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Chapter 437 Caliber is justice!

Chapter 437 Caliber is justice!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 437 Caliber is justice!

  The airport in the north of Dawn City.

  A large transport plane with a blue tail flame slowly landed on the spacious runway.

  A group of players stood by the airport and watched, discussing with envy when the Alliance would be able to get one of these things.

  Looking at the mole coming out of the cabin door, Mosquito, who happened to be near the airport, approached curiously and asked.

  ”Where is Fang Chang? Why didn’t he come back with you?”

  The mole shook his head and said with a smile.

  ”No, that guy has disappeared since he arrived in Ideal City. I don’t know where he went to fool around.”

  When Mosquito heard this, he was immediately amused and started to make up stories with a mean smile.

  ”I understand! This guy must have lost contact after having fun in a nightclub!”

  Duo Ming: “This guy, is he worthy of his little wife at home!”

  Zhuihun: “Too abominable!!”

  Sha Shen: “Spread it! Fang Chang lost contact after fooling around!” Dissuading people

  from fighting: “Spread it again, spread it again!”

  Looking at these restless guys, Mole smiled and thought to himself, you guys spread it, it’s better to spread it more outrageously.

  This way, I will feel more balanced.

  However, before he could secretly rejoice for two seconds, the good brothers of the Skeleton Corps surrounded him. The brothers

  were not polite at all, and they didn’t even say a word of greeting. As soon as they met, they asked anxiously.

  ”Brother, where is the game?” “Is it on sale?” ”

  How many sales

  have you made?”

  ”Why don’t you bring a game console back to see!”

  Mole’s expression was a little embarrassed. He scratched the back of his head embarrassedly and said with a smile.

  ”Just released, just released… How much sales can it have if it was just put on the shelves last night.”

  As for the game console, there was even less to do.

  That thing needs the endpoint cloud to provide information services.

  Although I heard that the servers in the shelter are also quantum computers, the managers probably won’t use the precious computing power and nuclear energy for them to play games.

  Irena said to Mole with a funny smile on her face.

  ”It’s a deal. If you fail, you’ll sell your ass and return it to us.”

  ”More than one million, brother!” The Elf King Fugui also had a smiling expression on his face and patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t forget, that’s more than one million!”

  Beads of sweat appeared on Mole’s forehead. He forced a smile and said, “Don’t worry, don’t worry. When have I ever cheated you? This project is absolutely reliable! It’s a stable one!”

  He said this, but he was complaining wildly in his heart.

  These bastards!

  I’m taking you to make a fortune and cutting the leeks of the neighbors, and you’re just staring at that little bit of capital!

  Can you have a little bit of pattern!

  As long as their game sells well in Ideal City, the brothers of the Skeleton Corps will immediately become the richest tycoons in the entire alliance!

  Everything will be fine!

  However, this group of guys who like to watch the fun and don’t mind the big things are obviously not concerned about that little bit of money.

  The main reason is to see if this guy will really sell his ass after losing money.

  Senior cloud player [Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning] has already opened a bet on the forum, spending a huge amount of money, a silver coin, betting that his game will never be popular.

  The reason is simple.

  In terms of setting, even if it is not the prosperous era, people have been playing the “Internet” for more than 200 years, and the time of surfing is longer than the earth!

  What kind of flying pigs have not been seen?

  The reason why they don’t have that type of game is not because they can’t make it, but the result of market selection!

  Brother Ye Ao also bet half a silver coin of New Year’s money, but he didn’t have so many twists and turns, mainly because he didn’t need that money.

  Let’s be honest, although the game is virtual, virtuality also needs to be logical. As long as it is different from his logic, it must be impossible, even if it is possible, it is illogical!

  Logical closed loop, there is nothing wrong with it!

  Everyone was joking.

  At this time, a blue power armor, carrying a huge nitrogen power hammer and Gauss rifle, walked towards the direction of the crowd.

  Out of respect for the adult (favorability), everyone quickly stopped talking nonsense.

  Especially Mole, when he saw the manager, he seemed to have seen a savior.

  He quickly seized the opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of his good brothers, raised his head and stood up with a loyal face, knocking his right fist on his chest.

  ”Dear manager, may I ask what you want to do by recalling your most loyal warrior?”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  There was no direct answer, just a simple wave of his hand.

  ”Follow me.”

  After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the outside of the airport.

  Seeing the broad back, Mole was slightly stunned, and then he was excited and hurriedly followed.

  It was not said in public.

  There must be some big action!

  Just as Mole was bathed in the envious and jealous eyes of the crowd, and followed the camp boss towards the military camp, a pale-faced lady was limping off the plane with the help of the cabin door.

  As soon as her feet touched the ground, she couldn’t help but retching.

  In fact, it stands to reason that the Orca transport plane is powered by an “electric hair dryer”, and it is much more stable than an “oil hair dryer”.

  However, people’s physiques are different, and some people are born to be unable to bear this kind of transportation.

  For example, Li Shuyue is such a person.

  She didn’t know why this happened. This was her first time leaving Ideal City, and the first time she went to such a far place.

  She didn’t feel anything when she took the maglev car and the elevator, but she started to feel airsick not long after leaving Ideal City.

  Li Changkong looked at the woman who got off the plane in surprise, and hurriedly walked up to her, wanting to help her.

  ”Mr. Li? Why are you here?”

  Although Ruyue Group is only a subsidiary of Ideal Group, no one dares to underestimate this CEO.

  As the construction manager of Ideal Group, Li Changkong is relatively familiar with the family status of the major shareholders in the group.

  For example, this Li Shuyue, her father is one of the major shareholders of Ideal Group.

  Of course, the fact that Ruyue Group has achieved a market value of 10 billion yuan is due to the personal ability of the CEO, but its background also played a significant role in its ability to obtain financing and orders from Ideal Group.

  This situation is not uncommon in Ideal City.

  Since the decentralized management of Ideal City was originally implemented in the financial field, there is no such thing as a central bank there, nor is there a bank serving the central bank.

  The asset management and venture capital departments of major groups have fulfilled some of the functions of banks. Generally, if a startup company wants to obtain funds, it either borrows money from other companies, or launches a crowdfunding project on the Endpoint Cloud, or can only obtain venture capital from other companies or potential customers through roadshows.

  As for why this phenomenon occurs, it has to start with the nature of the currency Cr (credit points).

  ”…Is this Dawn City?” Li Shuyue looked around, looking at the bare land and the monotonous hangars in the distance, with a slightly disappointed expression.

  It feels like a very ordinary survivor settlement.

  It may not be comparable to some slightly larger survivor city-states in Yunjian Province.

  When she was investigating relevant information on the Endpoint Cloud before, she still had some expectations in her heart.

  Especially those scholars and experts in Ideal City, who boasted without blushing, and wanted to blow the Alliance into the hope of human civilization, one of the few sociological experimental fields that have achieved results, compatriots connected by blood but different paths, and a paradise for idealists…

  In short, people who have been there say it is good, and people who have not been there also say it is good.

  But when I saw it…

  that’s it? It’s

  just my personal opinion.

  Maybe the Alliance is too young. Her first impression was a little disappointing, and she was even a little worried about the investment.

  ”Yes, this is the airport in the north of Shuguang City. Go a little south and you will reach the city. There is a highway of hundreds of kilometers over there that we built!”

  Li Changkong said with a beaming face, showing off the results of his work over the past month.

  Li Shuyue, who was still airsick, nodded, but her expression was obviously not very interested.

  She just wanted to find a place to solve her personal hygiene problem.

  ”Is there a washing area here?” Her expression was slightly unnatural, and what she wanted to say was written on her face.

  ”Washing area?”

  Li Changkong was stunned, then smiled awkwardly as if he had thought of something, “There is a public toilet… but you may not be used to it.”

  Li Shuyue looked confused, not understanding what was so difficult about it. There must be a separate toilet and wash basin.

  Seeing her confused expression, Li Changkong said embarrassedly.

  ”Uh… they are still in the initial stage of development, and the conditions here are a bit primitive. You have no business trip experience, and you choose such a difficult place right away… Actually, I don’t recommend it. I suggest you prepare well before coming here.”

  Li Shuyue looked back at the plane, and the moment she saw that thing, her legs subconsciously weakened.

  It’s not impossible to take a plane back now.

  But –

  her stubborn temper came up.

  Since she came here, she can’t go back empty-handed.

  Gritting her teeth, Li Shuyue turned back with a cold face, and her crescent-like eyes narrowed.

  ”Do you underestimate me?”

  Li Changkong said with a smile.

  ”How could it be?”

  Li Shuyue said lightly.

  ”Please help me arrange a hotel… the best hotel here.”

  ”Okay!” Li Changkong nodded quickly. Thinking that it was too late to build a building now, he could only bite the bullet and said, “I’ll help you contact it right away!” The

  most famous hotel in the alliance is naturally the Highway Inn.

  However, the reason why it is famous is not because of how comfortable the hotel itself is, but because of the bustle here.

  Because merchants from all over the country often stay here, the news here is often the most informed. Sometimes the bartender at the bar will know things that the manager doesn’t know first.

  Just standing at the door.

  Looking at the bustling hotel lobby, Li Changkong, who came here for the first time, became embarrassed again and spoke quickly.

  ”How about… I will help you apply for the qualifications of the parent company’s dispatched personnel, and you can live in the embassy as a diplomatic staff. The houses there are even transported from Ideal City with cement.”

  Li Shuyue shook her head and stepped over the threshold with her suitcase.

  ”That’s not compliant, I’ll live here.”

  Li Changkong’s expression became a little subtle.

  If we really talk about the issue of compliance…

  it’s better to discuss how you got here.

  But then again, the group and the board of directors did not have a clear rule that “unrelated persons” were not allowed to take advantage of military aid flights for business reasons.

  Noticing the situation at the entrance of the hotel.

  Lisa, dressed in a waiter’s uniform, walked up, looked at the well-dressed lady in front of her with a reserved look, and said carefully.

  ”Hello, ma’am, are you… looking for someone?”

  Although she was carrying luggage in her hands, Lisa still subconsciously felt that this person did not look like a guest who would stay here.

  ”I’m here to stay,” Li Shuyue glanced at the old man behind the bar, then looked at Li Changkong next to her, frowning, “Why are there still child laborers here?”

  ”I’m an adult.” Lisa hurriedly explained.

  Li Changkong hurriedly said, “I can assure you that the laws and enforcement of the alliance are absolutely the benchmark for the entire River Valley Province!”

  Li Shuyue glanced at Lisa suspiciously, but did not embarrass the little girl, and said in a soft voice.

  ”Can you help me find a quieter guest room?”

  Lisa nodded obediently.

  ”Yes! Please hand over the luggage to me.”

  Li Shuyue shook her head.

  ”No, I can take it myself.”


  The military camp not far from the airport.

  Following behind Chu Guang, Mole was wondering all the way what treasure the manager was going to take him to see.

  Finally, he arrived at the destination, and a large warehouse appeared in front of him.

  Stopping at the door of the warehouse, Chu Guang looked at the guard on duty and nodded.

  The iron door opened quickly.

  A dark figure quickly entered Mole’s pupils, and at the same time, excitement and excited desire appeared on his face in an instant.

  It was a tank.

  The towering body and heavy front armor perfectly interpret the word big is beautiful.

  Especially the muzzle that is so thick that half of the face can be stuffed in it, and the 10mm coaxial machine gun connected in parallel to the side of the barrel, which is a combination of mechanical beauty and violent aesthetics.

  It is not a BMP with five pairs of road wheels and a small gun like the No. 1 tank!

  It is a real tank!

  However, this thick and long barrel seems to be a bit too big.

  It has gone completely from one extreme to another.

  Looking at the steel monster in front of him, Chu Guang showed a smile like an old father on his face.

  ”No. 2 tank, produced by Factory 81, the body has been widened based on the No. 1 tank. The aid engineers of Changge Group helped us improve the turret, and Yinyi Group helped us improve the power system and transmission structure. The artillery uses a 155mm caliber smoothbore gun-”

  ”155!?” The mole widened his eyes and sucked in a breath of cool air that smelled of engine oil.

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Yes, don’t you think the bigger the caliber, the better?”

  ”Good! That’s great!”

  The mole nodded excitedly like a chick pecking at rice, his eyes shining.

  He really agreed with this sentence!

  Sure enough, the manager still has a big picture, a big strategy, great wisdom, and a big vision…

  He is much better than his “fox friends”!

  Chu Guang smiled kindly, looked at the tanks in the factory and continued.

  ”Currently, we have produced 30 Type 2 tanks and just unloaded them at the railway station. In addition, there are 5 Type B tanks, which use the No. 60 electromagnetic gun imported from Ideal City.”

  ”Although the First Corps of the Alliance also needs armored units, considering your excellent performance in the last battle, I plan to give you priority!”

  As for the thickness, durability, auxiliary accessories and so on of the armor, Chu Guang did not mention a word.

  That kind of thing is redundant for the tanks of the Alliance.

  AI fire control?

  Auxiliary optical aiming?

  Increase capacitors?

  What’s the use of those things!

  The loyal “Primarchs” are the most powerful black technology, and the singularity-level technology “morphogenetic field” is invincible!

  If he doesn’t fully tap the potential of carbon-based life forms, where can he get these 30 tanks?

  The entire alliance has a population of only more than 100,000, and the industrial population is less than 30%. The proportion of military expenditure in the total output value is almost pulled to the sky.

  30 tanks a month.

  That is the production capacity after the mustache conquered Czechoslovakia.

  The alliance’s nuclear fusion reactor has only been ignited for less than two months, and the industrial subsidy policy and quantitative easing have been in place for less than a year.

  In order to allow more players to use reliable equipment while taking into account the development of the alliance, Chu Guang feels that he has done his best.

  However, the mole obviously doesn’t care about issues such as armor thickness, and his interest is completely attracted by the electromagnetic gun.

  This thing is used for coastal defense guns and naval guns in reality, and it is really unheard of to be installed on tanks.

  After the manager finished speaking, he hurriedly asked the most concerned issue.

  ”What does that 60 mean?”


  Is 60 mm a little small?

  Seeing his ignorant expression, Chu Guang knew what he was thinking, and said with a faint smile.

  ”60, of course, refers to the muzzle energy of 60 megajoules!”

  60 megajoules!

  Hearing this number, the mole was instantly shocked.

  He remembered correctly that the muzzle energy of the old American MK45 127mm naval gun was only 10 megajoules…

  60 megajoules!

  Six times the muzzle energy of a naval gun? !

  This is going to go to the sky! ?

  Seeing that the little player was so shocked that he couldn’t speak, Chu Guang continued.

  ”…The Alliance Army Command positioned the Type B vehicle as a tank destroyer.”

  ”Due to the high price, we only made 5 of them, mainly targeting the high-strength spaced armor of the Conqueror No. 10 tank and the No. 11 tank that appeared in the intelligence. At the same time, in order to prevent being penetrated by the 100mm gun, we reinforced the front armor and turret, which will be relatively less maneuverable.”

  Using the captured tank wreckage for testing, the No. 60 electromagnetic gun can not only break the defense, but also hit the weak link of the armor and even shoot through it directly. The

  performance in actual combat will definitely be different, but he believes that the technology of the allies and the fighting will of the players will not let him down!

  Restraining the excitement in his heart, the mole looked at Chu Guang and made a vow with a loyal face.

  ”Dear administrator, I am ready to go on the expedition. You only need to tell me where the enemies of the alliance are, and I will drive it to annihilate them immediately!”

  Not bad.

  Very spirited!

  Chu Guang nodded approvingly and said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, the Alliance Army Command will soon have a mission for you.”

  As he said that, he put away his smile, took out the holographic computer pen Pai gave him, and lightly pressed it, projecting a map of Luoxia Province in the air.

  The red circle is marked in the south of Luoxia Province, 150 kilometers away from the Double-Headed Peak of the Zhuobar Mountains.

  A red arrow spans a distance of 900 kilometers, pointing there from Dawn City.

  ”…The Legion is stationed on the east side of Oasis No. 4 in the south of Luoxia Province. The scale is at least 10,000 people, and it is suspected that they are building an airport. If they succeed, our homeland will be included in the strategic bombing range of the Legion.”

  ”In addition, according to reliable intelligence, a nuclear bomb with an equivalent of one million tons is being sent to Luoxia Province from the west. We judge that this nuclear bomb is very likely to be sent to that airport.”

  Looking at the Mole, whose expression gradually became serious, Chu Guang paused for a moment and continued.

  ”You only have five days to prepare. During these five days, you need to learn how to operate and maintain the equipment under the guidance of technical personnel.”

  ”It is nearly 900 kilometers from Dawn City to the Lost Valley, of which nearly 700 kilometers are off-road sections. You have only one mission.”

  ”Keep strict confidentiality, be cautious, and advance quickly. You must use a lightning offensive to destroy the defense line of the local garrison before the legion can react–”

  ”Stop them at all costs!”

  ”Take the airport!”


  Just as the Alliance was secretly planning a second military operation, a city-wide event occurred in the Petra Fortress nearly a thousand kilometers away.

  A business company called the White Bear Knights from the River Valley Province rented a warehouse and established the “White Bear Knights Bank”.

  The president is a talking white bear.

  With her kind nature, she couldn’t bear to see the suffering of the slums.

  So she decided to help the refugees who fled from the north with her companions, and exchange the gold camel coins for the worthless waste in their hands – the gold lion coins.

  When they heard that someone was willing to accept the gold lion coins, the slums outside the city were instantly boiling.

  Most of them fled from Oasis No. 9, and no one wanted the money in their pockets here.

  Almost all the refugees rushed over, fearing that they would lose it if they went too late.

  In addition to the refugees, some locals also ran over.

  But they didn’t come to exchange money, but to watch the fun.

  There are many rare things in the wasteland.

  But many people have seen a talking bear for the first time.

  ”How can a bear have so much money?”

  ”Who knows!”

  ”But what’s the point of these people exchanging gold lion coins? That stuff has become scrap metal.”

  ”Maybe it’s because their kindness has gone too far.”

  Several merchants in long gowns watched from the side, their faces full of sneers.

  Not only did they not exchange the gold camel coins in their pockets for dinars, but they actually exchanged them for gold lion coins. Do they

  think the depreciation is not fast enough?

  On the other side, inside the door of the bank, ragged poor people waved their money bags, and the clanging sound almost drowned out the shouting.

  Old Bulma stood in front of the counter with a headache on his face, busy keeping accounts, and helping these poor people exchange the waste in their hands for gold camels that could buy bread.

  Although the president of the bank is a bear, it is impossible to let the bear keep accounts. The physical work of cashiering has to be done by him, the “counter manager”.

  ”Sir, please be kind and change me more.” A disheveled man finally squeezed to the front and put a bag of money on the table with a thud.

  Although his outfit was pitiful enough, the bag of money in his hand was not pitiful at all.

  The few people following him were probably servants, and they also had bags of money in their hands.

  ”No, our boss stipulates that one person can only exchange 200 gold camel coins.”

  Old Bulma shook his head and asked the assistant next to him to count out 1,200 gold lion coins with a face value and take them away.

  Only coins are needed, not paper exchange tickets.

  After counting, he took out a purse that had shrunk six times, put it next to the heavy bag of money, and continued to talk while looking at the disheveled man.

  ”You need to swear to the spirit of the sand sea that you will not come here to line up again today.”

  Looking at the old man who was holding the purse tightly, the man reluctantly raised his hand and swore with faith, but secretly said in his heart, “I will come tomorrow.”

  The four servants behind him also stepped forward to help their master change money.

  Several burly mercenaries stood at the door with their arms folded, watching the group walk away before moving their eyes away and continuing to work as bank security guards.

  As for whether the man would come back after a detour, it was not their concern.

  The employer had explained that it was impossible to expect the rules to be enforced 100%. What they had to do was not to completely eliminate the phenomenon of re-queuing, but to raise the threshold for violations to ensure that more people could exchange money to survive.

  Food in the Camelback Kingdom is very cheap. 200 gold camel coins are enough for a long time if you use them sparingly.

  The exchange rate for the first three days of the bank’s opening was six to one, and it would be increased to ten to one after three days, and there would be no limit on the upper limit of individual exchange, allowing those nobles with a lot of money to exchange money in large quantities.

  As for the significance of doing this, it was not entirely out of mercy.

  It was more out of safety considerations.

  Being able to make money is not smart, but being able to get out of it safely after making money is…

  Looking at the surging crowd outside the door, Rourou felt that her social phobia had come back again. Dog looked at the tail beside her timidly and whispered.

  ”There are so many people… Why don’t we go out and watch?”

  ”Oh! It’s okay, Rourou, Tail will accompany you!” Patting Rourou’s broad shoulders, Tail smiled and gave a thumbs up, “Hold on a little longer, we can switch shifts with Sisi and the others! Just think of it as a courage test!”

  Rourou nodded, plucked up the courage to continue.

  This bank, called the White Bear Knights, was bustling from early morning until closing in the evening.

  After closing the bank door, Old Bulma walked up to Sisi with the account book and said respectfully.

  ”We spent a total of 2.1 million gold camel coins today and recovered a total of 12.6 million gold lion coins.”

  ”Not bad, not bad.” Sisi showed a happy smile on his face.

  It seems that the people who fled here from Oasis No. 9 are not ordinary rich. They actually consumed 2 million gold camel coins under the purchase restriction.

  After three days, I’m afraid someone will drive a caravan to her to exchange money.

  This is much more profitable than buying any cow!

  Speaking of which, the Knights Templar seemed to have started out this way. The money earned from the war was not enough to pay the compensation, but they made a fortune by lending and bills of exchange.

  However, the White Bear Knights have not yet opened a loan sharking business.

  Sisi couldn’t help thinking, why not wait until the war is over and Oasis No. 9 begins to rebuild to open this business.

  The money exchanged today can be lent to the people who come to exchange money today.

  It can be regarded as taking from others and using it for others.

  ”We should hire a few more mercenaries,” Sisi touched his chin and said seriously, “Our business may be remembered.” When

  old Bulma heard this, she couldn’t help but laugh and cry for a while, thinking who would remember these scraps.

  Now the whole city is spreading rumors that the stupid rich people from the Valley Province have too much money to spend, and they exchanged the money they earned from trading for a bunch of scraps. I’m afraid they will lose their pants when they go back. Clearing his throat

  , old Bulma said respectfully.

  ”It’s enough to hire these mercenaries. If you are really worried, we can give the captain of the city defense some money and ask him to set up a patrol post near us… Those guards who are loyal to the city lord are more useful than hiring any number of people, and they don’t cost much.”

  Patrolling is their job.

  As for where to patrol, that is a flexibility of authority.

  Those refugees from other places are most afraid of getting into trouble, especially the local guards. As long as the patrol team comes here from time to time, even the toughest troublemakers will be honest.

  Sisi smiled.

  ”That’s a good idea, thank you.”

  ”You’re welcome… You saved my life and returned the property I robbed from the bandits. It’s my duty to do these things for you.” Old Bulma said respectfully.

  His intuition told him that the young lady in front of him was a person who could accomplish great things.

  Anyway, he was not suitable for being a merchant at his age, so he might as well find a job in this bank.

  After arranging tomorrow’s work, Sis found the mercenary leader standing guard at the door.

  The muscular man was crossing his arms and chatting with a few brothers next to him about where to go for a drink.

  When the sun sets, it will be time for them to get off work. The lively crowd will move from the market to the commercial street, where there will be endless fun.

  ”Are you interested in working overtime?”

  Hearing the boss’s voice, the mercenary leader whistled.

  ”Please tell me, lady, it’s my honor to serve a beautiful woman.”

  The mercenaries standing next to him also said in a booing manner.

  ”As long as you are willing to pay, I can do anything.”

  ”I can massage your shoulders!”

  ”I can massage your back!”

  Sis smiled faintly.

  ”Have you heard that there are people from the Legion stationed in the Lost Valley?”

  The mercenaries looked at each other, not knowing why the financier said this.

  The mercenary leader stroked the stubble on his chin, recalled for a while and said,

  ”These past two days… there seems to be similar rumors in the tavern, and they are quite outrageous. It is said that a 10,000-man army is stationed there, and they shoot when they see people approaching. No one knows what they are doing.”

  ”That’s not enough,” Sisi threw him a bulging money bag, “The people here don’t have enough imagination, the rumors should be more outrageous. For example, the elite who were stationed there first attacked Oasis No. 9, and they are building a front-line camp to welcome the arrival of the large army…”

  Looking at the surprised mercenary leader, she pointed to the bag of money in his hand.

  ”Here are 1,000 gold camel coins. I hope that by this time tomorrow, the entire Petra Fortress will be discussing when the Legion plans to attack the city and how those big-nosed people abused the captives…”

  ”I hope that no matter where I go, I can see the helplessness and fear on people’s faces.”

  The Lost Valley is very wide, with a radius of 10 kilometers. Standing in the west, you can’t see the east.

  However, even so, with the patrol strength of the Legion, it is still very difficult to get close to it.

  And once discovered, there is probably no chance of escape. Therefore,

  if you want to capture the ruins, there is no hope of relying on brute force, and it is useless to prepare more equipment and ammunition.

  She needs someone to contain the Legion.

  Or at least attract the Legion’s attention.

  In this way, they can create an opportunity to sneak into the valley.

  The mercenary leader looked at his employer in surprise, not understanding what she wanted to do, especially not expecting that this beautiful girl was full of bad water.

  But after seeing the purse, he didn’t ask anything more, and put the purse in his arms with a smile, and even imitated those generous nobles and bowed awkwardly.

  ”It’s my honor to serve you!”

  He was just about to go to the tavern to drink. This job was too easy.

  Arrange a few brothers who like to join in the fun to get into the crowd, gather in a circle and shout a few times, and those who like to join in the fun will be attracted in minutes.

  One person will spread the word to ten people, ten people will spread the word to a hundred people…

  As long as idle people like them are willing to add fuel to the fire, soon the residents of the entire Petra Fortress will know that the legion has arrived.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode