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Chapter 435 A Contest of Equals

Chapter 435 A Contest of Equals


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 435 A Match of Matches

  In the desert shrouded in night,

  two people were lying on the gently rising sand dunes.

  They were covered with desert-colored cloaks, each holding a telescope, looking at the valley on the eastern horizon, and a small tuft of sand spur grass swayed gently beside their arms.

  Not far behind the two people, down the slope, there was a battery motorcycle produced by Goblin Technology leaning.

  Time went back to a few hours ago.

  It was not completely dark at that time .

  After deciding on the treasure hunt plan, Sisi suggested to explore the road near the entrance of the ruins first, so he said hello to Rourou and Zhimahu, rode the only motorcycle in the group, and headed towards the Lost Valley in the east with his tail.

  According to the plan, they would arrive around 8 o’clock in the evening, confirm the status of the entrance of the ruins, and return before 9 o’clock to take over the night shift with Rourou and Zhimahu.

  However, in fact, the two spent a lot longer than expected.

  Although the electric motorcycle of Goblin Technology has enough horsepower and can reach a speed of more than 150 yards per hour, that is when there is a flat road.

  The nearest Highway 7 has been broken into several sections.

  They can only cross-country along the edge of the road, and the speed is only about 40 to 50 yards per hour. If they go faster, they will be in danger of flying up on a steep slope.

  It took the two of them three and a half hours to see the slightest shadow of the valley after a distance of nearly 150 kilometers.

  And at this time, a sandstorm happened to blow up in the Gobi Desert. Not only did the visibility suddenly drop to within 100 meters, but the whistling wind made it difficult for people to move.

  In desperation, the two could only stop the car temporarily, leaning against the back of the sand dune to avoid the wind, and planned to continue moving forward after the sandstorm passed. Fortunately

  , the sandstorm did not last too long.

  But just as the two were about to move forward, Sisi suddenly saw a few lights flickering faintly in the distance where the sandstorm swept through.

  There are people in the Lost Valley!

  And there are quite a few!

  Out of caution, she put the motorcycle on the ground, took the tail to the high point next to it, and took out the telescope to look around.

  It didn’t matter that they took a look, the two were instantly shocked by the amazing discovery.


  Holding the telescope tightly in her hand, Sisi’s sight searched along the distant horizon and frowned slightly.

  ”And they are from the Legion!”

  Although she didn’t see the black robe, she would not mistake the bulletproof armor and the rifles in the hands of those people. After all, they had fought so many close-range battles.

  A three-wheeled motorcycle was anchored on the sand dunes, probably because of the sandstorm just now.

  Several soldiers were surrounding the motorcycle, tinkering with the tools in the repair box, trying to fix the motorcycle.

  In the distance, another patrol team came, a total of ten people, approaching the broken-down three-wheeled motorcycle, as if to understand the situation.

  These people patrol at a high density and are very vigilant.

  It can be seen that the valley behind them should hide some incredible secrets.

  Sisi changed the direction of her gaze and looked at the camp surrounded by sandbag walls in the distance.

  There were people working in the north, as if they were digging something. There were some earth piled up at the entrance of the valley in the south, as if they were transported from the valley. What

  was they planning to do?

  Sisi was also a little confused.

  ”Awei, can you lend me your thermal imager… Awei?”

  There was no response for a long time.

  Sisi turned her head and saw that Wei was lying motionless on the sand pile without any reaction.

  After a slight pause, Sisi smiled and shook her head.

  She could guess with her feet what Awei was doing. She

  reached out and took off the thermal imager on Wei’s head, put it on her head, and continued to look east.

  The world turned black and white.

  In the distant, faintly white sand, there were bright white dots shaking.

  Looking at the open space to the north of the camp, Sisi’s face showed a surprised expression.


  So bright!


  Another world.

  In the official forum of “Wasteland OL”, a post suddenly appeared in the player exchange section where only closed beta players can speak.

  Tail: “Ohhh! Great discovery!! (ω)”

  Quit Smoking: “What’s going on???”

  Night Ten: “What did you find? (Surprised)”

  Irena: “Is it delicious? (Funny)”

  Tail: “Uh, it shouldn’t be edible, it’s the Legion! We saw a lot of Legion soldiers!”

  Old White: “???”

  When they heard that they had encountered the Legion, the post suddenly became lively.

  Compared to encountering a wild Deathclaw somewhere, or having your head smashed by the tentacles of a centaur, it is obviously more topical to talk about those elite monsters that appear in groups.

  Edge of the Water: “Are you at the Golden Lizard? There may indeed be Legion activity there… Previously, the guerrillas of the Restoration Army moved their 50 tanks and a large number of trucks and supplies. Now the north of Oasis No. 9 is full of Legion patrols. We almost ran into them.”

  Debt Eyes: “+1, Awei, be careful, don’t let the Legion catch you. (Funny)”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “+10086, be careful of the mole, that guy can draw a book. (Funny)”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “Get lost! Only dogs can draw that stuff, I have retired! Haha, wait and see, when my game sells out in Ideal City, let all of you call me daddy! (Rolling eyes)”

  Since being banned by Brother Guang, this guy has indeed not drawn some weird books on the forum for a while.

  But this is even more worrying.

  An unemployed painter, and in the River Valley Province.

  This buff is almost full.

  Elf King Fugui: “Haha, good brother, you have to work harder! I’ll give you all the money that Lao Na saved from eating mantises! (Funny)”

  Irena: “It’s okay, it’s thanks to him that he sold his ass to pay us back, he said so himself, (Funny)”

  Macabazi: “Hahahaha.”


  Tail: “Oh! Don’t worry, brother Edge, we are no longer in the Golden Lizard! I heard that Oasis No. 4 is close to the sea, so we turned around and went south two weeks ago! (@@)”

  Ye Shi: “(Sweat)”

  Tail: “Then, we found the base of the Legion in a place called Lost Valley, 150 kilometers away from the Zhuobar Mountains! There is at least a 10,000-strong army there!”

  Edge Paddy: “South?! Wait, why are there people from the Legion in the south?”

  Fountain Commander: “I want to know how many people there are in the Legion… From the map, their forces are too dispersed. If they don’t plan to attack the three kingdoms at once, I always have a bad feeling.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Did you see clearly what they are doing there?”

  Tail: “Treasure hunt, of course!”

  Edge Paddy: “Treasure hunt?!”

  Tail: “Yeah! There is a big camp there, It’s about the same size as the previous Fallen Leaf Camp! There are a lot of people outside the camp on the north side. They are holding shovels and carts, digging in the ground. Tail saw it with a thermal imaging device! Hehe. ”

  Kuangfeng: “It’s about the same size as the Fallen Leaf Camp… It could indeed be a team of 10,000 people, maybe 20,000 or 30,000.”

  Fountain Commander: “Battlefield…”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Don’t ask me, the manager asked me to continue lurking, I really don’t know anything, if I knew I would have said it earlier. (Awkward)”

  Kakarot: “Fuck, can you do it! The chicken soup is almost rotten!”

  I’m the darkest: “That’s right! It’s too bad that you haven’t become a marshal yet!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “@%$&!”


  At the same time, in the wasteland world.

  The Army Command of Dawn City, the combat meeting room is now full of people.

  Although it is late at night, there is no intention to adjourn the meeting.

  Sitting at the conference table, the commander of the First Corps, Wrench, suddenly spoke.

  ”I have been thinking about a question.”

  Everyone in the conference room turned their eyes to him.

  Except for Chu Guang who was staring at the map.

  ”What’s the problem?”

  Chu Guang replied casually, without moving his eyes away from the map. His expressionless face seemed to be thinking about something.

  Wrench sorted out his thoughts and carefully expressed his views.

  ”I’m thinking… what is the benefit of the Legion using this nuclear bomb in the City of Plenty? In the eyes of the residents of Luoxia Province, the river bank is not only a tool for irrigation, but also a blessing from the gods. Even if they don’t mind losing a piece of fertile land… don’t they worry about being enemies with the entire desert?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  He was very satisfied that his subordinates had finally grown up and would consider more issues in decision-making, including thinking from the perspective of the enemy about what means the enemy might use.

  ”This is also one of the questions I’m thinking about… Vanus, tell him why.”

  Vanus, who was sitting at the conference table, nodded, looked at the commander of the First Corps sitting opposite him, and spoke in a gentle manner.

  ”There are many benefits. Although the cost is to increase the cost of suppression, the benefit is that the resistance of the royal family of the Lion Kingdom can be destroyed in a short period of time, and the war can be ended ahead of schedule.”

  ”It is obvious that the Legion is not ready for a full-scale war with the enterprise, whether it is sending airships to intercept the fleeing enterprise employees, or suddenly launching a blitzkrieg raid, or deploying nuclear weapons like now… Rather than saying that this is a careful plan that has been prepared for a long time, it is better to say that it is a gamble.”


  They are betting that they can fully control Luoxia Province before the enterprise completes mobilization, and negotiate with the enterprise after the fait accompli is formed… on the ownership of the Pioneer, Shelter No. 0, and a series of issues such as regional control of Luoxia Province. ” Chu Guang nodded.

  The key to Shelter No. 0 was in his hand.

  If the Legion’s military operations in Luoxia Province achieve the expected goals, they can use the Pioneer and the crew on it to exchange the key to Shelter No. 0 with themselves.

  The officers in the conference room exchanged glances and whispered to each other.

  Vanus looked at Chu Guang.

  ”But… there is still a doubt here. Do you need me to continue?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Just say whatever comes to mind.”

  Vanus nodded slightly, cleared his throat, and continued.

  ”Deploying nuclear weapons is an open conspiracy, but where to use the nuclear bombs may not be. I think the intelligence of our allies is trustworthy, but the problem is that their intelligence is too detailed.”

  ”Not only do they know that the Legion is deploying nuclear bombs to Luoxia Province, but they also know where the nuclear bombs are going to be used… I can’t help but ask, how do they know.”

  ”Unless the king or marshal of the Falcon Kingdom is a traitor, I can’t think of anyone else who can get such a specific battle plan.”

  ”Our respected manager, I’m afraid this is exactly what you are worried about at the moment.”

  Hearing this subtle flattery, Chu Guang smiled.

  To be honest, Vanus is really good.

  Since the meeting with Kariman, he has indeed been thinking about this matter for a while.

  Including the diplomatic note with the company.

  Including the mobilization speech in the morning…

  because this is really too suspicious.

  Before launching the blitzkrieg, the desert kings did not get any advance news. How come after being beaten up, it was as if the six meridians of Ren and Du were opened, and the intelligence system suddenly became smart, and the Falcon Kingdom and the Legion were sieved.

  That was a nuclear weapon.

  Vanus’s estimate was still a bit conservative.

  Not to mention the king and marshal of the Falcon Kingdom, I am afraid that only Griffin himself in the entire Luoxia Province knows where the nuclear bomb was thrown.

  Chu Guang always had an ominous premonition in his heart. This bait might not only be to lure out the spy who leaked the 530 camp, but also a strategic conspiracy.

  Underestimating the opponent is a taboo.

  The strength of the Legion is very strong. If it is a total war at the level of total mobilization, the academy and the enterprise together may not be able to defeat those fanatical war lunatics… Even if the ideal city and weapons and equipment of the enterprise do look very impressive.

  Including the previous battle of Ruigu City, the Alliance fought against the Air Marines of the Iron Heart with the strength of the entire Alliance. When the players’ individual combat capabilities were absolutely superior, the orders of the various corps were resolutely executed, and the commanders performed at a superb level, the Alliance’s chances of winning were less than 30%.

  If McLen had not been too arrogant and made a series of tactical mistakes, even if he lost a game, he would not have lost the Iron Heart.

  In fact, even with a series of tactical mistakes, that guy almost turned the tables at the last moment.

  And the Alliance is not facing McLen now, but an old fox who is far more cunning and cautious than that guy, and is said to have climbed up from the grassroots of the army.

  Instead of taking out a nuclear bomb in a rage, Chu Guang felt that the man was more like sitting calmly at the card table, telling him in a half-smile tone –

  ’I plan to use a nuclear bomb.’

  ’Now it’s your turn to play.’

  Just as Chu Guang was thinking, he suddenly heard Xiao Qi’s voice in his ear.

  ”Master, your players have found traces of the Legion in the northeast of Oasis No. 4. It seems that there is a 10,000-man team stationed there. The player named Tail said that they are looking for treasure, but Xiao Qi feels that things are not that simple…”

  Xiao Qi has been monitoring the posts on the forum, and after discovering suspected important intelligence, he immediately reported it.

  Hearing this news, Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

  Oasis No. 4?

  Due east and north?

  His sight fell on the Zhuobar Mountains on the map, moving all the way east, and finally stopped at the Lost Valley 150 kilometers northeast of the Hump Kingdom – the ruins of the southwest corner of Oasis No. 7.

  This Lost Valley is about 900 kilometers away from the City of Fertility in Oasis No. 9, which can be said to be quite far from the battle line.

  Going east for another 800 kilometers, you will reach the River Valley Province… and so on.

  Chu Guang suddenly thought of something, picked up a marker from the side, and drew a red circle on the map where the Lost Valley was located.

  Vanus, who was sitting at the conference table, frowned slightly.

  ”Is there any situation there?”

  Chu Guang answered concisely.

  ”…According to the report of our informant, a large number of legion ground troops were witnessed on the north side of Oasis No. 4, with a number of more than 10,000 and less than 30,000.”

  A surprised voice spread in the conference room.

  Liu Ding, the commander of the Second Corps, opened his eyes wide.

  ”Oasis No. 4? Is the legion planning to divide its forces to attack the Hump Kingdom?”

  Another officer frowned.

  ”I remember… the population of the Hump Kingdom is about 1.5 million, and I heard that the industry and commerce are developed, and conservatively estimated that they can gather 5 full-strength 10,000-man teams… If it is the 10,000-man team of the Legion Headquarters, there is still hope, but with the escort troops of the Falcon Kingdom, how are they going to fight?”

  The wrench next to him nodded and said in a deep voice.

  ”And there is a natural barrier of the Zobal Mountains between Oasis No. 4 and the desert, and tanks may not be very useful… If you want to attack the Petra Fortress from the front, you must deploy a large number of support squadrons, and there is hope of taking it down only if the infantry and artillery cooperate and attack.”

  ”The target may not be Oasis No. 4.” Vanus suddenly said.

  The noisy conference room quieted down.

  A pair of eyes looked at him.

  Chu Guang, staring at the map, nodded and spoke slowly.

  ”Well, if the target is Oasis No. 4, they don’t have to station there… They can camp in the northwest, closer to their rear, instead of letting the supply line pass through the fortress they intend to conquer.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Their target… maybe it’s us.”

  Everyone in the conference room showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  Although some people thought of this possibility, they didn’t dare to believe it.

  If they want to take over Qingquan City’s air superiority, they need to face not only the Alliance, but also the nearby Boulder City!

  Although the city lord has a low presence in this war, or even no sense of participation, the radars, anti-aircraft guns and missile launchers deployed on the giant wall are no joke.

  ”You mean… that nuclear bomb is actually prepared for us?” Liu Ding’s expression was slightly moved.

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”If the City of Plenty falls, the resistance of the Lion Kingdom will end… I am the commander of the alliance. Normally, I must prevent this from happening, and the best strategy is to transfer the Iron Heart to Oasis No. 9. With the air defense capability and battlefield suppression of the Iron Heart, we can prevent the nuclear bomb from being delivered to the nearby airspace.”

  ”But if we do this, it will be exactly what they want.”

  ”They clearly want to end this war quickly. They know that we have figured out their ideas, so they deliberately act impatient and even take out nuclear bombs to show us their flaws, but in fact they are playing a trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west.”

  Chu Guang narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt that his mind was opened up in an instant. All the clues marked on the map were connected together at this moment.

  ”…Once our strategic focus is shifted to Oasis No. 9, their planes will take off from the south of Luoxia Province and launch a nuclear strike on our homeland.”

  The terrain of the Lost Valley is a natural shelter.

  Compared with the rolling yellow sand Gobi Desert, it is more suitable for large troops to be stationed for a long time.

  They do not need to form an absolute air superiority in the valley.

  It only takes one or several fearless pilots, flying a jet at a speed of more than Mach 2, to drop a nuclear bomb at the moment of breaking through the defense line.

  Then detonate it in the air.

  What happened in Qingquan City 200 years ago will happen again. With

  a yield of one million tons, the absolute killing radius for exposed personnel in open terrain is 6.3 kilometers, the killing radius for personnel in trenches is 3.6 kilometers, and the killing radius for tanks is 2.8 kilometers… These are the data that can be used as a reference during the Cold War. The

  actual killing effect will vary depending on the situation, but there is no doubt that the devastating power is enough to wipe out the Big Stone City and the Dawn City from the map.

  Even very precise aiming is not required.

  ”The distance from the Falcon Kingdom near the Great Desert to the Valley Province is too far, which should be beyond the range of their aircraft, so they need a springboard.”

  ”If my judgment is correct…”

  Chu Guang said in an affirmative tone, looking at the map full of markings.

  ”The thing they built near the Lost Valley should be an airport!”


  On the sand dunes seven or eight kilometers away from the Lost Valley.

  Wei Tail, who was lying on the ground with his face on the side, moved his eyelashes and slowly opened his eyes. What came into view was a pair of bright eyes.


  Rubbing his eyes, Wei Tail smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Hehe, I just went offline to report to everyone. Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.”

  Sisi said jokingly.

  ”Oh, Wei, if you don’t wake up, I’m going to use a pen to draw the word “正” on your forehead.”

  Wei Tail said in surprise.

  ”Huh?! Then I’ll sleep a little longer.”

  ”Wait until we get back.”

  Crawling to the reverse slope of the sand dune, Sisi got up from the ground and patted the sand on his clothes.

  Fortunately, I didn’t shower before going out.

  I have to clean up the dust on my body when I get back.

  ”By the way…are we just going to leave it there?”

  Wei looked at the valley in the distance with some concern, obviously worried that the treasure buried there would be taken away by someone else.

  Maybe it’s really possible.

  God knows how long those people have been digging there.

  Sis said casually.

  ”Well, it’s better to retreat first. There are at least 10,000 people stationed there. If they are caught, it won’t be a positive word written all over their foreheads.”

  ”Oh! So scary!”

  Wei shuddered and quietly climbed down the sand dune.

  When they reached the bottom of the slope.

  Looking at Sis who was holding up the motorcycle from the sand, she whispered.

  ”But what if our treasure is dug out by the Legion’s people first? That’s a Titan, maybe it can still move.”

  Sis made a helpless expression.

  ”Don’t say it’s a Titan, even if there is an interstellar cruiser, there is no way for the two of us.”

  At least.

  We have to go back and make some preparations.

  Petra Fortress is the trade hub in the southern part of Luoxia Province. After disposing of the goods, it is better to use the money earned to hire some people than to rush over on a motorcycle.

  Single-handedly challenge an infantry division.

  Not to mention the “Legendary SSSR Card” Manager.

  Even the Human Emperor Sigma can’t do it. Although

  the awakened are strong, they are not strong enough to blow up a planet with one punch.

  Throwing the motorcycle helmet to Weiwei who looked regretful, Sisi gently patted the back seat of the motorcycle and said with a smile to comfort.

  ”Okay, don’t be disappointed, I will find a way to help Awei find that big treasure… Get on the car and go back first, otherwise Rourou and Zhimahu will worry about us.”

  ”Oh! That’s right… My giao! It’s already this late!” Looking at the time on the VM, Weiwei was startled and jumped on the motorcycle immediately.

  A smile appeared on Sisi’s face, he pulled down the windshield hanging on the helmet, twisted the handle to start the electric motorcycle motor.

  ”Hold on.”


  Dusk rose from the east coast.

  To be honest, although he is not a perception type, Mole sometimes really admires his sixth sense. He

  just set a flag in front of a group of younger brothers yesterday, and today he received a mobilization order from the manager before he went online – asking him to return to Dawn City immediately.

  Ideal City.

  On the helipad on the roof of the building.

  Standing not far from the helipad, Mole’s face was full of reluctance, and he hugged the employees of the Skeleton Studio one after another.

  Looking at the boss who was about to board the plane, Xue Hongliang couldn’t help but say.

  ”If you donate money, can you not go to the front line?”

  ”What are you talking about,” Mole looked at him seriously and said seriously, “Is this a matter of money?”

  The reason why the alliance united under the banner of the shelter is precisely because the residents of Shelter No. 404 always rushed to the front line, and never pushed the residents of the alliance in front of them because of their self-righteousness because of that blue coat.

  This is an obligation! It is

  also a responsibility!

  Of course, this is a big picture.

  On a small scale, the rewards given by each “national war” event and task are the highest, which is also a reason.

  If you want to make money, you can do business, but if you want to be T1 or even T0, you must step up when the alliance needs you.

  There are two things in this game that cannot be bought with silver coins.

  One is a helmet.

  The other is contribution points.

  Especially the latter, it is very useful.

  Seeing the determination in his eyes, Xue Hongliang stopped persuading him and said solemnly.

  ”Boss! Take care!”

  Mole smiled and said.

  ”Don’t worry, your boss is lucky and will not die! When I come back, I will create brilliance with you! Make our studio bigger and stronger!”

  After saying that, he resolutely boarded the plane, leaving a majestic back to the employees and reporters behind him.

  On the plane.

  Mole saw at a glance that there was a long-legged lady sitting in the cabin.

  The person looked very beautiful, and not just beautiful, she had a shrewd and capable temperament, and both her sitting posture and appearance were quite like a president.

  Mole is not a shy person, let alone facing NPCs, but he still subconsciously sat down two seats away.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that as soon as he sat down, the beauty took the initiative to talk to him.

  ”Hello, my name is Li Shuyue.”

  ”Hello… I’m Mole.” The Mole who was being chatted up felt a little embarrassed and suddenly regretted taking such a casual name.

  However, the beauty didn’t think there was anything strange about the name and said calmly and naturally.

  ”What about the one who came with you?”

  The Mole said with a smile.

  ”Are you talking about Fang Chang? The one who was recalled this time was the Corps Commander. The little brother’s rank was not high enough, and the mobilization has not reached him yet.”

  The two of them actually had a good relationship, but it didn’t stop him from saying something bad about him.

  Anyway, that guy didn’t say much about himself. So

  what if he made a high contribution?

  He’s still a dog-headed military advisor!

  I’m the Corps Commander after all, there’s nothing wrong with calling him a little brother!


  Li Shuyue nodded and didn’t say anything else, ending the topic.

  As for the Corps Commander, rank… and other things, she didn’t seem to be very interested, which made the Mole embarrassed.



  Are all the NPCs in this game so real?

  He didn’t think Fang Chang was handsome, at least not much more handsome than himself.

  Why was he so lucky in love?

  Any random NPC was interested in him.

  The mole cursed in his heart.

  It must be a conspiracy

  ! It must be a conspiracy!

  He must have sold the sacred py to A Guang!

  In this silent atmosphere, the Orca transport plane slowly took off, dragging a pale blue arc of light, heading towards the western sky.

  Next to the apron.

  Xue Hongliang and a group of employees wearing skull T-shirts were still immersed in the grief of “losing” their boss.

  The battlefield.

  That was a place where one could survive a near-death experience.

  I hope that the next time I see you, it won’t be a box of ashes and a posthumous photo…

  At this time, a reporter noticed this group of sad young men.

  The intuition of a practitioner made him keenly smell the fragrance of news, and he immediately walked over with his interview drone.

  ”Hello, may I ask, who is the commander of the skull corps… to you?”

  Xue Hongliang sniffed.

  ”He is our boss.”


  The reporter showed a surprised expression. The

  reporters passing by heard it and came over one after another, took out their interview pens again, and released the interview drone that had just been put away. He was

  a little panicked by so many cameras.

  After all, he was just the CEO of a small studio. Although he had seen some scenes, he had never seen such a big one, so he nodded nervously.

  ”Well… we are Skull Studio, we make games.”

  The reporter was surprised.

  ”Make games!? But… isn’t that gentleman the head of a corps? This position should be an officer.”

  ”Yes… He told us that his job is to drive a tank, and making games is his dream.”


  When the reporters heard this word, their eyes lit up, and the person who asked the question earlier immediately followed up with a follow-up question.

  ”Can you elaborate on it?”

  Xue Hongliang was indeed a little nervous.

  But looking at the expressions of interest on the faces of the people around him, he gradually found some feeling, and his speed and voice gradually became natural.

  ”I still remember that day during the interview, when I first met him, he told me… he had never seen such a great thing.”

  Looking at the faces that listened attentively, he continued.

  ”You only need to put on a pair of glasses to enter a completely virtual world, communicate with real people unimpeded, share your stories, and bring joy to others…”

  ”He said that since he came to this city, since the moment he put on the virtual reality glasses, he has found a new goal, and his life has a new dream-”

  ”Although he was born in a world full of death and ruins, he hopes to share his story with the people living in the ideal city through the endpoint cloud-this magical medium, and bring happiness…”

  In fact, facing the camera is not as difficult as imagined.

  Just pick up what everyone likes to hear.

  Grasping the core element of special identity and background, Xue Hongliang continued to make up his story while observing the expressions of everyone.

  A wastelander living in dire straits.

  Even though he has suffered from the torture and destruction of fate, he still has a bright and simple dream in his heart, hoping to bring more happiness to the world.

  He even took out all his savings for this!

  How kind he is!

  When his hometown was hit by war, this millionaire gave up his comfortable life in Ideal City without hesitation, boarded a plane back home, and rushed to the front line to resist the jackals that invaded his hometown…

  Many people at the scene showed admiration on their faces, and their eyes were even moved.

  Of course.

  It was not entirely because of being moved.

  Many people were excited because they had dug up big news.

  In their minds, they had already imagined a script of hundreds of thousands of words and a two-hour movie.

  A reporter looked at him seriously and handed over the interview pen.

  ”What is the name of your game?”

  Xue Hongliang’s eyes were absent for a moment after glancing at the surrounding interview drones and the pairs of expectant eyes.

  However, it was only a moment.

  He knew very well.

  At this moment, it was the “only one chance” that his boss said.

  ”Battle Royale…”

  Xue Hongliang spoke almost reflexively.

  Although his boss did not say that, the story has been made up so much, and one or two sentences are not bad.

  He continued in a voice without burden and enthusiasm.

  ”That is a game adapted from our boss’s real experience in the wasteland, and everyone in our studio witnessed its birth.”

  ”I can guarantee with my personality that this game is absolutely true!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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