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Chapter 444: The Collision of Iron and Blood

Chapter 444: The Collision of Iron and Blood


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 444: The collision of iron and blood

  The dusk falling from the sky seemed to ignite the horizon. On the endless Gobi Desert, scrapped steel and slowly burning flames could be seen everywhere. At

  the same time when “Yun Ting” launched a surprise attack on the airport, nearly 100 kilometers east of the Lost Valley, the tank battle between the Alliance Skeleton Corps and the Falcon Kingdom’s First Armored Motorcycle Thousand-Man Team had entered its final stage. The

  40 heavy tanks of the Falcon Kingdom’s First Armored Motorcycle Thousand-Man Team were almost completely destroyed!

  The only four remaining tanks were also stranded in the Gobi Desert because their engines and tracks were damaged, and they could only wait for rescue that would arrive at an unknown time…

  In front of the 60-megajoule electromagnetic cannon, whether it was 1 meter thick equivalent armor or 1.5 meters thick equivalent armor, they were as fragile as paper.

  After all, before the prosperous era, that was a naval gun placed on a battleship!

  To deal with a tank that runs on land, whether it hits the front or the turret, only one shot is enough.

  As luck would have it, the commander of the corps misjudged the strength of the Alliance’s firepower and stretched the defense line too long, causing the Alliance’s armored cluster to penetrate the Falcon Kingdom’s paper-thin defense line almost without any hindrance. The

  heavy tanks scattered on the battle line of more than ten kilometers had no choice but to leave the bunkers, turn around, and assemble while chasing.

  Due to the huge gap in the range of the two sides and the relatively open terrain in the Gobi Desert, these heavy tanks soon became mobile iron coffins.

  And because of their poor mobility, they didn’t even have a chance to hide when they were locked by the electromagnetic gun, and could only let the 60-megajoule shells hit them.

  Faced with a situation where there was no chance of winning, many crew members of the Falcon Kingdom simply gave up treatment, and once they were targeted by the electromagnetic gun, they immediately abandoned the car and fled.

  After all, it was a tank given by the sovereign country.

  They didn’t need to feel bad if it was scrapped.

  At least one-third of the Conqueror No. 10 were “paralyzed” in this way.

  In contrast, the 50 Conqueror V light tanks, with their superb mobility, caused considerable trouble to the Alliance.

  However, a light tank is still a light tank after all, and no matter how strong its mobility is, it cannot make up for its disadvantages in armor and caliber. There is no need for tank destroyers to take action, a 155mm high-explosive shell is enough to take it away.

  Most of the Conqueror Vs were not damaged because their armor was penetrated, but because the overpressure effect of the high-explosive shells killed the vehicle crew inside.

  The Mole even believed that if it were not for their mission target being the airport, if he was given enough time and ammunition, they could even wipe out this armored unit without any damage…

  However, things cannot always go as planned.

  It is normal for plans to fail to keep up with changes.

  If the Legion had expected that they could install 60 megajoule electromagnetic guns on tanks, they would definitely not have set up this “long snake” formation to guard them, but would have gathered all the armored units together like the Alliance, and used the gaps between the tank destroyers to quickly advance to a range of 2 kilometers.

  If the Alliance had anticipated that the Prowler tanks had been deployed to Luoxia Province, and predicted through intelligence that it was waiting in the direction of the Skeleton Corps’ advance, it would definitely have delayed the start of the entire operation… although this would increase the risk of encountering a nuclear strike.


  there are no ifs in this game.

  With the Prowler tanks joining the battle, the Skeleton Corps, which had originally made a relatively smooth breakthrough, soon fell into a difficult battle.

  Even a 20-kilogram steel needle and 60 megajoules of muzzle kinetic energy could not penetrate the Meissner effect armor of the Prowler tank.

  After a fierce and desperate fight, the only five Type 2B tank destroyers were eventually destroyed one after another by the monster that could not be penetrated.

  There was a wailing sound on the official forum of “Wasteland OL”.

  Players who were “kicked offline” by the BOSS kept coming out on the forum to tell their stories, typing and posting directly, saying that it was unscientific.

  ”Damn! Is that thing locked?!”

  ”I shot it twice at least, and it didn’t even shake!”

  ”60 megajoules! Can’t even a naval gun penetrate it?!”

  ”…It must be using that thing.”

  ”Where’s the planner! Call the planner!”

  ”Maybe it’s the bastard planner who’s using that thing!”

  Maybe he was working overtime and had no time to browse the forum.

  Until the end, A Guang was not tagged by them.

  In the eyes of many people, this also confirmed their guess – “It must be the bastard Guang who was using that thing to abuse them.”

  In addition to those who cursed, there were also many people analyzing the weaknesses of the armor.

  ”What about the tortoise shell?”

  ”The official website’s settings mentioned that it was related to superconductivity… but it didn’t say how it worked, nor did it mention the principle.”

  ”Superconductivity… so all shells that can conduct electricity won’t work?”

  ”Maybe it’s true. And the mass shells of the electromagnetic gun are naturally highly conductive. Our shots seemed to hit them, but maybe we didn’t even touch them.”

  The so-called Meissner effect is the phenomenon of superconductors rejecting magnetic fields during the process of changing from a normal state to a superconducting state.

  According to the description on the official website forum, when the shells approach the Prowler tank, they will change to a superconducting state for some reason.

  At the same time, the Prowler tank itself is also providing a magnetic field. The superconductors entering the magnetic field will form a lossless induced current on the surface, thereby generating a magnetic field of the same magnitude and opposite direction as the magnetic field provided by the tank.

  On the surface, the shells were bounced off by the armor, but in fact the shells did not touch the armor at all, but were bounced off by the magnetic field at an infinitely close distance.

  Combined with the wedge-shaped armor with a large inclination angle, ordinary kinetic weapons cannot break its defense at all, and at most they can scratch the surface of the armor.

  The only thing that made Mole feel fortunate was that, although the boss battle did not go smoothly, the balance of victory was still on their side overall.

  The goal of the mission was not to wipe out all the enemy tanks in the encounter, but to raid the airport on the north side of the Lost Valley 150 kilometers away from the battlefield.

  Although the “Wanderer” was unreasonably strong, it was only one tank after all.

  His last order of “break up into small pieces” and “advance in a dispersed manner” did work in the end, and the number of good brothers who were destroyed and disconnected was not as many as imagined.

  After suffering huge casualties, 15 Type 2 tanks still managed to get out of the communication range.

  Two to three hours should be enough for the remaining nearly 100 kilometers of off-road section.

  If nothing unexpected happens, they should be able to arrive before the sun sets.

  As the person who stayed behind to stop the pursuers, the only thing he can do now is to trust his teammates…

  Shaking his dizzy head, Mole, who had been offline for a long time, finally woke up from his coma with a shaky consciousness.

  Half an hour ago, his tank was hit by a cannon.

  He didn’t feel anything at the time, just felt his feet shaking, and then a line of light blue pop-up windows with [Disconnected] appeared in front of him.

  And it was the kind that couldn’t be connected back no matter what!

  Since the 60-type electromagnetic gun used by the Type 2 B vehicle is equipped with a metal hydrogen battery, it is basically impossible to survive once it is penetrated.

  Therefore, after finding that he was offline, Mole almost had no hope of reconnecting.

  However, there was no countdown for the resurrection CD in the helmet, which still rekindled a glimmer of hope in his already cold heart.

  Perhaps this persistence moved the server. After trying for nearly half an hour, he returned to the tank in a trance.

  It was actually connected!

  Finding that this “lighter” did not explode, Mole had no time to be happy, and there was no hesitation. He immediately went offline and called the other two crew members up.

  But now

  it seems that the only one who managed to return with him was the driver sitting in front of his left leg.

  As for the one in front of his right leg, he had turned into a pool of sticky blood and burnt meat. Even the manager might not recognize him.

  ”Oh my god…”

  Mole smacked his lips.

  Even with the protection of the sensory filter, he couldn’t help but feel his scalp tingling when he saw the bloody corpse.

  If this game can get a version number, he will write his name backwards!

  Resisting the churning in his stomach, he began to check the condition of the tank.

  The shell hit the lower armor on the right side of the hull. Although it penetrated the solid body, the engine and the human loader of the power system, it fortunately did not damage the turret. The fuel tank

  on the left side was still good, eliminating the risk of fire.

  The metal hydrogen battery was on the right side of the hull, and it was just a little bit away from being hit by the shell, but fortunately it was just a little bit away.

  Mole tried to charge the capacitor, but found that the charging switch did not respond at all, and the indicator light was red.

  After confirming the damage, he immediately shouted to the driver in front of his left leg.

  ”The capacitor is broken! How is your situation?”

  ”The engine is scrapped! The transmission structure of the chassis is broken, and it can be directly returned to the factory for reprocessing… Damn, there are infantry outside,” squeezed in the twisted steel, the physical player driving the car put his eyes close to the observation hole and shouted nervously, “It’s the people of the Falcon Kingdom!”

  Hearing that there were infantry approaching outside, Mole’s heart tightened immediately, and he held the periscope and turned to the west where the front of the car was facing.

  I saw nine people limping down from the sand dunes over there. Judging from their clothes and weapons, they should be light infantry of the Falcon Kingdom’s first armored motorcycle thousand-man team.

  They were holding rifles in their hands and anti-tank rockets on their backs. They were carefully dispersing and surrounding the unexploded Type 2 tank destroyer.

  With his Adam’s apple moving, Mole took down the LD-50 carbine hanging on the inside of the turret and unfolded the foldable stock.

  ”…You go fix the capacitor, I’ll take care of them.”

  ”Fix the capacitor?!” The physical player was slightly stunned, and looked back at Mole in surprise, “What’s the point of fixing that thing? The metal bullets of the electromagnetic gun can’t break the defense of that thing at all.”

  Just now, five electromagnetic guns fired at the same time, and the thing stood there without moving.

  According to the analysis of the forum brothers, the armor is probably designed for electromagnetic guns. As long as it is a metal bullet, it will be countered by nature, and there is no way to deal with it.

  As for armor-piercing shells and high-explosive shells…

  They have tried all the methods that can be used.

  ”Anyway, there is only one chance…” Mole said in a deep voice, “Although it may not work, I want to try it again.”


  The player nodded, squeezed out of the deformed seat with difficulty, and found the toolbox next to the loader.

  The damaged capacitor was next to the loader’s right foot.

  Looking at the blood carbonized by the electric current and the completely cut wires, the player couldn’t help but feel a tingling sensation on his scalp.

  Mole’s voice came from above his head.

  ”Can it be fixed?”

  He said with a stiff face.

  ”…I’ll try my best.”

  ”Leave it to you.”

  Mole took a deep breath, held the handle of the turret hatch with his left hand, and grabbed the LD-50 with his right hand, intending to get out of the turret and fire before the infantrymen came close.

  However, at this moment, not far from the outside of the tank body, there was a sudden sound of gunfire.

  Hearing the gunfire, Mole was immediately surprised.

  The sound of LD-47? !

  After playing Wasteland OL for so long, he was not so confused as to misunderstand the gunfire of his own people.

  Mole did not hesitate and immediately turned the periscope to the direction of the gunfire.

  I saw Irena lying on the sand dune in front of the right side of the tank body, firing at the Falcon Kingdom soldiers below the sand dune with the LD-47 in her hand.

  In addition to Lao Na, the Elf King Fugui and three other armored grenadiers of the Skeleton Corps also opened fire.

  As infantry combat players of the Skeleton Corps, they are relatively advanced in the server in terms of combat awareness and sequence level.

  The ten-man team below the sand dunes was caught off guard by the firepower from above, and was soon shot into a sieve and fell in a pool of blood.

  Seeing that the crisis was resolved, Mole stretched out his index finger and clicked on the VM, and immediately switched to Irena’s communication channel.

  ”Laona! What’s the situation over there?”

  ”We are all OK, we just wiped out a team… What the hell? You are still alive?” Hearing Mole’s voice, Irena, who was changing bullets, was shocked.

  Just now, he was lying in the trench and was stunned by a high-explosive bomb. When he went offline to the forum, he happened to see the post posted by Mole, and thought that this guy was gone.

  But goodness, he actually connected back!

  When did the recovery ability of the agility system become as strong as that of the constitution system? !

  ”Hey, after being a non-African for so long, isn’t it normal to be lucky once in a while? I seem to have some hearing problems, but it’s not a big problem. It’s just that our tank is probably scrapped, and my driver is still repairing it…” It’s okay

  after being lucky once. Irena could

  n’t help but look a little weird.

  Isn’t it a big loss to use your luck to save your life?

  At least save it for the lottery…

  But now is not the time to complain.

  Seeing that the mole was still alive, he immediately asked.

  ”Can you fix your tank?!”

  ”The engine should be hopeless, but the onboard capacitor should be OK. Just connect all the broken wires and it will be done… probably.” Seeing the big brother who was repairing the car turned around and rolled his eyes at him, the mole added another word at the end.

  Irena swallowed her saliva.

  ”Then… what should we do now?”

  The mole took a deep breath and calmed down.

  ”Can you see the Prowler?”

  Irena picked up the telescope hanging around her neck and looked around.

  After a long while, he answered.

  ”I can’t see it… wait, there is a lot of smoke in the southwest, and it is moving towards us!”

  ”Well, I guess he heard your gunshots, and I guess he should come over to take a look.” The mole said.

  The elf king Fugui, who was lying next to Irena, also looked over there and muttered something.

  ”It’s strange… Doesn’t the engine of that iron lump generate heat? Why can’t I see any heat source?”

  He felt strange just now.

  The other tanks glowed white from the heat.

  Only the Prowler was pitch black in his “thermal vision”.

  ”It’s normal not to see the heat source, but it’s abnormal to see it.”

  Mole took a deep breath and continued slowly, “Listen carefully… Whether it succeeds or not, we still have one chance, and only one.”

  The brothers of the Corps fell silent, waiting for his order.

  Mole paused and continued.

  ”Where you are now, there is a light tank that has broken down in the northwest… If I remember correctly, it was destroyed by 155.”

  Irena asked immediately.

  ”Then what?”

  Mole: “Find a way to start it!”

  Irena was confused.

  ”Damn… I’ve never driven a tank.”

  As he said that, he quickly looked at the Elf King Fugui on the side, trying to see a reliable expression on this guy’s face, but the latter was also confused.

  The Alliance’s trucks are not difficult to drive, as long as you have hands.

  But tanks are another matter.

  What’s more, it’s not their own tanks, but the opposite side.


  in the eyes of the mole, this is not important.

  He did not expect the 60mm “small water pipe” of the Conqueror V to pose any threat to the Prowler tank.

  He took a deep breath and said seriously.

  ”It doesn’t matter! Just listen to my command…”


  In the Gobi Desert.

  After learning that the infantry had engaged the enemy, Stan commanded the driver to turn around and head towards the sand dunes in the northeast.

  There was a destroyed Union tank there.

  However, unlike other tanks, it did not burst into flames like a lighter, but simply lay down on the reverse slope of the sand dune.

  Since the Union tanks scattered and fled, Stan had no time to confirm the destruction, so he handed it over to the infantry of the First Motorcycle Thousand.

  However, he never thought that…

  these rubbish couldn’t even do this job well.

  ”… Eleventh Infantry Squadron, report your situation immediately!”

  There was only a sizzling sound of electricity on the other end of the communication channel.

  From the time the gunshots sounded just now to now, he has waited for a long time but has not received a response.

  Stan’s eyes were burning with anger, and he couldn’t help but curse.

  ”This bunch of rubbish…”

  He threw the communicator onto the shelf next to the kettle, pressed the switch again, activated the Meissner effect armor, and ordered the driver.

  ”Target northeast, keep moving at a speed of 30 yards!”

  The driver replied neatly.

  ”Got it!”

  There was no trace of a person in the rolling yellow sand in the distance, but he would not have misheard the gunshots a few minutes ago. He guessed that it was the driver who had crawled out of the tank and was struggling to survive.

  Stan didn’t care about the few fish that slipped through the net. What made him angry was that the infantry couldn’t even do this little job of cleaning the battlefield.

  It’s a waste to give the great Marshal’s tank to these rubbish!

  The target was gradually approaching.

  With his eyes glued to the sight, Stan kicked the driver’s seat, and the latter understood and stopped the tank.

  Not far away.

  At the foot of the sand dune 2 kilometers away, the wreckage of a desert-colored tank lay quietly.

  There was a twisted hole on the lower armor, which was directly shot through.

  The turret was drooping there motionlessly, just like more than an hour ago.

  With this level of damage, the tank is definitely scrapped, but the crew inside may not die immediately. There is still a 50% chance that they can survive.

  Looking at the ten bodies 200 meters in front of the wreckage of the tank, Stan smiled coldly in his heart.

  There are no footprints around the tank.

  There is no blood either.

  The surviving crew member is probably still hiding in the tank pretending to be dead.

  ”Load the high-explosive shell.” Stan ordered in a cold voice, intending to send the opponent on his last journey.

  ”Got it!”

  The loader sitting in the body of the tank quickly pulled out the armor-piercing shell in the barrel and replaced it with a shell with an orange warhead and stuffed it into the barrel.

  However, just when Stan was about to add a high-explosive shell to the wreckage of the tank, the armor on the side was suddenly hit.


  A short and crisp sound scraped across the body of the tank.

  It’s better to say that it’s a toothpick scraping on a blackboard than a cannon.

  From the sound, you can guess that the caliber of this shell is probably less than 100 mm.

  Stan made an impatient sound and signaled the driver to turn the vehicle 60 degrees to the left, facing the direction where the shell was coming from.

  However, when he saw the tank through the scope, he was slightly stunned.

  Conqueror No. 5?

  ”Is that our tank?”

  The driver also noticed the problem and looked back at Stan in confusion.

  Stan frowned, but soon realized something and opened the weapon safety with a sneer.

  ”… Just a few dying bugs.”

  Who is the 60mm water pipe looking down on?

  Still lying there motionless.

  I guess these people don’t even know how to drive that tank!

  At the same time, in the Conqueror V light tank that was targeted, Irena was frantically stuffing the shells into the barrel.

  While pulling down the breech block, he did not forget to shout to Brother Fugui who was sitting on the gun position.

  ”Did you hit it?”

  ”Hit it!” With his eyes glued to the sight, the Elf King Fugui replied casually.

  Irena continued to ask curiously.

  ”Was it useful?”

  ”What… hammer!”

  Looking at the Prowler tank that pointed the gun barrel at him, the Elf King Fugui’s face turned green in an instant.

  Although he knew he would not die, and although he knew that this was a game world, he was still panicked by the black muzzle pointing at him.

  The terrifying pressure penetrated deep into his soul…

  He seemed to have seen the end of himself being blown into pieces.

  ”Damn… Is this mole really any good?”

  Seeing the stiff expression on his face, Irena had guessed something and said with a subtle expression.

  ”It’s meaningless to ask this. I can only trust him this time… Anyway, one more shot before I die?”

  ”MMP… Ah ah ah! Fuck!” Elf King Fugui cursed and roared, “I’ll fight you!”

  At the moment when the fire flashed in the camera, he pulled the trigger almost reflexively.

  The flames from the 60mm small water pipe almost licked the warhead of the high-explosive bomb.

  The flames of the explosion instantly engulfed the turret!

  The two did not even hear the explosion coming from the steel, and were beaten into sieves by the fragments that collapsed from the inside of the steel and the shrapnel that poured into the car body.

  This time, no matter whether it was agility or physique, they couldn’t die anymore.


  Stan, who destroyed them, did not have time to mock his opponent for overestimating his own strength. The sneer on his face was forever frozen. The

  sharp-edged wedge-shaped armor folded inward in a twisted posture. The 20-kilogram “steel needle” was like a mallet hitting a rice cake, directly splitting the car body in two. The

  last frame that stayed on his retina was the turret that was blown away and the flames of the explosion.

  Until he died…

  he didn’t know what happened.

  At the same time, in the scrapped Type II B tank destroyer, electric sparks were jumping, and the power brother who had died for more than an hour was flailing his bloody legs.

  The capacitor that had just been repaired was completely scrapped this time.

  The physical driver who was lying next to him to repair the equipment was also twitching from the electric shock. He flamed for a long time before he came back to his senses, and he almost couldn’t even come back.

  He shook his head.

  As soon as the player regained consciousness, he hurriedly climbed to the observation window of the driver’s seat and anxiously put his eyes close to it.

  When he saw the burning flame on the sand dune, he was shocked.


  He blurted out a curse and turned back to look at the commander sitting under the turret.

  ”It worked…?”

  ”Well…” The mole was also shocked, but because of the distance, it was not as exaggerated as his.

  ”Awesome!!!” The player swallowed his saliva, clenched his fists with excitement and asked, “Brother, how did you do it?”

  The mole leaning on the seat completely relaxed his tense shoulders and spoke to him patiently.

  ”The Meissner effect is not only for superconductors close to the magnetic field, but also for superconductors far from the magnetic field. So at the moment of firing, the field must be released, otherwise the phase-changing shells cannot fly out. It has two choices, either to turn off the magnetic field or to turn off the field that causes the conductor to undergo phase change.”

  ”Whichever option is chosen, as long as Newton’s coffin lid is still covered… that is the best shooting window.”

  ”As long as you fire at the moment it fires, as long as you hit it before its armor takes effect again… there is hope of destroying it.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Of course… this is just my speculation.”

  Fortunately, it was Meissner effect armor.

  If it was a deflector shield, then this kind of thing has gone beyond the scope of high school physics.

  If he couldn’t even figure out the principle, he would be really helpless.

  Although he was confused, the physical player still swallowed his saliva.

  ”… but you guessed it right.”

  The mole nodded and smiled weakly.

  ”To be precise, I made the right bet…”

  Without the protection of the Meissner effect armor, no matter how thick the alloy armor is, it is just a piece of paper in front of the 60-megajoule electromagnetic cannon.

  The moment his index finger released the switch.

  He felt that his back was soaked with sweat, but he still squeezed out a relieved smile on his face.

  Although it suffered heavy casualties, the Skeleton Corps finally wiped out the enemy’s tank troops and even destroyed the almost impossible to destroy Prowler…

  Although it was unavoidable that they failed to arrive at the airport on time, this was the best result he could achieve.

  At least 15 tanks were sent to reinforce.

  And the most difficult Prowler has been solved.

  With the micro-management of the “Ace Pilot”, it should not be a problem to hold on for a few minutes.

  I don’t know if the administrator can see his efforts. Anyway, he has seen the golden pop-up window in his hallucination.

  [Congratulations to “Canyon Fleeing Mole”… and other players, for taking the first kill of the “Prowler” tank! ]

  It’s worth it

  to leave such a line on the monument of the alliance !


  On the other side, in a distant and peaceful world.

  No matter how fierce the battle on the front line is, the atmosphere here is always the most relaxed. It is a common harbor for players and cloud players.

  Irena, who has gone offline, has been eating melons with everyone in the forum.

  Hearing that the Mole was going to fight the Wanderer alone, the cloud players who were just discussing the weakness of this BOSS, all tagged Professor Yang and asked him to come over and open a betting table for everyone to place bets.

  Irena: “Don’t bet. The Mole hasn’t come down for so long. I estimate that 80% of it has been done. Isn’t it giving away money to open the betting table now? (Funny)”

  At this time, Mosquito suddenly interrupted with a mean look.

  ”How do you know he’s not too embarrassed to go on the forum?”

  Ye Shi: “Damn! That makes sense!”

  Xinghe Bu Ru Meng: “Ahem, big brothers of the Skeleton Corps, where are you? The tank fell into the pit? I’ve been waiting for so long that my gum is about to turn into rubber.”

  Irena: “Ahem, we encountered an armored division, but we’ve already dealt with it… By the way, how did you get down? What’s your situation?”

  Xinghe Bu Ru Meng: “Hey, Mofa, we were bitten by fighter planes. We managed to dodge a round of machine guns and a missile of some kind.”

  Yaya: “Isn’t the nuclear bomb about to take off? Σ(゜ロ゜;)”

  Teng Teng: “!!!”

  Stop bullshitting: “Damn it!?”

  The professional players who were peeking at the screen were instantly blown away.

  Xinghe Bu Ru Meng: “Ahem, before I got offline, I fired the last missile at the airport. Although the range is a little bit exceeded… it shouldn’t be a big problem!”

  Elf King Fugui: “One missile? Is it powerful enough?”

  Xinghe Bu Ru Meng: “Metallic hydrogen charge, brother! That’s metallic hydrogen! It must be enough! TT”

  You don’t even have to hit the plane, just blow a hole in the airport runway and the plane will naturally not be able to fly.

  Yirena: “Hey, that’s good. By the way, where’s Luoyu? Why can’t I see that guy? (Funny)”

  Xinghe Bu Ru Meng: “Emm… I don’t know, I was wondering too.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode