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Chapter 439: Flames Burning on the Riverbank

Chapter 439: Flames Burning on the Riverbank


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 439: Flames Burn on the Riverbank

  ”In the name of God–”

  ”For Your Majesty!”

  ”For the Kingdom!”

  ”Hold on at all costs!”

  The riverbank was covered in smoke, and boiling flames burned on blood and corpses.

  The blood-soaked centurion shouted at the top of his lungs, waving his saber to urge the soldiers forward to fill the bloody defense line.

  Even though his legs had been blown off, he still didn’t stop shouting.

  It was because the fortress under him was called the City of Plenty.

  It was not only the granary in the central part of the Lion Kingdom, but also the grace bestowed by the gods on the kingdom, and it was also the last checkpoint on the way from Falcon to the Lion King’s capital!

  Time went back to a few hours ago.

  The 20,000th team of the Falcon Kingdom finally completed the construction of the fortifications, and beyond everyone’s expectations, they immediately launched a fierce attack on the defenders of the City of Plenty from the west and north.

  The Lion Kingdom would certainly not surrender.

  Under the leadership of Prince Winter, the 10,000-man Scarab Corps and the militia stationed here immediately launched a tenacious resistance.

  Whether it was cast iron cannons, old-fashioned mortars, or howitzers that were pieced together, they were all pulled to the front line.

  Just to stop the enemy’s advance –

  even if it could only delay them for two seconds!

  The propellers of the fighter planes in the air whistled, raining down waves of death on the river bank, but it did not stop the artillery on the river bank from continuing to pour fierce firepower outside the bunker.

  The defenders in the fortress were in units of thousands, filling in one team after another.

  The same was true for the siege troops outside the fortress.

  Even with absolute air superiority.

  Even if the artillery positions in the rear kept firing.

  Even if the defenders on the river bank were annihilated round after round.

  They failed to successfully cross the metal-cast dam.

  The battle situation fell into a stalemate.

  Both sides were blood-thirsty, leaving humanity and faith behind, fighting in the most primitive and cruel way, just to send more and hotter metal shrapnel into the foreheads and chests of their former brothers and sisters. The

  unbreakable river bank has become a rolling meat grinder.

  The flying fragments and the shock waves of the explosion spread in circles, rolling bloody waves on the golden wheat fields.

  Sitting in the driver’s seat of the fighter, Acante, looking out of the cabin, couldn’t help but be amazed.

  It was not because of the tragic battle, but because of the golden color.

  In his hometown, next to the river bank that was about to dry up, he had never seen such a vast and spectacular wheat field.

  If he could occupy this place, his father, mother, brothers and sisters, and even future generations… I guess they would no longer have to endure hunger.

  Although this means that the residents of the occupied side will have a hard time living in poverty and suffering, and although this means that those people will become slaves, he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with this.

  This world is a jungle where the strong prey on the weak, and survival of the fittest is the law of nature.

  His Royal Highness once said that the oasis of the Falcon Kingdom was declining. They had borne the curse of the Great Desert for the desert kings, but the desert kings stood by and watched their suffering, preferring to pour out milk and bread rather than share a bit of the grace of the gods with them.

  The corrupt kings betrayed their oaths and beliefs and were not worthy of the grace of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand.

  If the people of the Falcon wanted to survive in this world, they had to keep fighting, fighting

  until the end of their lives!

  Akante held the joystick and skillfully raised the altitude of the plane, preparing to use the mounted 10mm machine gun to make another dive at the artillery bunker on the riverbank.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a string of black dots in the sun from the side.

  That direction –

  was it the east?

  The backlight made it difficult for him to see what the string of black dots was, and he even wondered if he was dazzled.

  However, the instincts honed in several battles still allowed him to make a judgment immediately, terminate the next round of dives, and continue to rise to the clouds. It

  was proved in real time that his judgment was correct, which allowed him to avoid the first round of strafing.

  But his teammates were not so lucky.

  In just a few breaths, the strings of black dots had flown close, revealing the noses painted with sharks, tigers, and devils in the sunlight, and spewed thick and long flames at them.

  There was no enemy airport in the nearby area, and the pilots of the Falcon Kingdom did not expect to be attacked by aircraft, so they were caught off guard.

  Caught off guard, the three “Eagle” propeller planes were instantly shot into sieves, with a string of bullet holes on the wings, and fell to the ground with black smoke.

  Although the other 22 planes dodged in time, they were still bitten on the tail and hit hard, and soon three more planes were killed and injured.

  Seeing his teammates killed, Acante’s face changed wildly, and he immediately turned on the onboard communication equipment and shouted loudly.

  ”Enemy plane!”

  ”Stop ground attack, prepare to engage the enemy!”

  The remaining 19 planes immediately dispersed, increasing their altitude while turning to the sides, trying to avoid the opponent who was following closely behind them.

  However, the opponent’s flying skills were equally superb, not only with tacit cooperation, but also well-trained.

  Looking at the “chicken” in his sight that was doing a snake-like maneuver to escape, the pig nose of the unprofessional anti-man snorted, biting the back half of the enemy plane tightly, and pushed down the switch.

  ”Want to run?”

  This will let you run away –

  my name is written backwards!

  Pressing the switch of the airborne communicator, he opened his voice and shouted loudly.

  ”Spread out and chase! Each of you has a plane, hit them hard!”

  The communication channel soon echoed.

  ”Okay, brother Mantou!”

  ”Got it! Brother Mantou!”

  The unprofessional anti-man was so angry that he almost flew off the track.


  ”How many times have I told you that my name is Anti-Man!”

  25 propeller fighters of unknown models bit hard and did not let go, and at the same time, 5 of them were separated to encircle them in front.

  The battle in the air quickly became fierce.

  Although they were caught off guard at the beginning, the pilots of the Falcon Kingdom quickly reacted and, relying on the excellent maneuverability of the “Hawk” propeller plane, they engaged in a horizontal fight with the enemy plane that suddenly rushed into the battlefield.

  In the absence of air-to-air missiles, the aerial combat completely turned into a close-quarters fight.

  Both sides performed scissor-shaped roller flight, competing for the fleeting shooting window.

  The orange-yellow bullet rain was waving in the air, like the sparks of a hammer hitting a forge, melting every creature caught in it.

  Sweat oozed from Akante’s forehead, his hands tightly grasped the joystick, and his teeth were clenched so tightly that his gums almost bled.

  He could feel that the opponent’s aircraft was not very strong, but these people’s fighting style was extremely brutal, and their fighting will was incredibly high.

  Some extremely dangerous maneuvers made him wonder whether the opponent didn’t know that he might die, or didn’t take his life seriously at all.

  Was that a pilot from the Lion Kingdom?

  Or was it the Alliance hundreds of kilometers away?

  The victory in the air had not yet been decided, but the situation on the ground had quietly changed with the arrival of the Alliance Air Force.

  The original balance of victory had gradually tilted towards the attacker, but with the loss of air supremacy, the tilted balance was forcibly bent back.

  The 20,000th Falcon Kingdom’s siege force soon fell into a bitter battle.

  On the contrary, seeing the support of friendly aircraft, the defenders on the river bank were greatly encouraged and shouted loudly.

  ”It’s reinforcements!”

  ”Reinforcements from the Alliance! It’s the Alliance!”

  ”Oh, oh, oh!”

  ”Spirit of the Sand Sea! We are saved!”

  Not only did the soldiers see the hope of victory, but the officers in the command post also showed joy on their faces, sweeping away the sorrowful clouds a few minutes ago.

  The reinforcements from the Alliance have finally arrived!

  Although it was only the air force, it was a great help!

  The only thing that the officers couldn’t figure out was where these planes came from?


  The front-line position.

  Behind the anti-artillery bunker, Prince Winter held a telescope in his hand, looking through the observation window on the sandbag wall at a battlefield with billowing smoke in the distance, his brows knitted together.

  Although the Alliance’s aircraft unexpectedly arrived and reversed their decline, for them, the current battle situation is still not optimistic.

  With the help of the Legion, the Falcon Kingdom has been preparing for this battle for more than ten years. Their equipment and soldiers are far superior to those of the Lion Kingdom.

  The sound of artillery fire in the distance is the best proof.

  Those people did not retreat because of the loss of air support. Instead, the offensive became more fierce.

  The scarab 10,000 troops under his command have been reduced by 20%, and the local militia and conscripts in training have suffered heavy casualties.

  The blood almost dyed the river bank red and poured into the irrigation canal under the river bank…

  ”…If we continue to waste time like this, even if we successfully defend this fortress, I am afraid we will be seriously injured.” Standing next to Prince Winter, a noble who served as a staff officer said solemnly.

  Another officer clenched his fists and cursed.

  ”These beasts… it’s like they can’t be killed anymore!”

  ”We have to defend this place no matter what. This is the last wall of the kingdom. We have no other choice.”

  Holding the telescope, Prince Winter paused and continued expressionlessly,

  ”Since they are determined to take this fortress, let them bleed to death on the river bank!”

  At this moment, a rolling dust suddenly emerged on the northwest side of the fortress, and along with the dust came an unstoppable torrent of steel!

  About 50 Conqueror X heavy tanks suddenly rushed into the battlefield.

  At first, seeing the unplanned troops, neither the attacker nor the defender reacted. It was not

  until those tanks moved to a close position and suddenly opened fire on the attackers outside the fortress that the defenders on the river bank realized that it was a reinforcement force!

  A flag with the emblem of the honey badger royal family was displayed on the turret of the tank.

  The officer who was crawling on the front line to command the battle was overjoyed and shouted excitedly.

  ”It’s the Restoration Army of the Honey Badger Kingdom!”

  ”They are here to help us!!!”

  As friendly forces arrived at the battlefield one after another, the morale of the Lion Kingdom soldiers reached its peak, and the speed of pulling the bolt and loading the shells was much faster.

  The half-crippled thousand-man team actually fired at the firepower density of a full thousand men.

  Facing the flank stranglehold of the armored forces and the suddenly fierce frontal firepower, the 20,000-man team of the Falcon Kingdom, which served as the vanguard of the assault, suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

  At the same time, the battle in the air had also been decided.

  Except for a few planes retreating to the west, the entire air force squadron of the Falcon Kingdom was almost wiped out.

  The originally even balance of victory completely tilted towards the defenders.

  The towering river bank still stood in the center of the wheat fields and the billowing smoke.

  Seeing that the general situation was hopeless, even if he was reluctant, the front-line commander of the Falcon Kingdom could only order a retreat.

  If they hesitated or wanted to fight at this time, few of the 10,000-man army would survive, and the entire organization would be destroyed…


  Thirty kilometers away, the Falcon Kingdom’s military camp.

  The entire camp was almost full of wounded.

  Looking at the stretchers on the ground and the wounded soldiers lying on the stretchers and wailing, Prince William’s eyes were full of anger, and he clenched his fists uncontrollably.

  He didn’t understand why the legion ordered the attack.

  Didn’t they agree to use nuclear bombs to flatten the fortress?

  Why did they let his people fill the battle line that was impossible to fill.

  He didn’t mind the people of the Falcon Kingdom sacrificing for the royal family to expand the territory, but these casualties could have been avoided!

  Even completely unnecessary!

  Looking at the legion officer walking towards him, he restrained his anger and walked forward, lowering his voice to question.

  ”Where is the nuclear bomb? Where is your nuclear bomb?”

  Looking at William, whose chest was heaving violently, the officer just made a shushing gesture and tapped his index finger on his mouth, indicating that he should shut up.

  Seeing the gesture to shut up, Prince William knew that this was not the time to lose his temper. He took a deep breath, controlled his emotions, and said in a soothing tone.

  ”We need that thing, and I’m already prepared… I don’t know what you’re still hesitating about!”

  ”If you’re worried about arousing the hatred of the residents of Luoxia Province, I can bear their anger for you and help you suppress those bugs–“

  The officer raised his right hand, interrupted his chattering, and looked at him seriously.

  ”Mr. William, we are now facing an opponent whose performance is far beyond our expectations. They will adjust their tactics according to our tactics, and we will certainly do the same. The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly. Why do you think that plans can always keep up with the changes?”

  Prince William was stunned for a moment and narrowed his eyes.

  ”What do you mean?”


  The officer did not want to explain anything to the nominal marshal, passed by him, and walked towards the tent not far away.

  However, when he reached the door of the tent, the officer still stopped and tilted his face slightly.

  ”Never try to guess Lord Griffin’s thoughts, he naturally has his plans.”

  ”Do what you should do, and we will naturally lead you to win this war.”

  Throwing down these two sentences, he lifted the curtain of the tent and walked in. He came to a radio station, put on the headset hanging on the radio on his head, and reported the situation on the front line.

  ”The first flight squadron was intercepted by the enemy air force, and we lost 21 planes…”

  ”The resistance of the defenders of the City of Plenty exceeded expectations. The armored unit lost by Camp 530 appeared on the north side of the attack spearhead. The 20,000-man team responsible for the attack suffered heavy casualties. Today’s offensive was forced to end early…”

  Although the report was all bad news, the radio was very calm.

  It seemed that they were not surprised at all.

  After a pause, the officer continued respectfully with respect and admiration on his face.

  ”In addition, the big fish has taken the bait, and they really can’t hold back. Everything is just as you expected…”


  On the other side, in the devastated City of Plenty, a door was opened on the towering river bank, allowing the tank unit that had previously supported them to come in.

  The soldiers guarding both sides of the road looked nervously at these tanks belonging to the legion, with vigilance in their eyes.

  Even if those tanks flew the flag of the Honey Badger Kingdom, the fear engraved in their memories still made them instinctively vigilant.

  What’s more,

  not everyone likes these “honey badgers” who bring them trouble.

  Prince Winter stood in the middle of the road, personally leading a group of guards and officers to greet the friendly forces that appeared at the critical moment.

  The hatch on the top of the turret of the leading tank opened, and a man with a thick beard stood up from inside, raising his hand to signal the troops behind him to stop.

  Looking at Yad getting off the tank, Prince Winter’s expressionless face could not help but show a slight touch of emotion.

  ”You are here?”

  ”Yes, I am.”

  Walking in front of Prince Winter, Yad stretched out his hand and shook his hand vigorously, and glanced at the officers behind him.

  A few people looked away, and a few people looked at him expressionlessly… Only half of the faces were grateful.

  This is normal.

  Even now, there are still many people in the court of the Lion Royal Family who believe that as long as they hand over the royal family members of the Honey Badger Kingdom, the Falcon Kingdom will return the territories they have occupied.

  Even if they do not hold such naive fantasies, there are still many people who think that they are the ones who brought about the war. If they were not taken in, the Falcon Kingdom would have calmly sat down and negotiated with them after occupying Oasis No. 3, instead of continuing to the east.

  Yade was very clear about the battle of Camp 530. The reason why the intelligence he obtained was problematic must be that these people were secretly doing bad things. If the allies had not arrived in advance, he would probably have died in that sand dune.

  Although he wanted to pull this man out and beat him up, he knew that now was not the time to pursue this matter.

  Everything should be based on the overall situation.

  Yade moved his eyes away without leaving a trace, and naturally looked at Prince Winter in front of him.

  ”What’s the situation with those planes?”

  ”They are planes from the Alliance.”

  ”Do they have an airport here?” Yade’s expression showed a little doubt. Obviously, he dared to come here not because of the instructions of the Alliance, but out of his own judgment of the battlefield.

  Prince Winter shook his head.

  ”I don’t know, those planes appeared suddenly. Thanks to them, otherwise we would not have been able to hold on until you arrived…”

  When he said this, his expression was full of complexity.

  When the Honey Badger royal family first fled here, he was strongly against the royal family taking in these people, but he never thought that one day he would be saved by these people.

  Prince Winter’s Adam’s apple moved, and he continued.

  ”… Thank you for your help. Although I can’t represent my kingdom, from today on, everyone standing here owes you a favor.”

  Yade grinned and patted the old man’s arm.

  ”There’s no need to say such things. We are allies on the same front…”

  Although he was prepared not to pursue the matter for the time being, he couldn’t help but emphasize the words “same front”. The implicit hint was self-evident.

  Several officers showed embarrassed expressions on their faces and subtly moved their eyes away.

  They knew in their hearts that what they did before was indeed not authentic.

  Whether it was the wrong intelligence or the withdrawal of the guerrillas in the north, the ball of covering friendly forces was kicked to the Honey Badger’s Restoration Army.

  As for Prince Winter, the wrinkled old face did not change at all, but just smiled faintly.

  ”You’re right. We are allies on the same front, but I will still remember this favor.”

  As he said that, he suddenly remembered something, took out a letter from his arms, and handed it to Yade.

  ”…By the way, here is a letter from your brothers and sisters. They are now in the Dawn City of the Alliance. Our delegation happened to be there, so we brought the letter to them.”

  Hearing the whereabouts of his brother and sister, Yade’s eyes were filled with surprise. He smiled and grinned, and immediately opened the letter handed to him by Prince Winter.

  There were two letters in the envelope.

  One was written by his brother, the acting king, and the other was from his sister, Princess Avni.

  Good things should be saved for later, so he opened his brother’s letter first.

  Skipping the polite words at the beginning, he looked directly at the middle of the letter.

  […I don’t know if you are well. Please don’t worry about our safety. The manager of the alliance is an enlightened leader. Although our routes are different, he respects our beliefs and choices. ]

  [After the war, the residents of the Honey Badger Kingdom can freely choose how they want to live in the future, as long as we promise to treat the descendants of the survivors well and always stand on the side of the masses. I can’t fully understand everything he said, but I think I have got what I want, and the price is not very unacceptable. ]

  [We all agree that peaceful development is the way to end chaos. With a consensus, we will become partners. ]

  Yade grinned.

  The things written by this bastard are still so literary. It’s enough to report safety, but he has to go around in circles. The important things are hidden in a lot of nonsense.

  ”Hehe, I don’t recognize you as the king.”

  But the throne can also wait for the future.

  What we need to do now is to drive away the invaders.

  Drive away the invaders who occupied the Honey Badger Kingdom and drive away the invaders who invaded Luoxia Province.

  He opened his sister’s letter.

  Unlike his annoying brother, Avni’s letter was much more comfortable to read.

  Not only was her handwriting beautiful and polite, but she also did not have the bad habits of the civil officials and nobles. She just reported her safety in the tone of her family, and then chatted with him about her recent situation.

  Including her life in Dawn City, her recent work of sorting books, and her new friend, a little girl named Shuangxue.

  Yade smiled, and his calloused index finger rubbed his thick beard.

  At first, when he heard that guy Summer said that he wanted to marry their lovely sister to a pagan, and to marry her far away from Luoxia Province, he, as the eldest brother, strongly opposed it.

  Outside the oasis is still a wasteland, let alone the barbaric land far away from the protection of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand?

  It is said that the people there are hungry and naked, and even eat their own children to survive. Some plunderers believe in barbaric beliefs and throw captives into pots to cook, which is even more barbaric than wild beasts.

  Although the merchants from the east portrayed the Dawn City as a clear stream in the darkness, it is ultimately located on barbaric soil.

  Even if there is a difference, how big can the difference be?

  Yade didn’t believe in the fairy tale picture book at all. He only reluctantly agreed to Summer’s idea after hearing that the Alliance defeated the Bone Chewing Tribe, which was also supported by the Legion.

  This also made him feel guilty.

  After all, in his opinion, this was undoubtedly using his sister as a sacrifice.

  The victory gained at the expense of his family made him feel dishonorable even if he won.

  However, seeing his sister so happy, his uneasiness was also relieved a little.

  At least from the content of the letter, life there was not as bad as he imagined.

  Being able to run the territory so well, the son of the manager must be at least a person worthy of trust.

  However, as Yade read on, the expression on his face became subtle.

  Like the letter written by his brother, the second half of the letter was entirely about the Alliance manager.

  He admitted that he was a person worth mentioning. Considering the future relationship, they needed to understand the man who ruled half of the province.

  But there was no need to keep talking about him, right?

  Apart from anything else, he hoped that she would at least mention her fiancé, so that he, as the eldest brother, would know whether that guy was a good person.

  However, the letter did not mention this at all.

  And I don’t know from which line, the tone of the letter became strange.

  […The managers of the alliance are deeply loved by the local residents, and I can feel that the love is from the heart, not blind obedience or submission to power. ]

  [I can see the unpretentious loyalty in the eyes of the young man who serves as the captain of the personal guard beside him, and the longing without any hope in the eyes of a girl who works in the guild… Isn’t this very enviable? Although I admit that this makes me a little jealous. ]

  Noticing that there was something wrong with the expression on Yade’s face, Prince Winter was slightly stunned and asked with concern.

  ”Are you feeling unwell?”


  Yade muttered with a complicated expression and put the two letters together in his pocket.

  He felt that he needed to talk to his sister… and that damn and stupid brother Summer.

  That guy is doing something extremely dangerous.

  Of course, this would have to wait until the invaders were driven away.

  However, compared to the emotions of nervousness and fear, his confused brain was now filled with more complex emotions that he himself did not understand.

  And the culprit of all this was the last line before the signature of the letter –

  [I may have fallen in love with him.]


  Above the cloudless blue sky.

  The towering Iron Heart stretched its wings and the propellers connected to its wings in parallel.

  Not far behind it, planes slowly caught up and landed on the hundreds of meters long steel deck.

  The whole airship was like an aircraft carrier floating in the air.

  It was Mosquito’s brain hole to turn the Iron Heart into an airborne aircraft carrier, but it was not Goblin Technology that finally completed this work, but the Ideal Group of Enterprises and the Alliance’s No. 81 Steel Plant.

  Although in the history of the earth, airship aircraft carriers were a failed invention, and the Akron and Macon were both bloody ironclad evidence, but it was not necessarily the case in the “game”.

  The Heart of Steel is not buoyant by helium or hydrogen, but by the anti-gravity system on the core of the frigate to counteract gravity, so there is no need to worry about “air turbulence causing violent collisions” or “wings cutting the airbags”.

  And this is indeed the case.

  The Heart of Steel flying in the sky is very stable.

  Not only that, the armor on the central axis of the airship is as flat as the ground, and because the bottom of the armor is facing the keel of the airship, there are no obstacles such as anti-aircraft guns installed, and there is no need to remove the anti-aircraft guns to clear the runway.

  Just don’t hit the 400mm mortar on the head of the airship. The

  runway of hundreds of meters is enough for propeller planes to land, and the airship itself can also provide a certain initial velocity for carrier-based aircraft, allowing aircraft to take off with a shorter runway.

  Although this is a certain test of the pilot’s driving skills and psychological quality, the alliance can still get together only 20 or 30 “ace pilots”.

  Coming out of the plane, the brother with a pig head supported the wing with his right hand and said with emotion.

  ”Ah… it’s still more fun to fly a big plane. I haven’t driven a small one like this for a long time.”

  Unfortunately, the “little sparrow” still ran away in the end.

  However, it doesn’t matter if I win.

  Brother Bing and Huo, who often partnered with him as a gunner, asked with a chuckle.

  ”How many did you shoot down?”

  Unprofessional Fanman shook his big ears that caught the wind and smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Hehe, let’s not talk about it, let’s not talk about it…”

  On the other side, next to a W-2 attack plane.

  Feng Qing jumped down from the cabin with a whoosh.

  Taking off the pilot’s hat that was scratched by shrapnel, she shook her hair that was blown into a mess.

  There were a series of bullet holes on the cabin, and the airflow that leaked in almost blew her left half of the face numb. She hid from Aba for a long time before recovering. Guigui

  also just got off the plane.

  He came over curiously and looked around the canopy of her plane.

  ”What are you looking for?” Feng Qing looked at her curiously and blinked.

  Guigui scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Where’s the poem?”

  Upon hearing this, Feng Qing’s face suddenly turned red like a lantern, and her toes dug into the soles of her shoes.

  She grabbed the guy’s shoulder with her claws and pushed her away from her car.

  ”Go away, go away, I don’t know what you are talking about, I don’t know the person you are looking for.”

  ”Eh?! Don’t you remember, it’s that–”

  ”Ahhh! You, you, you, stop repeating it!”

  The noisy voice drifted from the deck to the gangway leading to the lower level. The NPC flight crew responsible for putting the plane into the hangar looked at these pilots with admiration.

  They looked energetic, not like they had just come down from the battlefield of life and death, as if they were just going to a banquet.

  Just this courage and optimism of facing death is enough to make them admire them.

  On the other side of the airship deck.

  Commander Quanshui walked to Mosquito who had just come down from the plane, looked around and asked.

  ”Where is Luoyu? Why don’t I see him with you?”

  ”Him,” Mosquito smiled, “the manager arranged other work for him.”

  Hearing this, Commander Quanshui couldn’t help but have a subtle expression.

  ”…It seems that I will have to wait a few days before I can see him.”


  At the same time, on the bridge below the airship.

  Vanus, who was following Chu Guang, frowned and pondered for a long time, and suddenly spoke.

  ”I still don’t understand.”

  Chu Guang said with a pleasant face.

  ”What don’t you understand?”

  Vanus looked at him and asked.

  ”You knew that this was Griffin’s trap, so why did you drive the airship to the front line?”

  Although the deployment location and attack type of the nuclear bomb can be basically determined, it may not be possible to defend against that thing by relying on the Boulder City alone.

  Not to mention, they don’t trust each other to the extent of sharing intelligence.

  Chu Guang smiled lightly and said softly.

  ”There is only a thief who steals for a thousand days, but there is no thief who guards against thieves for a thousand days.”

  Vanus was stunned. He had never heard of this proverb.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Chu Guang answered concisely.


  ”Since this sword of Damocles may fall at any time, why not let it fall today?”

  ”You can understand it as a counterattack, or a fishing enforcement.”

  The tactical contest is a collision of iron and blood.

  The strategic contest is more about psychological games and intrigues without the smoke of gunpowder.

  At present, the initiative of this game is in the hands of Griffin, but it does not mean that the guy has already won.

  Whether he takes advantage of the alliance’s flaw this time and deploys the nuclear bomb to the airport in the Lost Valley as planned.

  Or he takes advantage of the alliance’s strategy and throws the nuclear bomb directly to the City of Plenty to reduce the losses of the allies.

  The Alliance is ready to deal with it.

  The Death Legion has already met with the Alliance’s delegation and is on the way to the Great Rift Valley. The supply line to the north of the Legion will soon be cut off, while the Alliance’s supply line is taking shape, and the roads and railways are ready.

  If Griffin judges this, he will definitely speed up the pace of the war, otherwise his vassal will eventually lose due to poor logistics even if he wins on the battlefield.

  Therefore, he will definitely choose a more radical strategy and will definitely advance the time of the decisive battle.

  The Skeleton Corps has already set out from the western border of the Alliance. 35 latest-model tanks and 60 light and heavy trucks are heading to the Lost Valley east of Oasis No. 4, preparing to take over the airport there.

  The Storm Corps, who followed Chu Guang to help the allies, are already ready in the airship.

  Although the Marines carried by the airship are only a thousand-man team, they are all elite.

  The level and individual combat effectiveness of these players may not be the top of the alliance, but the Storm Corps’ various capabilities are definitely the most balanced.

  Whether in terms of organization or combat style, they are the corps closest to the regular army.

  If the Burning Corps is the spear of the Alliance!

  Then they are the shield of the Alliance!

  Looking at the handsome face on the French window, Chu Guang took a deep breath and muttered to himself in a very soft voice.

  ”…Come on.”

  He has completed all the deployments.

  Now –

  it’s your turn to play.

   I want to write more every day, but my hand speed is too slow. I haven’t finished it yet. I will continue tomorrow…


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode