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Chapter 461 This batch of newbies has something interesting!

Chapter 461 This batch of newbies has something interesting!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 461 This newbie has something!

  Rushed to the battlefield in a hurry.

  Battlefield guy took out a telescope and looked at the opposite side. He vaguely caught a glimpse of the person coming and finally breathed a sigh of relief.


  I am the worst.

  It seems that the Storm Troops are coming this time.

  Compared with the group of reckless men in the Death Troops, this wave should at least be able to act.

  I saw a hundred people lying 500 meters away, using the shelters of the high and low slopes to dig trenches with shovels, intending to dig forward while digging.

  Seeing that the brothers acted so hard, Battlefield guy also decided to show some real skills. He looked at Beaufort on the side and gave a serious order.

  ”Don’t rush to open fire, wait until they get closer before shooting!”

  ”Yes! Sir!”

  Beaufort nodded after receiving the order, but he couldn’t help complaining in his heart, who was it that started shooting from a long distance yesterday.

  However, just when he was relieved, he saw the boss kick the machine gunner in the ass.

  ”You move aside, I’ll do it.”

  The machine gunner was stunned for two seconds, then stood up quickly and moved aside the only heavy machine gun in the entire 100-man team.

  Seeing that the boss was about to take over the machine gun position again, Beaufort wanted to persuade him with a smile, but before his hand touched his shoulder, he heard two gunshots.

  Two puffs of dust rose in the distance.

  Beaufort stared at his superior in a daze.


  Looking at the smoking barrel, the battlefield guy coughed and said embarrassedly.

  ”Cough… I was just trying the feel, and I accidentally fired.”

  After saying that, he glared at the machine gunner next to him.

  ”Why is the safety not turned off?”

  The machine gunner who was scolded had a wronged expression on his face, and it took a long time to let out the grievance in his stomach.

  ”Sir, you told me yesterday to turn on the safety when I see people.”

  The battlefield guy was stunned.

  ”Did I say that?”

  Machine Gunner: “…”

  Beaufort: “…”

  Although only two shots were fired accidentally, the clone soldiers in the trenches seemed to have heard a signal, and they all followed suit, carrying their guns out of the trenches and pulling the triggers towards the opposite side, regardless of the distance.

  The sound of “pa pa” was heard in a row on the battlefield, and the sound of gunfire was like the New Year, but it was thunderous and rainy.

  These clone soldiers were not very smart, and their long-range hit rate was extremely poor.

  It was precisely because of this that almost no officer would equip clone infantry with automatic weapons, which was purely a torture for logistics.

  However, even so, hundreds of people firing in one direction at the same time, the firepower network formed still had a certain deterrent effect.

  The bullet suddenly whizzed to the side, and I was so scared that I was digging a trench, and I quickly lowered my head for fear of being sent away by the stray bullet.

  The newbies next to me were completely different.

  Although they were also startled, it was a completely different picture.

  The bullet landed less than half a meter away from my head.

  Blinded by the splashing sand, Ruan Tuwei’an subconsciously shrank his head, but soon his face showed an excited expression.

  ”Oh my god, this is so fucking exciting!”

  Instead of being afraid, he even reached out his hand to look for the place where the bullet landed, and actually found a warped bullet embedded in the soil.

  Ruan Tuwei’an’s face immediately showed the expression of discovering a new world, and his eyes were wide open.

  ”Fuck! In this FPS game, you can find the bullet’s warhead!”

  And it’s hot!

  Just for this detail, he’s going to blow it up!

  A Nie next to him glanced at him and soon found something wrong.

  ”Brother, where’s your gun?”

  Ruan Tuwei’an smiled embarrassedly.

  ”I didn’t get it!”

  A Nie was immediately shocked.

  ”Fuck! What are you doing here?”

  ”Isn’t there a shovel?” Rutuwei’an winked and smiled, then glanced at the shovel on his back, “It’s okay, I’ll use yours when you die.”

  Ah Ni: “???”

  At this moment, he suddenly heard a whoosh in his left ear, and the hot touch almost brushed his earlobe.

  The bullet did not hit him.

  Instead, it hit another player 20 meters behind him.


  The exaggerated scream echoed in the open space, and a bloody hole was instantly printed on the player’s shoulder. The tiger’s body shook violently, and then it was as if it had a mask of pain, and it twisted on the ground like an earthworm. After

  twisting for a long time, he suddenly saw that everyone around was looking at him. The guy couldn’t act anymore, so he smiled embarrassedly and stopped.

  ”Hey, I forgot, I don’t seem to feel any pain… Does anyone have a bandage? The blood is gushing out.”

  My darkest rolled his eyes and moved his eyes away from this guy.

  A bandage

  is fine. He’s going to die soon, so he needs a hammer of bandage.

  Looking at the crackling gunshots in front of him, my darkest pulled out his pistol, fired a shot in front of him, and shouted loudly.

  ”Brothers! Move the shovel, dig hard! Don’t stop–!”

  Damn it!

  Battlefield guy is a bastard!

  Just giving him the head like this, I always feel that this guy is getting it cheap.

  He must be taught a lesson!

  My darkest rolled his eyes, and suddenly had an idea in his mind, and shouted.

  ”The BOSS of section G53-7 is just ahead! Catch the guy called Pangolin, kill him, and get a reward of 1,000 silver coins!”

  When the newbies who were lying down heard the reward of 1,000 silver coins, they were instantly excited!

  Several people almost couldn’t stand up. Just when they raised their shoulders half an inch, they were suppressed by the firepower from the front.

  However, apart from the reckless ones, there were also more rational players among these newcomers. They shouted to me,

  ”Boss, how do I turn on the ID display mode?”

  This question confused me.

  ”What, ID display mode?”

  The newbie asked as a matter of course.

  ”Yes! It’s to display the character names, otherwise how would I know which one is called Pangolin?”

  Upon hearing this, I was the darkest and reacted immediately.

  That’s right.

  The newbies have never seen that guy.

  ”Don’t worry about it, just catch the one with the flat nose and the ugliest hammer–”

  As soon as the voice fell, a cloud of blood mist exploded from my darkest forehead, and he was disconnected before he could even make a muffled groan.

  Seeing the commander dead, the newbies were dumbfounded.



  His head was shattered like a watermelon, and the person was obviously dead.

  A Ni looked at the burial next to him with a confused face.

  ”What… should we do now?”

  Burial swallowed his saliva.

  ”Don’t ask me… I want to be alone.”

  The truck that brought them here had already driven away.

  There was only a small motorcycle left leaning at the back, which seemed to be the commander’s own, probably planning to ride it when charging.

  A strength player gritted his teeth, unable to bear the grievance of being suppressed by the enemy’s firepower, and even more unable to bear the endless digging and digging, he roared.

  ”Brothers! Charge!”

  ”Revenge my darkest brother!”

  This shout immediately received the response of countless comrades, and the players got up from the ground one after another.

  Those with guns inserted bayonets, and those without guns held shovels, and launched a fearless charge accompanied by the roar of the mountains and the sea.

  ”Charge!” “Ahhh!”

  ”Explode gold coins, you bastards!”


  have proved that

  a hundred people rushing forward in a scattered manner is more or less useful than running forward in a group.

  And these newbies are not completely without their own thoughts.

  Seeing someone being sent away by a machine gun, the others quickly changed their minds and started to move around.

  However, it turns out that this kind of operation that is common in FPS games is useless in almost completely real virtual reality games.

  That is a machine gun with a firing rate of 600 per minute!

  Not to mention that the one holding the machine gun is a second awakening, a big man in the third stage of agility sequence.

  In just one minute, until the last person fell 50 meters away from the position, the entire team of 100 people was killed.

  As this group of newcomers collectively went offline, posts summarizing the deaths also appeared one after another on the forum of another world.

  ”Hey, it turns out that we should have dug trenches honestly…”

  ”Yes… it’s too stupid to leave the bunker.”

  ”Even if we want to rush, we have to do it when the time is right… I found that the opponent’s rifles are not very accurate, but that machine gun is too damned!”

  ”Next time, we have to find a way to destroy the whole homemade artillery, at least to take down that machine gun!”

  ”Who the hell shouted that?”

  ”I remember it was a power-type idiot.”

  ”Fuck! Who the hell are you calling an idiot?!”

  ”I’m talking about you! XX! Idiot!”



  Unlike the newbies who cried like wolves and howled like ghosts, this time the battlefield guys were happy.

  The previous batch of couriers sent by the debt-ridden big eyes had no sincerity at all. This time, the newbies not only dug trenches, but also performed shows for him, which was really heartfelt.

  In order to express his gratitude, he found a place where he could log off without getting in the way, and went to the forum to praise him. But when he opened the forum, he almost spit out a mouthful of Coke.


  He treated himself as a BOSS!

  I don’t know who started it, but all the newbies in the forum were spreading the joke that killing a pangolin would give him a thousand silver coins.

  Seeing the players chatting more and more heatedly, and the content becoming more and more violent, and even someone suggesting to create a white sugar Ivan, his palms were sweating unconsciously. He

  quickly switched to the group he had created before and tagged a few Alliance commanders.

  ”What’s wrong with you guys? Didn’t you agree to give me a kill? Why did you explode my gold coins?!”

  I’m the Darkest: “Fuck! You bastard finally showed up, you were too ruthless just now, weren’t you? I haven’t even finished my words!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Ahem… I saw you fired a shot, and I thought you were urging me to send you away quickly.”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Hahahaha!”

  I’m the Darkest: “@#%#!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Put your words aside for now, who’s going to take care of those newbies, just give away the kills honestly, but… Don’t ruin my good thing.”

  Fountain Commander: “Why should I care? I think it’s good. Didn’t you think yesterday’s wave was too deliberate? Doing everything possible is the real thing, okay! (Smirk)”

  Debt Big Eyes: “That’s right! I just thought about it. It’s too stupid to just give away heads.”

  I’m the Blackest: “+1, not to mention that you are a strong man in your twenties, are you still worried about being overturned by a few newbies?”

  Seeing that this bunch of dogs are still making trouble, the battlefield guy almost sprayed and typed at the speed of light.

  ”Fuck! Don’t you see what they are discussing!”

  Fountain Commander: “Don’t worry, I won’t give them very strong weapons, just a few rifles at the bottom of the box… At worst, you can hide in the anti-gun cave and let those clones go.” Battlefield

  Atmosphere Group: “…”

  Edge Paddy: “Suddenly I’m in the mood. It’s our turn tomorrow. (Smirk)”

  Young Construction Site and Brick: “I’ll lead the team! (Smirk)”

  Looking at that smirk, the battlefield guy felt his anus tighten.

  Seeing that he had been offline for more than ten minutes, he cursed and turned off the computer, quickly put on his helmet and went back online.


  That night.

  At the headquarters of the 53rd defense zone, Korway finally received a report from the front line.

  And when he saw the report sent by the 7th section, he was stunned.

  ”…The ammunition in the 7th section is exhausted?! What’s going on?”

  He had just been there yesterday and specially checked the supply situation at the front line. Logically, the amount of ammunition for a base unit should be sufficient.

  How come the ammunition is not enough before 48 hours? !

  Is he using bullets as peanuts to go with his wine?

  The officer reporting the situation continued with a serious expression.

  ”In the past two days, the Alliance has sent small forces to raid Section 7 of our defense zone twice.”

  Kolway did not doubt that his pangolin would cheat on such things, but he still couldn’t help asking.

  ”Is it true?”

  The officer nodded.

  ”I sent someone to the front line to check… The unprocessed bodies outside the trenches must be true. According to the battle report they provided, they killed more than 250 enemies in the past two days, seized more than 240 rifles, one pistol, and nearly 6,000 rounds of ammunition.” After

  a pause, he continued.

  ”They have sent the seized weapons to the logistics department… Some weapons need repair, but they should be usable after repair.” He

  didn’t listen to the rest of the words.

  When he heard that more than 250 enemies were killed, Kolway’s eyes widened instantly, and he stood up from his chair with a bang.

  Wow! More than

  250 people!

  Two teams of 10,000 people set up their battle lines and fired at each other. They might not be able to achieve this record even if they shot for a whole day.

  His first reaction was not that Pangolin was a god in using troops, but that the commander of the alliance was crazy?

  After calming down, he cast his eyes on the strategic map, pondered for a long time, and suddenly a glimmer of enlightenment appeared in his eyes.

  ”…Are they using this method to eliminate dissidents?”

  The officer standing next to him hesitated slightly, but nodded quickly.

  ”This possibility is not ruled out.”

  After all, the alliance is not a single person. General Griffin sent them an ultimatum. They will definitely split into two factions, one for war and the other for peace, on whether to negotiate a ceasefire.

  Kelway could even guess it.

  The reason for advocating peace is nothing more than that the alliance is weak and its size is too small compared to the legion. If it develops into a full-scale war, it may not even last for three days.

  This is indeed the truth.

  Whether it is the expedition to the Great Rift Valley, the seizure of the Pioneer, or the subsequent invasion of Luoxia Province, it is not the overall will of the legion.

  Including the assistance of the enterprise to the alliance, it is just a trivial matter among many affairs for the enterprise.

  If a full-scale war really breaks out, it is hard to say which one has the advantage, the Legion or the Enterprise, but he has no doubt that the Alliance in a small place will not last more than one round.

  However, even so, there must be voices of the pro-war faction within the Alliance.

  After all, although it is difficult to speculate on the specific supply situation of the Legion, it is not difficult to guess that there are problems in general.

  Based on this speculation, if he is a peace advocate within the Alliance, he will

  definitely say the following to the pro-war faction: “Since you are so confident that you can win the second half, then you can bring your own people to fight. Or at least provide evidence to prove that the Legion can no longer fight.”

  In this way, it is not difficult to explain why the Alliance used such a stupid tactic of adding fuel.

  Staring at the strategic map on the table, Kolway narrowed his eyes and smiled.

  ”It’s a pity that they picked the wrong opponent and ran into one of my brave generals.”

  After saying that, he saw the officer.

  ”Equally allocate half of the ammunition in Sections 6 and 5 to Section 7! We must not let them see our strengths and weaknesses!”

  The officer hesitated.

  ”But…what if they adjust their tactics next time and attack other lines of defense?”

  Korway laughed, with a confident expression.

  ”Since it is a test, it is impossible to hit them one way and the other way. We must attack one point and break through the surface. I dare to conclude that they will come again in two days!”

  No matter what.

  The dead will not be fake.

  We can use a little ammunition to consume the most determined manpower of the other side. It is a profit no matter how you think about it!

  Not only that, this method can also support the war.

  The enemy can’t come empty-handed. The weapons and ammunition they bring can also be recycled!

  ”Don’t rush to send the captured equipment and ammunition to the maintenance team. Wait until I have drafted the battle report and send it to the superior headquarters together! Let them find a way to allocate some ammunition to us!”

  The officer’s eyes lit up.

  This is a great idea!

  With 100,000 troops lined up on the front line, there are always a few teams whose defense areas are not very critical, or whose positions are relatively backward and not so easy to be attacked.

  As long as the headquarters is aware of the situation here, they will definitely allocate some ammunition to them!

  Thinking of this, the officer immediately stood up and saluted, excitedly accepting the order.


  The news was reported layer by layer.

  It really reached Griffin within two days.

  He was not surprised that the Alliance sent a small force to raid the Legion’s defense line.

  Strategic caution and tactical boldness do not conflict.

  And the ultimatum was just a unilateral notification from his side, not a formal ceasefire agreement. He did not expect the Alliance to be scared by a piece of paper and not even dare to shoot.

  If he were the commander of the opposite side, he would also send a small force to test and see how strong the other side is and dare to clamor to make him pay the price.

  But the centurion named Pangolin is a bit interesting.

  Griffin has read his resume.

  Although he was promoted by that idiot McLen and was from the escort army, his ability and loyalty are indeed beyond reproach.

  He hunted down a two-story-high Deathclaw Mother on his own, and when he was defeated, he crossed the desert with his chief, broke through the enemy’s encirclement and returned to the rear.

  Whether it was loyalty or bravery, it was impeccable, even to the extent that even he couldn’t help but admire it.

  It was a waste to send such a talent to the front line.

  If he was a Weilant, or had half Weilant blood, he would have transferred him to the guard as the captain.

  The Weilant people’s distrust of foreigners is innate, and the reason can be traced back to the early days of the Wasteland Era.

  ”Is there something wrong with this person?” The adjutant standing next to Griffin hesitated, “I always feel… he fought too smoothly.”

  Griffin’s index finger tapped lightly on the table.

  ”It’s possible that even the Weilants may betray us, let alone an alien? But so far, apart from his big appetite, I haven’t seen any other problems. I won’t arbitrarily punish a meritorious person based on my intuition.”

  Ever since the pangolin brought Korwe back, his men have been monitoring that person. They found that he had no abnormalities except that he was eating more and took longer to go to the toilet. He even didn’t leave the camp once.

  If such a person has problems, then the number of suspects can’t be counted on two hands.

  Griffin thought for a moment, and then came up with an idea. He looked at the officer standing at the camp gate and ordered.

  ”Send a telegram to the front line, and make sure to give priority to the ammunition of the G53 defense zone! The Alliance is very likely to launch a retaliatory counterattack against the G53-7 defense zone. We must not let them see that there is a problem with our ammunition supply!”

  ”In addition, send a war correspondent to the G53-7 defense zone.”

  After a pause, he raised a smile.

  ”Such a heroic record should not be kept in the headquarters, but should be telegraphed to the entire army!”

  ”Everyone must know!”


  The heroic deeds of the G53-7 defense zone and the pangolin are undoubtedly a blessing after a long drought for the Falcon and Legion coalition forces who lost the Alliance and Oasis No. 9.

  Although many grassroots officers expressed doubts about this achievement, they could not find any faults after seeing the photos taken by reporters.

  The appearance and physique were obviously not those of residents of Luoxia Province. After all, this achievement was not made up by civilians… In

  a certain defense zone, in the military camp, several soldiers gathered together and talked about the broadcast they heard while eating just now and the newspaper that was recently delivered to the military camp.

  ”Have you heard? Defense Zone G53 annihilated another 100-man team yesterday!”

  ”That pangolin, right? I know him! I heard that when he was with McLen in the southern part of the Valley Province, he killed a five-story-high death claw with his bare hands!”

  ”Bare hands?! I heard that he didn’t use weapons?” A muscular soldier widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

  He was also a well-known ruthless person in the team, but his best record was only killing a two-person-high death claw.

  And he used guns and traps.

  The boastful soldier curled his lips.

  ”It doesn’t matter! Aren’t any weapons like toothpicks in front of monsters of that level? The monsters that the Iron Heart couldn’t solve were solved by him. Alliance? Haha, no matter how many people come, he won’t be able to kill them.”

  A soldier who hadn’t spoken from beginning to end couldn’t help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

  ”It’s so terrifying…”

  At the same time, Comrade Pangolin, who was staying in the G53-7 defense zone, was not as happy as he was at the beginning, and his face couldn’t smile at all.

  It’s not because he killed his own people. Although

  he still had a moment of silence, it was too comfortable to collect heads with a machine gun. And because he was performing an undercover mission, he would not be punished by the manager no matter what he did, and he didn’t have to deliberately let those newbies go.

  When others were undercover, they would raise the muzzle of the gun an inch higher and would not kill if they could avoid killing. When he was undercover, he not only killed the person, but also shot the corpse twice more for fear that he didn’t kill him.

  However, not long after, he soon found that the alliance’s offensive was getting more and more fierce.

  Or to be more precise,

  it was those newbies who grew up.

  Especially those newbies who have died once, after experiencing the painful “three-day withdrawal”, deeply realized that life is hard-won.

  So, they who don’t want to die at the speed of light finally took a serious attitude, and under the training of the old players, they quickly mastered the skills to survive on the battlefield.

  Although these newcomers are not very proficient, when a group of people get serious, it still brings a lot of trouble to Comrade Pangolin’s work.

  Originally, it only took one volley to send a person away, but now it takes at least two volleys.

  And you have to be on guard against the dirty tricks used by those newbies at all times.

  For example, in the most recent offensive, these newcomers even used gas tank bullets, and a cannon almost destroyed his machine gun position.

  Fortunately, that thing has no other advantages except that it makes a lot of noise, and only killed a few clone soldiers and a centurion.

  And the explanation of the spring water is – “This is made by the newbies using the ammunition in the warehouse, the sugar and gas tanks in the kitchen, and the fertilizers bought from the villagers.”

  He almost believed it!

  If there was no expert behind this, he would have eaten a pile of shit on the spot!

  The newbies became stronger and stronger, and Zhandi gradually felt a little tired.

  In particular, he suddenly found out that he was not only treated as a dungeon BOSS by these newbies, but also those commanders treated him as a military training instructor, throwing all the newbies to him to train.

  Good guy.

  He wanted to do three jobs by himself!

  It’s a big loss to only pay one salary!

  In the anti-artillery cave.

  Looking at the depressed captain, Beaufort swallowed his saliva and asked nervously.

  ”Captain, how many people have we killed in the past few days?”

  The upset Zhandi guy replied casually.

  ”More than a thousand, what’s wrong?”

  Beaufort said with a bitter face.

  ”Captain, our brothers’ ammunition has run out. The ammunition from the Thousand-Man Team is almost gone! If there is no more supply, I’m afraid we can only fight them with bayonets.” The

  battlefield guy was about to reply impatiently, “Let’s fight with bayonets.

  ” But at this moment, a sentry ran in in a hurry and said with joy.

  ”Report to the commander! The supply truck is here!”

  The battlefield guy was stunned for a moment, and then the dark clouds on his face were swept away, and he stood up from his chair with joy.

  ”Look, the ammunition has been delivered.”

  Beaufort was also stunned, looking at the captain with an unbelievable look, and his eyes became different from before.

  The whole army is short of ammunition, and they can still allocate ammunition and send it here.

  This guy can’t be the illegitimate son of some big boss…

  The battlefield guy smiled and picked up the officer’s cap and put it on.

  ”Let’s go and take a look at our spoils of war – ahem, go for supplies!”

  The group came to the outside of the barracks. There were more than a dozen trucks parked on the side of the road, and the boxes of ammunition were full.

  Seeing the centurions happily unloading boxes of ammunition from the trucks, Beaufort’s worried look disappeared, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

  ”…This must be ammunition for a thousand-man team!”

  The corner of the battlefield guy’s mouth also curled up, coughed lightly, and said pretentiously.

  ”It seems that the higher-ups attach great importance to us.”

  Beaufort immediately smiled and flattered him.

  ”Of course… You are now a war hero. Yesterday’s broadcast was still praising your heroic deeds! I heard that the news has spread throughout the army a long time ago. Maybe the battle report has been sent to Triumph City.”

  Not taking this compliment seriously, the battlefield guy just laughed.

  ”Hahaha, you have also contributed!”

  Patting the adjutant on the shoulder, the battlefield guy walked forward, picked up two boxes and took a look, and suddenly noticed the numbers on the boxes.

  G40-1, G40-2…

  Is this…

  the number of the defense zone?

  Suddenly realizing something, an interested look appeared in the eyes of the battlefield guy.

  He let go of the truck in front of him without saying a word, and turned to the end of the team. He picked up two boxes at random and opened them for inspection.

  What a coincidence.

  The last numbers are also 1 and 2.

  But the number in front has become G41.

  Seeing this, the battlefield guy was immediately shocked.

  Good guy.

  It’s a consecutive number? !

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode