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Chapter 463 This is actually a development game

Chapter 463 This is actually a development game


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 463 This is actually a development game.

  With bursts of piercing sounds of breaking through the air, dark red tentacles pierced through the body of the crawler like lightning.

  The big mouth dripping with black blood roared at the top of its lungs, trying to break free from the tentacles. However, soon another tentacle rushed over and pierced through its forehead.

  Black blood splattered.

  The forehead that was hard enough to hold a 7mm bullet was pierced through by this seemingly soft tentacle.

  Luo Yu stared at Xiao Yu, who was covered in black blood, and the crawler that was poked into a shower head by its tentacles, with his eyes gradually changing from surprise and joy to enthusiasm.

  This way of fighting is somewhat bizarre.

  But it doesn’t matter!

  Being awesome is all!

  ”Hahaha! My big boy! You’ve finally grown up!” Luo Yu walked forward with joy and reached out to touch Xiao Yu’s head.

  When being touched on the forehead by a blood relative, Xiaoyu made a cute “Eeh” sound and rubbed his hand.

  It looked like a cat that was acting like a spoiled child.

  The slippery touch did feel a bit like a hairless cat.

  Although Luoyu couldn’t accept the avant-garde appearance of this “SSSR-level divine pet” at first, he got used to it after a while.

  Being able to kill a crawler with bare hands!

  That’s already very strong, okay!

  Next time, you can try the “Tyrant”!

  Just when Luoyu was happy that he had found the trick to raising a baby, Xiaoyu had already pounced on the crawler he had just hunted and started to feast on it.

  Before that, it had eaten three of them!

  ”This guy’s appetite seems to have increased again.”

  I remember that the first two crawlers were enough to fill it up.

  Now it has to eat four to five a day.

  Luoyu touched his chin with interest, took out his notebook, turned a few pages back, and wrote down this clue.

  [On the 11th day, the appetite doubled, and the size did not change significantly. 】

  And just at this moment, he suddenly made an even more amazing discovery.

  I saw that on the surface of the scarlet fungus block in the shape of the skirt of Xiaoyu’s lower limbs, pieces of gray-brown hardened cuticle had grown out at some point.

  The largest piece is about half the size of a palm, and the smallest is only the size of a thumb, like a knight’s armor.

  Since the area where the cuticle grows is not very large, it cannot even be found without careful observation.

  Luoyu curiously reached out and touched it, and then used a dagger to test the strength and scratched it.

  Xiaoyu, who was only concerned with feasting, did not react at all, and obviously did not feel any pain. And no matter how hard he tried, there was still no scratch on the surface of the cuticle.

  Feeling the strength of this “organic armor”, Luoyu’s eyes soon showed a hint of surprise, and he excitedly recorded this discovery in his notebook.

  [On the 11th day, organic armor grew! The area of ​​the armor is suspected to continue to increase with development! ]

  Closing the notebook in his hand, Luoyu looked at Xiaoyu with eyes that were like a very pleased old father.

  ”Xiao Yu… grow up quickly!”

  ”I’m counting on you to become a T0 expert!”


  Browsing room on the B4 floor.

  Someone also showed a fatherly smile on his face.

  However, it was not because of Xiao Yu’s changes, but because of the books sorted out by the Merchants’ Guild.

  With the help of the little princess of the Honey Badger Kingdom, the Merchants’ Guild has significantly accelerated its work in sorting books recently.

  These books written in the prosperous era and even before have not only brought him a lot of help in his work, but also helped other managers of the alliance.

  As the size of the alliance grows, the problems that need to be considered are also increasing exponentially. Although many things can be covered in one sentence, the specific process of solving the problem is difficult to describe in detail even with the length of a book.

  The contents of these books on the bookshelf are the experience of predecessors on “what to do specifically” and what may happen after that.

  Although the prosperous era has come to an end.

  But these treasures that are more precious than gold should not be buried.

  Standing next to the bookshelf and flipping through the books just sent by the Merchants’ Guild, Chu Guang suddenly found a note inside.

  There was a line of beautiful handwriting on it.

  It should be left by Avni.

  [It is written in the book that people distribute materials through the market, and the market makes people slaves to money. Why don’t we take a more efficient way to coordinate and distribute the resources needed by everyone? ]

  I didn’t expect that the little girl holding the picture book would be interested in such boring academic issues.

  Chu Guang smiled in surprise, picked up a pen and wrote his notes in the blank space of the note paper.

  [People may become slaves to anything because of their desires. This is not just money, but also beauty, health, faith, honor or power… But this does not mean that it is absolutely wrong. If we are only satisfied with being full and reproducing, no one will cross mountains and ridges to find fire, and no one will find how to make fire with flint and sticks, and our civilization will not appear. ]

  [The distribution of resources through religious power and royal power is not more noble than the distribution through currency, and of course the reverse is also true. In essence, they are all tools for distributing resources, and people will always find better ones on the road to exploring the future, and then abandon those that are no longer useful because they like the new and dislike the old. 】

  【But your vigilance is right. I am surprised that you can have such thoughts at your age. Even if ambition is not necessarily a bad thing, people should always be vigilant not to indulge in it and forget the original intention to continue the hard-earned fire and ignite the entire forest. 】

  【Especially when you hold the fire or power. 】

  If it was Summer who asked him this, Chu Guang thought that he probably wouldn’t tell him all his thoughts without reservation.

  It’s not that he was worried about being learned by him.

  If he could really reform himself and carry out some reforms in the Honey Badger Kingdom, it would be a good thing for the survivors there.

  The fear is that this guy is like a chameleon, figuring out the Alliance’s way of doing things but still using the old tricks, playing a game of pretending to obey and disobeying himself, which is really hard to guard against.

  As for Avni, it’s different.

  She is just eighteen years old, and she is a girl. She may be employed in the Alliance, but after returning to the Honey Badger Kingdom, her fate will most likely be as a vase.

  Even if she learned something, Chu Guang was not worried about any negative impact. Instead, she might influence the next generation of the royal family.

  Using economy and education to change Luoxia Province was also part of the alliance’s post-war reconstruction plan.

  The kingdoms in the desert have not declined to the point of no return. They may even usher in a period of prosperity due to post-war reconstruction. Therefore, moderate reforms are more suitable for them than radical changes.

  Put the note paper back into the book.

  Chu Guang was about to put the book back into the bookshelf, but suddenly realized that this was not a place where you could just borrow books. So he slapped his head and reached out to click on the VM.

  Soon, footsteps were heard at the door of the browsing room, followed by a crisp bell.

  ”Come in.”

  Chu Guang spoke as the alloy door opened.

  His personal guard captain Lu Bei walked in from outside, put his right fist on his left chest, and saluted neatly.

  ”Manager, what do you want?”

  Chu Guang walked over and handed the book in his hand to him.

  ”Send it to the office of the Honey Badger Kingdom on Embassy Street for me and hand it over to Miss Avni Honey Badger there.”

  When Lu Bei heard this, his eyes suddenly shone, his back straightened up, and he took the book with both hands as if he was holding a treasure.

  ”Make sure you complete the mission!”

  Chu Guang was sure that his feeling was not wrong. This guy must have thought of something wrong, so he coughed and warned.

  ”I don’t want to hear strange rumors.”

  Lu Bei stood up straight with a serious face.

  ”I swear to you with my life! If there are any rumors about you and Miss Avni, you will kill me!”

  ”That’s not necessary.”

  Chu Guang looked at Lu Bei with a sharp look in his eyes.

  This guy didn’t even have all his hair grown, but he was concerned about other people’s gossip.

  Perhaps, he should change a more mature and stable captain of the personal guard.

  Recently, the number of survivors and players in the alliance has increased a lot. He is considering establishing the third legion of the alliance to accommodate those lone wolf players who don’t want to join the player legion and prefer to mix with NPCs.

  Chu Guang plans to transfer Lu Bei to the third legion.

  Although he is a little young, his loyalty is obvious to everyone in the alliance.

  After watching his captain of the personal guard leave the door, Chu Guang was about to return to the bookshelf when he heard Xiao Qi’s voice.

  ”Master, the mother you asked player Luoyu to cultivate seems to have undergone new changes.”



  Hearing the affirmative answer, Chu Guang’s heart moved slightly, and he returned to sit down next to the computer.

  Almost at the moment he sat on the sofa, the light blue holographic screen had opened above the computer pen.

  The picture taken by the hummingbird drone was also presented in front of him at the same time.

  Looking at the mother with fierce fighting power on the screen, Chu Guang showed a surprised expression on his face, and after thinking for two seconds, he spoke.

  ”Tell Heya to arrange a physical examination immediately! Prepare to check Xiaoyu’s evolution stage!”

  To solve the slime mold on the B6 layer, Xiaoyu needs to devour the mother nest there, and the prerequisite is to let Xiaoyu understand the concept of hunting and master the ability to hunt.

  Now it obviously meets this condition.

  But whether it meets other conditions requires further research.

  Xiaoqi, who was sitting on the coffee table, swung his calves and imitated the captain of the personal guard who had just come in, and playfully saluted the alliance.



  The office of the Honey Badger Kingdom is located at the corner of the Embassy Street. As it is far from the core area, the area here is actually larger than the office in Boulder City.

  Its main building is a small three-story house. There are two palm trees commonly seen in the oasis planted in the yard – gifts donated to the royal family by the merchants of the Honey Badger Kingdom.

  Although Oasis No. 3 has become an occupied area and the Honey Badger royal family has gone into exile, it is still their hometown for the people who once lived there.

  Therefore, there are often survivors who have fled from there to the southern part of the Valley Province and donate money or goods to the Honey Badger royal family.

  Although most of them are worthless things, the acting king Summer still ordered the staff here to accept them.

  After all, it is the intention of everyone.

  What’s more, they are now living under someone else’s roof. Those who can still think of them at this time are all loyal and good guys.

  Hearing the sound of knocking on the window, the old man who was the gatekeeper in the guard booth yawned and raised his sleepy face from his elbow.

  Glancing at the book in the man’s arms, he thought he was here to donate something again, and it didn’t look like it was worth anything.

  However, thinking of Lord Summer’s order, as a loyal servant of the royal family, he still replied vaguely.


  ”Lü Bei, the commander of the Alliance Guards!”

  Although he lowered his voice, the old guard still heard the words “Guards” and “Commander” clearly.

  The sleepiness on his face was instantly swept away, and the old man stood up from his chair with a bang, as if he was a dozen years younger, and said with his eyes wide open.

  ”You, you are from the Guards–”

  Seeing that he suddenly spoke so loudly, Lü Bei hurriedly stopped him.

  ”Shh! Why are you yelling so loudly? Keep your voice down!”

  Suddenly realizing his abruptness, the old servant hurriedly said with a smile.

  ”Yes, yes, I am old and confused and offended you. May I ask… what are you doing here?”

  The Guards are the personal guards of the manager, and even the shadow of the manager. This is a well-known fact in the alliance.

  The commander of the Guards Corps appeared here. No matter what the matter was, he was sure it was not a trivial matter.

  ”It’s not a question of offense. The administrator told me that my coming here must be kept secret. Otherwise, why would I change my clothes and come here!”

  Tightening the brim of his hood, Lu Bei looked at him seriously and corrected his statement, then showed the book in his arms.

  ”… In addition, the master also entrusted me to hand this book to Miss Avni Honey Badger.”

  The old servant seemed to understand something, and his face suddenly showed an extremely excited expression. He quickly reached out to take it, but Lu Bei took a step back.

  ”Where is Miss Avni?” he asked seriously, “The administrator told me to hand it to her, and she’d better come down to get it.”

  The old servant said hurriedly.

  ”The lady hasn’t come back from the Merchants’ Guild yet. This is a task given to her by the administrator. Don’t worry, when she comes back, I will immediately hand over the master’s things to her!”

  Lu Bei hesitated, but thought it was not appropriate to stand here and wait. He was afraid that he would miss it if he went directly to the Merchants’ Guild, so he nodded.

  ”Then you must remember it and make sure to hand it over to her!”

  Just after he finished this instruction, Lu Bei suddenly thought of something and quickly added another sentence.

  ”Also, don’t tell anyone that I was here today!”

  ”Yes! Don’t worry! If I dare to say a word, even if you don’t blame me, His Majesty the King will not forgive me.”

  Looking at Lu Bei with a serious face, the old servant was more certain of his guess in his heart, and nodded repeatedly, his mouth was so happy that he couldn’t close.

  If it was a serious matter, would it be necessary to hide it so much?

  It must be because it was not serious!

  That’s why he was embarrassed to let others know!

  He didn’t dare to touch the book, and he didn’t even dare to look at the cover. He carefully put it in the drawer to protect it, and planned to give it to the lady as soon as she came back.

  Watching Lu Bei leave, he clenched his fists excitedly, and his shoulders trembled uncontrollably.


  There is a cure!


  Shelter 404, B3 floor infirmary.

  After anesthesia, Xiaoyu was carried to the scanning bed. Luoyu stood beside it and looked at it with a worried look, and then looked at Chu Guang nervously.

  ”Will it be okay?”

  Those bastards on the forum shouted every day to cut it down, which made him tremble with fear, and he didn’t dare to show up during this period.

  Although he complained that he couldn’t go anywhere because of this little guy, if the dog planner really listened to the advice of those guys and balanced it out, he would certainly be reluctant in his heart.

  ”Don’t worry, the inhibitor only has an anesthetic effect and will not affect its health.” Chu Guang comforted him and patted his shoulder. “It will take a while for the experiment to end, you go back first.”

  Luoyu asked in a low voice.

  ”Can I wait outside?”

  Chu Guang thought about it and nodded.


  The alloy door opened.

  As Luoyu left, it slowly closed again.

  Xiaoyu, lying on the scanning bed, made an unconscious “Yiwu”, just like the snoring of a sleeping cat.

  The voice sounded like a spoiled child.

  However, Chu Guang could sense that the emotion flowing in the sound waves clearly carried a hint of anxiety.

  It did not like this feeling.

  Chu Guang looked at Heya who was busy in front of the console and asked.

  ”Can the test be carried out without anesthesia?”

  Without taking her eyes off the screen, Heya replied casually.

  ”Of course… but can you guarantee that it will not suddenly go berserk and attack the two of us?”

  ”I can protect you.”

  Heya curled the corners of her lips and said teasingly.

  ”Oh, although this sentence sounds very safe, why bet on that probability?”

  Chu Guang shrugged his shoulders.

  ”…Okay, what are the results of the analysis?”

  ”You asked at the right time. The scan data just came out…”

  Heya stretched out her index finger and tapped the holographic screen a few times. She crossed her arms, stared at the chart in front of her and pondered for a long time, and said in a determined tone.

  ”The current progress has reached 51%. If this trend continues, it should not take long to enter the next stage.”

  Chu Guang suddenly asked curiously.

  ”What if we go directly to the next stage?”

  Heya said without hesitation.

  ”It will be devoured by the mother nest on the B6 layer. After all, it is like a child now. Even if we give it a lot of resources, it can’t be the opponent of the old guy who slaughtered an entire floor of the shelter… It’s like putting a child with a shotgun and a ruthless murderer in a room. What do you think will happen?”

  Chu Guang frowned.

  ”What if the murderer loses his ability to move? For example-”

  ”Inject a large amount of inhibitors?” Seeing through his thoughts, He Ya said in a teasing tone, “If possible, I would like to do so. But devouring is a long and continuous process. It is difficult to ensure that it is only effective for a certain type of slime mold… By the way, it seems to be waking up soon. You can call the young man back.”

  Chu Guang nodded, gave up the sudden brain hole, nodded to the camera in the corner, and asked Xiao Qi to open the door of the infirmary.

  At this moment, Luo Yu was pacing back and forth anxiously at the door of the infirmary.

  At this moment, the door suddenly opened.

  Hearing the noise, he immediately looked towards the door of the infirmary. However, before he could see clearly, he was hit by a scarlet figure and fell directly to the corner of the corridor.

  Almost unable to catch his breath, Luo Yu stared at the culprit lying on him.

  ”What are you doing? Do you want to kill me–”


  A pitiful expression appeared on the face that looked more and more like a human.

  Looking at the “pitiful” look, Luo Yu, who was about to scold it, suddenly remembered that he had sent it to the laboratory for research for so long for the mission.

  A trace of guilt inexplicably arose in his heart. He sighed softly and reached out to touch its head.

  ”Okay, I don’t want to do it either, but it’s a mission… There’s nothing I can do about it, and it’s for your own good. You’ve been alone in there for so long, you’ve worked hard!”

  ”Come on, I’ll take you to eat some candy!”


  Perhaps because she understood his comfort, or perhaps because she heard the candy, Xiaoyu’s face suddenly showed a happy expression, and the tentacles on the back of her head were waving like seaweed.

  However, it did not get off his body, but moved closer, and the skirt-shaped fungus block pressed on like a track.

  Luoyu’s face turned blue, his eyes rolled back, and his eyes were so wide that he almost fell out, and he almost died on the spot.

  Good guy!

  You can’t tell from the outside!

  This weight is at least 200 kilograms!

  Looking at Xiaoyu and Luoyu “stuck together” outside the door, Heya frowned slightly with her arms folded, and suddenly a sentence popped out of her mouth.

  ”He wouldn’t… develop feelings for him.”

  Chu Guang’s expression was subtle.

  ”It’s hard to say.”

  Normally, after spending enough time together, one would develop feelings for even a fishing rod, let alone a living thing.

  Heya sighed and scratched her silver hair.

  ”It’s better not to do that, mutant slime mold… at least according to my observation, the mind of this creature is as unstable as its DNA. They don’t have parents, relatives, friends and other complex concepts that only human society has. The so-called closeness is probably just an illusion. You should have noticed that it doesn’t even hesitate to prey on its own kind.”

  ”Well,” Chu Guang nodded, “but it’s also true that it’s close in blood, and so far, it hasn’t shown strong aggression towards people.”

  Heya glanced at him.

  ”But what happens after devouring the mother nest of layer B6? It will always absorb some of the things that originally belonged to that mother nest… you know what I mean.” What

  is absorbed is not just fragments of genetic material.

  It also includes part of the memory, knowledge, experience, instinct of the devoured… or something abstractly called “soul” by the organism.

  In fact, the reason why Xiaoyu learned to hunt was not because he taught it by constantly hunting crawlers, as Luoyu thought.

  It was a more primitive and direct method –

  that is, digesting the flesh and blood of the prey through its digestive system.

  In fact, Xiaoyu’s attack method is to use his tentacles to imitate rifle bullets and inflict penetrating damage on the crawler.

  Even the aiming position is almost the same as Luoyu’s shooting habits.

  And this part of the knowledge comes from the memory fragments of the “devoured” about death. Those evolved “armor” also come from those memories-

  ’Those prey died because they could not defend against penetrating damage.’

  ’So it needs armor that can resist bullets.’

  This is also the most terrifying thing about those slime molds.

  They learn from the corpses of their prey, and learn the experience of survival and death at the same time.

  As long as they need, they can survive in a vacuum, and even resist the impact of metal fragments at several times the speed of sound!

  And as long as a part of the tissue survives, no matter how serious the damage is, no matter what method is used, they will always find a way to come back to life.

  It is no exaggeration to say that they have mastered evolution and ascended to a field that human civilization does not understand for the time being.

  Chu Guang pondered for a moment and said.

  ”What is your suggestion?”

  Heya shook her head.

  ”I don’t know… The plan to clean up the B6 floor must of course continue. I need the research equipment there. No matter what method is used, the slime mold there must be cleared. However, I suggest that it is best to give up the idea of ​​taming them.”

  Chu Guang asked immediately.

  ”Is there a scientific basis?”

  He Ya shook her head again.

  ”There is no evidence to prove that it is impossible, but the probability of success is very low.”

  This time Chu Guang pondered for a little longer.

  Looking at the two figures outside the corridor, he thought for a long time and finally spoke slowly.

  ”I believe in my residents.”

  ”Just like they trust me.”

  He Ya couldn’t help asking.

  ”But what if something goes wrong?”

  Suddenly, as if he had figured it out, Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”Just solve the problem.”

  ”Cleaning their butts is also one of the managers’ jobs.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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