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Chapter 432: The Complete Collection of Common Codes for Time Travelers

Chapter 432: The Complete Collection of Common Codes for Time Travelers


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 432: A Complete Collection of Common Codes for Time Travelers

  On the red wall, Ning Yuke stood in the bright sunlight and began to give a speech.

  Her voice was clear, and it was transmitted to the ears of tens of thousands of people through the “loudspeaker stones” hanging on the surrounding ceremonial guards. Every sentence was full of incomparable grandeur and firm emotions.

  In the Golden Palace behind her, Wei Changtian listened silently for a while and then slowly walked to the young eunuch who was still standing there like a wooden chicken.

  ”Xiao Panzi, did you hear what the emperor said just now?”

  ”Ah? Gong, Gongzi, I…”

  The young eunuch came back to his senses with a start, shaking his head like a rattle: “I, I didn’t hear anything!”

  ”Well, that’s best.”

  After taking a deep look at him, Wei Changtian didn’t say anything more.

  He patted the former’s shoulder lightly, then turned and walked out of the Golden Palace from the door on the other side.

  Xu Suisui, who had been waiting outside, immediately came to meet him.

  ”Hey, you’re so slow!”

  She complained first, and then asked curiously: “The young lady who is speaking is the King of Shu? So why did she rebel?”

  ”Because the emperor of Daning killed her whole family.”

  Wei Changtian gave a concise answer: “She wants revenge.”

  ”Ah? Then she is so pitiful.”

  Xu Suisui was stunned, and asked in a low voice: “Are there many such things in this world?”

  ”Well, this is not a society ruled by law.”

  Wei Changtian nodded: “There are too many things that the law cannot control, so many grudges can only be resolved by oneself.”

  ”So scary.”

  Xu Suisui shrank his neck, but there was no fear in his expression: “By the way, what is your relationship with this empress? How can you see her whenever you want?”

  ”I supported her to the throne.”

  Wei Changtian looked back, his sight passed through the two open doors in the east and west, and lingered on Ning Yuke’s back for a moment.

  ”She wanted revenge, and I happened to be unhappy with the emperor of Daning, so I helped her rebel.”

  ”Wow! Are you so powerful?!”

  Xu Suisui was immediately excited when he heard this: “Then can I walk sideways in Shuzhou in the future?!”


  Wei Changtian retracted his gaze, smiled and joked: “What’s the point of walking sideways, how about I make you an empress?”

  ”Huh, I don’t want to.”

  Xu Suisui rubbed his forehead with melancholy: “I felt so tired when I was a class monitor in my previous life. If I really became an emperor, I would be exhausted to death.”

  ”Oh, you have been a class monitor?”

  ”Hey! Do you look down on me? I was the class monitor for three years in high school!”

  ”Awesome. By the way, what was your major in college?”


  ”I can’t guess. After all, I really don’t know what major would teach dragons to suck water.”

  ”I, I drank too much yesterday!!”



  The bright sunlight refracted from the yellow tiles of the Golden Palace and fell on the two of them in bits and pieces.

  Wei Changtian and Xu Suisui had a few words, and then at a certain moment, he suddenly felt as if he had returned to his previous life.

  In order to avoid exposing his true colors, he had been deliberately “regulating” his words no matter who he was talking to.

  But even so, he would still “let slip” from time to time, blurting out some “new words and phrases” that others couldn’t understand, and then he had to rack his brains to explain them.

  Now, facing Xu Suisui, he can finally speak casually without any scruples, and a long-lost sense of intimacy has arisen in his heart.


  ”Hey! What are you thinking about?”

  The white and tender little hand waved in front of his eyes, and Xu Suisui looked puzzled: “Are you stupid?”

  ”I’m not thinking about anything.”

  Wei Changtian suddenly squinted his eyes and smiled and asked: “Odd changes, even does not change, what’s the next sentence?”


  Xu Suisui was even more confused: “Are you crazy? Why did you suddenly say this?”

  ”Don’t worry about it, hurry up and say the next sentence.”

  Wei Changtian urged: “Let me see if you really came from a time travel.”

  ”You’re sick.”

  Xu Suisui rolled his eyes, but still pouted his lips and replied: “The symbol depends on the quadrant, is that all right now?”

  ”Well, the Heavenly King Covering the Earth Tiger?”

  ”The Pagoda Suppressing the River Monster!”

  ”Why are you wearing Pinru’s clothes?”

  ”Since you want to pursue excitement, then carry it through to the end!”

  ”Light yellow long skirt?”

  ”Fluffy hair!”



  ”Comrades, have you worked hard?”

  ”Serve the people!”


  The two of them talked like a crosstalk, getting more and more excited.

  Fortunately, there were not many people around, otherwise if this scene was seen by others, they would definitely think they were seriously ill.

  ”Alright, that’s not right.”

  After a long while, Wei Changtian, who had “run out of ideas”, finally waved his hand and stopped asking questions.

  But Xu Suisui seemed to be a little unsatisfied.

  ”Go on! You can’t stop just because I haven’t had enough fun yet?”


  Wei Changtian glanced at her: “Did you talk to people like this in your previous life?”

  ”How is that possible? I’m usually a very well-behaved female college student!”

  ”Then why are you like a shrew now?”

  ”Because we have a special relationship!”

  Xu Suisui put her arm around Wei Changtian’s shoulders and added casually: “We are comrades!”

  ”I see.”

  Wei Changtian nodded, and suddenly asked seriously: “Then Comrade Xu, can you do me a favor?”

  ”What favor? Tell me!” Xu Suisui was very generous.

  “Okay, then I’ll tell you.”

  Wei Changtian looked at her seriously, and then said word by word:

  “Let’s say, as a girl with modern aesthetics, can you carry forward some of the, uh, beautiful clothes from your previous life in this world?”

  “Beautiful clothes?”

  Xu Suisui was bewildered: “For example?”

  “For example, black stockings, JK, and OL outfits.”


  Xu Suisui jumped away like a rabbit, shouting: “Great! Wei Changtian, I didn’t expect you to be such a person!”

  “Don’t worry about what kind of person I am.”

  Wei Changtian’s face turned serious, and he appealed to her emotion and reason: “Comrade Xu, although we have only known each other for two days, be honest, have I been good enough to you?”

  “Not bad.”

  “Okay, then have we established an unbreakable revolutionary friendship between us?”


  “Now as your comrade, I want you to use your expertise to invent some black stockings, JK or something. Is that too much?”



  Xu Suisui spat lightly, her face a little red, and she seemed to be a different person from the “old lady” who blew white wine into the wine pot yesterday.

  Although she didn’t want to do these things that were useless except satisfying Wei Changtian’s “selfish desires”, she couldn’t resist the latter’s threat of “revolutionary friendship”, so in the end she had to nod reluctantly.

  ”Okay, I’ll try.”


  Wei Changtian was instantly overjoyed: “I’ll go hire a few tailors today, and they will fully cooperate with you in the future!”


  Rolling her eyes, Xu Suisui was too lazy to speak, but kept comforting herself in her heart:

  ”It’s all for revolutionary friendship, it’s all for revolutionary friendship”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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