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Chapter 454 The Boss Lady’s Bonus

Chapter 454 The Boss Lady’s Bonus


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 454 The boss lady’s bonus

  ”Brother Cao, Brother Cao, calm down, don’t be impulsive.”

  Seeing Cao Guangyu press the sharp tip of the pen, Ren Ziqiang quickly stopped Cao Guangyu.

  Young Master Cao took a deep breath and pushed Ren Ziqiang’s hand away: “Don’t worry, I can’t beat him, he has abdominal muscles.”

  Ren Ziqiang was stunned for a moment, and then saw Lao Cao using a pen to draw on the back of his hand for a while, and finally raised his hand after drawing, it was a big “coward”.

  Ren Ziqiang: “?”

  Young Master Cao was also confused: “No, I was going to write the word “忍”, how did I write it wrong?”


  ”Brother Cao, I find that you have a kind of brainstem missing beauty.”


  Jiang Qin listened to the two lively treasures chattering behind him, and couldn’t help but grab a bag of almonds from his pocket and handed it to the back, intending to let them keep their mouths busy and stop nagging and disturbing their studies.

  These almonds were snacks prepared for the little rich woman, but because everyone was applying for classrooms to study at the end of the year, every place was full, and they didn’t get a turn together.

  In fact, Jiang Qin could have taken the initiative to change classes or something, but he thought that would be bad. What if someone said that Jiang Qin, such a big boss, was still clinging to his good friend? So the almonds were given to the two dogs behind.

  ”Thank you, Brother Jiang!”

  ”Old Jiang, you still have some conscience!”

  But just when he was about to put the almonds on the desks of the two, there was a rustling sound from the back door. Jiang Qin looked up and found that the people from Class 4 came in with bags.

  Feng Nanshu walked behind, wearing a down jacket with a fluffy hat, her hair tied into a ponytail, walking among the girls, with a cold expression and cool eyes.

  Walking through the corridor, the little rich woman came to Jiang Qin, then whispered “brother”, and sat down.

  Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini also followed, went around to the other side of the lecture hall, and sat in a row with Jiang Qin.

  Cao Guangyu and Ren Ziqiang spread their hands and waited for snacks, and suddenly found that Jiang Qin took the bag of almonds back again, and their expressions were very surprised.


  ”Damn it, he faked us?!”

  ”Brother Cao, I can’t stand it anymore, you poke him with the tip of your pen, I’ll keep watch for you.”

  Cao Guangyu pressed his ballpoint pen until it made a clicking sound, feeling that he had to avenge a deep grudge. Finally, he grabbed Ren Ziqiang’s hand, and despite his objections, he wrote a “coward” on the back of his hand that was bigger and darker than his own.

  Ren Ziqiang: “…”

  At this time, Jiang Qin unpacked the almonds, peeled one and fed it to the little rich woman: “Why did you come to our place in the middle of class?”

  ”The heater sprayed water.” Feng Nan said softly.


  ”Who teased it?”

  Feng Nanshu: “?”

  Jiang Qin reached out and grabbed a handful of almonds, handed them to the two guys behind him, and then looked at Gao Wenhui: “Explain, what does it mean that the heater sprayed water?”

  Gao Wenhui sighed: “The class monitor said that the small classroom is warmer than the stepped classroom, so he has been applying for a small classroom as a study room. As a result, the heater exploded, and we can only temporarily change classrooms. It’s really unlucky.”

  ”It’s such a coincidence that it was changed to ours?”

  ”Who made our two classes related, why not come here?”


  In fact, after the heating problem in 704, Xue Yinghong ran over in a hurry, and only breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that no one was burned.

  Then everyone discussed changing classrooms, but the surrounding classrooms were full, and Xue Yinghong was also afraid that the students in her class would come in and out, disturbing the students in other classes and causing disgust, so she asked everyone to go back to the dormitory to study.

  But Xiao Gao had an idea. He pointed at Feng Nanshu and said, “You can go to Class 3. Her husband is back.”

  Feng Nanshu: “?”

  Xue Yinghong thought that was fine. Class 3 and Class 4 were relatives. Besides, since Jiang Qin was back, the people in Class 3 would not feel disturbed. No, they would not dare to say anything even if they were disturbed.

  So, Class 4 rushed directly into Class 3’s study room.

  Damn, the nerds are so scary. Jiang Qin thought to himself that it was awesome, and then peeled an almond and fed it to the little rich woman.

  ”Xiao Gao, your salary slip for last month should have been issued. You don’t know how to be careful when you see the zero egg. You only remember to eat and not to be beaten?”

  Jiang Qin remembered that there was a note on her salary slip that said that because she kept spreading rumors about the boss and the boss’s wife, destroying the friendship between the boss and the boss’s wife, all her salary this month was deducted. Gao Wenhui

  snorted, “These days, there are so many bonuses that you can’t spend them all. Who cares about that little bit of humiliation?”


  Feng Nanshu was panicked, but her expression was still cold, and then she said, “Brother, I’m still eating.”

  At the same time, the boys from Class 4 were staring at them from behind and couldn’t help but start whispering.

  Jiang Qin hadn’t come to class for a long time. Even the people from Class 3 hadn’t seen him a few times, let alone the people from Class 4.

  Therefore, every once in a while, there would be a rumor in the School of Finance that Jiang Qin had made a lot of money and dropped out of school.

  Or Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu broke up. He rarely showed up in public, and now he simply didn’t show up at all. But now that he saw Jiang Qin again, he found that he was still saying “hey hey hey” to the beauty in their class, and his heart was sour again.

  To be honest, no one would think that the two of them are so affectionate, after all, they are not ordinary people.

  Especially Jiang Qin, who is on the cafeteria news every day, and the smallest thing can attract the attention of the whole school. Today, he is said to have made money again, and tomorrow it is someone’s highlight moment, which is very popular.

  Those freshmen in the first year may not know the name of the principal, but they must know that there is a great senior in the school, named Jiang Qin.

  Isn’t it said that men become bad when they have money? Why do I feel that this couple is becoming more and more innocent.

  ”Look at Jiang Qin’s scarf.”

  ”It seems to be the one that Feng Nanshu secretly knitted in class before. It turned out to be a gift for him…”

  ”It’s been three years. Knitting a scarf for Jiang Qin is the only thing she does in class.”

  ”I’m so jealous. Why doesn’t anyone stick to me so much, even if she is not beautiful!”

  ”You are not as powerful as Jiang Qin.”

  ”You can’t say that. Jiang Qin was not like this when he was a freshman. At that time, everyone was just an ordinary college student.”


  When talking about freshman year, everyone couldn’t help but think back to the time when school just started. At that time, Feng Nanshu’s appearance really amazed countless people.

  Especially on the first day of freshman enrollment, she appeared in a long dress, which really raised the aesthetic taste of countless boys and made everyone understand what it means to fall in love at first sight.

  Linda is a 985 university after all, with many academic masters and countless good children. They usually sneer at love.

  Don’t talk to me about love, I love studying, my mother said that after graduating from college, I will find a good job and there will be no shortage of good girls!

  But even with this kind of existence, I couldn’t help but be moved by Feng Nanshu.

  But who knew that she went to find Jiang Qin next door on the first day of military training, and then stuck to him until the third year.

  Although Jiang Qin has always said that they are good friends, making everyone think that he wants to be irresponsible, the problem is that Jiang Qin has only Feng Nanshu as a good friend for three years.

  The value of the title is sometimes determined by quantity. If there are 40 people in a class and 30 of them are three-good students, then this three-good student is worthless.

  Therefore, uniqueness is far more precious than identity.

  Moreover, although Jiang Qin always insisted that they were good friends, he would hold Feng Nanshu’s hand every time he appeared, and would always send her to the dormitory door before going back.

  He had a great aura in the school, and there were many girls who were interested in him. By doing this, he obviously rejected all possibilities with other girls.

  Hardcore pure love, hardcore pure love.

  At this time, Jiang Qin was lying on the table, staring at his good friend’s eyelashes for a long time, with a trace of saliva overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

  Damn, I couldn’t concentrate on studying, and my good friend came. This is totally a speed bump in learning.

  Feng Nanshu looked well-behaved, with one hand in his hand and the other hand tucked into her sleeve, and then occasionally stretched out two fingers and gently turned the page.

  Her notes were very neat, with beautiful handwriting, but Jiang Qin’s name often appeared, and it was written in a row.

  This is when she was taking notes and suddenly thought of Jiang Qin again. It was also a kind of learning speed bumps. These rows of names were equivalent to the brake marks of speed bumps…

  ”Huh? What is that?”


  Feng Nanshu glanced at Jiang Qin, her eyes a little confused. When she came to her senses again, she found that there was a pattern on the page she had just opened, revealing a kind of indifference. The

  first part of the pattern was Jiang Qin’s name, followed by a red heart, and the name of Feng Nanshu was behind the heart.

  And there was another one under this pattern, with a big bear in front and a heart behind, and the three words “Little Rich Woman” behind the heart. Little Rich

  Woman panicked for a moment, and stretched out her hands to cover the two patterns on the notebook.


  ”I saw it all, don’t try to lie to me, show me again.” Jiang Qin showed a serious expression.

  Feng Nanshu moved her hand away with a cold face: “This is drawn by Gao Wenhui.” Gao

  Wenhui: “?”

  ”But I recognize your handwriting.” Jiang Qin stretched out his hand and pinched her little face.

  The rich little woman hissed and pointed at the heart: “I wrote the words, but Gao Wenhui drew the heart.”

  Jiang Qin turned to look at Gao Wenhui: “Really?”

  Little Gao straightened up: “Yes, I drew it. Look, the words are black, but the heart is red. It’s obviously drawn by two pens.”

  ”That makes sense…”

  Feng Nanshu looked up at Jiang Qin, then at Gao Wenhui, and then pretended to study hard and behaved well for the entire class.

  When the class was over, Wang Haini put away her textbooks and planned to go to the cafeteria to eat, but found that Gao Wenhui was still sitting there, wondering what she was thinking.

  ”Wenhui, what’s wrong with you? Class is over, and I have to go to eat.”

  ”Nothing, I was just thinking about how to spend my boss’s bonus at the end of the year.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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