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Chapter 451 Refund the Tuition Fee

Chapter 451 Refund the Tuition Fee


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 451: Refund the tuition fee

  The next morning, the cold wind in Linchuan was strong. It was cold outside the window, and the heating in the room was very strong, which made people feel dry mouth and tongue as soon as they opened their eyes.

  Jiang Qin climbed down from the bed and found that Lao Cao and others were already sitting on the bed and began to study and recite silently.

  This year’s holiday date is January 22, which is only more than half a month. At this time, Lin University has entered the stage of exam review.

  But this semester is still a brand new version for Jiang Qin.

  What did you learn? I don’t know.

  What are the professional courses? I don’t know.

  Putting all the textbooks of previous years in front of Jiang Qin and asking him to recognize which one is for this semester is simply harder than picking stars from the sky, because his textbooks for each semester are brand new. During the

  final exam week of that year, Jiang Qin pretended to go to the study room, borrowed a pen from the girl next door, and wrote his name on the title page.

  Up to now, only that one of his textbooks has a name on it.

  What he thought was the beginning turned out to be a peak in the end.

  However, Jiang Qin felt that it was not a big problem, because the reputation of the group buying was getting bigger and bigger, and he would definitely not fail the course. Even if he handed in a blank paper, he could still get a passing score because the paper was neat.

  It was just that the tuition and accommodation fees were paid… It was really a bit of a loss.

  ”Don’t keep the windows closed all the time. Take advantage of the sun at noon to ventilate. This dormitory is almost smelling of pickled cabbage.”

  ”I know, Jiang brother, are you going out again?”

  ”I’m going out to give a gift and see if I can be rated as a three-good student this semester.”

  Jiang Qin changed into a thicker down jacket, shivered and left the dormitory, carrying the specialty he bought and the bag of tea, and went to the entrepreneurship base.

  When he heard that Ye Ziqing had joined the group buying team, although Professor Yan didn’t say anything, there was a hint of relief in his eyes.

  How to say it, he witnessed Ye Ziqing’s failures all the way. Every time he heard her say that she wanted to start a business, although he was blessing her, he was always worried in his heart, and even had a headache.

  But after hearing that she had joined the group buying, Professor Yan felt much more at ease.

  It’s stable.

  Jiang Qin is a bit of a wimp, but he is really steady in doing things, and he has never made any mistakes along the way, so this time, she should not lose again.

  Professor Yan’s blind self-confidence is almost the same as that of 208 and its sub-station members, for no other reason than that he has watched 208 grow up.

  When you find that all the decisions a person makes are correct, even if he makes a mistake occasionally, you will believe that it is the world that is wrong.

  ”This is a good thing…”

  ”This is a good thing.”

  Professor Yan said twice with some sighs: “Good things should be celebrated with hot pot.”

  Jiang Qin was stunned when he heard the voice, and looked back: “Isn’t this 207? Why are you thinking about hot pot? Has this place become a moral depression?”

  ”What depression? I didn’t ask you to treat me, can’t I treat you?”

  ”Forget it, professor, keep your retirement salary for yourself. I’ll arrange it after the exam. Let’s have something good. Feiyu is still thinking about pouring you a drink.”

  Jiang Qin picked up the teacup and drank tea with Professor Yan for a while. They talked about this move to Shanghai, and then turned to the school affairs office and met Zhang Baiqing.

  Principal Zhang is a person who has been keeping an eye on the group buying trend. There are some things that Jiang Qin doesn’t need to tell him, he knows everything.

  He even knew about the Shanti Villa and asked him where it was, which scared Jiang Qin.

  ”How do you know about Chanti Villa?”

  ”There are photos in the promotional materials you sent. Is mine next to yours?”

  Jiang Qinxin said that it was a good friend’s house bought by the aunt of my good friend. All my money now is spent on the market, and my pockets are cleaner than my face: “Your house will always be in my heart.”

  Zhang Baiqing thought to himself, is this fucking human language? So he spat at him: “Look how scared you are. Who am I, Zhang Baiqing? I am a role model for

, upright and dignified. Even if you really give it to me, I will not accept it. This is a matter of principle, unless you

  force it.” “What a coincidence. The last thing I can do is to force others.”
“Stop talking nonsense. What should we do next for group buying?”

  Jiang Qin refilled their tea: “The next step is to raise funds.”

  Zhang Baiqing nodded: “In the end, the group buying industry is really about money.”

  ”Principal, actually it is not accurate to say this. I am not simply doing group buying. I hope to establish a large-scale commercial complex that combines online and offline.”

  ”But your set still has to rely on mature group buying channels, so you must win, otherwise all your previous efforts will be in vain.”

  ”That’s right, so I came back this time to prepare for winning.”

  Jiang Qin poured tea for Zhang Baiqing: “A year ago, I went through a lot of hardships to make a strategic marketing plan, just hoping that the whole Linchuan would trust me. I did it. This year I promoted group buying to the whole country in order to make everyone trust group buying. I also did it. Now it is time to bear fruit.”

  Whether it is leading the way or financing, it is actually a question of belief or disbelief.

  If you believe in me, then you follow me, so Linchuan brands and some foreign brands have been making layouts according to Jiang Qin’s plan, taking advantage of the group buying trend to continue to expand across the country, and the brand value is infinitely growing.

  Group buying does burn money, but if everyone is a whole, then it is just a game of getting money from the left pocket to the right pocket.

  Jiang Qin has full control over the Jinsinan Foundation. Through the funds of the Eight Heavenly Kings, he invests in strategic cooperation brands, forms a commercial closed loop, and develops group buying. It seems that he has lost many years of savings, but in fact, the other pocket is full.

  And this time, the group buying has become popular in Shanghai, and he believes that the Eight Heavenly Kings have been ready to move.

  ”Be steady, don’t rush. If you need any help, just tell me. Whether it’s school or personal, we will give you the greatest help.”

  ”Thank you, Principal Zhang. I’ll leave first. I’ve made an appointment with the Eight Heavenly Kings to play basketball this afternoon. Let’s talk about money.”

  ”Go ahead.”

  Jiang Qin walked out a few steps and suddenly turned his head: “Oh, by the way, I didn’t go to school this semester. Remember to refund my tuition. Don’t take advantage of me.”

  Zhang Baiqing: “????”

  ”Just transfer it to the card I used to pay my tuition!”

  ”What are you barking about?”

  Jiang Qin grinned, then hummed a song and left the school office, then drove to the Entrepreneur Club and met Cao Jianhong and Li Mingda, two of the Eight Heavenly Kings. It

  was too cold in winter, so the three of them made an appointment to play billiards indoors.

  Although billiards is not a high-end sport, the good thing is that it is not a confrontational game.

  Like basketball, badminton and the like, there will always be some temper when playing, and it is easy to quarrel if you don’t agree, but billiards will not be like that. Billiards is elegant, not confrontational, and you can flatter the whole time.

  Of course, playing is not the purpose, the real purpose is about money.

  Jiang Qin talked about the current situation of the group buying market, and briefly described the later development plans of group buying and major strategic brands.

  Just as Jiang Qin said, now Linchuan’s brands are taking off across the country, and the kings who have invested in these brands have also tasted the sweetness. After the group buying swept the Shanghai market like a swift and vigorous force, they are indeed a little eager to move. The bosses who

  did the mining business in the early days had low educational levels, and the company was basically extensively managed, so it was very difficult to transform. It’s okay to

  have someone to lead the way, but if you can’t find a reliable person, there are only two endings: a hasty end and losing all your family assets.

  Moreover, these people have become accustomed to the sensual pleasures and the extravagant life. It is very difficult to let them live a stable life. They always feel that if they don’t do something, they will be sorry for their former glory.

  There is a boss Pan in Kyoto who specializes in soho, and his funds actually come from these people.

  Nowadays, the Internet is booming. At this stage, even if you open an Internet company and do nothing, you can make enough money for a lifetime. Under this situation, Jiang Qin became the one who brought them in.

  ”Come on, Mr. Jiang, let’s start a game. If we lose, we will invest 100 million.”

  ”This is gambling. The amount is huge. If you are arrested, won’t my grandchildren be in trouble?”

  ”Why don’t you just not pay? I will invest and you can rely on your looks.”

  ”Okay, I don’t have money, but I have plenty of looks!”

  Jiang Qin held the pole and hit a flower ball into the bag with a snap.

  Wen Jinrui is Jiang Qin’s personal secretary. At this time, he was standing behind Jiang Qin with a teacup. After hearing the conversation between the three people, he couldn’t help but grin. Is

  the boss’s looks really so valuable?

  Is this the taste of the rich? Is the boss’s face really in line with the rich people’s aesthetics?

  She suddenly thought of her own beautiful rich boss lady, and she was more certain of her guess.

  The world seen by the rich may be different from that of ordinary people like them.

  At 4:30 in the afternoon, after finishing the exercise, Jiang Qin rushed back to the group headquarters, and he was not idle for a moment.

  Nanako’s team has completed the final optimization of the product management system, and the Gaode GIS service has also entered the testing phase.

  At present, their team has three departments, with a total of more than 150 people. Half of them are developing the Zhihu and group apps, and the other part is building an independent website for Jinye Toutiao.

  In fact, this thing is not complicated. What is complicated is the content creation platform that Jiang Qin wants.

  According to his requirements, the future Jinye Toutiao is a place where everyone can participate in creation. Everyone can output different views on the same news based on their own understanding of the event, and get paid.

  This thing involves many things, including architecture, mode and algorithm.

  However, Jiang Qin is not in a hurry about this thing, just let them take their time. If they can’t do it this year, they can do it next year. If they can’t do it next year, they can do it the year after next.

  In the face of the rise of mobile Internet, they still have at least two years to toss.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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