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Chapter 442 Counterattack time!

Chapter 442 Counterattack time!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 442: Counterattack time!


  City of Plenty.

  Outside the riverbank.

  A devastating roar completely shattered the silence of the afternoon. The

  flying gravel and dust fell like raindrops, causing the Falcon Kingdom soldiers squatting in the trenches to subconsciously lower their heads to block the lunch boxes in their arms.

  ”Damn it——”

  ”My ears… Shit!”

  ”What’s that sound?”

  ”Nuclear bomb…”

  This is a rumor circulating in the army recently.

  The legion intends to use nuclear bombs to wipe the City of Plenty off the map.

  Could it be…

  already used?

  Covering his stinging ears, a soldier struggled to stand up from the ground, found a helmet to put on, and half of his head stuck out of the trench, eagerly looking in the direction of the City of Plenty.


  the desperate riverbank still stood.

  A trace of despair flashed in his numb pupils.

  As if realizing something, he turned his stiff neck and wanted to turn around.

  And just as he looked behind him, his shrunken pupils suddenly lost their light, and the despair hidden deep in his soul spread across his face at the same time.



  Floating heat waves.

  The whole world seemed to be burning. The

  creeping black smoke connected the sky and the ground, like a torrent pouring down from the Styx, with no end in sight whether it was upward, left, or right.

  The center of the explosion was a deep pit a hundred meters wide, and a corner of the wide battlefield was directly wiped out. The soil, gravel, and corpses that were lifted up… buried the winding trenches.

  There was no wailing there.

  There was only deathly silence.

  He remembered that it was the position of the 7,000th Squadron of the 10,000th Squadron, and he even remembered that those guys had just changed guard with the 4,000th Squadron of the 20,000th Squadron that had been crippled yesterday.

  His Adam’s apple moved slightly, and the sound of swallowing saliva was the only little sound left in this silent world.

  At this time, it suddenly rained from the sky.

  The raindrops were red.

  He raised his trembling right hand and touched the tip of his nose with his index finger. The burning and sticky touch almost made his heart stop beating.

  The rain suddenly got heavier.

  From a drizzle, it became a heavy downpour, and it became hard and rapid. More and more pieces of meat and bone fell from the air, hitting his helmet like hail, making a clanging sound.

  What was all this for?

  What was the meaning of his existence here?

  Fear finally destroyed the soldier’s psychological defense. He knelt in the trench and hugged his helmet with both hands, shouting heartbreakingly.

  In the distance was the deafening sound of artillery, continuous gunfire, and the shouts of killing that were accompanied by the sound of tank tracks rolling…

  The anger and hatred of tens of thousands of people completely pulled the remaining soldiers in the trenches back to reality from that silent world——




  The thunderous sound of artillery was like a horn, shattering the surrounding clouds and pushing the Heart of Steel cruising under the clouds to shake gently.

  A thick column of smoke rose from the 400mm main gun, drawing a perfectly curvatured parabola, and attacked the ground along with the dived propeller plane.

  Looking at the column of fire rising from the ground, the commander of the spring water standing by the railing of the deck of the Iron Heart couldn’t help but smack his tongue and sigh.

  ”… This equivalent is probably not less than a tactical nuclear bomb.”

  And it is environmentally friendly and has no radioactive fallout.

  It’s just that this pit is a bit big, and it will probably take a lot of effort to fill it.

  Speaking of which, the last time I saw this thing firing was on the ground. Now that I have changed my perspective, it feels completely different.

  Facing the fire suppression of this “air battleship”, the front line of the Falcon Kingdom besieging the City of Plenty is disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The aviation formation of the Goblin Corps cruised along the edge of the explosion shock wave, and the machine guns of forty W-2 ground attack aircraft continued to fire and lick the ground, and this was already the second round of air strikes.

  I looked at the spring water standing aside.

  ”When are we going up?”

  ”It’s not time for us to go up yet.”

  ”Damn, it’s all over!”

  ”The airship is the protagonist of this war. Let our allies take charge. Our role is to appear at the key position at the critical moment, such as carrying anti-tank weapons to reinforce when the enemy’s armored forces suddenly arrive, etc. But now it seems that there is no need for this.” Commander Quanshui took out a telescope and looked at the ground.

  The enemy’s front collapsed faster than expected.

  It seems that the legion should have given up this position…

  A string of black dots appeared in the distant sky.

  The flying squadron of the Falcon Kingdom tried to save the situation. Thirty “Eagle” propeller planes rushed into the battlefield from the northwest.

  However, from the moment those flashing red dots appeared on the radar screen of the Iron Heart, their fate was doomed.

  ”Master, the enemy aircraft has entered the range of fire!”

  Xiao Qi was full of energy in the communication channel.

  Chu Guang, standing in front of the French window of the bridge, looked at the clear sky in the distance and announced their death in a calm voice.

  ”Open fire.”

  ”Got it!”

  As soon as the playful voice fell, the sky was lit up by the rain of fire. The smoke and flames that exploded one after another formed an impenetrable wall, and a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the clear sky.

  In the face of the overwhelming firepower, any evasive maneuver was meaningless at this moment.

  If you can’t break through the entire airspace within a breath, being riddled with countless shrapnel is the only outcome.

  Finod, who was standing not far away, swallowed his saliva.

  This guy really understood the Iron Heart.

  He even had the illusion that the combat effectiveness of this airship in the hands of this demon was directly raised by an order of magnitude.

  Under the coordination of the shelter server and the shelter AI system, the performance of each anti-aircraft gun of the Heart of Steel was squeezed to the limit, and even covered the explosive shrapnel in Brownian motion in a probabilistic sense, allowing the firepower network to expand by 1.5 times without changing its efficiency!

  Especially the idea of ​​changing the deck into an airplane runway.

  It made him drop his jaw to the ground.

  The Heart of Steel can indeed carry carrier-based aircraft, but generally it carries vertical take-off and landing aircraft.

  This kind of gameplay of throwing propeller planes out like throwing paper airplanes is really beyond his imagination.

  Don’t they worry about accidents at all?

  ”The enemy air units have been completely annihilated!”

  Xiao Qi’s report came from the communication channel.

  Chu Guang nodded slightly, retracted his gaze from the smoke-filled sky in the distance, and looked back at the City of Plenty not far away.

  On the battlefield covered with billowing smoke, the Scarab 10,000-man Army led by Prince Winter was rushing out from the west gate of the river bank. With the assistance of the Honey Badger Kingdom Restoration Army, they completely defeated the defense line of the Falcon Kingdom’s 10,000-man Army.

  In fact, before they rushed out of the river bank, the Falcon Kingdom’s defense line was on the verge of collapse.

  The 30 W-2 ground attack aircraft’s successive dives, strafing and bombing almost paralyzed the fixed firepower points on the position.

  And a total of four 400mm heavy high-explosive bombs and heavy incendiary bombs dropped from the sky directly crushed the psychological defense line of the Falcon Kingdom soldiers. There were far

  more soldiers who laid down their weapons and raised their hands to surrender than those who were killed on the spot by artillery.

  Although most of them resisted stubbornly, it still could not change their doomed defeat.

  The nuclear bombs were not deployed at the nearest airport, and the Legion did not even approve them to deploy more aircraft.

  Even as early as last night, the Alliance’s reconnaissance aircraft discovered that at least three 10,000-man Army and two artillery squadrons had evacuated to the northwest.

  The people who stayed behind were all abandoned by Griffin to the Alliance.

  This was the most realistic judgment when the supply line in the north could not be maintained, and Griffin’s choice was more decisive. If

  the fortress could not be conquered, he would give up directly. When the situation was not right, he would shift his strategy without hesitation. He did not take the seemingly insignificant Alliance lightly.

  This old fox was more cunning than he thought.

  Considering that it was better to be cautious, Chu Guang did not order the airship to go deep behind the enemy and chase the retreating enemy.

  The Alliance would not design a weapon that the Alliance could not deal with. He had reason to believe that the Legion also had a trump card in its hand that could solve the Heart of Steel.

  At least according to the Alliance’s chief researcher Yin Fang, the technology of manipulating gravitons was not impeccable, otherwise the prosperous era would not have ended so hastily.

  When he had to give it a try, he would not hesitate to put all his chips on the line, but when there was a safer choice, he would not hesitate to choose the latter.

  The Iron Heart will not leave the front line and go deep into the enemy’s rear. Chu Guang will personally lead this flagship and advance steadily along the front line.

  There is no suspense about the counterattack of the City of Plenty.

  In contrast, he is more worried about the situation in the south.

  If his initial strategic judgment is correct, then the Legion’s nuclear bombs should have been deployed to the airport of the Lost Valley…

  Staring at the battlefield outside the French window, Vanus thought for a moment and suddenly spoke.

  ”Too fast.”

  Chu Guang looked at him.


  ”Well…” Vanus nodded and said thoughtfully, “I didn’t even see a little effective resistance.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”Isn’t this bad?”

  ”It’s not bad, it just makes me feel a little strange…”

  Vanus pondered for a moment and suddenly spoke.

  ”Where are Griffin’s tanks? We haven’t seen a single tank since yesterday. The Restoration Army of the Honey Badger Kingdom rushed into the river bank almost unhindered. If I were him, I would never let the two troops successfully meet.”

  Tanks separated from infantry are spears without handles.

  At that time, it was possible to send several anti-tank teams to cooperate with the armored forces to intercept the restoration army of the Honey Badger Kingdom.

  There was no need to annihilate all those people.

  The Falcon Kingdom only needed to hold them back and drag them under the river bank. Once the tanks stopped, they would be like iron coffins.

  ”Even if this is Luoxia Province far away from the west coast, even if they only have so many tanks here, this is too strange…”

  After a pause of a few seconds, looking at Chu Guang who was lost in thought, Vanus continued to talk about his opinion.

  ”It’s not possible that all the tanks are in Camp 530?”


  East of Oasis No. 4, 300 kilometers away from Shuangtou Peak, dusk gradually enveloped the land in the desert.

  One tank after another was looming in the flying yellow sand, revealing only a thick and long gun barrel and a turret covered with desert-colored camouflage nets.

  The front of the vehicle body was reinforced with sandbags and completely buried in the sand.

  These tanks were mainly Conqueror No. 5 light tanks and No. 10 heavy tanks.

  In order to stretch the battle line long enough, the distance between tanks was very large, and the large gaps in the middle were filled by the foxholes where the infantry lay.

  At the northernmost side of the battle line, there was a tank with a strange shape.

  It had no turret, and the barrel was buried in the wedge-shaped body. What was even more surprising was that its tracks were not embedded in the body, but connected to the outside of the body like tires.

  The officer in navy blue uniform exposed half of his body on the roof of the car, holding a telescope in his hand, with his raised nose pointing straight to the east.

  His name was Stan, a tank commander under Griffin, and also the commander of the 1st Armored Motorcycle Thousand-Man Squadron directly under the Falcon Kingdom.

  A few days ago, General Griffin personally explained this operation to him.

  ”…Our plan is not foolproof, and if they see through our plan, sending a motorized force to raid our airport is their only option, and that is also their last hope. What you have to do is to block their last door!”

  Although all of this is based on the premise that “the Alliance has seen through their plan”, and this possibility is very small.

  But it is not impossible.

  But Stan is not worried.

  Fifty Conqueror V light tanks, forty Conqueror X and XI heavy tanks, and the “Wanderer” under him.

  Adding a thousand motorized infantry and a large number of anti-tank and anti-infantry equipment, a huge net has been spread out on the battle line that is more than ten kilometers wide.

  No matter if it is a thousand people

  or ten thousand people ,

  don’t even think about crossing this wall!

  At this time, the sound of a scout reporting the discovery of enemy vehicles came from the communication channel.

  Although the wind and sand here are wrapped in rust and the signal is intermittent, he still heard the key words clearly.

  After repeating it several times, the scout hung up the phone.

  Stan put down the telescope in his hand, adjusted the headset hanging on the side, and ordered in a cold and ruthless voice.

  ”Attention, all units, the enemy unit is advancing from the south to the G5 area.”

  ”Combat begins!”

  The moment the voice fell, a deafening explosion suddenly came from afar, and a column of smoke slowly rose from the horizon.

  Stan’s face showed a slightly stunned expression.

  The direction of the smoke…

  seems to be his position?

  When he had already ambushed in advance and the scouts had completed the advance search for the enemy, he was actually beaten by the opponent first…

  How is it possible!

  A noisy and chaotic voice came from the headset.

  ”…This is Squad 7, ‘Hunter’ and ‘Obsidian’ have been destroyed! We are under attack by a cluster of enemy tanks and need reinforcements!”


  A deafening gunshot interrupted the tank commander’s voice. The gunner yelled angrily, and the loader struggled to stuff the shells into the barrel. From the clanging and banging sounds and the rumbling sound of the coaxial machine gun, it was not difficult to feel the anxiety and chaos of the battle.

  When he heard that the “Hunter” was destroyed, Stan finally frowned.

  ’Hunter’ and ‘Obsidian’ are the code names of the No. 3 and No. 4 crews of Squad 7 respectively – a Conqueror No. 10 and No. 11 heavy tanks!

  Needless to say, the former.

  The latter has an equivalent armor thickness of nearly 1.5 meters!

  Not only does it have interlayers and anti-armor linings, but it also has sandbags as shelters.

  Such a “mobile fortress” can’t be penetrated by a single shot, right? !

  No matter what Team 7 encountered, now was not the time to hesitate.

  Stan had no time to be surprised, and did not say a word. Half of his body immediately retracted into the body of the “Wanderer” tank.

  With a sharp electric sound, the gray-black tank surface seemed to be coated with a transparent film, and the shadow under the barrel was even covered with a light layer of frost!

  The communication was completely interrupted.

  Before the silent state, he handed over the command to the captain of the 1st Armored Motorcycle Thousand-man Squadron directly under the Falcon Kingdom.

  And the price he got was almost invincible armor!

  Those natives would never have thought that the legion still held this trump card!

  Stan’s mouth curled up a cold arc.

  Holding the control handle of the artillery with both hands, he calmly turned on the switches of the rangefinder and optical zoom sight, and at the same time looked at the driver sitting in front and ordered.

  ”Target G5 area–”


  The hunt–



  In the endless sea of ​​sand, the Alliance’s Skeleton Corps and the Falcon Kingdom’s Armored Thousand-man Squadron broke out in an encounter.

  35 Type 2 tanks and 500 armored grenadiers faced nearly 100 Conqueror tanks and nearly 1,000 light infantrymen who were waiting in defense.

  Although the crisis premonition of the perception players and the “thermal vision” of the rich brother helped the Skeleton Corps to discover the ambush in advance, they were able to urgently deploy personnel and equipment before the encounter broke out, avoiding being caught off guard.

  But it still couldn’t change the difference in numbers between the two sides.

  Both sides are the elite of their respective camps, and each has a trump card that the other doesn’t know.

  This is destined to be a tough battle!

  The collision of iron and blood here has just begun, and the fight 200 kilometers away has entered a white-hot stage.

  The defenders stationed in the Petra Fortress almost came out in full force. Nearly 20,000 high-spirited soldiers gathered under the command of the Lord of Sean, and followed the guidance of faith to kill towards the Lost Valley.

  All the transportation vehicles in the entire Petra Fortress were temporarily requisitioned. Whether it was motorcycles, trucks, ox carts, or horse carriages, they were all used to transport troops and supplies and to tow artillery. The vast dust was like a rolling sandstorm.

  General McLennan was obviously not blind. He soon noticed the movement in the west, so he immediately sent his troops to form a formation along the wreckage of Highway 7.

  The two sides broke out in a fierce exchange of fire in an area 50 kilometers away from the airport.

  Since neither side was prepared for this war, the exchange of fire quickly turned into a tragic melee.

  The battle line that stretched for more than ten kilometers was full of gunfire and artillery fire.

  Both sides could only rely on the general direction to barely distinguish the enemy and us in the gradually falling dusk, and then fire in the direction of the flashing gunfire.

  As for the advance and retreat of each unit or defense on the spot, it depends on the small notes occasionally delivered by the messenger.

  The setting sun lengthened the shadow of the valley, and the entire desert was coated with a layer of blood.

  Just as the battle was getting intense, a cuirassiers team of about 1,000 people, led by the captain of the guard of Lord Sean, went around the Zhuobar Mountains to the south of the Lost Valley.

  Most of the troops of the Legion and the Falcon Kingdom were pinned down on the east and north sides.

  This was the weak link in the defense line, with only a few machine gun positions and sentry towers standing.

  They would act as a dagger, piercing the softest belly of the beast, and then drill out from its back, using the explosives and grenades on horseback to destroy the planes parked at the airport on the north side of the camp, or at least destroy the runway…

  And following them, there were also the White Bear Knights driving an armed truck.

  ”Let’s separate here.”

  The captain of the guard pulled the reins, rode to the front of the truck, looked at the three people and the bear on the truck and continued.

  ”We will destroy the two planes as much as possible, and as for the ritual of stopping the summoning of evil spirits, it’s up to you!”

  Zhima Paste, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, nodded seriously.

  ”Leave it to us…be careful on the road.”

  ”I will.”

  The captain of the guard grinned, raised his right fist and knocked on the steel breastplate, then pulled the reins to turn the black warhorse around and grabbed the carbine hanging on the horse’s back.

  There were no grand speeches.

  There were no loud slogans.

  He just kicked the horse’s belly and rode to the front of the team. Seeing this, more than a thousand cavalrymen behind him followed him tacitly.


  the charge began.

  The sound of horse hooves was like thunder rolling on the ground, raising endless dust on the Gobi Desert, and rushing towards the legion’s base without hesitation.

  ”I didn’t expect to see cavalry charge in the 24th century…”

  Rourou’s face was full of surprise, staring at the north.


  Holding the tail of the machine gun, he also looked to the north, and couldn’t help but muttered in surprise.

  ”…I hope you can come back alive.”

  Those people made her feel like they were alive.

  ”It’s time for us to act too.”

  Sisi glanced at the rearview mirror and then at the co-pilot next to her.

  After receiving a pair of firm responses, she restarted the truck and headed towards the south side of the Lost Valley.

  The Petra cavalry’s target is the defense line on the south side of the Lost Valley and the airport on the north side.

  They only have a 50% chance of breaking through this line of defense, and this is still the most optimistic scenario.

  As for them, their target is the Lost Valley.

  Sisi did not expect that they could receive tasks from the administrator through the official website outside the communication range.

  However, the destination of the task coincides with the goal of their trip, which is within the ruins of the “river embankment”.

  According to the various clues collected, the Legion is looking for something there.

  No matter what that thing is, they must not be allowed to find it.

  It’s quite strange to say.

  The news about Oasis No. 4 and the Lost Valley on the official website is basically updated by her alone. It stands to reason that except for the players, the NPCs of the Alliance will not know what happened here.

  Can NPCs also go online?

  If so, this game is too “real”…


  On the north side of the Lost Valley, in the tent of the Legion’s base, the command post.

  General McLen is standing in front of a strategic map and a radio station, directing the deployment and dispatch of frontline troops.

  The soldiers of the Hump Kingdom are no match for the Falcon Kingdom. Both sides are not on the same level in terms of military theory and organization.

  The only advantage of the former is probably the pious faith, and this advantage is often difficult to play a role in the frontal battlefield.

  The Petra Fortress with only nearly 20,000 people cannot be his opponent.

  Although everything is still under his control, he still feels uneasy when his feet are on the ground.

  It’s a pity that it will take a little time to get the airship back.

  Thinking of this, McLen couldn’t help but curse in his heart.

  It was not until now that he came to his senses that he seemed to be used as a gun by that skunk.

  He was obviously here to find the shield core of the Titan!

  As long as he secretly took the core away, and then turned it into a weapon and shot it at the Iron Heart, he could make it fall from the sky.

  As a result, Griffin suddenly threw an order to him, insisting that he build an airport.

  Although he was very happy to drop a nuclear bomb on the Alliance, it was another matter to become the front line because of it.

  Now it’s good.

  The Alliance has seen through the skunk’s lame plan and persuaded the Hump Kingdom, which was sitting on the fence, in some way.

  Now there are only one or two 10,000-man troops, which is not difficult to deal with.

  But what about later?

  Since the plan of nuclear strike has been seen through, the alliance must have sent troops to advance here. The nuclear bomb dropped on Qingquan City will not be able to annihilate all those troops.

  Not only that, the troops sent out so far are only the garrison of Petra Fortress. The Oasis No. 4 next door has nearly 100,000 regular troops stationed!

  No matter how elite the Falcon Kingdom troops trained by the Legion are, they are not supermen who can fight ten people at once.

  At that time, he may have to escape by plane again…

  ”It’s time.” The pilot in the command post looked at his watch again.

  In fact, there is still a while before the planned time, but staying here always makes him feel strongly uneasy.

  McLen waved his hand.

  ”Go quickly… Go quickly and come back quickly.”

  The pilot nodded, picked up the helmet on the table, and walked out of the tent.

  The escort wingman has taken off under his command. After confirming that the nearby airspace is safe, the H-55 “Hurricane” carrying nuclear warheads will take off soon.

  At the same time when the pilot left the command post, an officer trotted in, saluted beside General McLen, and reported loudly.

  ”Report! A cavalry unit appeared to our south!”

  McLen calmly ordered, staring at the strategic map on the table.

  ”Move the five wheeled reconnaissance vehicles in the camp over, and notify Weiss to take the motorbike 100 in the camp to the southern position for support immediately! Be sure to prevent them from approaching the runway of the airport!”


  The officer saluted and immediately trotted out.

  Watching the back disappearing at the door, McLen relaxed a little.

  He had kept this unit in his hands and did not send it to the front line, just to guard against the sneak attacks of the natives.

  Those barbarians really came!


  McLen sneered.

  He would let those people know how stupid it was to go against the legion.

  However, at this moment, the air defense alarm suddenly sounded outside the tent.

  McLen was slightly stunned, and once suspected that he had heard it wrong.

  Apart from here, where else is there an airport nearby?

  At this time, an officer opened the tent curtain and walked in quickly.

  McLennan saw the severity of the situation from the panicked face.

  Before he could ask, the officer reported quickly.

  ”There is a plane approaching us–”

  ”Is it from the Alliance or the Enterprise?” McLennan grabbed his collar and asked hurriedly, “Where is our plane? Has it taken off?”

  The series of questions made the officer’s scalp numb.

  Looking at the nose that was almost poking into his eyes, he shook his head nervously.

  ”I… don’t know.”

  (Thanks to the leader of “Canglan Fate” for the reward!!! I write one volume a month, and this volume is almost finished. I seem to have forgotten to divide it into volumes again…)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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