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Chapter 455: Brother, why are you wearing a skirt after not seeing you for a few days?

Chapter 455: Brother, why are you wearing a skirt after not seeing you for a few days?

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 455: Brother, how come you are wearing a skirt after not seeing you for a few days?

  The holographic image is very long, but the most informative part is basically concentrated in the conversation at the beginning.

  Later, G-13 researchers ran around to plan projects, and inserted a series of sub-topics including induced mutation and reverse reduction into the original research plan of B6 floor.

  Until the end, the experimental body that evolved into the mother body suddenly went berserk, and the entire B6 floor fell under the erosion of slime mold.

  Although G-13 researchers called for reinforcements in time, it was obviously too late.

  A fully armed assault team entered B6 floor, but was quickly defeated by the slime mold fruiting bodies that came like a tide.

  In fact, judging from the images in the experimental log, G-13 researchers had a chance to escape, but in order to take away the experimental data and research results, they missed the last escape window and were brutally killed by the mother body in the laboratory’s computer room.

  At the end of the image, Chu Guang noticed a very interesting detail.

  Although the G-13 researcher failed to take away the experimental data, and most of the researchers on the floor died in the riot, according to the account of the holder of the experimental log, several researchers still managed to get on the elevator under the cover of the commandos.

  In addition, a suitcase containing a set of reagents called “Induced Evolution Fluid” was also taken away.

  And that set of reagents was the root cause of the fall of the B6 floor.

  Unfortunately, the person in the holographic image did not explain the whereabouts of the suitcase. The last scene ended in a desperate silence as the lights on the floor went out one after another and the air purification system was shut down one after another… What

  surprised Chu Guang was not entirely this secret history, but that this amazing experiment was just the tip of the iceberg of all the secrets of the entire shelter!

  He became more and more curious about what was written in the administrator’s log of the first generation of administrators.

  At the end of the holographic image, the former college explorer standing aside suddenly sighed.

  ”I suddenly have a feeling… your predecessor is quite scary.”

  Chu Guang glanced at Yin Fang.


  Yin Fang continued to ask.

  ”Does he always spy on others like this?”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”Then I don’t know, he’s been dead for so many years.”

  ”Are you sure?”

  To be honest, Chu Guang was not sure.

  In the past, he just subjectively believed that normal people could not live that long, so he judged that the first generation of managers should be dead.

  But after meeting so many old monsters, he suddenly found that two centuries did not seem so difficult to endure.

  Whether it is cryogenic hibernation, or replacing bionic prostheses, or using other methods, as long as you want to live, there is always a way to hang on.

  If it doesn’t work, you can upload your consciousness to the cloud.

  However, even if the inherent cognition has been subverted, Chu Guang still feels that the person is most likely no longer in this world.

  As for the reason…

  ”He doesn’t look like the kind of person who is very good at lying… and I don’t think he has any need to lie.”

  ”Why?” Yin Fang raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Guang with interest, “Didn’t you say you haven’t seen him?”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”I don’t know, but I rarely believe in something so unreasonably… just take it as my intuition.”

  Yin Fang didn’t ask any more questions.

  This was not an important matter.

  The reason why he asked this question was just out of his professional habit of digging graves. His interest in antiques was second only to the coffee machines from the prosperous era.

  ”But when I think about it this way… it feels even more terrifying,” Heya sighed, changed her posture and hugged her arms, with a deep expression under her silver bangs, “He knew everything, but acquiesced to all this… It feels like even the betrayal of his own people was within his calculations.”

  Whether it was the little man called the guard or the researcher numbered G-13.

  Yin Fang nodded in agreement.

  ”Really? I was just thinking about this. If the B6 layer went out of control at his instruction… then what was his purpose in doing this?”

  Chu Guang leaned back on the sofa, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then spoke.

  ”The original matrix from the three-year war period, controlled evolution in an environment with scarce resources… maybe this is what he needs.”

  Yin Fang continued to ask.

  ”Then what? What do you plan to use it for? Use it to defeat the mother nest in Qingquan City? But forgive me for being frank, even if it can do it, the newly born mother nest may not listen to us.”

  ”I don’t know… Maybe he didn’t know what it was for, so he didn’t use it himself, but left it to me.”

  After saying this, Chu Guang fell into deep thought.

  At this moment, Heya, who was folding his arms, suddenly raised his head and said.

  ”The technology of inducing the fruiting body to reverse into the mother body through artificial library compilation… succeeded?”

  Chu Guang was stunned for a moment and nodded.

  ”It should be successful… Otherwise, where did the mother nest on the B6 layer come from?”

  A complex look flashed in Heya’s eyes, half of envy and half of jealousy.


  She has studied slime molds for so long, and she has only figured out the evolutionary principles and social habits of those organisms at the theoretical level.

  And a scholar two centuries ago, researcher numbered G-13, made such amazing research results in a closed shelter with only limited experimental samples and resources.

  Besides envy and jealousy, she couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated.

  No wonder her mentor, Karen, always told her that the best times were over.

  An ordinary researcher who didn’t even leave his name behind had far surpassed her in academic attainments.

  Sure enough, she still had a long way to go…

  Seeing the frustration behind the envy, Chu Guang was about to comfort her with a few words, telling her not to compare herself with the old monsters of the prosperous era, when three lines of light blue pop-up windows suddenly appeared in front of her.

  [Pretreatment procedure completed.]

  [The “abnormal individual” has been injected with the induced evolution reagent set, and maternalization is complete.]

  [Do you want to accept it? (If you choose no or do not make a choice within 30 days, the synthetic matrix will be killed)]

  When Chu Guang saw the last line of text, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  ”… Maternalization?”

  Good guy!

  Could it be that the shelter system intends to use the “symbiotic” Luo Yu as a material to create another mother body! ?

  He seemed to have figured out something.

  Yin Fang and He Ya looked at Chu Guang who was talking to himself at the same time, and cast a confused look at him.


  Chu Guang did not answer, and gently slid his index finger forward, selecting the [Confirm] button on the operation interface that only he could see.

  Standing up from the sofa, he walked to the power armor parked in the corner of the browsing room. After putting it on, he hung the war hammer leaning against the side on his back.

  Looking at the two confused people, he said concisely.

  ”… A new mother body.”

  ”Follow me to B1.”


  At the same time that Chu Guang pressed the confirmation button, a dark circle of players surrounded the conveyor belt.

  ”What the hell? Luo Yu?”

  ”You… are Brother Luo Yu, right?”

  ”Brother, why are you wearing a skirt after not seeing you for a few days?”

  Surrounded by a group of players, “Luo Yu” standing next to the conveyor belt did not speak, but just watched them quietly.

  The so-called skirt, of course, was not a real skirt, but a scarlet fungus block that dragged on the ground like a skirt.

  Not only were its legs covered.

  The flesh-red fungus blocks almost covered its entire body, leaving only a few human-like features. Even its facial features were like melted ice cream, with only an abstract outline left.

  However, this appearance was not as ugly as imagined, and the small earthworms floating on the back of its head were not as hideous as the mother body that appeared in the previous wave.

  At least from the perspective of human aesthetics, the big round eyes and soft body lines were unexpectedly cute.

  In addition, the face no longer had the previous dull look, but its expression was still a little confused and confused.

  ”Eh… um?”

  It let out a confused murmur, and this action also caused the surrounding players to howl like wolves and ghosts.

  Some pretended to vomit, while others were touched by their cuteness.

  ”Fuck, stop being cute!”

  ”Wake up! You’re a boy!”

  ”Oops… I actually think this guy is a little cute.”

  ”It feels like a dolphin.”

  A female player curiously stepped forward and touched its head.

  ”Falling Feather” did not show any hostility, but instead made a happy sound and rubbed her hand, which also attracted a large group of players with overflowing maternal love, who couldn’t help but touch it.

  Looking at “Falling Feather” surrounded by the crowd, Mosquito and other players had expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred on their faces.

  Especially Garbage Jun, who almost had the intention to kill him.

  We are all aliens, why are you so popular!

  ”Sure enough, let’s kill it.”

  The father of Silver standing aside nodded in agreement.

  ”Agree… It affects the balance a bit!”

  The Silver brothers on the side also shouted in agreement.


  ”No problem!”

  Everyone entered the game at about the same time, why are you so lucky!


  It must be a conspiracy!

  Ya Ya, who was also in the lobby on the B1 floor, did not approach. Instead, he was frightened and trembled, and took a few steps back.

  ”Ah! Humanoid leeches!”

  Teng Teng, who was standing next to her, gave her a subtle look.

  ”Luo Yu will be sad if she hears this.”

  After all, this is quite different from leeches, right?

  How are they connected?

  Jie Yan scratched the back of his head: “By the way, what is the situation with this guy?”

  Ye Shi shook his head.

  ”Who knows… I just want to know whether this thing is a player or an NPC now.”

  If only Fang Chang was here.

  This guy plays this game the best.

  Several Y-2 drones hovered nearby, with the muzzles of the suspended guns alerting “Luo Yu” standing next to the conveyor belt, ready to fire a syringe containing an inhibitor at any time.

  All the players did not notice that this area had been controlled unknowingly.

  At this time, there was a commotion from the direction of the elevator entrance, and the manager in power armor strode towards this side with Yin Fang and Heya Meteor.

  ”…What’s going on?” Shocked by the situation in front of him, Yin Fang swallowed his saliva.

  ”The residents of the shelter who previously coexisted with the No. 7 slime mold have been transformed into a matrix!”

  Heya stared at the direction of the conveyor belt with a sharp gaze.

  She had already seen some clues and gave an answer before Chu Guang.

  Yin Fang’s face was full of confusion.

  ”…So is this guy now considered a human or a matrix?”

  ”Half and half.”

  Chu Guang answered concisely, staring at the “Luo Yu” and was also a little confused by the operation of the shelter.

  The only thing that can be confirmed now is that his players can no longer log in to this body, and the shelter has begun to cultivate new clones for Luo Yu.


  this should be considered a brand new individual?

  Thinking of this, he looked at the matrix surrounded by the players.

  ”Can you hear me?”


  ”Luo Yu”‘s big eyes moved up and down, and looked at the iron lump in front of him curiously.

  After discovering that it could hear his voice, Chu Guang thought for a while and said,

  ”From now on, you can call it… Yu.”


  In order to distinguish it and to facilitate its cultivation, Chu Guang gave this artificial slime mold a new name.

  Perhaps because the remaining memory fragments in its brain contained this syllable, the little guy seemed to like this name very much. There was a hint of joy in the call it responded to, and the little earthworm floating behind its head was waving like seaweed.

  However, no one can be sure now whether this harmlessness is an act or it is its nature.

  In order to prevent history from repeating itself, Chu Guang temporarily placed this uncertain factor at the elevator exit on the B6 floor, and also sent it food regularly.

  Although this guy is not big, his appetite is surprisingly amazing, and he can even eat a crawler that is much larger than himself.

  Those poisonous black bloods are deadly venoms for ordinary players who have not unlocked the “Iron Stomach” talent, but they are nectar for it.

  Seeing the “little guy” eating with relish and enjoying it, Chu Guang, who was leaning against the elevator door, muttered to himself.

  ”Eat more, grow up quickly… Damn, show me you’re hungry.”


  As if he understood what he said, Yu stopped eating, reached out and grabbed a black mushroom block and handed it over, as if he wanted to share the delicious food with him.

  Looking at the innocent big eyes, Chu Guang waved his hand quickly.

  ”No, no, I don’t eat this stuff… Just eat it yourself.”


  Yu nodded, ignored him, and continued to happily gnaw on the half-eaten crawler on the ground.

  This guy seemed to regard him as his father.

  And this is what confuses Chu Guang the most.

  If I remember correctly, the first thing it saw when it woke up should not be itself, but a large group of chirping little players.

  Could it be that there is some special smell on itself that makes it feel familiar?

  This discovery made Chu Guang shudder. After waiting for the little guy to eat up the prey, he hurried to the infirmary for a physical examination.

  ”… Didn’t you just do it a few days ago?”

  Chu Guang zipped up his coat, put on his clothes, and took the brand new test report from Heya and glanced at it.

  ”I suddenly remembered that it’s not okay to do it again?”

  Heya sat on a chair beside her.

  ”It’s not impossible… By the way, your gene sequence development progress has not changed at all during this period, so you have to work harder.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”Aren’t you afraid that I will continue to evolve and become a monster?”

  ”It doesn’t matter. Your current physical fitness is no different from that of a monster, right? It’s basically difficult to give birth to offspring through normal means when the development progress exceeds 30%. How about considering IVF in the future?” At the end, Heya’s voice took on a teasing tone.

  Chu Guang coughed lightly.

  ”That’s not what I’m concerned about.”

  ”I know what you’re concerned about. Don’t worry, the situation you’re worried about doesn’t exist. The development of gene sequences only allows some unexpressed genes in DNA to be re-expressed, and it won’t turn you into another creature. You still have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and all indicators are within a reasonable range…”

  After a pause, she continued in an affirmative tone,

  ”It’s undoubtedly a human.”

  Chu Guang’s expression did not change, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

  However, he had just relaxed for less than two seconds, and Heya’s next sentence made his nerves tense again.

  ”Well… But to be honest, when studying your genetic information, I did find something that is worrying.”

  Chu Guang asked immediately.

  ”What did you find?”

  ”There are several sections of DNA that seem to be artificially designed and are not included in the existing gene bank. In fact, it’s not just you, all the clones in the entire shelter… or the residents of the shelter you call ‘wanjia’, have a little bit of it. I’m trying to separate these codes and build a library recently, maybe there will be new discoveries.”

  As she spoke, Heya’s face became more and more excited, as if she was happy about this extremely challenging topic.

  Chu Guang couldn’t tell whether he was happy or heavy.

  But when he learned that he was undoubtedly still a human, the stone in his heart was finally put down.

  Just like that, three days passed.

  Perhaps because of the large amount of food he ate, or perhaps because his “intelligence halo” added a buff to this half-human, half-slime mold little guy, “Yu” has now begun to babble.

  However, the first sentence that came out of its mouth almost made Chu Guang spit out all the food he had eaten yesterday.


  Looking at the innocent big eyes, Chu Guang coughed twice and quickly clarified.

  ”…I’m not your dad. Your dad should be a guy named Bai Ge.”

  However, Yu, whose mind is not yet mature, obviously did not understand this overly complicated monologue, and just tilted his head in ignorance.


  Chu Guang: “…”

  Strange. I

  don’t think I taught it this word!

  Where did this guy learn it from?

  In addition to learning to speak, a series of other changes have appeared in it.

  Including imitating human behavior and developing a strong curiosity about the surrounding environment.

  After feeding it several times, Chu Guang found that this guy seemed to have taken advantage of him. When he didn’t see others for a while, he would call “Yiwu Yiwu”, and no one could coax him. After

  gradually realizing this problem, Chu Guang also felt a headache.

  It’s not that he has no patience, but that he is too busy.

  The development and construction of the alliance require him to worry about it. The battle in the west has not been over yet, and the leeks in the east are still waiting for him to harvest.

  He is a manager, how can he have time to be a “nanny”?

  But if he leaves it alone and lets that guy cry pitifully, Chu Guang can’t bear it.

  What’s more, it’s not easy to establish a little trust across species. If this guy is blackened, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

  Just at this time, Chu Guang suddenly thought that the little player named Luoyu seemed to be resurrected.

  After a rational analysis, “Yu” was mimicked based on “Luoyu”, and the slime mold that replaced the somatic cells even contained his DNA. Is

  n’t this “blood-related” intimacy more direct than being yourself?

  ”…Why did I forget about this guy.”

  Chu Guang patted the back of his head and immediately ordered Xiaoqi.

  ”Xiaoqi, let the player Luoyu go to the elevator entrance of the B6 floor. I’ll wait for him there.”

  ”Okay, master!”

  Xiaoqi received the order and immediately called for help.

  At the same time, on the B3 floor of the shelter.

  After going through countless setbacks, Luo Yu finally logged back into the game and just climbed out of the incubator. As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard an electronic sound coming from above his head.

  ”Please take the elevator to the B6 floor immediately after waking up, and talk to the administrator to trigger the task.”


  After listening to the broadcast, Luo Yu held his breath and clenched his fists excitedly.

  Hidden task!

  BUG compensation! ?

  ”Woo woo woo…Brother Guang didn’t forget!”

  Luo Yu, who climbed out of the incubator, immediately rushed to the door, but found that he couldn’t open the door. Then he realized that he forgot to put on clothes, so he awkwardly returned to the incubator, took out a blue jacket and put it on, and then hurried out of the door.

  Without contacting anyone, he ran straight to the elevator and selected 6 on the touch panel with his index finger.

  When the elevator door opened again, Luo Yu, who saw the azure blue power armor, immediately stood up excitedly, put his right fist on his chest, and began his performance with a loyal face.

  ”Respected Administrator, is there anything I can do to help you?”

  ”Of course, you’re just in time,” Chu Guang turned around and looked at him seriously, “The body you used before was infected by a mutant slime mold, which led to some unexpected situations now…”

  According to the setting, the core NPC of the shelter understands the player’s resurrection mechanism, so Chu Guang was too lazy to go around in circles to make up a bunch of background settings that might be misunderstood, and directly told him about “Yu’s” current situation.

  When Luo Yu heard that the slime mold had made a mother body based on his body, his eyes widened and he couldn’t help but blurt out “I’m Chao”.

  ”… Chao?”

  Xiao Yu, who was standing aside, tilted his head.

  The skirt formed by the fungus block slowly squirmed, and it moved to the side of Luo Yu, curiously looking at this human who exuded a close atmosphere, and the tentacles floating on the back of his head also moved up.

  This action also made Luo Yu tense up instantly, and he was so nervous that he almost retreated back to the elevator.

  Seeing Luo Yu swearing subconsciously, Chu Guang coughed lightly and reminded him.

  ”You… restrain yourself a little and try not to teach it some strange words. Its mental state is only at the level of a human cub of about two or three years old. It can’t understand many things, and it’s not convenient to understand.”

  After a pause, he changed to a serious tone and continued.

  ”In short, this mother body born with you as the blueprint is crucial to our research. You are the resident in this shelter who is closest to its blood. I hope you can establish a relationship with it on our behalf.”

  ”Specifically?” Looking at the small earthworms floating around him, Luo Yu swallowed nervously, “What… do you need me to do?”

  Seeing how “harmonious” he and Luo Yu were, Chu Guang showed a happy smile on his face.

  It seems that his speculation is correct.

  He can finally get rid of this burden.

  ”Your task is simple. You just need to spend more time with it every day and teach it to talk. When the time is right, you can take it outside the shelter and let it learn how to hunt.”

  ”But… I have other things to do.” Luo Yu had a look of confusion, and he was obviously reluctant.

  Seeing through his thoughts at the moment, Chu Guang’s heart moved slightly, and he coughed and continued.

  ”According to the analysis of the researchers of the alliance, ‘Yu’ is the most outstanding alien species with the best growth and adaptability. If it is cultivated properly, it may become a very powerful combat force…”

  When he said this, he made an indecisive expression on his face.

  ”Well… I am actually a little hesitant. Will this be too difficult for you?”

  The moment he heard this, Luo Yu held his breath.


  What does this mean… This guy is the strongest combat pet on the current server! ?

  In this way, it is natural for the manager of the camp BOSS to hesitate.

  After all, his sequence level is not high, only hovering between T2 and T3.

  Suddenly getting such a powerful pet will undoubtedly affect the balance of the game.

  There will definitely be a lot of bastards on the forum who will shout and chop it down.

  After understanding this, Luo Yu, who was originally full of hesitation, looked at Xiao Yu with a fiery look.

  This is not a tentacle monster. It

  is clearly an SSSR-level pet, okay? !

  Maybe I can even teach it to fly a plane!

  ”Please leave it to me, sir, the manager!”

  Fearing that Chu Guang would regret it, Luo Yu quickly made a reliable expression and agreed with a serious look.

  ”I will definitely not let you down!”

  Chu Guang was secretly happy in his heart, but he did not show any expression on his face. Instead, he pretended to hesitate for a while, and then nodded reluctantly.

  ”…Since you said so, I’ll leave it to you!”


  The job of feeding Xiao Yu was temporarily handed over to Luo Yu.

  As for He Ya, Chu Guang asked her to try to analyze from a technical level the feasibility of using “Yu” to devour and replace the B6 layer mother nest, and to evaluate the possible risks.

  The shelter system did not give any further instructions on how to use “Yu”, and it seemed that the decision was left to him.

  Chu Guang planned to let Luo Yu feed it for a while.

  After they develop feelings for each other, and it would be best if they could communicate normally, he would then let it try to devour the mother nest on the B6 layer to see if it could replace the slime mold there, and prove some of the conjectures of researcher G-13.

  If this plan is eventually proven feasible, the alliance will not only gain a powerful fighting force, but it may also be possible to fulfill the long-cherished wish that the post-war reconstruction committee has not been able to achieve – counterattack the center of Qingquan City!

  By then, the resources of the entire Qingquan City will be in the hands of the alliance!

  Not even just Qingquan City –

  all other urban agglomerations occupied by slime molds will be out of the question!


  (Thanks to the alliance leaders “World Hall” and “Stand Back – I’m Starting to Show Off” for their rewards!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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