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Chapter 447 Where It All Began

Chapter 447 Where It All Began


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 447 Where it all began

  In the vast valley.

  Escorted by more than a hundred fully armed soldiers, the Alliance delegation of hundreds of people marched towards the depths of the valley.

  ”…In front of us is the City of Origin! The capital of the Great Rift Valley, our destination!”

  The man who spoke was wearing a gray power armor, which looked a little similar to the dragon cavalry power armor in the NPC store, but it was completely different upon closer inspection.

  His name was Ma Kai, and he was the captain of a patrol team nearby.

  When he heard that the Alliance delegation was carrying prisoners of the Legion, he immediately volunteered to serve as the guide for the escort.

  Because they had just fought a battle with the Legion last year, most people in the Great Rift Valley didn’t have a good look at the Legion.

  At least that was the case with these soldiers.

  Then the enemy of my enemy is naturally my friend!

  Noticing those unfriendly eyes, Antonette’s eyes were full of tension, and his face was as pale as if he had been painted.

  However, Piman, the centurion of Camp 530 who was captured with him, had a calm expression at this moment.

  They didn’t look like prisoners at all, but rather like they were on a picnic accompanied by a group of bodyguards.

  ”…Relax, my friend, we’ve already reached the Great Rift Valley, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  Antonette glanced at him and said nervously.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Piman coughed lightly and answered in a very light voice.

  ”It means literally, the most dangerous part of the road has passed.”

  The one who wanted them to die the most was undoubtedly the Bugera Free State.

  After all, if they were allowed to reach the Great Rift Valley, the business between the merchants and the Legion would definitely not be able to do business.

  The Alliance certainly didn’t want them to die, including the Great Rift Valley, which would at most lock them up for interrogation, and then answer whatever they were asked.

  In fact, they had encountered at least five or six attacks along the way.

  It was just that the Alliance soldiers were really ruthless. They had just fought a battle with them at Camp 530, and they had crossed the country for nearly a thousand kilometers. Even though they were separated from the supply line, their combat effectiveness was not affected at all.

  ”Be honest!”

  The two prisoners were whispering to each other, and the soldier next to them immediately glared at them, and then looked at their comrades beside them.

  ”Separate these two guys.”


  The new soldier with the gun nodded and was about to step forward. However, before he could reach him, Piman had already slowed down his pace and left Antonette.

  At the front of the team.

  Walking next to Ma Kai was the ambassador from the Alliance, named Wu Huaide.

  This man used to be Shu Yu’s secretary at the Alliance Embassy in Boulder City. After Shu Yu was transferred to Ideal City, he took charge of the embassy’s related work for a period of time, and then was transferred back to the Alliance to serve in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  This mission to the Great Rift Valley was his first visit on behalf of the Alliance as an ambassador. His expression and words were somewhat restrained.

  However, according to the manager, this was not a bad thing.

  The strength of the Great Rift Valley might be on the same level as the Enterprise Legion, and unlike them, it was in the River Valley Province.

  It is better to adopt a cautious diplomatic attitude when meeting a powerful neighbor at home for the first time.

  ”Before coming here, I thought the Great Rift Valley was just a valley, but I didn’t expect that my imagination was conservative.” Wu Huaide sighed as he said this.

  Ma Kai smiled.

  ”Haha, you’re right. This is a valley, but it stretches for hundreds of kilometers and looks a little bigger.”

  Is it just bigger?

  The players following around couldn’t help but complain in their hearts.

  It took them two full days to walk here from the north of the Valley Province, and then it took them more than half a day to walk here from the edge of the valley.

  It’s too bad that they can’t travel fast!

  ”Speaking of which, does the name Origin City have any special meaning?”

  Hearing the ambassador’s question, Ma Kai replied with a smile.

  ”No special meaning, just because this is where everything started.”

  ”Where everything started?”

  Wu Huaide didn’t quite understand, and when he was about to ask in detail, he had already arrived at the destination.

  In front of him was a towering giant gate.

  Rather than a gate, it was more like a dam, embedded in the center of the valley.

  The black team of hundreds of people stood in front of the giant gate, like ants under a big tree.

  The young man and the brick on the construction site looked up and looked around, scratched the back of his head with his hand, and said with a puzzled look.

  ”Isn’t there a holy shield in the Great Rift Valley? Why didn’t I see it?”

  Debt glanced at him.

  ”Do you use an umbrella even on sunny days?”

  The young man and the brick on the construction site were stunned.

  ”What… does that mean?”

  ”He means that the thing will only be unfolded during war, and is usually closed… I guess so too.”

  After interrupting, the regiment commander looked ahead and saw that the towering giant door was slowly opening.

  When the door was halfway open, all the players present showed surprise on their faces – even shock.

  Rows of concrete houses are located on the hillsides on both sides, and the top of the slope is a long glass curtain wall embedded in the mountain. There should be a different world inside, but the situation inside is completely invisible from the outside.

  In the middle of the valley are interlaced steel bridges and corridors, and elevators on both sides of the mountain railway connect the upper and lower floors.

  But what is shocking is not these, but the abyss in the center of the rift valley that cannot be seen to the bottom.

  The mountains on both sides of the abyss are also inlaid with square concrete buildings, forming a large-scale building complex.

  Since the sun only shines at noon, the street lights on both sides of the road are on day and night starting from the halfway point of the mountain.

  This is a city buried in the valley, and at its foot are buried hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, etc. and many mineral elements produced by the electrolysis of trillions of tons of seawater, which are preserved in solid form. What

  surprised Bianbianhuashui was not its background setting, but the layout of the buildings here.

  After a long silence, he finally couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Aren’t they afraid of landslides?”

  Even if there is no landslide or rain, this rift valley is simply a natural riverbed.

  Not to mention that they built such a big gate, it is like a man-made reservoir.

  Kakarot said with a subtle expression.

  ”Maybe… it’s black technology.”

  The technological content here does seem to be much worse than that of the Ideal City, but we can’t just look at the appearance.

  Along the way, they have seen at least more than a hundred power armors and various types of exoskeletons.

  At least in terms of combat effectiveness, no one dares to underestimate them.

  These people are not inferior to the Legion, and naturally they are not inferior to the Enterprise.

  A man in a brown gown stood at the entrance of the giant gate and nodded slightly to show respect.

  ”Welcome to the Origin City. I am the Secretary-General of the Chief of the Great Rift Valley, Yang Wei, responsible for external contacts.”

  ”Alliance Ambassador, Wu Huaide,” walked up and shook hands with the man in the brown gown. Wu Huaide made a sincere negotiation, “Our visit this time is mainly for matters related to Luoxia Province.”

  Yang Wei nodded to show his understanding.

  ”I have reported your matter to the chief. Please move to the lounge and wait for a while. He will meet you in person later.”

  ”Thank you very much.”

  ”You are welcome. Please follow me.”

  Yang Wei then looked at Ma Kai who was standing next to Wu Huaide.

  ”Leave the guests to me. You take the two prisoners from the legion to where they should go.”

  Ma Kai grinned and said.


  The handover of the prisoners was completed quickly.

  Piman did not resist and calmly followed the guards who came.

  The same was true for Antonette.

  Although he had a frustrated expression on his face, he was a smart man and knew that being honest and obedient at this time would save him some suffering.

  There were still more than 300 players in the Death Corps who successfully walked here. In name, they belonged to the soldiers of the alliance. It was impossible for all of them to go with them to meet the leader of the Great Rift Valley.

  That was unreasonable.

  Wu Huaide followed the instructions of the manager and selected several players with the highest contribution points to follow the secretary general to the lounge.

  The others followed the captain named Ma Kai and moved to the temporary base prepared by the Great Rift Valley for the Alliance to rest.

  It was getting late outside, and it was time to log off.

  Although it was a pity that I couldn’t see the next plot, with the existence of the official website forum, I wouldn’t miss any key information.

  The command was temporarily handed over to Kakarot, and the edge paddling group followed Yang Wei in the elevator up to the floor at the top of the Great Rift Valley.

  The structure here is completely different from the one below. The wide hall and corridor are completely cast with alloys, which looks like a space capsule suspended in a high orbit in a science fiction blockbuster.

  Through the floor-to-ceiling windows arranged on one side of the corridor, you can directly overlook the depths of the valley.

  While walking through the corridor, the construction site boy and the brick suddenly spoke.

  ”I think I understand it all.”

  ”What do you understand now?” Debt glanced at him.

  ”This place gives me the feeling… It’s like a space colony in a science fiction movie.”

  Several players around were stunned.


  ”Don’t you have that feeling?” The construction site boy and the brick scratched their heads and said embarrassedly, “The buildings under the Great Rift Valley are completely not on the same level as the sense of technology here, but the quality of life is acceptable. And from the structure, I always have a feeling that those buildings… are like the eggs laid by this space capsule.”

  ”Pfft… your metaphor is hahaha.” Debt Big Eyes couldn’t help laughing.

  Edge Stroke showed a thoughtful expression.

  ”Well… maybe it’s really possible.”

  The drum shampooer nodded thoughtfully.

  ”I think it makes sense.”

  Debt Big Eyes: “……?”

  No matter what the origin of this facility is, the group finally arrived at the door of the lounge.

  There are many tables and sofas in the empty room, and there are bookshelves around, with many books that look a bit old on them.

  According to the general nature of this game, high-value intelligence is either hidden in books or in the mouths of NPCs, and players need to collect it on their own.

  However, the people standing here are all “illiterate”. Their listening and speaking skills are just OK, but their reading and writing skills are very average. They can only rely on the offline translation function of VM to roughly understand.


  taking a picture first and synchronizing it to the official website when there is a signal is also an option.

  He took a book off the bookshelf, picked it up and flipped through it, and finally turned it back to the cover.

  When he saw the badge printed on it, he was slightly stunned, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

  ”Is this… the badge of the enterprise?”

  ”There are also those of the Legion and the Academy,” standing next to another bookshelf, Debt Eyes took down two books and flipped through them, “…but I didn’t see the Torch Church.”

  Roller Shampooing Machine: “Maybe the Torch Church doesn’t have a face? After all, it has only been established for more than 20 years in the setting.”

  Debt Eyes frowned.

  ”But why are there the marks of the Legion, Enterprise, and Academy? Forget about the Academy, the Legion and the Enterprise have fought against the Great Rift Valley, right?”

  The construction site boy and the brick scratched the back of his head.

  ”I read in the official website that the legions, enterprises, and colleges all belonged to the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, and the headquarters of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee is in the River Valley Province…”

  He paused halfway through his words.

  Origin City…

  where everything began.

  His Adam’s apple moved, and the construction site boy and the brick whispered in an uncertain tone.

  ”… Could it be here?”

  A pair of eyes looked over, and he felt a little nervous.

  ”I guessed… Don’t laugh at me if I guessed wrong.”

  However, no one laughed at him.

  Including Debt Eyes.

  Staring at the book in his hand, his brows furrowed as he stroked the edge of the water, and he swallowed unconsciously.

  ”Maybe… it’s really possible.”


  Just as the players were collecting clues in the lounge, no one noticed that the ambassador of the alliance had been invited to the next room.

  Although they followed all the way, they still missed the key main storyline.

  Sitting on the sofa.

  Wu Huaide looked at the old man with gray hair and sleepy eyes in front of him with a stiff expression.

  From the previous greetings, he had learned that the old man’s name was Ge Yan, the chief of the Great Rift Valley, and his status was similar to that of the manager of the alliance.

  But he was different from the tall, mighty, heroic and vigorous manager.

  His eyes were cloudy and his face was full of wrinkles. He looked like he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

  Although it was a bit rude to think so, Wu Huaide couldn’t help but have this idea in his heart, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously.

  The old man sat very quietly, his eyes always looking at the young man opposite, but the sight did not seem to stay on him, but passed through him and looked at someone who was not present.

  After a long silence, he seemed to have got the answer he wanted, and the dry lips finally moved.

  ”…I have learned about your affairs. I have sent an investigation team to the Bugera Free State. I promise to give you an explanation within three days.”

  The Bugera Free State is a vassal of the Great Rift Valley. With the words of the leader of the Great Rift Valley, those profiteers and the legions will definitely not be able to do business.

  Unexpectedly, it would be so smooth. Wu Huaide’s brows relaxed slightly and a happy smile appeared on his face.

  ”Thank you.”

  The old man smiled faintly.

  ”I can’t bear this thank you. This matter was originally our mistake. I should have said sorry to you at that time for causing you so much trouble.”

  Unexpectedly, the old man’s attitude was so sincere that Wu Huaide couldn’t help but feel moved.

  If the Great Rift Valley could be persuaded to send troops to deal with the legion, it would undoubtedly make this war end more quickly.

  Although this was not the task assigned to him by the manager, he decided to give it a try.

  ”Speaking of this… Actually, there is one thing I don’t quite understand.” Taking advantage of the good atmosphere of the conversation, Wu Huaide found a suitable entry point and spoke.

  The old man looked at him with a pleasant face.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  ”The deployment of the Legion in Luoxia Province is obviously heading here. Why did you… let them do this?”

  Looking at the old man in front of him, Wu Huaide continued in a sincere tone.

  ”Once they complete this supply line, more soldiers will be sent to the front line, and then you will inevitably have to fight again. Why not join forces with us now and eradicate the trouble once and for all!”

  After hearing this, the old man was silent for a while and spoke.

  ”The Legion is coming for us, and we let them do it… Both statements are inaccurate.”

  Seeing that indifferent expression, Wu Huaide couldn’t help but clench his fists on his knees.

  ”Isn’t this the truth?”

  The old man looked at him calmly.

  ”That’s the part you see, but it’s not all of it.”

  Before the young man in front of him could speak, the old man continued.

  ”Let’s change the subject. How do you think we can end the wasteland? Build a lot of houses? Build a lot of schools to pass on knowledge? Or produce a lot of weapons? Or let the residents live a prosperous era?”

  Wu Huaide opened his mouth and looked at the old man in front of him blankly. He didn’t come back to his senses for a while, and didn’t understand why he suddenly talked about this.

  Seeing that the young man didn’t answer, the old man continued in a slow pace.

  ”These things are actually very important, but there must be a corresponding plan for which one to do first and which one to do later.”

  ”We need to remove the slime mold and radioactive materials on the surface and revive the already decaying atmospheric environment… This is the foundation for the continuation of our civilization and the general line of the post-war reconstruction committee.”

  ”And to complete these tasks, we need a strong army, technicians responsible for recycling and preserving the heritage of civilization, and production personnel who produce industrial products and daily necessities.”

  ”But people are not machines. Everyone will have different ideas. Even if we are all for the same goal, there will still be differences on many issues.”

  ”Does this have anything to do with… our previous topic?” Wu Huaide couldn’t help asking.

  ”Of course it is related,” the old man nodded, “whether it is the legion, the academy, or the enterprise… they all belonged to the post-war reconstruction committee. Even if conflicts and differences have separated us, we still haven’t forgotten our work. Those works are like a precision machine, still proceeding in an orderly manner, just in a different form.”

  Wu Huaide: “Including detonating nuclear bombs? Is that also part of the work???”

  The old man coughed lightly.

  ”That thing… is really too much.”

  Wu Huaide couldn’t help but continue to ask.

  ”Even if the legion tried to conquer you?”

  However, facing the aggressive tone, the old man just smiled faintly.

  ”If the entire legion intends to conquer us, it will not be an expeditionary force. Moreover, those people have been dealt with by us.”

  Wu Huaide stared at the old man in front of him. It

  was completely different from the young soldiers outside.

  The old man seemed to have no hatred at all, and he didn’t even take the war to heart.

  It was as if…

  it was just a side effect of antibiotics, which was completely acceptable for the sake of curing the disease.

  ”I don’t understand…”

  Looking at the confused face, the old man answered in a very light voice.

  ”That’s not important. It’s enough that your administrator can understand. If he came out of the shelter, he must understand what I mean.”

  Wu Huaide couldn’t help but feel a ball of anger in his chest. Although he knew that such emotions should not appear in diplomats, he was a survivor of the River Valley Province, and even more so a refugee who was displaced because of the expeditionary army’s defeat.

  His hatred for the Legion was no less than his hatred for the Bone Chewing Tribe, and now this anger has burned here.

  That calm expression, as if the war was just a trivial matter that had nothing to do with the overall situation, and the price paid as a long-term plan was completely acceptable.

  What does it mean to proceed in an orderly manner?

  What does it mean to change the form?

  Everything is in the plan of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee.

  But he didn’t hear the part about himself in this plan.

  Where is he?

  Where are those survivors who neither live in the Great Rift Valley nor in Boulder City? It

  would be fine if the old man didn’t mention the administrator, but he mentioned their administrator…

  Taking a deep breath, Wu Huaide suppressed the anger in his chest, knowing that now was not the time to be emotional.

  He was not representing himself. He

  was representing the Alliance!

  Even though he knew he was talking at cross purposes, he couldn’t help but raise his voice and made a final effort to wake up the old man who was either asleep or pretending to be asleep.

  ”The Legion is not only planning to eliminate the aliens, they are even planning to eliminate everyone except the Weilants! Is this also part of your salvation plan? When the Weilants rule the world, where are we? Do a nose lift surgery?”

  The old man shook his head.

  ”That’s the idea of ​​some Weilants, just like a tumor in the muscle, it’s a mistake, but I believe it’s not all. Apart from anything else, their marshal himself is not a Weilants. As the leader of the Legion, how could he agree with this crazy idea?”

  ”Of course, I don’t agree with many of his actions. Ending chaos requires violence, but his connivance of violence is indeed a bit too much.”

  Wu Huaide showed a surprised expression on his face.

  It was not because of the old man’s words themselves, but the information contained in these words.

  ”The marshal of the legion…is not a Weilant?”


  ”How do you know?”

  The old man showed a nostalgic expression on his face, although the nostalgia turned into a soft sigh.

  ”Of course I know, after all, I watched that child grow up.”

  ”And…the Weilant people only appeared later.”

  Wu Huaide looked at him blankly.



  (Thanks to “Tang Zhangshi” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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