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Chapter 462 The gas tank that fell from the sky was exactly like their past

Chapter 462 The gas tank that fell from the sky was exactly like their past


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 462 The gas tank that fell from the sky was just like their past.

  Although he hadn’t shown up on the front line for more than a week, Chu Guang had been watching his little players silently from the back.

  After seeing the series of tricks performed by these players, Chu Guang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  ”Good boy… this ‘game’ really made them understand it.”

  Cannon fodder-style training is fine.

  It not only helped Pangolin to get kills, but also helped the friendly forces to get rid of the bottom of the box.

  In this way, Pangolin got military merit, the newbies grew up, the friendly forces got new equipment, and the alliance got arms orders… In total, he won at least three times, and he won without doing anything.

  Which genius came up with this idea!

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the desk, tilted his little head, observed the expression on Chu Guang’s face, and asked in a low voice.

  ”Master, I feel that the undercover you arranged in the Legion seems to be in danger… Do you want me to remind them? Don’t play too exaggerated.”

  ”No need, let them be,” Chu Guang smiled and shook his head, “That guy is not so easy to die. It seems too fake to show mercy on the battlefield. This is more real.” It

  would be better if he could get injured.

  Send him back to the rear as a war hero to recuperate, and maybe he can go to the west of the Middle Continent for him to see what the situation is in the Legion.

  He always heard Vanus talk about how majestic and magnificent Triumph City is, but there is not even a photo, and it is not easy to write the official website information.

  Xiao Qi nodded as if he understood.


  Although he didn’t understand it very well, since the master said so, there should be no problem.

  Chu Guang continued to browse the posts on the forum with his index finger sliding the mouse wheel.

  It was almost time to go offline, and a traitor suddenly jumped out of the group named [No Traitor].

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Brothers, so cute!!! Big insider information!”

  Edge Slacker: “What insider information?”

  I’m the worst: “Were you carried away by the newbie?”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Get lost! Let’s get down to business. Wasn’t there a shortage of ammunition on the front line before? At first, we got the ammunition from other sections of our defense zone, but today we suddenly started to get it from other defense zones!”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “What the hell?!”

  Edge Slacker: “Is this true?”

  Fountain Commander: “Can you be sure which defense zone it is from!?”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Hehe, that’s exactly what I want to say. The ammunition boxes delivered today are engraved with the numbers G40 and 41. If nothing unexpected happens, they should have been sent by these two defense zones!”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Awesome!”

  Fountain Commander: “Remember to count every time ammunition is delivered! Then we can calculate the remaining amount of ammunition in each defense zone and adjust the attack route of Plan 3 accordingly!”

  As he typed these words, the Fountain Commander’s palms were sweating with excitement.

  If everything goes well, when the operation officially begins next week, they will face a group of defenders who are short of ammunition and have low morale.

  This line of defense is as fragile as an eggshell, which will break if it is knocked!

  As long as a hole can be torn in their defense line, the armored forces of the Skeleton Corps can drive straight into Oasis No. 3, cooperate with the forces of several divisions following in the rear to quickly divide the battlefield and completely break up the enemy’s defense force.

  It is no problem to annihilate this 100,000-man army!

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Hehe, what level of merit is this? (Proud)”

  Fountain Commander: “Definitely a special merit!”

  Edge Water: “6666!”


  In just one week, the 700-man team led by Pangolin has wiped out a full 1,000-man team of the Alliance.

  The victories in recent days have not only doubled the confidence of the soldiers on the front line, but also relieved the officers at all levels of command.

  Before going to the front line, they saw frightened deserters everywhere and heard rumors about how barbaric and brutal the soldiers of the Alliance were.

  Now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

  I think those clumsy followers are just making excuses for their failure.

  Now the legendary deeds of G53-7 defense zone are like wings, and spread throughout the legion under Griffin’s instruction.

  This legendary story boosts morale, just like an ace sniper or a pilot.

  Although one or two elites cannot change the direction of the entire battle, it can make most people have the confidence that “I can do it too”. There

  are many different opinions within the legion as to why the alliance is holding on to G53-7 defense zone and is unwilling to invest more troops in the battle.

  Some people believe that the G53 position may be the strategic focus of the alliance’s next phase of offensive plan, and they intend to use it as a breakthrough point for the battle.

  However, most people prefer another statement.

  That is, there is a disagreement within the alliance on whether to continue the war.

  This situation is not uncommon on the legion’s road to conquest.

  Although it has a huge size, the legion is not able to win a hearty victory in every battle of every unit.

  Especially those wars that were not led by the will of the Legion as a whole, which were occasionally manipulated by the survivors entrenched in the local area.

  However, even so, these survivor settlements chose to surrender in the end out of fear of the huge size of the Legion.

  Of course, there are still a few people who think that the reason may be more direct than the difference in ideas – the Alliance can no longer hold on in the physical sense.

  War is a game that burns money.

  It is true that enterprises provide assistance to the Alliance, but it is also true that the continued losses caused by the assistance. If the Alliance bears all the logistical expenses by itself, it may not be able to survive even for a week with the economic size and the newly started industrial capacity of the Alliance.

  This information was provided by their business partner, the Bugera Free State in the north of the River Valley Province.

  In this way, it is not difficult to explain why the equipment of the soldiers who launched the “suicide attack” on the G53-7 defense line became worse and worse…

  Camp G53-7.

  Looking at the bundles of rifles and a pile of ammunition of different calibers and lengths piled on the ground, the officer who came here to recover the spoils couldn’t help but tease with a mocking tone.

  ”Have they taken out all the stock they have stored away?”

  The equipment captured on the battlefield has a high failure rate, so before use, it usually needs to be sent to the repair team under the 10,000-man team for repair and re-equipment.

  The positioning of this repair team is probably similar to the maintenance company under the division level.

  According to the military regulations of the Legion, unless there are special circumstances, combat units at all levels are not allowed to privately withhold captured equipment. They must first be sent to the maintenance team for re-preparation, and then transferred to the logistics team for unified distribution.

  However, this military regulation is not strictly enforced.

  After all, whether the situation is special or not depends entirely on the judgment of the front-line commanders. Considering that the supply may be gone one day, most commanders prefer to keep the supplies for themselves.

  Especially now that it is obvious that there is a problem with the supply, even if the failure rate of these captured weapons is high, it is better to have them than not.

  However, Pangolin is different. This simple war hero “generously” gave away all the supplies seized from the Alliance.

  Just kidding.

  He is not stupid!

  What kind of rifles are those that Fountain Water dog thing issued to the newbies? The newbies can’t figure it out, so how can he not figure it out?

  This is the Beta version, and the iron tube rifle is not even needed!

  ”It seems that there is a big problem with the logistics of the Alliance,” the battlefield guy whistled and echoed casually, “Maybe it won’t be long before we can win.”

  The officer grinned.

  ”I really don’t know how those rookies who escaped from Oasis No. 9 fought.”

  The battlefield guy teased.

  ”It’s just right that we can teach them hand in hand.”


  The officer laughed heartily.

  Although this pangolin is not a Weilant, his words are unexpectedly interesting.

  And no matter who it is, as long as they can beat up the Alliance and vent their anger, they are their good friends.

  He even likes this guy a little.

  At this time, a woman with dark brown hair jumped down from the co-pilot seat of the truck at the end of the convoy. The

  sudden appearance of a woman in the military camp full of men naturally attracted the attention of a group of centurions, and even the not-so-smart clones looked over.

  She looked really good.

  However, after seeing her high nose bridge, the officers who originally planned to whistle and tease her, all became like deflated balls, and went wherever they wanted.

  The Weilant people would not look down on them.

  Although they were lucky to be transferred from the escort army to the regular army, luck alone was not enough for them to climb up.

  They knew very well that those big noses would never be interested in them, and would instead give them two whips because they felt offended.

  The warlord looked at the woman.

  Her pupils were blue, her dark brown hair was tied into a braid, and she had the high nose bridge that was the signature of the Weilant people… and an even higher peak.

  It was not that there were no women in the legion, but almost all of them were “foreigners” who worked as servants. This was the first time he had seen a Weilant with pure blood.

  And it was also the first time he discovered that this big nose was not always so ugly, it still depended on which face it was placed on.

  The woman walked straight towards him.

  ”Hello, Mr. Pangolin.”

  ”Who are you?”

  ”Penny, a reporter from Triumph Newspaper, nice to meet you,” the woman smiled and stretched out her right hand, showing the notebook and recorder in her arms, “The headquarters sent me here to understand the situation… May I ask if you are available for an interview now?” ”

  Triumph Newspaper” is, as the name suggests, a newspaper published by Triumph City, and is also the most widely circulated newspaper within the legion. However, due to the efficiency of information dissemination and other reasons, the versions printed in different regions are quite different.

  For example, in Triumph City, “Triumph Newspaper” mainly reports news from Triumph City, and news from the front line is generally placed three pages later.

  But on the front line, the content of “Triumph Newspaper” will avoid topics about hometown and family as much as possible, and will focus on victory, beauties, cool stories and all news that can stimulate the hormones of soldiers, and will also include some guessing puzzles and crossword puzzles to kill the boring time in the trenches.

  Most grassroots officers are literate and can read to ordinary soldiers, and the radio will also read newspapers at specific times.

  In order to ensure the soldiers’ enthusiasm for expanding the territory, the officers need someone to show off their muscles on the battlefield, someone to live a luxurious life like an emperor in the survivors’ settlement, and someone to make a fortune from the war… Even if there is no such person, they can make it up with a little modification.

  This kind of newspaper is like bread, alcohol and tobacco. Soldiers do not need to pay for it themselves. It is part of the logistics supplies.

  When he heard that the Triumph Newspaper wanted to interview him, the warlord remembered what Korwe said to him yesterday, and he was immediately happy. He immediately shook her hand.

  ”It’s my honor to serve a beautiful woman. If you have any questions, just ask them.”

  Although flattery of appearance is old-fashioned, it will never go out of style.

  Sure enough, Penny’s mouth corners slightly tilted upwards, revealing a happy expression.

  ”In order not to waste your time, I’ll get straight to the point.”

  She shook her bangs lightly, skillfully opened the recorder, looked at the questions written in advance on the notebook, and said.

  ”Then the first question… do you have a family?”

  The warlord said without hesitation.

  ”I’m an orphan, and Commander Korway who took me in is my family.”

  Penny looked at him in surprise, with a little more sympathy in her eyes, and continued to ask.

  ”I heard that you are an awakener?”


  ”You must have gone through a lot of hard training, right?”

  The battlefield guy smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Well, that’s not the case. In fact, I awakened inexplicably… I still don’t understand what happened.”

  Penny was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

  ”That’s right, most awakeners accidentally discovered that they have acquired abilities different from ordinary people… Even survivors other than the Weilants have a certain probability of becoming lucky ones.”

  After a pause, she continued.

  ”Then may I ask… what makes you invincible on the battlefield?”

  The battlefield guy answered almost without thinking.

  ”Of course, it’s loyalty to the marshal!”

  Penny was slightly stunned and asked subconsciously.

  ”But… aren’t you from Jinchuan Province? You must have never met the Marshal?”

  ”That’s not important,” Battlefield Guy said honestly without blushing, “Although I have never met His Majesty the Marshal and have never been to Triumph City, that lord’s ideas have deeply attracted me.”

  ”This chaotic world needs order! Only when noble blood flows in all the veins can this world usher in eternal order!”

  Hearing the passionate speech, Penny’s expression was moved.

  This is…

  what loyalty!

  ”Then may I ask what do you think of your superior, Colway–”

  Before the voice fell, it was interrupted by a sudden explosion.

  A deafening explosion came from the front-line position not far away, and the flying stones and dust rushed up more than ten meters high, even scattered near the convoy.

  The soldiers of the repair company raised their arms and protected their heads to avoid it.

  The officer’s cap was blown away by the surging air wave, and the face of the warlord changed instantly.


  It’s different from the agreed time?

  The revengeful newbies did not give him time to hesitate.

  After a short pause, a whistling scream suddenly came from the air.

  I saw gas tanks with steel pipes on their buttocks flying around in the sky, and the explosions and flames bloomed on the position like flowers scattered by the goddess.

  ”Lie down!”

  Seeing a huge gas tank flying towards this side, the warlord’s face changed wildly, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to pull Penny’s arm and dragged her to the ground.

  This guy can’t die!

  Otherwise, all his pretense would be in vain? !


  The moment the two men lay down, a loud explosion sounded almost at the same time. The

  surging shock wave spread violently, overturning a truck on the spot, and almost blowing up the maintenance team officer who had boasted to him before.

  It was half a minute before the dust settled.

  After confirming that there were no new explosions, the battlefield guy let go of Penny who was pressed under him and climbed up from the ground.

  ”Damn it! Bah–”

  Spitting out the sand in his mouth, the battlefield guy wiped the dust on his face, cursed, and looked at the frightened war reporter.

  ”Are you okay?”

  This guy is not in good condition.

  Is it your first time on duty?

  Without answering his question, Penny’s face was pale, and she lay on the ground tightly, not daring to get up. Her eyes were full of fear, and her pants were faintly wet.

  After a long time, she said in a trembling voice.

  ”Just now, what was that?”

  Listen to the sound…

  How come it is louder than a 100mm artillery? !

  The battlefield guy chuckled.

  ”The gas tank bomb is indeed powerful, but it is not very accurate and the range is not very far… It is not the first time we have encountered it.”

  Penny swallowed her saliva.

  Gas tank bomb? !

  This is… How barbaric!

  ”Do you… endure such bombardment every day?” Her voice trembled, and she did not forget to find the recorder on the ground and picked it up.

  ”Those people’s basic operations… See, the Alliance is just this little bit of ability. It looks scary, but the effect is average. There is nothing to worry about!”

  The battlefield guy grinned and picked up the rifle and hat that fell to the side. “Wait for me for a while, I’ll go and collect those bastards.”

  After that, without waiting for Penny to stop him, he turned and stepped into the smoke-filled battlefield.

  These newcomers are fighting too hard.

  Even “saturation firepower” has been developed!

  In addition to being surprised, he couldn’t help but panic in his heart.

  If I don’t go up to help those clone idiots, this position might really be taken down by these guys!

  Plan 3 is entering a critical stage. Defense Zone 53 is not the main attack target of the Alliance. At that time, the Storm Corps and the Skeleton Corps may even let them escape. Even

  if they take down his position at this time, it will not help the entire battle situation at all, but may lose the big picture because of the small one.

  For the Alliance!

  For His Majesty the Administrator!

  He must kill these brain-dead newcomers no matter what.

  Just as Comrade Pangolin rushed to the front line, Penny, who was left behind, had her mind in a mess like a ball of wool.

  When Pangolin grabbed her arm just now, she was suddenly startled, but her pounding heart soon stopped for half a second because of the explosion that was so close.

  Now her heart started beating again, and it kept beating.

  That strong chest and arms full of security, she couldn’t get rid of it in her mind.

  Especially the back figure left to her at the end…

  It’s not just loyalty.

  It’s… How brave!

  A trace of obsession gradually emerged in her confused eyes, but soon, that obsession turned into regret and pity.

  What a pity.

  Such loyalty and bravery, but he is an alien.

  No matter how high his honor is or how much wealth he has, he can only marry an alien in the end. Even if his superiors recognize his ability, he will not be contacted by mainstream society. His

  mind was in a mess.

  At this moment, Penny suddenly felt a dampness, and her whole face turned red like an apple.

  She had never been so deep in the front line, and it was also the first time for her to feel the bombardment at such a close distance. The earth-shaking explosion just now shook her internal organs and she couldn’t hold it back for a while. She

  was so ashamed that she wanted to die on the spot. She quickly took off her coat and tied it around her waist. She subconsciously looked in the direction where the pangolin disappeared, biting her lips that were red and almost dripping with blood.


  see it?


  In the distance, about one kilometer away from the G53-7 defense line. More than

  a dozen tripods stood at the foot of the sand dune, with empty steel pipes pointing straight toward the army’s position.

  With the support of a group of “old predecessors” such as Fountain Water, Edge, Mosquito, etc., these newbies who entered the game with Beta0.4 version not only carried out “large-scale military training” on the front line, but also carried out “large-scale production”, and even built a rustic arsenal with local materials.

  Facts have proved that the creativity of the working people is endless. If it is not controlled, let alone conscienceless cannons, even conscienceless Katyushas can be made.

  After a calibration shot, the twelve gas tank rockets actually fired a round of rocket artillery coverage, which was somewhat like the atmosphere of a battlefield.

  ”Awesome! This is called fighting, okay?”

  Anie excitedly waved his fist.

  ”That’s right! This is much better than a mortar!”

  Holding the chessboard, he reluctantly clicked his tongue.

  ”It’s a pity that we don’t have a good aim.”

  It’s true that there were a row of potholes on the battlefield, but it’s hard to say how many people were killed. The only thing to be thankful for is that at least the machine gun position was destroyed.

  The safest way to play now is to withdraw and pull a truck of shells over, and then fire another round at the opposite position, or get some smoke bombs to cover the smoke.

  It’s a pity that those old players are not human, just leaving them here and patting their butts and walking away.

  Without food, fresh water and guides, it would be more efficient to kill yourself if you want to cross the 200-kilometer desert back to the rear.

  ”Anyway, let’s dig the war first–”

  Before he finished speaking, the man next to him had already inserted his bayonet under the barrel of the gun, holding the gun and roaring excitedly.


  ”Take advantage of their illness to kill them!”


  After saying that, he took out a whistle from somewhere, held it in his mouth, and blew it desperately.


  The shrill whistle rang out.

  As soon as the charge whistle was heard, the shouts and cries on the battlefield instantly boiled over. One by one, the newbies were like chicken blood, charging towards the smoke-filled battlefield.


  ”Gold coins!”


  ”Silver coins!!!”

  ”Give them to me!”


  The traitors who were tasked with management launched a bloody and tragic fight with the “unfair” newbies on the fragmented battlefield.

  Both sides were bloodthirsty.

  One side couldn’t die, and the other side didn’t want to die so quickly.

  If both sides could not be resurrected, it would have been a tragic and heroic scene.

  At the same time, when the battle on the front line was in full swing, the Dawn City, thousands of kilometers away, was calm.

  Compared with the fierce battle on the front line, life in the rear was like retirement.

  Due to the excessive hunting of players and the popularity of a series of delicacies such as crab cakes, monster steaks, salt-grilled hyena meat, and butter mushroom risotto, there are not many alien species near Dawn City unless you go deep into the city occupied by slime mold.

  Even in the nuclear bomb crater in the Elm District, you can’t catch the spawning cracked crabs.

  There is no doubt that these monsters are eaten to extinction. If you want to hunt delicious alien species, you can only go north to the jungle mountainous area in the north of Qingshi County.

  Or, you can only move forward to Jinchuan Province with dense jungles and vast plains.

  In order to enrich the diet of the people of Dawn City, a lizard and a mouse recently organized an expeditionary force, bringing a few new players and old players who can’t sit still, and prepared to go to the direction of Jinchuan Province.

  The ultimate goal is the southernmost Death Coast!

  It is said that it is the territory of the Torch Church, and there will be many exoskeletons with high technological content.

  For example, the “Water Arrow Turtle” suit in the fountain is said to be dropped by the people of the Torch Church.

  Not only that, I heard that a merchant named Zhou Nan boasted that there was a “glowing sea” there.

  This scenery is definitely much more awesome than Silver Moon Bay!

  Luo Yu originally wanted to go and take a look.

  However, he was helpless because he now had a burden.

  According to the manager’s description, the level of B6 seems to rely on Xiao Yu’s “devouring” characteristics to solve it.

  Although I am very happy that the dog planner compensated his divine pet with a hidden task, I have to say that the process of raising a child is indeed a bit boring.

  His daily routine is now like walking the dog. He takes Xiao Yu to the northern suburbs for a stroll, kills two creepers or butchers and watches it eat and drink.

  Then, he takes it back to the settlement to wander around, consume the vigorous energy, and by the way, eliminate the vigilance of nearby residents towards this polite child.

  In fact, the latter is secondary, the key is the former.

  If this guy’s energy is not consumed, he can’t sleep at night, and he will try every means to wake him up like a cat, and if he can’t wake him up, he will do something strange to his cultivation cabin.

  For example, the last time he woke up, he saw a bloody mouth stuck on the transparent hatch, which almost scared him to death.

  It looked as if it was going to swallow him alive.

  But after seeing him wake up again, Xiaoyu would quickly return to his well-behaved and cute appearance, like a lively little dolphin, happily “Eeheeehee” around him.

  It was as if nothing had happened just now.

  In order to educate this guy and let it integrate into human society, Luoyu not only taught it human language, which he himself was not very proficient in, but also occasionally tried to feed it some human food.

  Although it is still resistant to cooked food, it is quite fond of things with high sugar content.

  Especially the lollipops with additional attribute gains sold in NPC stores. After eating them, it will not only make a happy sound, but even the plastic stick will not be vomited.

  In addition, after a period of training, another thing happened to this little guy that surprised Luoyu.

  It finally learned to hunt!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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