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Chapter 43: Excellent players have begun to find things for NPCs to do

Chapter 43: Excellent players have begun to find things for NPCs to do


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 43 Excellent players have already started to find things for NPCs to do.

  Can’t speak the language?

  Can’t communicate?

  For Chu Guang, this is not a problem at all.

  As a tool man, it is enough to master a few simple basic words to meet the players’ needs for game functions.

  For example, the simplest buying and selling can be learned without complex vocabulary.

  As for what to do if the players don’t understand the dirty talk?


  After all, even if it is a completely real immersive virtual reality online game, it is impossible for every NPC to have completely real intelligence.

  This is reasonable.

  Therefore, Chu Guang did not require Xia Yan to learn Chinese, but only required her to master a few basic words and fixed sentences.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that his requirements had been set low enough, and this guy’s performance was still unsatisfactory.

  ”…For customers who come to the store, you have to say ‘Hello, I am Xia Yan, the owner of the weapon store, how can I help you’, when you hear ‘I want to buy something’, point to the menu and answer ‘Look for yourself’, when you hear ‘I want to maintain the gun’, stretch out your hand and answer ‘Bring it’?”

  What the hell is this.

  Holding the note in her hand, Xia Yan looked at Chu Guang, who was sitting on the chair, with a sad expression on her face.

  Although the pronunciation of each word was marked, she still couldn’t get used to the strange pronunciation.

  Even though it was indeed very similar to human language.

  Noticing that Xia Yan was looking at him, Chu Guang moved his eyes away from the computer screen and turned his head to look at her.

  ”Have you learned it?”

  Xia Yan: “Not yet…”

  Chu Guang: “Then why are you looking at me, keep reciting.”

  Xia Yan: “…”

  For a moment, she suddenly felt that the work of having children might be easier, but for some reason, this person had no interest in her at all.

  Am I ugly?

  Not really.

  Pinching her red hair in frustration, Xia Yan was still very confident in her appearance. For example, the captain had pursued her for a while.

  But she didn’t fancy him.

  The life of a cannon fodder is too hard, and she has to face the threat of death every day. Her dream is to marry into the inner city of Boulder City and live the life of a rich wife from then on.

  In fact, it is not impossible to think about it.

  What if one day they receive the task of escorting an important person, who knows, the plot of a beauty saving a hero in a novel might happen?

  It’s just a pity that, let alone escorting an important person, a marginal team like them can’t even do the tasks on the edge of the Second Ring Road, and can only be sent to such a remote place to open “blind boxes”.

  As for now…

  there is no hope for the life of my dream.

  Who would want a cripple?

  And a cripple who had been captured by barbarians…

  Just when Xia Yan felt sad about his ill-fated fate, a light cough came from the side.

  ”Your expression should be restrained a little.”


  Xia Yan looked confused.

  Sure enough, she was deserting.

  Looking at her subconscious reaction, Chu Guang, who was sitting on the chair, was speechless.

  Sighing, he paused for a moment and said expressionlessly.

  ”Start the timer from now on. I will test you in two hours.”

  ”If there is still no progress, perhaps the Brown Farm next door will be more suitable for you. They just need serfs.”

  ”That’s right, I can make some money too.”


  It’s winter now, and Brown Farm doesn’t need serfs. Instead, it will get rid of a batch of old things that can’t work, or defective products with broken arms and legs at the end of the month.

  No one will want a lame mercenary even if he is given for free.

  As for coveting beauty, that’s even more nonsense. Even the local tycoons on Bet Street can afford the clone Xiao Gaigai, whose face is so delicate that even celebrities would be jealous. How much can a soul that is strong on the outside but weak on the inside, vulgar and barbaric be worth?

  This is a wasteland.

  Chu Guang just said casually to sell this guy.

  Scare her a little and give her some motivation.

  Even if this guy is so stupid that he can’t even memorize these few pages of lines, he won’t sell her as a slave.

  At most, he will throw her out from here.

  In fact, during this period of contact, Chu Guang found that this person was quite interesting. It was useless to talk nicely. He was timid after a few threats and started to recite obediently.

  Why bother?

  Chu Guang shook his head and continued to surf the Internet. Just now, he found that his steam account was still usable, which was just right to kill time…

  The next morning.

  Chu Guang woke up and opened the player list, unlocked the login permissions of the players in batches, and took the online players to the surface.

  ”Dear administrator, where is the lady from yesterday?” Fang Chang asked respectfully, standing next to the administrator. ”

  Are you talking about Xia Yan? Her injuries are a bit serious and she needs to rest for a few days. I communicated with her last night. She has agreed to join our business. When her injuries are healed, she will be responsible for the preparation of weapons at the outpost.”

  Of course, Chu Guang didn’t say that this guy recited the book until two or three o’clock, and finally carried it to the next room by himself. If nothing unexpected happens, she should be sleeping soundly.

  After hearing the administrator’s answer, Fang Chang’s eyes lit up instantly.

  New information!

  The name of the new NPC is Xia Yan!

  He should be a weapon shop owner or a similar professional!

  After silently noting down these two things, Fang Chang planned to update all the information in his post after logging off today.

  Chu Guang could certainly guess what he was thinking, otherwise he would not have told him in such detail.

  Continuing to perform his duties as an NPC, Chu Guang took the players to the open space of the sanatorium and gave a simple mobilization speech, and then announced the disbandment.

  After two days of running-in, the new players have basically adapted to the rhythm of this game and do not need him to command them at all.

  Looking at the gradually rising fire and black smoke outside the construction site, and the players who were climbing up and down the scaffolding and working hard, Chu Guang suddenly felt like an old farmer raising ducks.

  The daily work is to drive the ducks out of the cage, let them walk outside by themselves, and then gather them back into the cage when it gets dark, and then count today’s harvest and how much fat the ducks have gained, and by the way, pluck some duck feathers from them in a planned way.

  Of course, this is not entirely correct.

  After all, most of the tools for work are provided by me, and most of the dried meat they eat is also obtained by hunting.

  Thinking about it this way, I still put in a lot of effort.


  Standing in front of the construction site and watching for a while, just when Chu Guang was thinking about what to do today, Ye Shi had already taken the initiative to find him.

  ”Dear manager!” With a respectful salute, Ye Shiyi’s face was eager to try, and he took the initiative to speak very skillfully, “Are we going hunting today? When do we set off?”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned and nodded.


  Good guy.

  Now these players are quite proactive. Have they learned to arrange work for themselves?

  But Chu Guang didn’t say anything.

  After all, he did plan to go out for a stroll and bring back some game to smoke.

  After returning to the shelter with Ye Shi, Chu Guang put on the tactical belt he had taken from the mercenary, inserted the pistol he had picked up, and then stuffed two 5mm pistol magazines into it as spare ammunition.

  His main weapon was still his 9mm iron barrel rifle and the Holy Sword of Physics – a steel pipe that could pry open doors and hammer people.

  Although there are now submachine guns and shotguns, two “close combat artifacts” to choose from, these two equipment are not very meaningful for hunting.

  There are no single bullets in the spare bullets of the shotgun, and using shotguns will damage the fur.

  Compared with using close combat firepower to suppress the prey, Chu Guang prefers to use a high-quality 9mm iron barrel rifle with rifling to kill the prey with one shot at medium distance.

  Or at least make it lose its ability to move, and then walk closer to it and use the steel pipe to make up for it.

  This not only saves precious ammunition, but also allows the prey’s fur to be preserved more intact.

  You know, every additional bullet hole or cut will reduce the quality of the fur by 10%.

  ”Take this with you.”

  Chu Guang handed Ye Shi a pistol and a crossbow, in addition to a hide quiver containing fifteen crossbow arrows.

  ”Can I use that shotgun?”

  Ye Shi looked at the pistol, then at the shotgun leaning against the wall, and looked at Chu Guang pitifully.

  However, Chu Guang had no intention of giving in, and said expressionlessly.

  ”We are going hunting, not to fight mutants.”

  ”You should get familiar with these two weapons first before we talk about other things.”


  Chu Guang took Ye Shi out hunting.

  The players at the outpost worked diligently as they did yesterday, moving bricks, mixing cement, and plastering. None of them was idle.

  Thanks to the thirty tools that the manager exchanged from Brown Farm, the players’ work efficiency has been greatly improved.

  Especially the players who were building walls.

  The outpost’s wall construction site is advancing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Not just the construction site.

  Fang Chang and Lao Bai, who were thinking about the traditional method of steelmaking, made new progress in their work after they got the fire tongs and the hammer.

  They removed the frames, hoods, suspensions, and even the engine cases from the cars in the parking lot that had rusted into slag… After two hundred years of wind and rain, these scraps that could no longer be found in their complete structures were natural open-pit mines for them.

  They smashed the brittle rust and threw it into the furnace, still using charcoal as a reducing agent and a human bellows to blow air. This time they finally succeeded in turning these garbage into hot molten iron.


  ”It worked!”

  Lao Bai and Fang Chang clenched their fists excitedly.

  They had been waiting for this moment for three full days!

  The molten iron fired in this way, after cooling, is high-carbon pig iron. By repeatedly heating and cooling, the carbon content can be reduced to between 2% and 1.5%, and the most basic steel can be obtained.

  As for adding metals such as chromium and nickel to make alloys, it is still too difficult for them. Formal steelmaking still requires professional equipment, at least an electric furnace.

  In fact, let alone steelmaking, just being able to boil molten iron from industrial waste is already a great thing for them with their simple production facilities!

  ”What should we forge?” Lao Bai asked excitedly, looking at Fang Chang, “Axe? Knife? Or something else.”

  Fang Chang also looked happy, thinking for a few seconds and said.

  ”Let’s make a big pot first!”

  ”I’m going to vomit from eating stew every day!”

  Although the mashed potatoes yesterday were good, I heard from Brother Chaodan that there was not much soy sauce left. If nothing unexpected happened, it would be pine nut and fresh fish soup again today.

  That thing is really not fresh at all, and the taste of catfish is full in one bite.

  ”Haha, good idea! With an iron pot, we can cook!”

  The two hit it off and quickly reached a consensus. They began to use the little yellow mud left over from burning bricks to figure out how to make a mold for burning an iron pot.

  On the other side, in front of the carpenter’s hut.

  Brother Mosquito, who was sitting at the door with a small stool, was concentrating on the handicraft in his hands.

  He was holding a trash can that he had picked up from somewhere, sealed it with a wooden board, and then drilled a stainless steel pipe into it to make a simple spray can.

  This was not the end.

  He was obviously not satisfied with the tilted sprinkler.

  Brother Mosquito then used rosin to seal the joints, installed a portable wooden handle on the outer shell of the trash can, made a supercharger similar to a spray can with a plastic bottle, and connected it to the back of the trash can with a hose folded into an S shape.


  Brother Mosquito, who had finished his work, looked at the thing in his hand with a happy expression on his face.

  Manual supercharged flamethrower!

  Just inject wood tar into the barrel, and then insert a cotton strip to start the fire on the water pipe in front. Within the five-meter killing radius, this thing can theoretically become a nightmare for anyone or alien species –

  of course, the premise is that you don’t set yourself on fire.

  From a high emotional intelligence point of view, the design concept of this thing is a bit cyberpunk, but Brother Mosquito thinks it’s not a big problem, and it can be improved in the future.

  Let’s call it “Hellfire 0.1”!

  Just as he was wondering whether he should go somewhere to try, Brother Mosquito raised his head and suddenly saw Kuangfeng carrying a plastic bucket walking towards him.

  This guy went fishing early in the morning. Usually he can only be seen near the sanatorium in the afternoon. Unexpectedly, today is unusual. He came back before ten o’clock.

  ”Hey, so early today?” Mosquito looked at Kuangfeng who was coming and teased with a smile, “Could it be that the trap is broken again?”

  ”It has nothing to do with the trap,” Kuangfeng threw the plastic bucket in his hand to the ground, “Look what I found?”

  ”Found what–” Seeing the things in the bucket, Mosquito was stunned.

  They were some white stones.

  There were some yellow and light brown impurities mixed in them.

  The stiffness on his face instantly turned into ecstasy.

  ”Guano stone!?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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