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Chapter 46 Collective and Punishment

Chapter 46 Collective and Punishment


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 46: Collective and Punishment

  What good solution does Xu Xiuwen have?

  He just has more social experience than these 18-year-old boys.

  Xu Xiuwen thought for a moment and shouted to the instructor, “Instructor, I have something to say.”

  ”Speak!” The instructor looked at Xu Xiuwen in surprise.

  No one else dared to speak at this time, so why did you dare to speak up?

  The students in the class also cast their eyes, obviously curious about what Xu Xiuwen wanted to say?

  Liu Zhihao was just the opposite. He was relieved when he heard Xu Xiuwen speak.

  He didn’t know why he believed in Xu Xiuwen so much. Maybe it was his sixth sense.

  Facing everyone’s gaze, Xu Xiuwen first sorted out what he wanted to say in his mind, and then said loudly, “Instructor, they are also freshmen. They don’t know much about the school. It is normal for them to take the wrong road or not be able to find the venue for a while. They are also students in our class. We are all a whole. I understood a long time ago that we should not abandon or give up. If they make mistakes, you can punish them, but don’t ignore them or even abandon them.”

  After hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, the instructor fell silent.

  Obviously, he didn’t expect Xu Xiuwen to say this.

  Xu Xiuwen’s words really touched the hearts of the late students.

  Nine people cast grateful eyes at Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen also felt a clear gaze in the field.

  It was Shen Minyao’s.

  Acting monitor Dong Jun also found that the situation seemed to have changed subtly at this time, and hurriedly stood up and said, “Report to the instructor!”


  ”Instructor, I informed them late, and only said the name of the venue. They couldn’t find it here, and I also have a responsibility.”

  Other students, such as the dormitory heads of several late students, including Jin Haonan, also shouted to report, saying that they informed too late and they also had a responsibility.

  ”Good, really good.” The instructor’s eyes swept through the students in the policy one by one, “You have a deep brotherhood, like to take responsibility, right? Like to be a whole, right? Then I will listen to you, don’t you want me to punish them? Since you are a whole, if one person makes a mistake, the others will also accept the punishment! Do you agree?”

  After all, they are all young people, young and energetic, especially now that the atmosphere has been set off here.

  Even if someone didn’t want to be punished, they were too embarrassed to say it in front of their classmates. If

  they really said that, would they still be in a relationship for the next four years of college?

  Seeing that no one objected, the acting monitor Dong Jun immediately took the lead and said, “We agree.”

  ”Okay, okay…” The instructor was so angry that he almost fainted.

  ”Since you agree, then listen to my orders!”

  ”Latecomers return to the team immediately!”

  When the nine people heard this, their expressions suddenly relaxed and they quickly joined the team.

  ”Go to the football field now, boys run twelve laps, girls run five laps, and you are not allowed to rest until you finish!”

  Junior high school physical examinations are usually at most one thousand meters, which is just over two laps.

  Now it’s twelve laps for boys and five laps for girls. Who can stand this?

  Everyone was shocked and suspected that they had heard it wrong.

  But the instructor’s serious expression made everyone understand that they had not heard it wrong.

  The instructor spoke again at this time, “If you abandon the nine of them, you won’t have to be punished. Do you regret it?” The

  acting monitor also felt that the atmosphere in the class was a bit dull, and he didn’t dare to represent public opinion anymore, so he pretended to be dumb and didn’t speak.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly shouted, “Instructor, we are a whole, we will not leave anyone behind!”


  While students from other professional classes were learning how to stand and stand at attention, Xu Xiuwen and his class of more than 50 students from Software Information Engineering, led by the instructor, walked towards the school’s only football field.

  Everyone’s steps along the way revealed a little heaviness.

  After all, the boys have to run twelve laps and the girls have to run five laps. This is not an easy task.

  But surprisingly, no one complained in private.

  After arriving at the football field, the instructor confirmed for the last time, “Are you really not sorry? Those who regret can stand aside, and they will not be punished this time. But I will not accept these nine people back into the team.”

  Hearing the instructor’s words, the nine latecomers became nervous again, fearing that someone would regret and they would be kicked out of the team again.

  But what they didn’t expect was that despite their many concerns about the punishment, no one said they regretted it, and no one walked out of the team.

  ”Very good, this is a whole. But I still have to remind you that the boys have a total of twelve laps and the girls have five laps. If I find that one of you is playing tricks and runs one lap less or more, the whole class will have to run again! Did you hear me!”

  ”I heard it.”

  ”Speak louder, didn’t you eat?”

  Liu Zhi said kindly, and he really didn’t eat. When he thought about running twelve laps, he was overwhelmed.

  ”I heard it!” Everyone answered loudly again.

  ”Okay, everyone, get ready, and move on the spot for 3 minutes.”

  Although moving on the spot was allowed, no one dared to speak because the instructor was right next to them.

  When the three minutes were up, the instructor shouted, “Everyone, get ready to go!”

  They were all college students, and they had just experienced three years of hard study in high school, and their bodies had deteriorated.

  In the first lap, except for a few girls who ran slower and fell behind, they were still running with the team, but when the second lap started, some people fell behind.

  Because the number of laps for boys and girls was different, there was no requirement to stop and wait for others.

  Everyone ran their own way.
The one

  running in the front was Yang Baishan.

  This Chengdu man who loved playing football had great physical endurance and did not show any fatigue in the first three laps.

  Behind Yang Baishan were Xu Xiuwen, Jin Haonan, and another boy. The four of them formed the first echelon.

  Wang Juncai, Shi Xiangming, and Liu Zhihao were all in the second echelon of boys.

  The girls’ team was much looser, and there was no particularly obvious echelon. The entire girls’ team was dragged into a long dragon, and the slowest runner was almost a full lap slower than the fastest runner.

  The girl who was hooping was none other than Tang Weiwei!

  Behind Tang Weiwei was Bai Yueer, and Shen Minyao had long lost track of where she was.

  Boys and girls have different physical strength and endurance, and their running speeds are very different.

  The slowest boy was about the same speed as the girl leading the group.

  However, the overall speed of the group was not very fast, and they were all close to jogging.

  When Xu Xiuwen and his group finished the fourth lap, Tang Weiwei and Bai Yueer, who were leading the group, had just finished the third lap.

  It can be seen that Bai Yueer’s physical strength was almost exhausted at this time, and she was gradually being left behind by Tang Weiwei.

  Xu Xiuwen noticed that Tang Weiwei still had a lot of physical strength left, and the girl’s pace was still relatively fast, with no obvious trend of slowing down.

  But when he started his fifth lap, Xu Xiuwen noticed that the girl’s pace suddenly became a little bit wrong.

  First, it seemed like she had sprained her ankle, and the girl almost fell down.

  Fortunately, Xu Xiuwen was right next to her, and he quickly reached out to help her, so that the girl didn’t fall down.

  ”Are you okay?” Xu Xiuwen asked quickly.

  After hearing the girl say that everything was fine, he quickly caught up with the first group.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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