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Chapter 425: Promise of Sending Troops and Vassalage

Chapter 425: Promise of Sending Troops and Vassalage


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 425: Promise of sending troops and vassalage

  Shortly after Fang Chang lived up to expectations and helped the Alliance to attract a huge investment from the enterprise.

  Chu Guang, who took the Iron Heart to Luoye City to inspect the work, finally met the delegation from the Honey Badger Kingdom.


  They were wandering in the war and did not know that the Iron Heart had been captured by the Alliance. Their understanding of the Alliance was still a few months ago.

  Therefore, when they saw the towering airship appear in the sky, the guards panicked and almost made a joke again.

  However, after seeing this airship, some of the confusion in Summer’s heart finally had a vague answer.

  This airship was once General McLen’s vehicle.

  There was a rumor that the king of the Falcon Kingdom betrothed a member of the royal family to the general of the legion.

  But unexpectedly, the royal member turned out to be the king’s princess…

  The airship slowly descended.

  Chu Guang briefly asked Ma Ban about the situation of the delegation in the communication channel, and then he readily invited the princes and princesses who came from afar to board his airship.

  Including Princess Teresa of the Falcon Kingdom, Chu Guang also invited her up.

  Since she was put in the refugee camp to work, two weeks have passed in a blink of an eye.

  He was a little curious about how the transformation of the princess was going…


  The bridge of the airship.

  Summer, who had just taken the elevator to board the airship, was still a little uncomfortable. Perhaps he had never been to such a high place, and his face was slightly pale.

  However, after all, he was a man who had seen the world, and this slightly immature boy still bowed calmly and saluted.

  ”Hello, Mr. Administrator, I am Summer Honey Badger, the acting king of the Honey Badger Kingdom. The one next to me is the late king’s youngest daughter, and also my sister, Avni Honey Badger.”

  ”Hello, Mr. Administrator, you can call me Avni, or Nini.” The little girl with slightly curly hair on the side also saluted and said in a crisp and pleasant voice.

  Hearing the word honey badger, Chu Guang couldn’t help but think of the emoticon pack of the flat-headed brother.

  However, the two people in front of him looked weak and fragile, and they didn’t look like the creatures that were “either fighting or on the way to a fight.”

  ”Chu Guang, the manager of the alliance.”

  After introducing himself concisely, Chu Guang signaled Theresa with his eyes that there was no need to be polite, and then looked at the little prince and princess in front of him with interest.

  Although it was impossible to tell their ages, they didn’t seem to be very old. It

  was really not easy to cross the entire war zone and run from Oasis No. 3 to here.

  Just when he was about to say something, Avni suddenly blinked and spoke crisply.

  ”You are completely different from the manager in the painting.”

  ”Painting?” Chu Guang raised his eyebrows with interest.

  ”Yeah!” Avni nodded and held a picture album in her arms, “It’s about your story.”

  When Summer saw the picture album, he immediately looked embarrassed and wanted to stop it.

  However, Avni had already handed over the album in her hand, and lifted her skirt to perform a court salute.

  ”This album was bought from the market, I hope you don’t blame us.”

  ”Haha, how could that be.”

  Chu Guang laughed heartily, and motioned to the captain of the guard, Lu Bei, to give him the album.

  Someone actually drew himself into a cartoon?


  Chu Guang flipped through the album, wanting to see what the desert residents imagined themselves to be like. However,

  as soon as he turned to the first page, he almost got angry at the distorted style of painting.


  Which artist did

  this! He drew me so ugly!

  Although he expected that information would be distorted due to the long distance of transmission, he didn’t expect to give him a facelift directly.

  By the way, when did he grow such a long beard?

  And there is no helmet for power armor, who would take off the helmet to fight!

  And what is the matter with the four sons?

  Chu Guang’s first reaction must be that it was a rumor spread by a player.

  Then he locked the first suspect as Mosquito and the second suspect as Tail.

  But putting aside the style of painting, the content is quite interesting, with a “superhero” flavor.

  Just as Chu Guang tried to accept the outrageous style of painting and continued to flip through the pages with interest, Summer glanced at her sister next to her nervously, communicating silently with her eyes and lips.

  ’Are you crazy? Why did you give him the album?’

  ’Calm down, brother, you are too nervous. Think about it carefully. He will always know from others. Why don’t we take the initiative to clarify the misunderstanding.’

  Looking at the soft eyes, Summer took a deep breath and calmed down.

  He admitted that the visual impact of the airship was too strong, which did make him a little nervous.

  ’Okay… But I was careless and didn’t consider that the intelligence deviation would be so large. The manager of the alliance is so young, even if there are children, they may not have been born for a long time…’

  ’It doesn’t matter,’ Avni blinked and said with her lips, ‘I don’t mind no matter what arrangements you make.’

  Summer looked at her sister in astonishment.

  There was no doubt in her eyes that she was ready to sacrifice herself.

  He closed his eyes slowly, clenched his fists, and reluctantly looked away.

  It would be the best choice to let the manager’s son marry Avni.

  If the two were of similar age, he would only be in his 40s or 50s when their children came of age. Even if he abdicated the throne, he could still be a regent prince and keep the power in the hands of the Honey Badger family.

  By that time, the aging manager would be in his twilight years, and the alliance would enter a chaotic period of power transfer, and would inevitably have no time to take care of the situation of the vassal.

  Whether the alliance eventually fell apart or transitioned smoothly, the Honey Badger royal family would be able to take the initiative.

  However, what Summer did not expect was that this adult was so young…

  Whether it was marrying Avni to the manager of the alliance or to his son who might have just been born, it was definitely not a good idea.

  Even if he lived longer than an ambitious, energetic, and middle-aged leader, he had no confidence that he could be a match for this guy.

  One who could withstand the impact of the refugee tide in the chaos, unite those refugees who were frightened by the looters, and even lead them to fight back…

  The methods of this kind of person are not as simple as they seem on the surface! Behind that old father-like smile, there must be a cruelty and decisiveness that ordinary people cannot see.

  He even began to suspect that his little thoughts might have been seen through long ago.

  That’s why the manager invited him to this airship, and the purpose was to show him the powerful military power of the alliance and tell him that it was useless to play those tricks.

  Is this an ultimatum?

  What to do?

  Summer’s thoughts turned quickly in his mind, trying to keep himself calm and thinking about how to break the situation.

  At this time, the manager of the alliance finally finished flipping through the picture album in his hand, and handed it to the captain of the guards beside him with a smile.

  ”The pictures in this picture album are really outrageous. I didn’t even know I had four sons.”

  Summer nodded apologetically.

  ”It was our negligence that we failed to clarify the rumors… After returning to the oasis, I will issue an order to remove these picture albums from the market.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”That’s not necessary. Let them paint. If they come up with new works, remember to send me a copy.”

  Chu Guang nodded to Lu Bei, signaling him to return the album to Princess Avni.

  Then, Chu Guang looked at the handsome prince and said in a joking tone.

  ”You also found out that I’m afraid I can’t agree to your request. I can’t introduce your sister to someone who doesn’t exist. And even if I have a child, I’m afraid I won’t arrange a partner for him. He should learn to pursue girls on his own.”

  Summer was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what the manager meant.

  Or rather, he didn’t expect him to say such a thing.

  Is this hinting to herself that the alliance doesn’t need a vassal of a non-existent kingdom?

  Avni glanced at her brother and sighed softly in her heart, knowing that he was probably stuck in a dead end again.

  His second brother was smart since he was a child, and his mind was much more meticulous than his peers. I think that’s why his father passed the throne to him.

  However, thinking too much is both his advantage and his disadvantage. The person

  in front of him was not a powerful official in the palace, nor was he the king of another kingdom, but a leader who had just defeated the elite of the legion on the front battlefield.

  When facing an ant, an elephant will not show off its muscles, let alone hint at anything.

  Its existence itself says it all.

  If that adult wants something, he doesn’t need to hint at them.

  Either say it directly.

  Or reach out and take it.

  In order to buy her brother some time to think, and to make the meeting not awkward, she blinked and took over the conversation from him.

  ”But as your son, shouldn’t you think more about the alliance?”

  This question is quite interesting.

  Although Chu Guang doesn’t have many memories of his parents, he only remembers his grandfather who raised him, but he has thought about how he will educate his children after he becomes a father.

  Looking at Avni with an innocent face, Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”Yes, the son of a manager should do this. If I had one, I would also ask him to do so, but he can do it in other ways.”

  ”For example?”

  ”For example, become a scientist, a teacher, a soldier, or an engineer… Whether he goes to a research institute, a hospital, a school, a factory, a construction site, a farmland or the army, there are so many professions that he can always find one that he likes and that others just need.”

  Avni’s face showed a trace of surprise, or confusion.

  ”Is that enough?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”It’s enough. The alliance in front of you is made up of these people. As a father, I think it’s enough for him to live a meaningful life and not waste his time. As for the rest, it depends on him.”

  Avni was silent for a while, perhaps thinking of her childhood, and sighed softly.

  ”Then you must be a good father.”

  Chu Guang laughed.

  ”You’re flattering.”

  Avni continued to ask curiously.

  ”Do you have a wife?”

  ”I haven’t thought about it yet, maybe after this battle is over.”

  Chu Guang made a joke.

  He knew what the subordinates next to him were thinking.

  Including old Luca who was not here, and Lu Bei who was not even fully grown, everyone was eager for him to find someone to carry on the family line and find a little master for the alliance.

  But because they still had such an idea, this matter was inappropriate.

  The alliance was the alliance of everyone, not just a slogan. After sinking for two centuries, they must realize that they never needed a savior.

  They themselves were.

  As a young man from a civilized society who had received nine years of compulsory education, Chu Guang had never thought of becoming an emperor, although he had played Sigma’s jokes with his players.

  This may be a bit idealistic, but after all, he had built the house bit by bit with everyone, and he still had some feelings for it.

  He only hoped that he could live a peaceful life in his later years, and that his house would not become a broken house that would fall down if someone kicked it.

  This place carries the feelings of too many people, and he saw everything that happened here.

  Avni nodded thoughtfully.

  She couldn’t tell what those eyes were thinking, but the blueprint he described in abstract language was indeed very exciting.

  Although this was not the teaching of the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Sand.

  But the ancient advice told her that elephants would not lie to ants.

  If he really thought so, he should not embarrass the people living on that land.

  The alliance is composed of everyone living there.

  Just when Summer, who had been thinking hard, finally came up with an idea and was about to take over the topic, something unexpected happened.

  The little princess of the Honey Badger Kingdom suddenly lifted her skirt lightly and knelt on one knee on the ground.

  ”Can I?”

  Surprised, astonished, confused, and surprised expressions appeared on different faces.

  The atmosphere on the scene burned instantly…


  That should be considered a proposal, right?

  Anyway, the laws of the alliance only stipulate the age of marriage, and there is no stipulation on who must propose to whom.

  If possible, Lu Bei really hoped that the administrator would agree. It doesn’t matter

  who it is.

  Even if it’s a foreigner

  , it doesn’t matter. Even if he – well, it’s a pity that he is a man, and there’s no point in being anxious.

  Unfortunately, the administrator did not accept the marriage proposal of the foreign princess.

  However, the prince of the Honey Badger Kingdom still got the promise he wanted.

  ”…I can’t tell you the battle plan, but the Alliance will send troops to attack the Legion and his servants.”

  ”Whether it is the residents of Oasis No. 3 or Oasis No. 2, they will be finally liberated. We will not force them to give up their beliefs, but we will fulfill the obligations of the refuge, open schools there, teach them the laws of science, and teach them to cultivate farmland. Even the spirit of the desert shall not interfere.”

  Summer said hurriedly.

  ”The Honey Badger Royal Family will cooperate with your work.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  He is not without selfishness. Any help has a price. Paying attention to the interests of one’s own people is the basis of unity. It’s just that he will choose a relatively mild means to collect rewards.

  In the long run, education is the best way to eliminate ignorance.

  When Luoxia Province has the foundation for reform, the people there will naturally follow the trend of history.

  As for what the Honey Badger Royal Family plans to do by then, that is their own business.

  But it is too early to say that now.

  When that day comes, maybe they will beg to join the alliance.

  After all, it is not only the residents in the desert who need to go to school, but also the royal family.

  The thoughts brought by the players from that world will have some influence on them.

  After a pause, Chu Guang looked at Avni with a lost expression.

  ”If you really yearn for the world I described, you can walk around and see more in the cities of the alliance these days. I will arrange a guide for you.”

  He would not be narcissistic and think that this little girl fell in love with him at first sight, so she had no embarrassment at all.

  What she said in that occasion, whether it was what her brother taught her or her decision on her own initiative, had no reference value.

  If it was to save her homeland burned by the war, she should have used other means.

  After listening to what Chu Guang said, Avni shook her head slightly and looked at him seriously.

  ”I don’t need a guide. If possible, can you allow me to follow you? I want to be your student.”


  Chu Guang smiled, always feeling a little nostalgic about the word.

  After all, he was sent here without explanation just a few years after graduation.

  ”It’s a pity that I don’t teach, and I don’t have time to teach you anything, but before returning to the desert, if you want to find a job to kill time, you can help me sort out the books that haven’t been classified yet.”

  ”There are many interesting books there, from the distant prosperous era, which may bring some inspiration to your future work.”

  He had recovered a lot of books from Yong’s collection before, and they were all piled up in the warehouse of Shuguang City.

  At present, the Merchants’ Union is in charge of sorting, but there are not many people available.

  With the ignition of the fusion reactor and the arrival of corporate aid equipment, there are vacancies everywhere in the alliance, especially those with reading and writing skills.

  Avni nodded meekly.

  ”I will complete the task you assigned.”

  Chu Guang nodded approvingly and gave her an encouraging look.

  Perhaps his plan will be smoother than he imagined.

  After all, it’s only been two hundred years since the prosperous era, so it’s not too late.

   I still have a short paragraph to write, I’ll continue writing tomorrow, sorry for keeping you waiting TT


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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