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Chapter 430 My friend, not everyone in this world is as simple-minded as you

Chapter 430 My friend, not everyone in this world is as simple-minded as you


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 430 My friend, not everyone in this world is as simple-minded as you


  Looking at the messy military base in front of him, the man standing at the entrance of the camp in bulletproof armor couldn’t help but swear.

  His name is Wager, belonging to the 9000th Squadron of the 30,000th Squadron, leading a team of ten people, stationed at an outpost about 20 kilometers away from here, responsible for monitoring the northwest valley of Camp 530 and guarding a relay signal tower.

  An hour ago, he received a message from the 9000th Squadron that Camp 530 did not routinely report the security situation and did not respond to the command post’s communication, asking him to take his men there immediately to see if their communication equipment was broken or if they encountered any accidents.

  Wager did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took three brave men, rode a three-wheeled diesel motorcycle, and went off-road for more than 20 kilometers to Camp 530.

  However, when he arrived at the military base, he found that it had already become a ruin…

  ”Is anyone there?”

  He shouted at the top of his voice, but there was no commotion or any response inside.

  Wager held his rifle horizontally with great tension, waved his fist decisively, and led three riflemen to carefully pass through the camp gate and go deep into the military base.

  The street lights on both sides of the road were all dark. The power supply system here seemed to have been destroyed. Apart from the burning barracks, there was only a little bit of thin moonlight.

  Going forward along the fragmented road, when passing the area near the garage, everyone’s face was not very good, and they turned pale and blue.

  One by one, the charred bodies lay crookedly, and many curled up together, and even a complete human figure could not be found.

  As for the garage with the door open, the tanks and trucks inside had all been driven away, and the supplies inside had been moved out, not even a wrench and a screwdriver were left behind.

  Wager swallowed his saliva and led his riflemen to search in the direction of the command post.

  Soon they passed a checkpoint, where it seemed that a fierce exchange of fire had taken place not long ago.

  Whether it was the collapsed sandbag wall or the bodies full of bloody holes, it was not difficult to see how brutal the Legion soldiers who had been defending here an hour ago had encountered.

  The same was true for the mutant mercenaries not far away.

  Those big guys either had their heads smashed or had a big hole in their chests, shot through by some large-caliber weapons. It was almost impossible to find a complete body, and the death was extremely miserable.

  Even the mutants with strong recovery abilities could not bear it…

  let alone those ordinary people.

  ”… Damn it, I bet this was definitely not done by the guerrillas and the Kingdom Army!” A rifleman looked around nervously and cursed in a low voice.

  Another rifleman, who looked a little younger, was breathing a little fast, looking around nervously, and muttered in a low voice.

  ”Could it be someone from the Great Rift Valley?”

  Listening to the soldiers whispering in a low voice, Wager looked around solemnly and replied concisely.

  ”…We just reached an armistice agreement with them at the beginning of the year. We don’t rule out the possibility that they will tear up the treaty, but it’s not their style to fight without declaring war.”

  With his men, Wager moved to the door of the command post.

  The situation here was equally tragic. The nearby barracks tents and partitions were covered with dense bullet holes. There were more than 50 bodies lying in a mess on an open space of less than 50 square meters, and they were all Willant people with bulging noses.

  Wager searched around nearby but didn’t find the body of the centurion Piman. It was not until he searched the command post and the anti-artillery bunker next to it that he discovered the problem.

  ”…All the documents here have been moved out.”

  Wager frowned slightly and recalled what his superior had told him.

  Camp 530 was related to a major plan, which was personally formulated by General Griffin and was related to whether the entire war could end before the end of August.

  Therefore, it is imperative to always pay attention to the situation of Camp 530.

  Without hesitation, Wager reached out to take down the intercom hanging on his shoulder, pressed the button and said.

  ”… Calling the headquarters, this is the patrol team of Post 151, we have arrived at Camp 530, the situation here is quite bad, I can’t see a single living person… nor the body of the commander of the military base, suspected to be captured by unknown forces.”

  ”Including the confidential documents in the command post, the munitions in the nearby warehouse, the tanks in the garage… the bandits who attacked here almost emptied everything that could be moved.”

  His eyes were roaming around and searching, and his sight suddenly fell on the rows of extinguished street lights, and the expression on his face gradually became unnatural.

  In an instant, Wager suddenly thought of something, and his expression gradually became solemn.

  ”All electronic equipment is paralyzed, including the street lights. All are off. The military base is dark, and I can’t find any electronic equipment that is still working.”

  ”Although it sounds a bit incredible, my intuition tells me… this is definitely not a simple power system failure.”

  After a half-second pause, he took a deep breath and said his guess.

  ”It is most likely an EMP!”


  Camp 530 suffered a devastating blow.

  The elite troops stationed there were almost wiped out.

  And –

  it is suspected to have been hit by an EMP!

  The news was reported through layers of reports and soon reached the Legion’s frontline headquarters in Oasis No. 9, waking up a group of senior officers from their sleep. In

  the combat meeting room.

  Griffin stood upright in front of the strategic map with his hands behind his back, his eyes narrowed dangerously like a vulture.

  The officers standing behind him were silent, looking at each other, exchanging disbelief and surprise in each other’s eyes.

  In the past month, their outposts and military bases have been attacked by the Kingdom Army and guerrillas, but those wastelanders who fought with fire sticks have never won.

  Like today, the command center did not know that the military base was destroyed until the battle was over. This has never happened before…

  Moreover, the attack was on Camp 530.

  It happened there!

  The staff officer standing next to him took a deep breath, broke the silence in the meeting room, and reported.

  ”…Our aircraft scouted the nearby area and found no trace of enemy troops. After stealing the supplies, the attackers are suspected to have hidden in a valley thirty kilometers northeast of Oasis No. 9. They should have built concealed fortifications there. Our aircraft did not see anything.”

  The silence was broken.

  The officers around also interrupted the topic.

  ”According to the intelligence feedback from the nearby outposts, the other side is suspected of using EMP weapons to preemptively destroy the communication tower of the military base… There are two possibilities, the Great Rift Valley intervened in the war, or the enterprise increased its military presence in Luoxia Province.”

  ”Didn’t they build an aviation base in the area of ​​Xizhou City in the Valley Province? People might come from there!”

  ”It’s possible!”

  Griffin, with his hands behind his back, did not speak as he listened to his subordinates’ discussions. What

  Griffin could not accept more than the tragic losses in personnel, equipment, and supplies was that the battle plan he formulated last month was leaked.

  Camp 530 was the logistical fulcrum for the entire northern front to launch the next round of general offensive. He did not mind the casualties of the vassal’s followers on the front line, but he had to carefully consider how much casualties would be required to bite off the northern defense zone of the Lion Kingdom without sufficient armored forces and supply support…

  Luoxia Province is not only about honey badgers and lions, but also camels and golden lizards. If they want the Falcon Kingdom to conquer the entire Luoxia Province, they must control casualties.


  what we have gained will be lost soon.

  ”… Unfortunately, our perfect plan has been leaked. They can find Camp 530 accurately, and they can know where our troops are at what time and day.”

  Looking around the people in the tent, General Griffin scanned every face present sharply and said word by word.

  ”The strategic deployment on the northern line must be adjusted… This will not be difficult, but I want to know which link went wrong.”

  The room was terribly quiet, as if a pin drop could be heard.

  Just when everyone was nervous, Griffin suddenly changed the subject and lightly revealed the topic.

  ”Of course, I believe in your loyalty. The problem should be in one of the links below. I need you to open your eyes and find the traitor.”

  Hearing this, the officers finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their faces showed a relieved expression, standing at attention and saying.

  ”Yes, sir!”

  ”Yes! Sir!”

  Looking at his subordinates who were holding their heads high, Griffin nodded, his eyes drifted back to the map hanging on the wall, and he fell into deep thought.

  EMP weapon.

  That is obviously not the equipment of the Kingdom. It is highly likely that it is – no, it should be said that it must be the work of the Enterprise!

  According to the information registered by the Logistics Department, Camp 530 just took over a batch of supplies from the Bugera Free State two days ago, which means that the Great Rift Valley is not aware of the existence of this supply line, otherwise they have other ways to prevent their vassals from continuing to trade with the Legion.

  Thinking of this, Griffin couldn’t help but frown.

  Did McLen not brag?

  Was the Iron Heart really destroyed by the reinforcements of the Enterprise?

  If so…

  their troubles may not be small.


  On the other side, just as the front-line command was meeting overnight to formulate a battle plan, a desert-colored truck stopped at the door of the military camp where the command was located.

  Kolwe jumped off the truck first, looked at the door, and saw the officers waiting there, his eyes suddenly lit up.

  ”Fediel?! Great! You’re still alive!”

  Feder, an officer under General McLen, has the same rank as him, a senior centurion, but is one round older than him.

  Looking at the dusty Korwe, Feder saluted, walked up to him with excitement, and held his right hand.

  ”At the last critical moment, I followed General McLen to board the escape pod and escaped by luck… But you, it’s great to see you alive!”

  The two of them had a good relationship in private.

  Otherwise, he wouldn’t be waiting here.

  Korwe had a smile on his face and said with emotion.

  ”To be honest, I almost died in the desert. The battlefield was in chaos at the time. I couldn’t even get ten people around me. There were also those barbarians chasing me from behind. I wanted to give up at one point… Thanks to this brother.”

  As he said, he pulled the battlefield guy who had just got off the car to his side.

  Feder glanced at the man with a tanned face, noticed that his nose was flat, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  ”Who is this?”


  Korwe patted the dull-looking man on the shoulder and grinned at Feder.

  ”Don’t look at him as a wastelander. He is different from those people. He is a brave fellow… Not only his skills, but his loyalty to the legion is even inferior to mine. In order to collect enough money for the return trip, he was even willing to put down his military dignity and go to the coal mine to dig coal. If it weren’t for him inspiring me, I’m afraid I would have died in shame in the desert.”

  Hearing the name Pangolin, Fidel finally recognized the centurion of the entourage promoted by General McLen himself – the ruthless man who killed the Mother of Deathclaws by himself!

  All the way, McLen kept talking about the head of the Mother of Deathclaws, but it was a pity that he didn’t take the collection with him.

  Unexpectedly, this ruthless man also followed, and even took Korwe through the desert and walked all the way here.

  Saving a senior centurion.

  For the entourage, it can be regarded as a great achievement!

  Fidel looked at the battlefield guy and said solemnly.

  ”Thank you for saving my friend and bringing him back safely… I will definitely repay you for this favor.”

  ”No need to thank me, this is what I should do.” The battlefield guy skillfully repeated what he had said many times.

  ”We are all doing what we should do, but those who do it particularly well should be given appropriate rewards… I will report your contribution.”

  Fedir smiled, patted Pangolin’s shoulder, then looked at Korwei who was also smiling, and continued.

  ”Come with me, the situation here has changed a lot. I will take you to register for demobilization first, and we will talk about other things while we walk…”

  Korwei needs to report first and restore his military status. After all, he has been missing for so long, and he is already half dead on the list.

  The legion will verify his identity through some professional procedures, not a fake clone or bionic man.

  As for “Pangolin”, he does not need to go through so many complicated procedures. After registering his name on the list of the escort army, he was left in the barracks of the logistics department.

  It was late at night, and except for the sentry post, the rest of the camp was dark, so he couldn’t walk around.

  After waiting for a long time, a logistics staff member finally came over, took him to a nearby canteen, and arranged for the cook to prepare a large table of midnight snacks for him.

  Glancing at the epaulettes on Mr. Pangolin’s shoulders with envy, the logistics staff said respectfully.

  ”Lord Fedir has asked me to entertain you. Please tell me if you need anything. Except for wine and women, I can help you find a way to get everything else.”

  The warlord looked at the young man’s face. His nose bridge had no obvious bulge, and his slightly deep eye sockets looked like a resident of the desert. He should be a citizen of the Falcon Kingdom.

  He was hungry all the way, so he didn’t hesitate and said directly.

  ”Please prepare more meat for me, preferably beef. My appetite may be a bit large, and the amount for ordinary people may not be enough.”

  Anyway, it doesn’t cost money.

  Wouldn’t it be a loss if you don’t eat more!

  The young man smiled when he heard this.

  ”You are an awakener, right? Please rest assured! Lord Korwe has already told me to prepare three servings of food for you!”

  It turned out that Korwe had already greeted him…

  Looking at the smile on the young man’s face, the warlord also smiled embarrassedly.


  It seems like he is a glutton.

  After a short wait, the food was served.

  It included a whole roasted leg of beef and a basket of freshly baked bread sprinkled with icing sugar and nuts.

  Not only that, there was also a basket of juicy grapes, red sweet dates, and unlimited milk.

  Looking at this table of delicious food that was so rich that people couldn’t take their eyes off it, the battlefield guy couldn’t help but sigh.

  It’s worthy of being the headquarters’ canteen.

  This is too good to eat!

  ”If it’s not enough, I can arrange for the kitchen to prepare more for you…” The young man bowed slightly and said respectfully, “Please enjoy it slowly.”

  With the idea of ​​”eating more for myself, the enemy will eat less”, the battlefield guy sat down at the long table and ate without caring about his image.

  Seeing this guy eating so deliciously, the young man standing next to him was hungry, and couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, trying not to look over here.

  After a while, Korway, who had finally completed the formalities, also came to the canteen.

  He looked at the pangolin showing off his beef leg with appreciation. He didn’t think there was anything rude about his eating. He pulled out a chair and sat opposite the table. He snapped his fingers at the young man next to him.

  ”Bring me a steak.”

  ”Yes, sir.”

  The young man nodded respectfully and quickly turned to the kitchen.

  Korway wiped his silver knife and said casually.

  ”We wasted some time when we were going through the formalities just now. I didn’t expect that we would encounter something big right after we arrived here.”

  Hearing Korway’s words, the battlefield man swallowed the food in his mouth and replied vaguely as a reflex.

  ”Something big happened.”

  ”Camp 530 was attacked.”

  ”Camp 530? What is that?”

  ”The logistics hub of the northern troops is the camp we passed by two days ago,” Korway said helplessly, “What a coincidence… just two days away. If we had been delayed on the road for two days, I’m afraid we would have lost our lives there.”

  Hearing this, the battlefield guy almost choked on the food in his mouth, and his face turned red in order to hold back his cough.

  Good guy.

  He had just sent the intelligence up, and the alliance took his intelligence and destroyed the military base.

  This is really pushing himself into the fire pit!

  However, Korway did not doubt him, and he didn’t even think about him at all.

  After all, they had been in the same truck for the past two days, and no one would have thought that this guy who slept like a pig could pass on messages in his dreams.

  ”Will they… suspect us?”

  ”Us?” Hearing this hesitant tone, Korway was slightly stunned.

  Then he shook his head with a smile as if he had heard something funny.

  ”How is it possible? We just retreated to this area and don’t even know the number of the camp. How can we know the role of the military base in General Griffin’s plan?”

  ”Moreover, even if we take a step back, we just arrived there two days ago. Even if the news leaked immediately, our enemies would need time to verify the news and then formulate a battle plan based on the verified intelligence… It would take at least a month.” After

  taking a sip of hot cocoa from the cup, Korwe moistened his throat and said with a slightly serious expression.

  ”To be honest, I am a little suspicious of that guy named Adam.”

  ”Adam?” The Warlord was stunned, “But…what reason does he have to betray us?”

  ”Sometimes, you don’t need many reasons to do something, and I don’t just suspect him, but all the merchants from the Bugera Free State.”

  Korwe looked at the Warlord and said in a gentle tone.

  ”My friend, not everyone in this world is as pure-minded as you.”

  ”Those merchants have no loyalty to speak of. They don’t pledge allegiance to anyone. Their lives are nothing but a pile of dung that they can’t bring with them when they die. They are just a body without a soul. Today they can sell us spears for attack, and tomorrow they may sell shields to our enemies. I am very grateful for his kindness, but if he betrays us, I won’t be surprised at all.”

  The Warlord nodded guiltily.

  ”I understand.”

  ”That’s good. I’m really worried that you will be deceived by those people,” Kelway nodded in appreciation, paused for a while and continued, “I said before that I would introduce you to General Griffin, but after this incident, I’m afraid I have to wait.”

  The Warlord immediately said sensibly.

  ”It doesn’t matter, sir, I’m not in a hurry. It doesn’t matter how long it takes.”

  It’s just right that he can’t introduce him.

  He doesn’t want to meet that guy at this time.

  The Warlord believes that it is impossible for all the legion to be as stupid as the guy in front of him.

  Especially Griffin, who was always called the “old fox”. He was afraid that he had more evil ideas than himself. He was really afraid of being seen through.

  ”Are you feeling unwell?” Korway looked at his good brother with concern. “I feel that your face doesn’t look good.”

  The warlord said evasively.

  ”Yes, it’s a little bit. It may be because of the climate… I have never been to such a dry place.”

  Korway nodded and said in a comforting tone.

  ”It’s really like this in the desert. You have to adapt as soon as possible. There is still a long way to go in the future. Sooner or later, we will go to a farther place.”

  The battlefield guy said with a smile.

  ”I will adapt as soon as possible!”


  Shelter 404.

  Looking at the news on the official forum and the first-hand battle reports sent by the dead players, Chu Guang, who was leaning on the sofa and drinking an iced cola, was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth.

  He dragged the scroll wheel with his index finger and couldn’t help but let out a compliment.

  ”This money is worth it!”

  Whether it is the “Seagull” drone or the “Hellhound” unmanned vehicle, the performance on the battlefield exceeded expectations. I have to brag

  about it. The stuff given by “Fallen Empire” is really awesome!

  Of course, it is also thanks to the players’ super-level performance. The Death Corps, which is famous for its loss rate, only lost thirty or so this time.

  In normal times, this little casualty is enough for them.

  ”We must take advantage of this battle to import more goods!”

  Including the R-36 “Sanction” air-to-ground missile used by the “Seagull” drone, one EMP missile directly turned the entire military base into a deaf and dumb person, and the unit price is only 250,000!

  Then there was the white phosphorus bomb, which was sold for only 100,000 Cr and had an amazing killing effect on soft targets.

  Although the price was not good value for money, it didn’t matter since it was the military aid budget and not his own money.

  To be honest, Chu Guang originally thought that the guys on the East Coast would be averse to such cruel weapons, but he didn’t expect that he was worrying too much.

  Leaning back on the sofa, Chu Guang looked at Xiao Qi sitting on the desk and said with a beaming face.

  ”Xiao Qi, contact Wu Mu, the representative of Changge Group, for me. Tell him that I plan to purchase ten more of that ‘Seagull’ drone!”

  ”Okay! Master!” Xiao Qi answered enthusiastically, and then he went to contact the seller obediently. Chu Guang

  continued to browse the forum and found that his “pangolin” had just been launched, so he clicked on the post of this guy.

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Fuck! You are so cruel. You attacked me right after I left!”

  Irena: “Is your identity exposed? If it is, I will let Mole draw a book for you. (Funny)”

  Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “Get lost! I don’t draw that kind of book!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Exposed! Fortunately, I was smart and fooled you. Next time, take it easy. At least wait until I am far away before bombing! By the way, the 530 camp you bombed seems to be the logistics hub of the northern front of the Legion… Because the combat plan was exposed, the northern offensive of the Legion was forced to be postponed. I just heard this from Kolway.”

  Quit Smoking: “Fuck! Awesome!”

  Ye Shi: “666!”

  Fountain Commander: “Hahaha, actually, I think the timing of this operation is quite good. Although the timing is a bit coincidental, because of this, you are not likely to be suspected.”

  Fang Leader: “+1, the more important the strategic goal, the more careful planning is needed, otherwise it is easy to go wrong.”

  Edge paddling: “Hey, don’t say it, the friendly forces responsible for the feint got the time zone wrong this time, and the action was advanced by a full hour! Fortunately, we got there in time, if we were a few minutes later, we would have been wiped out!”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “Fuck, is it so real?”

  Edge paddling: “Of course, the construction site guy’s tricycle is almost smoking!”

  Construction site boy and brick: “MMP! You still have the nerve to say that! (Angry)”

  Roller shampoo machine: “That’s right! Too fucking stingy! Next time, at least use an electric car!”

  Edge paddling: “Fuck! Can you say that I’m stingy? You guys should at least consider the actual situation! It’s all sand everywhere, where can you charge your battery?”

  The head of the Death Corps argued with the strength beasts in the Corps. Several intelligence players opened a new post and boasted to other players.

  Especially the debt-ridden big eyes.

  He was so happy to operate the “Seagull” drone to catch French fries in the sky that he almost praised the power of the drone to the sky.

  The only flaw was that the ammunition load was too small.

  He ran out of bullets before he had enough fun.

  Anyway, seeing that the “pangolin” was fine, Chu Guang finally felt relieved.

  The reason why he acted so hastily was to prevent this guy from being suspected, but now it seems that the situation he was worried about did not happen.

  More than 800 kilometers.

  It takes a pigeon a day to fly this distance.

  There are no large communication base stations or communication satellites. It seems a bit unrealistic to complete the intelligence exchange and formulate a combat plan in two days.

  After confirming the safety of the intelligence personnel, Chu Guang did not rush to issue him new tasks, but let him lie in wait.

  He planned to use this chess piece in a critical place.

  It would be best if he could take away those big-nosed guys in one go.

  As for now, it is not the right time…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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