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Chapter 457 Ultimatum

Chapter 457 Ultimatum


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 457 Ultimatum

  More than a week has passed since the Lion Kingdom regained its entire territory.

  Summer had already seen the hope of restoring the country.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that despite the obvious advantage, the Alliance’s army stopped at the northwest border of Oasis No. 9. Not only did they not intend to continue advancing, they even dug trenches and built fortifications on the spot.

  Not only that.

  What made Summer even more uneasy was that he learned from his acquaintances in the Lion Kingdom that the King of the Lion Kingdom was considering consolidating the alliance with the Alliance through marriage.

  It’s not just King Edward.

  Prince Winter also set his sights on the unmarried manager.

  It’s a pity that he has no daughter of the right age, and he is considering adopting a daughter from his subordinates recently. What

  ’s even more shameless is that a certain duke actually sent his daughter to the manager’s palace as a servant!

  What kind of rough and tiring work can a spoiled noble lady do?

  Isn’t that a joke?

  He can figure out what the guy is thinking with his feet!

  Too shameless!

  Unlike the Honey Badger Kingdom, the Lion Kingdom does not have a rule that only a few wives can be married. And because there are so many offspring, those nobles who claim to abide by tradition actually don’t care whether their bloodline will flow out.

  When he thought of those shameless guys who could really do such a shameless thing as selling his daughter, he couldn’t sit still, so he immediately applied for an audience with the administrator of the alliance.

  Browsing room.

  Looking at Chu Guang sitting on the sofa, Summer took a deep breath and planned to get straight to the point, so he said in a serious tone.

  ”Dear administrator… May I ask what do you think of my sister, Miss Avni?”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and looked at the young man with some surprise.

  Just now he was still wondering if this guy thought the alliance’s front line was advancing too slowly and came to urge him to speed up.

  Why did he suddenly mention Avni?

  Chu Guang thought for a while and said.

  ”Avni is a studious and inquisitive girl. People who work with her have a very good opinion of her. You don’t have to worry too much about her.”

  Although they haven’t had much contact during this period, considering the diplomatic issues, Chu Guang still asked the head of the Merchants’ Union about Avni’s situation.

  According to the description of a girl named Shuangxue, the little princess from the Honey Badger Kingdom is humble, gentle, kind, generous and decent. She has no airs and temper of a noble lady, and she is very cherishing of the books in the library.

  Although this set of rhetoric may be a little filtered by personal factors, there must be some likable shining points to make people have these beautiful filters.

  People will not have a good impression of another person for no reason.

  However, the prince named Summer did not seem to be satisfied with his evaluation and continued to ask relentlessly.

  ”…I care more about your evaluation than others, dear administrator, or please allow me to put it more directly.”

  Summer nodded slightly and continued in a very light voice, “From the perspective of the opposite sex, how do you view her?”

  Chu Guang looked at this guy with a strange expression.

  ”…I don’t have any special opinions, what’s wrong?”

  Seeing that this administrator did not understand his hint at all, Summer suddenly felt a headache.

  Maybe the euphemisms of the nobles did not work well with him. Maybe

  he should be more direct.

  Summer gritted his teeth, let go of his reserve, took a deep breath and said.

  ”I asked my sister, she has a high opinion of you. She told me that your wisdom is like the stars in the sky, and just standing next to you can feel the peace of mind. If possible, she would like to talk with you all night…”

  Chu Guang coughed dryly and interrupted this guy’s disgusting speech.

  ”…Just say whatever you want to say, don’t beat around the bush to praise me.”

  If he let this guy continue, he was worried that his toes would scratch through the soles of his shoes.

  When Summer heard this, she almost choked on her own saliva.

  He had already said it so directly, and even improvised a love poem.

  How can you be more direct! ?

  He completely let go of the last bit of euphemism, and said with a slightly broken mentality.

  ”I’m here to matchmake for my sister. Are you willing to marry my sister?”


  Just this matter.

  This guy came to me late at night just for this matter. Chu Guang was speechless and leaned back on the sofa.

  ”In the alliance, personal feelings are private matters. We will not confuse private matters with public affairs, let alone political marriages.”

  I didn’t expect Chu Guang to refuse so straightforwardly.

  Summer looked a little disappointed, but still wanted to fight for it, but heard Chu Guang continue.

  ”I should have said something similar before.”

  ”If you have nothing else, please go back.”


  After leaving the shelter, Summer, standing in the square, was at a loss, but unwilling to give up. After several hesitations, he went to his sister.

  After listening to her brother’s narration, Avni sighed softly, closed the book she borrowed from the library, and the notes she copied beside it.

  Summer glanced at the words on the cover of the book with her peripheral vision.

  ”Study of Classical Economics: Contradictions and Evolution of Production Relations and Productive Forces”

  He vaguely remembered that the book Avni had read before seemed to have the same name.

  It has been so long, and she hasn’t finished reading it yet.

  ”You shouldn’t go to him.”

  ”Why.” Summer felt a little disapproving of Avni’s statement.

  Although no progress has been made, he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with doing so.

  People with ideas on the Lion Kingdom have already lined up in a long line. If he doesn’t take the initiative, wouldn’t he be giving away a great advantage?

  Looking at his second brother who has not yet been convinced, Avni continued.

  ”He may regard the alliance as more important than himself. How could he agree to such a request that may come with conditions at this time?”

  Summer said without thinking.

  ”Is there any conflict? Since he regards the alliance as more important than himself, he should consider the issue of offspring as soon as possible.”

  Avni shook her head.

  ”You said something like that, which shows that you don’t understand the Alliance.”

  It’s okay if you don’t understand…

  Do you know it very well?

  Summer wanted to ask this, but after thinking about it, he didn’t say it in the end.

  Because he suddenly remembered that he had been in Luoye City with Princess Theresa to take care of the refugee camp related matters, while Avni went to the capital of the Alliance, Dawn City, to help organize books. Being far away from the center of power, he might not know the Alliance better than his sister.

  Avni paused and continued in a gentle tone.

  ”The Alliance is not an alliance of one person, but an alliance of all the survivors who have suffered… He always tells people this, and every time he mentions this, the little girl named Frost Snow’s eyes always light up.”

  ”Frost Snow?”

  ”Well, my friend, of course it’s not just her, the others are the same. They are united under the banner of Shelter 404, loyal to the administrator, but not just loyal to the administrator. The Alliance belongs to them, not them to the Alliance. At first I didn’t understand what kind of kingdom this is, but then I gradually understood.”

  ”Understand… what?”

  Looking at her brother who still didn’t understand, Avni said in a serious tone.

  ”The Alliance is not a kingdom, the Alliance is the Alliance.”

  The voice seemed to carry a hint of beautiful longing, or yearning.

  Summer’s expression was slightly stunned, looking at this sister who seemed to be getting more and more unfamiliar.

  When did she become like this?

  After a long while, Summer’s Adam’s apple moved slightly and spoke.

  ”…would you consider changing jobs?”

  Avni was stunned.


  Summer chose a euphemism.

  ”These books have a huge impact on you. You should read something more suitable for your age-”

  ”Picture books?” Avni stared into his eyes, “You said that I am not a child anymore. Why do you want me to read those childish things? What’s more, you know it is fake.”

  Summer: “But at least it won’t make you have some strange thoughts…”

  Avni said seriously.

  ”I don’t think there is anything strange about this. The problem will not disappear because we turn a blind eye to it. With the development of productivity, we will have to face those problems one day.”

  Summer coughed and interrupted her naive argument.

  ”Let’s talk about your lifelong event.”

  Of course he knew those things.

  But from the perspective of the royal family, that was not something he should consider.

  He needed to maintain the rule of the Honey Badger Royal Family in Oasis No. 3, and then consider making the people living there live a better life.

  This is his obligation and responsibility.

  Avni nodded, stopped talking, and waited for her brother’s decision.

  Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, but she knew very well that this did not include herself who was born in the royal family.

  The halo of the royal family has given her a lot, and she should respond to people’s expectations of her.

  If you forget these things because of a word of freedom, it would be too selfish.

  ”…We need the friendship of the alliance, both now and in the future,” Summer paused for a while, “but the managers of the alliance are not interested in the marriage I proposed. I hope you can be more proactive, of course…how to grasp this degree, the decision is up to you.”

  Hearing her brother’s words, Avni was relieved.

  Although she was ready to sacrifice her personal happiness for the family, from an emotional point of view, she would of course prefer to marry her sweetheart. It

  ’s great that she was not forced to marry someone else.

  ”I understand, but I still want to say that you are too anxious about this matter.”

  ”Our war with the legion has not yet ended. That lord will not be willing to put too much energy outside the battlefield. If you talk to him at this time, it will have a counterproductive effect.”

  Summer frowned involuntarily, and gradually realized this.

  He admitted that he might be a little impatient. The reason why the alliance did not take action was probably because they were not ready to continue to advance the front line, not because they were planning to give up on him.

  After calming down again, he looked at his sister and asked.

  ”Is there any way to remedy this?”

  Avni nodded slightly.

  ”Of course, if you want to get his approval, the best way is to make achievements that he can see, rather than staying in Dawn City like now and making him think you are idle.”

  Summer asked humbly.

  ”Then where do you think I should go?”

  Avni continued.

  ”Returning to Fallen Leaf City is a good choice. The alliance plans to build roads and railways to the Lion City of the Lion Kingdom. As a transportation hub connecting the Luoxia Province and the River Valley Province, the development of Fallen Leaf City will be crucial… Every time the manager comes to the Merchants Guild to inspect the work, the place mentioned most is that place. He hopes that the Merchants Guild can study and introduce more favorable policies to help the development of Fallen Leaf City.”

  ”Business is only one aspect. The resettlement of refugees is also a big problem. You can see that Princess Theresa is very smart. She has been working hard to prove that she can do this well.”

  Looking at her brother who was lost in thought, she continued.

  ”The Alliance doesn’t have a place like the palace. Maybe you should try to change your mindset.”

  ”As for my business, you don’t have to worry too much… Our home court will be after the war, not now.”

  ”Please give me some time.”

  … ”

  Wasteland OL” official website forum.

  Today is as joyful and lively as ever.

  Luo Yu, who picked up an SSSR-level divine pet, excitedly shared his experience of raising children on the forum, and a large group of single dogs helped him with his ideas purely based on his imagination.

  Mosquito quarreled with several power players about whether to install motors and batteries on “Destroyer 2”.

  ”Battle Royale” was so popular in Ideal City that even Fang Chang was envious. He chased Mole and asked if he needed funds and whether he needed venture capital.

  Professor Yang and Ye Ao brothers lost money and were in a bad mood.

  Especially the latter, who lost a huge amount of money for a cup of milk tea and posted more than a dozen posts on the forum to ask for a refund, but was banned because of the screen spamming.

  Unexpectedly, many people actually pleaded for him.

  A considerable number of people said that the forum cannot be without pets, just like watermelons cannot be without rinds. Without the swear words of Ye Ao brothers, it always feels like something is missing.

  Of course, in addition to those spam posts, the most interesting content for players is the content related to the new version.

  It has been a week since the Beta0.4 version updated the “Ocean Trade” system, and finally some players have explored the ocean at the end of the land!

  Tail: “Oh oh oh! The sea! Tail sees it! (ω)”

  Crow: “Sea?! Where did you see it?”

  Tail: “Silver Moon Bay!”

  Quit Smoking: “What the hell? How did you get there?”

  Kuangfeng: “Awesome…”

  Edge Paddy: “I looked for a long time, but couldn’t find the entry for this settlement in the official setting collection.”

  Tail: “It’s at the southernmost end of Oasis No. 4! The largest commercial city in the Hump Kingdom! There are so many beautiful houses there, as well as yachts and sailboats! By the way, the map of this game is really super big!”

  Sisi: “Oh! Super big!”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun: “+1!!! You can also rent a boat to go out to sea at the port! I heard from the sailors there that if you keep sailing south, you can see an archipelago!”

  Quit Smoking: “6666!”

  If you don’t count Fang Chang who flew to the east coast, this is probably the first time that players of “Wasteland OL” have explored the sea in the game.

  Hearing that there are so many unexplored areas, both cloud players and players became excited.

  At this moment, a sewer god of war jumped out.

  Garbage Pickup Level 99: “Brother Meng, do you want to see the speed of the sea privately! Let’s team up and go south!!! (smirk)”

  Forced: “Me, me, me!”

  I want to be quiet: “Old driver, please lead me!”


  Oasis No. 9.

  The northwest front.

  Commander Quanshui, who was sitting in the front-line command post, frowned slightly when he saw the photos taken by the reconnaissance aircraft.

  ”Something is wrong…”

  Hearing his muttering, Mole, who was drinking tea across the command table, glanced at him.

  ”What’s wrong?” ”

  Look at this photo,” Quanshui put a few photos in his hand on the table and slid them over to him, “This is what the Goblin Corps’ plane took over the southeast of Oasis No. 3.”

  For these photos, they paid the price of two pilots.

  But for precious intelligence.

  Everything is worth it!

  Mole stared at these photos for a while, and his eyes suddenly showed a surprised expression. I saw trenches stretching for hundreds of kilometers on the layers of sand dunes.

  Behind the trenches were dotted with the camps of the legion.

  The layout seemed loose and casual, but in fact, it was full of mysteries. No matter which position was attacked, it would be attacked from at least two directions, or even three directions.

  ”Hiss… This camp is not small in scale. I’m afraid there are many people stationed there!”

  Commander Quanshui shook his head.

  ”More than a lot, I think there must be at least ten divisions!”

  ”Ten divisions?!” Mole showed a surprised expression on his face.

  A division is equivalent to a 10,000-man army, which means they deployed nearly 100,000 people on the border? !

  Where did the legion get so many people!

  And can their logistics keep up?

  ”This is just what we saw. Their logistics convoy did not appear in the aerial footage. It should be a little deeper.”

  Commander Quanshui paused for a moment and continued.

  ”I’m afraid we will face the main force of the legion next!”

  Mole frowned slightly.

  ”You mean… the clone regiment?”

  Commander Quanshui nodded with a gloomy face.


  The mentally challenged clones may not be strong individually, but under the command of the army’s grassroots officers, they will fight fearlessly like the undead until the last soldier falls.

  Morale will never waver.

  Neither machine gun fire nor artillery bombardment will make them surrender.

  This is the most difficult part.

  When the number of clone soldiers reaches a certain scale, the combat power they burst out is far beyond the reach of those followers!

  Quanshui remembered that when he was still on the forum, the Pioneer had just arrived in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, and Shelter No. 404 encountered a thousand-man clone team of the Legion.

  At that time, the thousand-man team was led by Vanus, with a staff of about two thousand people. They established a position in the Elm District and bombarded the camp where the Pioneer was stationed in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  In order to get rid of those clones, the Pioneer almost used all its tricks, and even used a tactical nuclear bomb, and only with the cooperation of the players did it get rid of that unit.

  Ten thousand-man teams…

  and they were also equipped with sufficient weapons, ammunition and supporting firepower.

  Quanshui had a premonition.

  Their opponents were about to make a real move…


  On the other side.

  Chu Guang, who was inspecting the new industrial zone in Dawn City, suddenly received a telegram from the Bugera Free State.

  To be precise, this telegram was not sent by the Bugera Free State to the Alliance, but by General Griffin’s informant there.

  The telegram was very short.

  Apart from the title at the beginning and the signature at the end, there were only two lines in total.

  […You have thirty days to return the Iron Heart and all prisoners, and withdraw all troops from Luoxia Province. ]

  [This is the ultimatum! ]

  Glancing at the content of the telegram, Chu Guang laughed and didn’t take the warning seriously at all. He handed it to Lu Bei who was following him.

  Thirty days?


  The Alliance was not scared.

  Since the beginning of this war, he never expected that the two sides would stop at a certain point. Griffin would definitely rack his brains to persuade the top leaders of the Legion to send more support from the west of the Great Desert.

  This war cannot end unless we give these jackals a hard beating and make them abandon their unrealistic fantasies.

  It is not enough to just beat the Retinue.

  Sooner or later, the Alliance will have to fight the main force of the Legion with real weapons.

  This opportunity will come soon.

  Half a step behind Chu Guang, the commander of the First Corps, Wrench, said in a deep voice.

  ”According to the intelligence from the front line, the Corps has deployed more than 100,000 troops on the border, including the Clone Corps directly commanded by the Corps… I think this is not just a show of force to us, they are probably planning to start a decisive battle with us before the end of the autumn harvest.”

  Chu Guang did not fall into Griffin’s trap at all, and said calmly.

  ”Decisive battle? It’s just the last bluff.”

  If they were really sure that they could get these things on the battlefield, there would be no need to send an ultimatum, they could just get them on the battlefield and be done with it.

  How could they even use nuclear bombs and then turn around and give you a chance to surrender?

  Obviously, although the coalition forces of the Corps and the Falcon Kingdom completed the strategic retreat before the Alliance cut off their retreat, their current situation is not optimistic.

  A large number of manpower in the Falcon Kingdom were sent to the front line, and normal social production has become difficult to maintain. In addition, they have lost the supply line from the Bugera Free State, so they can only request reinforcements from their hometown.

  No matter how low the maintenance cost of the clone troopers is, they still have to feed their mouths and load their rifles.

  If the “Thunder Plan” could be implemented smoothly, the legion that successfully occupied Oasis No. 9 would immediately march north to capture the Golden Lizard, open up the northern trade route, and rely on the market of the Bughra Free State to exchange slaves or other resources for equipment, there would be hope to solve the supply gap.

  However, not only has the Thunder Plan failed, but even the remedy plan has fallen through.

  It is almost like a dream to want to supply such a huge supply gap with the national strength of a mere feudal kingdom.

  Of course Griffin couldn’t have been unaware of this.

  But even if he knew, he couldn’t do anything.

  In a word, they were too far away from their homeland, and at this moment they were paying the price for their previous radical invasion strategy.

  The 100,000 troops on the border and the telegram were not so much an ultimatum as a bluff to buy time, forcing the Alliance to abandon the next stage of the offensive plan and switch from offense to defense.

  ”What are you going to do?” Wrench asked respectfully.

  Walking to the door of a factory and stopping, looking at the tanks parked inside, Chu Guang raised a faint smile.

  ”Our enemies asked us to give them an explanation within 30 days, but I think 30 days is too long, and we don’t need that long.”

  ”Since our relationship is so good, I think two weeks will be enough!”

  (Thanks to the leaders of “World Hall”, “Makabakamo”, and “East China Sea Fishing Village” for their rewards!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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