Switch Mode

Chapter 469 Are you looking for this?

Chapter 469 Are you looking for this?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 469 Are you looking for this?

  Yot had no doubt.

  Even the Death Claws that terrified countless wastelanders had to avoid the quadruple 10mm cannon.


  when a quadruple anti-aircraft gun faced “tens of thousands” of Death Claws, the positions of both sides were completely opposite.


  The soldier squatting behind the anti-aircraft gun, holding the trigger tightly, vented orange-yellow tracers at the foot of the mountain, trying to stop the herd of animals from rushing up the mountain.

  However, facing the Death Claws that were surging like a tide, the flames from the muzzle were like candles swaying in the dark.

  It seemed that they would disappear in the silent storm at any time.

  And the fact is indeed so –

  the roar of the cannon did not even last two seconds, and a drone retracted its wings and suddenly fell from the sky.

  Before the three soldiers guarding the anti-aircraft gun could come to their senses, the explosion of fire engulfed them and the anti-aircraft machine gun.

  The explosion of fire bloomed on the high ground.

  Seeing the machine gun turned into a ball of twisted steel, the soldiers in the trenches next to it were stunned, and then a sense of fear arose from the bottom of their hearts.

  ”What is that?!” A centurion screamed, twisting the muzzle back and forth at the sky.

  ”Suicide drone!” Yot’s eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot, and he shouted, “Be careful of those buzzing things! Don’t let them get close to the anti-aircraft gun!”

  The remaining three quadruple anti-aircraft guns began to sweep the sky, trying to shoot down the whistling drones.

  However, this kind of random firing without any rules was obviously futile for the drones “immersively operated” by intelligence players.

  Soon two more anti-aircraft guns were sent away, and only the last one was left on the entire high ground.

  Just when Yot didn’t know what to do, the centurion Simond on the side shouted at his subordinates.

  ”Use EMP bombs!”

  Yot was shocked and said quickly.

  ”But our radar–”

  ”No need to worry about that!” Simond pushed him away and shouted in the direction of the mortar position, “Quick!”

  Receiving the order from the superior, a centurion had already rushed to the edge of the mortar position and quickly took out a shell with a blue mark from the box.

  He slammed his butt holding the shell on the ground, then threw it hard into the air and lay down on the ground.

  The whole set of actions was done in one go.

  The dust from the explosion rushed up quickly, and the broken shrapnel whizzed between the sandbags.

  The energy from the detonation of the explosives was converted into a pulse microwave with a peak power of thousands of megawatts through microwave devices!

  A short buzzing sound ran through the entire battlefield, forming a transient pulse voltage of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of volts on countless protected or unprotected conductors.

  A cluster of small flames jumped out of the distribution box in the center of the camp, and then the entire high ground fell into darkness, but it was soon re-lit by flares.

  At the same time, the four-rotor drones that had not yet detonated approached the low altitude and fell to the ground like dumplings.

  The insulation layer was broken, the fuse was blown, the radar screen failed, the electrical components burned out, the electronic system storage melted… Everything happened in an instant.

  The entire battlefield instantly retreated from the post-Cold War era to World War II or even World War I. All communication equipment lost its function and communication relied entirely on shouting.

  In the valley 500 meters away, Da Yan rolled his eyes and almost lost the line. He took off the headphones on his head and cursed.

  ”Fuck! These guys are playing hard enough!”

  He looked at the VM.

  The snow-white screen was already on it.

  Although the “vital signs monitor” has a certain resistance to EMP, it is only for EMP weapons launched in a wide area and the collateral EMP damage of nuclear explosions.

  For this kind of close-range electromagnetic pulse, the pressure is still not small.

  At least the fuse can’t be saved.

  A newbie in the intelligence department patted his VM in confusion, and saw that the screen was completely stuck, and muttered a complaint.

  ”Fuck… Why is my system interface completely destroyed!”

  ”It’s probably EMP. Just change the fuse. It’s not a big deal!” Big Eyes took off the VM and threw it on the ground. “Get ready to charge!”

  ”Are we intelligence players going to fight too?” the new guy said in a daze.

  ”Nonsense,” he rolled his eyes at the guy and picked up the rifle on the ground. “Summoners won’t fight if they don’t have the mana bar. Brothers, follow me!”


  Seeing that the leaders had all gone up, several intelligence players also picked up their rifles, recalled the postures they learned from Pangolin, and charged towards Hill 330 on the opposite side.

  Due to the failure of the communication device, the battlefield was in chaos. In addition to the roars and shouts, there were endless gunshots and explosions.

  In addition to a few drone operators, the wolf cavalry troops were undoubtedly the most affected by the EMP. The neural connection equipment installed on the back of the Death Claw’s neck was seriously affected.

  However, only a part of them were affected.

  Most of the Deathclaws have been tamed by players. Even without the interference of neural connection devices, they are used to obeying and can still execute the orders of their owners.

  However, there are also some that lose control due to injuries or aroused ferocity.

  Once a loss of control occurs, in order to avoid the chain reaction caused by it, even if they are reluctant, players can only reluctantly kill their mounts.

  ”The high ground is ahead!”


  Pulling off the malfunctioning headset, Edgestroke took out the charge whistle and held it in his mouth, blowing it with all his strength.

  The shrill whistle resounded throughout the position and completely ignited the blood in everyone’s hearts.


  ”For the Alliance!!!”

  The hundreds of meters high slope disappeared in an instant.

  Urging his mount to rush forward, Edgestroke pressed close to the back of the Deathclaw, rushed to the front, aimed at the trench closest to the hillside, and then threw the wooden-handled grenade prepared in advance to the position in front.

  ”Throw grenades!”

  Hearing the order to throw grenades, the wolf cavalry in the front row threw out the grenades in their hands, and some took out the “Whirlwind” grenade launcher.

  It was a weapon produced by Goblin Technology, imitating the wheel design of the MGL grenade launcher. It could empty all six grenades within three seconds and instantly launch a wave of medium-range suppressive firepower.

  The flames of the explosion lit up the trench.

  Dozens of Willant soldiers were killed on the spot. The remaining one retreated in fear, trying to retreat to the rear defense line. However, before he could climb out of the half-dug trench, the wolf cavalry who came at full speed opened his skull with an engineer shovel.

  Looking at the death claws rushing up the position from the southwest, the Willant soldiers squatting in the trenches widened their eyes.

  ”What kind of monster is that?!” ”

  Death claws! It’s death claws!”

  The demons living in swamps or rainforests…

  They never dreamed that they would see them in the desert, and they couldn’t imagine that these alien species standing at the top of the food chain were used as mounts by the barbarians!

  But at this moment, there was no time for them to think. The bright bayonets and flashing gun flames were already in their faces!

  A team of ten people was instantly submerged under the iron hooves of the wolf cavalry.

  Then came a whole trench!

  These monsters that rushed around on the battlefield ignored the terrain. They were like cuirassiers flying over eaves and walls. Every swing of their claws could take away a fresh life.

  Under the protection of the exoskeleton, it was almost impossible to kill them!

  As the wolf cavalry rushed to the position, the battle quickly changed from a stalemate at a medium distance to a close fight.

  The troops that were originally responsible for the feint also launched a charge towards the chaotic position after hearing the whistle of the charge.

  Both sides were close to each other so that they could see each other’s nostrils. They fought for every trench, every rock, and even every sandbag bunker on the rugged position…

  The tracers were like sparks flying on a campfire, automatically in the night sky without wind, and almost every extinguished fire was stained with scorched blood.


  Hill 330, shrouded in the night, was lit up by burning flames.

  At the same time, in the night sky north of the hill, fifty “Eagle” fighters appeared below the clouds.

  ”There is a fierce exchange of fire on Hill 330. Both sides have started a melee. The frontline troops have not responded to our signals…” Staring at the position where the sound of the exchange of fire continued, Akante picked up the walkie-talkie and reported the situation on the front line to the rear through the onboard radio.

  He is the captain of the first flight squadron of the Falcon Kingdom. The task assigned to him by the Army Aviation Command Center is to lead the first flight squadron to support the friendly forces on Hill 330.

  In any case, Hill 330 cannot be lost!

  Otherwise, the entire 40,000th Army will be in crisis!

  Akante naturally knew the importance of this task, but the position was in chaos and nothing could be seen clearly. The ground troops were more like deaf people and did not respond to his call.

  The headquarters also could not contact the army, so they could only order them to support the friendly forces according to their own judgment based on the situation.

  But this area was dark and nothing could be seen clearly, let alone support.


  After hanging up the communication, Akante was about to order a descent when he suddenly saw a faint black spot under the clouds in the south.

  It was an alliance plane!

  Akante’s pupils shrank violently.

  The scene in front of him reminded him of the fierce battle that broke out over the City of Plenty that day.

  To be honest, the Alliance’s planes did not leave a deep impression on him.

  Although they were also propeller planes, they were not as good as the “Eagle” fighters provided by the Legion in terms of maneuverability and shooting accuracy.

  If you have to say it, those planes were just like something that was randomly put together, and they were useless except for being cheap.

  However, the pilots who flew the planes left a very deep impression on him. The

  Alliance pilots were like devils who were not afraid of death. They would replace their opponents even if they risked the destruction of the plane and the death of the people.


  this time there was no Iron Heart to provide them with cover!

  Without the slightest hesitation, Akante switched the onboard radio to the formation channel and shouted orders into the intercom.

  ”Enemy aircraft group was spotted in the south!”

  ”Prepare to attack!”

  These planes must not be allowed to approach Hill 330!

  Before supporting friendly forces, they need to solve these troubles first!

  At the same time, opposite the First Falcon Kingdom Flight Formation.

  Looking at the fleet of aircrafts heading straight for him, Mosquito’s eyes were not afraid at all, but flashed with excitement.

  The Legion’s “Saber” fighters had come to the Iron Heart for a while and then returned, and the two sides could not do anything to each other.

  The cautious manager waited until the other side was far away and the fuel was almost consumed before letting the carrier-based aircraft on the airship take off.

  Mosquito thought that this escort mission would be boring, after all, the mobile radar station deployed by the Legion in Oasis No. 3 could not search them beyond the visual range.

  However –

  the dog plan did not disappoint him!

  While pushing down the boost valve, Mosquito grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted excitedly.

  ”Attention, all teams, an enemy fighter group has been found in the north! Formation A continues to perform the escort mission! Formation B follows me! Brothers, charge them!”

  The responses of the team leaders soon came from the communication channel.


  Forty W-2 “Mosquito” attack aircraft immediately broke away from the flight formation and headed towards the first flight formation of the Falcon Kingdom without hesitation.

  The two sides were like lancers with spears, aiming at each other’s vital points. No one admitted to being scared, and no one turned around to avoid it.

  At this time, if anyone was scared, even if he hesitated for a moment, or shifted the joystick in his hand,

  it would be like throwing his tail to the other side to bite!

  Approaching the effective range.

  Both sides pulled the trigger to fire almost at the same time!

  The hot and thick gun flames boiled the originally soft evening breeze, and thick and long tracers covered the night sky, tearing the tranquility of the night to pieces.

  In an instant, dozens of planes emitted black smoke and even flames. The two sides quickly changed from a battle of queuing and shooting to a tangle of chasing each other.

  For a while, burning iron rain fell from the sky, and the war seemed to extend from the ground to the sky.

  The forty W-2 “Mosquito” that broke away from the formation soon suffered more than half of the casualties, but the first flight formation of the Falcon Kingdom did not get any benefits. Fifteen of the fifty “Eagle” were forcibly replaced.

  Looking at the dozens of bullet holes on the wings and the cabin cover, Acante gritted his teeth and used all his strength to pull back the out-of-control nose of the plane.

  He looked back at the night sky behind him, and was about to look for the next target when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the flying formation that continued to move forward.

  The enemy did not send all the planes up, and some of them had already flown behind them and continued to head north.

  Wasn’t their target Hill 330?

  ”Something’s wrong… There’s something strange about these planes.”

  Akante frowned, and with the moonlight shining through the thin clouds, he could barely see the planes protected in the center of the fleet.

  That outline…

  is it a transport plane? !

  He was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of fear appeared on his face.

  Without any hesitation, he grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly.

  ”Report to the headquarters! Enemy transport planes have been spotted!”

  ”… The enemy fleet has crossed Hill 330 and is heading towards the headquarters of the 40,000th Brigade!”

  Then he switched to the formation channel and shouted angrily.

  ”Enemy transport planes are breaking through our defense zone!”

  ”Stop them!” He

  probably finally realized something.

  The Falcon Kingdom flight formation suddenly gave up the fight with the Goblin Corps and chased after the Alliance’s transport aircraft group like crazy.

  But it was obviously too late.

  With Mosquito’s order, the escorting A formation turned around and rushed towards the pursuing “Eagle” fighter.

  At the same time, one transport plane after another flattened its fuselage and opened the cabin door.

  The red alarm sounded, and the players wearing exoskeletons got up from the seats on both sides of the cabin one after another, carrying parachutes and walking to the cabin door to form a neat queue.

  The airflow that swept into the cabin blew the angular armor and made a whirring sound. The flames of machine guns and thick tracers flashed outside the cabin. There

  was no fear in the eyes.

  There was only a burning will to fight!

  This is their stage.

  Standing at the door of the cabin, Lao Bai, wearing the “Dragoon” power armor, spoke loudly in the communication channel with a loud voice.

  ”Pay attention to your map and your feet!”

  ”Our target is the command post of the 40,000th Squadron. Remember not to get hung up on the anti-aircraft guns, let alone step on the heads of the brothers of the Death Corps!”

  ”We will help them after we solve the trouble under our feet!”


  The clean and neat roar merged into the whistling evening breeze. Old White took the lead and stepped out of the cabin, leading a group of team members armed to the teeth into the hail of bullets.

  Compared with the evening of the day when they landed on the Iron Heart,

  this firepower was nothing.

  Parachutes bloomed in the sky, like dandelions drifting in the fire, falling towards the ground under the cover of the night.

  And below them, the camp with dim lights was like a beacon in the storm, guiding them in the direction. They

  noticed the situation in the air.

  The only anti-aircraft gun left on Hill 330 tried to strafe the Burning Corps, but less than two seconds after firing, it was sent away by the wolf cavalry rushing up with rifle grenades.

  At the same time, a jet plane was speeding in the sky hundreds of kilometers away.

  The model of the plane was the “Saber” that had returned earlier.

  He had just finished resupplying at the front-line airport, and before he even got out of the cabin, he received an order to take off again.

  Looking at the twinkling stars in the night sky in the distance, Yukar, who was sitting in the cabin, curled up his lips with a sneer.

  Propeller planes…

  These little guys are as slow as mosquitoes. He would think it was a waste of ammunition if he pressed the machine gun for 0.1 seconds longer!

  It’s a pity that he didn’t see the flapping-wing plane.

  The five little flies just showed their faces during the day and immediately hid back in the airship.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  No matter what the pilots of the alliance are flying, he will make them remember with their bodies how to write the word death!

  Yukar calmly pushed down the throttle, and the flames from the tail engine suddenly enlarged. The speed quickly broke through Mach 3 and accelerated towards the battlefield a hundred kilometers away.

  However, at this moment, Yukar suddenly felt a warning in his heart, and he almost instinctively tilted the joystick.

  The flame flashed from below the clouds. He didn’t even see what the plane looked like. The explosion that broke through the sound barrier almost pierced his eardrum.

  So fast!

  Yukal, who survived the disaster, had a pounding heart. He glanced at the unresponsive airborne radar, then looked back fiercely, but he couldn’t see anything.

  Just a moment ago, a plane almost “whizzed” past him. The air compressed by the wing pulled him to the left, and even almost shattered his canopy!

  The speed must be at least Mach 3!

  The relative speed of Mach 6 is two kilometers per second!

  He can be sure that the other party just rushed to die with him. And in order not to expose the target in advance, he didn’t even open fire!

  What kind of tactics is this? !

  ”This guy… is he crazy!”

  There is no doubt that the other side is also a jet plane.

  Through the cabin glass, he vaguely saw the blue flames looming below the clouds – that is the tail flame of the engine!

  Restraining his frantic heartbeat, Yukar tilted the joystick to the right, trying to see the position of the fighter while trying to cut to the rear hemisphere of the enemy plane from the right.

  However, the opponent was obviously a veteran!

  While he was doing a high-G turn, the opponent reacted almost at the same time, opening the speed brake and making a sharp turn defense, pulling the nose of the plane toward his center of curvature, and cutting to his inside at a lower speed.


  The machine gun bullets whizzed past, almost brushing his wingtips. Hearing the sound of machine guns from afar, Yukar broke out in a cold sweat.


  It was almost…

  almost his car turned into a pile of scrap metal!

  In the past eight years, the opponents he encountered were basically propeller planes.

  Even if he occasionally encountered some weirdos that burned coal or oil, it was rare to see a supersonic fighter that could break the sound barrier.

  He could feel that the performance of that plane was not outstanding. Whether it was maneuverability or maximum speed, he was better.


  The other party’s pilot made up for this defect with his superb driving skills, and accurately seized his momentary flaw.

  Unlike himself who had always targeted the natives for air strikes, that person obviously knew better how to fight against an opponent with better maneuverability.

  Unexpectedly, he met an equally matched opponent in this barren desert, and Yukar couldn’t help but ignite a surging desire to fight.

  ”Come on! Let me see what you can do!”

  He muttered in his mouth, while reducing the throttle and opening the speed brake, he slammed the joystick in the opposite direction with both hands, preparing to bite back at the back hemisphere of the enemy plane.

  The flying squadron of the Falcon Kingdom can only rely on themselves.

  I hope they can do better…

  At the same time, Luo Yu, who was driving the “Lingyun” fighter, sighed.

  ”10G acceleration… Is this guy also an awakener?”

  Not only the pilot…

  The performance of that plane is also outrageous!

  Considering the huge performance gap, he had no chance of winning in a dogfight, so he planned to trade one for the obviously more expensive opponent.

  Unexpectedly, this “powerful flying brick” was actually dodged!

  Not only that, even with two TV bombs hanging and his back half being bitten, the opponent actually made a sharp turn to avoid the burst of machine guns he fired with his talent!

  Just based on this maneuverability, if it were put into reality, I’m afraid even the F-22 would not be its opponent.

  However, it is outrageous that such a powerful aircraft is equipped with such a poor airborne radar and stealth materials, and even can’t take out air-to-air missiles.

  Seeing that the opponent completely abandoned the fantasy of supporting the friendly fighter group and turned the nose to get rid of him first, Luo Yu took a deep breath and the desire to fight was also ignited in his chest.

  Just in time!

  Holding the joystick tightly with both hands, he stared at the looming black spot outside the cabin and squeezed out half a sentence from his teeth.

  ”Look straight at me – bastard!”


  The two jet fighters entered a dogfight on the horizontal plane. The engines of both sides drew a scissor-shaped trajectory in the air, and the machine guns bit each other, fighting for the other’s back half.

  Not far away.

  The Alliance’s fighter group and the Falcon Kingdom’s fighter group have not yet decided the winner, and the remaining dozen fighters are still in a fierce fight.

  Hill 330 has become a bloody meat grinder. The wolf cavalry who rushed to the hill are wantonly killing the fleeing infantry.

  Although Simond still led the 1,000 men directly under the 40,000th team to resist stubbornly, the balance of victory has obviously been held by the Alliance because of the delay in the effective reinforcement of the Air Force.

  However, the Alliance does not seem to be satisfied with the three ongoing battles, and soon opened up a fourth battlefield tonight!

  Above the sky lit by tracers, parachutes fell from the sky, reflecting in every eye on the ground.

  The guards stationed in the camp raised their rifles and pointed them at the sky and fired, but facing the dark night sky and the gliding and falling parachutes, they could not effectively hit them at all. Even if they were lucky enough to hit a shot, it would be difficult to penetrate the exoskeleton armor.

  The distance of hundreds of meters passed in a flash.

  A power armor with three parachutes hanging on it landed in the center of the camp first.

  The man ignored the rain of bullets fired at him, skillfully swung his combat knife to cut the parachute rope, and then took off the light machine gun hanging on the armor like flowing water, and fired at the camp.

  ”If you don’t want to die, lie down!” While venting his firepower, he turned on the speaker and moved forward.

  As the deployment of the power armor was completed, hundreds of soldiers wearing exoskeletons also landed in various parts of the camp.

  In addition, more than 50 Y-2 “Butterfly Knife” four-rotor drones with guns hanging on the muzzles fell with this group of airborne soldiers.

  The guards who had almost no chance to go to the front line were no match for these monsters. They were killed and defeated in just one contact.

  Standing at the door of the tent, General Soft stared blankly at the camp where the gunfire was boiling.

  Airborne soldiers…

  the ace troops of the alliance…

  the turbid pupils flashed a moment of absent-mindedness, and this absent-mindedness soon turned into deep despair.

  The entire camp had only six hundred-man teams.

  Among these six hundred-man teams, there are more than half of the logistics units such as communications, transportation, and engineering. There are probably only one guard team and one officer team that are truly combat-capable.

  Whether it is the guard team or the officer team, they are not direct combat units, so how can they be the opponents of the elite forces of the alliance.

  What can he defend? !

  His shoulders and lips trembled uncontrollably, and Soft’s old face turned red. He clenched his fists, and finally couldn’t hold back his emotions and cursed.

  ”…This damn skunk!”

  If it weren’t for that skunk’s command overstepping his authority and transferring his own thousand-man team, how could he end up like this!

  ”That idiot must take full responsibility for this battle! When I return to Triumph City…I must report him to the legion commander!”

  Looking at General Soft who was so angry that he was blowing his beard and glaring, the adjutant beside him was so anxious that he didn’t even know where his hat was, and grabbed his arm and begged.

  ”General, this is not the time to talk about this! The Alliance has deployed at least 500 – no, more than 1,000 people here. Let’s retreat quickly!”

  Soft’s face was stiff and his Adam’s apple moved.

  Although he was unwilling to abandon his subordinates and escape alone, he knew very well that if he fell into the hands of the Alliance, the situation would only be worse.

  Listening to the gunshots in the camp, he lowered his trembling voice.

  ”Maps and documents… are they all burned?”

  The adjutant nodded quickly.

  ”All burned! I blew up the table of the radio station!”

  ”Very good… I will remember this grudge and will avenge it one day!” Gritting his teeth and squeezing out a sentence, Soft turned his head and looked at his adjutant, “Let’s retreat!”

  ”Follow me!”

  The adjutant quickly got into the jeep parked at the door of the barracks while trotting with Soft, but just as he was about to start, he found that the key was gone.

  ”Key… Strange, where is the key?” It was

  here just now?

  The adjutant was sweating profusely and rummaging around in the driver’s seat.

  Soft stared at this guy who was more trouble than help. Just as he was about to call him an idiot, a light cough suddenly came from behind them.

  They quickly turned their heads to look behind the jeep.

  They saw a soldier wearing an exoskeleton standing beside the road.

  He carried a sniper rifle on his right shoulder and a bunch of car keys in his left hand, looking at the two people in the jeep with a joking smile.

  The poor human language seemed to be mocking their ridiculous performance.

  ”Are you looking for this?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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