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Chapter 47: Three People

Chapter 47: Three People


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 47 Three People Go Together

  ”The Holy Envoy has been very helpful, I will naturally remember it.”

  Yang Shifei’s heart skipped a beat, but his face remained expressionless.

  Qiu Buhuan stared at his face, with a little more curiosity in his eyes.

  She specifically asked King Dingjiang for the location, not just for greetings, but also for other things.

  Yesterday, the two sides just shook hands, and a wonderful warmth appeared in the palms, as if even the body and mind were numb.

  She has practiced martial arts for thirty years, and has never experienced such incredible means.

  A young man who has not cultivated internal energy, but has an extremely strong physique, can use strange means to bypass her internal protection skills and affect her just by shaking hands. She

  pondered the reason and almost didn’t sleep all night.

  Now that Yang Shifei is right in front of her, she was about to open her mouth to test it, and she caught a glimpse of two figures in the room out of the corner of her eye.

  ”It’s my fault, sister. I didn’t expect that brother Shifei brought two female companions?”

  ”They are my fiancée and maid.”

  Yang Shifei slightly turned sideways and turned back to introduce: “This is the Holy Envoy of Bingtan whom I mentioned yesterday.”

  Luo Xian’er nodded calmly: “I have heard of the Holy Envoy’s reputation for a long time. Today I see that she is indeed stunningly beautiful.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled slightly: “Sister, you also look stunningly beautiful. I’m afraid no woman in the world can compare to you. I didn’t expect brother Shifei to have such a good fortune. It makes me feel relieved.”

  Yang Shifei’s mind turned quickly and he said calmly: “Miss Qiu, do you want to come in and sit down?”

  ”Brother already has two female companions, do you want to add another one?” Qiu Buhuan cast an ambiguous look, and a seductive smile appeared on his red lips: “But if sister doesn’t mind, sister is fine.”

  Yang Shifei’s forehead was almost sweating.

  What on earth is this Holy Envoy of Bingtan doing?

  ”If it is Young Master Yang’s choice, I will agree with it.”

  Luo Xian’er came over with an indifferent look on her face: “But is the Holy Envoy’s trip to make things difficult for Young Master Yang?”

  ”Haha, sister misunderstood.”

  Qiu Buhuan smiled charmingly: “I saw that Brother Shifei is gifted, so I felt pity for him just now. If there are any difficulties in the future, I want to take care of him. Although tonight is a hero gathering, there are all kinds of people coming, and it is hard to predict whether there will be people with bad intentions, so I want to stay and protect Brother Shifei.”

  While speaking, she suddenly grabbed Yang Shifei’s right hand and held it tightly.

  ”Besides, I really like Brother Shifei… Hmm!”

  But before she finished speaking, Qiu Buhuan’s face suddenly flushed, and the water waves in her peach blossom eyes were light, as if she was full of affection.

  Yang Shifei was even more stunned.

  He didn’t understand why this woman had such a high degree of favorability towards him, and suddenly shook hands and threw a seductive look at him again,

  but what followed was the colder and more sinister gaze of Tan Xiang in the room, like a sharp sword piercing his heart.

  Luo Xian’er’s beautiful eyes were dim, she just clutched her sleeves tightly, and remained silent.

  ”——Ah! Brother Yang, I didn’t expect you were also on the second floor?”

  At the far end of the corridor, Liang Xinzheng walked quickly with a smile on his face.

  But just as he saw the situation in front of the door, three cold eyes shot at him. The smile on his face suddenly froze, and he kept raising his hand to greet, and silently retreated step by step until he turned into another guest room and slammed the door.


  Yang Shifei’s mouth twitched slightly.

  This kid, is he here to liven up the atmosphere?

  But thanks to Liang Xin’s sudden appearance, Yang Shifei quickly cleared her throat and said, “Miss Qiu, thank you for your kindness. But my fiancée has a high level of cultivation, so nothing will happen to her.”

  ”If, if I can protect you, it would be the best.”

  Qiu Buhuan’s face was full of seductive blush, her chest rose and fell violently, and the white robe wrapped around her was bulging high: “Then I, sister, will not bother you any more. If anything happens, you can find me on the third floor.”

  Feeling the struggle coming from her fingers and palms, she realized it belatedly and quickly let go, smiling a little awkwardly.

  Yang Shifei secretly breathed a sigh of relief and clasped her fists and said, “The banquet is about to start, Miss Qiu should go back early, I won’t send you off any longer.”

  ”Okay.” Qiu Buhuan waved goodbye and turned to leave.

  When she heard the door close behind her, her legs suddenly softened, and she held on to the wall of the corridor to avoid sitting on the ground.

  ”What on earth is this?”

  Qiu Buhuan’s eyes were still wet, and she covered her chest and panted softly, and her legs were shaking under her skirt.

  The heat in her palm was stronger than yesterday, and it quickly spread to all parts of her body. If she hadn’t used her strong internal strength to hold it back, she would have lost her composure in front of everyone.

  ”What did this man do?”

  Was it a strange aphrodisiac that she had never seen before? Or some strange technique that specifically counteracted her own mental method?

  Many guesses flashed through Qiu Buhuan’s mind, but they were all rejected one by one.

  With her cultivation level, she was afraid that there was no one in the world who could secretly do something to her without anyone noticing. Even if it was a magical aphrodisiac, it would definitely not allow her to not feel the slightest bit of abnormality.

  This warmth seemed to emanate from the depths of her flesh and blood, and Qiu

  Buhuan, as if it came from the bottom of her heart, gradually calmed down the heat in her body, her breath recovered, her steps returned to normal, but her face became a little rosier.

  She thought about it over and over again but couldn’t figure out the reason, so there was only one reason left that she couldn’t understand –

  ”After practicing martial arts for decades, could it be that even I would have a moment of spring in my heart?”

  Qiu Buhuan was in a state of confusion, with a very complicated expression.

  After the door was closed, Yang Shifei swallowed silently.

  He turned around with a stiff expression and faced the two women in the room again.

  But unexpectedly, the extremely cold atmosphere just now was slowly easing.

  Tan Xiang just glanced at him as usual, and walked to the window without saying a word.

  Luo Xian’er said calmly: “This woman must have some plan, we can see it.”

  Yang Shifei was relieved immediately: “I’m glad that Miss Luo can understand.”

  Luo Xian’er blinked her beautiful eyes and her face became softer: “Although the woman’s words and deeds are strange, I can also see that she has no ill intentions towards you. I think there is something hidden that I can’t say more.”

  ”After all, she is the Holy Envoy of Qianren Bingtan. If there is a chance in the future, I will… test her strength again?”

  ”Well, you don’t have to worry about it.”


  Tan Xiang shook the copper bell by the window at this time, and soon the servants brought the hot meals one by one.

  At the same time, people from the martial arts world arrived one after another, and the backyard, which was originally a little empty, gradually became crowded and noisy.

  For a while, the sound of reminiscing and laughing came one after another, which was much more lively than the previous market.

  ”There are so many people.”

  Yang Shifei and Luo Xian’er sat down side by side,
and couldn’t help but sigh.

  There were huge crowds of people, and warriors from various factions sat together. The various costumes and weapons were really dazzling.

  Luo Xian’er glanced out the window: “After all, it is related to the Taiwu Hao Stone, which naturally caused a stir in the martial arts world. Tonight is not only a chance to see the mystery of the Taiwu Hao Stone, but also a good opportunity for many martial artists to make a name for themselves.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “This is consistent with our idea.”

  He looked at Tan Xiang who was waiting beside him, and gently pulled her thin wrist: “Don’t stand all the time, sit down with us.”


  Tan Xiang was about to say something, but when she saw Luo Xian’er nodded in agreement, she sighed slightly, stroked her skirt and sat down next to Yang Shifei.

  ”The dishes have just been served, let’s start by trying some.”

  Yang Shifei handed two pairs of chopsticks to the beauties on his left and right, and chuckled, “It’s rare for the three of us to sit down and have a meal together.”

  Looking at the strong men drinking downstairs, he got an idea and asked curiously,

  ”If the Taiwu Holy Weapon could be snatched by the Liang State in the Thousand Blades Weapon Pond, why didn’t it have to be handed over to the royal family?”

  ”The Holy Weapons repel each other, and the royal family already has one, so they won’t intervene in the fight.”

  Luo Xian’er explained calmly, “It’s naturally better for a sect to have it flow into its own world than to hand it over to another country.”

  ”I understand, it seems to be Elder Yan over there?”

  Yang Shifei took a closer look, “Are they going to compete for the Holy Weapon, too?”

  ”The Holy Weapon is more valuable than you think.”

  Tan Xiang had just poured wine for the two of them, and said coldly, “If you can possess the Holy Weapon, you can become one of the top sects in the world, and you can even use the power of the Holy Weapon to comprehend the power of the Black Tortoise and achieve the realm of a land immortal.”

  Yang Shifei understood that this Holy Weapon was an all-round cheating device, and every warrior would want to get it.

  He listened carefully for a while and heard a lot of interesting things.

  The martial artists from various factions in the courtyard were chatting and talking about many secrets of the martial arts world.

  Not only which famous masters were fighting where and who made a fool of themselves. There were also stories about which female knight was flirting with whom, which little thief she became a couple with, which witch had a crush on the
constable, and so on.

  There was even an unlucky young man whose wife was robbed. He cried bitterly under the comfort of his friends, and then he suddenly drew his sword and shouted “Swear to kill all adulterers and whores in the world”, which moved many martial artists around and applauded.

  Yang Shifei was about to applaud together, but applause broke out first beside him.

  He looked around and found that Luo Xian’er and Tan Xiang were both clapping softly.

  ”What are you doing…”

  ”That young knight said it well.” Luo Xian’er cast a gentle look: “Since you have decided to spend your life together, how can you abandon your husband? Such a woman should be asked for.”

  Yang Shifei laughed twice.

  He should be happy that his fiancée has such awareness. But then he thought that he seemed to be flirting with the three girls, and his neck felt a little cold.

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes were full of smiles, and she poked the back of his hand suddenly: “Young Master is quite self-aware.”


  Yang Shifei looked back to the window with a guilty look.

  The three listened for a while and soon forgot about the anecdote just now.

  This huge world is indeed a big melting pot, and anything can happen. Just listening to the fun is enough to eat three bowls of rice.

  Yang Shifei was about to peel a shrimp for himself to taste, but just as he was about to use his chopsticks, two white and tender fresh shrimps were handed to his bowl almost at the same time.


  Luo Xian’er and Tan Xiang’s movements paused at the same time.

  The smile on Yang Shifei’s face froze.

  Tan Xiang pursed her pink lips and wanted to stop.

  But Yang Shifei was quick and picked up both shrimps: “I can do it myself.”

  After saying that, he lowered his head and swallowed them in one gulp.

  ”It tastes really good!”

  Luo Xian’er blinked, and her expression softened.

  Tan Xiang on the other side had a cold look in her eyes, as if she was looking at some scumbag.

  ”Don’t let me eat alone, you guys should try it too.”

  Yang Shifei smiled calmly, peeled a few shrimps for them, and gave one to each person.

  Tan Xiang lowered her head and ate the food silently.

  Luo Xian’er lifted her hair by her ears and tasted the fresh shrimp.

  ”The cooking skills of the palace are good.”

  ”Would you like to try this?” Yang Shifei picked up a lot of hot dishes for them.

  Luo Xian’er smiled and gently twisted his sleeves: “Okay, we can’t eat so much. But you, young master, are practicing martial arts to strengthen your body, so you should eat more.”

  ”That’s right.” Tan Xiang also spoke coldly, and her slender hands moved slightly, and began to peel the crabs fluently. “The batch of river seafood from the palace was just caught not long ago, and it is delicious.”

  Then, she picked up a piece of crab meat and stuffed it directly into Yang Shifei’s mouth: “Eat.”

  ”Woo cough!” “Miss, there is also yours.”

  ”Thank you.” Luo Xian’er took a piece of crab body. Looking at the atmosphere at this moment, there is a bit of strangeness in his eyes.

  Now, it looks like a family of three.

   I hope everyone will follow and vote, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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