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Chapter 438 That is God’s Will

Chapter 438 That is God’s Will


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 438 That is God’s Will

  ”MMP… I finally got out!”

  Panting heavily, the construction site boy and the brick wiped the sand and sweat off their faces, looking at the mountains in front of them, and couldn’t help but feel happy.

  It’s not just him.

  The power players of the Death Corps couldn’t help but cheer when they saw the desert border.

  They had been pedaling the tricycle all the way, and they were almost upgraded. Finally, they saw the mountains of the River Valley Province.

  If they didn’t feel sorry for the little experience and hard-earned equipment on their bodies, they would have used the “last hit TP” method to return to the city!

  Kakarot couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Damn, it’s still the mole brother who has the best time. He just came back from vacation in Ideal City and took a big job.” The

  debt-ridden big-eyed man sitting on the tricycle nodded in agreement.

  ”But that’s 900 kilometers… How is he going to get there?”

  The construction site boy and the brick interrupted and complained.

  ”Who knows, we who ride tricycles worry about people who drive cars?”

  Hearing the sarcasm of his teammates, Bianbian smiled embarrassedly and patted his mount’s shoulder.

  ”Hehe… I’m sorry, brother, I’ve wronged you.”

  The construction site boy and the brick rolled their eyes.

  ”It’s good that you know I’m sorry!”

  Calling the team leader a rude person is a basic operation.

  Most people are not so petty. The conditions when the server was first launched were much better than those of cattle and horses now.

  Now at least there are tricycles.

  At that time, even bicycles were as precious as giant pandas. Even T0 and T1 players mostly rely on their own legs to run around.

  Anyway, although there were many bumps along the way, they still broke through the encirclement of the legion and completed the miracle of a thousand-mile raid and a thousand-mile transfer.

  Everyone’s face was filled with joyful smiles.

  Even the captured Piman and Antonette.

  The two of them were tied up like dumplings and thrown on the tricycle, and they were almost baked dry by the sun.

  No matter how these people planned to deal with me, the torture of being exposed to the wind and sun was finally over.

  ”The map of this game is really fucking huge…” Debt raised his telescope and looked towards the north, but still couldn’t see the edge of the map, as if this setting didn’t exist in this game.

  This was probably the first time that the players of the Alliance set foot in the northern border of the River Valley Province.

  Although this is also a plain belt, the plain here feels completely different from the south. There are no

  green forests and grasslands all over the mountains here, but instead there are bare yellow land and sea buckthorn grass swaying on the edge of the Gobi Desert.

  There are forests in the distance, but the straight pine trees are bare, and there is no leaf on the branches, and the vegetation is withered in whole pieces.

  A river in the sky seems to divide the entire province into two completely different worlds.

  If the modeling of the Qingquan City area is gray-green, then this place is more like being splashed with a pot of shit-yellow paint.

  More than that.

  The aliens wandering around were even uglier. The thick-haired mutant hounds in the south only had a few sparse hairs on their foreheads here.

  However, the aliens here were obviously stronger. Not only were their skeletons bigger, but their gnarled muscles even squeezed onto their faces.

  But it was probably because of this that the twisted muscles compressed their eyeballs, causing them to have poor eyesight and offend people they shouldn’t have offended.

  More than 30 mutant hounds surrounded them, baring their teeth and growling fiercely. The man

  sitting on the edge behind the construction site guy was not panicking at all. He held the machine gun and fired a burst of bullets, killing half of the mutant hounds that rushed up instantly.

  The remaining half were easily dealt with by several players who got off the car with engineer shovels and bayonets, without any delay.

  ”It’s slightly stronger than the mutant hyena and the gnawer… It should be about level five or six.”

  Bian Pao Shui shook off the blood on the shovel and suddenly noticed movement in the distance, so he gave his teammates a look, put down the shovel and picked up the rifle hanging on his chest again.

  The four people approached carefully, but saw a humanoid monster squatting on the ground with its back to them, and its hands covered with mud were constantly digging at the ground.

  It was thin and thin, with a sickly grayish skin, and pus and sores floating on its wrinkled skin, like a corpse that had been soaked in a lake, as if it was looking for something in the soil.

  Finally, it seemed to have found it, and excitedly pulled something out of the soil, then stuffed it into its mouth, greedily feasting on it, accompanied by a creaking sound.

  Bian Pao Shui and the construction site boy and brick exchanged glances, their faces were a little confused, not sure what the thing was.

  As if noticing the movement behind him, the monster stopped his hand, glanced at the four people vigilantly, began to retreat to the side, and then ran into the nearby forest with his hands and feet.

  Big Eyes raised his rifle and aimed at its back, but in the end he didn’t waste the bullet and pressed the muzzle down.

  ”…What is that thing?”

  ”I’m more curious about what he’s eating…”

  The boy and the brick on the construction site walked forward curiously, but soon saw half of his brain buried in the soil.

  His face suddenly turned pale and blue, and he stopped talking with a retching sound.

  ”Navy blue…is a military uniform,” Bianbianhuashui went to take a look in the morning, took a sapper shovel and dug it on the ground twice, frowning slightly, “It’s a member of the Legion.”

  And it’s most likely a centurion!

  In an instant, Bianbianhuashui suddenly seemed to understand something, and took a look at the surrounding potholes and muddy wilderness.

  This should have been a battlefield before!

  The Legion’s expeditionary force fought with the army of the Great Rift Valley here.

  And the endless ups and downs and deep pits on the plain might have been plowed out by artillery fire…

  Although they were curious about the alien species they had never seen before, no player chased after it.

  The leafless forest always makes people feel uneasy, and no one knows what strange things are hidden in it.

  They still have a mission to complete, so it’s best not to get into any trouble.

  The group continued to move forward and soon encountered a large settlement of survivors.

  Seeing a place with people, the players all showed joy on their faces.

  Their supplies were almost exhausted along the way, and they were finally able to replenish them.

  Signaling the main force to wait in the distance, Edge Paddling walked forward with a few familiar teammates, stopped a scavenger and asked.

  ”What is this place?”

  The scavenger glanced at his exoskeleton and his rifle, and said vigilantly.

  ”There is no name for this place. We all call it the recycling station.”

  ”Recycling station?” Debt Eyes interrupted and asked curiously.

  ”Yes, do you see that plain in the distance?” The man pointed to the endless muddy land in the distance, “That’s the trench dug by the Legion Expeditionary Force. Later, they were beaten and abandoned their armor and weapons. Some died and some fled… All the equipment was thrown there.” Bianbian Piaoshui

  looked in the direction he pointed, and vaguely saw two trenches in the stage of being cratered.

  ”Are you here to pick up scavengers?”

  ”Yes,” the man glanced at the camp behind him and said vaguely, “Everyone is here to pick up garbage. Some pick up garbage, some collect garbage, and some sell shovels… Although the Legion didn’t do anything good, their corpses can feed a lot of people.”

  Bianbian Piaoshui nodded.

  It seems that this is not a fixed camp, but a “nomadic group” composed of scavengers.

  Maybe when all the garbage nearby is dug up, the scavengers will move away one after another, and the camp will move to other places.

  As for who is collecting the garbage, there is no doubt that it is the people of the Bugera Free State.

  ”Can we replenish supplies here?”

  ”Why not? You can go to the camp to find those merchants. They are willing to sell anything as long as you are willing to pay. But… it is best not to make trouble, unless you are going to be enemies with everyone here.”

  The scavenger reminded him vaguely, and without wasting any more time, he picked up the sack and walked towards the muddy land.

  Debt looked at the edge of the water.

  ”What do you mean?”

  The edge of the water thought for a moment and quickly made a judgment.

  ”Replenish supplies and continue on the road.”

  ”Why not camp here?” The construction site guy asked curiously.

  ”The identity of the captives is special, and these people are all doing business with the Bugera Free State. It is hard to guarantee that there are no spies among them.”

  The edge of the water glanced at the back of the scavenger and moved his chin.

  ”Let’s go.”

  ”After replenishing the supplies, we have to get on the road as soon as possible.”


  After changing the exoskeleton.

  Edgewater took Big Eyes and the construction site guy into the camp called the recycling station.

  Although it looked shabby from the outside, the camp was bustling inside.

  Merchants leading two-headed cows set up stalls on both sides of the road, selling not only junk such as bottles and cans, but also some unusual high-tech occasionally.

  Including security robots with iron pipe rifles welded on them, including bionic coolies modified with garbage and intelligent cores picked up.

  There were even people selling power armor.

  However, Edgewater walked up to take a look and found that except for a fuel rod that was almost out of power stuck in its chest, there was no part of the body that had anything to do with power armor.

  The construction site boy and the brick curiously leaned over to take a look at the label, and saw that it actually cost 600,000 Cr, and their eyes widened immediately.

  ”Fuck! They are robbing money!”

  If I remember correctly, the current exchange rate between Cr and silver coins is 1:3, which is 1.8 million silver coins!

  The merchant who was selling things glanced at him, and seeing his poor and ignorant look, he was too lazy to pay attention to him.

  ”We are not here to buy equipment.” Bianbianhuashui patted the construction site man on the shoulder and pulled him back.

  Most of the equipment here is DIY by scavengers, and the failure rate is probably quite touching.

  He didn’t even have the interest to bargain.

  ”By the way, how much is the power armor that Lao Bai bought?” Debt Big Eyes suddenly asked.

  Bianbianhuashui thought for a while and said.

  ”I remember… it was 1 million silver coins?”

  When they heard that it was only 1 million silver coins, the players were immediately moved.

  Sure enough, the manager is still conscientious.

  These wastelanders are really cunning!

  After a walk around the market, they finally found a merchant selling food.

  The old man selling goods is not young, about forty years old, and he looks like a person from Luoxia Province. No matter what color the skin is, the people there have deep eye sockets. What

  surprised the players was that this merchant actually accepted silver coins!

  According to the old man, he was planning to go to the south for a look next time, so he wanted both dinars and silver coins.

  ”4,000 kilograms of dry bread, 300 kilograms of beef jerky… Let me calculate, well, I have to charge you 10,000 silver coins.”

  Hearing the old man’s offer, Big Eyes couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Damn! So expensive!”

  The construction site guy also swallowed his saliva.

  ”Ten thousand silver coins… are enough to buy a set of light cavalry exoskeleton.”

  Edge Strike smiled indifferently.

  ”Think about it from another angle. I think it’s a good deal to be able to solve the supply of five hundred-man teams with the price of a set of light cavalry exoskeleton.” There is no such thing as

  fighting without spending money.

  Problems that can be solved with money are not problems, not to mention that the logistics expenses are reimbursed by the manager.

  He took out the banknotes from his pocket, counted 100, and handed them to the old man.


  The old man took the money with a smile, called the young men beside him, and helped weigh the supplies, pack them and send them to the guests outside the camp.

  The edge of the river let the construction worker follow them, while he and Big Eyes stayed in the camp.

  When the construction worker came back, Big Eyes suddenly thought of the corpse-like monster he saw during the journey, so he looked at the old man and asked.

  ”Have you ever seen a kind of monster… whose skin looks like it was rotten by blisters, like a zombie.”

  ”Rotten by blisters? Zombie?” The old man thought for a while, and suddenly a smile appeared on his wrinkled face .

  ”What you encountered should be a ghoul.”

  Big Eyes was stunned.


  ”Well, there is a nuclear bomb crater that stretches for hundreds of kilometers to the west of the Great Rift Valley. I guess they crawled out from there. They generally don’t eat living things, but they don’t avoid dead things. They regard plague and decay as delicacies.”

  Dusting the ash in the pipe, the old man selling goods squinted his eyes and looked at the scavengers in the distance, holding the cigarette holder and taking a puff.

  ”…Don’t worry about those guys, they are just a group of poor people.”


  On the other side, in the far south of Luoxia Province, at the foot of the Double-Headed Peak of the Zhuobar Mountains.

  With the help of some people, the news that the Legion was approaching the city quickly spread in Petra Fortress.

  However, what no one expected was that the news went awry as it spread, and became more and more outrageous…

  Another evening.

  Old Bulma handed the account book to Sis, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t help but speak.

  ”Miss… Petra Fortress can no longer stay. You’d better go to the dock in the south to buy a boat while it’s still not too late.”

  Looking at Bulma with a sad face, Sis, who took the account book, was stunned for a moment, and his expression was a little weird.

  ”Didn’t you say… Petra Fortress is impossible to fall?”

  If she remembered correctly, she should have heard this sentence three days ago.

  ”That’s right. The fortress built by the gods cannot be conquered by mortals. If it’s the legion, no matter how many people they have, the Petra Fortress will make them suffer…”

  Old Bulma still had a firm expression on his face, but as he spoke, his voice became guilty.

  ”…But if it’s the evil god, everything is hard to say.”

  ”Evil god?!” Tail opened his eyes wide in surprise, and came up to watch the fun, asking excitedly, “What does he look like?”

  ”He is ugly in every way. No one knows where he comes from. It may be the sky or the deep sea. When he descended, his body filled the entire river bank, and tens of thousands of tentacles tore apart the clouds in the sky. Even the god of the sky is no match for him…”

  Tail’s eyes lit up.

  ”Oh! Oversized tentacles!”

  Old Bulma’s pupils were covered with a layer of turbidity, trying to describe something he had never seen in words.

  But at present, it seems that only Tail dares to believe it, and even Rourou shook his head after hearing it.

  ”…Such a large desert, but the Legion chose it. No doubt, they know that they can’t defeat us with their own strength, so they plan to use evil sacrifices to awaken the demons suppressed by the Sky Scepter.”

  ”This desert is finished… The Ragnarok of the Gods will come again, and this time, there is no god who can stop him.”

  The old man muttered, his turbid pupils filled with despair, and the low voice became smaller and smaller until it was completely inaudible and blended into the distant dimness outside the window.

  Holding the snoring cat in his arms, Zhimahu quietly looked at Sisi beside him and asked in a low voice.

  ”Is this part of the plan?”

  Sisi shook his head in deep thought.

  ”I just asked the mercenary to spread the news of the Lost Valley where the Legion is stationed. I didn’t expect the people here…to have such a big imagination.”

  The Legion stationed in the Lost Valley is holding an evil ceremony to try to awaken the evil god who has been sleeping for 200 years and use the power of the devil to capture the insurmountable Petra…

  The plan exceeded expectations, and even a firm believer like Old Bulma began to waver.

  Looking at the old face full of sorrow, Sisi couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

  Did she use too much force…

  Just when she was worried, there was a heavy knock on the door.

  Zhimahu, who was standing by the door, heard it and walked up to open the door.

  ”Sorry, we are closed today–”

  She was halfway through her words, and the moment she saw the person at the door, she was stunned on the spot. There was

  a team of armed guards standing at the door, about 30 of them.

  They had submachine guns on their waists and were already holding them in their hands.

  The leader was the captain of the nearby patrol team.

  Old Bulma recognized the face at a glance, and hurried forward to say with a smile.

  ”Captain Seandis? What do you want?”

  Ignoring the old man, Seandis looked around the room expressionlessly, including the talking bear.

  ”Who is the boss here?”

  Rourou hesitated and was about to raise her hand, but the tail next to her was one step faster than her-

  but before the tail’s arm was raised, it was pressed back by Sisi standing next to him.

  ’Leave it to me.’

  Giving Tail a reassuring look, Sisi walked to the side of Zhima Paste.

  Glancing at the mercenary who had been controlled, she looked at the captain of the patrol team and said calmly.

  ”It’s me.”

  Seeing that she had no intention of resisting arrest violently, the patrol captain waved his hand without any nonsense.

  ”Come with us.”


  The castle shrouded in dusk.

  The palace of the lord of Petra Fortress was crowded with anxious ministers.

  A man in luxurious clothes sat on a stone chair, looking down at the people under the steps expressionlessly.

  His right elbow rested on the cold handrail, and the index finger of his left hand tapped on the handrail again and again. He looked like he was lost in thought, or just impatient.

  His name was Sean, the lord of Petra Fortress here. His family was a prominent family in the Hump Kingdom, guarding the northern border of the kingdom for generations.

  The Hump Kingdom declared war on the Falcon Kingdom a long time ago, but it has not sent troops yet.

  Although many people think that this is the weakness of the royal family, he knows that it is not the case.

  No one in this kingdom is more pious and brave than His Majesty.

  How could that respected lord not know that the consequence of appeasement can only be exchanged for further encroachment.

  In fact, the royal family has always wanted to gather troops to rush north to help, but the city lords, including the Lord of Silver Moon City, only want to pay money and do not want to send people.

  This group of profit-seeking merchants are still counting on using money bags to kill the legion.

  This is not a problem that can be solved with money at all.

  Of course, Sean is on the side of the king.

  The reason why Petra Fortress and his family have survived to this day is due to the grace of the royal family.

  They eat the food transported from the oasis and drink the water of the oasis. They are the most loyal garrison state, which is fundamentally different from those city-states governed by nobles and merchants relying on corruption.

  However, it is not enough to rely on him alone.

  In this kingdom corrupted by money, cowards are everywhere, and brave people are rare.

  Whether it is the court of His Majesty the King or his court…

  ”…We should negotiate with the legion. There is nothing that cannot be solved by sitting down and talking.”

  ”The Lion Royal Family is too rude. If they hadn’t taken in the descendants of the Honey Badger Royal Family, they wouldn’t have been targeted by the Falcon Kingdom!”

  ”In fact, I think… it’s not bad to be like the Falcon Kingdom. The Legion has given them a lot of assistance. The reason why the oasis has not been abandoned is that the Legion has helped them.”

  ”There is really nothing to say about this. Although the Willant people have a bad temper and their attitude towards slaves is a bit scary, they are still good to their vassals. They give whatever they need.”

  ”No matter what, don’t fight. The soil of Petra Fortress can’t grow food. Once the war affects trade, those poor people will starve.”

  The ministers in the court discussed it.

  Including those nobles, wealthy businessmen and guests who have no real power.

  Some people proposed to negotiate with the Legion.

  Some people even hinted that the Falcon Kingdom seems to be good. Not only is the Falcon Royal Family sitting on the throne well, but the national strength has increased several times compared to ten years ago.

  Sean was very annoyed when he heard it, but he couldn’t get angry with these people. After all, Petra Fortress can’t do without them.

  He was about to wave his hand to drive these people away, but at this moment, footsteps were heard at the door of the hall. The

  heavy wooden door opened.

  The captain of the guard stood in front of the door and saluted.

  ”My lord, I have brought that person.”

  The ministers and nobles in the hall stopped talking and looked at the door curiously.

  Sean waved his hand, signaling him to bring the person up.

  The captain of the guard bowed and accepted the order, and walked out of the door neatly.

  Not long after, he brought a foreign woman.

  Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall whispered, curious about what the city lord was going to do.

  Ignoring the noisy voice.

  Sean, sitting on the stone chair, stared at the woman at the bottom of the steps and looked her over.

  ”Do you know why I called you here?”

  Knowing that it was useless to act crazy, Sisi simply nodded and admitted.

  ”I know.”

  Seeing the expression on that face that did not change color, a trace of admiration appeared in Sean’s eyes.

  Those cowards who wanted to kneel down to the legion should be ashamed of what they said. They didn’t even have the courage of a little girl.


  admiration is admiration.

  The law is the law.

  Looking down at the man at the bottom of the steps, he said with a cold look in his eyes.

  ”In the Camelback Kingdom, those who spread rumors and mislead the people will have their tongues cut off.”

  ”Cheating in the name of God will be punished by sand punishment, buried in the yellow sand and exposed to the sun for ten days, and no one except the gods can give food and fresh water.”

  ”Donating to the suffering can exempt three days of punishment, and you can choose the order of punishment.”

  ”Do you plead guilty?”

  The solemn and cold voice echoed in the empty hall.

  Everyone’s eyes focused on her, some were surprised, some were as expected, and some were expressionless.

  I didn’t expect that the thing that was rumored in the city was actually caused by a little girl… It sounds a bit unbelievable.

  But looking at the expression of the city lord, it doesn’t seem like he is joking.

  A hint of interest gradually appeared in everyone’s eyes.

  Regardless of whether she was pushed out to take the blame or not, they were all very curious about how this alien girl was going to answer.

  Sisi remained silent.

  She knew that whether she nodded or shook her head at this time, the outcome would not be good.

  By the way, does alms mean exchanging those “junk” with gold camel coins?

  She didn’t think it was alms, at most it was a mutually beneficial and win-win business.

  However, the city lord’s understanding of what happened in the city was so good that she was a little surprised.

  It seems that she still took it for granted and underestimated the wisdom of NPCs.

  After finishing that matter, she should have given those mercenaries a sum of money immediately and asked them to leave here quickly.

  Now the only thing to be thankful for is that she did not implicate other people in the Knights.

  The city lord seemed to look down on their little property, or he might be disdainful of plundering in this way.

  Sisi, who had calmed down, had thoughts running fast in her mind, thinking about ways to break the deadlock.

  Deny that those rumors were made up by herself?

  This is a fact.

  She really didn’t make up the part about the gods. Those exaggerated rumors were born out of rumors.

  However, this kind of sophistry is obviously useless. The other party will not play word games with her. As long as the mercenary pleads guilty, it is meaningless for her to deny it.

  As for moving out of the alliance, that is even more undesirable.

  If the Hump Kingdom regards her as a spy instructed by the alliance, the result will probably be worse.

  Not to mention whether it will reduce the administrator’s favorability, if it is really done like this, it will turn a general case into a diplomatic dispute. The Hump Kingdom, which declares war but does not fight, is like a fence-sitter. If this happens, it may directly fall to the other side.

  Their beliefs are not so firm…

  Wait, belief!

  Sisi caught the clue to the breakthrough in an instant, her eyes lit up slightly, and her boiling brain quickly cooled down.

  Recalling the content she had read in the two books, she sorted out her thoughts for a moment and looked up at the city lord sitting on the stone chair.

  ”Dear city lord, the rumors in the city are indeed related to me, but I don’t think I am guilty.”

  Whispers spread in the hall.

  The city lord narrowed his eyes slightly and propped up his chin with his left arm.


  Although this pale sophistry could not change her fate, he still wanted to hear what this person was going to say to exonerate himself.

  ”Those rumors were indeed caused by me, but they are not rumors.”

  She raised her head.

  She could feel the pairs of eyes falling on her, most of which were malicious, and the remaining half were mostly in the mood to watch the fun.

  However, she was not timid at all.

  She knew very well in her heart that if she showed any fear at this time, even if she showed a little hesitation, it would mean that all her previous efforts would be wasted.

  The calm expression did not change at all, she raised her voice, and her voice carried a hint of piety – or it could be said that she was justified.

  That confidence did not only come from the fact that what she said was true.

  Moreover, because——

  “That is God’s will.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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