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Chapter 47 I need to warm the bed! Master, I’m still young!

Chapter 47 I need to warm the bed! Master, I’m still young!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 47 I need to warm the bed! Master, I’m still young!

  ”Are you scared now? I still like your unruly look just now.”

  Qin Yang shook his head and said, slowly placing the white fox in his hand on the ground.

  As the hand holding the back of the neck was released, the white fox turned over lightly and landed on the ground, shook his body, then came to Qin Yang’s legs and circled, rubbing his trouser legs to please:

  ”Master is very powerful, I was blind before and didn’t see it Come out and serve the master well in the future!”


  When Qin Yang heard this, he stared at Bai Hu with a smile and asked, “Is this true? People on the Internet say that you have a smooth mouth. I can’t believe a word of it. ”


  ! This is all a slander against our fox clan!”

  The white fox was furious again, gritting his teeth and saying angrily: “Master, don’t believe those people’s nonsense!”

I know, but I only care about one thing…”

  ”Only by establishing an agreement can I feel completely at ease.”

  As he spoke, Qin Yang suddenly raised his hand, put his fingers together and pointed at the center of the white fox’s eyebrows, and then crossed the little fox’s finger. A slight wound was made on his front paw, causing blood to flow out instantly.


  Bai Hu gasped instinctively, enduring the pain.

  The next moment, a stream of pure animal blood flowed out from her paws, making a sound as it seeped to the ground.

  Seeing this, Qin Yang recalled the contract words he had read in the library and thought about what kind of contract would be suitable.


  Since we are all masters and servants now…

  the most ruthless life and death contract is coming, can’t it be too much?

  After making up his mind, Qin Yang recited the words of the contract while thinking about his memory.

  At the same time, the true energy in the body is circulated, directly communicating with the laws of heaven and earth.

  next moment.


  In the corridor, there was a faint sonorous sound.

  The blood on the ground fracked in response and connected to Bai Hu’s Niwan acupoint. She immediately built a rope connecting life and death, and then disappeared into the invisible.

  ”Huh, it’s done.”

  Qin Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the contract was completed.

  Now that he has the blood contract in hand, he is equivalent to holding the power of life and death of the white fox.

  If the white fox dares to betray, no matter how far it goes, he can remotely crush her sea of ​​consciousness and make her drink Meng Po soup on the spot!

  This way.

  After having prevention and control measures in place.

  This is the real completion of the contract.


  The white fox sensed the changes in his body and understood that the vague contract had been completed, and he had no choice but to admit defeat.

  But soon it regained its energy.

  After all, this world is dominated by the weak and the strong.

  If you are not as skilled as others, what else can you do?

  After being suppressed by Qin Yang’s flipping palm just now, Bai Hu had already understood that the gap in strength was as huge as crossing a mountain across the sea and could not be overcome at all.

  And under the crushing force of this terrifying power, no matter how careful you are, it’s useless.

  ”Okay, now I can believe what you said.”

  Qin Yang clapped his hands, feeling comfortable all over.

  The Fox clan is cunning by nature. If they don’t rely on the blood contract of life and death, they will definitely lie everywhere.

  The truth is adulterated and the lies are true.

  It’s always right to do things on your own as safely as possible.

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang looked at the unconscious middle-aged woman on the ground, then turned to Bai Hu and asked:

  ”Tell me, why are you here pretending to be a ghost? And what’s going on with this injured aunt?”

  ”Master, I didn’t hurt her.”


  white fox walked up to the woman with a light body, and said aggrievedly: “I just borrowed some spiritual energy from her, and it won’t cause any big harm…” This human just has a low fever and will recover soon!”

  ”That’s pretty much it.”

  Qin Yang nodded slightly after hearing this and thought about it carefully.

  Although the community is not peaceful these days.   

  But there really wasn’t a single dead victim.

  During this period of time, Bai Hu could only play tricks in the unit building.

  Then he used illusions to scare people into unconsciousness, and used some essence to extract cultivation. He didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.

  ”But you are so courageous. You even dare to invade human territory?”

  Qin Yang said with a surprised look on his face: “Aren’t you afraid that the masters in the city will discover you and surround you?”

  ”Afraid! Of course I am afraid. , Master.”

  The white fox lay on his side, exposing the fur on his soft belly, and said with a tired look:

  ”That’s why I used illusion to lurk in the unit building… I

  deliberately avoided the downtown area before, and chose this place. A remote poor community, just to avoid the three innate masters in the city…

  But who could have imagined that I would meet you here, Master…”

  The white fox turned over and looked at Qin Yang, his eyes It’s full of resentment.

  After all calculations, I thought I had avoided everything.

  But I didn’t expect there to be experts.

  ”Low-key, low-key.”

  Qin Yang waved his hand and asked: “Where are the elders in your family? Do your fox tribe give birth to a litter? Are there no more of your kind in this unit?” ”

  No, Master, just I’m here alone.”

  At this point, Bai Hu lay on the ground with his paws hanging on his chest and recalled:

  ”The last time I was separated from my family in the beast tide, I have been living alone, every day. He can barely survive by extracting some energy to make a living. ”

  Qin Yang remembered something when he heard this.

  The so-called beast tide only occurs once every twenty years.

  Every time it is activated, overwhelming star beasts besiege human cities, destroying all life.

  But the little white fox in front of him was obviously different from those ferocious beasts, and his temperament was relatively docile.

  And since she has been able to hang out in the city for so long, it means that her IQ is quite high, and it would be a good choice to give herself a leg up in the future.

  ”Yes, yes, Bai picked up a little nine-tailed fox. I’m so happy.”

  Qin Yang nodded with satisfaction, looked at the white fox and asked, “What’s your name?”

  ”Bai… Baili, master.”

  Bai When Li said his real name, his tone was a little shy, “You can just call me Xiaobai from now on.”

  If anyone in the clan knew it.

  If he told his real name to a human, his sisters would definitely laugh at him.

  But now Qin Yang’s life is in his hands, so he can only accept it.

  ”Xiao Bai? That’s a good name.”

  Qin Yang nodded, remembering the appearance of the female ghost he saw just now, and asked curiously: “Is that your original appearance just now?”

  ”No, Master, they are all pretending to scare you humans. Xiaobai stuck out his


  , circled Qin Yang happily and said, “I’ll show you my original appearance.”

  Green smoke filled the air.

  Xiaobai’s fox shape dissipated and soon formed a new appearance.

  A little loli with a bun in her hair. At first glance, she was about seven or eight years old. She was made of pink and jade and dressed in green clothes. Her eyes flickered in the darkness, making her look a little innocent and hazy.

  Qin Yang looked at it and clicked his tongue.

  Okay, that’s a good gesture.

  ”How are you, Master?”

  Xiaobai turned around and showed off.

  ”Ahem, not bad.”

  Qin Yang coughed lightly, paused and said, “Since you are my pet now, you will have to do the chores at home from now on…like cleaning, washing and cooking. , you have to do bed heating and so on. ”

  ”Huh?” Xiaobai was stunned when


  heard this: “Master, I’m still young!”


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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