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Chapter 460: Training Methods that Meet the Alliance’s Characteristics

Chapter 460: Training Methods that Meet the Alliance’s Characteristics


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 460 Training methods that meet the characteristics of the alliance.

  While the “pangolin” was killing people, hundreds of offline accounts suddenly appeared on the official website of “Wasteland OL”.

  And most of them were newbies who had just obtained the closed beta qualification.

  Outlaw: “Fuck! Boss! It’s too exciting!”

  I’m responsible for dying first: “Hahaha! I want to come again!”

  Hungry at the right time: “It’s just so-so, it’s gone with a whoosh, it doesn’t feel as good as…”

  Although the feeling of death is not pleasant, the first death is still very fresh to most newbies.

  The main reason is that everyone has never experienced it in real life.

  As a result, many posts on the forum suddenly appeared to express their feelings about death, and the content was full of curiosity.

  Of course, after experiencing it once, not everyone felt the excitement, because that moment was too short.

  It was so short that the person was already in the helmet when the eyes opened and closed.

  I feel sleepy when I wake up: “Tsk, it’s not satisfying, I don’t feel anything, my eyes are black and it’s over, can I open the real pain?” Quit

  smoking: “Fuck! You are more perverted than a mosquito!”

  There are really mosquitoes in WC: “???”

  Night Ten: “This guy must have been shot in the head. If he had been shot in the stomach, he would have twitched on the ground for a while. (Funny)”

  Outlaw: “@Big Eyes in Debt. Big brother! When is the next time you’re going to give away a kill? (Excited)”

  Big Eyes in Debt: “Take your time, don’t rush. There will be many opportunities to die in the future. The next wave will be the Storm Troopers’ turn. (Proud)”

  Fountain Commander: “We won’t give ourselves to you like that. (Slant eyes)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “That’s right! At least put on a show. I didn’t even have the chance to waste ammunition! Bad review!”

  Edge Pad: “Next time I’ll get a more reliable leader. (Awkward)”

  Big Eyes in Debt: “Ahem… Anyway, listen up, those newbies. War is cruel! If you really go to the battlefield and meet those ruthless bastards like the Battlefield guys, you won’t be able to last two seconds! Do you understand?”

  Outlaw: “Understood! Big brother!”

  I’m responsible for dying first: “Big brother! Why can’t I survive in this game!” I

  feel sleepy when I wake up: “Right What the hell is the resurrection countdown? ”

  Debt Eyes: “Uh, I forgot to tell you that you have to wait three days after dying in this game… Wait, don’t you know? !” ”

  Outlaw: “Fuck!” ”

  I feel sleepy when I wake up: “I don’t know!” ”

  Fang Chang: “I can’t tell whether it’s a real newbie or a fake newbie for a while. (Slanting eyes)” ”

  I’m responsible for dying first: “This death penalty is too heavy! TT”

  Fang Chang: “Calm down, as long as you don’t commit suicide, it’s not that easy to die in normal gameplay… By the way, who holds the highest record now?” ”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Crow, that guy died that time, and he never died again.”

  ”Crow: “Hey. (^_)☆” “Teng Teng

  : “I didn’t die once. ()” ”

  Night Ten: “!!!” ”

  Tomato Scrambled Eggs: “666”

  Recently, the issuance speed of closed beta qualifications has suddenly accelerated. Originally, 20 to 30 closed beta qualifications were issued a day. Last week, it suddenly soared to 100 to 200 a day. The number of players was pulled to more than 10,000 before gradually slowing down.

  A large number of confused new players have flooded into the game, and a large number of beggars have suddenly appeared on the forums. All kinds of questions that have been asked countless times before have popped up again.

  Some of them are pretending, and some of them really don’t understand.

  In fact, this is normal.

  Don’t be fooled by the fact that some cloud players can analyze things very well, but that’s all bragging on paper. When they really enter the game, they are no different from rookies.

  The entry of a large number of new players will inject fresh blood into the server, but it will also bring certain challenges to the original server order.

  Most of the old players have watched the alliance being built from scratch. In the long game process, they have established deep ties with many game characters and have strong emotional resonance with many people and things in this world.

  They believe that they are doing the right thing.

  In this process, their self-worth will be realized.

  Not only that, the rewards given to them by the game mechanism are not only the pleasure of the moment of self-realization, but also include emotional or material rewards attached to it.

  But it is too far-fetched to expect a newbie who has just entered the game to have a strong sense of belonging to the game just because he has been following the posts and movies on the forum for a long time.

  Most newbies enter the game for the first time, and at most they are shocked by the “virtual reality” and have a little awe of the strict rules.

  If it were another game, the operator might not care, and even hope that the players would let go a little, do whatever they want in the virtual world, and then spend krypton gold to get stronger sensory stimulation.

  But “Wasteland OL” is not a real game after all, and Chu Guang certainly can’t leave them alone and let these energetic newbies make trouble all day long.

  Farming is much more difficult than wasting the field.

  In order to let the newbies actively participate in the game, they must first be injected with a little “positive energy”!

  In other words, let them have a sense of identity and belonging to this “different world”!

  The task of passing on the torch alone can no longer digest such a large number of newbies, and there are not so many old players who spend every day in the novice village.

  After much thought, Chu Guang simply launched a “recruitment event” and threw these newcomers directly into the Corps for military training.

  During the event period, new players can choose whether to enlist.

  If they choose “yes”, they will automatically obtain the “soldier” profession with a level limit, and have three opportunities to fill in their volunteers, and can join the first, second or player Corps of the Alliance as a reserve.

  The reserve status does not occupy the upper limit of the Corps.

  For new players who participate in the event, in addition to the rewards of the event-exclusive gift package, the “player system” that requires reaching the citizen level to unlock will be unlocked in advance during the event period-that is, VM.

  If you reach the citizen level during the event, you can keep it for free.

  With such generous conditions, I believe that as long as the players are not particularly obsessed with the life profession gameplay, they will choose a Corps to join.

  In this way, with Chu Guang’s series of operations, the style of the forum finally became normal, from the brainless questions of new players to the recruitment of new members of the major Corps.

  [Burning Corps! Take you to experience the feeling of flying! ]

  [Death Corps Recruitment! It doesn’t matter whether you are strong or not, brothers who are not afraid of death come! Priority is given to strength and physique! 】

  [Storm Corps recruits! No matter what department you are, listen to the commander’s private message! The Corps Commander will invite you to the group! ]

  [Skeleton Corps recruits! Come on if you can drive! Priority is given to those who drive tanks! ]

  [Goblin Corps recruits! We are professionals in firing cannons and flying planes! It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how, the Corps Commander will teach you step by step! (Smirk)]

  [Jungle Corps recruits! Strength department! Only strength department! ]


  [Silver Corps… as long as they are alive! TT]

  Looking at these recruitment posts, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

  ”Not bad! They are all very energetic!”

  Most of the new players are concentrated on the top corps with a high appearance rate in the official expansion pack, especially the Death Corps and the Storm Corps.

  In fact, there are also many people who sign up for the Burning Corps and the Skeleton Corps, but one is on the “special warfare route” and has a higher screening threshold. The other is on the “armored route”, requiring at least a driver’s license and the ability to endure the boredom of driving for a long time.

  Most players are still more suitable for a more conventional way of playing.

  As for how to train after joining the Corps?

  That is not something that he, as a manager, has to worry about.

  You manage your own people!


  In the Gobi Desert, between Oasis No. 3 and Oasis No. 9.

  The coalition forces of the Alliance and the Falcon and Honey Badger Kingdoms set up camp at the foot of a sand dune and built a front-line position to prepare for the next stage of the battle.

  The company’s construction team even built an airport on the front line.

  A large amount of supplies were delivered from the rear by trucks and transport planes.

  Not only that, a large number of newbies who had just entered the game also came to the front-line camp with the transport planes. Because the partner who was picking them up had not arrived yet, they were standing at the edge of the airport and looking around excitedly. ”


  !” “Fuck! It’s awesome!”

  A newbie was so excited that he forgot everything. He didn’t care about the time, place and occasion. He lay on the ground and licked a mouthful of sand, smacked his lips, and spit it out.

  ”Pah! Damn, why is it still salty!”

  Several newbies on the same shift next to him saw his embarrassing appearance and laughed out loud.


  ”I just saw a camel passing by here, why don’t you go ask it?”


  Several patrolling kingdom soldiers looked at the residents of the shelter who were behaving strangely, and their faces were covered with strange expressions.

  A soldier whispered.

  ”Are these guys really okay?”

  ”It feels… not normal.”

  The centurion standing next to him coughed.

  ”Don’t worry about them, just do your job.”

  The Alliance is now their suzerain. It is said that when welcoming the administrator of the Alliance that day, their majesty even let the administrator live in his own palace.

  Although the royal family has always denied it and insisted that they prepared a separate palace for the administrator, who knows about such things?

  Even if it is true, those bigwigs will never admit it.

  The administrator of the Alliance is above the king. Even if the law does not grant the residents of the Alliance super-national status, they already have a status higher than ordinary people in fact.

  In short, no matter what those people do, it is not for small people like them to say anything.

  Perhaps realizing that their family members have made a fool of themselves, a resident of the shelter wearing a VM soon came over and took those embarrassing guys away.

  Looking at the new guy with a mouth full of mud, Kakarot said with great sorrow.

  ”Damn it! How many times have I told you in the group to behave normally after getting off the plane! You represent the alliance! It’s a collective! You don’t feel ashamed, but I feel ashamed!”

  Rutuwei’an said with a wronged look.

  ”Oh, that’s it.” “And

  you!” Kakarot then glared at the guys who were still laughing, “Still laughing! Don’t you know how to help him!”

  Several newcomers scratched the back of their heads embarrassedly.

  Holding the chessboard: “Ah this… I want to pull him, but his agility system is too fast, I can’t pull him.”

  A Ni: “Okay brother! I will definitely do it next time! Hehe, by the way, can you show me a spirit bomb?” Kakarot

  : “…”

  This batch of newcomers is so damn hard to lead!

  At the same time, at the front-line command center.

  The commander of the fountain was staring at the strategic map, grinning with joy for a while, and frowning with a sad face for a while.

  Recently, the official has launched a new event, suddenly over-issuing the closed beta qualification, and stuffed a bunch of newcomers to the front line.

  As a strong corps in T1, the Storm Corps naturally became the first choice of countless newcomers, and its scale also rose with the tide, from a regiment to half a brigade, and then made rapid progress towards the scale of a brigade.

  The commander of the fountain was happy, but he couldn’t help but have a headache for a while.

  More people are of course a good thing. Which commander would think that he has too many people under his command?

  If this trend continues, he will be able to become a division commander in a few versions.


  the official seems to have thrown the work of leading newcomers completely to the heads of these corps leaders, and also arranged several KPI assessment indicators for them.

  The rewards that each corps can get in the event will be linked to the two indicators of “retention” and “new contribution points” of newcomers. There

  is no need to worry about retention. This is the only “completely real” virtual reality game on the market. Even if it is to get up early the next day, no one will quit the game.

  But the new contribution points are more confusing.

  This is the front line. Unless you join the NPC corps, there is no chance to earn contribution points.

  Unless, get a very high score in the campaign.

  According to the reward rules of “Wasteland OL”, the individual score will be calculated according to the team’s total score and individual combat performance during the battle settlement phase, and will be settled into contribution points and silver coin rewards. If the individual performance is too poor, or there is no participation at all, the reward may even be compressed to 1%.

  It is impossible to get mixed points.

  The only idea now is to let the newbies grow up quickly.

  Just when the commander of the fountain was thinking with a frown, I walked in from outside the tent with my head held.

  ”Another batch of fresh and delicious newbies have arrived. Kakarot has sent them to the training camp to teach them how to shoot. Let me tell you… uh, what’s wrong with you? Why are you frowning?”

  The commander of the fountain sighed.

  ”There are too many people. I will consider raising the threshold in a few days.”

  I was stunned for a moment.

  ”Isn’t it better to have more people?”

  A few months ago, this guy complained about the lack of people.

  Quanshui rolled his eyes.

  ”You know nothing. If you don’t have any training, you will be a burden on the battlefield. You are useless. You might as well screw in the back!”

  I was disdainful and curled my lips.

  ”Tsk, I haven’t trained for a day, I’m not going to fight!”

  Quanshui shook his head and said.

  ”It’s different. When the server was first launched, the entire alliance couldn’t even get a few guns together, but there were so many predators and aliens. The intensity of the battle was much higher than it is now. We fought from morning to night, and we wanted to die twice a week. Even if we didn’t know anything, we would know everything after dying a few times.”

  ”That’s right, we would know everything after dying a few times,” I smiled evilly and patted his shoulder. “In my opinion, it’s better to give those newbies cheap weapons and let them go to the front line to give up their lives before training them. It’s impossible to understand this game without dying once.”

  The commander of the fountain rolled his eyes and was about to complain about his brainless idea, but he was slightly stunned when he thought about it.

  That’s right.

  What instructor can be more powerful than the enemy?

  Just now he kept thinking that he couldn’t throw the inexperienced rookie to die, but then he thought, what training memory can be deeper than the memory of death?

  This is a game after all, not reality.

  Players will not really die even if they are killed.

  Realizing that he had fallen into the trap of inertial thinking, Quanshui pondered for a long time, and nodded thoughtfully after a moment.

  ”Well… maybe this is really a solution.”

  His eyes were burning with excitement, and then he looked at Izuehei who was standing at the door.

  ”Let’s do it! You will take a hundred or eighty new brothers, give them some weapons that look like real things, and deliver some express to our battlefield brothers!”

  Izuehei was stunned.

  ”Fuck! Why me?”

  Quanshui rolled his eyes.

  ”You came up with the idea, who will go if you don’t go?”

  Izuehei said with a smile.

  ”The newcomers are led by Kakarot, you let him go!”

  Quanshui shook his head.

  ”He has to be responsible for receiving the newcomers, or you can switch with him?”

  When I heard that he had to lead the newcomers, Izuehei immediately shook his head like a rattle.

  He didn’t mind leading the newcomers. Who doesn’t like a job that is pretentious and paid? But the problem is that there are too many newcomers, and this is obviously not the same as the “passing on the torch” task.

  But when he thought about waiting for three days to die, his face suddenly fell into a bitter gourd.

  ”But I don’t want to die either…”

  Commander Quanshui coughed.

  ”I told you to lead the newbies to charge, but I didn’t tell you to follow them… After they are all dead, you can just withdraw by yourself.”

  Izuhei was stunned.

  ”Fuck! Is it still like this?”

  ”What else do you want?”

  Commander Quanshui pushed his shoulder instigatingly and drove this guy out of the tent.

  ”Hurry up, don’t waste time! There are still more than 200 kilometers from here to the front line. Come back and send another batch for me.”

  Just like that, eight “electric mule” trucks drove into the training ground.

  Holding a few bundles of rifles in his hands, Izuhei, who was mentally prepared, jumped off the car with a whoosh and walked in front of the newbies who were receiving training.

  The rifles and bullets on the car are all in stock in the Lion Kingdom’s arsenal.

  The oldest rifle was even purchased thirty years ago. Although there is no problem with shooting, the quality is hard to say.

  As for the ammunition, it was a blessing if one of the two rounds fired was successful. The soldiers of the Lion Kingdom didn’t even bring their own ammunition.

  But none of this mattered.

  According to the suggestion of the NPC logistics officer of the Storm Troops, since you were just conducting a tentative attack, why not use the friendly army’s stock first?

  After these stocks at the bottom of the box were disposed of, they could just import new ones from the Alliance.

  As for the friendly army, when they heard that someone was willing to consume the junk stuffed by the nobles for them, they generously threw the key to Wo Zui Hei without saying a word, and told him to use it as he pleased.

  In this way, the equipment of the extras was gathered together without any effort.

  Kakarot glanced at the heavy bulletproof armor on Wo Zui Hei, and then at the eight trucks behind him, and asked after a moment of surprise.

  ”What are you doing?”

  ”What? Have you forgotten? It’s our turn to give away our heads today!”

  Wo Zui Hei lowered his voice and chuckled, then looked at the curious newbies who gathered around him, cleared his throat, and said in a serious tone.

  ”Brothers! The order from the administrator! We are about to go to the front line to attack the No. 7 position of the G35 area of ​​the legion! Are there any brave people who can join me?”

  A strength player at the front asked immediately.

  ”Big brother, will you give out guns?”

  This is the most concerned issue for the newbies.

  In this game, before you reach the citizen level, unless you are led by an old player, you basically have no chance to own a rifle.

  Izuihei waved his hand.

  ”Give out! Not only guns, but also bullets when you get to the front line!”

  When they heard that they would give out guns and bullets, the newbies were instantly excited, and they rushed up to sign up, rushing to the truck.

  ”Me, me, me!”

  ”Big brother, look at me!”

  ”Give me one too!”

  Seeing the surging crowd and many strength beasts in the front row, Izuihei panicked and threw down his gun and said,

  ”Grab it yourselves! Those who grabbed it, get on the bus, and those who didn’t grab it, don’t panic, there will be another chance!”

  One hundred and twenty rifles were snatched away in an instant.

  The newbies who got the weapons were as excited as monkeys who got bananas, and they all jumped onto the trucks swiftly. It was a pity that the troop transport card and the supply card were separate, and there were no bullets on the truck, otherwise these guys who couldn’t sit still would have fired a few shots into the sky to cheer them up.

  Finally, these newbies were settled, and I, Zuihei, also got on the leading truck.

  Seeing this big guy coming up empty-handed, the dozen people in the truck immediately asked curiously.

  ”Big guy, where’s your gun?”

  ”That’s right, why don’t you take one?”

  I, Zuihei, smiled embarrassedly.

  Of course, he would not say “I won’t be on the front line again later”, so he patted his waist bag, revealing the grip of the silver revolver.

  ”I have it here, you can use the rifle, and I can use the pistol.”

  When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at him in admiration.


  Going to the front line with only a pistol.

  This must be a T0 strongman, right?


  Just like that, eight trucks carrying a whole company of newbies set off towards the G35-7 position of the legion.

  The newbies who didn’t get on the truck stood in the training camp with disappointment, looking at the rolling dust thrown up by the rear wheels of the truck and sighing.

  Watching the truck go away.

  Kakarot, who came back to his senses after a long time, couldn’t help but smacked his lips.

  ”Good guy… This dog Quanshui is not a human being again.”

  The newbies didn’t understand the manager’s character, but he did.

  The manager will not send untrained newbies to the front line as cannon fodder. It goes without saying that it was definitely a bad idea from that bastard Quanshui!

  Just when Kakarot was about to call the newbies who didn’t get on the bus to go back and continue training, he suddenly found that two of the newbies he had just brought back were missing.

  I haven’t taught them how to shoot yet. They did

  n’t get on the bus, did they?

  Kakarot looked around.

  ”That… Where are Rutuwei’an and Anie?”

  A newbie stepped out and saluted neatly.

  ”Report to the commander! They’re on the bus!”

  Caught off guard by this report with full of energy, Kakarot looked at the newbie twice more, and then asked curiously.

  ”Then tell me, why didn’t you get on?”

  The newbie holding the chessboard smiled shyly.

  ”I’m a perception system…”

  Kakarot was stunned and stared at this guy for a long time.

  This perception…

  is something!


  ”…Yesterday at noon, the enemy brazenly attacked our position. Our centurion Pangolin ignored the enemy’s gunfire and rain of bullets, and personally went to the front line with a machine gun, killing 127 enemies in total! 125 light weapons and a number of ammunition were seized, and only one centurion in the team died unfortunately!”

  ”Well written.”

  Oasis No. 3, G53-7 Defense Zone.

  After listening to Beaufort reciting the written report, the battlefield guy nodded with satisfaction.

  Just when he was about to praise this lackey, a sentry suddenly ran in from the anti-artillery cave in a panic, stood up and saluted.

  ”Report to the commander! Enemy traces were found in the southeast! The scale is about one hundred-man team!”

  Upon hearing this, the battlefield guy almost fell off the chair that was tilted back.

  Good guy.

  Still coming? !

  Beaufort, holding the report paper in his hand, was also stunned.

  Yesterday, a hundred-man team was annihilated by his side, and another one was sent today.

  ”Is the other side planning to use the tactic of adding fuel to the fire? Hiss… But I still can’t figure out, what’s the point of them doing this?”

  Consume ammunition?

  But they didn’t even dig a proper trench, nor did they prepare any mortars. They just rushed straight into their machine gun positions without even dodging. What on earth

  are they trying to do?

  Beaufort was completely confused, and subconsciously looked at the captain sitting on the chair.

  ”Don’t look at me, how the hell would I know.”

  The battlefield guy coughed dryly, got down from the chair, reached out and grabbed the officer’s cap on the table and put it on neatly, and then picked up the rifle leaning against the side.

  ”Who cares what they want to do… If they come here, they are the enemies of His Majesty the Marshal!”

  As he said that, he pulled the bolt.

  ”Let’s go, let’s meet them!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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