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Chapter 46 Meeting at the Palace

Chapter 46 Meeting at the Palace


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 46 Meeting at the Palace

  After the rain, the sky cleared up and the morning light was bright.

  The fireworks of life were lingering in the streets, and worries and troubles were everywhere. When a beautiful figure came, it was as if the noise of the world had faded away.

  Luo Xian’er gently stroked the soft hair beside her ear, her eyes were clear and bright. The plain white pleated skirt was tied at the waist, and the shoulders were wrapped with a fine velvet shawl. Her demeanor was graceful and gorgeous. Just standing quietly in the courtyard was a beautiful scene in the world.


  The skirt and hair swayed in the wind, and the beauty’s hands fell in front of her belly. She silently watched the figure practicing martial arts all night in the courtyard, with soft eyes.

  Until Yang Shifei turned over and swung his palm, the two people’s eyes happened to meet.

  ”When did you come?”

  Yang Shifei hurriedly stopped his punches and laughed twice: “I was a little absorbed in practicing martial arts, and I just realized it now.”

  Luo Xian’er shook her head: “I just came not long ago.”

  She walked over with a gentle look: “Young master, practicing martial arts is also hard, take a break first.”

  ”Okay.” Yang Shifei smiled, and when he was about to turn around to get a cloth to wipe his sweat, a pink and white handkerchief was handed to him.

  Facing his stunned gaze, Luo Xian’er whispered softly: “Young Master, you have to take good care of yourself.”

  ”It warms my heart to have Miss Luo’s concern.”

  Yang Shifei took the handkerchief and wiped his forehead, smiling gently: “You look very beautiful in this dress, like a lotus fairy.”

  Luo Xian’er pursed her cherry lips slightly, her eyes dim: “Young Master.”

  Yang Shifei cleared his throat: “I like lotus, too.”

  Luo Xian’er: “.”

  But she just sighed softly and whispered: “I have to attend the banquet tonight. I will talk to you about the recent situation in various parties so that we can be prepared.”

  Yang Shifei responded quickly and followed Luo Xian’er back to the lobby to take a seat.

  Just a slight glance, you can still see the slightly red earlobes of the eldest lady.

  ”Tonight’s banquet is to decide the ten qualifications for commanding soldiers. There will be a martial arts competition on the ring, and the ranking will be based on martial arts. The party that wins the qualification will be able to participate in the distribution of Taiwu Holy Soldiers in the future.”

  ”But, is this just a qualification?”

  ”Yes.” Luo Xian’er nodded slightly: “Tonight there are people from various provincial capitals, and there are also many talented people from wealthy families. But after all, not everyone will gather in East City. Many people will go directly to Qianren Bingtan, not to mention that there are people from various countries eyeing them covetously. At that time, it will depend on which party has the bigger fist and whose background can convince the public.”

  Yang Shifei seemed to be thinking: “So, these ten qualifications for commanding soldiers are just a nice name, and arrangements will be made when we arrive at Qianren Bingtan. And this martial arts competition on the ring is just to start the journey with momentum and get a good start?”

  As he said that, he thought: “So, it is a good opportunity to make a name for the sect?”

  Luo Xian’er smiled: “Young master, pick a good time and go to the ring to compete a few times.”

  ”That’s easy.” Yang Shifei rubbed his chin, thinking about how to amaze everyone and make them remember the name of Luoyue Pavilion.

  ”——In addition to tonight’s banquet, I also want to talk to you about what the Holy Envoy of Bingtan said.”

  Luo Xian’er looked a little solemn, and said slowly: “Yesterday I sent people to collect intelligence carefully, and I did find many clues. Not only did the kings’ soldiers gather in the dark in the east city, but there were also secret movements in the towns in the northwest, and many princes are inseparable.”

  Yang Shifei was shocked when he heard it: “Is this a blatant rebellion?”

  ”Now that Emperor Liang’s momentum is still there, no matter how stupid they are, they won’t be so stupid.” Luo Xian’er pondered and said: “In my opinion, it’s more like a union of several clans with deep backgrounds, trying to test Emperor Liang’s bottom line and what tricks he has left in the world.”

  ”The sects are involved too?”

  ”Just like the princes want to compete for the throne, many sects also want to go further.”

  Luo Xian’er took out a secret letter from her sleeve: “A total of seventeen clans and sects are secretly cooperating with the princes. During the forging of the holy soldiers, they may work together to stir up momentum in various places.”

  Yang Shifei took the letter and took a look.

  Seeing so many disasters, he couldn’t help but frown: “Such a prince is really a tragedy for Liang State.”

  Luo Xian’er said softly: “Not only the prince, but many princes and important ministers also have evil intentions. And the root cause is that the current Emperor Liang is getting old and can’t control the situation, which has caused undercurrents in the country.”

  As she said, she cast a calm look: “What do you think?”

  Yang Shifei thought for a while: “If there is a turbulent world, it may be a good opportunity for us to rise.”

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes moved slightly: “You want to be the emperor?”

  Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, and soon smiled He

waved his hand and said, “Being an emperor is exhausting. You have to live in fear every day. If you are not careful, you will bring disaster to the people of the whole country. What I want in my heart is to strengthen our Luoyue Pavilion. One of the goals is to become a famous and authentic sect in the world. Of course–”

  He changed the subject and said with a smile, “If you want to be the empress, I will try my best.”

  Luo Xian’er smiled and shook her head, “I am not interested in governing the country, but I also thank you for your kindness.”

  The two looked at each other, each thinking something in their hearts, but they just kept silent and did not talk deeply.

  Now that the sect has not been established, it is too far away to think about those things.

  ”Sir, will Miss Yue Rui come with us tonight?”

  ”She?” Yang Shifei smiled, “She is a night owl. She watched me practice martial arts last night and went back to sleep during the day. She may not wake up when we return from the palace.”

  At this point, he was quite curious and asked, “Miss Luo, there are only two maids in your house. Where did you collect these secret information from?”

  ”They are the people left by my mother. They are all very capable. And Jasmine is the one who communicates with them.”

  Luo Xian’er thought of something and said softly, “Think about it carefully. The young master has not met Jasmine yet. Wait a few days, why not let her come to meet the young master.”

  ”Okay, I also want to see what the maid who always disappears looks like.”

  At night, the Dingjiang Palace was brightly lit and full of people.

  Tables and chairs covered with bright red silk cloth were placed inside and outside the courtyard, and various appetizers were served one by one, and the aroma of meat was everywhere.

  The attendants were coming and going, making a lot of noise, just like a festive day.

  But at this moment, several attendants who passed by paused and looked towards the archway of the corridor.

  Just a glance, the attendants couldn’t help but secretly startled, what a handsome man.

  Although the gentle woman who followed him was wearing a veil, she could still see her graceful figure, and her lotus steps were like wearing stars and moonlight, which made people tremble.

  ”——This Dingjiang Prince’s palace is really big.”

  Yang Shifei came to the palace in advance according to the invitation, and saw this scene as soon as he stepped into the backyard.

  He thought that the Luo Mansion was big enough, but he didn’t expect that the palace was several times bigger, just like a small park. Dozens of big red dining tables were set up, and there was no crowd at all.

  And outside the palace, there were dozens of tables, and I don’t know how many people from the world were attracted.

  ”This square house must have at least a few acres of land.”

  ”After all, it’s the prince’s mansion, so it’s naturally grand.”

  Luo Xian’er had her hair tied up and tied with a hairpin, and her long sleeves were loose and drooping, and she was dressed in a very elegant and luxurious manner.

  The eldest lady glanced casually and said coldly: “There will be warriors from various factions coming later, and these seats may not be enough.”

  Yang Shifei secretly smacked his lips. Although he expected that there would be many people at the “Prince’s Mansion Party”, the scale was much larger than he imagined.

  Instead, a trace of curiosity emerged in his heart.

  Although he has practiced martial arts for some time and even fought with several powerful enemies. But in the end, he is still in this “small place” of East City, and his experience is still shallow.

  Now is the first time to experience the taste of the martial arts world in person.

  ”Perhaps you can hear a lot of interesting stories.”

  Luo Xian’er turned around and raised her hand to help him straighten his robe: “Do you want to visit the prince and others?”

  Yang Shifei said softly: “Since you are coming to the banquet, of course I have to meet them.”

  Luo Xian’er took his arm: “I’ll go with you.”

  The two walked side by side through several mountain and water corridors, and soon arrived at the solemn main hall decorated with jewels and gems.

  ”——Miss Luo, long time no see.”

  A tall middle-aged man waved his hand to dismiss the attendants, a smile appeared on his solemn face, and he waved his sleeves and bowed, saying: “Having you attend the banquet, this heroic gathering is really more colorful.”

  ”Your Highness, you are too kind.”

  Luo Xian’er responded calmly: “I came here with my fiancée just to listen, and I will not get involved in anything at the banquet.”

  The prince smiled: “Miss Luo doesn’t like trouble, and I know that, so I specially prepared a quiet room for you on the second floor, so you won’t be disturbed by those gangsters.”

  ”Thank you.”

  ”This little brother–”

  The prince turned his eyes and said with interest: “I have heard about your heroic deeds. You are really young and promising.”

  Yang Shifei calmly clasped his fists in return: “I have heard of the reputation of King Dingjiang for a long time, and now I see that he is indeed as his name suggests.”

  ”I am already old, how can I still be so majestic?” The prince smiled and waved his hand: “Old bones like me, just listen at ease.”

  Then he looked at Luo Xian’er again: “If something unexpected happens, I hope you can protect my little girl.”

  ”Of course.”

  The two sides did not communicate much, and the prince quickly left for his own business.

  ”Miss, Master.”

  Tan Xiang came from not far away and said softly: “The servants of the mansion have informed me of the location of the guest room, follow me.”

  The three of them walked up the corridor to the second floor and came to a book room with a classical and elegant style.

  A dining table has been set up by the window, and several exquisite appetizers have been prepared.

  ”This room is really well decorated.”

  Yang Shifei walked into the room and looked around, feeling quite novel. It looks like a place where literati live.

  ”There are many empty rooms in the palace, and these are also used to entertain guests. There are many guest rooms around, and other distinguished guests will come.”

  Tan Xiang came to the window and lifted the gauze curtain, revealing the scenery of the backyard, just in time to have a full view of the banquet venue.

  Yang Shifei nodded slightly. This is a good location, and there is no need to worry about the people in the martial arts world paying attention to this place.

  ——Knock knock.

  At this moment, there was a light knock on the door.

  Yang Shifei turned around to open the door, but the familiar face outside the house made him look slightly stunned.

  ”Holy Envoy of Bingtan?”

  ”It’s me.”

  Qiu Buhuan stroked his lips and smiled seductively: “Brother Shifei, do you miss me after not seeing you for a day?”

  Luo Xian’er and Tan Xiang in the house suddenly turned their heads, their eyes slightly fixed.

   I hope everyone will follow and vote, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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