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Chapter 45 Heavy Rain is Coming

Chapter 45 Heavy Rain is Coming

2024-01-17 作者: 枚可

  Chapter 45 Heavy Rain is Coming

  ”What do you want to do?!” Liang Xin hurried back and said in a hurry: “Don’t go up with her!”

  Qiu Buhuan glanced at him: “Why not?”

  Liang Xin’s face was gloomy: “He is the distinguished guest I invited to Mengshang Pavilion. If something happens, the responsibility is on me.”


  ”Since it is the invitation of the Holy Envoy of Bingtan, there is no reason for the junior to refuse.”

  Yang Shifei suddenly said: “But I don’t know what the Holy Envoy invited me to discuss?”

  Qiu Buhuan turned his eyes back and raised his lips slightly: “Of course it is some private matters that others are not allowed to eavesdrop on.”

  Liang Xin’s face changed slightly, and he was about to speak, but was stopped by the gray-haired old man beside him.

  ”Young Master, don’t worry, the Holy Envoy will not hurt anyone.”

  Yang Shifei heard the movement behind him, thought for a while, and nodded slowly: “Okay.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled indifferently: “Follow me.”

  Yang Shifei and Liang Xin nodded and quickly followed each other’s footsteps.

  On the fourth floor of Mengshang Pavilion, in a quiet guest room.

  Qiu Buhuan lazily sat sideways beside the coffee table, holding her chin with one hand, full of charm and temptation.

  She looked sideways at Yang Shifei who was sitting upright opposite her, and a gentle smile appeared on her charming face.

  With an unusually strong physique and agile reaction and eyesight, he is simply the best material for practicing martial arts.

  If he can be brought back to the sect and taught carefully, the future of his lineage will be guaranteed.

  Looking more closely, this face is also quite pleasing to the eye, upright and handsome, with a bit of elegant scholar charm. And there is a little coldness between the eyebrows, adding a bit of toughness.

  He is a handsome man who makes people feel uneasy.

  ”Sir, please have tea.” “Thank you.”

  Yang Shifei saw the maid carrying a sword and left, and then looked at the warm tea that had just been brought.

  ”Don’t worry, it’s not poisoned.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled softly: “If you are thirsty, just drink it.”

  Yang Shifei glanced at her and raised the cup to take a sip.

  The soft tea fragrance echoed in his throat and tongue, which also made him feel slightly calm.

  ”I know, you are just guessing what my purpose is.”

  Qiu Buhuan raised his finger to touch his lips, and said leisurely: “In fact, I just saw that you have an extraordinary physique, and I wanted to accept you as my disciple. Since you already have a sect, I will not take away other people’s disciples.”

  She raised her charming smile again: “But if we can’t be master and disciple, can we still be friends?”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “You and I just met.”

  ”There is love at first sight in this world, why is there no feeling of old friends at first sight.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled: “May I give you a gift to show my feelings?”

  Yang Shifei thought for a while, and bowed his hands and said: “If it is the lady’s true feelings, I don’t think it is easy to refuse, you can accept it.”

  Qiu Buhuan covered her lips and smiled softly: “Now you are very familiar.”

  She took out a red jade from her sleeve and handed it to him elegantly: “Take it.”

  ”.Miss, are you really giving me a gift?”

  Facing Yang Shifei’s strange look, Qiu Buhuan smiled softly: “It’s not a valuable thing, just a letter of trust. If you have the opportunity to come to Qianren Bingtan in the future, I can personally forge a handy weapon for you.”

  As she said that, she blinked charmingly: “This is also the first time I give a gift to an outsider, you must keep it well.”

  Yang Shifei’s expression was slightly condensed, and he solemnly took the small red jade, which was engraved with precise patterns.

  Qianren Bingtan can forge Taiwu Shengbing, which shows that the smelting technology is superb. It must be worth a lot to be forged by a master of this art.

  ”Thank you for the gift, young lady.”

  ”You’re welcome.” Qiu Buhuan said softly: “Will you attend the banquet in the palace tomorrow?”

  ”Of course I will go.”

  ”Behave well, and I will wait for you at the banquet.”

  Qiu Buhuan flicked his sleeves: “There is one more thing I want to remind you.”

  Yang Shifei said seriously: “Miss, please speak.”

  ”My Qianren Bingtan does not belong to any country and is independent of all major forces. Although it is not as good as the nine sects in the world, it can also collect a lot of secrets.”

  Qiu Buhuan’s smile faded a little, his eyes were dark: “The Taiwu Haoshi set out from Dongcheng and was transported to Qianren Bingtan for a total of ten days, and then the forging took more than a month. During this period, a large number of warriors from Liang State will go to Bingtan for reinforcement, and the country will be left empty. There will be chaos in Dongcheng or the northwest of Liang State.”

  She cast a slightly indifferent look: “Your talent is rare in the world. If you grow up, you will be able to shock the world. Don’t lose the big picture for the small, and die in these meaningless royal disputes.”

  Yang Shifei frowned and pondered for a moment: “I will remember it in my heart.”

  Qiu Buhuan showed a hint of tender smile again: “You should go back, so that the child outside the house won’t be worried.”

  As he said, he stretched out his slender white jade hand again: “As a friend, would you like to shake hands before leaving?”


  Yang Shifei stood up solemnly and shook hands with the other party with his right hand.

  Then, he clasped his fists and bowed, turned around and walked out of the guest room.

  The maid carrying a sword walked back quietly and whispered, “Master, do you think so highly of this man?”



  Seeing Qiu Buhuan was stunned as if he was in a trance, the maid carrying a sword frowned slightly and called out again.

  Only then did she suddenly wake up, widening her beautiful eyes and staring at the slender palm.

  ”What’s going on with this strange heat?!”

  In the corridor.

  ”Are you, are you okay?”

  Liang Xin came over tremblingly and whispered, “She didn’t do anything strange to you?”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly when he heard this: “Brother Liang, what do you think I will be done to?”

  ”Uh” Liang Xin showed a strange expression, and two fingers pressed against each other and circled: “It’s just like this and that.”

  Yang Shifei: “?”

  What do you think is a rich woman’s happy ball?

  Liang Xin blushed again and lowered her voice, “I heard that those high-ranking women all have some quirks. For example, when they see some handsome young men, they will make a move.”

  Yang Shifei was a little speechless and bowed, “I’m sorry to disappoint Brother Liang. We just chatted for a few minutes.”

  ”.Yeah, that’s right. We weren’t in there for long.” Liang Xin smiled awkwardly, “Anyway, I’m glad you’re okay.”

  Yang Shifei glanced at him and felt that this man was indeed kind-hearted and worthy of close friendship.

  The two had already walked downstairs while talking, and saw the gray-haired old man waiting there: “Who is this…”

  ”I am just a private guard, don’t worry about it.”

  The gray-haired old man clasped his fists and smiled: “It is indeed extraordinary that the little brother can fight with the Holy Envoy of Bingtan.”

  Yang Shifei shook his head: “Old sir, you are joking. The Holy Envoy is really powerful, but he is just playing with me casually.” ”

  That’s wrong.” The gray-haired old man said meaningfully: “Even if the Holy Envoy is not as good as the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise, it is recognized that he is an extraordinary existence that has touched the realm of Black Tortoise.”

  ”.Thanks for your advice.”

  Yang Shifei looked up and saw that the sky was getting dark, clasped his fists and said: “Heavy rain is coming, I won’t disturb you today.”

  ”Oh, okay. See you at the banquet tomorrow.”

  Liang Xin responded with a nod, watching him leave quickly, but was a little absent-minded for a while.

  ”Young Master, you don’t have to be too anxious.”

  The gray-haired old man smiled and brushed his beard: “A talent like this will surely shine when the East City is in turmoil, and you will naturally have the opportunity to meet him then.”

  Liang Xin nodded.

  But his mind moved, and he asked curiously: “Do you know where Luoyue Pavilion is?”

  ”Huh?” The gray-haired old man frowned slightly: “This is because I am ignorant and have never heard of it.”

  ”I wonder which sect can teach such a powerful disciple.”

  Liang Xin’s eyes lit up, and his face was full of yearning: “If I have the chance, I would also like to pay a visit.”

  The dark clouds gathered suddenly, and there were already light raindrops and thick fog.

  Yang Shifei took advantage of the heavy rain and quickly rushed home.

  He washed his face slightly, put away the red jade, and was about to turn around and go to Luo Mansion.

  But Tan Xiang happened to push the door and walk into the yard, and the two sides met eyes.

  ”Sir, why haven’t you been seen so early in the morning?”

  Tan Xiang came over calmly with a few new clothes in her arms: “What’s the matter?”

  ”First, the little princess pestered me to chat, and then I was introduced by Chief Constable Tie to meet someone.”

  Yang Shifei said seriously: “It seems to be a prince.”

  Tan Xiang’s eyes moved slightly: “It should be the ninth prince. He is the most inconspicuous among the many princes. Don’t pay too much attention to him.”

  ”That’s right.”

  He was beaten by me and cried, which really didn’t look like a prince, but he didn’t have much airs or temper, and was quite easy to get along with.

  It’s no wonder that Chief Constable Tie would secretly introduce him. It’s obviously not bad to be able to get in touch with a prince with a good personality.

  ”However, is this Ninth Prince really a man?”

  ”It’s unknown whether he is a man or a woman.” Tan Xiang glanced at him: “There may be some hidden secrets, but we haven’t investigated it in detail.”

  Yang Shifei pondered: “Do the Ninth Prince and Miss Luo

  know each other?” “No.”

  Tan Xiang shook her head: “The young lady has lived in the deep palace since she was a child, and she has not met other princes and princesses many times. And the Ninth Prince is one of the younger generation, and she has never even met him.”

  ”But the Ninth Prince entered East City under an assumed name this time, and the young lady should have noticed it a long time ago.”

  She said in a calm tone: “The young lady won’t mind your contact, but it’s best not to be too close to each other. Even if the Ninth Prince is not involved in the dispute over imperial power, it is easy to get into trouble.”

  ”I understand.” Yang Shifei hesitated for a moment: “But I met another person later, called the Holy Envoy of Bingtan.”

  Tan Xiang’s eyes widened slightly: “What happened?”

  ”She happened to be staying in Mengshang Pavilion temporarily, so she showed up and exchanged a few moves with me.”

  Yang Shifei recounted the conversation between the two sides in the house.

  ”I will tell the young lady about this, you have to be more careful.” Tan Xiang frowned and pulled his arm: “Are you hurt?”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “The other party knew how to strike back, I’m fine.”

  ”That’s good.”

  Tan Xiang breathed a sigh of relief: “You should have a good rest these two days. There will be a gathering at the palace tomorrow, and we at Luo Mansion will also go there.”

  Yang Shifei nodded, and quickly took out a sachet from his arms and handed it to her with a smile:

  ”I bought it at the young princess’s shop.”


  Tan Xiang was silent for a moment, and looked at him coldly: “How many did you buy?”

  Yang Shifei smiled awkwardly: “Three.”

  ”.Give me the young lady’s sachet.” Tan Xiang glared at him: “I’ll pass it on to you.”

  ”Well, thank you.” Yang Shifei handed over the lotus sachet.

  Tan Xiang put away the sachet, his eyes cold: “Do you want me to help transfer the silver to Niujia Village?”

  ”Can I do it?”

  ”It’s not far, just send a servant.” Tan Xiang took the purse handed over and looked at him calmly: “You are really willing to spend money.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Money is just a thing outside of the body, is it cool to say that?”

  ”The real reason.”

  ”. I don’t have to worry about food and clothing now, and it’s useless to have more money.”

  ”Quite honest.” Tan Xiang sighed lightly: “Have a good rest.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and nodded: “Don’t get tired.”


  After sending Tan Xiang away, he went back to the house and found that Yue Rui was still sleeping soundly on the bed, so he put down the sachet and new clothes and went to the backyard.

  Yang Shifei put his mood in order, looked down at his fists, pondered for a long time, and suddenly swung out a swift punch and kick.

  After facing real strong men one after another, he realized his own shortcomings.

  Even if the cold air can make up for one’s own talent and improve one’s physique, if one wants to control one’s own destiny, one must practice diligently and not slack off for a moment.

  When the night gradually darkens, the cold rain falls.

  Only one figure still stands in the courtyard, sweating as he swings his fists and feet.

  When the rain goes away and the fog comes, the deep moon is quiet.

  The East City is silent inside and outside, and no one knows that the sharp fist wind gradually clears the fog.

   I hope everyone will follow and vote, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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