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Chapter 438 Who is plotting something bad?

Chapter 438 Who is plotting something bad?


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 438 Who is plotting something bad?

  Xiao Youran opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

  She couldn’t imagine Xu Xiuwen would be so shameless?

  She tricked him into getting it?

  Wasn’t it him who tricked her into getting it?

  Xiao Youran said faintly, “Xiao Xu, you are so shameless.” Xu

  Xiuwen laughed instantly when he heard it.

  After Xu Xiuwen changed the subject.

  Xiao Youran had forgotten the man who was suspected to be Uncle Jiang.

  She suddenly sighed.

  ”Xiao Xu, you are really amazing.”

  ”Why do you mean?”

  ”You sold more than 10 million for a TV series. I feel that I can’t earn so much in my life.”


  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said, “Others really can’t make it, but you can.”

  ”Ah? Why?” Xiao Youran hesitated and said, “Do I have a talent for making money? How could I not know?”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed, “You think too much. I didn’t say you can make money. With your brain, you are not suitable for business at all.”

  ”You said I’m stupid again, so annoying.” Xiao Youran said with disdain at first.

  But then he asked casually, “Then how do you say I can make 10 million?”

  Xu Xiuwen concentrated on driving.

  Under his control, the car kept shuttling on the main road with heavy traffic.

  Inside the car.

  Xu Xiuwen drove the car and said casually, “Because you are a priceless treasure in my eyes, let alone 10 million, even if it’s 100 million, as long as your mother is willing to sell it, I am willing to buy it.”

  Xiao Youran didn’t expect Xu Xiuwen to suddenly say a love word while driving the car.

  Although it was not a very gorgeous rhetoric.

  It was just a very ordinary priceless treasure.

  But to Xiao Youran,

  it was better than any love words.

  Her cheeks flushed all of a sudden.

  ”It’s not as valuable as you said.”

  Her heart felt as sweet as eating honey.

  Xu Xiuwen could certainly feel her happiness.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled faintly and asked, “There are still three years before we graduate from college. I will make money well in these three years. When we graduate, no matter how much dowry Aunt Zhang asks for, I will buy you back without hesitation, and then I can bully you at will.”

  Xiao Youran was obviously very happy in her heart.

  But her arrogant character made her deny it.

  ”I won’t sell it to you. You want to bully me? No way.”

  ”You don’t want to marry me?”

  Xiao Youran was still arrogant. “No.”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded, “Forget it, I’ll buy someone else. I think Cheng Lu is good.”


  Xiao Youran was anxious instantly.

  ”You can’t marry Cheng Lu!”

  ”You don’t want to marry me, but you don’t let me marry someone else?”

  Xiao Youran stared at Xu Xiuwen and said, “Even if I don’t marry you, you can’t marry Cheng Lu.”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and smiled.

  When Xiao Youran saw his smile, her good mood just now disappeared.

  She asked anxiously, “What are you laughing at? Do you want to marry Cheng Lu?”

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and glanced at her.

  The girl’s face was nervous, worried, sad, and lost.

  Many complex emotions were all written on her face.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled, “I’m just teasing you. I’ll marry you alone.”

  ”That’s better.”

  Xiao Youran breathed a sigh of relief

  , but just as she breathed a sigh of relief,

  she realized that she seemed to have agreed to marry him.

  Suddenly her pretty face was hot.

  Xu Xiuwen continued to drive.

  ”Since you want to marry me, when Aunt Zhang asks for a dowry, you have to help her speak up. The less the dowry, the better. I can’t afford too much.”

  Xiao Youran said aggrievedly: “But you just said that I am a priceless treasure, worth 100 million.”

  ”I thought about it, 100 million is still too much. 10,000 yuan is about right. Isn’t it popular here to have a dowry of 11,000 yuan? Pick one in a million, what a good meaning.” It

  was 100 million before.

  Now it is 11,000.

  The gap between the two

  is not small.

  Xiao Youran is not a person who cares about money.

  What she cares about is her weight in Xiao Xu’s heart.

  11,000 is obviously not enough.

  She pursed her lips and was in a bad mood again.


  Two hours later.

  Xu Xiuwen drove the car to the downstairs of Xiao Youran’s house.

  He parked the car, then got out of the car to help Xiao Youran get the suitcase.

  Xu Xiuwen handed the suitcase to Xiao Youran.

  He smiled and said, “You should go back quickly. I want to go back too.”

  Xiao Youran suddenly said coquettishly, “Xiao Xu~ It’s so heavy. I can’t carry it.”

  Xu Xiuwen could tell at a glance that she said that on purpose.

  But he didn’t expose her.

  ”Then I’ll help you carry it up.”

  ”Hehe, Xiao Xu is the best.”

  Xiao Youran smiled immediately.

  Xu Xiuwen carried the suitcase upstairs.

  When he arrived outside Xiao Youran’s house,

  Xu Xiuwen put down the suitcase, “Okay, I’m going back.”

  Xiao Youran thought about it and said, “Xiao Xu, since we’re here, why don’t you go in and sit for a while.”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help it anymore.

  ”Xiao Youran, what do you want to do?”

  ”Ah? I don’t want to do anything.” Xiao Youran was still pretending to be stupid.

  ”Hehe, do you think I can’t see that you deliberately tricked me into going to your house? Tell me the truth, are you coveting my body? Oh… I see, you want to trick me in, so that I can’t resist, and you can take my body at will.”

  Xiao Youran’s pretty face flushed when he said that.

  Her eyes were so shy that they were about to drip with tears.

  ”What nonsense are you talking about!”

  She denied it softly.

  It didn’t sound credible at all.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t continue to tease her.

  He stopped laughing and said, “I won’t go in. What if Aunt Zhang is here? It’s not good.”

  Xiao Youran shook her head and said, “It doesn’t matter. As long as you don’t have bad intentions, it doesn’t matter whether she is at home or not.”

  Xu Xiuwen stared at her seriously for a few seconds.

  ”Okay, then I’ll go in and sit for a while and take a rest.”

  After hearing this, Xiao Youran immediately turned around and opened the door happily.

  After the door opened.

  Xiao Youran said, “Wait for me, I’ll see if my mother is at home first.”

  Xiao Youran took off her shoes, ran barefoot on the floor to the master bedroom.

  Soon she came back.

  ”Xiao Xu, my mother is not at home, please come in.”


  Xu Xiuwen walked into the house carrying a suitcase.

  Because Aunt Zhang was not at home.

  Xu Xiuwen was less worried.

  He changed into slippers, then carried the suitcase and went straight to Xiao Youran’s boudoir.

  I don’t know if all girls’ rooms are like this, or if it’s only Xiao Youran’s room.

  As soon as he came in.

  A strong fragrance.

  It smells very good.

  Xiao Youran also followed him into his room.


  Xiao Youran made a surprised sound.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Youran said uncertainly: “This fragrance seems to be the smell of my mother’s shower gel. Never mind, it doesn’t matter anyway.”

  ”Xiao Xu, please sit down.”


  ”Yes, sit down.”



  ”Not so good.”

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated, “What if your mother comes back and sees it?”

  ”See? If she sees it, we haven’t done anything shameful.”

  ”Youran, when did you become so brave, you really made me look at you in a new light.”

  ”Hehe, there are still many things you don’t know.” Xiao Youran said with a smile.

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Okay.”

  He began to take off his clothes.

  In a blink of an eye, his T-shirt was taken off, revealing his bare chest.

  Xu Xiuwen muttered, “I knew you had bad intentions in letting me in, but I didn’t expect you to be so anxious. You just want my body, forget it, come on.”

  After Xu Xiuwen finished speaking, he lay down on the bed.

  He fell backwards.

  When his back touched the soft mattress,

  the rebound force made his body bounce up and down continuously.

  Xiao Youran saw Xu Xiuwen suddenly start to take off his clothes, and she didn’t understand.

  Until she heard his words,

  she understood what he meant.

  Xiao Youran was embarrassed and annoyed.

  Her face flushed in an instant.

  ”Xu Xiuwen, what nonsense are you talking about? Who wants your body? You are shameless.”

  Xiao Youran couldn’t bear it anymore.

  She rushed forward, raised her hands and hit Xu Xiuwen.

  Her fists were not very powerful.

  One after another,

  it felt quite comfortable.

  So Xu Xiuwen did not resist.


  he knew that all this was caused by him.

  So he let her hit him.

  But seeing that Xiao Youran had no intention of stopping,

  he stretched out his hands and hugged her waist.

  Every time Xiao Youran hit him,

  he hugged her harder.

  She kept hitting him,

  and he kept hugging her,

  harder and harder.

  Until Xiao Youran felt that she was almost suffocated by his hug, she stopped reluctantly.

  But even so,

  her beautiful eyes were still staring at Xu Xiuwen,

  as if she could stare a few big holes in Xu Xiuwen’s body.

  Xiao Youran’s angry and embarrassed look at the moment, but

  in Xu Xiuwen’s view,

  it was extremely cute.

  He couldn’t help laughing.

  Originally, Xu Xiuwen had no intention of doing anything with Xiao Youran,

  but seeing her so cute,

  the string in his heart was plucked.

  He swallowed a mouthful of water subconsciously, wanting to have a kiss.

  However, Xiao Youran discovered that he was planning something bad.

  She quickly stretched out her hand to block her mouth from his.

  Xu Xiuwen only kissed her palm in the end.

  ”Slutty Xu, let me go!”


  ”Let go!”

  ”I won’t let go!”

  ”If you don’t let go, I…” Xiao Youran threatened.

  But she didn’t think of how to threaten Xu Xiuwen for a while, so she was embarrassed.

  ”What do you want if I don’t let go?”

  Xu Xiuwen was half provocative and half unbelieving of what she would do.

  Xiao Youran said “I” for a long time, and finally said, “I shouted.”

  ”Are you reasonable? You let me in, and then asked me to do it. You regret it now, and you still want to shout people?”

  ”When did I ask you to do it?”

  Xiao Youran was very surprised.

  She stared at Xu Xiuwen blankly, not understanding what he meant.

  When she saw Xu Xiuwen blinking at him.

  She realized something.

  Xiao Youran’s face suddenly turned red with anger.

  She raised her little hand and started to beat Xu Xiuwen again.

  This time, she didn’t hold back her strength like she did before.

  This girl was hitting

  him with all her might. She was determined not to stop until she hit him to death.

  Don’t mention it.

  It still hurt a little when Xiao Youran hit him hard.

  Xu Xiuwen saw the opportunity.

  directly grabbed Xiao Youran’s hands.

  Then he raised his head and prepared to kiss Xiao Youran’s thin lips.

  Unfortunately, Xiao Youran’s reaction was not slow.

  Because her arms were stuck on Xu Xiuwen’s chest.

  There was a distance between her and Xu Xiuwen.

  Then she tried to tilt her head back.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t kiss her for a while.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled speechlessly.

  Xiao Youran could dodge once, but Xu Xiuwen had other ways.

  He grabbed the girl’s hands and pulled them to both sides.

  In this way.

  Without the support and obstruction of her hands.

  Xiao Youran lay directly on Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen felt her softness and elasticity at once.

  Youran didn’t have time to exclaim.

  Xu Xiuwen raised his head and kissed her.

  Xiao Youran wanted to hide at first, but for some reason, he gave up.

  Then the two began to kiss deeply on the bed in Xiao Youran’s room.

  One of them was on top and the other on the bottom

  . Looking down from the ceiling,

  there were clearly two overlapping “big” characters on the bed.

  I don’t know how long they kissed.

  Until Xiao Youran couldn’t breathe.

  She struggled to break free from Xu Xiuwen’s hands.

  Then she supported herself on the bed with both hands.

  She turned to the side.

  Then she lay beside him like Xu Xiuwen.

  Xiao Youran looked at the ceiling.

  She was panting rapidly.

  Xu Xiuwen laughed when he saw this scene.

  had tasted the sweetness of the girl just now.

  He was very satisfied.

  He had never planned to do anything to Xiao Youran from the beginning.

  He was not to the point of being lustful.

  Although Aunt Zhang is not here now.

  But who knows when she will come back.

  What if they are halfway through.

  Aunt Zhang comes back and

  blocks him in Xiao Youran’s room.

  That would be hard to explain.

  Moreover, in someone else’s house, stealing someone else’s daughter.

  Xu Xiuwen is not that bold.

  Xiao Youran heard Xu Xiuwen’s laughter and snorted, “Hateful.”

  Her face was red, as if she had drunk alcohol. She

  exuded a sweet smell.

  If it weren’t for the wrong time and place,

  Xu Xiuwen really wanted to eat her up in one bite.

  This will also let her understand

  how dangerous men are.

  Let’s see if she dares to invite a man home next time!

  At this time,

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly felt something on the back of his hand.

  He picked it up casually.

  It was a very simple piece of cloth.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t even recognize what it was at first glance.

  But he did a move that he didn’t even expect.

  He took the small piece of cloth.

  His subconscious reaction was

  to bring the cloth to his nose.

  Then he sniffed it.

  It smelled so good!

  At this time,

  Xu Xiuwen recognized that

  the cloth in his hand was not a simple cloth.

  It was a pair of women’s underwear.

  It was a pair of sexy lace underwear.

  Xu Xiuwen was suddenly a little panicked.

  This pair of underwear didn’t look like Xiao Youran’s.

  And Xiao Youran had been in school all this time.

  It was impossible to leave a pair of underwear next to the pillow.

  So there was only one explanation.

  That is, this was Aunt Zhang’s.

  Xu Xiuwen had to panic.

  His reaction was not slow. He

  immediately stuffed the sexy underwear in his hand under the pillow.

  After doing all this,

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and glanced at Xiao Youran.

  She was still looking at the ceiling.

  She didn’t notice his action just now.

  Xu Xiuwen was relieved immediately.

  After this happened.

  Xu Xiuwen also felt very embarrassed.

  He hurriedly said: “Youran, it’s getting late, I should go back.”

  After the kiss just now.

  Xiao Youran felt sweet and satisfied.

  She was not as reluctant to let him leave as before.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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