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Chapter 446 The Light That Destroys Everything

Chapter 446 The Light That Destroys Everything


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 446 The Light That Destroys Everything

  A truck sped past the pass on the south side of the Lost Valley.

  Glancing at the mountains outside the car window, Sisi, who was leaning on the driver’s seat, finally breathed a sigh of relief and focused her attention on the front.

  So far, the power of the nuclear bomb has been weakened by at least half.

  ”There is only one last step left.”

  She muttered to herself, stepped on the accelerator hard, knocked away several gnawers that wandered to the side of the road, and continued to drive forward along the path dug by the legion, heading straight to the center of the Lost Valley.

  Ten minutes ago.

  She and Rourou carried the nuclear bomb onto the truck, and then drove to the Lost Valley alone.

  When the group entered the valley before, they had confirmed that there was a huge pit hundreds of meters wide and bottomless in the center of the Lost Valley.

  Just like the pit left by the quarry.

  Some kind of terrifying weapon directly collapsed the geological structure of this area and caused the rock veins several kilometers away to bulge upward. The battlefield of the last era should be below that tunnel. .

  In order to explore the interior of the tunnel and transport the excavated earth at the same time, the Corps dug a circular dirt road along the funnel-shaped slope, which can accommodate two cars passing in parallel.

  Following this dirt road all the way down, as they were about to approach the center of the tunnel, a jeep that had broken down on the side of the road suddenly appeared in front of Sisi.

  Before she could be surprised why there was a car here, two heads quickly popped out from the back of the jeep, followed by a pistol and a submachine gun pointed at her.

  ”Don’t move!” ”

  Stop the car! Hold your head with both hands!”

  The faces of the two were full of tension and fear. It was obvious that they were officers of the Corps from their clothes, and they were probably of high status.

  Sisi stepped on the brakes to stop, but did not listen to the two people’s requests, and did not even get out of the car. She just smiled faintly and put her arm on the car window and joked.

  ”Guess what’s in my car?”

  It was almost enough to send it to this position, so there was no need to throw it to the center, so she was not panicked at all, and looked at the two people in front of her with interest.

  Seeing that the man didn’t take his gun seriously at all and still had a calm expression on his face, McLen was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously.

  ”…What is it?”

  Sis didn’t waste any words and pushed open the door and got out of the car.

  Ignoring the two guns, he walked straight to the back of the truck and pulled down the nuclear bomb in the car with a whoosh.

  The gray-black nuclear warhead was surrounded by a circle of aluminum alloy brackets, and the broken end looked like it was pulled directly from an airplane.

  The moment they saw the nuclear bomb, the faces of General McLen and the officer next to him turned pale instantly.

  Looking at the expressions on their faces, Sis breathed a sigh of relief.

  Sure enough, the more you worry about something, the more likely it is to happen.

  This thing really has a self-destruct mechanism to prevent it from being captured by the enemy.

  Otherwise, they would have no need to run into this dead end, and there would be no need to be scared to death after seeing this thing.

  McLen’s lips trembled, and he looked at her and said.

  ”Are you…crazy?”

  ”Crazy? How could I? I just saved at least tens of thousands of people.” Sisi rolled his eyes and looked at the officer in front of him who was not of low status and continued, “By the way, I found a numeric keypad on the nuclear bomb, which should be used to enter the password. Do you know the password?”

  McLen said with difficulty.

  ”…Only the pilot knows.”

  ”That’s a pity, he’s dead.” Sisi shrugged and continued, “By the way, the battle outside is over, do you surrender?”

  Looking at the nuclear warhead on the ground, McLen said with a wry smile.

  ”Is there any point?”

  ”I don’t know, let’s try it,” Sisi shrugged, “but if you continue to delay, you will definitely have no chance to live.”

  Looking at the indifferent expression on that face, McLen gritted his teeth, but in the end he still didn’t muster the courage to face death.

  He didn’t know why the guy in front of him was not afraid of death.

  But if he could survive, he didn’t want to die.

  Putting down the gun in his hand, McLen whispered.

  ”Please take me away from here…”

  Although the word surrender was not finally spoken, the dejected expression obviously gave up resistance.

  With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, Sisi returned to the driver’s seat and started the truck skillfully.

  ”Get in the car.”


  On the other side, somewhere in the valley.

  Luo Yu was extremely nervous as he watched the tentacles getting closer and closer.

  Standing not far behind him, Bai Ge smiled gently and said in a friendly manner.

  ”Don’t be afraid, it won’t eat you. It’s just that it hasn’t seen a living person for so many years, so it’s a little curious.”

  Curious about what?

  The taste or the texture?

  After hearing this explanation, Luo Yu became even more nervous and couldn’t help but take a step back to avoid the tentacle that was quietly reaching towards his forehead.

  ”It…what’s going on? Is it also symbiotic?”

  ”That’s not the case, it’s the mother.”

  ”The mother?!”

  Looking at the dumbfounded Luo Yu, the man with a head like a piece of rotten wood continued in a gentle tone.

  ”That’s right, but you don’t have to be so scared. Even humans can be divided into good and bad people. As a ‘social animal’ that has evolved a social division of labor, mutant slime molds can of course have the concepts of good and bad.”

  ”Of course, this is just to make it easier for you to understand. A more rigorous statement is that the dry environment in the desert makes it difficult for slime molds here to survive. They don’t have enough nutrients to breed a huge mother nest and cultivate powerful evolutionary bodies to help the population hunt, and there are no organisms around for them to hunt. Therefore, some mutant slime molds have evolved special abilities over a long period of time.”

  Luo Yu swallowed his saliva.


  Bai Ge nodded happily.


  Luo Yu thought of Bachi.

  The man wrapped in an iron can like a medieval knight.

  He was lucky enough to see the guy take off his armor. Almost his whole body was occupied. The slime molds only left him with a brain that was sometimes functional and sometimes not.

  According to Heya, if he didn’t rely on special drugs to suppress it, the guy might become a puppet of the slime mold at any time.

  Should that be considered parasitism?

  Luo Yu asked nervously.

  ”I don’t understand, what’s the difference between symbiosis and parasitism?”

  Bai Ge answered in a cheerful voice.

  ”Of course there is a difference, one is non-aggressive, the other is aggressive. One thrives together with the host, the other squeezes out the last bit of nutrients from the host and then switches to another host to continue squeezing.” “The

  slime mold evolved from the ruins of Oasis No. 7 belongs to the former. It can make you immune to all diseases, immortal, and gain a strong physique and ability, and you don’t have to abandon your own genes, which is much safer than awakening.”

  ”As a symbiont, it will not sacrifice the health of the host, but will extract trace elements, organic matter and water from the host’s metabolites. You can think of it as a special… vaccine! As long as you get vaccinated with it, you can get a stronger body!”

  ”How about it? Young man, do you want to try it?”

  The persuasive voice sounded like the whisper of a devil, and once you agree, you will sign a contract with some kind of “evil power”.

  Luo Yu admitted.

  If you can become a tentacle monster, it does sound very attractive.

  How can you operate an airplane with two hands as well as ten hands? !

  But if it is a fusion with the tentacle monster, it is another matter.

  And this guy himself has become such a ghost, Luo Yu always feels that what he says is not convincing at all.

  If the price of becoming stronger is to become ugly, then he would rather level up honestly.

  However, out of curiosity, he still asked.

  ”What is the price?”

  Bai Ge continued with a smile.

  ”The price is–”

  Before the voice fell.

  Xiao Hong suddenly looked around uneasily, but before it could make any reaction, the earth-shaking tremor came from under the feet of the “people”.

  Bai Ge’s face changed wildly.

  However, before he could utter a syllable, the surging sand and gravel instantly engulfed the “people” in the ruins…

  At the same time, another world.

  Luo Yu, lying flat on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

  In front of him was a pop-up window of disconnection.

  The countdown of the resurrection CD has begun, and the game character is obviously dead.

  He took off the helmet covering his head and sat on the bed for a long time before he came back to his senses and cursed.

  ”I’m afraid!”

  What was the price? !


  The nuclear bomb exploded after all.

  And soon after it was taken off the truck and pushed down the steep slope.

  A beam of light lit up the silent valley.

  The scorching fireball was like the rising sun from the horizon twelve hours earlier, instantly lighting up the night sky covering the valley. The

  violent airflow and shock waves were like surging waves, hitting the mountain that buried the river bank, and even the earth was shaking in the terrifying energy.

  In the military camp outside the valley.

  The soldiers and officers of the legion had given up resistance and raised their hands above their heads to surrender. When they saw the blooming light, despair was printed on almost everyone’s face.

  The war horses galloping in the military camp paced their hooves anxiously, and the cavalry on the horse held the reins, trying to stabilize the horses’ emotions.

  Sean’s personal guard captain looked at the light that lit up in the Lost Valley in surprise, with confusion and fear in his eyes, and kept muttering to himself.


  That person is indeed the messenger of the gods!

  The prophecy of doomsday has finally come true!

  However, it is comforting that the light that burns everything did not light up on the soil of civilization, but in the lost ruins.


  At the same time, on the western front of the battlefield.

  As the dazzling white light lit up, the sound of gunfire that echoed through the wilderness also stopped abruptly.

  Looking at the sky lit up by the nuclear explosion and the dust that almost rushed into the sky, people forgot about the battle for a while, and expressions of astonishment and surprise were printed on their faces.

  The world seemed to have pressed the pause button.

  Only the earth-shaking tremor and the rolling explosion echoes were left.

  It was like the roar of the gods.

  ”…Spirit of the Sand Sea.”

  A soldier of the Falcon Kingdom had pale lips and trembling shoulders. The gun in his hand and his knees slid onto the sand.

  His situation was not an isolated case.

  Including the centurion and other grassroots officers, when they saw the light of the nuclear explosion blooming in the rear position, many people lost the courage to continue fighting.

  Hundreds of meters away.

  Below the reverse slope of the sand dune.

  Sean, who was bandaging his gunshot wound, also saw the shining light.

  Several guards immediately blocked in front of him, but he waved his hand and dispersed them.

  ”Priest Prest said that people who wither in the curse cannot see the curse.” Sean continued with a hearty smile, “The fact that we can see the light just shows that we can’t die.”

  ”That is a curse on the sinners. The gods are on our side!”

  He raised his arms and shouted, encouraging the soldiers fighting side by side.

  ”Long live the Hump Kingdom!”

  The sudden nuclear explosion caused a momentary pause on the battlefield.

  Facing the direction of the nuclear explosion light, the devout believers knelt on the ground to pray, while the rest of the people were lying or squatting at a loss, undecided whether to continue fighting.

  The shock wave of the explosion seemed to sweep far away, but fortunately it did not blow to them.

  The grace of the “gods” seemed to protect them again…

  on the other side.

  The tanks of the Skeleton Corps did not stop after reaching the airport on the north side of the Lost Valley, but continued to advance westward to reinforce the friendly forces of the Petra Fortress that had gone out of the city to fight.

  The outcome of the entire battle was no longer in doubt, and it could even be announced that the battlefield had entered the stage of cleaning up.

  The military camp on the north side of the Lost Valley had been captured by the Petra cavalry, and the Corps had lost almost all of its armored forces in this area.

  The remaining infantry in the west had no more reinforcements.

  Only a few rounds of righteous 155 were enough to make them raise their hands and surrender.

  And just as the light of the nuclear explosion shone, a Conqueror No. 5 tank with the Alliance flag was wobbling to the east of the airport.

  The hatch was lifted up.

  The mole with a bandage on his head poked his head out and looked in the direction of the Lost Valley, his mouth wide open in surprise.


  Hearing the fuss, the driver shouted.

  ”What’s going on outside? I can’t see it from here!”

  ”Nuclear bomb…” The mole swallowed his saliva and added, “Oh my god, that nuclear bomb seems to have exploded!”

  If the small one in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City is not counted, this is the first time he has felt a nuclear explosion up close.

  The overwhelming pressure is indeed extraordinary, but the power of this explosion seems to be smaller than he imagined.

  Is this thing really a million tons?

  Or is it because it exploded in the valley, so the power was weakened…


  Hearing that a nuclear bomb exploded in front, the moving tank stopped for a moment.

  There was a clanging sound, and the driver hurriedly opened the hatch, came out to watch the excitement, and looked forward excitedly.

  ”Let me see!”


  At the same time, at the edge of the nuclear explosion area, there were heart-wrenching cries.



  ”Ahhh! We’re catching up!”

  McLen, who was lying in the back of the car, screamed without any image, and squeezed desperately towards the front of the car, trying to get farther away from the center of the explosion.

  His adjutant was lying on the other side of the car, holding his head with both hands, his eyes closed, and was praying to someone.

  Both of them had changed into radiation protection suits.

  Not only did they wear protective masks on their heads, but they also took two anti-radiation agents, but they still couldn’t withstand the threat of death that was so close and the fear that penetrated into their bones.

  Sisi, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, was still calm, but looking at the white light printed in the rearview mirror, a drop of cold sweat still ran down her forehead.

  The truck she was driving had just rushed out of the col on the north side of the valley, and the dazzling white light and explosion sounded together.

  I dare not look at the situation behind me.

  Gritting her teeth, her shoe soles were almost welded to the ignition switch, and she sped up to more than 60 mph on the bumpy dirt road!

  The hot shock wave, carrying surging dust, almost blew into the car.

  The open valley on the south side seemed to be the outlet for the shock wave, and dust and gravel rushed forward from behind her.

  Fortunately, the center of the explosion was below the surface.

  If it had exploded on flat ground, I’m afraid I wouldn’t even feel the pain, and everyone would have turned into molten iron and waste slag along with the truck under them…

  North side of the airport.

  Standing on the sand dune, Tail was holding a telescope in her hand, looking at the valley in the south that was already surrounded by night.

  When she saw the white light, she couldn’t help but let out a cry of surprise.

  ”My Giao! The nuclear bomb really exploded!”

  ”Fortunately, I made it in time.” Zhimahu breathed a sigh of relief, and his tightly clenched right fist finally loosened.

  Tail suddenly looked at her in confusion and asked.

  ”But why is there no mushroom cloud?”

  ”Only airbursts can produce mushroom clouds… maybe?” Zhima Paste answered in an uncertain tone.

  Rourou, who was standing aside, was still sighing, and her depressed look was obviously distressed for the ruins in the valley.

  Zhima Paste was about to comfort her.

  At this time, a truck rushed out of the rolling dust and drove towards the airport from the north side of the Lost Valley.

  The truck stopped steadily. As soon

  as everyone surrounded it, two people rolled down from the back of the car.

  The two people tore off their protective masks, and before they got up from the ground, they supported themselves on the ground with their hands and vomited.

  Looking at the two people who were vomiting, Zhima Paste, who was walking up to greet his teammates, stopped unconsciously and looked over there in confusion and asked.

  ”Who are these two?”

  ”McClan, and his adjutant…” Jumping down from the driver’s seat, Sis glanced at the two people on the ground, “I just found out too.”

  Tail’s eyes lit up, and he looked excitedly at the middle-aged man who slowly got up from the ground.

  ”Oh! Are you General McClan?”

  Rourou clenched his bear claws and shouted excitedly.

  ”Awei! We caught a big fish!”


  The pale-faced McLen was slightly stunned. He didn’t recognize the man and the bear in front of him, and he didn’t understand why the bear could speak.

  However, he still had the consciousness of being a captive, and knew that being honest would save him some suffering, so he spoke carefully.

  ”I’m McLen… who are you?”

  Tail: “Tail!”

  McLen: “……?”

  Looking at the confused face, Sisi’s mouth suddenly curled up a dark smile, and said thoughtfully.

  ”Speaking of which, when we were in Ruigu City, it was Awei who put the balloon.”

  Tail nodded excitedly: “Yeah! That’s right! In order to put the balloon higher, it took me and Zhima Paste a lot of effort!”

  Zhima Paste smiled a little embarrassedly.

  However, McLen didn’t even look at her.

  The moment he heard the word balloon, his eyeballs bulged as if they were inflated.

  Staring at the complacent guy with a murderous look, he trembled and stretched out his index finger, his face turned pale and blue.

  ”That balloon… was it you who did it?!”

  Not caring about the look that seemed to want to strangle him to death, Tail nodded his head smugly.

  ”Yeah, that’s right! You’re welcome!”

  McLen almost spat out a mouthful of blood, wishing he could rush up and strangle her to death.

  ”Don’t move.”

  Admiring the collapsed expression, Sis shook the pistol he had just seized in his hand and reminded him politely.

  ”Don’t forget that you are a prisoner now. If you don’t want to die, just behave yourself.” He

  was chased so badly in Ruigu City.

  Now he can be considered to have taken revenge.


  West of Oasis No. 9.

  The headquarters of the Legion.

  A “Saber” fighter jet landed on the runway of the airport.

  Looking at the pilot jumping out of the cabin, an officer followed the ground crew and walked forward, asking anxiously.

  ”Where is the H-55 you are escorting?”

  The pilot answered bluntly.

  ”We encountered an enemy air attack! One of the engines of the H-55 was damaged during takeoff.”

  The officer’s face changed drastically and asked hurriedly.

  ”What about the nuclear bomb?”

  The pilot answered truthfully.

  ”On the plane…”

  While the pilot was reporting the situation, the officers at the front-line command post had already learned about the situation on the front line from other channels.

  In the command account.

  Griffin, standing in front of the radio, was silent for a long time without saying a word.

  After about ten minutes, he turned back to the command table, stared at the strategic map for a few seconds, and ordered in a deep voice.

  ”Notify the 30,000th Squadron of the Falcon Kingdom… Be sure to defend the line until the reinforcements arrive!”

  ”The 20,000th Squadron has finished its rest and moved to the north of the 30,000th Squadron to deploy defenses.”

  Reinforcements from the Enterprise and the Alliance are arriving in Luoxia Province one after another.

  With the support of the Iron Heart, Oasis No. 9 will definitely not be able to be defended. The best choice is to retreat to Oasis No. 3 to organize defense and stretch the enemy’s supply line.

  He will ask the legion commander for more reinforcements.

  Hearing General Griffin’s order, the officers standing in front of the command table looked at each other.

  An officer couldn’t help but remind him.

  ”The 20,000th Corps just participated in the siege of the City of Plenty a few days ago. The personnel and equipment were severely damaged. The combat effectiveness may be less than 30%. I am worried-”

  Griffin glanced at him.

  The cold eyes made the officer shut up immediately and dared not say another word.

  Looking at the map again, Griffin continued concisely.

  ”The rest of the troops will move to Oasis No. 3. Take away all the equipment and supplies that can be taken away, and burn them on the spot if they can’t be taken away.”

  The adjutant standing aside asked.

  ”Where is McLen?”

  Griffin fell into silence, with a hint of complexity flashing in his cold eyes.

  He has been fighting with that arrogant guy for half his life.

  Although he wished that guy would get out of here immediately, he couldn’t help but feel sad for the way he left the scene.

  He swore. He

  would definitely take revenge!

  Throwing his hat on the map in the command, he turned and left the tent.

  ”Fly half-mast for him.”

  Behind him, the command tent was silent.

  After a long silence, I don’t know who took the lead, but all the officers took off their hats and dragged them on their palms.

  Flames burned in their pupils.

  That was the spark of hatred…


  At the same time.

  Chu Guang, who was commanding at the front line, also learned about the battle situation near the ruins of Oasis No. 7 through Xiao Qi and the official website forum.

  When Chu Guang heard that the 110,000th team of the Falcon Kingdom stationed at the airport was actually commanded by McLen, he was stunned for two seconds.

  This is really…

  too coincidental.

  ”Where are the people?”

  Xiao Qi: “They have been controlled by your players.” Chu

  Guang nodded.

  It’s good that they are not dead.

  Before it evolves into a full-scale war, these can be used as bargaining chips at the negotiation table.

  Neither the Alliance nor the Enterprise could possibly fight to the West Coast, which was 10,000 kilometers away. This was neither in the interests of the Alliance nor the Enterprise, nor was it the war goal of both parties.

  For the Alliance, the most optimistic scenario was to get a war reparations from the Legion or its vassal, and then recruit a few younger brothers in Luoxia Province.

  Perhaps the Enterprise would be willing to share the secret of Shelter No. 0 with him, but if not, he would not be too disappointed.

  After all, he never pinned his hopes on that legend.

  ”Where is the nuclear bomb?” Chu Guang immediately asked the question he was most concerned about.

  Xiao Qi whispered.

  ”It was detonated by the Legion… But your players sent the nuclear bomb into the underground tunnel of the Lost Valley, and it didn’t seem to hurt anyone.”

  Chu Guang’s expression was slightly stunned.


  ”What’s wrong?”

  Noticing the change in Chu Guang’s expression, Vanus cast an inquiring look at him.

  Finod, who was standing not far away, also looked over here nervously, trying to figure out what stage the war had reached.

  No matter which side won.

  As long as he entered the ceasefire negotiation stage, he would have hope of returning home.

  Chu Guang did not speak, but cast his eyes out of the French window of the bridge, looking at the sun that was getting farther and farther away at the end of the horizon.

  It would be great if we could get that nuclear bomb.

  Even if we hold it in our hands and don’t use it, it can make the legion cautious and unable to move freely on the battlefield.

  But now…

  the situation is a bit complicated.


  Great Rift Valley, Origin City.

  In the spacious conference hall, there is a long conference table carved from obsidian, and two people are sitting at the long table.

  The man sitting at the head of the conference table is about sixty years old, with white frost on his temples, and his face is full of vicissitudes, and the criss-crossing ravines are like cracks in the canyon.

  The slightly closed eyes seem to be thinking about something.

  As if worried that he fell asleep, the tall man sitting at the other end of the long conference table reminded him expressionlessly.

  ”Even nuclear bombs are used.”

  He was wearing a silver-gray uniform, and the straight fabric had no wrinkles and was as smooth as a mirror.

  Hearing the word nuclear bomb, the old man’s eyebrows moved slightly, but still did not react much.


  ”It’s really getting too much.”


  ”Is that all you can say?” The tall man’s voice was a little unhappy.

  The old man sighed softly.

  ”I need time to think.”

  ”Think? Is the contract written in black and white no longer valid?”

  The tall man chuckled, his voice carrying a hint of sarcasm.

  ”If you keep thinking, we may have to fight another world war in the garbage dump.”

  The old man sitting on the chair sighed and finally opened his drooping eyelids.

  Looking at the tall man sitting opposite with cloudy pupils, he said in a calm and gentle tone.

  ”This is where the complexity of the problem lies. Our civilization is on the verge of collapse. Any small mistake may destroy the last hope. And… don’t always use that tone of indifference. It has become like this now. Don’t you have any responsibility for your college?”

  ”Of course, we made a serious mistake. We actually chose to believe a group of idiots who think with their fists. What’s even more stupid is that I just wasted another five precious minutes of my life trying to convince a slow-thinking old man.” The tall man sneered and put down his arms.

  The figure gradually faded, and finally turned into a shadow, dissipating in a cloud of light particles.

  It was a holographic image.

  Facing the empty conference table, the old man fell into a long silence.

  At this time, the electronic voice of AI floated to his ears.

  ”…envoys from the south asked to see you. They called themselves the Alliance, and they wanted to negotiate with us about the secret support of the Legion by the Bugera Free State.”


  I seemed to have heard of this name.

  When was it?

  The old man stretched out his index finger and pinched his brow, he couldn’t remember it.

  Since the end of the prosperous era, too many strange things have happened in this land.

  From the king of the kingdom to the chief of the tribe, as well as all kinds of strange organizations and concepts…They are like matches lit in the dark, coming quickly and going quickly, and their only use is to burn their fingers black, and then they know the pain.

  But in the end, the old man decided to meet those young juniors.

  ”Please invite them to the lounge, I’ll be there in a while.”

  The AI ​​assistant replied in a gentle electronic voice.

  ”Okay, Mr. Chief.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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