special effect of the game, was not surprised. He dragged the business card with his index finger and moved it in front of him to take a look.

  But he soon realized that it was useless to look at it. He didn’t know anything about Ideal City and couldn’t understand what was written on the business card.

  Ruyue Group?

  Isn’t there only five major groups in Ideal City?

  ”…Our company is invested and controlled by Ideal Group. It mainly operates in food sales and processing-related industries.”

  Looking at Fang Chang who was staring at the business card and lost in thought, Li Shuyue continued in a pleasant voice.

  ”To be honest, this is the first time I’ve seen such an interesting product. Although it’s not very healthy and the shelf life is not very long, the taste is surprisingly good… How did you come up with these novel cooking methods?”

  Fang Chang’s expression was a little subtle. After thinking for a moment, he made up a reason that sounded plausible.

  ”For us, food belongs to the category of culture. Eating is not just to meet nutritional needs, but also a kind of spiritual satisfaction.”

  ”That sounds very interesting.”

  Li Shuyue said with interest.

  ”I have consulted historical documents. Similar cooking techniques did appear in history, but they were gradually replaced by scientific concepts in the early days of the Prosperous Era. The subsequent dietary concepts are like what we have now… According to what you said, it is just to meet nutritional needs.”

  ”Maybe it’s because the spiritual world of people after the Prosperous Era is rich enough, and they no longer need to sacrifice health or other things to get satisfaction. Of course, this is just my personal guess.”

  Fang Chang just said it casually, but he didn’t expect that Ms. Li Shuyue nodded thoughtfully.

  ”That’s a very interesting idea. Maybe the facts are as you said.”

  ”Maybe, but I’m not an expert after all.” Fang Chang said in a casual tone after taking a sip of black tea.

  ”But I feel that you know a lot. I have learned from your ambassador that you are not only a soldier, but also responsible for the promotion of alliance products,” Li Shuyue looked at him with bright eyes, “Are you interested in cooperation?”

  After all this time, it turned out that they found me because of this matter.

  Hearing Li Shuyue’s words, Fang Chang showed a happy smile on his face.

  Isn’t this what he was waiting for?

  ”Of course, we are here to seek cooperation. I wonder what kind of method you want to use?”

  Without further ado, Li Shuyue went straight to the point.

  ”According to our market research, we believe that the next six months will be the best window period for alliance products to enter Ideal City. The residents here are very interested in your cultural products. I think food will be a good entry point.”

  ”We can provide two plans here. The first plan is that you are responsible for production and transportation, and we are responsible for sales. The second plan is that we jointly establish a subsidiary company. You provide personnel and technology, especially related food formulas, and we provide funds and venues to produce and sell in Ideal City.”

  After listening to the detailed description of the two plans quietly, Fang Chang nodded gently.

  ”No problem, we can provide all of what you said.”

  Li Shuyue was delighted, but she didn’t show it on her face, just smiled.

  However, just when she was about to use “happy cooperation” to lead the topic to the contract, the man opposite suddenly changed the subject and said.

  ”However, compared with the two solutions you provided, I have a better proposal here. I wonder if you are interested?”

  Li Shuyue raised her eyebrows after her excitement was poured with a basin of cold water.


  To be honest, she didn’t think that a commercially backward survivor settlement could come up with any relatively new ideas.

  But –

  let’s just listen to what he was going to say.

  Not paying attention to the disapproval in his eyes, Fang Chang cleared his throat and began his deception.

  ”Whether it is exporting products or exporting formulas, it is actually not in our maximum interest. After all, those formulas are not very difficult to be honest. If our products can really sell out in Ideal City, I am afraid that within two days, your competitors will be able to refer to your sales data and make a competitive product that better meets market demand.”

  Li Shuyue said immediately.

  ”Don’t worry about that. We have a complete patent law, and we also have our own R&D laboratory. We will improve the formula according to the feedback from the market and consumers. As long as we do it faster and better than our competitors, we don’t have to worry about being replaced.”

  Fang Chang nodded and said simply.

  ”Of course, what you said makes sense, but let me make an assumption. If the subsequent formula is completed in Ruyue Group, will it still have anything to do with our joint venture subsidiary?”

  Li Shuyue’s face was surprised, and her heroic eyes narrowed slightly.

  ”Oh? Are you worried that we are not trustworthy?”

  Fang Chang said in a gentle voice.

  ”Of course I don’t mean that. It’s just a reasonable assumption. You have technical advantages, and you know the local market and rules better than us. You can maximize your interests within the framework of the rules… To be honest, if there is a contract dispute, I really don’t have much confidence that I can win you.”

  Li Shuyue said impatiently.

  ”So what is your proposal?”

  ”It is unrealistic to use expensive transportation capacity to transport cheap consumer goods, and the formula itself is not that valuable. We do not intend to export products or formulas, but standards.”


  Looking at the hesitant Li Shuyue, Fang Chang nodded and said simply.

  ”That’s right.”

  Li Shuyue frowned.

  ”Can you be more specific?”

  ”To be specific, just tell a story.”

  Looking at the blank expression on her face, Fang Chang smiled and threw out the set of rhetoric he had prepared long ago.

  ”For example, cola. This thing actually has no technical content, but Nuka-Cola is sold better in Boulder City than Vega Cola or other colas, because the managers of the Alliance recommend it as a substitute for alcohol in public, because the awakened people of the Alliance are drinking it… Those mercenaries will wonder if they can also awaken after drinking that thing.” “For

  example, fried chicken, the technical content is even lower, but as long as we want, it can annihilate a division of the Legion tomorrow… I mean a 10,000-man army. For example, the pack of instant noodles in your hand, although to be honest, I don’t like it very much, but as long as we need it, it can also become our military rations… Then they will be sold well on the endpoint cloud. Do you understand what I mean?”

  Listening to Fang Chang’s vivid description, Li Shuyue looked at the man in front of him with interest.

  Good guy, even the wastelanders know the brand effect?

  ​​It is not about taste, nor nutrition, but about using cultural added value to empty consumers’ wallets.

  If this is the case, it would be difficult for her company to kick him out after developing the market and completing product upgrades. After all, what is valuable is no longer patents and formulas, but the inherent impression in the minds of consumers. In

  fact, the products of Ideal City are popular in the wasteland, not only because of the technology, but also because of the brand influence behind it.

  And she did consider doing so, creating a best-selling brand with alliance characteristics, using higher barriers to restrict competitors from entering the market, and harvesting the wallets of Ideal City residents.

  However, she originally planned to do this after the Ruyue Group completely digested the technology of the partner.

  After all, this kind of hen that lays golden eggs is of course better in your own hands, and there is no need to let others share a piece of the pie.

  But she didn’t expect that the man in front of her would be so ambitious.

  He had just come to Ideal City from that poor and remote place, and he had already thought about turning the alliance’s products into an ideal best-selling brand.

  ”Interesting.” Li Shuyue’s eyes showed a touch of admiration.

  She had seen many wastelanders.

  Most of them were rude, short-sighted, cunning, not very smart, but always clever.

  However, this could not be blamed on them.

  After all, in the precarious environment of the wasteland, people with a long-term vision might not even live to the next month.

  This guy is really capable of considering such long-term things.

  Should I agree?

  But even if I don’t agree, they can probably find someone else to cooperate.

  Thinking that she was praising his proposal, Fang Chang showed a happy smile on his face.

  ”It seems that we have reached a consensus, so let’s talk about the details of the cooperation next… such as how to sell this standard.”

  Li Shuyue stared at the face for a while, and suddenly threw out a sentence that had nothing to do with business.

  ”Although we generally do not grant permanent residency to wastelanders, there are exceptions in certain circumstances.”

  She changed her sitting position naturally, her right leg gently resting on her left knee, and a smile appeared on the corner of her plump lips.

  ”…I suddenly like you a little. Have you considered settling in Ideal City?”

  Although it was a joking tone, the expression did not seem to be joking.

  Fang Chang admitted that the proposal was indeed very attractive.

  Life here is indeed very beautiful, compared with the wasteland world, it is like a different game.


  ”It is my honor to be appreciated by you, but I already have someone in my heart.”

  Looking at the polite man in front of her, Li Shuyue was slightly stunned, obviously not expecting her proposal to be rejected.

  But she was only stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly and said indifferently.

  ”Don’t get me wrong, I only like your business ability. Let’s get back to the point, let’s talk about the details of the cooperation.”

  Appreciation is appreciation, but it is just appreciation.

  It’s like passing by a store window and seeing a new style luxury product.

  She didn’t mind paying with a credit card, but she wouldn’t queue up at the door like the nouveau riche.

  With her assets, family, and looks, she could have any man she wanted, and she didn’t need to compete with anyone.

  But the guy’s unmoved look still annoyed her.

  Am I not attractive at all?

  Not taking the sarcasm to heart, Fang Chang just smiled faintly, crossed his fingers on his knees, and said calmly.

  ”Of course, when I say that my heart belongs to someone, I mean that my heart already belongs to the Alliance.”

  ”Then as you wish, let’s talk about the specific details of the cooperation.”


  In the lounge next to the banquet hall.

  The mole, who was lying on the sofa, was having a lot of fun wearing virtual reality glasses.

  Suddenly, the colorful light and shadow flashed and disappeared from his sight.

  The confused mole looked up and saw that the glasses were in Fang Chang’s hands.

  ”What are you playing? You’re so into it.”

  Seeing Fang Chang about to put on his glasses, Mole quickly reached out and snatched them back, smiling shyly with sweat all over his forehead.

  ”I just played some ordinary little games, which I randomly browsed on the endpoint cloud.”

  As expected of a resident of “Utopia”, the people here are really open-minded.

  Fang Chang asked curiously.

  ”Is it fun?”

  ”It’s just so-so, not fun, but playing a virtual reality game in a virtual reality game is beyond my expectation.”

  While saying this, Mole couldn’t help but praise it in his heart.

  To be honest, these days big companies are making games with their feet, making DLCs with their butts, and making money with their brains. They are reheating old things over and over again, but they are unwilling to do something new. A masterpiece

  like this in-game Easter egg can be picked out separately and released as an independent masterpiece. It is simply the conscience of the industry.

  I have to praise A Guang, who is worthy of boasting about a 100% real virtual reality game.

  This is too real!

  ”…In short, the operability is OK, the degree of freedom is OK, and the content is quite large, but it’s not realistic enough.”

  Fang Chang was stunned, and asked after a moment of silence.

  ”…Is this game serious?”

  ”Pfft, what are you thinking, it’s just a normal RPG game, have you played Free Lancer? The kind that looks at spaceships!” Mole saw the expression on his face and knew that this guy must have thought wrong, and quickly changed the subject, “Stop talking nonsense, by the way, why are you back so soon?”

  He still remembered that this guy went out around 8 o’clock, and he came back before 10 o’clock.

  It’s a bit fast…

  ”We talked about some business matters,”

  ”Only talked about business?” Mole looked at this guy with suspicion, “I don’t believe it.” Fang Chang

  rolled his eyes, too lazy to explain to him, and found a place to sit down casually.

  Of course, he would not tell this guy that he had just negotiated a deal worth hundreds of millions for the alliance.

  The Ruyue Group, which is controlled by Ideal Group, plans to invest 100 million Cr and jointly establish a chain catering organization “Changyue” catering with Niuma Group.

  The brands that have been confirmed so far include the “KFC” fast food restaurant, which mainly provides fried chicken and cola, and the “Niuma” hot pot restaurant.

  Exporting “pre-prepared dishes”?

  Selling instant noodles?

  Of course, that kind of business can be done, but the profit is too low, and he really doesn’t look down on it.

  Moreover, the food safety standards of Ideal City are too high, and ordinary food can’t be imported at all. In addition, the Alliance’s own grain is not in surplus. Instead of importing grain from the Alliance, it is better to produce it directly locally.

  Just like Fang Chang said, export standards.

  The plan that has been finalized is that the “Ru Yue” Group will send employees to the Alliance, and the Niuma Group will be responsible for arranging the training of these employees. After the training, they will return to Ideal City to serve as chefs and store managers.

  Still immersed in the game just now, the mole recalled for a while, staring at the glasses in his hand, and suddenly spoke.

  ”By the way… I find this virtual reality game interesting, but the gameplay is a bit too simple.”

  Fang Chang glanced at him.

  ”How else can it be enriched?”

  Mole: “It’s not about how much more it should be. Let me give you an example. I just played about three RPG games, one with an interstellar theme, one with a fantasy theme, and one that was probably about fictional history. All three games are open world games like Skyrim, with huge maps, cool skills, simple interactions with NPCs, and a high degree of freedom… but the selling points of all three games are the same, which is ridiculous!”

  Fang Chang glanced at him.

  ”Isn’t that good? If there is one in real life, I’ll buy it up.”

  Speaking of which, even the easter eggs are made so detailed?

  Brother Guang used to brag to him that most of the content of “Wasteland OL” is automatically generated based on the player’s cognition and dreams, but he didn’t believe it at the time.

  Now it seems that it’s not bragging.

  He must experience it when he has time.

  Expecting Fang Chang’s reaction, Mole made a helpless expression.

  ”That’s true, but it’s boring if the entire game platform is full of this type. I haven’t seen any MOBA or chicken-eating games at all… Is it outdated?”

  Fang Chang was slightly stunned.

  Although this sounds a bit outrageous, he seems to have found another way to make money…


  The next morning, in a building in the huge complex, a ray of sunlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling window of the president’s office on the top floor.

  Looking at the draft contract in her hand, Li Shuyue, leaning on the office chair, faced the steel forest that emerged from the clouds, holding a cup of coffee in her hand, and took a sip with a frown.

  100 million Cr.

  This budget is just a small number for the parent company Ideal Group, but it is not small for Ruyue Group.

  After thinking for a moment, she stretched out her index finger and gently stroked the table.

  The light blue holographic window was projected in front of her, interweaving a three-dimensional bust.

  With a calm electronic sound, the AI ​​assistant said softly.

  ”Dear boss, what can I do for you?”

  She said concisely.

  ”Help me get a plane ticket to the southern part of the Valley Province.”

  At a distance of 3,000 kilometers, even the most authentic news would be distorted.

  She would not feel at ease unless she went there to take a look.

  The AI ​​assistant reminded her.

  ”The company does not have a regular flight to the southern part of the Valley Province. According to the relevant provisions of Resolution 1001, the leasing of aircraft capacity requires filling out a form for declaration, stating the relevant reasons, and providing relevant certificates.”

  Li Shuyue said casually.

  ”Just write it for me, and fill in the reason as market research.” The

  virtual image floating on the desk nodded slightly.

  ”Yes, sir.”

   The next chapter will be published soon after correcting the typos. Brothers who have missed it, please help me find it


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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