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Chapter 431: City of Plenty

Chapter 431: City of Plenty


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 431: The City of Fertility

  It is said that in the distant prosperous era, the land illuminated by the sunset was once the most fertile place on this continent.

  It used to be lush and leafy, with forests covering the hills and endless farmland. Metal slaves worked endlessly in the fields. People did not need to work, but could enjoy the splendor of the prosperous times all day long. Everything was born and inexhaustible.

  The agricultural division of Luoxia Province alone was enough to feed 90% of the population on this planet.

  To this day, even though the glory of the past has been covered with dust, the afterglow of the sunset still shines here, warming the survivors who are lingering in the ruins.

  This is still one of the happiest places in this wasteland.

  As long as you don’t step into the desert, you don’t have to worry about those mutant creatures. Every inch of arable land here is protected by the armies of various kingdoms and the “river embankment”.

  The rich and sufficient food allows the people of the Sand Sea Spirit to not worry about hunger.

  Although feudal, this place is united enough. It is not like the eastern provinces, where a group of plunderers can easily stir up a bloody storm. Children who have just left their cradles must not only learn to walk but also learn to shoot in order to survive.

  Facts have proved that in the difficult years after the end of the world, it is better for everyone to believe in something together than to believe in nothing.


  in the eyes of William Falcon, the prince and marshal of the Falcon Kingdom, this is far from enough.

  Although the kingdoms are united because of faith, there is no trust between countries. The

  spirit of the sea of ​​sand once taught the kings that brothers should unite and lend a hand to each other when they are in trouble, but in fact the kings are suspicious of each other, always wary of each other using blood to usurp their titles, enjoying the power given by faith and hating their obligations. It would

  be fine if the spirit of the sea of ​​sand could give its grace equally to every kingdom in this desert.

  But it did not do so, and even the disasters it brought were not equal.

  The first to disappear was Oasis No. 1, and the yellow sand swallowed everything there.

  Next is Oasis No. 2. The fertile land of the Falcon Kingdom is shrinking at a visible speed. In just half a century, it has lost more than 20% of its territory.

  The selfish kings refused to provide help to the Falcon Royal Family. The gods also did not respond to the prayers of the Falcon Royal Family. Instead, they continued to bring disasters. They could only seek help from external forces…even the demons in the west.

  However, it was thanks to the selfishness and cowardice of the kings that the war progressed more smoothly than ever before.

  Faced with the lightning offensive of the Falcon Kingdom, the kings who were suspicious of each other had no power to resist at all, and have not been able to form an effective resistance until now.

  After solving the most powerful lion, he will immediately march north to take down the Golden Lizard Kingdom. At this point, the entire Luoxia Province, except for the Falcon, only the southernmost Camel Kingdom will be left.

  They can no longer change the situation, and have no other choice but to

  surrender. By then, this land protected by the glow of the sunset will be more united than ever before.

  William had this dream in his heart since he was very young. He dreamed that one day he could unify this desert, and then, with his powerful dominance, restore this desert to its former glory. Turning the

  desert into an oasis sounds a bit incredible, but he believes there is always a way.

  Even if it cannot be done now, someone will definitely be able to do it in the future

  . After all, the spirit of the sea of ​​sand once said that this was originally a world covered by yellow sand.

  As for the second half of the sentence often said by believers-“The world will eventually be swallowed by yellow sand and return to the embrace of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand.”

  That is just the interpretation of those who give up on themselves.

  In contrast, he is more inclined to interpret the teachings of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand as-“Here will finally return to the best era one day”, “The oasis is a gift from people to the gods, not a gift from the gods to people.”

  Since it is a man-made thing.

  There must be a way to create it again.

  And what he has to do now is to destroy the corrupt kings with his thunder-like wrist!

  Become the master of this desert!

  ”… Operation Thunder has been canceled. This is General Griffin’s order. He asked me to convey it to you.”

  In the tent.

  William, who was staring at the strategic map, heard a piece of bad news from the legion officer who walked into the tent.

  He opened his eyes slightly, was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice.

  ”I need a reason.”

  Five teams of 10,000 people, more than 70,000 soldiers of the kingdom, have assembled on three sides of the “City of Plenty”.

  It is the granary of Oasis No. 9 and a strategic town in the central part of the Lion Kingdom.

  The giant dam called “River Dike” surrounds a circular area with a radius of about ten kilometers.

  This towering dam is completely cast with alloys, irrigating thousands of square kilometers of fertile soil inside and outside the “River Dike”. No one knows how it works, but they only know that there is an inexhaustible supply of fresh water inside, and it can restore polluted water to purity.

  Under the protection of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand, ordinary weapons can’t hurt it at all.

  Therefore, the Lion Kingdom deployed a large number of weapons on the circular “River Dike” and sent heavy troops to guard it, turning it into an unbreakable fortress, echoing with the capital hundreds of kilometers away, forming a horn of each other.

  But on the contrary, as long as they can take this place, the army of the Falcon Kingdom will be able to march eastward all the way to the capital of the Lion Kingdom, and there will be no more dangers along the way!

  The “Thunder” plan was formulated to take this important town.

  For this, they have been preparing for a full month, including dispatching troops and planning offensive plans.


  General Griffin, who formulated this plan, actually canceled it with just one sentence?

  What a joke!

  But soon, the officer’s next words made William’s mood sink to the bottom.

  ”Camp No. 530 was attacked. The tanks, rifles, bullets, and artillery shells that were originally sent to the front line… These supplies are now in the hands of the guerrillas, enough for them to arm a 10,000-man team and last for two months without the supply line.”

  ”Our planes are searching for their traces, but they are very cunning and hid in the hills northeast of Oasis No. 9.”

  The desert is not all endless plains. In addition to the sand dunes that rise and fall, there are also desertified hills and valleys near the central part of the river valley province.

  ”Camp 530?! How could it be… Aren’t the troops stationed there your elite?!” William asked anxiously.

  The officer nodded and said simply,

  ”Yes, but even if they are elite troops, there is only a thousand-man team. From what we can see, it should be the people from the Enterprise who launched a surprise attack on our camp, and even used electromagnetic pulse weapons.”


  William frowned.

  Although he was eager to take over the City of Plenty, it didn’t mean he was reckless.

  In fact, it was precisely because of his careful decision-making that he was able to maintain his record of successive victories and take over the entire Honey Badger Kingdom within a week.

  If the battle plan has been leaked, and there are suspected activities of Enterprise troops and guerrillas equipped with Legion weapons on the north side of Oasis No. 9, it is indeed not a good idea to hastily launch a full-scale offensive.

  ”…I remember there is a predator tribe called the Bear Clan there? Is there a way to bribe them?”

  The officer shook his head.

  ”We tried, but those people have been scared by the Alliance, and the few people left are hiding in the mountains as bandits…I even doubt whether they have the ability to fight.”

  After Dillon died in battle, the centurions and decurions under his command had completely become deserters. Although there are still some people willing to return to the Legion, those few people can’t change anything at all.

  William’s face was solemn, and he said after a moment of silence.

  ”It’s best to end this war quickly. If it drags on for too long, there might be changes.”

  ”Of course, Lord Griffin thinks so too.”

  The officer smiled faintly after reading the expression on the prince’s face.

  ”…So, we quickly prepared a second attack plan. Unlike the ‘Thunder’ operation, this time we plan to use some unconventional means.”

  William frowned, and vaguely read a hint of unusual meaning from the officer’s tone.

  ”Unconventional means?”

  The officer didn’t say anything, but handed him a note and made a joke in a teasing tone.

  ”Burn it after reading it. We can’t leak the secret again this time.”

  William looked at him suspiciously, took the note and unfolded it.

  When he saw the words on it, William was stunned at first, and then his face changed.

  He looked at the officer, staring at the indifferent pupils.

  ”I oppose this plan! We need a complete and prosperous city, not a rotten ruin!”

  The officer shrugged expressionlessly.

  ”Sacrificing a ‘farm’ in exchange for the entire oasis is definitely worth it in our opinion. If we delay for a month to make a new plan and redeploy our troops, we may face enemies several times the number we have now.” ”

  In addition, this is also the opinion of the commander of the Eastern Legion.”

  ”We don’t want this war to turn from a local conflict into a full-scale war between the Legion and the Enterprise. Neither we nor they are ready. Before the Enterprise increases the chips placed here, it is the option with the least cost to smash our enemy’s defenses and resistance with thunder.”

  Listening to the cold and ruthless voice, William stared at him intently.

  ”You don’t know what that means at all. Destroying the miracle of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand is a blasphemy to the gods!”

  However, the officer just smiled faintly.

  ”Blasphemy? Do you still care about this?”

  Looking at the prince with a livid face, the officer continued in a slow tone.

  ”It will take some time for the weapons to arrive. You should also prepare them.”

  As for the objection.

  He pretended not to hear it.

  After leaving this sentence, the officer turned and left.

  Standing next to William, a general of the kingdom swallowed his saliva and asked in a low voice.

  ”Your Highness… What is the Legion going to do?”

  William was silent for a long time and seemed to be struggling in his heart.

  However, it was only for a moment.

  He was not an indecisive person. Those who achieve great things should not be fussy about trivial matters. As long as they win in the end, Luoxia Province will usher in eternal peace, and

  no one can say that he is wrong.

  Besides, even if he feels it is inappropriate, he can’t stop the Legion’s decision.

  Passing the note to the oil lamp on the table, William watched a pinch of flames run from the note, engulfing it little by little, crushing it into ashes, and finally falling on the copper plate.

  ”They plan to release the demon from 200 years ago and blaspheme the grace of the gods… Haha, but what he said makes some sense. We have all sold our souls to the demon in exchange for power. Do we still need to care about this?”

  Throwing down a faint self-deprecation, William left the bewildered general and walked out of the tent alone.

  That expressionless face made it impossible to tell what he was thinking at the moment.

  Nuclear bomb.

  A cheap and easy-to-use device.

  It is said that with just the push of a switch, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people can be wiped off the map and a fertile land can be turned into an uninhabitable ruin.

  What the gods’ calamity takes half a century to do, it can do in just a moment.

  This is not a particularly sophisticated technology.

  But it is definitely effective.

  ”Get on the horse.”

  Arriving at the stable.

  William patted the shoulder of a guard next to him, then walked to his tall horse, turned over and rode on it.

  Not all desert people like camels.

  The black horses from the Great Desert are the favorite pets of the people of the Falcon Kingdom.

  They are as powerful as mutants, wearing heavy armor and can charge in a hail of bullets. They are naturally fearless of artillery and gunfire, let alone death.

  ”Where are we going, Your Highness?” The bearded captain of the guards rode up to catch up with William and asked, holding the reins.

  William squinted and glanced to the east.

  ”Go to the front line!”

  The captain of the guard said cautiously with hesitation on his face: “It’s too dangerous there. Prince Winter’s army always fires at us from time to time. I don’t recommend you to go to such a dangerous place.”

  William laughed and kicked the horse’s butt to make it run.

  ”It’s not dangerous! Those turtles in their shells only have a few good days left. We will soon be able to step over their corpses.”

  Before the beautiful castle turned into a pile of twisted steel.

  He planned to ride his beloved warhorse and take another look at it.


  At the same time, in the fertile city of Oasis No. 9, inside and outside the towering circular “river embankment”, there were patches of floating yellow farmland.

  The harvest season is coming.

  I don’t know whether the first to harvest them will be the farmer’s sickle or the tank’s track.

  On the river embankment.

  Prince Winter, holding a telescope in his hand, was looking to the west, with a trace of solemnity on his wrinkled face.

  The fortress under his feet is not only the granary of the Lion Kingdom, but also the front line of the war. The

  towering “river embankment” is a natural fortress. It is made entirely of alloy and is almost impossible to be destroyed by conventional weapons.

  The troops stationed here are the elite of the kingdom – the “Scarab” 10,000-man team!

  Together with the two 10,000-man teams composed of more than 22,000 conscripts, the garrison here has exceeded 30,000, and tens of thousands of farmers are still in training.

  Thousands of 97mm smoothbore cannons were pushed onto the “river embankment”, in addition to nearly 100 230mm cast iron mortars.

  Don’t underestimate these antiques.

  Although the range is limited, it can still work wonders with the help of an unbreakable bunker.

  As long as the number is sufficient, combined with shells filled with high explosives, it can also pose a considerable threat to the attacking forces.

  Not to mention that they have also prepared a large number of gas tank rockets.

  In addition to these antiques, the Lion Kingdom also purchased a certain number of 100mm howitzers, and handed over 30 of them to Prince Winter.

  These modern light artillery can reach a range of 20 kilometers, but they lack ammunition and have more deterrent significance than practical significance.

  However, the garrison stationed here is not worried about the troops outside, and all of them are in high spirits and waiting seriously.

  No matter how powerful the legion’s tanks are, they can’t climb over the alloy-cast “river bank”.

  The City of Plenty has sufficient supplies, and they can stay here until the next century!

  As long as the City of Plenty is still there, the capital is still there, and the kingdom is still there!

  It will be like a stubborn nail, nailed in the direction of the Falcon Kingdom’s troops’ advance, and anyone who tries to pull it out is destined to be stained with blood.

  Everyone is ready to live and die with this fortress.

  ”…The Falcon Kingdom’s troops are digging trenches within 5 kilometers of us.”

  Prince Winter handed the telescope in his hand to the adjutant next to him, and looked at the messenger next to him expressionlessly.

  ”Let the First Artillery Squadron prepare to teach our enemies a lesson!”

  ”Yes!” The messenger stood at attention, saluted, and then trotted to the radio station not far away.

  After the bombardment coordinates were reported, more than ten explosions were heard soon.

  Pieces of white smoke drew parabolic trajectories in the air, fell on the enemy’s position, and exploded into clouds of white smoke.

  The range of the 230mm cast iron mortar is similar to that of a light mortar, but its power is even greater. It quickly blew up the people digging trenches.

  However, looking at the group of engineers who suffered heavy casualties, Prince Winter frowned.

  The adjutant beside him also noticed something unusual, with a trace of shock in his eyes, and said with gritted teeth.

  ”My lord… those engineers digging trenches seem to be us-”

  ”It’s the enemy,” Winter interrupted him expressionlessly without hesitation, “Keep firing!”

  The adjutant nodded silently, picked up the telescope again, and looked at the position in the distance.

  Hatred and anger flashed in his eyes.

  These shameless guys…

  actually used prisoners as cannon fodder!

  This despicable method is not only a blasphemy against the ancient covenant, but also a betrayal of faith!

  He swore.

  He will definitely get it back from those people!

  Turning and leaving the front line, Prince Winter took the elevator back to the fortress.

  At this time, a messenger came trotting over, stopped in front of him, and stood still.

  ”Report! An urgent letter from the palace!”

  Taking the letter from the messenger’s hand, Winter opened it and took a look, and his frown finally relaxed.

  Seeing the change in his facial expression, the staff officer who followed him couldn’t help asking.

  ”Is it good news?”

  The only good news in the past month is probably that their allies are finally planning to send troops.

  Although it is said that it is only half a thousand-man team…

  Winter nodded, handed the letter in his hand to the staff officer next to him, and his tone was rarely relaxed and happy.

  ”Our allies have successfully destroyed the Legion’s supply hub in the north. The Legion’s ‘Thunder’ plan has been thwarted. Our north will probably be safe for a while, and we can concentrate on dealing with those bugs outside.”

  I have to admit that the Alliance’s intelligence network is terrifyingly strong.

  I just learned the code name of the entire operation, and the Alliance, thousands of miles away, has strangled the entire huge and careful plan in the cradle.

  All signs show that the Alliance’s infiltration into the desert has penetrated to a level that cannot be ignored.

  And the Lion Kingdom knows almost nothing about them.

  Thinking of this, Winter was terrified in his heart, but he couldn’t help but secretly made up his mind.

  If the Lion Kingdom can successfully survive this crisis, he will definitely persuade His Majesty the King to increase the budget for intelligence work.


  I can do this job myself.

  ”50 Conqueror tanks… including self-propelled artillery and trucks, and enough supplies to arm a 10,000-man army. Such an important military base, it’s amazing that they can take it down!” The

  staff officer’s expression was slightly moved.

  Suddenly, he thought of something, looked at Prince Winter eagerly and asked.

  ”Where are the equipment?”

  Prince Winter smiled faintly.

  ”Eighty percent of them were handed over to the Restoration Army led by Yade… Forget it, they won’t give it to us.”

  A trace of regret appeared on the staff officer’s face.

  That was enough equipment to arm a 10,000-man army…

  ”It would have been better if we had sent troops there at that time.”

  ”Who should we send?” Prince Winter didn’t think it was a pity. “We can’t even protect ourselves now, so how can we send extra troops to the north?”

  Hearing this, the staff officer was silent for a while, sighed and said, “You have a point… I hope there will be news from Andre soon.”

  ”I don’t think it’s going to happen.” Prince Winter replied casually, without any expectations. If the

  Golden Lizard Kingdom really wanted to send troops, it should have sent troops here when it sent the declaration of war, instead of sitting quietly on the border like now.

  The faith of the Spirit of the Sand Sea has never been so weak in this land. Those oaths made in front of the Spirit of the Sand Sea are like water poured into sand, which can’t be counted at all.


  those things are really outdated.

  No matter how this war ends, they will enter an era of intrigue and deception…

  At this time, another messenger came from a distance.

  He had an expedited letter in his hand, which was the second letter on the same day.

  ”Why is there another one?”

  Two expedited letters were delivered at the same time, and Winter couldn’t help but have a bad feeling in his heart.

  He had already read the good news.

  Logically speaking, the probability that the second letter was still good news was too low…

  However, what was coming could not be avoided, and he finally opened it.

  There was only a short line of words in the letter, but it made his face pale.

  [A nuclear bomb with an equivalent of one million tons is being sent to the Falcon Kingdom through the Great Desert. ]

  One million tons!

  For a moment, he felt that even his heartbeat disappeared…


  It has been a month and a half since the celebration with fireworks.

  In this month and a half, the biggest change in the north of Dawn City is probably the road in the north.

  With the help of Ideal Group, this 169-kilometer concrete highway from the northern suburbs of Qingquan City to Luoxia Province, which cost 16.9 million Cr, was finally completed.

  Before, it took one or two days to get from Qingquan City to Ruigu City, even if it was a forced march.

  Now, with a smooth road, it takes less than three hours to get there.

  As the manager of the alliance, Chu Guang participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the highway.

  Although trucks were already running on it before he cut the ribbon.

  ”This highway is for emergency use after all. If you want to use it for a long time, you still have to pay attention to road maintenance. If it is properly maintained, it should be no problem to use it for 10 or 20 years.” Looking at the straight concrete highway in front of him, Li Changkong’s face was full of pride and he said with a sense of accomplishment.

  Chu Guang, who was standing next to him, also had a smile on his face and shook his hand.

  ”Thank you so much!”

  Li Changkong said with a smile.

  ”You’re welcome!”

  Not far away.

  The chief engineer of the alliance spared his life and still squatted beside the highway, looking at the concrete blocks on the ground and muttering.

  ”How is it possible…”

  Just passing by, Quitting Smoking glanced at him, and seeing that he was still squatting there thinking about this broken road, he couldn’t help but say.

  ”Damn… You haven’t given up yet, have you figured out anything?”

  To his surprise, Daoxialiuren actually nodded.

  The guy stretched out his index finger, touched the side of the road, and rubbed it with his thumb.

  ”This road is not just cement, there is also a fixed structure similar to a steel rod… But it’s not made of steel.” Quitting

  Smoking was stunned for a moment.

  ”Then what is it made of?”

  ”Carbon… It may also be some isomer of silicon carbide,” Daoxialiuren clapped his hands, stood up from the ground, and said with a twinkling look in his eyes, “I don’t know what it is, but its tensile strength, yield strength and other physical properties are higher than steel.”

  ”Oh…” Quitting Smoking touched his chin, “Interesting.”

  Seeing this perfunctory expression, Daoxialiuren couldn’t help but speak.

  ”Don’t you think it’s strange?”

  Quitting Smoking looked at this guy in confusion.

  ”What’s so strange about this? There is a space elevator in the desert… Materials with higher tensile strength, isn’t this a basic operation?”

  Spare the life: “…”

  That makes sense.

  He didn’t know how to refute it for a moment.

  In the distance, the ribbon-cutting ceremony ended.

  Just when Chu Guang was thinking about where to repair the idle equipment, Xiao Qi’s voice suddenly came to his ears.

  ”Master! Prince Kariman wants to see you. He said he has something important to discuss with you. Do you want to meet him?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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