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Chapter 432 It is said that it is the place where the “Sky God” fell

Chapter 432 It is said that it is the place where the “Sky God” fell


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 432 It is said that it is the place where the “God of the Sky” fell

  ”Nuclear bomb?!”

  The reception room of Dawn City.

  When Chu Guang patiently listened to Kaliman’s anxious statement and learned that the Legion intended to bomb the City of Plenty with a nuclear bomb of one million tons, he was stunned for two seconds, his expression dumbfounded.

  But soon, he noticed the suspiciousness in this information, and a trace of suspicion appeared in his eyes.

  ”Is the news reliable?”

  I haven’t heard any rumors.

  You knew it first.

  It’s not that I look down on the efficiency of the feudal dynasty’s intelligence work, Chu Guang just doesn’t believe they have this ability.

  The Legion is an extremely special organization. They emphasize the purity of bloodline, and all core officers are Willant people. The fact

  that the battlefield guy was able to get the relevant information about the No. 530 military base before was more or less a matter of luck.

  Before Piman and Antonette were captured, no one knew about the action plan codenamed “Thunder”, including Chu Guang. He only speculated that the Legion was suspected of planning some major military action based on the excessive scale of weapons stored in the military base. It was not

  until the plan was abolished that the hidden truth behind it surfaced.

  Nuclear weapons…

  It’s not surprising that the Legion has that thing.

  But how did the Lion Kingdom know about it?

  Facing Chu Guang’s suspicious eyes, Kariman nodded seriously.

  ”Absolutely reliable! This information comes from a noble person in the Falcon Kingdom who sympathizes with our situation. He has a connection with us in faith and blood. His piety to the Spirit of the Sand Sea exceeds his blind loyalty to the Falcon Royal Family… I can only reveal this to you, but I can swear to the Spirit of the Sand Sea that every word I say is absolutely true!”

  That serious expression did not seem to be pretended.

  In fact, Chu Guang did not suspect that the Lion Kingdom was fooling him, fabricating false information to increase the “tension” in the region, and urging allies to send troops as soon as possible.

  What he really suspected was whether this was a bait deliberately released by General Griffin to lure out the traitor.


  the reason given by Kariman was sufficient. Even

  in a classical militaristic kingdom like the Falcon Kingdom, the opinions within could not be completely unified.

  Even if the ministers had no dispute about “being the dog of the legion”, they would still argue about whether to be a teddy bear or a husky.

  Especially for the people in the desert, the “river embankment” is a blessing from the spirit of the sea of ​​sand.

  If the legion intends to use this nuclear bomb on the “City of Plenty”, it is not surprising that there will be devout believers who stand up to oppose it.

  Chu Guang closed his eyes and thought for a while, then slowly spoke.

  ”I will let our intelligence personnel pay attention, but I can’t guarantee you that there will be results. Hiding himself is his top priority now.”

  ”In addition, I will contact the allies on the east coast as soon as possible and discuss countermeasures with them.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang looked at Kariman and continued.

  ”Of course, it’s not enough to rely on us alone. Luoxia Province is too vast. I need you to use the network of relationships that you use to obtain information about nuclear weapons to collect as much more specific information as possible. For example, where is the nuclear bomb, what type it is, how it is delivered, and how far it is delivered… These information are all critical.”

  Just a “million-ton equivalent” can provide too few clues.

  Even if we can find out whether the nuclear bomb was dropped from an airplane or a missile, we can narrow the search range a little.

  After explaining the intelligence that needed to be collected, Chu Guang patiently explained to Kariman some details worth noting.

  For example, a million-ton nuclear bomb is not something that can be stuffed into a suitcase and carried around.

  In addition to the aircraft or missile launcher that delivers the nuclear bomb, the nuclear bomb must also be equipped with corresponding engineers and technicians for maintenance.

  These can all become clues for investigation.

  After the meeting with Prince Kariman, Chu Guang immediately summoned the representatives of the company and informed Yi Chuan and others that the legion was deploying nuclear weapons to Luoxia Province.

  Although the authenticity of the intelligence has yet to be further confirmed, it does not prevent Chu Guang from using it in advance.

  The Alliance is bearing the threat of nuclear weapons for the Enterprise!

  The Alliance needs more support!

  While Chu Guang skillfully used the intelligence provided by Kariman to win more support for the Alliance from the East Coast, General McLen, who left the front line of Oasis No. 9 and headed south, was also making intensive preparations to recapture the Iron Heart…


  The abandoned highway was buried in the yellow sand, leaving only intermittent concrete wreckage.

  The bare bridge piers and the cement road that occasionally drilled out of the sand dunes were like corpses floating out of the sea, sinking and floating in the endless sea of ​​sand, with only the rusty road signs still remembering its name.

  This is Highway 7, named after Oasis No. 7.

  But now, both the oasis and the highway have disappeared in this desert, and there is no trace of them. At

  the T-shaped fork in the road, at the end of the branch road extending from the main road, stands a towering alloy dam.

  It is as tall as a building and as long as you can see.

  Pipes as thick as buffalo waists can be seen near the base of the dam wall, and the outlets below the pipes are connected to canals buried in sand.

  This magnificent project once irrigated the land like the “City of Plenty”.

  However, it has a completely different fate from the “City of Plenty”. This circular “river embankment” has become a ruin, and the oasis attached to it has been abandoned over time.

  The structure on the north side is still intact, but it is buried in sand, while the south side seems to have been hit by some terrible weapon. A whole section of the alloy-cast “river embankment” was directly wiped out, and most of the remaining part was broken into fragmented debris, twisted and unrecognizable.

  Not only the “river embankment” was destroyed, but also the land under the “river embankment”.

  The powerful weapons even changed the geological structure, turning this place from a plain into a valley.

  The people in the desert call it the “Lost Valley”.

  Legend has it that a long time ago, a fierce battle broke out here, causing the gods’ grace to fall and the curse of the evil to fall, destroying this fertile land forever.

  Two centuries have passed, and the outcome of the war is unknown, leaving only a ruin for future generations to admire.

  General McLennan’s goal is here.

  However, he is not here to pay tribute to the ancients.

  Instead, he is looking for something.

  Something that can defeat the Heart of Steel…

  Gunshots echoed in the spacious valley.

  The legionnaires wearing desert-colored bulletproof armor were divided into three teams, alternating to cover each other and advancing forward, carefully cleaning up the gnawers hiding in the corners. The gnawers

  here are different from those in other places. The extremely water-deficient environment makes them short, but their movements are relatively more rapid and more unexpected.

  In addition to gnawers, there are also desert lizards that feed on gnawers, radiation scorpions that are half a person tall and can dig holes, etc.

  Especially the latter.

  It seems to have built a nest here. On

  the first day they arrived here, they lost five followers, one of whom died miserably, with the scorpion’s tail piercing his head directly.

  Looking at the alien corpses in front of him, a legionnaire cursed.

  ”Slime mold… Damn, how can there be mutant slime mold in the desert? Isn’t this thing a specialty of big cities?”

  If I remember correctly, it is difficult for it to survive in a water-deficient environment.

  ”Maybe two centuries ago, a piece of dirt fell here?” The leader of the team changed the magazine, looked around expressionlessly, and finally couldn’t help but smacked his tongue at the messy battlefield.

  Most of the debris has been buried.

  If you want to find the treasures hidden underneath, you have to dig them out first.

  It sounds like a fantasy to search for treasure while facing the sneak attacks of aliens.

  Fortunately, they don’t need to do the dangerous excavation work. Those followers whose lives are cheaper than slaves can do it for them, and there are as many as they want.

  ”What are we looking for here?” A soldier couldn’t help asking.

  The tenth sergeant answered concisely.

  ”Who knows, maybe General McLennan has his own plan… Don’t worry about it, just do our job well.”

  As the aliens in an area were cleared, the followers carrying shovels and rifles returned to the construction site and began to dig the earth and transport the earth out of the valley.

  Not far behind everyone was the entrance to this majestic valley.

  A sloppy and huge camp was located there, and it was only a hundred meters away from the river embankment debris that stretched for dozens of kilometers.

  The entire camp was about 100,000 square meters, hundreds of meters long and wide, with a circle of sandbag walls on the outside, hung with wire and camouflage nets. More than

  200 trucks were parked in the center of the camp, dozens of which were equipped with quadruple anti-aircraft guns.

  There was about a 10,000-man team stationed here.

  In a tent, a group of officers stood.

  General McLen, standing in front of the command table, was communicating with a technical officer. On

  the command table in front of the two, there was a slightly old holographic projector, and a long column with milky white light was floating in the light blue light cone.

  McLen touched his chin and asked with interest.

  ”The shield core you are talking about looks like this?”

  It looks a little different from his Iron Heart.

  The technical officer smiled and said.

  ”Yes, this is what we are looking for… Isn’t it beautiful?”

  General McLen also laughed.

  ”It’s OK.”

  He didn’t think this thing was beautiful at all. It was far inferior to his collection.

  But it didn’t matter.

  As long as this thing could help him paralyze the deflector shield and anti-gravity system of the Iron Heart, it would be enough.

  He hoped that when he recovered the airship, those barbarians would not have destroyed all his treasures.

  Staring at the light cone of the holographic image, the technical officer’s expression showed a hint of obsession, and he continued to talk in a babbling manner.

  ”Quark-gluon plasma… It is said that one cubic centimeter weighs 40 billion tons, and it can only exist stably under extremely high temperature and high pressure. One of the greatest achievements of applied physics in the Prosperous Era is to find a way to make it more convenient and stable.”

  General McLennan asked curiously.

  ”This thing weighs 40 billion tons?”

  This glowing tube looks like it is more than just one cubic centimeter.

  The technical officer smiled softly.

  ”Of course it’s not that heavy… The quark-gluon plasma stored in the shield core is very small, weighing about 10 kilograms. As for the light you see, it is not its body. Its body is not something that can be directly observed with the naked eye.”

  Except for General McLennan, the officers standing here looked at each other.

  In their opinion, this overly obscure scientific theory is no different from the beliefs of the desert dwellers.

  Both have a set of self-consistent logic, and the existing technology can neither prove nor disprove it.

  After a pause, the technical officer continued.

  ”According to relevant information records, the Human Union Aerospace Force once deployed a ‘Titan’ here to clear the mother nest that fell here. The power of its shield core is equivalent to that of a conventional frigate… What we have to do is to find it.”

  Whether it is a deflector shield, an anti-gravity device, or a neutrino channel, etc.

  These technologies born in the middle and even late stages of the Prosperous Era all rely on the breakthroughs in the research of gravitons and gravitational fields in the early physics community of the Prosperous Era.

  The boson with spin 2 and mass 0, the imaginary particle that is ubiquitous in nature and defined by quantum mechanics as transmitting gravity, was boldly imagined by classical physics, but it was not found.

  In the great era of prosperity, physicists successfully found it through precise calculations and experiments, and explained it in more detail with rigorous theories.

  Although it is impossible to store gravitons in glass bottles like glass marbles, it can be indirectly interfered with through “high-density matter”, thereby indirectly affecting the gravitational field.

  This includes making the motion vector of an object deflect in a curved space, including weakening or even eliminating the interaction between large mass objects.

  The former belongs to the technical principle of deflector shields, while the latter is often used in anti-gravity devices.

  Even in the era of prosperity, these two technologies are applications in the cutting-edge field, but it is not difficult to destroy them.

  In addition to the two means of cutting off power supply and overloading power supply, a more direct means can also be used – that is, to interfere with the gravitational field dominated by the “shield device” and the “anti-gravity device”.

  This is not very difficult.

  They did not need to prepare a large number of anti-aircraft artillery positions. They only needed to use the shield core – that is, the glowing battery, to make a “phase cannon” to interfere with the gravitational field of the target area, which was enough to paralyze the shield and anti-gravity system of the Heart of Iron in a short time.

  Without the shield and anti-gravity system, it will fall from the sky.

  At that time, there will be no need for any heavy firepower weapons. It will be enough to rush up with people to grab the airship back.

  And this is why he asked Griffin for 10,000 people.


  Will the airship be damaged if it falls from the sky?

  That kind of thing is not important at all.

  The most valuable thing about the Iron Heart is the frigate core inside, including a series of black technologies such as the reactor, shield core, and anti-gravity device, which are all integrated on the frigate core.

  As for the outer steel coat and the propeller that drives the airship to move, etc…. These cheap replaceable parts are not worth much at all.

  As long as the airship is driven back to the Legion’s airport, it can be repaired in minutes.

  General McLen couldn’t help but curl up a smile.

  Although losing the Iron Heart was a stain on his military career, after all, those barbarians were funded by the enterprise, and his loss was not unfair.

  As long as he could get the airship back, no one would be qualified to accuse him of incompetence.

  A century.

  He was the only commander who had fought back and forth with the enterprise. This was not shameful at all, and could even become a topic of conversation at the aristocratic ball.

  At this time, an officer walked to the door of the tent, stood at attention and saluted.

  ”Report! General Griffin sent a telegram!”

  Upon hearing the name Griffin, a trace of impatience flashed in McClane’s eyes.

  This guy was very fond of meddling in other people’s affairs. He had to send a telegram for every little thing. Just

  as he arrived here, a telegram was sent right after. It was probably to order him to do something.

  And it was definitely not a good thing.

  However, no matter how annoying it was, he still had to obey the order.

  ”Let me see it.”

  ”Yes!” The officer walked into the tent and handed the decoded telegram to McClane with both hands.

  McClane took the telegram and glanced at it, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

  Noticing the strange look in the general’s eyes, the staff officer standing beside him asked hesitantly.

  ”What else does General Griffin want?”

  ”He wants us to build an airport here.”


  The staff officer showed a surprised expression on his face, and the other officers beside him looked at each other, exchanging surprise in each other’s eyes.

  Griffin will allocate the army’s planes to them?

  This is too… incredible.

  ”That’s right.”

  After a brief reply, McLen walked to the wall of the tent and looked at the strategic map hanging in the tent.

  The Lost Valley is south of Oasis No. 9, and the distance between the two places is far.

  If you want to bomb the Lion Kingdom from here, it is obviously not a good idea.

  The Legion has only one jet in Luoxia Province, and ground strikes are mainly handed over to the army’s propeller planes.

  The former has a sufficient range but too few in number, while the latter has a large number but obviously not enough range.

  This place is actually very close to Oasis No. 4.

  Going west from his current direction for one or two hundred kilometers, you can see the double-headed peak of the Zhuobar Mountains. Crossing the pass there, you can reach Oasis No. 4 on the south side of the mountains.

  If it is a plane, it will be more convenient, just fly over the mountains.

  ”… Is this guy planning to fight on two fronts?” McLen stroked his chin, his sight stopped at Oasis No. 4 on the strategic map.

  Although the Hump Kingdom was not as good as the Lion Kingdom, it was at least a regional power with a population of one million. He only gave him 10,000 followers and did not have enough heavy firepower, so he really did not have the confidence to take it down.

  And if he remembered correctly, after taking Oasis No. 9, the next target should be the Golden Lizard, and the Hump was the last one.

  But if the target was not the Hump…

  McLen pondered, his sight began to move eastward, and finally stopped at the east of Luoxia Province – the green forest and plain.

  It was also far away, about the same distance from here to Oasis No. 9.

  But it was just within the range of the jet plane!

  As if thinking of something, McLen’s face showed a trace of realization, and suddenly laughed out loud.

  ”Hahaha… It’s Griffin! That cunning skunk, I know what he wants to do!”

  The officers in the tent looked at each other.

  Isn’t it an old fox?

  Why did he become a skunk again?

  General McLennan stopped smiling, looked at his subordinates, and gave a stern order.

  ”Send a thousand men from the escort army to level the land north of the camp.”

  ”We’ll build a temporary runway there!”

  The newly promoted logistics chief immediately stepped out from the officers, stood at attention and saluted.


  In his impression, his immediate superior, General McLennan, had never taken General Griffin’s order so seriously.

  It must be something important!

  McLennan turned around and continued to look at the hanging map, with a hint of obvious viciousness in his happy smile.

  This group of ugly barbarians.

  They will soon pay the price for their stupidity.

  It’s a pity…

  This way of dying without any pain is too easy for them.


  At the same time, the sun was setting in the west of the Lost Valley.

  Just north of the Zobar Mountains, on a bare Gobi desert, a girl riding on a bear’s back was holding a telescope in her hand, stretching her neck and looking forward excitedly.

  She had an RPG on her back, and grenade, submachine gun and a cute mushroom badge on her waist. Although her black stockings and coat were torn, and her fluffy short hair was blown into a mess, it could not hide her silly and sassy look.

  ”Oh my! What a big double front!”

  White Bear, who was listlessly baked by the sun, looked up and glanced forward, complaining weakly.

  ”…I always feel that Awei has made some incredible remarks again.”

  Sisi, who was driving, also interrupted.

  ”Well, if you type on the public screen, it should show two asterisks or be directly replaced by other words.”

  Tail: “???”

  Standing at the front of the truck, Zhimahu, who was holding the machine gun on the roof, also looked ahead, and the cat ears on his head suddenly shook excitedly.

  ”Don’t you think those two mountains look like cat heads?”

  ”Oh! That’s a good name,” Tail’s eyes sparkled, and he turned back and gave a thumbs up, “Let’s call it Cat Head Mountain!”

  The old man who rode a two-headed cow and followed the truck smiled and said in human language, not understanding the communication between the three people and the bear.

  ”That’s the Double Head Peak.”

  Although I couldn’t understand their communication, I could guess from their expressions and movements that they were probably discussing the names of the two majestic mountains.

  The old man’s name was Buma, a resident of Oasis No. 4. He made a living by doing business with the nearby mines. On the way back, he unfortunately encountered looters and almost lost his life.

  Fortunately, he met this group of kind girls, so he was able to save his life without any danger and get his cow back.

  In order to repay their life-saving grace, he offered to serve as a guide.

  Considering that she had no idea about the situation in Oasis No. 4, and having a local to help her could reduce unnecessary trouble, Sis nodded and agreed.

  As for why they were here, it’s a long story.

  After the battle of Ruigu City, the White Bear Knights took a short break and then set out again, heading west into the desert.

  Since Oasis No. 9 was at war, it was obviously not a good idea to go to the Lion Kingdom at this moment.

  So Sis suggested that they go to the Golden Lizard to have a look. It was said that if Oasis No. 8 went further north, they would reach the Wandering Swamp, where the mysterious academy was hidden.

  At first everyone thought this was a good idea.

  However, just halfway through the journey, they heard from a traveler at an inn that if they crossed the southernmost Zhuobar Mountains and walked south to the Silver Moon City in the Camelback Kingdom, they would see the endless sea.

  When they heard that they could see the sea, the three people and the bear were immediately excited.

  The sea!

  Compared to swamps and academies, the sea is indeed more attractive!

  So under the suggestion of Tail and the encouragement of Rourou, the White Bear Knights made a 180-degree turn and headed south again…

  ”Eh? So it has a name?” Tail looked at the old man in surprise.

  ”Haha, it’s quite famous. If you come here often, you will definitely hear about it.”

  A hint of pride appeared on the old man’s face, and he slowly continued.

  ”My hometown, Petra Fortress is located between those two mountains! It is probably the only survivor settlement in the entire desert that does not rely on the existence of an oasis. After crossing Petra Fortress, it is Oasis No. 4, and it is also the only way to Oasis No. 4.”


  Hearing this pronunciation, Tail immediately pulled Rourou’s fur excitedly, “Rou Rou, Rourou, it’s Petra! You may be able to find gold coins and hammers in the surrounding desert!” Rourou

  complained helplessly.

  ”…That’s another game, and this is not the same world.”

  Sisi, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, thought for a while and spoke.

  ”Well… that’s what I said, but logically speaking, if this is really the only passage to Oasis No. 4, there might be some treasure buried under the sand.”

  The caravans engulfed by the sandstorm.

  Or the treasures that fell off the oxcart due to the bumps.

  If you are willing to spend time looking for them, you might really be able to dig something out of the sand under their feet.

  As for whether it is valuable or not, that is another matter.

  ”Oh! Treasure hunting!” After getting a positive answer, Tail suddenly became excited, and this time even the meat under her was aroused.

  The man and the bear excitedly discussed the treasure hunting plan, and agreed to go to the sand dunes to hunt for treasure with the engineer shovel after the transaction was completed.

  Looking at her happy good friends, Sisi couldn’t help but smile.

  Compared with war, this leisurely journey is indeed more pleasant. In the past month, everything they have seen and heard along the way can be written into a book.

  It would be great if peace could last forever.

  Although she knew in her heart that this short peace was more like the calm before the storm. A few days ago, the Death Corps had launched a preemptive raid on the Legion. It was estimated that after this journey, they would also report to the front line.

  Zhima Paste looked at the old man on the back of the ox and asked curiously.

  ”Is there anything I need to pay attention to when going to the Petra Fortress?”

  The old man smiled.

  ”Nothing to pay attention to. The locals are much more open-minded than other residents in the desert. As long as you respect their beliefs, they will respect you. Local laws prohibit killing, fighting and stealing. Please pay attention to this… But I don’t think you will commit such things.”

  ”By the way,” the old man glanced at the ears on her head and said with a smile, “The residents of the Hump Kingdom like cats very much. You will definitely be very popular there.”

  Zhima Paste put on his helmet a little embarrassedly.

  The group talked and laughed, and soon approached the towering fortress.

  Its outline was very similar to the ancient Roman Colosseum. The curved concrete structure was reinforced with stones and wood, and the barrels of cast iron cannons stood beside the battlements.

  In addition to these primitive weapons, there are also some light and heavy machine guns on the top of the fortress. These equipment are not good enough for regular troops, but they are enough to deter ordinary bandits and looters.

  Square houses are distributed between the valleys of the two mountains and spread towards the ridge.

  This is not only a fortress, but also a gathering place for survivors. The permanent population is about 70,000 to 80,000, and the floating population is unknown.

  Not only caravans from the River Valley Province, but also caravans from the Jinchuan Province will pass by here, so it looks very lively here.

  People stand beside the muddy roads and sell colorful linen cloth. A triangular shed supported by two wooden sticks is a simple stall.

  Everything is sold here, just like a market in Somalia.

  Next to the fruit stall is a shop selling rifles. A woman with a slightly darker skin color wearing a plaid skirt is feeding her child while bargaining with mercenaries who are purchasing weapons.

  The noisy sound is endless.

  Since entering the market, the group of people unconsciously raised their voices, almost shouting to hear each other’s voices.

  ”By the way, this place is similar to the Horseshoe Town of the Red River Alliance!”

  ”Oh! But it’s so big! Much bigger than Horseshoe Town!”

  ”Haha… after all, it’s just a small town.”

  ”Hmm… I wonder if there are any special products with a relatively high unit price here.” Sisi, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, looked around and said thoughtfully.

  She heard from the old man named Buma that the spices, carpets, beef, camel milk and cow milk produced here are very famous, as well as some iron products and pottery.

  If you are not financially constrained, it is best not to buy the rifles and bullets sold by those small vendors. Those things thrown on the carpets for sale are either spoils of war seized from looters or low-quality products produced by small workshops with cheap materials.

  The former are neglected in maintenance, and the latter are crudely made. They may jam or explode at critical moments, which may cost the user’s life.

  ”…If you need to replenish ammunition, you can go to the workshop in the city to place an order. As long as the bullets are not too complicated in craftsmanship, the craftsmen there can even customize them according to the caliber and primer type you need.”

  The old man glanced at the houses not far away, looked at the girl sitting in the truck, and asked for advice.

  ”I want to go home first to report my safety. I usually get home in three days. This time it took too long. My wife and children must be very anxious… How about we make an appointment to meet here tomorrow?”

  Sisi nodded.

  ”Then let’s go at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. We also need to make some repairs.”

  She had already marked the location of the hotel with a garage and warehouse on the map, and planned to take everyone to get a room and put down the luggage.

  There was still a lot of ammunition on the truck, so there was no rush to replenish it. Now the first thing they had to do was to exchange the goods on the truck for local currency.

  It was said that devil silk was very popular in the local area. A roll as thick as a forearm could be exchanged for a big-horned bull, and the former could be bought very cheaply as long as there was enough contribution.

  The order price of Frostspear Ranch was quite generous. A 3,000-jin big-horned bull could be exchanged for nearly 6,000 silver coins.

  Add to that those strange little gadgets.

  This truckload of goods might make a profit of more than one million in one round trip!

  Just as Sisi was thinking in her heart, Wei Tail and Rou Rou, who were walking in front, suddenly stopped beside a stall.

  Climbing down from Rou Rou’s body, Wei Tail came to the stall and looked at the books and scrolls covered with blankets. Suddenly, he looked like he had discovered a new world, with a surprised expression on his face.

  Looking up at the stall owner sitting under the shed, Tail asked excitedly.

  ”Boss, do you sell treasure maps here?”

  ”Treasure maps?”

  The stall owner was stunned for a moment, and didn’t react for a moment, but soon, his wrinkled face was full of joy.

  He restrained his smile, coughed lightly, made a mysterious expression, and lowered his voice.

  ”Customer, I shouldn’t say this, but for the sake of fate between you and me…”

  Tail’s eyes sparkled.

  ”For the sake of fate?”

  The stall owner smiled slightly and stared at her.

  ”Have you heard of the Lost Valley?”

  If he had heard of it, he wouldn’t have to say the following nonsense.

  However, as he expected, the girl in front of him was indeed coming here for the first time, or even her first time to the desert, and had never heard of the cursed place at all.

  Tail shook his head quickly and looked at the old man behind the stall with expectation.

  ”No! Is there anything there?”

  The stall owner’s eyes turned slowly and spoke in a long tone.

  ”Haha, there are so many good things there… It is said that the Lost Valley is where the Sky God fell.”

  ”Oh! Sky God?!” Hearing this scary name, not only Tail, but also Rourou beside him showed an excited expression.

  Glancing at the white bear with human nature, the stall owner continued to tell the story.

  ”Yes, it happened a long, long time ago. The twilight of the gods came at midnight, and the dark sky was lit up as day. The gods who were once united fought in the mortal kingdom, killing each other, and finally the Sky God fell. The scepter that slipped from his hand destroyed the grace of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand, turning the former oasis into a cursed wasteland…”

  Seeing the girl’s eyes shining, the stall owner knew that his chance had come, so he lowered his voice and threw out the bait.

  ”…These are all public rumors, but few people know what happened after the war ended,”

  ”What happened!” Tail swallowed his saliva, his face full of expectation.

  The stall owner lowered his eyebrows slightly.

  ”The followers of the Sky God found the remains of the God and built a temple on top of his remains. Two hundred years have passed, and his servants have followed him and disappeared in the endless yellow sand… But according to legend, the Sky God’s armor is still there, enshrined in the temple buried in the yellow sand!”

  Tail clenched his fists excitedly.

  Hidden mission!


  ”In other words, as long as you find the temple, you can find the Sky God’s armor!”

  ”That’s right.”

  The stall owner gave her an appreciative look, and as a compliment to this cleverness, he picked up an old scroll from the stall.

  ”I happen to have a treasure map here. I originally planned to hire a few mercenaries to go and take a look, but you can see… The business here is so busy that I can’t spare the time to leave. My hair is almost white waiting. If you are interested, I can sell it to you,”

  Tail said excitedly: “How much!”

  The stall owner thought for a moment.

  ”Well… let me think about it. After all, I bought it from another traveler. I gave him 10,000 gold camel coins. Since we are destined to meet, I will sell it to you at the original price.”

  ”10,000 gold camel coins!?” Tail showed a frustrated expression on her face, “Wow… I don’t have that much.”

  When she rescued the old man named Bulma before, she recovered some gold coins with camels printed on them from the group of looters she got rid of.

  Bulma said that those small gold coins were gold camel coins, with a small denomination of 1 and a large denomination of 10.

  However, there was only a small bag of gold coins. Although she didn’t count them carefully, it was impossible for there to be as many as 10,000.

  The stall owner thought that she probably just came here and didn’t have time to exchange for local currency, so he hurriedly said.

  ”What about dinar? Dinar is also fine! 10,000 will do! Or Cr, but I can’t give you a high price for Cr… 30,000, oh no, how about 40,000?”

  Tail shook his head like a wave drum.


  The stall owner looked a little disappointed.

  I thought this girl looked good. Although she was covered in dirt, her complexion was much better than those travelers. Not only did she have a rare animal as a pet, she also had a truck. She looked like a rich girl who had escaped from Oasis No. 9. But she couldn’t even make this little money.

  I really misjudged her.

  However, with the idea of ​​cheating as much as possible, he still showed his acting skills, made a hesitant expression, gritted his teeth and said with pain.

  ”Forget it, for the sake of our fate, I will sell it to you for 6,000 dinars… Think about it, you can buy this treasure map for the price of 6 strong slaves. As long as you recruit the armor of the God of the Sky, maybe I can help you revitalize your family.”

  ”Oh! Revitalize the family!”

  Wei’s eyes became brighter, and then she looked pitifully at Sisi who was waiting for her in the driver’s seat.


  Seeing the pitiful expression, Sisi said helplessly.

  ”Okay, Wei, we should go to the hotel. This guy obviously thinks you look easy to cheat and plans to cheat your money.”

  Wei: “But what if it’s a hidden mission! The treasure map bought at the market in a foreign town actually contains a shocking secret…”

  Seeing the guy’s expression of wanting, Sisi sighed, pulled the handbrake, pulled out the car key, and jumped out of the driver’s seat.

  The stall owner looked at the woman in front of him with a vigilant face.

  His intuition told him that this guy was not as easy to cheat as the previous one.

  Sisi took out his money bag, counted it, looked at the stall owner and said,

  ”I just happen to have a bag of gold camel coins, about… more than ninety coins. If you are interested, sell it. If not, we will leave.”

  ”Ninety?! You might as well let me give it to you for free!” The stall owner’s eyes widened, unable to accept the price difference. He gritted his teeth and said painfully, “… Three thousand dinars, this is the bottom line I can accept!”

  When Tail heard that the offer for him was directly cut in half, he was immediately shocked.

  ”Eh?! Didn’t you give Tail a discount because of fate?”


  The stall owner smiled awkwardly, looked away, and didn’t dare to look at those eyes.

  Sisi also smiled faintly.

  ”Maybe the stall owner thinks that I am more destined to meet him.”

  The stall owner smiled and touched the back of his head.

  ”Beautiful lady, you are right! How about… two thousand five hundred? This really can’t be any cheaper. If it’s any cheaper, I might as well ask a few mercenaries to find it myself-”


  Sisi took out a few coins from her purse and stuffed them into her pocket. She threw the purse on the stall and picked up a book and shook it.

  ”Plus this gift.”

  ”Oasis under the Zhuobar Mountains”

  The name of this book should help her understand the situation in this area.

  After all, the old man named Bulma was met halfway. Even though her group saved his life, she didn’t completely believe him.

  This is a wasteland.

  It’s not a fairy tale.

  The stall owner’s face was livid and he gritted his teeth.

  Seeing that he looked uncomfortable, Wei suddenly felt a little bit sorry, stretched out his hand and gently pulled Sisi’s sleeve, and whispered.

  ”Si, why don’t we go… I suddenly don’t want to do it.”

  Forcing others to do things they don’t want to do always makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

  Sisi smiled and did not insist.

  ”Oh, then listen to Awei.”

  After saying that, she put down the book in her hand and turned to leave.

  At this moment, the stall owner, who had a sullen face a second ago, suddenly jumped up like a squirrel whose tail was stepped on, and snatched the purse into his arms.

  ”Eighty! That’s eighty! Deal! The scroll and the book are yours now, take them away from me!” ”

  Really?!” Wei took the scroll with a look of surprise.

  Expecting him to have this reaction, Sisi smiled faintly, picked up the book and stuffed it into his arms.


  The truck started again.

  Looking at the truck and the girl with the bear disappearing at the end of the street, the stall owner spitted and cursed a poor bastard.

  Weighing the purse in his hand, a trace of sadness appeared on his wrinkled face.

  He only made eighty from a single transaction.

  He didn’t know how long he would have to wait to open the next order.

  If I had known this earlier, I would have let it go earlier…


  (Thanks to “xX Daidai DashixiongXx” and “Xinxian” for their rewards!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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